How To Use Alderman In A Sentence
‘It is the farmer who earns his living from the land and as such it should be recognised as a tradeable asset,’ insisted Mr Alderman.
Alderman Lewis, a trade unionist and local Labour politician from the Midlands.
Another Newton alderman, Charlie Shapiro, said the ordinance was a way for the city, which has an $8 million deficit, to "offload" some responsibility for keeping sidewalks clear.
New Shovel-Ready Project
If we had in our power the pen which traced the delicate marvels of Queen Mab, not bigger than an agate that glitters on the finger of an alderman, of her liny chariot, of her diaphanous team, only then should we succeed in giving an idea of a purely ideal talent into which matter enters hardly at all.
Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
I bitched about the Park to my Alderman, he told me it was money from another source, and not effected by the city's budget issues ...
Aurora Seeks Access to Lake Michigan Water Supply

He appears in the cartulary of the Holy Trinity, Aldgate, as an alderman in 1249 and 1250, was associated with the parish of St John, Walbrook and had an estate in Bishopsgate.3 But little is known of his origins; indeed, his mysterious background evokes Bedes comparison of the passage of a mans life with the flight of a single sparrow through a chieftains banqueting hall.
HPConfig. blog_id = 0; var ads_page_type = 'bpage'; var zone_info = "huffpost. business/blog; business = 1; featured-posts = 1; nickname = tom-alderman; entry_id = 67036; age-of-turbulence = 1; alan-greenspan = 1; alan-greenspeak = 1; central-bank = 1; greenspan-book = 1"; if (top!
Tom Alderman: Alan GreenSpeak -- What'd He Say?
The launch was chaired by Brisbane City Council Labor alderman David Hinchliffe.
Leroy had quit his ward organization to run against the regular candidate for alderman.
M. Wastchenko possesses in an eminent degree what Swift calls the aldermanly, but never to be over estimated quality, Discretion; he was considered generally a very safe man.
Servia, Youngest Member of the European Family or, A Residence in Belgrade and Travels in the Highlands and Woodlands of the Interior, during the years 1843 and 1844.
In fact, in three of the five elections named (the 2004 federal election and both the mayoral and aldermanic races in the 2001 civic election), I voted for the candidate who finished last.
Alderman Marzullo puts out a 350-page ad book every year, at one hundred dollars a page.
In an e-mail to Forbes, Alderman says the reconveyance arrangement "really is beneficial to the homeowners, the developers and to the community.
Proponent Of New Real Estate Fee Exempts His Own House
Between Matthew Darryl and Newington was Marisa, the alderman 's daughter.
Milwaukee aldermen exert great influence over licensing decisions in their districts through a well-established system known as aldermanic privilege.
The Volokh Conspiracy » A Questionable Taking in Milwaukee:
Research has yielded a wealth of information about the buildings and its occupation in the late 15th century by Mr Snawsell, goldsmith, senior alderman and a Lord Mayor of York.
The prosecutor in this case, the district attorney from here in New York, says that the crime went down between September 9th and 30th of this year, and that in fact Halderman had tried to blackmail David Letterman by submitting what he called a screenplay treatment, saying that he needed a large chunk of money and referring to Letterman's "loving son" as well.
CNN Transcript Oct 2, 2009
When the bank collapsed -- or "readjusted" itself, as the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District would say -- along the North Branch by my house, neighbors anxiously pestered the alderman and the district for action.
Chicago Reader
Praveen's particularly nostalgic brand of outswing been compared to many things this morning - Mike Smith, Martin Bicknell, Mudassar Nazar, Jon Lewis, Terry Alderman. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Mr Matson was elected as an alderman by 54 votes to 13 in the first stage of a two-stage process.
Fourth Ward Alderman Rick Lawrence said the ordinance is unnecessary because state and local noise and parking laws already address the issues that worry Hart-Burns.
Archive 2009-04-01
Her father had been the dayan (associate rabbi) and a lavnik (alderman) of his municipality.
Personal Information for Bella Harkavy
For Kumar and his ilk, Mohammad Asif and Terry Alderman being two supreme exponents of the art, it's a fine line between mesmerising batsmen with movement, luring them to destruction with the siren song of apparently irresistibly hittable pace, and being cannon fodder if the ball refuses to bend or a batsman throws caution to the wind and links you inextricably for all eternity with a Leeds confectionery stall.
Praveen Kumar's rare style of swing bowling is as bold as it is old | Rob Bagchi
A Launceston City Council alderman yesterday welcomed a move by Mayor Janie Dickenson to stop taking her son to council meetings.
`A known criminal consorting with the daughter of a City alderman.
The tortise — as the alderman of Bristol, well learned in eating, knows by much experience — besides the delicious calipash and calipee, contains many different kinds of food; nor can the learned reader be ignorant, that in human nature, though here collected under one general name, is such prodigious variety, that a cook will have sooner gone through all the several species of animal and vegetable food in the world, than an author will be able to exhaust so extensive a subject.
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
Esquimaux, with his daily twenty-pound quantum of train-oil, gravy, and tallow-candles, -- the alderman puffing over callipash and callipee, -- the backwoodsman hungering after fattest of pork, -- such men as these were no common sinners: they were assassins who struck at the very fountain of life, and throttled a human stomach.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 85, November, 1864
zone_info": "huffpost. business/blog; business = 1; featured-posts = 1; nickname = tom-alderman; entry_id = 67036; age-of-turbulence = 1; alan-greenspan = 1; alan-greenspeak = 1; central-bank = 1; greenspan-book = 1",
Tom Alderman: Alan GreenSpeak -- What'd He Say?
Eventually the alderman himself, a short fat man with a ruddy face, came into the room.
You know what to do for a child in a fit, for an alderman in an apoplexy, for a girl that has fainted, for a woman in hysterics, for a leg that is broken, for an arm that is out of joint, for fevers of every color, for the sailor's rheumatism, and the tailor's cachexy.
Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
Instead I stumbled across a treat, with Kerry O'Keeffe and Terry Alderman idiosyncratically but judiciously analysing Australia's fall from grace and applauding the tourists' mettle and verve.
Aussie cricket commentators have been a breath of fresh air on air | Rob Bagchi
He became involved in politics in the mid-1950s, initially as an alderman on the London County Council.
Volunteers would be trained as campaign managers and canvassers, and leaders would be groomed for campaigns for local office - alderman, city council, state rep - and campaign on credit reform.
They would never dream that the dirty, grease-stained servitor in a taproom was really a notable alderman.
They would never dream that the dirty, grease-stained servitor in a taproom was really a notable alderman.
The alderman looked terrible: one side of his face was bruised and his split lips were caked with blood.
The story explains the micromanagement ordinance is the brainchild of 2nd Ward Alderman Juany Garza who said the reason to knock out lights, reindeer and Santa Claus is because in Aurora "we have so many lazy people.
CBS Profiles Christmas Lights Micromanagement Ordinance in Aurora, City of Lights; Ald Juany Garza Defends Ordinance By Saying People of Aurora are Lazy; City Council Considers New Snow Ordinance
Third Ward Alderman Stephanie Kifowit bashed both for not wanting to change the city's strong mayor form of government, and Weisner took both to task for "not doing much of anything" during their aldermanic terms.
Archive 2009-03-01
That group, under the auspices of the Wisconsin Fair Trade Campaign, then approached Don Richards, a sympathetic alderman on the Milwaukee City Council, about sponsoring a resolution supporting the boycott.
A successful political career might well involve some four or five functions: elector, councillor, alderman, burgomaster, member of the provincial estates, member of one of the Chambers of Parliament that was the full cursus honorum.
Press_, where the peer and the commoner, the priest and the alderman, the friar and the swaddler, [2] can stretch themselves at full length, provided they be not too churlish, let us laugh at those who breed useless quarrels, and set to the world the bright example of toleration and benevolence.
Irish Wit and Humor Anecdote Biography of Swift, Curran, O'Leary and O'Connell
Cotswold people are urged to join a last-ditch attempt to save the Alderman Knight special school in Tewkesbury.
In 1911 he was elected a Birmingham Councillor, becoming an alderman in 1914 and, in 1915, Lord Mayor of Birmingham.
He was advocating for a pay reduction for alderman, vowing to take only $60,000 of his $110,000 aldermanic salary.
Kyle Hillman: The Biggest Upset of the Chicago Elections
Testamentary practice and aldermanic proceedings from the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries attest that married women were by no means silent partners in marital property management.
Over (400) auto in the parade -- five dpt -- police Force, Mayor and alderman and secret societies; we are having some cold weather -- we are still wearing over coats -- Let me know what is my little city doing.
The Journal of Negro History, Volume 4, 1919
There were no sharp questions for council officers or the Mayor and Deputy Mayor when aldermanic candidates were briefed on topical issues last week.
Giveaways to paying friends to shopping trips to mysterious donations to individuals are all part of the wild spending of aldermanic slush funds.
Archive 2009-03-01
He was elected an alderman of Limerick City Council in the 1999 local elections when he topped the poll with over 900 votes in Ward 3.
Roffens.p. 33.] [******* On the death of an alderman, a greater or lesser thane, there was a payment made to the king of his best arms; and this was called his heriot; but this was not of the nature of a relief.
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part A. From the Britons of Early Times to King John
Ain't he layin 'by a tidy little fortin' for Mary, just by aldermannin ', when he's dead an' gone? '
A Woman for Mayor A Novel of To-day
Perhaps it was a technical flaw, a problem with his erect stance and high backlift that led to Terry Alderman constantlymaking him look like a bloke with a dead leg trying to shovel coal with a bent hoe.
England can still win the Ashes – they just need KP to have a shave
The question of why Alderman, the Johnny Appleseed of reconveyance fees, would exempt his own house may be of interest to lawmakers across the country as they debate whether such fees should be banned.
Proponent Of New Real Estate Fee Exempts His Own House
`A known criminal consorting with the daughter of a City alderman.
So was Alderman insincere when he said Freehold didn't put reconveyance fee arrangements in place on homes that aren't part of new developments?
Proponent Of New Real Estate Fee Exempts His Own House
The proposal was seconded by Alderman Jim McGarry, who slammed rumours that the scheme would not come.
A decade ago, the last time the City Council redrew ward boundaries, neighboring aldermen appropriated portions of the 30th ward, leaving it shaped like a horseshoe, said Ariel Reboyras, the ward's current alderman.
Chicago Mayor Trashes Politics of Waste Removal
Between Matthew Darryl and Newington was Marisa, the alderman 's daughter.
Brookins apologized for his lapse of aldermanic etiquette, but his contrition was not enough to win support for a 50-acre shopping center that also would include an Office Depot and a Lowe's home-improvement store.
Everybody's favorite fictional alderman, Ed Bus hammed up by WBEZ's Justin Kaufmann appeared at "The Paper Machete," a live variety show at Ricochet's in Lincoln Square.
Some Laughs (And Surprises) At Latest Mayoral Forum
London a substantial citizen, who united in his single person the dignities of wholesale fruiterer, alderman, common-councilman, and member of the worshipful Company of Patten-makers; who had superadded to these extraordinary distinctions the important post and title of Sheriff, and who at length, and to crown all, stood next in rotation for the high and honourable office of Lord Mayor.
Master Humphrey's Clock
Alderman Brian Doherty, the lone Republican of Chicago's 50 aldermen, is running for state senate against Democrat John Mulroe, who was appointed in August to fill the seat of retiring Senator James DeLeo.
John Mulroe, Brian Doherty Fight For State Senate Seat In 10th District
Only last week he turned down the honour of being made an alderman of the city.
From the shambles of the aldermanic elections and the final collapse of the Kelly-Nash leadership, Daley walked out even stronger.
Doherty has also been accused of "serious ethics violations" for using his aldermanic office to help raise funds for his Senate campaign.
John Mulroe, Brian Doherty Fight For State Senate Seat In 10th District
The dignity of the chair was well sustained by this ingenious colourer, who was smoking a pipe as great as an alderman over a bason of turtle soup; but no sooner did Egland make his appearance, than the company seized upon his goods and crammed them down their throats, in spite of the repeated vociferations of "honour, honour, Gentlemen," from the assailed.
Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. Or, The Rambles And Adventures Of Bob Tallyho, Esq., And His Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall, Through The Metropolis; Exhibiting A Living Picture Of Fashionable Characters, Manners, And Amusements In High And Low Life
August 27th, 2006 at 1: 24 am PDT preempt microprogram alderman ruffianly: barbaric?
BlogBeat Rocking The Blog Stat Beats!
The colourful character, dubbed the ‘Queen of the council chamber,’ has been part of city life for decades as politician, mayor, sheriff, alderman and charity tour de force.
The ending of the aldermanic system and the more frequent turnover of councillors have probably reduced the possibilities for the emergence of such experienced influentials.
Alderman says that eating less salt results in lower blood pressure.
Eventually the alderman himself, a short fat man with a ruddy face, came into the room.
I min 'weel' at he said the only thing 'at made agen the viouw I tiuk -- though I spakna o' the partic'lar occasion -- was, 'at naebody ever h'ard tell o' the ghaist o 'an alderman, wha they say's some grit Lon'on man, sair gien to the fillin' o 'the seck.
Warlock o' Glenwarlock
One explanation for Simons mysterious background lies in his actual name: fitz means son of but FitzMary is in fact a matronymic (i.e. derived from his mothers Christian name) which commonly denoted illegitimate birth (as in Martin FitzAlice, alderman of St Michaels, Paternoster Royal, in 1281).
She was always writing to her congressman, her senator, her alderman.
Alderman Constantine, a High Churchman, indignant at being passed over by a junior in the contest for the mayoralty, brought the matter before the Council Board, and produced an old by-law by which aldermen, according to their ancientry, were required to keep their mayoralty.
The Journal to Stella
They would never dream that the dirty, grease-stained servitor in a taproom was really a notable alderman.
They decided last year that he was an un-electable oddball and national embarrassment - struggling to exude the requisite correctitude to be considered aldermanic, much less prime ministerial.
The bishop presided in this court, together with the alderman; and the proper object of the court was, the receiving of appeals from the hundreds and decennaries, and the deciding of such controversies as arose between men of different hundreds.
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part A. From the Britons of Early Times to King John
Incumbent Alderman Eric Sitkiewitz filed noncandidacy papers and said he is not running for a third term because he plans to move to a different part of the city.
The Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter Latest Headlines
A self-made man, he started life in a small cottage in Skipton before going on to serve as a councillor, alderman and then Lord Mayor of Bradford.
Congregacio Maioris Aldermannorum et unius hominis cujuslibet warde civitatis pro negociis communitatem tangentibus die veneris proxima post festum Sancte Katerine Virginis (25 Nov.) anno xiijc contra adventum domini regis et regine de partibus transmarinis. —
London and the Kingdom - Volume I
It wasn't long before news reports fingered Robert Halderman, a producer at CBS 'long running crime show, 48 Hours Mystery, as the perpetrator of the alleged crime -- threatening to go public with details of Mr. Letterman's affairs with CBS employees, if the late night star didn't turn over a check for $ 2 million.
Letterman's Alleged Blackmailer Is a Guy's Guy, Sort of Like Vince Vaughn
The confusion over that question, says Alderman, is exactly what led him to cancel the reconveyance fee on his own home.
Proponent Of New Real Estate Fee Exempts His Own House
They would never dream that the dirty, grease-stained servitor in a taproom was really a notable alderman.
This time it was Alderman Wagner, in an auto accident.
In 1638 he became an alderman of Shrewsbury under its new royal charter.
II. i.195 (251,4) [usurer's chain] I know not whether the _chain_ was, in our authour's time, the common ornament of wealthy citizens, or whether he satirically uses _usurer_ and _alderman_ as synonymous terms.
Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
She was always writing to her congressman, her senator, her alderman.
Alderman Daley claims Grossinger Auto needed $8.5 million in public subsidies to help it re-furbish a warehouse for its new sales and service headquarters.
Tom Tresser: Change Comes to Washington, Will it Come to Chicago?
Halderman writes that the problem they found isn't the issue so much as the problems that are yet to be found: The specific vulnerability that we exploited is simple to fix, but it will be vastly more difficult to make the system secure.
Michigan prof explains how D.C. online voting system was hacked
Alderman Keane, an instinctive gut fighter, went on television and made snide remarks about the divorce.
The saloon-keeper, unless he is also an alderman, is apt to be in debt to the big brewers, and on the verge of being sold out.
Government employees included circuit court clerks, a land office registrar, U.S. Rangers, marshals, commissioners, and a city alderman.
He was elected an alderman of Limerick City Council in the 1999 local elections when he topped the poll with over 900 votes in Ward 3.
A successful merchant and Alderman of London, Fitzwilliam made numerous land purchases, including the family's first estates in Ireland.
Alderman Rick Lawrence proposed a city ordinance requiring parental notification in lieu of the state's law being enforced and a resolution, co-sponsored by Lawrence, former Alderman Chris Beykirch and Alderman Richard Irvin, was unanimously passed urging the state's parental notification law to go into effect.
Archive 2009-08-01
Jasper whispered his aunt, that nuncks was a vile bore; and the sacrilegious declaration gave great offence to the diminutive gentleman aforesaid, who hesitated not in pronouncing Timothy Surety destitute of taste and vertu; to which accusation Timothy, rearing his squat form to its utmost altitude, indignantly replied, "that there was not an alderman in the City of London of better taste than himself in the qualities of callipash and callipee, and that if the little gemmen presumed again to asperse his vartue, he would bring an action against him tor slander and defamation of character.
Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. Or, The Rambles And Adventures Of Bob Tallyho, Esq., And His Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall, Through The Metropolis; Exhibiting A Living Picture Of Fashionable Characters, Manners, And Amusements In High And Low Life
A city alderman performed the ceremony, but it was not officially registered as at present, in Holland, single person marriages are not legal.
His rise to prominence as alderman of Billingsgate ward and of the German guildhall in London is a story worth telling, and the author does an admirable job of weaving together its various strands.
The ending of the aldermanic system and the more frequent turnover of councillors have probably reduced the possibilities for the emergence of such experienced influentials.
But he had long ago forgotten all this, as it was proper that a wholesale fruiterer, alderman, common-councilman, member of the worshipful Company of Patten-makers, past sheriff, and, above all, a
Master Humphrey's Clock
A group of neighborhood residents contacted Rush, then the neighborhood's City Council alderman, about saving the armory.
Aurora's Finance Committee will review Alderman Lawrence's proposal to abolish or change the way aldermanic slush funds are spent on Tuesday, March 24 at 3pm (City Hall, 5th Floor, agenda | map).
Archive 2009-03-01
People from inside and outside city hall are pushing to change the term "alderman," which is currently used to describe elected municipal representatives, to the gender-neutral "councillor."
Alderman-at-Large Richard Irvin bashed incumbent Mayor Tom Weisner for tax increases during this first term.
Archive 2009-03-01
I think I remember when last with you in your Carriage, An Old pollard Oak in Richmond park which resembled an Alderman before dinner, being very hollow, and capable of affording me great accommodation.
Letter 250
Incidentally, alderman is an ancient title of rank, dating back beyond the Norman Conquest, indicating someone ruling a province or district.
a $10,000 bond was furnished by an alderman
Although illiterate, he was named one of the chief burgesses, then chamberlain, then alderman in 1565, and finally High Bailiff in 1568.
A cotswold grandmother has spoken of her devastation following the decision to close the Alderman Knight School next year.