How To Use Alfred nobel In A Sentence
Alfred Nobel invented dynamite, a product in which the explosion-prone nitroglycerin is curbed by being absorbed in kieselguhr, a porous soil rich in shells of diatoms.
Physiology or Medicine for 1998 - Press Release
Be this as it may, nitrocellulose is a duly respected member of the family of macromolecules, and I take pride in laying claim to scientific kinship to Alfred Nobel through an interest in this substance, however tenuous the connection may be.
Paul J. Flory - Banquet Speech
A group in Stockholm believed they had made it in 1957, and proposed the patriotic name nobelium, after the Swede Alfred Nobel.
In 1888, Alfred Nobel took smokeless powder production to a new plateau by using nitroglycerin to gelatinize nitrocellulose, thereby producing a new commercial smokeless powder named ‘Ballistite.’
Even Stockholm with all her distinctions must feel that she gains prestige from the circumstance that within her boundaries is administered, with meticulous care and with a justice which transcends all narrow national considerations, so great a trust as that created by the testament of Alfred Nobel.
Sir Frederick Hopkins - Banquet Speech
In conjunction with its tercentenary celebrations in 1968, Sveriges Riksbank (the central bank of Sweden) instituted a new award, "The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel" on the basis of an economic commitment by the bank in perpetuity.
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1969-2006
Alfred Nobel invented his explosive at a perfect moment in time.
As Alfred Nobel finally discerned, people are never deterred from the folly of war by the stark terror of it.
Ralph J. Bunche - Nobel Lecture
On the 10th December the anniversary of the death of Alfred Nobel, two thousand dignitaries, tuxedoed and gowned, gather in the Stockholm Concert Hall.
It is the trustees' vision that this prize will become a major stimulant to the inventiveness of the young people of Europe by giving early recognition and encouragement to the Alfred Nobels of the 21st century.
This reflects perhaps a culture of neutrality in matters that are religious, which is seen to be in the spirit of Alfred Nobel himself, and is very concordant with a Norwegian discretion about religious allegiance.
Katherine Marshall: Faith, Peace And The Nobel: A Conversation With Former Bishop Of Oslo Gunnar Stalsett
Prize – the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, donated by the Bank of Sweden to celebrate its tercentenary in 1968.
Frequently Asked Questions
The two returned to Sweden in 1863 and Alfred Nobel concentrated on developing nitroglycerine as an explosive.
The two returned to Sweden in 1863 and Alfred Nobel concentrated on developing nitroglycerine as an explosive.
Alfred Nobel's discovery that nitroglycerine could be stabilised in paste was a boon to revolutionaries, assassins, dissidents and nutcases everywhere.
This year marks the centennial of the great prize devised by Alfred Nobel.
Dressed in solar-system ties and Alfred Nobel lapel pins, delegates at the meeting at the Royal Society dissected a clutch of experiments that so far suggest Planck's constant should equal 6.62606896 x 10 to the power of -34 joule seconds.
The Fate of the Kilo Weighs Heavily on the Minds of Metrologists
Alfred Nobel, by the expression of his lofty ideals, has recognized the importance of science and creative accomplishments in augmenting human happiness.
George R. Minot - Banquet Speech