How To Use Alertness In A Sentence
The undead we encountered were a nice exercise in alertness, because some of them were invisible, and as we fought our way through them up to the parapet where the questgiver waited for us, I admired our solid teamwork.
Crossfire in Dire Maul: in over our heads
Unfortunately, the placebo takers also had unmistakable headaches and, temporarily, occasional decreases in alertness or energy.
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Diminished alertness from these drugs in elderly patients may be confused with senility or dementia.
In similar ways to stimulant drugs such as amphetamine, clenbuterol can have short-term stimulant effects, including increasing aerobic capacity, blood pressure and alertness.
Spanish federation proposes one-year suspension for Contador
I savour the rush of caffeine as it jolts my brain into a state of alertness.

He actually had some sleepless nights as he went on checking the alertness of the security personnel drafted for the exhibition.
Clydebank looked as though they had done enough for another valuable point, but they reckoned without the alertness of Alan Neil.
New standards of physical fitness led to greater energy in fieldcraft, in alertness for observation, and in strength to carry and use effectively the range of infantry weapons.
He began to wish that his property might be attacked, feeling secure in his alertness, thinking that an over bold "badman" might come suddenly to the end of his depredations here.
Six Feet Four
Increased alertness, peak mental function and sustained physical power are all qualities that ancient fighters wielding bows and arrows coveted.
Besides, he displayed on several occasions serious lapses which call his alertness into questions.
Obama: Bush and McCain 'have a lot to answer for'
A dog's protective instincts are manifested in increased alertness.
In her conversations about the UIC chancellorship she posed her alertness to a multicultural, multiethnic future against what she calls the insularity of that campus.
Chicago Reader
Anything related to Taiwan's survival should be heeded with special alertness.
By implementing the technology in soldiers 'helmets, DARPA hopes to provide advantages to US troops by enhancing cognitive abilities; improving long-term alertness; and reducing stress, anxiety, and pain. - latest science and technology news stories
The cobwebs were finally cleared out of his head and his alertness had returned.
“Summon him to our presence,” said the Lord Abbot; and with an obedient start the two attendant monks went off with emulous alertness.
The Monastery
He must recapture his alertness and a fast break would go a long way to putting him in the final.
The Sun
Where you once safely drove around the dodgy streets of seedy inner-city suburbs, you're now confined to relying on your alertness and stealth to ensure safe passage.
a bird, and lifted his accipitral profile with a predatory alertness.
A Modern Instance
That the actions that follow on the failure to comply with minimum sleep need are themselves aggressive, whether in relation to others ( 'more likely to sit and seethe in traffic jams, quarrel with other people') or to the self ( 'overeat'), indicates the impasse reached, personally and politically, when the body's and the brain's last bastions of unconscious processing are ignored in favour of the logic of round-the-clock alertness.
'Insomnia: A Cultural History'
Isherwood's bright-eyed alertness, his lack of malice, his genial delight in the foibles of others all make him lovable.
Nonetheless, he said, police would maintain a high degree of alertness.
To take pleasure in one's own mental alertness is the worthiest, the wholesomest, and not the easiest manner of listening to music ....
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A dog's protective instincts are manifested in increased alertness.
The exact timing of your biorhythm is personal to you, but body temperature and therefore alertness is generally lowest at 4 A.M. It rises and peaks in the morning around 10 A.M. to 12 noon, then slumps somewhere between 2 and 4 P.M., at which time your body temperature rises and you get a second wind.
Several central and autonomic nervous system findings, which included hypertonia, jitteriness or tremors, high-pitched cry, difficulty arousing, irritability, excessive suck, and hyperalertness, were noted more frequently on the initial physical examination in the cocaine-exposed cohort.
What a commentary on the crowd-pleasing vapidity of our civilisation - and what a comment on its prodigious riches, alertness to opportunity, and creative power.
Swords are not needed, bombs are not needed; what is needed is more alertness, more meditativeness, more love, more prayerfulness, more gratitude.
The entire setting of the city as a sociologistic operation demands a much higher level of alertness and responsiveness than the quiet, rural setting in which challenging events come much less often and with much less severity.
Stress and the Manager
The drug improved mental alertness.
Something in her tone reached Sam and he stood still, looking at her with peculiar alertness.
Alcohol can cause a decrease of co-ordination and alertness.
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His eyes were sharp and piercing…and his thin, hawklike nose gave his whole expression an air of alertness and decision.
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One thing I did notice was that I didn't have any problem with the alertness stress and exhaustion some of my caver friends report.
A day without a bruise is wasted.
Only a certain eager alertness showed the delight he took in her presence.
Raj: Your ego, identified with and as body, equates alertness with physical movement, physical accomplishing.
Brown (1931), Buttgereit (1932), Caldwell and Wellman (1926), Cox (1926), Dunkerley (1940), and Fauquier and Gilchrist (1942) found that leaders were characterized by alertness and keen awareness of their environment.
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This kind of pessimism about human nature is not usually conducive to alertness to humorous possibilities.
Something in her tone reached Sam and he stood still, looking at her with peculiar alertness.
The piercing screech from the next room was so immediate and pained that it snapped me to instant alertness.
We do, in part, and this effect is caused by the so-called homeostatic drive, one of the two main factors influencing sleepiness and alertness.
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These signals are responsible for the effects of caffeine consumption such as alertness, excitability, increased mental awareness, and restlessness.
This rise in body temperature seems to promote a feeling of alertness in the morning.
This results in a feeling of alertness and arousal which makes any feelings of fear worse.
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All had varying degrees of confusion, lack of alertness, agitation, anxiety, insomnia, depressed mood, and irritability.
The southern states now relied on tightening enforcement measures already on the statute books and increasing the alertness of the patrols.
And then in alertness, in understanding, what democracy means, their realizations, not in itself but the consequences of the vote, in that realization, giving those people an opportunity of carrying on the government of the country in a reasonably good way.
Democracy Begins At Home
The drug improved mental alertness.
Only during the first and last two hours of your waking day is alertness significantly impaired.
Even a brief lapse of alertness constitutes gross negligence.
There is evidence now that testosterone may be as useful as oestrogen in maintaining alertness.
These neurotransmitters are involved in mental productivity and alertness and if the after-lunch period involves intense cognitive work, these chemicals should be in optimal supply.
Judith J. Wurtman, PhD: Will Feeding Your Employees Make Them More Productive?
The stimulant effects of caffeine in coffee are well known to help improve energy and alertness.
Night shift workers are usually unadapted: they are therefore trying to work at the lowest ebb of their alertness and performance rhythms, and have problems sleeping, out of phase, during the day.
Besides, overall group alertness has been shown to increase with group size in capybaras and degus, which may result in increased probabilities of detecting an approaching predator.
Travelers to such destinations practice extra alertness, precaution and prudence.
Indeed, there wasn't a person that Cravis could see clearly who did not possess a mental sharpness about them, an alertness that only battle could provide, a calm relaxedness that only experience created.
The medium/high caffeine consumers who got the placebo reported a decrease in alertness and increased headache, neither of which were reported by those who received caffeine.
Caffeine Addicts Get No Real Pick-Me-Up From Their Morning Cup of Coffee | Impact Lab
The Hurt Locker, the senses are stretched to a point of acute tension and wary, analytical alertness; but one facet of Bigelow's greatness is the way that this sort of subjective state, as well, can be seen, heard, and felt to overflow as a kind of nonsubjective sensorial immersion.
Warren Ellis
Aroma advocates claim that rosemary, peppermint, basil and jasmine scents, alone or in combination, may improve your mental alertness.
However, its ability to boost alertness is short-lived.
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According to the authors, social interactions are cognitively complex experiences that may lead to rapid fatigue in brain regions that regulate attention and alertness.
But before sleep could sneak one pajamaed toe into the bedsheets of her consciousness, an electric shock jolted her painfully into alertness.
The Three Furies
It increases the heart rate, makes muscles contract more forcefully and enhances the general state of alertness.
Team leaders randomly listen into calls to assess the emotions conveyed, accent, alertness, grammar and punctuation.
He taught us that the Bible will have its authoritative, noncoercive way with us if we but attend with educated alertness to the cadences and sounds of the text in all its detail.
Driving against the clock increased the drivers' alertness, but led some to experience feelings of superiority or invulnerability.
The southern states now relied on tightening enforcement measures already on the statute books and increasing the alertness of the patrols.
Alcohol can cause a decrease of co-ordination and alertness.
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Brad Haddin might have run Steven Smith out without facing had Alastair Cook's throw been on target — another example of Australia's sloppiness, or England's alertness in the field, depending on your point of view — and might have holed out twice himself; once at deepish mid-on, once at short extra cover, both off Mr. Swann as he played more loosely than the situation warranted.
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The malnourished suffer from impaired health, reduced physical strength, diminished mental alertness, and high rates of infant mortality.
Because alcohol affects alertness, judgment, coordination, and reaction time, drinking increases the risk of falls and accidents.
Alcohol can cause a decrease of co-ordination and alertness.
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This means that a higher body temperature is associated with a higher degree of alertness or a smaller amount of fatigue.
In fact, the cause of sleep paralysis is "a marked dissociation between level of alertness and muscle atonia that often occurs in SOREM (sleep onset - REM) sleep episodes (1).
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The southern states now relied on tightening enforcement measures already on the statute books and increasing the alertness of the patrols.
Lack of sleep can affect adolescents' cognitive function, concentration and attention, alertness, and ability to perform in school.
During the subsequent half hour, his subjects were significantly more likely to fall asleep than at other times, clear evidence of the ultradian rhythm and the cyclical nature of our alertness and fatigue throughout the day.
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Fire has caused £30,000 damage to a woollen waste mill, and it could have been worse but for the alertness of a teenage girl.
The trouble with the meals, however, was not only that we were all kept at a very high strain of alertness and attention, singularly inconducive to the enjoyment of food or to the sober business of digestion, but that they were of such interminable length.
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Adding to my surprise, and, indeed, to that of the viewers around the globe, was his sharp memory and mental alertness.
Caitlin and Sheelagh entered the bathroom with trepid alertness and peered where Zee was pointing.
In Other Worlds
The amino acids glutamine and tyrosine will improve concentration, retention and a sense of alertness.
The deaths were often blamed on the victims' lack of alertness for the large waves that occasionally washed ashore.