
How To Use Alcove In A Sentence

  • A long corridor acts as a horizontal spine connecting many small alcoves and hallways while an exposed concrete volume punctures this rectilinear framework as an enigmatic vertical intervention.
  • She had wiggled through a tot-sized aperture in the alcove, and toddled over to a display of butterfly nets four feet away.
  • C was probably a combined cooling and dressing-room, with a seat in its alcove; D, the tepidarium; E, the caldarium; and F, a specially hot room or sudatorium.
  • The organist was a slightish man, white-haired, who seemed to hover in the alcove, his back to the audience, wizardly in his very smallness, and he hit the thunder pedal just as a figure on the screen drew back cowering from some danger above, and laughter swept the auditorium. Underworld
  • Elegantly erotic statues stood once more in alcoves around the room, and the massive murals were nearly finished.
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  • The crowd filled, the floor became packed, as a new group of yellow-clad musicians came out---high in an alcove---bearing enormous drums. The Full Feed from
  • So I slipped through the flies, blundered through the warren of half-remembered alcoves and out the stage door.
  • The room's alcoves ensure that plenty of storage units could be installed without creating a cramped feeling.
  • The ward was clearly badly managed anyway - the idea of mixing genders in the alcoves made a lot of people very uncomfortable.
  • We three had wandered away together into an alcove, else, 'tis almost needless to say, our daffing had not been so free. A Daughter of Raasay A Tale of the '45
  • After climbing a flight of steps next to the original Iain Mellis cheesemonger's shop, you enter a dimly lit first-floor room, which is long and thin and punctuated by a couple of intimate alcoves.
  • Each wall was aligned with alcoves that curved around statues.
  • Amy ran her finger along the rippled fore-edge and then put the book away amongst the rows of others shelved in the fireside alcove. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Grandmother's portrait had been there before but was tucked away now in an alcove in the dining-room.
  • But our face-off was interrupted by the shrill voice of a woman who stepped into the alcove.
  • Frankie blinked in the bright light, then turned his gaze reluctantly to the arched alcove on his left.
  • Recessed, arched alcoves terminating in solid plank wooden doors were placed about every 10 paces on alternate sides of the corridor.
  • Make a detailed plan of the room, measuring into all alcoves and doorways.
  • It's a musical alcove independent of the traffic and bustle of everyday.
  • I found them at last, sequestered in a quiet alcove around the corner from the high gallery bar. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • Brick alcoves in the walls are set off with ornamental urns with pot plants.
  • In a commodious alcove, in a glow of pink light from above, was a life-sized group of musicians -- statues in colored metal of a Spanish girl playing a mandora, an Italian with a slender calascione, a Russian playing his jorbon, and an African playing a banjo. The Changing Sun
  • Chairs are woven wickerwork, though there are some padded alcove booths along the sides as well.
  • Allah’s wrath to a black stone, and the Queen thou foundest in the alcove is my mother. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • To the east of the window is a stone bookrest, and to the west an alcove seat.
  • He presses a button and alcove is lighted by electricity, discovering the face of a large safe. THEFT
  • In fact, anti-fur types be warned: animal pelts line all the beds (lending the rooms a subtle wet-doggy odour) as well as the movie theatre seats and bar alcoves.
  • You look on as they complete and carefully retint frescoes, alcoves and mosaics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tomb sits alone in an arched alcove to the right of the main altar of the central nave, a leafy potted lily behind it and a small red candle burning at the front.
  • Susan always thought of second - floor alcoved bedrooms as filled with the pungent fumes of Miss Saturday's Child
  • In the corners of the alcove are two candle-stands but with no candelabra on them.
  • In puzzlement she watched as Vandune passed through a niche in the amphitheater wall and disappeared into an alcove. MAJIPOOR CHRONICLES
  • Liz continued backwards into one of the alcoves and struck the wall below one of the windows.
  • In puzzlement she watched as Vandune passed through a niche in the amphitheater wall and disappeared into an alcove. MAJIPOOR CHRONICLES
  • There was an alcove at the far side of the circle where a hallman in a pretty snappy uniform of his own sat behind a desk. MURDER IN E MINOR
  • The final alcove was jam-packed with works that add travel snapshots and promotional photographs, either enlarged or regular size, to the dizzying mix.
  • The house achieves a perfect balance of original features - heavy stone lintels, alcoves, shelves and apertures, as well as an antiquated privy - with vital modern additions.
  • Statues of unknown saints looked gravely down from their alcoves as Jacques and Marie-Christine knelt reverently before the altar.
  • The curtains were drawn over the east window looking out over the harbour mouth, but the alcove with the oriel north window was uncurtained. Movie Night
  • On the screen opposite the alcove was a large canvas with a great many square tomato-colored blobs on it, and nothing else, so far as To Let
  • Especially inviting is the entrance alcove, with wooden park benches bathed in sunlight from the street-facing windows.
  • She sleeps in the alcove of an old wall that once formed the perimeter of a Maharaja's palace.
  • Looking across the bay or large alcove from the Zejua’s restaurant area, one could see in the distance, like a mirage, this lovely tropical, coconut tree strewn island like beach, “vacant” and worthy of visiting for a life time. The First Time You Saw Mexico....
  • Upstairs, the L-shaped landing is well lit, thanks to a window alcove with room for an occasional chair.
  • Originally designed to serve a family's heating needs, in today's modern homes seats are often included in alcoves either side and a smaller more practical fire used within the inglenook opening itself.
  • In the further wall was an alcove whose curtains, bestrung with pearls, were let down and I saw a light issuing therefrom; so I drew near and perceived that the light came from a precious stone as big as an ostrich egg, set at the upper end of the alcove upon a little chryselephantine couch of ivory and gold; and this jewel, blazing like the sun, cast its rays wide and side. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Originally, an alcove on the east side enlarged the living space of H2, but later access to this area was walled up with stones and sod, thus reducing the living space to a single room.
  • Caregiver stations between patient rooms are ergonomically measured, adjustable stands built into wall alcoves.
  • A titchy double bed was fitted into an alcove beyond a shower room about the size of a telephone box. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rare forge in the village that is much commented upon by visitors needed repairing and the surviving village pump in its alcove still charms observers.
  • Where the original stove would have been, she has created an inglenook fireplace with an oak surround and alcove storage.
  • Made from cherrywood, this chair, the last of five versions, was designed for a fireside alcove.
  • Looking around the room again, he discovered an alcove in the wall next to the table.
  • It fits into standard fireplace alcoves and runs on solid fuel.
  • But he was turning to the right and some alcoved spaces, where there were containers and cases. Dark Piper
  • Squashy sofas nestle invitingly in the bay windows of the property's three reception rooms, and there are various seating alcoves scattered throughout.
  • There was a tantalus and glasses on the top of a bureau, in the alcove to the left of the fireplace.
  • Firmly secure the two uprights to opposite walls in the alcove and then slot the shelves in between them.
  • Maggie, one day, long before, and under her own attendance precisely, had, for the glory of the name she bore, paid a visit to one of the ampler shrines of the supreme exhibitory temple, an alcove of shelves charged with the gold-and-brown, gold-and - ivory, of old Italian bindings and consecrated to the records of the Prince's race. The Golden Bowl — Complete
  • An old pub with beamed ceilings, smoke-blackened, and a log fire crackling and spitting inside a deep alcove.
  • Firmly secure the two uprights to opposite walls in the alcove and then slot the shelves in between them.
  • a curtained alcove
  • Brown, have been somewhat too resolutely robbed of the formal avenues, clipped hedges, and other topiarian adjuncts which comport so well with the starch prudery of things Elizabethan; but they are still replete with grotto, fountain, labyrinth, and alcove -- a very paradise for the more court-bred rank of sylphs, and the gentler elves of Queen Titania. The Complete Prose Works of Martin Farquhar Tupper
  • They headed to the control room, a small alcove in the wall with a window cut out of it to see the entire hangar.
  • … the word tester refers to the canopy, or roof, that shelters the bed and the alcove. Generous Death
  • The alcove was warm and smells of overheated fat wafted in from the kitchen. CORMORANT
  • Alcoves and portions of walls are delineated with pleated fabric hangings.
  • With a cry of terror I dashed at the alcove, then into the corner and then into the window, relighting three as two more vanished by the fireplace, and then, perceiving a better way, I dropped matches on the iron-bound deedbox in the corner, and caught up the bedroom candlestick. The Red Room
  • Within the alcove is my ebony rod, wound with the silver serpent. The Golden Apple Tree
  • The earthen plaster-covered adobe walls are thick enough to include built-in book-shelves, creating a small library alcove behind the kitchen.
  • The three of us settled into a hidden alcove hung with burgundy velvet drapes.
  • We reach the upper level; there are more flowers here, placed near a lingam in an alcove.
  • The elegant parlour features an entire mantlepiece and alcove made of marble that's more like a small sitting room.
  • This is a tranquil lofty space, white-painted, lined down each wall with illuminated rendered alcoves and upholstered benches.
  • The alcove held a couch.
  • Stepping through the revolving door and across the black and white tiles to our candlelit table in a discreet little alcove, I felt I could have been in Paris.
  • Normally, these works are carefully stored away but when there is an occasion for viewing, individual pieces are brought out one at a time and displayed in a tokonoma, or alcove, alone or often with a flower arrangement.
  • However, the fact remained that the mention of her name conjured up assorted visions-starting with Jamie kissing her ardently in an alcove at Castle Leoch, and ending with him fumbling up her nightgown in the darkness of their marriage bed, hands warm and eager on her thighs-that made me snort like a grampus and feel the blood throb hotly in my temples. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • At last, however, we came to an alcove off a small room lined with painted shields. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • The 3,600-square-foot home has a great room with stone floors, an oversized fireplace and alcoved ceilings. Ann Brenoff: Cool Pads: Jesse James, the Man America Loves to Hate, Lists His Home
  • Tucked in an alcove was a little boy no older than six. Rogue Wave
  • In an alcove to the side of one of the exhibits, a young man sat in a room full of a kind of handicraft we have not seen anywhere else. Archive 2008-05-01
  • In the "reducer," the comparatively tiny ten-foot tank set into an alcove, there were condensed the continuously-changing major features of the main chart, so that one man could comprehend and direct the board strategy of the engagement. Children of the Lens
  • See this privacy policy primer to learn more about privacy policies in [...] alcoves boycotted expectedly fraudulent Galahad plunger quadratical c99 txt awash beep concertmaster exactitude Francize hide lawn relocated Schottky unwinds. Blogpulse Top Links
  • Brick alcoves in the walls are set off with ornamental urns with pot plants.
  • He found the tape recorder attached to a small alcove carved out from underneath the desk.
  • To the left, in a "curtained" alcove adjacent to Federico's half-scale portrait, we find his armor represented at full-scale, its chain mail glittering. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • They were headed farther down, several levels below the room they'd been in the day before, hoping to find more than empty rooms and bare alcoves.
  • There she knelt on a praying chair before a small alcoved altar with tall wax tapers, and remained a long while. The Happy End
  • Happell translated this brief into a curvy front counter with bright lights, white walls and little yellow-tiled alcoves, dominated by a large deep red menu board.
  • As soon as the coast was clear, I left the alcove and walked back round to the front door, slowly.
  • Without its usual brilliant lighting on the rose-pink marble the alcove in which the pool was situated had a murky dimness. A WORM OF DOUBT
  • Large social gatherings usually take place in a special room with two alcoves built into a wall.
  • The muted lighting seeping from recessed light fixtures in alcoves along the wall cast many a shadow throughout the room.
  • He led me into an alcove and stood close to me, so close our faces were nearly touching.
  • They were headed farther down, several levels below the room they'd been in the day before, hoping to find more than empty rooms and bare alcoves.
  • A broad shaft of morning light poured through the open doorway in the ceiling of the room which was about thirty feet square, or roughly square, being irregular in shape, one side curving outward, another being indented by what might have been the corner of another building jutting into it, another alcoved by three sides of an octagon, while the fourth was serpentine in contour. Out of Time's Abyss
  • The alcove is Lilac at Charlie’s request, he picked the colours himself. Charlie’s New Room…Makeover Room 1.
  • You'll find a maze of alcoves in a candle-lit cellar, bricked, arched and genuinely antique.
  • She led him through the adjoining room and to the curtained doorway of a library -- long, alcoved, shelved with books, and furnished with heavy leather chairs. The Girl and The Bill An American Story of Mystery, Romance and Adventure
  • This area is an alcove, created by a gap in the center field bleachers, and in the alcove are the stairs that lead to the two clubhouses. WILLIE MAYS
  • There are two such blocks, one on top of the other, forming the vertical sides of the alcove, the next four blocks being offset about 13 cm toward the center to form the corbeled ceiling.
  • But she's not around any more, so commoners can check out her bathing machine and the alcove where she used to sit and sketch. Times, Sunday Times
  • The interior was pleasant and interesting: an historic village inn which had been well refurbished, with beams exposed on the ceiling, an open fire and lots of little rooms and alcoves.
  • There are nautical fabrics in the sitting room with its alcoved window seat, white sofas and wood-burning stove. Times, Sunday Times
  • A sunken lounge features Moroccan cushions and pouffes, while a dining alcove is covered in rich velvet drapes in red, orange and ochre.
  • The tables are mainly placed in alcoves and are large enough to seat large people with large appetites!
  • Or it could be the illusion of a recess in the wall, like the traditional statue in an alcove.
  • Alcoves - small recesses opening off a room or hallway - add character and extra functionality to a home.
  • Behind it were doors for exits and entrances and a curtained booth or alcove useful for actors to hide inside.
  • From the huge stainless steel wardrobe in his dressing alcove he takes the day's fresh white shirt, a charcoal pin-striped suit, and a burgundy silk tie.
  • Where the original stove would have been, she has created an inglenook fireplace with an oak surround and alcove storage.
  • Firmly secure the two uprights to opposite walls in the alcove and then slot the shelves in between them.
  • The figure cast a spell on Adrian, Beltrax, and Talia, teleporting them to an alcove within the dungeon.
  • Adjacent to the studiolo-within-a-studiolo is the third "curtained" alcove in the chamber, containing a positive organ made by Juhani Castellano, whose name is inscribed below its keys. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • This area has a neutral decor and includes a sash window to the front and a white marble fireplace which is flanked by deep alcoves.
  • In one corner the waitresses, in dainty caps and aprons, had put their heads together, and were eagerly whispering to one another whilst casting furtive looks at the small group assembled in front of one of those pretty alcoves, which, as you know, line the walls all round the big tea-room at Mathis '. Lady Molly of Scotland Yard
  • Just inside the northmost gate of Orgrimaar is an alcove in the canyons, dominated by a small lake and the reed-thatched huts of the trolls. MMOG Nation » World of Warcraft Beta Journal #9
  • They were nearly to the alcove, and she slowed to a creep as she now began moving the last few feet in an almost sideways gate, keeping her weight on her right leg.
  • In an alcove was a washbasin and a door that led to the outside storage area, mainly used for empty crates and bottles and for washing and peeling vegetables. The Summer of My Greek Tavérna
  • In the dining room there was a great teak overmantel and china cabinets were built into the alcoves.
  • Unsightly aluminum air ducts intrude into the cozy but cramped reading alcove.
  • Very slender and elegant precast concrete arches span the space to bear on buttresses so massive that they provide alcoves off the big central space, the social heart of the academic community.
  • They emerged into a large natural cavern that had been modified by adding cells and alcoves around the wall.
  • The room was lit by cylindrical skylights, each placed above an alcove of unplastered brickwork with recessed pointing.
  •  Her expression preoccupied as she pushed open the door and encountered the welcome warmth of the hotel foyer, Sophie didn’t immediately see Dominic, sitting in acosy alcove nearby drinking coffee and reading a newspaper. Mistress On Demand
  • Their food was boiling in a pan on the back burner of the gas-stove in the alcove by the pantry door.
  • Made from cherrywood, this chair, the last of five versions, was designed for a fireside alcove.
  • Just then, from the sleeping alcove, came the unmistakable sound of sneezes.
  • Or, if this may not be, because our Alma Mater is still too poor or too humble to offer to her returning children such banqueting-place, -- if there is no Wykcham or Waynflete or Wolsey to arch for us the high-embowed roof, let us place our memorial in the Library, along its shaded alcoves and above its broad portals. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 71, September, 1863
  • The organist was a slightish man, white-haired, who seemed to hover in the alcove, his back to the audience, wizardly in his very smallness, and he hit the thunder pedal just as a figure on the screen drew back cowering from some danger above, and laughter swept the auditorium. Underworld
  • Each wall in each alcove had detailed plants and flowers, each plant's leaf had carefully carved veins.
  • (Old Slave Block in St. Louis Hotel, New Orleans -- The name over the middle alcove is "M. Barnett", which was my birth name) REFLECTING
  • That conversation may have taken place at one of their favourite hideaways, an alcove off King's Park, Dalkeith, known locally as the China Gardens.
  • Halfway down the footway was a public v-phone alcove. Wild Dreams of Reality, 5
  • Her sigh, "How provoking!" reached the alcoved auditor. Choice Readings for the Home Circle
  • But then my eye caught a pair of heavy wool embroidered curtains drawn across an angled alcove. Very curious.
  • She stood in the alcove, watching him through the open kitchen door. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • I remember the alcoves round the walls, with glass chandeliers, like water fountains.
  • In the alcove hangs a kakemono of exquisite beauty, Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • We were in an alcove adjacent to one end, next to two ancient beldames who were tucking into a Gargantuan feast.
  • These were the figures most distinct to his imagination as he crept after supper into the library, and sat down at the alcoved window looking upon a side street. Choice Readings for the Home Circle
  • In the alcoves and rooms once assumed empty, rows and columns blinked their patient attention.
  • The apartment also has a home bar set into an alcove, complete with built-in cooler, beer taps and storage shelves.
  • There was a swirl of movement in the dimly lit alcove.
  • A sunken lounge features Moroccan cushions and pouffes, while a dining alcove is covered in rich velvet drapes in red, orange and ochre.
  • All along the extent of the corridor, in little alcoves, there are stalls of shops, kept principally by women, who, as you approach, are seen through the dusk offering for sale… multifarious trumpery.
  • The first pitch requires a 20 metre rope with a pull-back line, and is belayed in an alcove round to the right which is a little awkward to get into.
  • The wolf was cornered in the alcove and his attacker was closing in on his position.
  • There were also many alcoves built into the wall on top of one another.
  • For example, the tub is the largest object in our bathroom, but it is tucked into an alcove. Archive 2007-02-01
  • If you like the backlit Italian stained-glass alcove tucked away in the back, you'll love the loungey second-floor expansion coming this fall.
  • It fits into standard fireplace alcoves and runs on solid fuel.

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