
  1. elk or moose

How To Use Alces In A Sentence

  • Alternatively, go to Malcesine in northern Italy, where you can save over €200 per couple in four-star accommodation.
  • Orcus enim, quando gladio totondisset Alcestidis capillos, eam diis manibus sacram dicaverat, quod diserte ‛ ηγνισαι appellat noster, vide 75 -- 77. The Tragedies of Euripides, Volume I.
  • shirtfront" to Swan Nick Malceski's head early in the first quarter at ANZ Stadium. | Top Stories
  • King Admetus, who will stop at nothing to marry Alcestis, does just this with the help of the god Apollo. 2010 May « The BookBanter Blog
  • It is constructed on a conventional model, and its thematic material is drawn from the music of the opera; but, like the prelude to Wagner's lyric comedy, "Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg," it presents the contents of the play in the form of what many years after its composition came to be called a symphonic poem, and illustrates the ideal which was in Gluck's mind when, in the preface to "Alceste," he said, "I imagined that the overture ought to prepare the audience for the action of the piece, and serve as a kind of argument to it. A Book of Operas Their Histories, Their Plots, and Their Music
  • Several terrestrial species – especially caribou, reindeer, muskox, and moose (Alces alces) – are extremely important in local economies. Indigenous peoples, animals, and climate in the Arctic
  • From here regular hydrofoils and ferries connect to Garda, Malcesine and Riva, so getting about is never a problem.
  • Freedom and money, money and freedom, was Balcescu's continuing enigmatic preachment. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • BOOK: Bit beyond the unbearable circumscription of Alcestis's life, yes. In Conclusion, I Hate You All
  • -- In spite of my unwillingness to imply any possible belief of mine that the preceding unrhymed narratives can enter into competition with the elaborate poems of the author of "The Earthly Paradise," yet the similarity of subjects, and the imputation of plagiarism already made in private circles, induce me to remark that "Admetus" was completed before the publication of the "Love of Alcestis," and The Poems of Emma Lazarus, Volume 1
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