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[ US /ˌæɫəɡˈzændɹiə/ ]
  1. the chief port of Egypt; located on the western edge of the Nile delta on the Mediterranean Sea; founded by Alexander the Great; the capital of ancient Egypt
  2. a town in Louisiana on the Red River

How To Use Alexandria In A Sentence

  • Who is willing to believe that Alexandria is exactly 5000 stadia from Syene, whatever the value of the stadium?
  • The Alexandrian Pleiad is the name given to a group of seven Alexandrian poets and tragedians in the 3rd century B.C.
  • She recently wrapped up a prestigious year-long stint clerking for Judge Leonie M. Brinkema at the federal court in Alexandria -- but, no, said she couldn't discuss any of the cases she worked on. Cate Edwards lands first law firm job, joins the ranks of Washington lawyers
  • Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan told Turkey's CNBC-e television channel that Ankara would on Thursday begin to truck goods across Iraq and ship them by sea from the southern port of Mersin to Alexandria, Egypt, avoiding Syria. Tension Rises at Turkey-Syria Border
  • Charged they were that they worshipped an ass's head; which impious folly -- first fastened on the Jews by Tacitus, Hist., lib.v. cap. 1, in these words, "Effigiem animalis, quo monstrante errorem sitimque depulerant, penetrali sacravere" (having before set out a feigned direction received by a company of asses), which he had borrowed from Apion, a railing Egyptian of Alexandria [224] -- was so ingrafted in their minds that no defensative could be allowed. The Sermons of John Owen
  • A character is like an acrostic or Alexandrian stanza; - read it forward, backward, or across, it still spells the same thing.
  • The Catechetical School of Alexandria was originated in Egypt. Egypt is the birthplace of Christian monasticism, also has experienced in the Christianity history the most serious persecution.
  • She moved on the perform for the lower and middle classes in larger towns and cities such as Tanta, Alexandria and Cairo. - Articles related to ETHIOPIA-KENYA: Dam "busters" say Gibe 3 puts thousands at risk
  • With great joy I received the announcement of Your Beatitude's election to the Patriarchal See of Alexandria for Copts and your request for Ecclesiastical Communion.
  • Thus animals could be seen as the embodiments of evil, like the asp of Macarius of Alexandria.
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