How To Use Albinism In A Sentence

  • I have collected of cross-bred animals closely resembling one parent, the resemblances seem chiefly confined to characters almost monstrous in their nature, and which have suddenly appeared -- such as albinism, melanism, deficiency of tail or horns, or additional fingers and toes; and do not relate to characters which have been slowly acquired by selection. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. (2nd edition)
  • For example, all mutations that take place in humans result in physical deformities, in infirmities such as mongolism, Down syndrome, albinism, dwarfism , cancer, etc. Dr Michael Egnor challenges evolution! - The Panda's Thumb
  • Albinism is only one of several different genetic conditions that can affect pigmentation. The Sun
  • Albinism is rare, with an incidence rate of one in 17,000. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some disorders or conditions, such as albinism and sickle cell disease, are passed on from the parents to the children. Chapter 7
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  • Mendelizing characters which assume multiple allelomorphic conditions. 2 Pearson has steadfastly refused to admit that albinism in man is a Mendelizing character, because it may assume various forms ranging from colorless to quite heavily pigmented conditions (blondes). The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • Several non-infectious diseases including the leaf red spot, gummosis , herbicide in jury, typhoon damage and genetic albinism and an unidentified leaf crinkle disease are also described.
  • Albinism affects around one in 17,000 people from all ethnic backgrounds. The Sun
  • Looking to the cases which I have collected of cross-bred animals closely resembling one parent, the resemblances seem chiefly confined to characters almost monstrous in their nature, and which have suddenly appeared -- such as albinism, melanism, deficiency of tail or horns, or additional fingers and toes; and do not relate to characters which have been slowly acquired by selection. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
  • These include albinism, xeroderma pigmentosa, Bazex's syndrome, and the naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (Gorlin's syndrome).
  • Pure albinism is caused by a shortage of melanin pigment. Times, Sunday Times
  • A white coat does not imply albinism provided nose, mouth and eyelids are black.
  • Absence of the gametic factor or factors for pigmentation results in albinism, and no amount of exposure to light produces pigmentation in albinos, _e. g. Hormones and Heredity
  • We now find that albinism in guinea-pigs shows an even greater range of variation,3 yet there can be no doubt of its fundamental unity as a Mendelian character, each grade of which is allelomorphic to every other grade and to normal pigmentation. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • Albinism affects the production of melanin, which gives pigmentation in animals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Albinism does occur in some populations, but there are no published records of melanism (black fur) in lions.
  • They came from a different family but also both had albinism. The Sun
  • Looking to the cases which I have collected of cross-bred animals closely resembling one parent, the resemblances seem chiefly confined to characters almost monstrous in their nature, and which have suddenly appeared — such as albinism, melanism, deficiency of tail or horns, or additional fingers and toes; and do not relate to characters which have been slowly acquired by selection. On the Origin of Species~ Chapter 08 (historical)
  • But in some parts of the world, such as central Africa, mutations that result in albinism (or a significant depigmentation) of a baby can provoke fear and superstition and sometimes even infanticide.
  • Her 24-year-old brother also has albinism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Connolly will be on Friday's edition of ABC News '"20/20" as part of a story on the mistreatment by some East African nations of people with albinism, meaning that they lack pigment in their hair, eyes and skin. Connolly featured in 20/20 report on albinism
  • It's his condition as a silverskin, not his albinism, that forces Elric to rely on drugs, sorcery, and souls to maintain his strength. Elric: The Stealer of Souls
  • As albinism is of genetic origin, genetic counselling should be available to teenagers.
  • Across the world, around one person in 20,000 suffers from albinism. The Sun
  • Neither erythrism nor melanism seems to occur in eastern birds, but cases of nearly, or quite, perfect albinism have been reported.
  • People with albinism can suffer from a range of vision problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Albinism is caused when the pigmentation of feathers is missing. The Sun
  • As albinism is of genetic origin, genetic counselling should be available to teenagers.
  • They have pink eyes and the albinism is caused by a melanin deficiency. New Office Dilemma
  • Partial albinism, necessarily congenital, presenting a piebald appearance, must not be confounded with leukoderma, which is rarely seen in the young and which will be described later. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • It is usually assumed that albinism would be detrimental for a wild snake, but documented instances of albinism in natricines, and other colubrids, make this unclear.
  • Looking to the cases which I have collected of cross-bred animals closely resembling one parent, the resemblances seem chiefly confined to characters almost monstrous in their nature, and which have suddenly appeared—such as albinism, melanism, deficiency of tail or horns, or additional fingers and toes; and do not relate to characters which have been slowly acquired through selection. IX. Hybridism. Hybrids and Mongrels Compared, Independently of Their Fertility
  • A white coat does not imply albinism provided nose, mouth and eyelids are black.
  • Besides, knocking out a pigment production pathway in a certain tissue is almost the most trivial mutational change I can imagine this is all it takes in albinism, which is caused by blocks anywhere in a series of proteins that produce the relevant pigments. A new (mis)take on an old paper - The Panda's Thumb
  • The dolphin's "stunningly pink" color is the result of albinism, which is indicated by its red eyes as well as its pink skin. Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

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