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How To Use Albumen In A Sentence

  • This is the same as the wheat gum and is called an albuminoid because it contains nitrogen and is like albumen, a substance like the white of an egg. The First Book of Farming
  • The albumen zone form with SDS-PAGE electrophoresis were similar in the whole virus vaccines and split-2 vaccine while the albumen zone of the split-1 vaccine could not be seen in 32KD right-and-left.
  • It could be the albumen gland or the ovotestis or a part of the digestive gland. Archive 2009-06-01
  • (glycogenic function of the liver, the consumption of glycogen through work of the muscles, the discovery of vascular nerves, the chemistry of the bile and the urine, theory of diabetes mellitus, assimiliation of sugar, atrophy of the pancreas, the power of the pancreatic juice to digest albumen, and the theory of animal heat). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • CHEF'S SECRET Don't season the eggs before you cook them, because salt breaks down the albumen in the egg white and thins the mixture, giving a less satisfactory result
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  • The substance in meat called albumen becomes tougher and more indigestible, the higher the temperature to which it is subjected reaches beyond a certain point. The Story of Crisco
  • Protein was determined by the method of Bradford using bovine serum albumen as the standard protein.
  • Our data also indicate that, as in other birds, the amino acid composition of protein in the yolk and albumen of Thick-billed Murre eggs is generally similar.
  • albumenized" paper is sold most extensively to photographers, who find it cheaper to buy than to prepare it. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 69, July, 1863
  • Between august 20 and 29, participants will be assured to, by means of workshops, practice historical analog processes such as daguerreotype, cianotype, vandyke, albumen prints, saltprints and pinhole. Photography Blog - News
  • Whether, therefore, the sample contains a certain proportion of nitrogen, or whether it contains albumen, fibrine, and caseine in sufficient quantity, it may still want the very condition which is essential to the manufacture of good bread. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Loss of albumen and proteins, either from uncontrolled glomerular filtration, or from ineffective reabsorption, prevents establishment of normal capillary osmotic pressure.
  • Since I wrote to you last, I have tried a solution of twelve grains only of nitrate of silver to the ounce of distilled water, for the paper albumenized, as mentioned in my letter of the 13th of February, and have found it to answer perfectly. Notes and Queries, Number 227, March 4, 1854 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • The eggs are misshapen, rough-shelled, and contain watery albumen.
  • Some saccharine substances, a little fat, but mostly albumen and vegetable caseine, that is to say, the substance which predominates in their lacteal secretions. Scientific American Supplement, No. 392, July 7, 1883
  • The negative charge repels plasma proteins, including albumen, so they are not filtered but remain in the blood.
  • Suppose such deposits, composed of albumen and fibrin, prepared in the liver should be deposited in the lining membranes of veins leading to the heart, and by some other chemical action this accumulated mass should come loose from the veins, would we not expect what is commonly called clots enter the heart, and shut off the arteries, supplying the lungs, stop the further circulation of blood and cause instantaneous death called heart failure, apoplexy and so on? Philosophy of Osteopathy
  • Its alcoholic solution dyes silk green, and also woollen and cotton when mordanted with albumen. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • Premier League win against Arsenal in aeons and an astonishing demolition job on Chelsea later and those of us who confidently predicted Tottenham's end-of-season collapse have been left picking eggshell, albumen and vitellus from our gormless, slack-jawed faces. The Guardian World News
  • Kistler later prepared aerogels from many other materials, including alumina, tungsten oxide, ferric oxide, tin oxide, nickel tartarate, cellulose, cellulose nitrate, gelatin, agar, egg albumen, and rubber.
  • Add salt and a little lemon juice and the albumen will trap the air as you whisk, doubling in volume.
  • This "albumenized" paper the youth lays gently and skilfully upon the surface of a solution of nitrate of silver. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 69, July, 1863
  • The so-called wet-plate process employed by Watkins involved a collodion emulsion holding light-sensitive silver salts, which was applied to the large glass plate for exposure for a minute or more before drying, then developed and printed on albumenized paper. His Best Shot
  • In particular, loss of water from albumen through boiling, and from albumen and yolk through freezing, will cause protein and lipid to be concentrated in the sample that remains.
  • But whatever may be the variations in the mere quantity of urine voided under the influence of alcohol, the alterations in quality pretty uniformly show an increase in the products of imperfect internal metamorphosis or oxidation, such as uric acid, oxalates, casts, leucocytes, albumen and potassium, with less of the normal products, as urea and salts of sodium. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • The Victorians were agog to read William Mattieu Williams's Chemistry of Food, which went through four editions covering things like albumen, gelatine, casein and the cookery of vegetables.
  • The "ghee," or clarified butter, made the rice more nutritious, and the "dholl," or peas, contained both albumen and starch, which would of themselves alone support life. Prisoners Their Own Warders A Record of the Convict Prison at Singapore in the Straits Settlements Established 1825
  • The longer the albumen spends at these temperatures, the stronger the sulfury aroma. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Similarly, patients with low serum albumen due to any cause will have a higher unbound drug fraction.
  • Among these may be mentioned -- Alder Wright's method of using an ammoniacal salt, the acid radicle of which neutralises the caustic alkali, ammonia being liberated; the use of sodium and potassium bibasic phosphate (Eng.Pat. 25,357, 1899); a substance formed by treating albumen with formalin The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • Now when protoplasm had been discovered as the "physical basis of life," and, when it was further conceived that this substance is a proteid related to albumens, it was inevitable that a theory should arise which found the explanation of life in accordance with simple chemical laws. The Story of the Living Machine A Review of the Conclusions of Modern Biology in Regard to the Mechanism Which Controls the Phenomena of Living Activity
  • As a rule, the fistula is dilated by a tent of alder-pith, mandragora, briony or gentian, the lining membrane destroyed by an ointment of quick-lime or even the actual cautery, and the wound then dressed with egg-albumen followed by the _unguentum viride_. Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
  • In the adjacency of copulatory bursa is albumen gland and mucous gland, which secretes protein and mucus respectively and surround eggs.
  • The proteins move at different speeds; albumen fastest, then alpha 1, alpha 2, beta and then gamma.
  • Add cautiously dilute acetic acid until there is a copious, granular-looking precipitate of the chief proteid of milk (caseinogen), formerly regarded as a derived albumen. A Practical Physiology
  • Normal urine is free from coagulable proteids, though it is admitted that albumen may sometimes occur in the absence of disease. Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887
  • To the fourth stage he assigns the planæa, corresponding to the embryonic development of an albumen and the planula or ciliated {48} larva. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • a non-coagulable form of albumen known as syntonin is formed, besides increasing the likelihood of precipitating mucin. Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887
  • In regard to the soluble nitrogenous matter usually called albumen, from its resemblance to the animal substance of the same name, I have to remark that in my trials the proportion has been found to be considerably less than that often given in tables of the composition of wheat. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • _Nota quod quamvis Rogerius dicat quod apponatur albumen ovi, non approbo, quia frigidum est naturaliter, et vena et nervus et arteria frigida sunt naturaliter, et propter frigiditatem utrorumque non potest perfecte fieri consolidatio. Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
  • Successful toning has generally been the difficulty with such paper, the alkaline baths commonly in use with albumenized having proved unsuitable for toning this paper. Scientific American Supplement, No. 586, March 26, 1887
  • Participants will be encouraged to practice historical analogue processes such as daguerreotype, cianotype, vandyke, albumen prints, saltprints and pinhole photography. Photography Blog - News
  • The first thick layer of albumen protein is twisted by spiraling grooves in the oviduct wall to form the chalazae from the Greek for “small lump,” “hailstone”, two dense, slightly elastic cords which anchor the yolk to the ends of the shell and allow it to rotate while suspending it in the middle of the egg. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • When it is discharged into the duodenum, it changes the fats into so fine an emulsion (chyle) that the microscopically fine drops of fat may be drawn into the orifices of the lymph canals and conveyed to the circulatory system, and the cleavage products of albumen produced by gastric digestion, the peptones (leucin and tyrosin) are carried along with them for the renewal of tissue cells consumed in respiration. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • During a 20 hour passage down the oviduct, the egg becomes surrounded by albumen (egg white), the shell membranes, and the shell.
  • It appears, moreover, to be impossible to overtone the citro-chloro emulsion paper with it in the sense that it is possible to overtone prints on albumenized paper with the ordinary alkaline bath. Scientific American Supplement, No. 586, March 26, 1887
  • This conclusion has lately been beautifully confirmed by a distinguished physiologist (Denis), who has succeeded in converting fibrine into albumen, that is, in giving it the solubility, and coagulability by heat, which characterise the white of egg. Familiar Letters on Chemistry
  • The juice of a euphorbiaceous plant (Sapium aucuparium), which also yields caoutchouc, is so glutinous that it is used to catch parrots.] [* The substance which falls down in grumous and filamentous clots is not pure caoutchouc, but perhaps a mixture of this substance with caseum and albumen. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Upon the cranium and over the flaps of the scalp, as well as in their angles, the ordinary dressing of albumen is to be applied, covered by a pledget of lint and a suitable bandage. Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
  • Aerogels can be made out of many different substances, including silicon dioxide (also called silica), carbon and even egg albumen, though silica aerogels are among the most common. The Science of Super Thin, Ultra Warm
  • In addition, amino-acid makeup of protein in albumen and yolk of young females' eggs was similar to that in early laid eggs.
  • box " still stick gave albumen of this farinaceous collagen to dissolve the appearance in water, it is better to tell everybody this product and yoghurt drink flavour together.
  • Albumen of egg, one drachm; rhigolene, four ounces; oil of peppermint, two ounces; colodion and chloroform, each one ounce. Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
  • In a period of time varying from a few seconds to a quarter of an hour, according to the amount of albumen present, a delicate opalescent zone forms at the point of junction, and if mucin also is present, a more diffused haze higher up in the urine. Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887
  • The egg yolk is suspended in the egg white known more formally as albumen or ovalbumin by one or two spiral bands of tissue called the chalazae. What's the Internet Really Like in Space? | Universe Today
  • When the whites congeal, just spoon some water over the yellow yolks and the albumen will turn white, and you have your runny eggs.
  • Bichloride of mercury (corrosive sublimate) is the material employed in the kyanization of timber, the probable mode of action being its combination with the albumen of the wood, to form an insoluble compound not susceptible of spontaneous decomposition, and therefore incapable of exciting fermentation. Forty Centuries of Ink
  • By the application of heat, or the addition of a few drops of nitric acid, the albumen, which is invariably present in Bright's disease of the kidneys, is coagulated. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • Antisera R526 was raised in rabbit to synthetic human gastrin fragment 1-17 of G34, coupled to chicken egg albumen using glutaraldehyde.
  • The so-called wet-plate process employed by Watkins involved a collodion emulsion holding light-sensitive silver salts, which was applied to the large glass plate for exposure for a minute or more before drying, then developed and printed on albumenized paper. His Best Shot
  • The study of food science advanced during the 19th century with the discovery of proteins, then known as albumen, in fluid extracted from meat.
  • Antisera R526 was raised in rabbit to synthetic human gastrin fragment 1-17 of G34, coupled to chicken egg albumen using glutaraldehyde.
  • The yolk with is attached embryo is suspended in the center of the egg shell by thick spiral fibers of the albumen called chalazae. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The bones contribute albumen and collagen which convert to gelatine and give a good stew its gravitas.
  • He found that the melanotic matter was composed almost entirely of albumen, while the black pulmonary matter found in the bronchial glands contains a great quantity of carbon and hydrogen, and also that these colouring matters have other distinguishing characters. An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
  • This would indicate that an unusually large proportion of the toned image consists of gold, and this idea is confirmed by the fact that to tone a sheet of gelatino-chloro-citrate paper requires several times as much gold as to tone a sheet of albumenized paper. Scientific American Supplement, No. 586, March 26, 1887
  • Water dissolves at first a portion of the osmazome; then the albumen coagulates at 50 degrees Reaumur, and forms the foam we see. The physiology of taste; or Transcendental gastronomy. Illustrated by anecdotes of distinguished artists and statesmen of both continents by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. Translated from the last Paris edition by Fayette Robinson.
  • The suite of maternal proteins in the crude albumen creates complex banding patterns, with high probability of differences between females.
  • Albumen, gluten, fibrin, syntonin, are closely allied substances known as proteids, and each is composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Assimilative Memory or, How to Attend and Never Forget
  • When the whites congeal, just spoon some water over the yellow yolks and the albumen will turn white, and you have your runny eggs.
  • The albumen contains much of the water and protein that the developing chick will need.
  • Some saccharine substances, a little fat, but mostly albumen and vegetable caseine, that is to say, the substance which predominates in their lacteal secretions. Scientific American Supplement, No. 392, July 7, 1883
  • Protein-secreting cells in the oviduct lining add a thickening layer to its membrane, and then coat it with about half the final volume of the egg white, or albumen from the Latin albus, meaning “white”. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Results:Casticin inhibited significantly xylene - induced mouse ear edema, egg albumen - induced rat paw edema and acetic acid - induced mouse vascular permeability.
  • Take a quantity of albumen [egg white] and mix thoroughly with the soot.
  • All the waste products end up here and are made into fertilizer, gelatin, albumen, glue, etc.
  • The proteins move at different speeds; albumen fastest, then alpha 1, alpha 2, beta and then gamma.
  • The proteids, frequently spoken of as the nitrogenous foods, are rich in one or more of the following organic substances: albumen, casein, fibrin, gelatine, myosin, gluten, and legumin. A Practical Physiology
  • The egg yolk is suspended in the egg white known more formally as albumen or ovalbumin by one or two spiral bands of tissue called the chalazae. What's the Internet Really Like in Space? | Universe Today
  • From the _Photographic News_ we take the following: The use of paper coated with a gelatino-citro-chloride emulsion in place of albumenized paper appears to be becoming daily more common. Scientific American Supplement, No. 586, March 26, 1887
  • Then, with this two-edged sword of disaster, the urea, which becomes a poisonous element, and should be removed, is retained in the system, while the albumen, which is essential to healthy blood, is filtered away through the diseased kidney. A Practical Physiology
  • He began by making both the negatives and the albumen-coated prints but soon turned the latter task over to professional printers.
  • Antisera R526 was raised in rabbit to synthetic human gastrin fragment 1-17 of G34, coupled to chicken egg albumen using glutaraldehyde.
  • -- The same Captain of Engineers has undertaken a series of very interesting experiments on the sensitiveness to light of one or two substances to which bitumen probably owes its sensitiveness, but which, contrary to what takes place with bitumen, are capable of rendering very beautiful half tones, both on polished zinc and on albumenized paper. Scientific American Supplement, No. 286, June 25, 1881
  • The eggs laid by the nitrogenous fed hens were of small size, having a disagreeable flavor and smell, watery albumen, an especially small, dark colored yolk, with a tender vitelline membrane, which turned black after being kept several weeks. Scientific American Supplement, No. 795, March 28, 1891
  • The principal constituent of protein food is albumen.
  • The seed of Pinus contains an embryo, with the cotyledons clearly defined, embedded in albumen, which is protected by a bony testa with an external membranous spermoderm, produced, in most species, into an effective wing. The Genus Pinus
  • The same ancestor - Latin albus, alba, album - has issue in several English scions: alb, albedo, albescent, albumen, etc. ELVER AND ALBUM.
  • ‘Harvest Scene’ in the exhibition, being from an albumen negative lent me by Mr. Ross, the well-known Edinburgh photographer, is an example, the salt of the sesquioxide of uranium being in this case the hydrofluate, and the time of exposure from the strength of the albumen negative fully an hour of good sunshine. Photographic Reproduction Processes
  • The chief products were acetic acid, acetate salts, mineral acids, albumen, pharmaceuticals, and other chemicals.
  • These blood protein isolates tend to be more expensive than basic protein products, but they are comparably priced to egg albumen proteins.
  • Under the action of light the bichromate employed to sensitize the albumen is reduced into chromic oxide which render insoluble this organic substance — or any other, such as caseine, gelatine, gum arabic, etc.; therefore whenever the film is not acted on in its whole thickness, the subjacent part being still soluble, is necessary washed off and with it the superficial impressed part, that is, the image. Photographic Reproduction Processes
  • Some of these dissolved albumen, gluten, and caseine, and some transformed starch into sugar. Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
  • Sometimes it is morphine or the narcotic principle, that characterises the vegetable milk, as in some papaverous plants; sometimes it is caoutchouc, as in the hevea and the castilloa; sometimes albumen and caseum, as in the cow-tree. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • It is more sensitive when applied on cotton or paper than on wool, silk, linen, and such organic compounds as gelatine, albumen, caseine, starch, etc. Its sensitiveness is about one-tenth less with gelatine than with cotton. Photographic Reproduction Processes
  • Crab braised in rice wine in a sauce thickened with more albumen tasted as though it had been cooked in sea water.
  • The chief products were acetic acid, acetate salts, mineral acids, albumen, pharmaceuticals, and other chemicals.
  • In addition, the amino acid composition of protein in the yolk and albumen of six young females' eggs was similar to that in early laid eggs.
  • Main ingredients: lavender, Vitamin B 5, hydrolyze wheat albumen and ceratine protein.
  • While the eggs of the carbonaceous fed hens were large, of fine flavor, of natural smell, large normal albumen, an especially large, rich yellow yolk, with strong vitelline membrane, which was perfectly preserved after being kept for weeks in the same brine with the other eggs. Scientific American Supplement, No. 795, March 28, 1891
  • They're hard and lumbering and they look down on the "paleface," the creatures of albumen that once roamed the galaxy. Scusteister: Stanislaw Lem and the Singularity: Cyberiad
  • I send you two small collodion views, takes by me and printed on albumenized paper prepared as mentioned, and excited with a Notes and Queries, Number 227, March 4, 1854 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • This albumen, which is also the chief component of the white of eggs, possesses the peculiarity of coagulating or hardening at a certain temperature, like the white of a boiled egg, into a soft, white fluid, no longer soluble, or capable of being dissolved in water. The Book of Household Management

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