How To Use Alfalfa In A Sentence
Herb sources of B complex vitamins are dandelion, fenugreek, parsley, alfalfa, watercress, cayenne, burdock and sage.
This led to a substantial reduction in the sowing of traditional crops such as alfalfa and plants grown for vegetable oil.
The farm's organic alfalfa is stored in the hayloft above.
Mulch with an organic material such as compost or alfalfa hay.
There's been more interest in planting alfalfa and oats than in recent years.

Unlike the more familiar and common pea aphid, relatively few spotted alfalfa aphids can significantly reduce the growth of alfalfa, particularly in new seedings.
Pastures still look good and alfalfa regrowth is looking very good.
These include but are not limited to: chlorella, blue-green algae, spirulina from California or Hawaii, AFA blue-green algae (Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae), kelp, nori, green barley, wheat grass and alfalfa.
Most alternative herbicide programs require seedling alfalfa to have at least two to four trifoliate leaves before applying treatments.
About 50 million wet tons of alfalfa are ensiled annually in the United States, and 30-50 percent of this tonnage is inoculated at a cost of about $1 per ton.
The extent of Lpr recovery and the photosynthetic parameters suggested that the tolerance of water stress in alfalfa was weak, while that of Longdong was stronger than Algonquin.Sentencedict
Other crops include alfalfa, wheat, grapes, sunflowers, safflower, and walnuts.
That way, shallow rooted weeds like foxtail and bluegrass will be unable to grow until the alfalfa has a head start.
In the face of potential starvation, honey bees finally begin foraging on alfalfa, but they learn to avoid being clubbed.
The male defends a territory that may house a small harem of females who nest on the ground in the dense cover of alfalfa, wheat, or hay.
Here we plant a mixture of alfalfa and timothy, or alfalfa and orchard grass, as hay for horses or dairy cows.
The newly seeded alfalfa has plant bugs and potato leafhoppers and established alfalfa has army worms, alfalfa loopers, thistle caterpillars, and variegated cut worms.
Some of the herbs that have been shown to help with inadequate or slow milk supply are raspberry, nettles, anise, fenugreek and fennel seeds and alfalfa.
2008 Arizona nondormant alfalfa, small grain variety brochures now available
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In related out these video clips of Ruth Rogan Benerito, "pioneer in alfalfa breeding and genetics", and Janice M. Miller, who discovered the virus causing bovine leukemia, from their induction into the Agricultural Research Service Hall of Fame.
Archive 2007-01-01
The streets of Yuma and Somerton are crowded with the automobiles of farmers, enriched by thousands of acres of splendid long-staple cotton, alfalfa, corn, and feterita.
Community Civics and Rural Life
Taking herbal remedies such as alfalfa, garlic, aloe vera, dandelion, red clover and psyllium hulls is one method.
There are several food plot seeds that are perennial, alfalfa is perennial.
To Feed or Not to Feed
Some of the most commonly used herbal galactagogues are fenugreek, blessed thistle, and alfalfa.
Soon after, outfitted in chaps and riding gloves supplied by the concierge, I was trotting through fields of alfalfa atop a fat, spotted mare.
High Plains Drifting
In addition, more acres of sugar beets were being grown in 2000 than a year ago, while sunflower, alfalfa, oats, dry edible beans, millet, and wheat were lower.
Beds that you find in alfalfa and clover fields, abandoned orchards, oak flats, and other prime open feeding areas were made after dark.
Gerald Almy's Guide to Scouting for Whitetail Deer
He's also seeded pastures with legumes like alfalfa and red and white clovers.
The soybean is a legume belonging to the genus glycine, which is related to clover, peas, and alfalfa.
Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
In April, the researchers began field testing another lure formulation that attracts alfalfa loopers, cabbage loopers, and corn earworms.
It's a familiar scene in the country - a tractor chugging its way across a field mowing down swath after swath of green alfalfa.
If you don't have enough green material for your pile, add a few cups of fertilizer such as cottonseed or alfalfa meal instead.
It contains superfoods like nori, sprouted quinoa, alfalfa, aloe vera and wild blue-green algae, which has virtually every nutrient known to man.
Beyond the last strip of rich color, there spread, shining delicately blue, a great field of flax; and then the dusky green of alfalfa and alsike for the
Prescott of Saskatchewan
This contains alfalfa and parsley, both of which have traditionally been used to treat urinary-tract problems.
Constant watering encourages grassy weeds like foxtail and perennial grasses like bluegrass to invade alfalfa.
Sclerotinia crown and stem rot is a serious disease threat when seeding alfalfa and clovers in late summer.
Alfalfa weevils are small green worms with a light stripe down the back.
If outbreaks continue into late September, newly seeded alfalfa fields or winter wheat may be damaged.
These projects are most likely to succeed where there is commercial production of leguminous forage crops such as alfalfa, berseem, or cowpeas that can be used for preparing LC.
10: Food science
Grasses, including barley, oat, rye, wheat grass, and alfalfa - technically a legume - are generally higher in fiber, while water greens like spirulina and chlorella tend to be higher in protein.
The leaves are long and smooth and travel up the entire stem, equivalent to alfalfa.
The far western edge of the yard held back the weeds, wild alfalfa, buckbrush and whatever else could find a toehold out there.
There has been spluttering and coughing over the kedgeree and alfalfa crêpes at the Edinburgh Festival this year.
Conventional alfalfa plantings involve several tillage operations to prepare a seedbed, followed by drilling the alfalfa seed.
I still have a field of good timothy and alfalfa I let them up the hill cut on shares, and I grain her just as much as I need.
Thus it was always an eight - hour drive behind mountain horses from the alfalfa meadows (where I kept many Jersey cows) to the straggly village beside the big dry creek, where I caught the little narrow-gauge train.
Chapter 8
In addition, more acres of sugar beets were being grown than a year ago, while sunflower, alfalfa, oats, dry edible beans, millet, and wheat were lower.
Riparian corridors along river bottoms may hold lots of whitetails, which raid nearby farmland planted in alfalfa, sunflower, soybeans and corn.
100 Best Public-Land Hunts: North Dakota
Vance's focus is on improving biological nitrogen fixation for alfalfa and other legumes as well as improving how plants acquire more phosphorus from the soil.
There's alfalfa that needs to be killed and removed, and the ground has to be reseeded with grass.
The potato leafhopper is active during the summer months, and can cause severe yield and quality losses in alfalfa.
_Alfalfa_, or lucern, though grown more for a forage crop than for green manuring, should be mentioned here, for wherever grown and for whatever purpose, its effects on the soil are beneficial (Fig. 82).
The First Book of Farming
Legume hay (such as alfalfa) typically has a greater calcium content than grass hay.
Lastly, echinacea, goldenseal and alfalfa may alleviate symptoms and promote healing.
The quality of alfalfa and corn silage, two primary dairy cattle forages, has increased, providing more energy for milk production.
Here's an excuse to let a section of lawn grow tall and go to hay, or plant some of it to alfalfa, red clover or oats.
Other adverse effects from feeding high-quality alfalfa include gas or flatulent colic and skin lesions because of the rapid fermentation of its nutrients.
Both tobacco, as a model plant species, and alfalfa have been transformed with the assembled constructs.
The chart compares characteristics of the alfalfa weevil and clover leaf weevil.
The plants tested were sesame, tobacco, wheat, alfalfa and cayenne pepper.
Large amounts of nitrogen are gathered by leguminous crops; cowpeas, vetch, beggarweed, velvet beans, alfalfa and others may be planted to advantage, resulting in a great saving in fertilizer bills, and besides, adding the necessary vegetable matter and humus.
The Pecan and its Culture
Nutritionally, white and alsike clovers are similar to alfalfa.
Raw bean sprouts, such as alfalfa, chickpea, lentil, and mung, have natural toxins that are only broken down by cooking.
At $5 to $15 for an acre-foot (enough water to cover an acre of ground with a foot of water), farmers are able to grow water-intensive crops such as alfalfa, cotton, and rice.
A few small grasshoppers and lygus bugs were found in the alfalfa but the number of these pests was low.
Threonine – The main sources of threonine are carrots, green leafy vegetables, alfalfa and papaya.
Amino Acids and their Sources
Primarily they enrich the soil by rotating it into perennial grass and alfalfa pasture, grazing cattle on the fields for up to six or eight years before returning the land to arable production.
Herbs which research has confirmed to have potent estrogenic influence include black cohosh, red clover and alfalfa.
The soybean is a legume belonging to the genus glycine, which is related to clover, peas, and alfalfa.
Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
The sulfur butterflies, Colias philodice and C. eurytheme, are economic pests of alfalfa and clover crops.
The chemical responsible for the autotoxic effects in alfalfa fields has not been conclusively identified.
Pasture-feeding, particularly on alfalfa and clover, increases the levels of a compound called skatole, which also contributes a barnyardy element to pork flavor, while lambs finished on grain for a month before slaughter are milder.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
Based on the observations from sites in the Parkland and Boreal eco-regions of the prairies we conclude that cutting alfalfa in these regions does not result in massive movement of adult lygus bugs into nearby canola.
Amaranth consistently gives lower yields of LC than leaves from legumes like alfalfa, cowpeas, peas, berseem clover or common beans or from wheat.
10: Food science
The best source of fiber is hay, such as timothy, alfalfa, oat, or orchard grass.
Remove all poisonous indoor plants and replace with pots of grass, alfalfa or catnip.
Both alfalfa and switchgrass can also be burned to generate electricity.
Bei Jiang alfalfa had good productive characters, such as large- diameter stem, high weight per stem, long internodes, large leaves areas, good power of productive stem, more leaves and root diameter.
All Rights Reserved to Tooth & Nail Records Lyrics: on a cold December, just before dawn as the sun said "hello" to the sky the mantis prayed while the lamellicorn tumbled and rolled in a threadbare tie the holland lops in the Callicoon glades indignantly thumped their feet and hopped away when they cut their noses on the sharp-tipped blades (since the grass doesn't mind in the least) the heat pad waiting in the chicken-wire hutch where the does from the netherlands stay but that dry alfalfa don't taste like much and we're tired of the timothy hay - Business News
Use less nitrogen for corn or grain sorghum after soybean or alfalfa in rotation.
The most common legumes are alfalfa, red clover and birdsfoot trefoil.
Often it is better to harvest alfalfa as haylage in October.
In fact it’s entirely possible — after talking to the right people — to drive around some summer evening and see a pretty good wad of white deer feeding in soybean and alfalfa fields.
Would You Shoot an Albino Buck?
Some of the primary plants for butterfly larvae include: aspen, alfalfa, clover, nettle, pearly everlasting, milkweed, grasses, hackberry, parsley, vetch, and willow.
A California company is recalling alfalfa sprouts after 22 people in 10 states became sickened with Salmonella Newport.
Sprouts recalled after 22 sickened by salmonella
Sacked alfalfa meal or pellets are usually less expensive (and being "stemmy," have a slightly higher C/N) than leafy, best-quality baled alfalfa hay.
Organic Gardener's Composting
Several herbicides can help control winter annual grasses and weeds in alfalfa.
From 1979-1988, this group concentrated its attentions on the homopterous pests of alfalfa, i.e., potato leafhopper, meadow spittlebug and the 3 aphid species, pea aphid, spotted alfalfa aphid, and blue alfalfa aphid.
Alfalfa-grass mixtures cure more rapidly and ensile more easily than pure alfalfa.
Alfalfa herbage was wilted, chopped, and conserved as AS by procedures and in a storage structure defined previously for SGS.
Alfalfa meal and recycled sludge feed the flowers.
You can grow them yourself from mung beans, brown lentils, chickpeas, fenugreek seeds or alfalfa seeds.
Phytoestrogens are natural plant substances found in food that exert weak estrogen-like activity toward mammals, such as daidzein, genistein and glycitein found in soybeans and soy products, coumestrol in mung bean and alfalfa sprouts and resveratrol in grape skins and red wine.
NutraIngredients-USA RSS
Each tablet supplies 500 mg of Alfalfa leaf powder Medicago sativa .
The Arrow label covers crops such as soybeans, cotton, alfalfa, leafy tuberous and fruiting vegetables, sugar beets, peanuts, sunflowers and potatoes.
Swedes, manigolds, fodder roots, hay, lucerne(alfalfa), clover, sainfoin, forage kale, lupines, vetches and similar forage products, whether or not in the form of pellets.
For instance, of the 14 GM crops awaiting USDA commercial approval, nearly half (6) are herbicide-tolerant: corn, soybeans, cotton (2), alfalfa and creeping bentgrass (for golf courses).
Facts about genetic engineering's status worldwide
He's got 2.7 acres in annual crops and 4 acres in alfalfa so he can rotate the vegetable ground every two years.
In Maureen Dowd's New York Times Jan. 30 puff piece " No Axe to Grind " about the departure from the White House of senior presidential adviser David Axelrod, she notes that although he is not tech savvy, "The avid punster offered a parting pun at the 8:30 a.m. meeting [in the White House] — urging everyone to 'plow forward' on a plan for genetically produced [sic] alfalfa.
Making Political Hay With Genetically Modified Alfalfa
By 1981 the total irrigated acreage had increased to 40,000 acres, and crop diversification had added alfalfa, pinto beans, corn, and milo.
August is an excellent time to plant alfalfa, if you have moisture and you do it right.
Natural sources rich in silica are horsetail, alfalfa, barley, millet, oats and potatoes.
Mormon crickets are of economic importance because of their impact on rangeland, pasture, alfalfa, row crops, and vegetable gardens.
That food consists of various seeds - including grasses, alfalfa, nettles, thistles, shepherd's purse and cranesbill.
Alfalfa or clover hays, although tasty for the rabbit, are too rich in protein and calcium to be fed ad libitum. Instead, offer fresh grass hays such as timothy, oat, coastal, brome, Bahia or wheat.
The best measures you can take include making sure the mare has good quality alfalfa or grass hay available, as well as a suitable location for foaling.
Leafcutter bee is the most efficient pollinator for alfalfa seed production.
In summer months they eat cacti, sagebrush, mesquite, alfalfa, clover, other grasses, and herbaceous vegetation.
The alfalfa plant is widely used as animal fodder.
They decided to "deregulate" Genetically Engineered "GE" alfalfa, meaning to allow its unrestricted use with no controls.
Gary Hirshberg: Speaking With One Voice to Stop Monsanto and Biotech
For the salad, as I wanted something more than just tofu and cucumber, I added celery, maui sweet onion, and alfalfa and onion sprouts.
To boost the protein content of the pastures and to get the nitrogen-fixing benefit of legumes, Greg has frost-seeded quite a bit of red and ladino clover, and there is a scattering of alfalfa from very old hay stands.
Green manure crops such as alfalfa and mustard are widely used in organic gardening.
Soybean meal, milk protein and alfalfa are feed ingredients high in lysine.
Spotted alfalfa aphids have been found in several newly seeded alfalfa fields in northeastern Nebraska.
Orchardgrass and alfalfa haylage were used in one cow trial, and orchardgrass was used in two additional trials.
I once went to a fashionable function when alfalfa sprouts were all the rage, and I don't have to tell you the evening lacked a certain pizzazz.
It is indispensable to breed Alfalfa(Medicago sativa) with acid tolerance in order to extend and utilize on the range of acid soil which make up about 40% worldwide arable land.
It blew sideways --- en masse --- like a compacted serving of organic alfalfa.
Fresh and colorful alfalfa sprouts, crisp and crunchy mung bean sprouts, or any of the half dozen other kinds of raw sprouts sold in America today add taste and texture to salads, sandwiches, soups, omelets, and other dishes.
Some non ruminants, however, are able to tolerate it, at least at low levels of intake, since it has been successfully used in Venezuela as a replacement for Medicago sativa (lucerne, alfalfa), as a yolk colourant in maize based diets for laying hens (Ford, 1987).
Chapter 3
Normally, my green manures are alfalfa and I grow them under the nurse crop, and when we cut that nurse crop in the fall the alfalfa can grow if there are fall rains.
These foods include soybeans, other types of legumes, clover, alfalfa, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and rye.
In summer months they eat cacti, sagebrush, mesquite, alfalfa, clover, other grasses, and herbaceous vegetation.
Other crops include alfalfa, wheat, grapes, sunflowers, safflower, and walnuts.
The roots of alfalfa or lucern have been traced to depths of from thirteen to sixteen feet or more.
The First Book of Farming
Alfalfa fields range in height from 8 to 18 inches and look very good.
First he forbade the irrigation of alfalfa, a low-value, water-demanding crop; then he prohibited winter planting.
Worse, it's a prodigious eater, feeding on a variety of plants including oleanders, alfalfa, and almond trees.
Thus, it was always an eight-hour drive behind mountain horses from the alfalfa meadows (where I kept many Jersey cows) to the straggly village beside the big dry creek, where I caught the lime narrow - gauge train.
Chapter 8
This is a powdered mixture of natural ingredients that contains garlic as well as alfalfa, wormwood, yellowdock and pennyroyal.
They found that although red clover and alfalfa have similar protein levels, the protein in red clover does not degrade during ensiling nearly as dramatically as the protein in alfalfa.
If you prefer a day visit, drive 10 miles through the preserve, stopping for close encounters of the animal kind as giraffes and aoudads approach to see if you've brought alfalfa pellets.
Furthermore, in recent decades, farmers in this area primarily grew cotton and alfalfa.
In alfalfa sprouts, the defenses include the toxic amino acid canavanine (p. 259); in broccoli sprouts, the defenses are sulforaphanes, a kind of isothiocyanate (p. 321) that appears to help prevent the development of cancer.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
You can grow them yourself from mung beans, brown lentils, chickpeas, fenugreek seeds or alfalfa seeds.
He's also seeded pastures with legumes like alfalfa and red and white clovers.
Alfalfa Seeds (Lucerne Medicago Sativa), Persian Clover Seeds (Trifolium Resupinatum, Shaftal), Berseem Clover Seeds, Sesbania Seeds , Guar Seeds , Sorghum Sudan Seeds.
The depletion process is accelerated, however, when cotton is grown in rotation with high K-requiring crops such as alfalfa and corn silage.
When the dry season started, with all this increased solar energy, gramineous plants sprouted all over the place and smothered the alfalfa.
Fidel Castro Addresses ICA on Livestock
In summer months they eat cacti, sagebrush, mesquite, alfalfa, clover, other grasses, and herbaceous vegetation.
Conventional alfalfa plantings involve several tillage operations to prepare a seedbed, followed by drilling the alfalfa seed.
So far Argentina has approved crop trials for various cultivars of sunflower, maize, alfalfa, wheat, soya and potato.
Placed in the middle of a field of alfalfa, foraging bees will fly tremendous distances to find alternative sources of food.
Because of the harm of thrips ' to alfalfa, both production and quality decrease substantially.
Accustomed to ensilage, a full ration of alfalfa would start the cows scouring and by tomorrow morning the pasture would stink.
The best source of fiber is hay, such as timothy, alfalfa, oat, or orchard grass.
Weeds like pennycress, downy brome, mustards, cheatgrass, and shepherd's purse are common in first cut alfalfa.
It will probably be news to most readers that alfalfa -- the wonderful forage crop of the West, the producer of more gold than all the mines of the Klondike -- was in use so long ago, for the impression is pretty general that it is comparatively new; the fact is that it is older than the Christian era and that the name alfalfa comes from the Arabic and means "the best crop.
George Washington: Farmer
Locate alfalfa, wheat, soybeans, acorns, or food plots with grassy or brushy bedding cover nearby.
Bag More Big Bucks By Finding the Dominant Doe
A healthy and vigorous alfalfa stand minimizes many production problems.
This can cause difficulty for forage producers who have increased their use of mixtures of grasses and legumes, especially with alfalfa.
Along with the growth of alfalfa, canopy was continuous ongoing self-adjustment in fuller use of space resources, as well as hot-ray.
Here's an excuse to let a section of lawn grow tall and go to hay, or plant some of it to alfalfa, red clover or oats.
A naturally occurring sugar found in pine tree shoots, alfalfa, soybeans and other legumes.
The native prairie grasslands and alfalfa provide food and shelter for these birds.
As a youngster and teenager, I grew up on a big farm in the country where my father grew large crops of sugar beets, potatoes, corn, and alfalfa every year.
Lastly, echinacea, goldenseal and alfalfa may alleviate symptoms and promote healing.
Accustomed to ensilage, a full ration of alfalfa would start the cows scouring and by tomorrow morning the pasture would stink.
Alfalfa weevils have been serious pests of alfalfa in Nebraska for some time.
Cowpeas, soja beans, beggarweed, velvet beans, alfalfa and melilotus can all be grown in the pecan area.
The Pecan and its Culture
Fresh and colorful alfalfa sprouts, crisp and crunchy mung bean sprouts, or any of the half dozen other kinds of raw sprouts sold in America today add taste and texture to salads, sandwiches, soups, omelets, and other dishes.
Orchardgrass is especially well suited for mixtures with tall legumes, such as alfalfa and red clover.
It is used routinely in Brazil to control spittlebugs on alfalfa or sugarcane, and one variety is now being applied widely in Africa against locusts and grasshoppers.
Cows and calves graze on orchardgrass and alfalfa pastures at Moonstone Farm.
Lastly, echinacea, goldenseal and alfalfa may alleviate symptoms and promote healing.
But good crops of alfalfa may be grown on subsoils so retentive that underdrainage is necessary to facilitate the escape of an excess of moisture with sufficient quickness.
Clovers and How to Grow Them
Alfalfa, the preferred feed for thoroughbred horses, dairy cows, and other livestock, has always been a pioneer plant.
Alfalfa, apples, cabbages, and onions are widely grown.
Every inch of the haymow and the lean-to are now neatly stacked and plugged with small bales of both alfalfa and grass hay.
Some scientists are researching ways to genetically modify alfalfa to decrease the autotoxic effects.
One is installing the pipes in a bed of woodchips and planting deep-rooting alfalfa over the top.
It blew sideways --- en masse --- like a compacted serving of organic alfalfa.
Researchers at some locations focus on beneficial insects like wasps to control insect pests such as alfalfa weevils or gypsy moths.
The best source of fiber is hay, such as timothy, alfalfa, oat, or orchard grass.
Fibrous feeds such as beet pulp, chopped alfalfa hay, rice hulls and wheat middlings elevate fiber content of a complete feed.
However, people with lupus should avoid certain supplements, like alfalfa, which promotes inflammation, and immune stimulators, like astragalus and echinacea.
Italian rye, especially the latter, alfalfa, the medium red, the mammoth, alsike and crimson clovers, corn of many varieties, and the sorghums.
Pratt's Practical Pointers on the Care of Livestock and Poultry
During winter, the heifers grazed dormant crested wheatgrass and were supplemented with wheat middlings and alfalfa hay.
Temporary alfalfa pasture can reduce grazing pressure on grass pastures and provide better quality forage.
One-third of the water irrigates thirsty crops of low value - alfalfa, cotton, rice - and pasture.
Several studies have focused on the particular role of N reserves in alfalfa productivity, quality and persistency.
Some of the primary plants for butterfly larvae include: aspen, alfalfa, clover, nettle, pearly everlasting, milkweed, grasses, hackberry, parsley, vetch, and willow.
SMN - its called alfalfa only as far as I'll find it in the greens / sprouts section of your supermarket - the wikipedia link will show you pictures of the sprouts.
Carrot - Alfalfa Sprouts salad sandwich
Placed in the middle of a field of alfalfa, foraging bees will fly tremendous distances to find alternative sources of food.
Grasses, including barley, oat, rye, wheat grass, and alfalfa - technically a legume - are generally higher in fiber, while water greens like spirulina and chlorella tend to be higher in protein.
The army cutworm spends the winter as a partially grown larvae and usually is a threat to wheat and alfalfa at and shortly after these crops break dormancy.
The sulfur butterflies, Colias philodice and C. eurytheme, are economic pests of alfalfa and clover crops.
Alfalfa or clover hays, although tasty for the rabbit, are too rich in protein and calcium to be fed ad libitum. Instead, offer fresh grass hays such as timothy, oat, coastal, brome, Bahia or wheat.
She has also added a gene to alfalfa that enables it to detoxify the herbicide atrazine.
Constant watering encourages grassy weeds like foxtail and perennial grasses like bluegrass to invade alfalfa.
Too much tedding can shatter leaves of alfalfa or clover, lowering the quality of the hay.
Cool-season grass pastures will have some forage growth in the fall, but usually less than alfalfa.
A flock of sea gulls is set down in the field of alfalfa recently harvested, a study in green and white.
Endemic variety Cangzhou alfalfa was oppressed at hay yield, regeneration and orthotropism .
The pizza is dreadful - masses of sodden alfalfa sprouts engulfed in sour cheese.
Normally, my green manures are alfalfa and I grow them under the nurse crop, and when we cut that nurse crop in the fall the alfalfa can grow if there are fall rains.
Using alfalfa sprouts to relieve hot flashes is a successful folk remedy from New Mexico.
Red clover may be a superior alternative to alfalfa, say USDA researchers.