

  1. becoming or shading into white

How To Use albescent In A Sentence

  • It chiefly differs in the croup being blue instead of snow-white; but as Mr. Blyth informs me, the tint varies, being sometimes albescent. The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.
  • Ricky's grin of recognition revealed a healthy complement of gleaming white dentition, all the more albescent in contrast to his swarthy visage.
  • Saturday's rain sluiced away the week's snowfall, which the balance of an albescent Sunday replaced.
  • There the true gods led him to the subterranean pool where eyeless, albescent fish swam around the clutch of huge eggs, as hard as the finest armor, left there countless centuries past. Conan The Magnificent
  • When this white albescent strip is missing on either a brown or blue then it is a Smoky.
  • The mechanism of this albescent phenomenon was discussed, and regarded that the mutation of temperature sensitive mutant is probably mutually controlled by the nuclear gene and nuclear cytoplasm.
  • Jerdon's description is "entire head iron-grey; orbits and base of ears deep orange fulvous; whole body above, with parachute and tail, a mixture of blackish and golden yellow; limbs deep orange ochreous; margin of parachute albescent; beneath the neck whitish; rest of the lower parts pale orange-red; tip of tail black; ears nearly nude; tail sub-distichous. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Interestingly, another member of the H. ventricosa family, H. ventricosa ` Aureomarginata ’, has an edge that is albescent.
  • -- Above ashy blue, slaty or pale mouse colour; albescent or yellowish ashy beneath; nasal appendage large, oblong, free at the tip, reaching to the base of the ears with a fold down the centre; tragus (_oreillon_) cordate, two-lobed, anterior long, narrow and pointed, posterior lobe half the height and rounded; muzzle truncated; under-lip cleft; wing membranes dark brown. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Their breath hung in the air, their words made visible in albescent puffs, as connected as an island chain. The Miko
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