
How To Use Alee In A Sentence

  • ‘Alexa's always the one who convinces my parents to let us have sleepovers on school nights and stuff,’ says Natalee.
  • We've gotten better with our techniques and applying them predeparture, ensuring we're looking at as broad a section of potential risk as possible, said Kevin McAleenan, deputy assistant commissioner of field operations at Customs and Border Protection, or CBP.CBP said the gap in U.S. security practices wasn't obvious until after the attempted Christmas attack. U.S. blocks 350 with suspected ties to terrorists
  • Its snouty head, patchy grey body and small pedal fins make the dwarf look more like a large dolphin than a baleen whale.
  • The microstructure of these long filaments of papillary horn is very similar in its dermal-epidermal interdigitation to that of baleen in whales.
  • Most placental mammals have teeth that are capped with enamel, but there are also lineages without teeth, such as anteaters, pangolins and baleen whales, or with enamelless teeth, such as armadillos, sloths, aardvarks and pygmy and sperm whales. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
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  • It should be noted that it was only following the LTTE blocking of water supply to the East at the Mavilaru anicut, that the Government was compelled to undertake military operations against the LTTE in order to protect the civilian population and vital strategic assets including the Trincomalee Port. Asian Tribune
  • Mr McCarthy instanced the success of food companies, such as Kerry Group plc, Lee Strand Co-op, Tralee, and the Cadbury factory in Rathmore.
  • The baleen whales feed primarily on plankton and krill.
  • Locals will recognise street scenes from Tralee and landscapes from various local beauty spots.
  • One thing is sure, the festival of the future will have a more commercial and hard-headed business edge to it and will seek to capitalise much more on the brand name, Rose of Tralee.
  • D'ye mean to tell me that Mysie 'ill be dwanged trailin' throo a 'eternity wi' a bit bairnie aucht days auld, an 'it never gettin' even the lenth o 'bein' doakit, lat aleen growin 'up to be able to tak' care o'ts sel? My Man Sandy
  • Saleem felt that people were suspicious of him because he was a foreigner.
  • Ms McAleese, who was a keen walker, horsewoman and dressage rider, had done everything possible to minimise the effect of the injury and had decided to continue with her activities.
  • Tralee native June Hewitt has worked as a professional artist from her home studio for a number of years.
  • Its front edge was bordered by a sort of storage box of stone, which contained a small vessel made of sewn baleen and wood.
  • The lower jaw of this form may have been edentulous and supported a gular sac, like that of a giant pelican or baleen whale.
  • So, understanding the meaning of life, the cause has to be analysed and avoided by the healee. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • The recreation of the Famine ship took place at Blennerville, near Tralee, Co Kerry, and was completed in 2002.
  • If you like this look, you should click the thanks everyone! you are welcome to see the complete "alee" collection on my facebook page: D collective fashion consciousness.
  • J o u j a ™ said ... ghadoor b3ad chabdi wallah intay ilie kaleeteeha bs wallah amoot feech 7ajya; p aurous awww thanks a lot 7abeebty: * Safat: The KuwaitBlogs' Aggregator
  • August 14, 2008 at 6:25 am et leest u nawt dum alee-un :p Kittehs may hav shifted - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • To Macauley the child was his ‘shiralee’ - a burden and a handicap, and also a constant reminder of bitterness and failure.
  • The early exchanges were keen and only excellent defending by Castlecomer prevented Tralee capitalising on a number of offensive moves.
  • The Tralee-based judge was acquitted of being in possession of child pornography earlier this year after the trial judge ruled that a search warrant was invalid.
  • October 1, 2008 at 12:43 am sailor kitteh says hard sara alee! Other side - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Little William and Lalee alone examined the two beautiful creatures thus brought within their reach; while Snowball and the sailor, rapidly readjusting the baits upon their hooks, that had been slightly disarranged by the teeth of the _tunnies_, -- for the albacore is a species of tunny fish, -- once more flung them forth. The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
  • I was reading an essay of Saleeby's the other day, and the best Saleeby could say was that Herbert Spencer NEARLY succeeded in answering Berkeley. Chapter 36
  • Now I know I sound obssessive, and maybe I am, but for old guys like me, who really remember, the old GIJoe even the details of the old GIjoe, this movie, just isn't going to do it justice .. rangerspock on Feb 24, 2009 where is the subtitle? alee on Sep 20, 2009 First G.I. Joe Poster Plus Subtitle - Rise of Cobra «
  • To be sure, the arrangement is entame, la pillule est avalee, et bien des couloeuvres apres. George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life
  • AmE lieuténant, BrE lefténant littérateur literatër lorgnette, lorgnon lornyét, lornyón louche loôsh luthier-a maker of stringed instruments such as violins or guitars məshêen madame brothel, Madame title madáme, cf. mádam shopping madeleine mádeleíne mademoiselle madame wàzél maisonette maizonét maître d'hôtel métradô-tél, mâitradô-tél maladroit maladrŏit malcontent malines malêen mandoline (also 'mandolin' in English) mándə-lín margarine marjərìne marque type Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • He expressed concern that Tralee has been described as a dirty town and he warned that the label will stick if the local people allow it to.
  • Meanwhile, a dispute which threatened to cause similar disruption in Tralee has been averted.
  • The organization brought out a monthly paper alee 'Jamhoori Hakk'. 25th Anniversary day of the founding of The 'All India federation of Organizations for Democratic Rights.
  • Interestingly, the late Oligocene whale Aetiocetus, from Oregon, has skull and jaw features typical of baleen whales, and is considered to be the earliest mysticete - yet it also bore a full set of teeth.
  • The following year he succeeded Byrne as compère of the Rose of Tralee.
  • PESHAWAR: Grand Jirga of Haleemzai tribe belongs to Mohmand Agency, fedrally administered tribal area, situated in north of Peshawar, capital of North West Frontier Province held today. Mohmand tribal jirga met Governor NWFP
  • The fundraiser is over and the new playroom at the school was opened by President McAleese in April.
  • The timing of that visit depended on the ‘final consummation of the peace process in Northern Ireland’, Mrs McAleese stressed.
  • But even modern baleen whales which are here probably a better comparison as they lack the melons of modern toothed whales have bulbous nostrils which have cartilaginous and musculous parts, what leads to a different external profile and postion of the nostrils than the bare bone would show. Maiacetus, Part 2
  • The water is strained through a series of bony plates that trap the small creatures making up the baleen whale's main diet.
  • ‘This is really fascinating because, though males are known to guard eggs, they have never been known to transport the froglets,’ said Janalee P. Caldwell, specialist in amphibian biology at the University of Oklahoma.
  • When Haleem returns from the Navy at age twenty-one in 1959, his life consists of sporadic interactions with the family and attending college courses with little interest.
  • To protect the car's collectibility, should I upgrade the power with very expensive Saleen parts, or forget about long term resale and go with other superchargers that provide more bang for the buck? The Truth About Cars
  • Later in the evolution of whale hearing, the toothed and baleen whales parted ways.
  • Different species have different density and coarseness of baleen due to their different food sources.
  • Declan Byrne hung up his spikes, singlet and shorts in exchange for a black tie outfit as he was selected as an escort to the Limerick Rose in the 2003 Tralee contest.
  • More evidence of progress was seen during March 1863, when Arthur B. Cooper arrived to survey and lay out the townsite of Nuccaleena.
  • Her pale complexion and striking eyes, inherited from her beloved Scottish father, have made Kathaleeya McIntosh one of Thailand's most beautiful and bankable stars.
  • How many could afford to go out routinely for Pad Thai, Japanese sushi, Armenian khorovatz, Ethiopian aleecha, Chorizo Argentino, Lebanese hummus and shawarma, or even a nice, simple blueberry bagel?
  • Tralee town itself is a good place to come back to after a blowy winter's walk.
  • He said the new regional railcars would be similar to the railcars on the Cork-Cobh route and would operate the Tralee-Mallow / Cork services.
  • One thing is sure, the festival of the future will have a more commercial and hard-headed business edge to it and will seek to capitalise much more on the brand name, Rose of Tralee.
  • baleen" or "whalebone" -- each plank being as much as eight or in rare cases twelve feet long. More Science From an Easy Chair
  • Speshalee to get teh bawl rollin on new bks taht us civiliams hannot seen yet. INTIMIDATION - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • In desperation, Novalee camps in the Wal-Mart store, keeping a tally of all the food and goods she has borrowed.
  • In Greenland, Japan and Norway whale meat is sold in supermarkets, in Russia it has been sold to feed fur-bearers, and in Alaska baleen handicrafts from bowheads are sold to tourists.
  • In Greenland, Japan and Norway whale meat is sold in supermarkets, in Russia it has been sold to feed fur-bearers, and in Alaska baleen handicrafts from bowheads are sold to tourists.
  • But Her Excellency, President Mary McAleese, felt compelled to speak plainly when visiting St Attracta's Community School in Tubbercurry last week.
  • They are baleen whales; rather than hunt, they filter their prey, krill and small sea organisms, through the sieve-like baleen screen in their mouths.
  • These whales are distinguished from the toothed whales by having baleen, or whalebone, as part of the mouth structure.
  • Its calls do not match those of any known species, although they are clearly those of a baleen whale, a group that includes blue, fin and humpback whales.
  • Saleem claimed he had failed to report the accident because he panicked and was scared he would be attacked if he stayed.
  • The shouts and shrieks and smart-alee comments of the first rush of embarrassed excitement had died down, and now only murmurs and whispers could be heard. Dead Famous
  • Sri Kapaleeswarar Temple in Mylapore gets a facelift, a reconsecration and general sprucing up.
  • The 28 Roses will arrive in Dublin on Tuesday, August 20, from where they will embark on a whistle-stop tour of Ireland before arriving in Tralee on Friday, August 23.
  • ‘These martial arts uniforms are pre-shrunk and absorb moisture,’ said Nasir Saleem, sales director.
  • Once a mass of prey is engulfed, a rorqual then has to squeeze the water out through its baleen plates while at the same time retaining the prey. From cigar to elongated, bloated tadpole: rorquals part II
  • Most commonly, humpbacks are solitary diners, eating a diet of krill - a shrimp-like crustacean - and plankton, which they filter through hundreds of sieve-like plates called a baleen.
  • Over the past week, break-ins have taken place at Kill and also in our local church at Saleen.
  • put the helm alee
  • In the second place, the horny matter on the palates of the dugong and manatee has not, even initially, that "strainer" action, which is the characteristic function of the Cetacean "baleen. On the Genesis of Species
  • These whales force seawater through baleen plates (combs of bony material that form in the place of teeth) to filter out the tiny sea creatures.
  • To achieve greater power, massive ‘composite’ laths made from sinew, horn or baleen, and wood came into use; these were shorter and much stiffer than earlier wood laths.
  • They feed by straining small marine organisms out of the water using plates of baleen, a hornlike substance that forms filaments that hang down from the roof of the mouth.
  • I need to use the word "baleen" in a sentence today. Wired Campus
  • I examined microscopically and compared with the hair of fair and blue-eyed persons, the hair of negroes, and as a matter of curiosity with the reindeer hair and the hair-like appendage found on the fringy extremity of the baleen plates in the mouth of a "bowhead" whale. The First Landing on Wrangel Island With Some Remarks on the Northern Inhabitants
  • Through his suit, Johnson was attempting to recoup potentially millions in unrealized profits from Berry and his publishing company, Isalee Music.
  • Malvolio (Des McAleer) is a haughty major-domo, but where is his festering self-love and manic insecurity?
  • Through the comb-like bristles of its baleen filters, it squirts out the seawater, entrapping krill by the bushel.
  • She had great dedication to the church and some years ago embroidered the altar cloths for Saleen Church.
  • The danger is that the Tralee hospital will be starved of investment and, by implication, be downgraded by stealth over a period of time.
  • And as they ` ve gone back and seen his name reappear in some of those earlier statements from Joran, some of those earlier statements from Satish and Deepak, they wanted to go back, and check it out, and make sure they knew where he was when Natalee disappeared, because, as my sources have told me tonight, he left that shift early at the Holiday Inn and couldn ` t be accounted for after that, and they really wanted to tighten that up. CNN Transcript May 22, 2006
  • The tour finishes on Saturday 10th April in Kerry, scene of the gallous deed, after performances at Dun Chaoin and Tralee.
  • Baleen is made of keratin, the same protein that makes up hair and fingernails, and is strong, yet elastic.
  • While Tralee has the habit of going to the edge of the abyss and then pulling back dramatically, financially-troubled projects in the town are giving the area a very negative image.
  • The show will include clothes from shops and boutiques in Dingle, Tralee and Killarney with a special emphasis on autumn/winter fashions.
  • Like the VMAs, the telethon was the wrong venue to do such a thing, and secondly, I believe George Bush DID like Black people, evidenced by his friendship with Dr. Condaleeza Rice. Editorial Diatribe from the Catacombs: Racism
  • With the initial success of the Nuccaleena mine, many people believed that its copper deposits extended far beyond the limits covered by section 105.
  • THE big-hearted people of Tralee helped to raise funds to send children on the trip of a lifetime to visit Santa in Lapland next December by supporting a fundraiser at the weekend.
  • Susan Balée asks Jim Crace Where 'the pesthouse' came from. Today's Inquirer reviews ...
  • With 35 minutes of the race to go, the Saleen was just 30 sec behind Brabham and closing fast enough to be right on his tail in the final ten minutes.
  • For the uninitiated, Myles na gCopaleen was just one of the pen-names used by a gentleman from Strabane in the county Tyrone named Brian Ó Nualláin, or just plain Brian O'Nolan in the vulgate.
  • The agreement means that Tralee Town Council is free to develop its portion of the car park if needed.
  • Saleem said music helped young people to be more aware of important issues.
  • I defined failure earlier in terms of disappointed expectations and suggested that Saleem fails to fulfill the expectations he creates for himself.
  • I am wrecked now and I have to drive to Tralee in a few hours which is a least a four hour drive.
  • ‘These sharks are a targeted species for anglers in Tralee Bay and are becoming quite rare for various reasons,’ the aquarist told us.
  • And then they'd go on, faithfully leaving similar letters and similar impressions on Krim, and Lohala, and Tralee, and Famagusta, and throughout the Coalsack stars until the stock of addressed missives ran out. The Pirates of Ersatz
  • During her visit to the camp, President McAleese laid a wreath in honour of Sergeant Derek Mooney, the army ranger who died in a car crash in Liberia last year.
  • Shrabasti LOL > > @ekalavyab: Mumbai Indians - Sachin Tendulkar = Kings 11 Punjab #IPLequations waleed_107 Mumbai Indians need 74 runs in 30 balls CSK (165/4 in 20 overs) MI (92/7 in 15 overs) Sachin Tendulkar* 40 Harbhajan Singh 1 ekalavyab Mumbai Indians - Sachin Tendulkar = Kings 11 Punjab Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Jack, a tall strapping man, was a hurler of note, captaining Kilgarvan when they were defeated by a disputed point by a Tralee team led by John Joe Sheehy in the 1918 final, played late in 1919.
  • A potential toxic bloom has been found on the lake from which drinking water supplies for much of the county, including the towns of Killarney and Tralee and surrounding countryside, are abstracted.
  • Laboratory tests suggest that gray whale baleen, and possibly skin, may be resistant to damage by oil.
  • From this it seemed evident that it was her planes we had destroyed on the Trincomalee airfield a few hours earlier.
  • He is also a passionate automotive enthusiast Having raced everything from stock cars to karts and dragsters to the Saleen S7R supercar, Mail has a passion for going to the extreme.
  • Aleena brushed her hair out of her eyes; the red cascade had freed itself from her pony and now hung around her face in soft red locks.
  • Right whales are large baleen whales, meaning that instead of teeth they have bonelike plates, which they use to strain food from large gulps of water.
  • May 2, 2010 at 8:16 am aw fankees berry muchlee, mai cween! teh cheezpeepz Map blankee is teh ossum! noa ai is offishalee snuggloled adn a hawt chokklit is teh purrfict acco…acump…akumpn…fing tu go wif teh blankee. Nobody’s stripes - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • hard alee
  • What a fascinating and unique contest the Tralee race has turned out to be with two future Oaks winners in contention.
  • Hmm PB, ai finking yu sended yu cowld ober teh see to fronschland adn to mii pursonalee. My grumpy button - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • One species of whales developed baleen, rows of keratin plates similar to hair that filter out food from the sea.
  • Miss Goddard said Saleem had fallen in with the wrong crowd and did not ask any questions when he allowed them to use the vehicles.
  • On a different note, fears were mounting in the county that Tralee General Hospital could be facing possible downgrading and a loss of vital services under a radical new health service report.
  • Hyderabadi biryani, dum ka chicken, haleem, mirchi ka salan, bagara baigan, qubani ka meetha, double ka meetha… the list never seems to end.
  • Yes | No | Report from alee wrote 1 year 8 weeks ago people get peppered all the time, no big deal. Vermont Grouse Hunter Gets Aggravated Assault
  • When we saw its huge teeth, we knew it couldn't be a baleen whale.
  • To be fair to the Tralee side they were not lacking in spirit and endeavour and they made the visitors fight every inch of the way.
  • And Cllr Rosaleen O'Grady warned that something will need to be done before a serious accident happens in the area.
  • Both healer and healee were wired with electrodes, and their EEG patterns were displayed on a monitor in the hall. Ervin Laszlo : EARTH, LIFE, AND MIND : THE PROMISE OF THE NEW HOLISM IN THE SCIENCES
  • Dagaalka oo ahaa mid xoogan ayaa bilowday markii Maleeshiyo Al-shabaab ka tirsan ay weerar ku qaadeen goobaha ay ciidamada dowladu kaga sugan yihiin waqooyiga Muqdisho, gaar ahaan degmooyinka, dagaalkaas oo socday dhowr saacadood. [unknown placeholder $my.siteName$]
  • *sip sip sip* *thinks deep thots about happiness* *sip sip sip* It iz so stranj waht exactlee can maek us happee. *sip sip* Ai wuz driving – sum fyew yeers ago *sip sip* frum Stuttgart to Salzburg. *sip* An suddenlee, ai felt lite az a feather *spI and ai NOO that ai wuz TOTALEE an without ene rezervashun *sip* compleetelee happee. Wai you mad? - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • One bandaleere [a bandoleer was a belt worn to carry the cases which held the powder charges]. New Discoveries at Jamestown Site of the First Successful English Settlement in America
  • Baleen whales often appear in this region. Be careful!
  • Most important is the regular feedback by the healee to the healer, for continuous guidance. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Saleem Khan, chief executive of Bradford Council for Mosques said the structures at Bellerby in Catterick should be removed straight away. Replica Mosques used for target practice « Anglican Samizdat
  • It yields the article commonly known as whalebone or baleen; and the oil specially known as "whale oil," an inferior article in commerce. Moby Dick, or, the whale
  • ” In answer, it may be asked, why should not the early progenitors of the whales with baleen have possessed a mouth constructed something like the lamellated beak of a duck? VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
  • Different species have different density and coarseness of baleen due to their different food sources.
  • -- Under this name are imported into this country the dried foliaceous tops of a strongly odoriferous labiate plant, growing three feet high in India and China, called in Bengalee and Hindu, _pucha pat_. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • The whales were commercially hunted for their oil and baleen beginning in the 1800s - the baleen being popular for making corsets, umbrellas, and fishing rods.
  • The ‘whalebone’ whales have hundreds of baleen plates, up to twelve feet long, hanging down from their upper jaw.
  • Their baleen plates have bristly inner edges that intertwine to form a strainer or filter.
  • The Tralee Institute is midway through the implementation of a three-year E-Learning project plan.
  • Anyone who stockpiled their vodka collection ahead of yesterday’s savage increases in alcohol duties will probably be feeling a little rough this morning; and so too will Alastair Darling, I suspect, even if he carried on drinking tap water through the evening, as he did at the despatch box, and confined himself to a bowl of thin cockaleekie for his supper. Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
  • And if anyone wanted a little extra excitement then the Tralee Chamber had an inflatable bungee, twister and jousting games for the patrons to enjoy.
  • If his hair and Natalee's hair is on it, yes it'll be very damning evidence and possibly proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • There was a time when anglers went to Tralee Bay just to catch the true monkfish.
  • With major financial difficulties put behind them, Rose of Tralee festival organisers got back to the main business in hand last weekend as the crowds descended on Tralee for five days and night of fun and frolics.
  • Many modern whale species use hair-like structures called baleen to filter tiny prey such as krill from seawater. National Geographic News
  • The baleen whales feed on swarms of shrimp-like crustaceans called krill, by straining the sea water through long, fringed baleen plates that hang down from the roof of a cavernous mouth.
  • A Bunclody man is officially among Ireland's most eligible bachelors following his selection as an escort in this year's International Rose of Tralee contest.
  • Winds were gusty which is why I stopped on the alee side of this low tide peninsula.
  • A bit rudderless and uncertain about his future prospects, Saleem falls under the influence of fundamentalist agitators, who operate under the patronage of the local landlord.
  • There are some kids who struggle more than others, and in them Loralee sees a kindred heart.
  • There's your blog, of course, and some others, but I've found a funny gendered inclination towards or alee public serialized pontification and free-ranging authority. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Tralee Musical Society is all set for the Irish premiere of the popular production Children of Eden.
  • Twelve-year-old Mohammed Ditta sleeps in a hospital bed with his father Mohammed Saleem next to him on a settee.
  • I am not a lone voice as there are taxi drivers in Tralee who are also against this increase.
  • Oh, had they the tongues for to speak, What tales of adventure they'd weave; But now they are anchored to sleep, and slumber alee.
  • The right and left baleen rows are separated in the front of the mouth.
  • Tudai 2 luvalee laydeez caem in adn gabe a ammost full 2kg bag uf kitteh fud tu eggstaindge fur teh smawl bag uf fud, adn toal mii dat wii kin gib teh kibblol tu teh animlol shelter dat wii support! We wuz jus makin shur - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Halee on Nov 28, 2008 the PUPPY was a shitzu!!!! pj on Dec 17, 2008 Sound Off: Get Smart - What Did You Think? «
  • Baleen whales like bowhead (Balaena mysticetus), minke, fin, grey (Eschrichtius robustus), pilot (Globicephala melaena), and other larger whales are also a valued source of food. Indigenous peoples, animals, and climate in the Arctic
  • It yields the article commonly known as whalebone or baleen; and the oil specially known as 'whale oil', an inferior article in commerce. Moby-Dick, or, The Whale
  • In the previous post I discussed the basic anatomy and behaviour involved in lunge-feeding, a style of predation practiced by rorquals, the biggest, fastest and most dynamic of baleen-bearing cetaceans. Archive 2006-10-01
  • Trincomalee escaped the breaker's yard in 1897 when the philanthropist Wheatly Cobb bought her to replace his training ship HMS Foudroyant, which had been lost in a storm off Blackpool.
  • AmE lieuténant, BrE lefténant littérateur literatër lorgnette, lorgnon lornyét, lornyón louche loôsh luthier-a maker of stringed instruments such as violins or guitars məshêen madame brothel, Madame title madáme, cf. mádam shopping madeleine mádeleíne mademoiselle madame wàzél maisonette maizonét maître d'hôtel métradô-tél, mâitradô-tél maladroit maladrŏit malcontent malines malêen mandoline (also 'mandolin' in English) mándə-lín margarine marjərìne marmalade - màrmalâde marmite marquee Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Rose of Tralee Orla O'Shea swapped her tiara for a mortarboard yesterday when she graduated from Mary Immaculate teacher training college in Limerick.Orla, who was conferred with a BEd, teaches in a girls' school in Swords, Co Dublin.
  • The injured man was yesterday said to be comfortable in Kerry General Hospital in Tralee.
  • It was, in its tri-lingual character, a sign of Israel's degradation and a flourishing of the whip in their faces, as a government order in English placarded in a Bengalee village might be, or a Russian ukase in Warsaw. Expositions of Holy Scripture: St. John Chaps. XV to XXI
  • In the time of David Thompson, the Salish ‘crossed the Mountains by a wide defile of easy passage, eastward of the Saleesh or Flathead Lake.’
  • In two of the shots the Saleen S7 is right next to the Tesla roadster, in one there is a old style hotrod between them. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - The Ironman TV spot last night was awesome
  • In its mouth, this whale has unusually few of the baleen plates that such whales use to filter food from the water.
  • He is a former Army signaleer and is a subject matter expert on commo, radios, and switches.
  • Evoking the poster for the original summer blockbuster, a new species of killer sperm whale attacks a baleen whale in an illustration.
  • The two intermediate species are estimated to weigh between 200 and 500 kg and include Maleevosaurus novojilovi, a carnivore, and Gallimimus bullatus, an edentulous putative omnivore.
  • We really are pleased with Rosaleen and hope she will continue to stay with us in Pound Street.
  • The finding will come as a disappointment to Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, who a week ago chose Tralee to start his nationwide canvass.
  • But it is easier to hear the baleen whale, with its lower-frequency call, than the beaked whales, says Theriault.
  • As the beneficiary charity selected by the Mayo Rose of Tralee committee, they will receive a cheque for €1377.00 from the proceeds of the event.
  • Regular feedback by the healee to the healer, of course! ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Krill are the principal food of the baleen whales, such as the blue whale and minke.
  • The bowhead is a single species - closely related to the right whale - and is remarkable for being the only baleen whale to spend all its time in Arctic waters. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • A 28-year-old woman from Nigeria, who has spent the last two years living in Tralee, said she enjoys living in Kerry as the people are very accommodating and friendly.
  • I luked araond, and normalee, wen she runz awai, she coms bak, oar a nebor bringz her bak….but nither happened dis tiem… Roomba Cat Goes For A Ride - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • A tinker’s bann and a barrow to boil his billy for Gipsy Lee; a cartridge of cockaleekie soup for Chummy the Guardsman; for sulky Pen-der’s acid nephew delto ‹ d drops, curiously strong; a cough and Finnegans Wake
  • The depiction of Tralee past and present incorporates a streets scene and a map of the town identifying major landmarks.
  • President Mary McAleese and Taoiseach Bertie Ahern were represented by their respective aides-de-camp, Captain Sue Ramsbottom and Captain Gerald O'Grady.
  • And the behemoths contain tremendous amounts of oil and baleen, once commercially lucrative products.
  • It proved too much to bear for the young Monaleen side as Nemo turned up the heat and slipped into turbo charge as required to pick off the scores at will.
  • The dismal weather for much of the week was no help and there were times when Tralee Racecourse was a drab place to be.
  • The baleen is a horny material on the upper jaws of some whales. Top Stories
  • Aleem Walji: In my mind, Innovation within the context of the World Bank is aboutwhat we choose to do and how we go about doing it. Rahim Kanani: Aleem Walji of the World Bank Institute's Innovation Team on the Future of International Development
  • The Saleen was the faster of the two cars, but was further delayed when it banged doors with one of the two pacesetting Corvettes, briefly skating off the circuit and then having to pit.
  • Mirrored projections face each other, pulsing like an underwater shot of baleen, white tissue-like net moving in and out.
  • The group included Mayor Owen McAleer and two prominent members of the water commission.
  • Little William was, perhaps, dreaming of his English, and Lilly Lalee of her African, home; while the sailor, in all probability, was fancying himself safely "stowed" in the forecastle of a British frigate, with all sail rightly set, and a couple of hundred jolly Jacks like himself stretched out in their "bunks" or swinging in their hammocks around him. The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
  • Kieran O'Callaghan added a brace of points, but Monaleen were determined to have the last say, with Pat Carroll and Dave McAuliffe finding their range.
  • Thinking of putting a bet on who will win the Rose of Tralee?
  • The first sense is seen here and at _Tr_ I i 39, _EP_ I v 13, and at _Tr_ V i 71 'ipse nec emendo, sed ut hic _deducta_ legantur', and the second at _Ecl_ VI 4-5 'pastorem, Tityre, pinguis/pascere oportet ouis, _deductum_ dicere carmen', where _deductum ... carmen_ represents the [Greek: Mousan ... leptaleên] of Callimachus _Aetia_ I 24; Servius comments on the metaphor from spinning. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • It also offers earlier connections to the Galway, Limerick, Cork, Tralee, Killarney, Letterkenny and Derry bus services.
  • DiaryLand contact random entry other diaries: paperfriend thatplace virtu miobravo adelie jpop saint-erin asyourghost gigihodges uberbane fuckbowser toomchstarch automatos lovaliss elledyal kindbowser blindhacker mymess passthison whitepants msea jjquick panzuda nations suffa-kate acadiana rupeshow ellamae boysordeath eyesout freightcars hold-it lissinski saintjeor chrisalmond thebid rawbeanage troymccool soup-kitchen punchstab cannet thedarklight dead-slug cornbrain secretbegger madre-teresa luityler narsasistfix lilalee dekafuck bethandbeth sevenflowers reno-dakota I think tripping billies was playing when the focus was love tapped
  • The tradition of having a new year's ball in Kerry was upstaged this year by the new year's bawls that filled the corridors of Tralee General Hospital's maternity unit on the first day of January.
  • We do know that its baleen is particularly fine, allowing it to filter the comparatively small copepods [adjacent photo, also from the Right Whale Aerial Surveys site, shows a feeding sei. Lunging is expensive, jaws can be noisy, and what’s with the asymmetry? Rorquals part III
  • To the left is an upside down picture of a beached right whale showing the long baleen plates that hang from the upper jaw.
  • I am solely responsible for this comment and agree to abide by the Comment from: real [Visitor] wey gud!!! meles & G20. tsimbelalee meakora zey kedenet nemeret kedenet. (ibehal ela dumo tekua-hila) finjal men-tebelukas men-tibel. Undefined
  • Saleem felt that people were suspicious of him because he was a foreigner.
  • These were doing their best to fly, but failing of that luck, put helm alee, and shivered in the wind, and made fine speeches, proving that they must win the day. Mary Anerley
  • Their baleen consists of 260-400 black, coarse, broad, overlapping plates hanging from each side of the upper jaw.

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