

  1. European weed naturalized in southwestern United States and Mexico having reddish decumbent stems with small fernlike leaves and small deep reddish-lavender flowers followed by slender fruits that stick straight up; often grown for forage

How To Use alfileria In A Sentence

  • This is the bloom of the alfileria, and swiftly it spreads from the southern slopes, where it begins, and runs from meadow to hill-top. Our Italy
  • During summer and fall large flocks of grayish white merinos could be seen getting a rich living on the brown grasses, the yellow stubble of old grain fields, and the tightly rolled nuts of the bur clover; while in winter and spring, hills and plains with their velvet-like covering of green alfileria offered the best and juiciest of food. History of California
  • The alfileria, for instance, is the richest and strongest fodder in the world. Our Italy
  • A tall young woman came up the walk, trailing her tawdry ruffles over the fragrant alfileria. The Wizard's Daughter and Other Stories
  • Soon after a cream-colored bell-flower begins to nod from a tall, slender stalk; another of sky-blue soon opens beside it; beneath these a little five-petaled flower of deep pink tries to outshine the blossoms of the alfileria; and above them soon stands the radiant shooting-star, with reflexed petals of white, yellow, and pink shining behind its purplish ovaries. Our Italy
  • This is the alfileria, the prevailing flower of the land. Our Italy
  • Ignacio Chavez or the interloping alfileria and purslane. The Bells of San Juan
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