
How To Use Albert In A Sentence

  • By ethical conduct toward all creatures, we enter into a spiritual relationship with the universe. Albert Schweitzer 
  • Red Deer Catholic schools are publicly funded schools within the province of Alberta.
  • During 1901-02, a shop was built on what became Part Three of Lot 245, which was leased to fruiterer Albert Blencoe.
  • Could you PLEASE send me the fonts to albert. [email protected]?? BPL and Coca-Cola league letterset/font
  • I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. Albert Einstein 
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  • And pipeful after pipeful, Prince Albert proves it has the flavor most favored in the U.S.A. Quote out of context — for Amanda | clusterflock
  • The most striking but by no means the only instances are the hole cut in a page of his novel Albert Angelo and the presentation, in The Unfortunates, of a box containing a bundle of unbound gatherings to be read in random order.
  • Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. Albert Einstein 
  • It appears one of the (ahem) podium girls (aka fluffers) is measuring Alberto's johnson (or juan-hijo) and reporting the result as "five". The Schlock of the New: Dirty Salutes, Bold Claims, and Loud Prints
  • He smoked Prince Albert tobacco in cigarettes he rolled himself.
  • The actress let out a scream as she tobogganed down a hill at the ski resort of Banff in Alberta, Canada.
  • They were first painted as gouaches and then printed in 1948 in the studio of Albert Carman, City Island, New York.
  • Alberto usually expressed his appreciation for their interest and declared that he had everything under control.
  • I was working the swing shift when Albert White said he knew a guy that was going to start a newspaper business.
  • If I had unlimited resources, I would use the Albert Hall for some way-out Stockhausen sonic experiment.
  • We have one every three minutes or so, whereas Albert Square is lucky to see one a year.
  • My - dear - Count!" says I, astonished, and everyone stopped talking; the Queen looked pop-eyed, and even Albert left off prosing to the noble corpse beside him. Fiancée
  • Caffey's Alberta is less a full-fledged personality than an archetype.
  • Striking too are Leon Victor Solon's 1896 porcelain plaque Resting and the metal and alabaster three tulips lamps by Albert Cheuret.
  • 'Premio Malaparte' from Alberto Moravia in Capri, Italy, Nadine Gordimer and the South African Experience
  • The U.S. imposed the ban on all Canadian ruminant products and by-products in May, following the discovery of a case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or mad cow disease, on a farm in Alberta.
  • Albert steps forward and swings the book in a roundhouse.
  • Albertus Magnus [Alberto Magno] "To Albertus Magnus, because he investigated the natural phenomena in emulation of Aristotle, in immense volumes, as a most holy concern for posterity Federico set this up for one who deserved it well. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • These birds summer in Alberta Canada and winter at the Aransas Wildlife Refuge in Texas.
  • In 1851, George Hemshall received the Prince Albert Medal for weaving a seamless linen shirt.
  • Classical music, 14-18sNational Youth Orchestra, conducted by Semyon Bychkov, at the Royal Albert Hall, London, on 7 August by Sasha Millwood, 18The magical and mysterious quality imbued to the Dukas never came at the expense of the clarity of the virtuosic lines. Guardian young arts critic competition: 2010 winning entries
  • It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. Albert Einstein 
  • Near the lake named for him in central Alberta, not far from the homestead where he raised his nine children, a stone cairn will honour his extraordinary life.
  • In Mthatha, there will be a youth football tournament, a "heroes marathon" and a seminar to celebrate not only Mandela's 90th birthday but that of another African National Congress veteran Albertina Sisulu as well. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The orchestra is to perform its last ever concert/last concert ever tomorrow night at the Albert Hall.
  • However, the bi-polar Albert Square resident is in for a fright when she feels a "twinge" in her tummy and worries she is losing the baby. - Celebrity Gossip + Lifestyle Magazine
  • The Zmutt Ridge was climbed by the famous English alpinist Albert Frederick Mummery in 1879.
  • The fact of the matter is, Albert, I have devoted my unfortunate life to two arts: the military and the potatory. Greener Than You Think
  • Problems for students caused by differences in grading scales used at post-secondary education institutions around Alberta may finally have a remedy.
  • C. Kay Song and Tim Bartness of Georgia State, along with Gary J. Schwartz of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, found that during the process of burning fat - called lipolysis Science Blog - Science news straight from the source
  • Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein 
  • The feat, proposed by Albert Einstein and Satyendra Nath Bose in 1925, could help shrink the size of electronic devices.
  • Albert proudly opened the front door and Betty and I walked into a large, light hallway.
  • The authors of the report appropriately place primary blame for the breakdown in professionalism on former attorney general Alberto R. Gonzales, who showed a breathtaking disengagement from the process of disposing of nine presidential appointees. Underplayed Stories of the Day - Swampland -
  • In fact, Albert Einstein, the very poster boy of intellectualism, intensely disliked school.
  • He came as a bumptious outsider to the Alberta Tories but soon elbowed his way to the top, winning the leadership as a rookie MP.
  • Politics is more difficult than physics. Albert Einstein 
  • He was in Prince Albert's 11 th Hussars, and cut quite a dash on horseback in his crimson trousers, braided tunic, tassels and plumes.
  • Hitler also worked with his favorite architect, Albert Speer, on a complete redesign of Berlin that included an immense domed “Great Hall” connected by a three-mile-long avenue to the chancellery. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Alberti was also occupied by the dialectic of the vita activa – vita contemplativa. 33 Through his own treatise on the subject, De commodis literarum atque incommodis,34 and a study of the Florentine family, Della famiglia,35 Alberti deeply influenced a younger generation of powerful and wealthy soldier-scholars, including Leonello d'Este and Federico, who negotiated their turbulent political climate as much by tactical eloquence as by militaristic valor. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein 
  • Everyone can dance the reels and such, but I know Miss Alberta loves to waltz.
  • But turning labour into a political force to be reckoned with in Alberta is a tall order, which McGowan clearly outlined in his paper.
  • The rest was divvied up between 22,000 Alberta producers, who received an average payment of about $18,000 each.
  • He chose the architect Bernardo Rossellino, who applied the principles of his mentor, Leon Battista Alberti.
  • A number of oil sketches from nature in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, reveal his powers of lively observation.
  • Albert Rudin was a chronic grumbler, and Clark had learned to ignore it. Vince Flynn Collectors’ Edition #2
  • (Survey Report 6800 summarizing Adm. 68/194, and Survey Report 6801 summarizing Adm. 68/195, Virginia Colonial Records Project, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia.) [8] "The lowest grade [of tobacco] was known as lugs as early as 1686. ... Letter from Robert Carter to William Dawkins, April 16, 1730
  • Guy Bourdin, the book, is the catalog of the first serious retrospective exhibition of the photographer's work curated by Charlotte Cotton for the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
  • Imitation, sequences, alberti bass and the typical V-I final cadence make this piece a classic.
  • Skepticism regarding the new officer was confirmed after he appeared in camp at Swift Run Gap wearing a conspicuous Prince Albert coat and large beaver hat, holding an umbrella to shield himself from the sun, as troops jeered him.
  • I have been collecting gold pocket watches for many years; hunters and half-hunters together with alberts and half-alberts and associated fobs.
  • After her marriage to her German cousin, Prince Albert, the custom became even more widespread.
  • Report if he got to marry her does that mean i can marry albert wesker Video: man in Japan weds anime game character Boing Boing
  • CBC radio announcer Katherine Duncan will emcee the event, which is put on by the the Book Publishers Association and the Writers Guild of Alberta.
  • Bells pealed across Monaco yesterday as the principality praised Prince Albert II's rise to the throne and bid a final symbolic farewell to his late father Rainier III.
  • Tullow, which owns 100% of three oil licenses covering Uganda's Lake Albert basin, wants to bring Total and or Cnooc into the country to help with the development of more than a billion barrels of oil discovered there. Tullow, Uganda Agree on Sale Terms
  • Baby barramundi with lemon at Cafe Bubbles on Albert St. 4. Fave City Things
  • However Albert said that sailing on the Asgard was a completely different experience to sailing on smaller boats and yachts.
  • By the time Albert was eleven, he was already playing parties and barrelhouses whenever he could slip away.
  • My first job was in Lake Louise, Alberta, in the summer season where I housekept for Paradise Lodge and Bungalows.
  • Albert is quick to point out that he is open to more writer-in-residence positions.
  • The article - I'm looking at the paper NYT - features a lot of pictures of young women with their tongues out, but the teaser on the front page is that picture of Albert Einstein with his tongue out.
  • This gives people the chance to slow down to hear how beautifully your cousin Alberto has tuned your engine.
  • Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal. Albert Einstein 
  • Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. Albert Einstein 
  • By the way, speaking of tonight's debate which I did watch, and will doubtless re-watch, at least in part, I was reminded of nothing so much as that scene from "Broadcast News" wherein Albert Brooks, as Aaron, says ""I say it here, it comes out there" and then, swacked, ends up singing ""I can sing while I read! I think I'm going to have to stop watching "American Idol."
  • After a long march we finally arrived at the brickfield in Albert, and there we saw for our first time the brass statute on the Church of Albert which was hanging head down. Over the top with the 25th Chronicle of events at Vimy Ridge and Courcellette
  • Halbert was aye skipping up and down like a roo, and his brother used to sit in the chimney nook with his book and sic-like trash -- But the lad was like a loaded hackbut, which will stand in the corner as quiet as an old crutch until ye draw the trigger, and then there is nothing but flash and smoke. The Monastery
  • Naples was altogether different, but even here it must be admitted that her conception of deserving people was not at all that set forth in those novels of Dostoievski which Albertine had taken from my shelves and devoured, that is to say in the guise of wheedling parasites, thieves, drunkards, at one moment stupid, at another insolent, debauchees, at a pinch murderers. The Captive
  • The display will include ancient millstones, Victorian and Albert period clothing, and the Michael Cowan working miniatures.
  • MAKGABO (voice-over): From the pages of our Nobel history, Albert John Vumbi (ph) Lutuli was the first African to win the Nobel peace prize in 1960. CNN Transcript Jan 1, 2004
  • The Albertine Rift is home to about 19 percent of Africa's amphibian species, including more than 30 endemic species and three monotypic endemic genera: Parkers tree toad (Laurentophryne parkeri), the Itombwe golden frog (Chrysobatrachus cupreonitens), and African painted frog (Callixalus pictus, VU). Biological diversity in the Eastern Afromontane
  • Such things never appear to bother Albert, the consummate technician, who dissociates himself psychically from the violent, barbarous act.
  • But as shameful as inaction is, Alberta is expected to set some all time records for a new low.
  • I despise intelligence" really means: "I cannot bear my doubts.". Albert Camus 
  • I love Humanity but I hate humans. Albert Einstein 
  • The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. Albert Einstein 
  • The provincial election in Alberta is fast approaching with a November 22nd or 29th vote.
  • Here, then, Alberti is speaking to would-be patrons and laying the groundwork for enlightened and responsible artistic commissions.
  • Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will - his personal responsibility in the realm of faith and morals. Albert Schweitzer 
  • To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others. Albert Camus 
  • Any religion or philosophy which is not based on a respect for life is not a true religion or philosophy. Albert Schweitzer 
  • Here's the effort of New Testament scholar Charles Talbert to get the whole of John's plot or story into one long sentence: "John tells of one who came as revealing, empowering presence; who picked / produced a new community and provided them and others during his public ministry with warrants for a different kind of worship; who privately predicted what their future would be like, offering promise, parenesis, and prayer for that time; and who ultimately made provision for their future community life, worship, and ministry before he returned to whence he had come".
  • His role is essential, as he's the counterpoint to the bookish and serious Ernesto, and it would be easy to overplay the oversexed Alberto.
  • Like boxwood, this species of Alberta spruce is extremely slow growing, reaching a height of only 7 feet in 35 years!
  • He had been prepared to cancel an engagement at London's Victoria and Albert Museum if a satisfactory outcome was reached.
  • Roads into and out of Albert Square were closed for the duration of the rally.
  • Ameche and Tierney are a handsome, appealing pair from their first meeting in a bookshop, while Charles Coburn (as scampish Grandpa Hugo) and Allyn Joslyn (as Henry's strait-laced cousin Albert) round out a fabulous supporting cast. John Farr: Laughing in Style: That Special 'Lubitsch Touch'
  • I've been trying to pick about seven items that represent aestheticism, such as paintings by Albert Moore and Evelyn de Morgan, a Louis Comfort Tiffany favrile glass vase, a magazine cover for the periodical Pan. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight. Albert Schweitzer 
  • The purpose of human life is to serve and to show compassion and the will to help others. Albert Schweitzer 
  • The human spirit is not dead. It lives on in secret.... It has come to believe that compassion, in which all ethics must take root, can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind. Albert Schweitzer 
  • Albert Walton, a Korean War veteran in Carthage and a friend of Heroes or Villains?
  • Its centennial was marked by a ceremony last month in north-central Alberta that was attended by Indian Affairs Minister Jane Stewart.
  • Of particular importance are Albert's lyrebird Menura alberti, the superb lyrebird M. novaehollandiae and rufous scrub-bird Atrichornis rufescens, both of which represent families with only two species, and are endemic to Australia. Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves, Australia
  • Albert Richardson, KCVO, one-time President of the Royal Academy, whose love for the Georgian period is legendary and was reflected in his work as an architect. - Business News
  • Rob climbed down and watched Albert kick small branches from the gutter.
  • ‘This dear paradise’, as she called it, is a white granite mansion in Scots baronial style, and embodies modifications suggested by Prince Albert.
  • Three Republican congressmen have toured Alberta's oilsands as part of what is being called a fact-finding mission. The Full Feed from
  • Mentioning a Velez-type or a player like Johnson around the same time as Albert Pujols or Jake Peavy can sometimes result in wacky numbers. Rotoworld team gleefully snaps up Mets' Wright, Reyes
  • The curious discrepancies between the Trattato della Famiglia as written by Alberti and as ascribed to Pandolfini can only be explained upon the hypothesis of such rifacimento. Renaissance in Italy, Volume 1 (of 7) The Age of the Despots
  • In the midst of this societal jumble is Albert Fish, serial killer and cannibal. GreenCine Daily: Interview. John Borowski.
  • Albert Sherwood built this house with its distinctive modillion cornice on land he bought in 1913. Undefined
  • Confusion of goals and perfection of means seems, in my opinion, to characterize our age. Albert Einstein 
  • Didn't he lose in the 1st month of running? steven albert Giuliani: Obama presidency 'much worse than I thought'
  • It is of course understood that Albert resided in the aforesaid street, appeared every day on the fashionable walk, and dined frequently at the only restaurant where you can really dine, that is, if you are on good terms with its frequenters. The Count of Monte Cristo
  • Meanwhile, Albert meets a fireman, Tommy, who introduces him to the French existentialist, who teaches that life is meaningless and cruel.
  • William R. Forstchen, his collaborator, is the author of more than 40 books -- a prodigious number -- and the title page of "Valley Forge" also acknowledges the work of Albert S. Hanser as a contributing editor. This revolution will not be copyedited
  • Obviously Alberta puts a lot more into confederation than they get out, from a purely dollars and cents perspective.
  • She loves to poke her nose into everyone's business. She also likes to be a tattletale, and Albert listens to most of what she says.
  • They were the works of philosophers of the middle ages, such as Albertus Magnus, Cornelius Agrippa, Paracelsus, and the famous friar who created the prophetic Brazen Head. The Birthmark
  • But Gill also gives vivid accounts of the domestic life of Victoria, who had nine children at the rate of one every two years, and the German-born Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. 2009 July 01 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • Canadian commentator Colby Cosh (hey it's Sunday, I'll alliterate if I want) has posted a quick thought on the comparative welfare recipient counts between Alberta and Saskatchewan.
  • More like President Kruger than Prince Albert – that's the best I can do for him; and I see him on a chair, in a black frock-coat, not so very high up either; I can manage a cloud or two for him to sit on; and then his hand trailing in the clouds holds a rod, a truncheon is it? Monday or Tuesday
  • The lead researcher, Wendy Wismer of the University of Alberta, said it's no secret that healthy people who use cannabis get the "munchies" - what essentially amounts to a boost in their appetite. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Most were health professionals, "anything from being a nurse's aide all the way to a Ph.D., " Albert said.
  • The attempt to combine wisdom and power has only rarely been successful and then only for a short while. Albert Einstein 
  • I am sure my friend has a lovely baritone voice and will soon be delighting audiences in the Royal Albert Hall.
  • Alberti was a fifteenth-century architect, and is known as the true grandfather of contemporary Western cryptology. POPCO
  • According to Stephen Hart, the coach of the men's national team, the dealbreaker was the artificial turf at BC Place and in Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton, Alberta. NYT > Home Page
  • Very difficult ground and artesian water conditions were encountered as described in a paper by Albert H. Fay.
  • “No, by Saint Mary,” said another; “he is a follower of the arch-fiend and ennobled clown Halbert Glendinning, who takes the style of Avenel — once a church-vassal, now a pillager of the church.” The Abbot
  • Fisheries director Erminio Lima Alberto told AFP that the EU should reconsider the ban, which he called a hasty measure. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Monaco's ruler, HSH Prince Albert I, was eager to exploit the rapidly growing automotive trade and to steal tourism from the Principality's neighbouring coastal resorts of Nice and St Tropez. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Everyman has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who need help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too. Albert Schweitzer 
  • Finally, acceptance of GE's interpretation would give rise to an inconsistency between Alberta and Ontario statutory registration procedures and potentially create a renvoi.
  • This move becomes evident in certain physical questions, e.g., in the study of condensation and rarefaction, where Albert openly disagrees with his Parisian master by arguing that condensation and rarefaction are possible only through the local motion of the parts of a body, and without needing to assume some quantity that would have a distinct reality on its own. Albert of Saxony
  • As it happens, it wouldn't have counted even if Alberto had got it - the linesman had flagged for offside.
  • It is to be doubted whether one of Albert's calibre would have troubled to attack such small game, but it was the firm opinion of the Wrykyn fags and the Judies that he and his men were to be avoided. The White Feather
  • The song ended and Albert took a bow.
  • 'May the foul fiend, booted and spurred, ride down his bawling throat with a scythe at his girdle,' quoth Albert Drawslot; 'here have I been telling him that all the marks were those of a buck of the first head, and he has hallooed the hounds upon a velvet-headed knobbler! Waverley — Volume 1
  • I was being foolish like some old beanbag from the Alberta Frozen Tundra who thinks Montana is in Europe and that redneck Montreal is Paris. Ripped Off. Read My story
  • Alberti was particularly interested in Vitruvius' use of columns (Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian) and arches to express social status and power.
  • It is this group which specifically prefers Alberta locations, thus reinforcing the duality and solidifying the philosophical divide.
  • Hempfield earned its title berth with a 40-31 win against Albert Gallatin (4-3). - News
  • Albert bowed over the girl's hand - Caro would bet it wasn't his wife.
  • Inhibitions induce callosities, and Albert Penny's inhibitions, incased within the shell of himself, were as catalogic as Homer's list of ships. Star-Dust
  • The contrast in physiography, as we go northward, is less marked in Alberta and British Columbia. Canada Turning the Corner
  • What a frabjous day for former Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who have finally surmounted what seemed to be his most insurmountable object -- finding ... Patricia Yarberry Allen: Want a Major Economic Indicator? The Sex Shop Uptown
  • Mr. Albert led the slouchy, disinterested crowd in a round of applause for Holly.
  • In what was called the “semana negra” in Spain, 2010 Tour champ Alberto Contador, Vuelta runner-up Ezequiel Mosquera and teammate David Garcia as well as three-time mountain bike world champion Marga Fullana were all accused of doping within a 72-hour period. Spanish authorities shoot back at McQuaid over doping comments
  • It was founded in 1922 by Albert C. Barnes, who collected art after making a fortune by co-developing an early antimicrobial drug marketed as Argyrol. My Next Artist Date: The Barnes Foundation!
  • The writings of Albertus Magnus, Arnaud de Villeneuve, and Raymond Lully were in the hands of the hermetics. Là-bas
  • He chose the architect Bernardo Rossellino, who applied the principles of his mentor, Leon Battista Alberti.
  • We count ourselves fortunate that we have among our people such outstanding humanists as Nelson and Winnie Mandela, as well as others such as Albertina Editorial
  • A larger escritoire commissioned by Herbert George Yatman, and widely known as ‘The Yatman Cabinet’, was given (with its side cabinets) by his grandson to the Victoria and Albert Museum in 1961.
  • (Survey Report 6800 summarizing Adm. 68/194, Virginia Colonial Records Project, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia.) [2] The impost was the duty imposed by Britain on imported tobacco, and the cocket (for which a fee was charged) was the certified document issued that the impost had been paid. Letter from Robert Carter to Micajah Perry, April 12, 1728
  • First, word leaked out this morning in an extremely prominently displayed newspaper story that Alberta's politically generated health care "superboard" is going broke so fast it won't be able to afford band-aids or Q-tips by February. Progressive Bloggers
  • You know Albert would rather eat his own head than miss an opportunity to revel in a bit of doom and gloom. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • Her brow crimsoned, and that of Sir Halbert Glendinning was slightly overcast. The Abbot
  • Albert Einstein once quipped that the greatest mathematical discovery of all time is compound interest.
  • Upon witnessing a horse being whipped by a coachman at the Piazza Carlo Alberto, Nietzsche threw his arms around the horse's neck and collapsed, never to return to full sanity.
  • Le lieutenant n'hésite pas à mettre sa tête en les mains du meurtrier joué par le Londonien Anthony Andrews, interprète notamment du demi-frère du personnage tenu par Albert Finney dans Under the Volcano de John Huston. Archive 2009-07-12
  • Louise, I often come back to something Albert Einstein advocated: "Moderation in all things, including moderation. Baring it All
  • Pursuivant, to the Bishop of Albertstown, to the Lord Chancellor, with an exposition of the wicked injustice and hardness of heart of lawyers, and the inexpedience of taking the poor child from her earliest motherly friend, expressly chosen by her father. Modern Broods
  • The groups are using the money to pay for television ads targeting Republican senators Randy Hopper in Green Bay, Dan Kapanke in La Crosse and Alberta Darling in Milwaukee. Wonkbook: Democrats' demands and other economic and policy news
  • Albert wore a brown suede jacket and jeans.
  • Other bold-faced bibliotheques to check out include Brooke Astor's much knocked-off red lacquer and brass cases designed by Albert Hadley, Karl Lagerfeld's 60,000-plus collection on steel shelves in Paris and Cole Porter's handsome, freestanding brass bookshelves designed by Billy Baldwin. Bookish Good Looks
  • It is at any rate more candid than the notoriously slimy postwar equivocations of Albert Speer.
  • The farm, which would breed and fatten up to 150,000 hogs annually for slaughter, would have made the facility one of Alberta's largest hog operations.
  • Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. Albert Einstein 
  • The album comes with a bonus CD featuring a video of the title track plus footage from the duo's tenth anniversary concert at London's Royal Albert Hall.
  • In this light, Brunelleschi's panels articulate both the historical link between trecento visuality and Alberti's costruzione legittima and the relationship between urbanism and painting.
  • Maybe he is a brother in mind to fellow Frenchman Albert Camus, who imagined Sysiphos, the mythic figure trying to roll a heavy stone uphill and destined to forever fail, as a happy person.
  • Did I not tel you Father Albert, that my beauty was celestiall? The Decameron
  • When Albert Lutuli received his Peace Prize, the struggle against apartheid was in its infancy: there were few results to point to. The Nobel Peace Prize 2009 - Presentation Speech
  • A true genius admits that he/she knows nothing. Albert Einstein 
  • He had been prepared to cancel an engagement at London's Victoria and Albert Museum if a satisfactory outcome was reached.
  • The forests of the Albertine Rift are also home to at least 27 other primate species, including lHoests monkey (Cercopithecus lhoesti), the owl-faced monkey (C. hamlyni), and the golden monkey (C. mitis kandti). Biological diversity in the Eastern Afromontane
  • Albert Einstein, for his 1905 theory (proven in the lab by 1921) on the photoelectric effect. Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » Historic Solar Tech
  • Entering the field as a 75th minute replacement for Alberto Aquilani, the former Barcelona youngster combined with fellow substitute Ryan Babel to set up David Ngog's 81st minute winner.
  • A few exceptions are made for fish and fruits that aren't generally grown in Alberta such as cherries, apples, pears, etc.
  • This year is the centennial of Albert Einstein formulating his theory of relativity.
  • The lefthander benefited from a spectacular, ‘do or die’ play on a bunt that Scott Rolen barehanded and threw to Albert Pujols for the first out of the inning.
  • By ethical conduct toward all creatures, we enter into a spiritual relationship with the universe. Albert Schweitzer 
  • Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid. Albert Einstein 
  • D'Albert's strongest point is his orchestration, which is admirably adapted to the text. The Standard Operaglass Detailed Plots of One Hundred and Fifty-one Celebrated Operas
  • Pocket Watch chain Full Albert For gold plated pocket watches
  • Albert Robida's ‘Twentieth Century’ was recently republished, its filled with wonderful Victorian speculations of the next century.
  • Page view page image: ages, such as Albertus Magnus, Cornelius Agrippa, Paracelsus, and the famous friar who created the prophetic Brazen Head. Mosses from an Old Manse
  • A river of northwest Canada rising in northeast British Columbia and flowing about 853 km (530 mi) generally northeast across northwest Alberta to Great Slave Lake in southern Northwest Territories.
  • The administration's minority party has put off a decision whether to withdraw support for Prime Minister Albert Reynolds.
  • Grain inspector Jim Dolan inspects wheat from the Canadian prairies at the Pioneer grain elevator in Carseland, Alberta.
  • Regarding the Salon delle conversazione: in describing the term salon, Alberti alludes to its derivation (he believes) from saltare, to dance, "because that was where the gaiety of weddings and banquets took place. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • The wife of King Albert, Queen Paola, commissioned Fabre, who used the jewel-like shells of scarabs culled from the Far East.
  • Beyond Einstein consists of five proposed space missions designed to build upon and expand Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.
  • The world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it. Albert Einstein 
  • One of them was Albert Fisher, who testified, "She told me I was a stupid mother blanker. CNN Transcript Nov 19, 2009
  • At this confirmation of a sudden terror, imbibed from the ambiguous words of Halbert, and which his fond heart would not allow him to acknowledge to himself, Wallace covered his face with his hands and fell with a deep groan against the side of the cavern. The Scottish Chiefs
  • Thus came the parlour songs, which at first were a mixture of folky adaptations and pastiches of operatic arias; verses of gentle melancholy were set to simple melodies accompanied by an Alberti bass or arpeggios.
  • Whether it's a sedge-rimmed Alberta pond or a Georgia slough choked with catbrier, pocket water that has been created by beaver, nature's most impressive engineers, provides intimate, up-close-and-personal duck hunting. Tips, Tactics, and Gear for Beaver Pond Ducks
  • Cards are 11-5 and Albert leads the NL in homers (6) and RBI (21) while batting .345, slugging .724, only striking out 4 times and amassing an OPS of 1.184! A-Poo
  • The human spirit is not dead. It lives on in secret.... It has come to believe that compassion, in which all ethics must take root, can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind. Albert Schweitzer 
  • Instrumentation Technician: Valid Alberta or Interprovincial Journeyman Instrumentation Technician certification is required.

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