
How To Use Alca In A Sentence

  • Viewed from Machu Picchu, the constellation we call the Southern Cross, which was also known and of some importance to the Inca, rises on east and sets on west of Salcantay, and at its highest point is directly above the mountain. Exploring the Inca Heartland: The Mountain Gods
  • Reuersus in Angliam, ac visis sui seculi malis, vir pius dicebat, nostris temporibus iam verius quàm olim dici potest, virtus cessat, Ecclesia calcatur, The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • The researchers were therefore surprised to discover that foraminiferan tests sampled from the Challenger Deep contained calcareous components, including the dissolved remnants of coccoliths, the calcium carbonate plates of tiny algae called coccolithophores, and planktonic foraminiferan test fragments. Innovations-report
  • The section consists of calcareous shale with intercalated sparse limestone beds, dolomitic shales, and some dolostone beds.
  • Some calcareous veins contain epidote, titanite and apatite.
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  • PALCA: But like scuba diving, there are certain inherent risks and they want to get you acquainted with those. Space Tourism: To Infinity And ... Right Back To Earth
  • A dazzling light was spread through the air, along the whitish hills strewed with cylindric cactuses, and over a sea ever calm, the shores of which were peopled with alcatras, * (* A brown pelican, of the size of a swan. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 1
  • More than 200 people gathered outside his home on the outskirts of Bolton as a steam-powered cavalcade flanked by police motorcycle outriders escorted him on his final journey.
  • Coordinate and support Alcatel APAC for media and IA perspective.
  • In some instances the protruding parts assume large proportions, but always, because of the relationship between the fibular tarsal bone (calcaneum) and the tendon sheath, the larger protrusion is situated mesially. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Concept demos of LTE applications: connected car, e-health, crowdcasting, mobile e-commerce, geolocation ... www. Drag to Playlist - Articles related to Aricent Signaling Software Platform to Power Interphase High-Density SS7 Cards
  • In patients with retrocalcaneal bursitis, the retrocalcaneal bursa should be completely excised.
  • In these patients, we have reinserted the Achilles tendon in the calcaneus with two to five bone anchors, depending on the amount of tendon disinserted.
  • Bruttia Sicanium circumspicit ora Pelorum? quid primum mediumue canam, quo fine quiescam? auratasne trabis an Mauros undique postis35 an picturata lucentia marmora uena mirer, an emissas per cuncta cubilia nymphas? huc oculis, huc mente trahor. uenerabile dicam lucorum senium? te, quae uada fluminis infra cernis, an ad siluas quae respicis, aula, tacentis, 40 qua tibi tuta quies offensaque turbine nullo nox silet et pigros inuitant murmura somnos? an quae graminea suscepta crepidine fumant balnea et impositum riuis algentibus ignem? quaque uaporiferis iunctus fornacibus amnis45 ridet anhelantis uicino flumine nymphas? uidi artis ueterumque manus uariisque metalla uiua modis. labor est auri memorare figuras aut ebur aut dignas digitis contingere gemmas; quicquid et argento primum uel in aere minori50 lusit et enormis manus est experta colossos. dum uagor aspectu uisusque per omnia duco, calcabam necopinus opes. nam splendor ab alto defluus et nitidum referentes aera testae monstrauere solum; uarias ubi picta per artis55 gaudet humus superatque nouis asarota figuris: expauere gradus. A Villa at Tibur
  • The black and white woman above Arnie is Buscema inked by Alcalá. The New Header...Up Close and Personal!
  • The paper will also attend to some critical implications of the meter's movement, and will end by pointing to successors of Auden - poets like John Hollander and Marilyn Hacker - who followed his example and took up the alcaic meter in their own verses.
  • The living cell possesses a gelatinous sheath in which are embedded calcareous plates termed coccoliths.
  • _Pussy willow, Glaucous willow_ 40, 41, 171 falcata, Pursh _Black willow_ 42 fragilis, L. _Crack willow, Brittle willow_ 43-45 nigra, Marsh. Handbook of the Trees of New England
  • Symptoms of iron chlorosis, observed as yellow striping on corn leaves, may occur on highly calcareous or saline-sodic soils with pH levels above 7.8.
  • On landing, the army hailed him as the true victor of Oran, a wave of acclamations following him as he advanced to the alcazar, where the keys of the fortress were put into his hands. Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality - Volume VII
  • The road leading from Dalcastle towards the north-east, as all the country knows, goes along a dark bank of brush-wood called the Bogle-heuch. The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
  • For here was a trailing line of jog-trotting dusky shapes, some crouching on dwarf ponies half their size, some trailing lances, lodge-poles, rifles, women and children after them, all moving with a monotonous rhythmic motion as marked as the military precision of the other cavalcade, and always on a parallel line with it. Tales of Trail and Town
  • The message in this Note is that reported values of exchangeable calcium for calcareous or gypsiferous soils are usually incorrect.
  • I looked up through the smoke of my cigarette and my eye lodged for a moment upon the burning coals, and that old fancy of the crimson flag flapping from the castle tower came into my mind, and I thought of the cavalcade of red knights riding up the side of the black rock. Monday or Tuesday
  • Later, he was taught to turn English verse into alcaics and sapphics in Horatian style, as well as imitating Virgil, Ovid and the Greek tragedians.
  • Aerated solution of alcali should be taken internally, and balsam of copaiva, three or four times a day. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Jest like a criminal he skipped, an 'aimed to defalcate Rhymes of a Rolling Stone
  • The tortuously narrow Lolo Trail, blocked by crags, trees and undergrowth, was quickly traversed by Joseph's uncomplaining cavalcade.
  • According to the Speccie he knows the difference ‘between a tribrach and a molossus, a sapphic and an alcaic’.
  • Most of the hour is a cavalcade of stars showing up live, via remote or pre-tape, to wish King a happy seventieth.
  • Patients with plantar fasciitis present with heel pain, but on examination the anteromedial aspect of the heel at the origin of the plantar fascia on the calcaneus will be more tender than the central area.
  • Beyond them came the beauty of the Hoxworth lane: to the left and north stood an unbroken line of croton bushes imported by Whip from Guadalcanal in the Solomons, and of all that grew on his plantations, these were his favorites, these low sparkling bushes whose iridescent green and red and purple and gold and blue leaves were a constant source of wonder; but to the right ran a long row of hibiscus trees, low shrublike plants that produced a dozen varieties of fragile, crepelike flowers, each with its own dazzling color; Hawaii
  • At this locality, the two stricklandioid species occur mainly in yellowish green, thin-bedded, calcareous mudstone, associated with other brachiopods and rugose corals.
  • What struck me as odd was that they had their apertures sealed with a hard calcareous epiphragm as opposed to a membranous one observed in eastern U.S. snails that normally don't experience long dry periods. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Rs 13 crores have been defalcated in just one year from one place.
  • It has dealt with, for example, shop trading hours in Kelly's Case, with the deduction of union dues in Alcan, with union badges in Archer's Case, and so forth.
  • And these prodigious slabs of gneiss now lay amidst schistous marl and calcareous rock. Wanderings by southern waters, eastern Aquitaine
  • The fund consists of annual member assessments, money collected by subrogation from the defalcating lawyers and interest on the invested monies.
  • The presence of calcaneal bone spurs on plain radiographs has no value in making or excluding the diagnosis of plantar fasciitis.
  • The most common variety of Portland cement is a mixture of calcimined calcareous and argillaceous materials, forming a complex composition consisting of tri-calcium illuminate, tetra-calcium alumna ferrite, decaliun sillicate and tetra calcium ortho-silicate.
  • A common injury in young players is Sever disease, or technically, calcaneal apophysitis, which is attributable, at least in part, to playing on hard fields with cleats that don't have enough heel and arch support. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • The tarsal tunnel, which is located on the medial aspect of the posterior heel, is bounded by the flexor retinaculum and the medial surfaces of the talus and calcaneus.
  • A U.K. Catholic news site, picked up word from Vaticanistas that the pope has "arthrosis". News
  • The next day this account was confirmed; for, at seven in the morning, an alcaide came and ordered all our people out to work, excepting the sick. Thrilling Narratives of Mutiny, Murder and Piracy A weird series of tales of shipwreck and disaster, from the earliest part of the century to the present time, with accounts of providential escapes and heart-rending fatalities.
  • In a terse statement on the subject, Alcatel said the redundancies were part of its cost management initiatives.
  • Hardy travelers can join the next cavalcade on a 15-day journey carrying goods deep into the Thar Desert.
  • Conclution High frequency ultrasound may be the first choice to diagnose trauma of tendo calcaneus.
  • There aren't many intact alcaic stanzas, but it is an important one [(Horace used in in his Odes [e.g.,])] and you should be familiar with it.
  • In situ development of a satyrid butterfly on calcareous grassland exposed to elevated carbon dioxide. New Content on CO2 Science
  • They represent all abundant phyla in the collections, except calcareous nannoplankton.
  • B. Aleccain Tubalcain with out-state of Otto Attis 'greit' Spieling … Wis/o support [Help] Most Recent Posts
  • I've biked up mountains from Seattle to Italy, I've swum across the Straits of Mackinac and from Alcatraz to San Francisco, I'm running the Boston Marathon in just a few weeks, and that's just a little of it. The 'Riffs Interview: 'FRAZZ' creator Jef Mallett on art, childhood -- and inspiration at the 10-year mark
  • These annual conventions of IA unions from the Western states are a cavalcade of speeches, workshops, and general bonhommie where union members and officers mingle for 48 hours and strategize about how to put more money into the hands of working stiffs in these difficult economic times. District Twooo
  • The alcalde was the politician, knowing the affairs of the world and speaking familiarly of the King and the Queen and the 1492
  • The committee members accused the top officials of the respective ministries and recommended that show-cause notice should be issued against the director general of the Directorate of Livestock for his failure to take punitive measures against the defalcators.
  • The early morning found the Wonder laying close-hauled along the coast of Guadalcanar. A SON OF THE SUN
  • An abundance of shells of the helix tribe (Helix bulimus) was found on the top and sides of the hill; and a calcareous substance was observed protruding from the ground in every part, as noticed both by Vancouver and Flinders; * the former also found it on the bare sandy summit of Bald Head, and supposed it to be coral, a circumstance from which he inferred that the level of the ocean must have sunk. Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
  • The capital of the Solomon Islands, on the northwest coast of Guadalcanal. Population, ', 25.
  • Anchor suture devices were used to fix each tendon end to the talus or to the calcaneus at the original insertion of the ligaments.
  • At worst, it seemed to be a species of con game - a conviction bolstered by the steadily rising number of frauds, defalcations and market manipulations.
  • The great change in the calcarous nannoplankton fossils between the Maestrichtian and Danian. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The Achilles tendon spans two joints and connects the calcaneus to the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, comprising the largest and strongest muscle complex in the calf.
  • In this series of operations, we used suture anchor devices to fix the free ends of the split patellar tendon to the talus and the calcaneus.
  • However in Chile we raised around $50,000 and focused resources on building a small youth center in Talca. Cameron Sinclair: Japan Quake: When To Start Rebuilding
  • The cuneus is a wedge-shaped area between the calcarine fissure and the medial part of the parietoöccipital fissure. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • He was a skinny teenager in camo pants and a helmet, striking a pose with a machine gun, and a similar photo of another young guy: on the back it said "Woody Herald - killed on Guadalcanal.
  • On hearing from the alcaide the cause of the affray, he acted with becoming dignity, ordering the guards from the room and directing that the renegade should be severely punished for daring to infringe the hospitality of the palace and insult an embassador. Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality - Volume VII
  • These become citizens and settle in the alcaiceria [silk-market] of this city. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 07 of 55 1588-1591 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • Leibman plays the alcalde (mayor) of a small Mexican town, and he’s ruthless beyond belief.
  • PALCA: So a louse with a healthy endosymbiont and access to your blood is a happy louse. Mapping Louse DNA Could Help Fight The Parasite
  • A report was spread that an alcayde was going to land, and that he was in pursuit of the murderers of my lord, the inquisitor. Candide
  • This "Stimulus" Bill will defalcate the economy and defecate upon the people. Latest Articles
  • The whole then became consolidated by the percolation of calcareous matter; and the cylindrical cavities left by the decaying of the wood, were thus also filled up with a hard pseudo-stalactical stone. Chapter XIX
  • Thus, if the soil be too wet, it may be drained; if too loose and sandy, it may be rendered more consistent and retentive of water by the addition of clay or loam; it may be enriched by chalk, or any kind of calcareous earth. Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • II i 217-18 'uatibus addere _calcar_/ut studio maiore petant Helicona uirentem'. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Idle such as vinegar, can soften the spirit of the calcareous; diligent like alcohol, can burn the flame of wisdom.
  • These were petrified trees, eleven being silicified, and from thirty to forty converted into coarsely-crystallised white calcareous spar. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • His lifelong political enemy called him "the great incendiary" and a "master of the puppets", deplored his "obstinacy and inflexible disposition", and also accused him of "defalcation" a quaint expression for embezzlement. Dove's Eye View:
  • When other groups of muscles are affected at the same time, compound deformities, such as pes calcaneo-valgus, are more likely to result. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Now let your worships turn your eyes to that tower that appears there, which is supposed to be one of the towers of the alcazar of Saragossa, now called the now called the Aljaferia; that lady who appears on that balcony dressed in Moorish fashion is the peerless Melisendra, for many a time she used to gaze from thence upon the road to France, and seek consolation in her captivity by thinking of Paris and her husband. Don Quixote
  • Typically, fens with pH values above 6.0 are associated with calcareous groundwater.
  • The emeralds are found in black calcareous shales interbedded with limestones of Cretaceous age.
  • Les relations biogéographiques des Alpes avec les chaines calcaires périphériques, Apennin, Dinarides. Italian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests
  • Similarly, the same official had defalcated Rs 18,000 during July and August 1998.
  • The lowest range above Djidda is calcareous; but its rocks soon change into gneiss, and a species of granite, with schorl in the place of feldspath, accompanied by predominant masses of quartz, and some mica. Travels in Arabia
  • He employed the classical elegiacs and alcaics with ease, and was equally at home with trochaic and iambic lines.
  • The shell is very long and narrow, falcate, fibrous, and distinctly exhibiting the small septa as they occur in the genus Caprina.
  • But that's about it, problem-wise, as the novel opens – so Harry should really be bracing himself, hands over head and head between knees, because he should know by now that the rest of this novel is going to present him with relationship breakdowns, tug-of-love battles for his children, lots of reasons to lament "the lousy modern world" (©T Parsons) and at least one fatalcancer. Men from the Boys by Tony Parsons
  • With Nortel and Alcatel-Lucent (a ALU) having retreated from the WiMAX market, one wonders: Who is going to win [...] Our Readers Take on the LTE v. WiMAX Debate
  • By its third season, Gilmore Girls had moved from a breakout success on a still emerging network to a staple program on the Warner Brothers schedule, featuring a cavalcade of young stars.
  • Venezuela holds the Western Hemisphere's largest oil reserves, so high prices "allowed Chávez to talk tough," said Milos Alcalay, former ambassador to the United Nations under Chávez before resigning in 2004 in protest over what he called abuses of democracy. NYT > Global Home
  • Here we start from Mérida, where the Roman-Moorish 'alcazar' towers proudly yet. Life in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond
  • Dolomitic drift and meltwater deposits are characteristic and overlie limestone, calcareous shale, and dolomitic mudstone. Ecoregions of Indiana and Ohio (EPA)
  • On the medial side of the foot from behind forward may be felt the _medial process (internal tuberosity) _ of the calcaneus; the _sustentaculum tali_, which lies about 1 inch vertically below the tip of the malleolus; the _tubercle of the navicular_, about 1 inch in front of the malleolus, and at a slightly lower level; the _first (internal) cuneiform_, and the base, shaft, and head of the _first metatarsal_. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Gold Ridge was a productive gold mine until the ethnic tension on Guadalcanal forced the owners to close in 1999.
  • Alcatel-Lucent commercial solution no tag/no bar code no embedded sotware pure 3G solution contact: stephane. - Articles related to Aricent Signaling Software Platform to Power Interphase High-Density SS7 Cards
  • We watched the intro, which is a great, colourful and enticing cavalcade of various scenarios: people dancing, doing yoga, necking and so on.
  • This eminence is concave above, and articulates with the middle calcaneal articular surface of the talus; below, it is grooved for the tendon of the Flexor hallucis longus; its anterior margin gives attachment to the plantar calcaneonavicular ligament, and its medial, to a part of the deltoid ligament of the ankle-joint. II. Osteology. 6d. The Foot. 1. The Tarsus
  • a sea ever calm, the shores of which were peopled with alcatras, * egrets, and flamingoes. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Multimedia Martin Bernetti/AFP/Getty Images Fishing boats hurled landward by the tsunami sat in downtown Talcahuano Monday. Chile Seeks International Aid
  • Scientology public affairs director for Scotland, Gordon Reid, said: The purpose of the cavalcade is to provide help to people. Protest against Scientology cult recruitment on Edinburgh streets
  • I hope you're having fun and have not had any mishaps with the local defalcators!
  • The second specimen sustained a comminuted vertical sustentaculum tali fracture of the calcaneus involving the posterior and middle facets.
  • Forest composition varies somewhat from island to island within the Seychelles, but common tree species include: Phoenicophorium borsigianum, Albizzia falcata, Pterocarpus indicus, Adenanthera pavonina, Morinda citrifolia, Phyllanthus casticum, Pisonia grandis, and introduced coconut palms. Granitic Seychelles forests
  • In some cases the two heads of gastrocnemius may be unjoined until their insertion onto the calcaneus and with separation from soleus.
  • Sadly, fraud - be it simple defalcation or cybercrime - is endemic in business and no company is exempt. Times, Sunday Times
  • PALCA: The X-ray pictures of the particular block copolymer Bates was studying - and in case you're interested, it was a mix of poly isoprene and poly lactide and poly styrene, poly isoprene and poly ethylene oxide anyway, those X-ray pictures suggested something unusual was going on. Molecular Mimicry: Plastic, Steel Line Up Like Kin
  • The plasterers were hindered; the painters misunderstood orders; the paperers have defalcated, and the universe generally comes to a pause. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 57, July, 1862
  • There was to be celebrated the high mass, that known as the dalmatic, like the one of the day before, about which the worthy correspondent wrote, only that now the officiating priest was to be Padre Salvi, and that the alcalde of the province, with many other Spaniards and persons of note, was to attend it in order to hear Padre Damaso, who enjoyed a great reputation in the province. The Social Cancer
  • No sooner were the arrests of Egmont and Horn known in Madrid, than Montigny was deprived of his liberty, and closely confined in the alcazar of The Rise of the Dutch Republic — Complete (1555-84)
  • Idle such as vinegar, can soften the spirit of the calcareous; diligent like alcohol, can burn the flame of wisdom.
  • But does your foolish old hen suppose that this entire cavalcade, which is bound on an important adventure, is going to stand still while she lays her egg?" enquired the Tin Woodman, earnestly. Ozma of Oz
  • A longitudinal incision was made midway between the lateral border of the Achilles tendon and the superolateral crest of the calcaneus, with a slight anterior curve.
  • El caudillo de esta Iglesia, que no se averguenza de prohibir y hacer que se prohiba, por donde quiera alcanza su ferula, la palabra de Dios, debiera saber cuando menos, se atesorase el espiritu de Cristo, que mejor empleara sus bulas barriendo la Iglesia Letters of George Borrow to the British and Foreign Bible Society
  • Depois de uma hora parado no final da auto-estrada, esta manhã, consegui destruir um par de calças com uma malfadada tinta acrílica azul, daquelas que um simples pingo agoira o fim de qualquer peça de roupa. Pausa
  • Left-handed, and was the daughter of his loyal adherent, the alcayde of Malaga, who sheltered him in his city when driven from the throne. The Alhambra
  • The shape of the dorsal fin is variable ranging from low and stubby with a broad base to high and falcate (curved).
  • To serve as the chief executive officer of the municipality the _ayuntamiento_ regularly elects from its own number an _alcalde_, or mayor, although in the larger towns appointment of the mayor is reserved to the crown. The Governments of Europe
  • The foot can be divided into three anatomic regions: the hindfoot or rearfoot (talus and calcaneus); the midfoot (navicular bone, cuboid bone, and three cuneiform bones); and the forefoot (metatarsals and phalanges).
  • Unfortunately, we found whole families buried in the rubble," said Alejandro Boettiger, a firefighter from the southern city of Talca. Chile Seeks International Aid
  • constitutional variation in function, as well as in structure, can give rise to what he termed 'chemical malformations' -- alcaptonuria, cystinuria, pentosuria, etc. ArchivesBlogs
  • A digital audio player walks tourists through exhibit spaces such as Alcatraz, the Empire State Building, and the Tower of London.
  • Moorish alcayde and her lover, when closely pursued, threw themselves in despair. The Alhambra
  • It tells the story of a 1946 escape attempt from that most infamous of prisons, Alcatraz.
  • In the morning, as I was chatting with him at the door of my cabin, his eyes flashed on seeing two persons on the slope of the mountain, the alcaid of Cullera and his principal alguazil, who were coming to pay me a visit. Biographies of Distinguished Scientific Men
  • After the metatarsals, the calcaneus is the most common location in the foot for a stress fracture.
  • Just begging to be used as a hero's name :- The "Wester" element looks recognisably Old English, but the "falcon" or "falca" bit looks to me like it could derive from Latin 'falco', which is where we get the modern English 'falcon' but via Middle English and Old French. Aelle of Deira
  • Hic est enim qui ipsorum animos mentesque firmavit, qui in ipsis illuminator rerum divinarum fuit; quo confirmati, pro nomine Domini nec carceres nec vincula timuerunt: quin imo ipsas seculi potestates et tormenta calcaverunt, armati jam scilicet per ipsum atque firmati, habentes in se dona quae hic idem Spiritus ecclesiae Pneumatologia
  • Hearty home-style meals begin with specialties like mofongo (balls of mashed plantains mixed with garlic and bits of crushed pork crackling), alcapurrias (fritters made from a puree of plantains and yautia, a starchy white root related to taro, and stuffed with ground beef), and pionono (sweet plantain fritters stuffed with ground beef). Chicago Reader
  • A été tué au combat le caporal Martin Dubé du 5e Régiment de génie de combat basé à la Base des Forces canadiennes Valcartier près de Québec. God Bless Cpl. Martin Dube - Sunday, June 14th 2009
  • During egg-laying, birds increase consumption of calcareous grit to obtain sufficient calcium for eggshell formation.
  • On November 14, 1908, a very ill Jack London, having left the Snark in Guadalcanal, arrived in Sydney, Australia for medical treatment. Introduction to Jack London's Australian Newspaper Articles: Dan Wichlan Collection
  • Yet even now the usual cavalcade of naysayers, spoilsports, and harbingers of doom are mustering their forces to oppose this latest face of the technological revolution that is rapidly reshaping society.
  • Cast enough doubt on enough results and the legitimacy of every elected officeholder dissolves like the calcareous shells of so much phytoplankton doused in nitric and sulfuric acid.
  • The soil is calcareous, has a franc-sandy texture and moderate salinity (8000 m cm - 2 electrical conductivity at the surface).
  • But the government school monopolists and Democrats want you to believe that protecting waste, incompetence and defalcation is for the children! Sound Politics: Eliminating accountability ... for the children!
  • Many times golf course tees and greens are constructed with materials such as calcareous sands that might require special testing.
  • Fire caught, at one o'clock at night on March 13, in the Parián or alcaiceria of the Chinese, where more than twelve thousand Chinese live, outside the walls of this city of Manila. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 22 of 55 1625-29 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing t
  • Calcareous nannoplankton, although stimulated toward diversification, was obviously less efficient in calcification.
  • On the face of it, leading a multinational force of peacekeepers to Guadalcanal should be a relatively uncontroversial exercise.
  • Thus the granulations of new flesh to repair the injuries of wounds are visible to the eye; as well as the callous matter, which cements broken bones; the calcareous matter, which repairs injured snail-shells; and the threads, which are formed by silk-worms and spiders; which are all secreted in a softer state, and harden by exsiccation, or by the contact of the air, or by absorption of their more fluid parts. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • If calcaneal, sole grows a callosity to let you have bitter taste, first elaborate clip becomes warped the dry skin that come out.
  • Now the vast collection of cars reversed itself and the traffic jam back to the Bali Hai was even more tedious [731] than the earlier one, but when the cavalcade finally reached there and disappointed men filed into the Dagger Bar, a phone call awaited Dr. Mott: "Can you please come over to the press room at the Hilton? Space
  • In contrast, other areas that are also receiving acid precipitation, but have limestone and calcareous sandstone, contain lakes whose pH values are essentially unaffected by acid precipitation.
  • Acute neonatal hypocalcaemia results in tetany and convulsions, usually at 5 to 14 days of age.
  • And whensoeuer any of our subiects hath any thing to do with any of the foresaid merchants by way of contentions: or that they be damnified or hindered by any of our subiects: then we appoint and ordeine our Chanceller and Secretary Vasili Shalcan to heare their causes, and finally to determine on both sides according to equitie and iustice: and that he shall search the trueth betweene both parties. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • These prairies, like the Black Belt, have rich soils derived from calcareous bedrock.
  • Unlike the fusulinides, lagenides survived both the end-Guadalupian and end-Permian mass extinctions to become dominant elements of the Mesozoic calcareous benthic microfauna.
  • The plantar ligament (calcaneo-cuboid) is a strong flat band which is attached to the plantar surface of the fibular and fourth tarsal bones Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • The most obvious of these is the long calcaneal heel or calcaneal tuber, which projects proximo-ventrally from the proximal end of the calcaneum.
  • Cycles are common, with deeper water bioclastic limestones at their base, followed by shallow marine oolitic limestones and lagoonal calcareous mudstones, with palaeokarstic horizons representing emergence at their top.
  • More info at www. Drag to Playlist - Articles related to Aricent Signaling Software Platform to Power Interphase High-Density SS7 Cards
  • The mudstones are dark and contain calcareous concretions, the latter brecciated and with calcareous veins.
  • The plantar fascia is a thickened fibrous aponeurosis that originates from the medial tubercle of the calcaneus and runs forward to form the longitudinal foot arch.
  • On highly calcareous soils it is likely to turn chlorotic. 6. Best-Known Species
  • My granddad was a veteran who had served as a Colonel in Guadalcanal; he was three years gone in the Pacific theater. CNN Transcript Oct 9, 2008
  • It was monodic, and was composed in a variety of lyric metres in two or four-line stanzas, including the alcaic stanza, named after him.
  • Calcareous soils are freely drained soils containing free calcium carbonate within the profile.
  • Or perhaps it refers to a curved knife for harvesting grapes (parra = cultivated grapevine) or doubtfully caper (alcaparra). Machetes y guaparras
  • A particularly fine example of the use Ovid makes of differing levels of diction is found at 35-38: excitat auditor studium, laudataque uirtus crescit, et immensum gloria calcar habet. hic mea cui recitem nisi flauis scripta Corallis, quasque alias gentes barbarus Hister obit? The Last Poems of Ovid
  • It had been years since Big Al had been pinched for tax evasion, shipped off to Alcatraz, and reduced to a syphilitic mess.
  • The alcalde is a great observer," remarked Fray Sibyla in a meaning tone. The Social Cancer
  • As with other peridinioid dinoflagellates, calcareous dinoflagellate cysts most likely all have an archeopyle restricted to the epicyst.
  • Paleoenvironmental interpretation of the overlying interbedded calcareous shales and thin molluscan limestones is beyond the scope of this report.
  • What are the revenues of the alcaide of Gibraltar?" he asked of two Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality - Volume VII
  • Retrocalcaneal bursitis is a distinct entity hallmarked by pain that is anterior to the Achilles tendon and just superior to its insertion on the os calcis.
  • The collar of the stem could reduce bone loss at the calcar region.
  • The exposed foundations of the eastern and western walls, where the torrent has washed away the northern enceinte, show that, after the fashion of ancient Egypt, sandstone slabs have been laid underground, the calcaire being reserved for the hypaethral part. The Land of Midian
  • Double gates opened automatically and the cavalcade moved inside the perimeter.
  • The sum is claimed to be just under a million dollars and the method of the alleged defalcation was simple.
  • One would have thought the natural method in a plan of reformation would be, to take the present existing estimates as they stand; and then to show what may be practicably and safely defalcated from them. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 01 (of 12)
  • For purposes of analysis, stress injuries to bone were grouped into one of the following categories: femur, tibia, fibula, navicular bone, calcaneus, and forefoot (metatarsal bones and phalanx).
  • Martin Bernetti/AFP/Getty Images Fishing boats hurled landward by the tsunami sat in downtown Talcahuano Monday. Chile Looks for Survivors
  • Of flint or silex, lime or calcareous earth, and clay or argil, in various degrees of combination, the greatest parts of the mountains and plains, and the whole of what we commonly understand by soil, mould, earth, &c. are composed. A Catechism of Familiar Things; Their History, and the Events Which Led to Their Discovery. With a Short Explanation of Some of the Principal Natural Phenomena. For the Use of Schools and Families. Enlarged and Revised Edition.
  • ANAD: Dacă şi proba B va fi pozitivă, Mutu a încălcat "clar" regulamentul antidoping Mediafax
  • Otros señalan que el político se puso blanco, pero alcanzó a decir que la bandera "se había santificado" al ser el símbolo de las tropas republicanas durante la invasión francesa de 1862. ��Verde? ��Blanco? ��Rojo?
  • Community service was firmly out of the question, and he was sent to the slammer for 10 years, eventually being transferred to Alcatraz.
  • A muscle closely related to flexor hallucis longus is fibulotarsalis, which arises from the fibula and inserts, via the sustentaculum, to the underside of calcaneus and the navicular bones.
  • But I will come again, bringing hither a host of Argive troops, spearmen clad in bronze; for countless warriors are awaiting my return, and king Eurystheus in person at their head; anxiously he waits the issue here on the borders of Alcathous 'realm. The Heracleidae
  • Bassett's name had been linked to that of Miles, the erring treasurer, in the "Advertiser's" headlines; and its leading editorial had pointed to the defalcation as the sort of thing that inevitably follows the domination of a party by a spoilsman and corruptionist like the senator from Fraser. A Hoosier Chronicle
  • Upon the 18th March, 1570, the Duke addressed a requisitory letter to the alcaldes, corregidors, and other judges of Castile, empowering them to carry the sentence into execution. The Rise of the Dutch Republic — Complete (1555-84)
  • Zone 5 is characterized by deep-shelf, pro-deltaic, and shelf edge settings below storm wave base and generally lacking benthic calcareous algae.
  • Similarly, some terricolous mosses are confined to calcareous soils in polluted areas, but are more widespread in non-polluted areas.
  • On the 17th of January, 1838, the United States treasurer reported to Congress sixty-three defalcators, in all to the amount of upwards of a million of dollars, without touching the vast amounts lost in the local banks, - a mere beginning of the end.
  • They may be calcareous sponges, cyanobacteria, or stromatolites.
  • Seeking Don Juan, they found him playing chess with the alcaide of the palace, and the renegade at once began to comment on the Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality - Volume VII
  • If Alcatel had new direction, why was it still boasting of a manufacturing "trimaran" in telecoms, trains and nuclear power? Buying American
  • His last movie was about a guy busting out of Alcatraz.
  • Therefore, following the convention used by Rewcastle, the immobile, unified lacertilian crus-astragalocalcaneum will be referred to here as simply the crus.
  • With them Horace not only introduced the various Sapphic, Alcaic and Asclepiadic lines to Latin but he set the carmine/ode and lyric agenda for the ages to come.
  • Scientific Definition of " Defalcation Without Return " and " Defalcation Turning to Embezzlement
  • Calcareous nannoplankton is proven to react significantly to changes in environmental conditions, such as surface water temperature, nutrient availability and/or salinity.
  • There is an association of retrocalcaneal bursitis with rheumatoid arthritis seen in up to 10% of patients with this disease.
  • While Diego's father and others fret and fume about the new alcalde, Diego feigns disinterest.
  • —The calcaneus is the largest of the tarsal bones. II. Osteology. 6d. The Foot. 1. The Tarsus
  • The area has non-calcareous, brown loamy clayey soils, developed from calcareous marl.
  • Born in the Italian city of Bari, raised in Vigo in the Spanish region of Galicia and currently thriving at FC Barcelona, Thiago Alcantara certainly has as an interesting background.
  • The calcareous algae, stromatoporoids, tabulate corals, and rugose corals became conspicuous reef-builders throughout the tropical seas.
  • At certain levels, carbonate-rich beds are present, inside which decimetre-scale hard calcareous concretions develop.
  • Serious adverse reactions include hypocalcaemia (low calcium levels in the blood), serious infections, including infections of the skin, and dermatologic reactions such as dermatitis, rashes, and eczema.

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