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How To Use Alcoholic drink In A Sentence

  • Adjacent to the restaurant is a bar, which is well stocked with an assortment of alcoholic beverages and non-alcoholic drinks.
  • In their place you have to look at using low-joule cordials and soft drinks, plain mineral water and soda water, low fat milk and dry wines or spirits and even then limited to a maximum of two alcoholic drinks a day.
  • When should you have your last alcoholic drink? Times, Sunday Times
  • The state makes almost a quarter of each year's wine production into brandy and the aniseed-flavoured spirit raki (like arak) which, drunk with water, is the Turks' favoured alcoholic drink.
  • One example is a non-alcoholic drink, called Malta, which is now being successfully marketed in Asia and Africa.
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  • Excise duty revenue from alcoholic drinks is much less buoyant than total excise duty.
  • The villagers showed us how they collect lontar palm juice, and distill it into an alcoholic drink either fine or rough, sold cheaply in the market for local consumption.
  • Beer and rum, including a fairly raw variety known as aguardiente are the most popular alcoholic drinks, although urban elites prefer Scotch whisky.
  • DAMMAM: Customs officials seized 550 bottles of alcoholic drinks hidden in the inner layers of the wall of a container at a customs facility in the King Abdul Aziz Port in Dammam recently. required (email will never be displayed) Arabnews - frontpage
  • Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an acquired taste and are not in born.
  • By the way, we were talking about non-alcoholic drinks from the gas station.
  • Small cups of freshly made Turkish-style coffee are the national drink, as are ouzo - the aniseed-flavoured alcoholic drink - and retsina, the resinated wine, which are kept mostly for the evening and always accompanied by food.
  • I think it would also be nice for the Saint Vincent de Paul people to provide watering stations so the walkers could stop at chapels and be given cool, non-alcoholic drinks.
  • According to one of the three security officers at the warehouse, four masked men armed with a pistol entered the premises and forced them at gunpoint to gulp down a bottle of arrack, a strong alcoholic drink.
  • Some alcoholic drinks are an acquired taste and are not liked at first.
  • You'll also get full board and non-alcoholic drinks. Times, Sunday Times
  • alcoholic drinks
  • TWO rashers of bacon and three alcoholic drinks a day may increase the risk of stomach cancer. The Sun
  • No man was ever _born_ a drunkard; nor are we born with a natural taste or thirst for alcoholic drinks, any more than we are born with an appetite for aloes, assafoetida, or any other drug or medicine. Select Temperance Tracts
  • Alcoholic drinks such as vodka or kvass (made from rye) are customarily served during a formal meal.
  • It might well be called a Doberman in a jar; 'Black and Tan' is the name given to an alcoholic drink comprising of a 'mixture' of ale and stout, or sometimes lager and stout. Word Magazine - Comments
  • Beer and stout are also worse than other alcoholic drinks. The Sun
  • Fuel and non-alcoholic drinks are also cheaper. The Sun
  • However, fermentation sets in quickly; within a few hours, if left to itself, the sugar of the sap will be converted into carbonic acid and alcohol, and on the way to becoming vinegar or the alcoholic drink pulque.
  • Alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on your body.
  • You may not be aware that alcoholic drinks often contain additives and preservatives that won't help your situation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Per unit of alcohol, we tax strong cider much less than any other alcoholic drink. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carbonated alcoholic drinks, or spirits mixed with fizzy drinks can also affect how fast alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream.
  • Mezcal, or more usually (in English) mescal, is an alcoholic drink derived from various types of agave, as opposed to tequila which is, strictly speaking, made only from the blue agave. The Oaxaca Valley: a week's adventures in a single day...
  • Uric acid is a byproduct of the metabolism of purine, a protein found particularly in red meat and offal, game, seafood and alcoholic drinks (particularly beer, lager, port and red wine).
  • This means that excise duty revenue from alcoholic drinks is not buoyant.
  • I made a mixture of all the alcoholic drinks available and poured it into glasses. The Sun
  • Coffee is widely consumed; alcoholic drinks are forbidden to Muslims.
  • The British government taxes tobacco and alcoholic drinks heavily.
  • Alcoholic drinks, and the mixers used with them, often contain lots of sugar, increasing the risk of tooth decay.
  • They found more young people in mainland Europe were switching to non-alcoholic drinks as part of a drive for healthier lifestyles.
  • Bingo halls can also link games and offer unlimited winnings, while betting shops can offer food and non-alcoholic drinks.
  • Saturday night we went off to Alison's 30th, had a few non-alcoholic drinks, and left at about 11.
  • Per unit of alcohol, we tax strong cider much less than any other alcoholic drink. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trago does not strictly mean an alcoholic drink, although that connotation is very strong. Trago always alcohol?
  • Once we were done, we headed back into the club for some fun dancing and yummy non-alcoholic drinks.
  • It can also be soured into vinegar and fermented into an alcoholic drink.
  • Alcohol stimulates candida growth, so avoid wine, beer, hard alcoholic drinks, fermented apple cider and root beer.
  • A popular Greek drink is ouzo, a strong alcoholic drink flavored with anise.
  • Nonalcoholic drinks include Boylan's sodas, Honest Teas and Guayakí maté, a tealike beverage. 911
  • Sales of soft and alcoholic drinks are suffering as consumers facing rising cost of fuel and food cut back on trips to the pub. Times, Sunday Times
  • The British government taxes tobacco and alcoholic drinks heavily.
  • It now appears that daily consumption of one or two standard alcoholic drinks reduces the risk of heart disease.
  • Because there is no such thing as a single alcoholic drink. Times, Sunday Times
  • You also have to look at alcoholic drinks that are high in sugars like sweet wine, port, liqueurs and beer.
  • Once, a liqueur was generally accepted to be a sweet alcoholic drink, flavoured with fruit, herbs and spices and consumed as a digestif after a meal.
  • Because there is no such thing as a single alcoholic drink. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was once used to make or flavour an alcoholic drink. Times, Sunday Times
  • The restaurant allowed patrons who ordered a non-alcoholic drink to have one free refill per order, if they wished it.
  • How is the strength of alcoholic drinks measured?
  • Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an acquired taste and are not in born.
  • The restaurant allowed patrons who ordered a non-alcoholic drink to have one free refill per order, if they wished it.
  • Saturday night we went off to Alison's 30th, had a few non-alcoholic drinks, and left at about 11.
  • And it doesn't end there - you also have to look at alcoholic drinks that are high in sugars like sweet wine, port, liqueurs and beer.
  • The face-saving compromise now being pushed into the future of licensing reforms is to allow restaurants to offer the full range of alcoholic drinks as part of their service.
  • Some strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky are made by distilling.
  • The meal is served with akevitt (strong distilled alcoholic drink) and beer.
  • At the end of the school year in June there will be a special Mass of Commitment during which the children will have an opportunity to take a pledge to abstain from harmful drugs and alcoholic drink.
  • The roasted bola could also be left to ferment, yielding a mildly alcoholic drink known as mescal crudo.
  • But while recent research has highlighted the health-giving properties of wine and some other alcoholic drinks, the authors of the latest study sound a note of caution. Moderate Drinkers are Healthier than Teetotallers | Impact Lab
  • The market for non-alcoholic drinks in Asia is all about big names, big bucks and huge, thirsty populations.
  • When should you have your last alcoholic drink? Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, food costs in Saxony excluding alcoholic drinks were up 0.9% in April, or 4.9% from a year earlier, with particularly strong increases in prices for cooking fats, alcohol-free drinks and fruit. Inflation Edges Lower in German States
  • Within alcoholic drinks, excise duty revenue from spirits is declining, as its market share falls.
  • Free meals will still be provided in first class, and the airline will continue to offer free snacks and non-alcoholic drinks to all passengers.
  • The bar has a traditional bar counter where alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are served and an adjoining food servery selling typical pub food.
  • It was once used to make or flavour an alcoholic drink. Times, Sunday Times
  • We probably had the only non-alcoholic drinks in the whole place.
  • This research will be extended by examining 10- to 16-year olds' perceptions of advertisements for alcoholic drinks.
  • An alternative derivation is from the Apache word tezlingo which refers to a native plant, probably sotol, and the alcoholic drink made from it.
  • I think it would also be nice for the Saint Vincent de Paul people to provide watering stations so the walkers could stop at chapels and be given cool, non-alcoholic drinks.
  • In those days, pubs were places where people - mainly men - quaffed beer or other alcoholic drinks, socialized, and played games such as darts, dominoes, cribbage, and shove-halfpenny.
  • Alcoholic drinks bought in off licences are to be traceable as the Government bids to clampdown on underage drinking, and drunken, disorderly behaviour.
  • Professional tasters spend most of their time tasting alcoholic drinks, so it's pleasant to foray into the non-alcoholic sector.
  • This place charges for extras such as canned and alcoholic drinks, use of the satphone and the small daily diving fee for villagers.
  • But it contains less sugar and fewer calories than most other alcoholic drinks, including beer and wine. The Sun
  • It was once used to make or flavour an alcoholic drink. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alcari was a strong mixture of alcoholic drinks and distilled milk.
  • Beer and stout are also worse than other alcoholic drinks. The Sun
  • Hotel receptionists were informed not to deliver any alcoholic drinks, leave a mini-bar in his room, or order any taxis for him to escape to town.
  • For the non-alcoholic drinkers, he says, he is always ready with a rock shandy.
  • In Nahuatl the stuff was called octli which meant "alcoholic drink" but it is supposed that by a day or two later it was being called an excellent accompaniment to a housewarming bottle. the book about the words we use for our bodies Podictionary - for word lovers - dictionary etymology, trivia & history
  • Beer and stout are also worse than other alcoholic drinks. The Sun
  • After dancing for a while and then getting a few non-alcoholic drinks, they sat down on a towel right underneath the boardwalk.
  • We probably had the only non-alcoholic drinks in the whole place.
  • So she avoided him and went off in search of a non-alcoholic drink.
  • It has nothing to do with misty glens, fiery alcoholic drinks, or skirling pipe music.
  • Of course, he was drinking ginger ale, despite the jeering he had received at the bar when he ordered the non-alcoholic drink.
  • Police seized 20,945 litres of alcoholic drinks 44,265 pints from underage drinkers during a February half term clamp down on public drinking, Home Office Minister Vernon Coaker announced today. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Creoles enjoy alcoholic drinks such as beer, gin, and palm wine.
  • Once we were done, we headed back into the club for some fun dancing and yummy non-alcoholic drinks.
  • Certain religions may prohibit particular types of food, alcoholic drink or restrict dress.
  • After dancing for a while and then getting a few non-alcoholic drinks, they sat down on a towel right underneath the boardwalk.
  • Some alcoholic drinks, namely port, brandy and plonk are loaded with additives known as congeners that have their own role to play in the thick head and general foulness a big night out can induce.
  • Adjacent to the restaurant is a bar, which is well stocked with an assortment of alcoholic beverages and non-alcoholic drinks.
  • Sitting on a stool, she held onto her non-alcoholic drink with one hand and tapped her fingers on the counter of the bar with the other.
  • Small cups of freshly made Turkish-style coffee are the national drink, as are ouzo - the aniseed-flavoured alcoholic drink - and retsina, the resinated wine, which are kept mostly for the evening and always accompanied by food.
  • Basically, after having no alcoholic drink supplies for the previous week, it was no wonder we were all quite merry on that occasion.
  • But it contains less sugar and fewer calories than most other alcoholic drinks, including beer and wine. The Sun
  • ROBERTS: Just as is -- a point of reference, a slivovitz is a very powerful alcoholic drink that's popular in the Balkans. CNN Transcript Feb 16, 2007
  • Of course, he was drinking ginger ale, despite the jeering he had received at the bar when he ordered the non-alcoholic drink.
  • When should you have your last alcoholic drink? Times, Sunday Times
  • They found more young people in mainland Europe were switching to non-alcoholic drinks as part of a drive for healthier lifestyles.
  • Certain religions may prohibit particular types of food, alcoholic drink or restrict dress. Law Local laws may ban particular activities.
  • But it contains less sugar and fewer calories than most other alcoholic drinks, including beer and wine. The Sun
  • I suspect that tomorrow there will be a rush on it, as people flock to the shops to try this new alcoholic drink.
  • They can be easily slipped into your drink - if it is an alcoholic drink, the effect is more potent.
  • Bingo halls can also link games and offer unlimited winnings, while betting shops can offer food and non-alcoholic drinks.
  • Alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on your body.
  • Pubs and nightclubs which accepted dud euro banknotes from youths aged between 15 and 17 in return for alcoholic drinks could be prosecuted for serving young people.
  • Tipping is discouraged and all alcoholic drinks are part of the deal, including a fine selection of wines for lunch and dinner.
  • Non-alcoholic drinks I like are almost any type of fruit juice (I never got to drink much of this last year, and I got such cravings for it, it was incredible), coke, coffee, anything chocolatey, egg-nog, and iced coffee.
  • So she avoided him and went off in search of a non-alcoholic drink.
  • The strength of an alcoholic drink is indicated by the percentage of alcohol by volume.
  • TWO rashers of bacon and three alcoholic drinks a day may increase the risk of stomach cancer. The Sun
  • Labels on acetaminophen painkillers recommend consulting a doctor if a person has had more than three alcoholic drinks, he said.
  • The market for non-alcoholic drinks in Asia is all about big names, big bucks and huge, thirsty populations.
  • I knew of no virtues except truthfulness, obedience, self-sacrifice, total abstinence from alcoholic drinks ....
  • A popular Greek drink is ouzo, a strong alcoholic drink flavored with anise.
  • Sitting on a stool, she held onto her non-alcoholic drink with one hand and tapped her fingers on the counter of the bar with the other.
  • Many alcoholic drinks can be made to be relatively guilt-free. Times, Sunday Times
  • The making of beer, black bread, and the alcoholic drink kvass were traditionally linked in Russia.
  • Those of appropriate age ordered a variety of alcoholic drinks such as daiquiris and margaritas, and the rest of us, underage, settled on virgin margaritas or sodas.
  • Another alcoholic drink, also made from grapes, is called pisco.
  • Many alcoholic drinks can be made to be relatively guilt-free. Times, Sunday Times
  • Advertising campaigns and promotions for alcoholic drinks which target young people are also under review.
  • This happens when alcohol is added to a non-alcoholic drink, or when an alcoholic drink has shots of spirits added without the person requesting it.
  • Honey was used to make a sweet alcoholic drink called mead, which was usually flavoured with some form of herb such as meadowsweet.
  • Should the alcoholic drinking age be increased or decreased?
  • Tha same happens in Mexico -- they get non-alcoholic drinks and the guy pays double. Monterrey Help Please
  • Limit yourself to just three alcoholic drinks a night. The Sun
  • Well the good news is that red wine is not the only alcoholic drink that may protect against heart disease.
  • These three staples, potato, quinoa, and maize, have all been used to make alcoholic drinks of varying potency.
  • The bar has a traditional bar counter where alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are served and an adjoining food servery selling typical pub food.
  • Alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on your body.
  • Free meals will still be provided in first class, and the airline will continue to offer free snacks and non-alcoholic drinks to all passengers.
  • Sales of soft and alcoholic drinks are suffering as consumers facing rising cost of fuel and food cut back on trips to the pub. Times, Sunday Times
  • Certain religions may prohibit particular types of food, alcoholic drink or restrict dress.
  • The British government taxes tobacco and alcoholic drinks heavily.
  • One example is a non-alcoholic drink, called Malta, which is now being successfully marketed in Asia and Africa.
  • They don't seem to have any problem providing the same for the purchase of alcoholic drinks. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have to make the food and non-alcoholic drinks last for 21 meals. The Sun
  • By the way, we were talking about non-alcoholic drinks from the gas station.
  • Some strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky are made by distilling.
  • But it contains less sugar and fewer calories than most other alcoholic drinks, including beer and wine. The Sun
  • They don't seem to have any problem providing the same for the purchase of alcoholic drinks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Milk Punch ---- an a1coholic drink made by mixing milk with strong alcoholic drinks.

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