How To Use Albania In A Sentence

  • In April 1991 through a constitutional amendment changing the country named the Republic of Albania.
  • It is for logistical rather than symbolic reasons that we are meeting at Old Albanian rugby club in Hertfordshire rather than Twickenham, but it allows Steele to make the point that he hopes to nurture the grassroots as well as the elite game, especially the enthusiastic volunteers that sustain it. England can win 2015 World Cup, says RFU chief executive John Steele
  • Rain, heavy cloud cover and thick fog in the area had prompted Albania's prime minister to cancel his own flight to the conference.
  • Mother Teresa visited her native Albania.
  • Meals for guests or for ceremonial occasions such as weddings usually involve copious amounts of meat, washed down with Albanian raki, an alcoholic beverage.
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  • The fact that anyone bothers to even argue with this post depresses me, but if you really need to think about it, substitute the word "Black" for the word "Albanian" ... ill lich replied to comment from nutbastard Is Sony legally required to make its games accessible to disabled people? - Boing Boing
  • The U . N. administrator faulted ethnic Albanian politicians for not doing enough to reassure the Serb minority.
  • The fustanella, or Albanian kilt, was common dress for men until the 1400s. Common villagers and rural people wore a fustanella made from coarse linen or wool; more affluent men wore silk.
  • The road on the Albanian side is very good from Shkodër down to Tirana, which is basically the southern two thirds of the route. Podgorica and Tirana
  • But "they are so devoid of both originality and unity," says Sir Charles Eliot, [81] that acutest of observers, "that it is vain to seek for anything in politics, art, religion, literature or customs to which the name Albanian can be properly applied as denoting something common to the Albanian race. The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 2
  • Hence many Ottoman viziers were of non-Turkish ethnic origin, including Greeks, Albanians, and even Italians.
  • And I learnt that the only emetic known to the Albanian pharmacopoeia is human excrement and water – given in all cases of supposed poisoning; and that the remedy for dipsomania is the same, mixed with rakia. High Albania
  • The service, which will die quietly, though far from unmourned, on January 20, is now run from Bush House in the Strand by four Albanian exiles and one Englishman. From the archive, 11 January 1967: Albania on the blink
  • We just need a win tonight at Albania and then beat the Germans away.
  • They have announced the authentication of a miracle attributed to the Albanian-born nun.
  • The toys were then taken to the north of Albania by the charity and distributed between the kindergartens there.
  • It is plain to me that there is a sufficiency of state protection available to this appellant should she be returned to Albania.
  • Beckham briefly saw the red mist when he went chasing after Vata and brought him down after clearly believing he had been fouled himself by the Albanian midfielder.
  • Macedonian and ethnic Albanian politicians tussled over future policing at talks yesterday as the government and rebels accused each other of violating a truce.
  • Albanians, our collocutor emphasizes, are doing all of this deliberately and in coordination with each other.
  • When I asked my Albanian friend, Ina, where I might find rakija out here in L.A, she promptly invited me over to sample her grandmother's homemade brew. Anna King: Drinking Rakija In The Tiger's Wife and Los Angeles
  • The Gulf of Lepanto is a long inlet of irregular shape, extending east and west, and bounded on the north by the shores of Albania, the ancient The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 10
  • 'My brother, Marco, was interested in a society of Albanian refugees living in Taranto. THE KEYS OF HELL
  • The Albanian youngster was referred for help after complaining that his bald patch was ruining his life. The Sun
  • They are also liaising with officials in Albania. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1928 he proclaimed himself King of Albania, taking the name Zog, a diminutive of his family's surname.
  • Monogamy was always the rule in Albania, but polygamous marriages existed up to the beginning of the twentieth century in some areas, particularly if the first wife was not able to bear a son.
  • The governing policy of Serbia's rulers has consistently been to denationalize the Albanians of Kosova, or failing that, to oppress, deport or exterminate them. UN'S MISGUIDED DECISION ON KOSOVA
  • Among other particular features of Albanian and other Balkan languages are a postpositive definite article and the absence of a verbal infinitive.
  • The mission over Albania will see Italy employ its Eurofighter Typhoon jets from the 36th Wing operating from the Gioia del Colle air base.
  • They are also liaising with officials in Albania. Times, Sunday Times
  • Someone with no scruples, who knows the Albanian coast like the back of his hand and runs the fastest boat in the Adriatic. THE KEYS OF HELL
  • At the end of her speech, she thanked her audience in Polish, Albanian, Arabic, Slovenian, Russian and English. After Firing Crossing Guards, One Michigan Town Left With Nothing Else To Cut
  • Wales is the only European nation besides Albania without a mile of electrified railway. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among other particular features of Albanian and other Balkan languages are a postpositive definite article and the absence of a verbal infinitive.
  • It is significant that, unlike the Albanian portrait, the sitter was highly critical of the painting and forced Phillips to lower the tilt of the upturned nose.
  • A have to tell serbians youn comited crime agains Albanian people and never apologize to them but ju are trying to deni that. A Photographer’s Journal: Kosovo, Year 1 - The Lede Blog -
  • Rain, heavy cloud cover and thick fog in the area had prompted Albania's prime minister, Fatos Nano, to cancel his own flight to the conference.
  • There was no evidence that all documents emanating from Albania were forged.
  • The Albanian captain was at least half seas over when we began the bout, yet he continued to fill and to drain without showing the least progress towards ebriety. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Up to 11,000 people, mainly ethnic Albanians, were killed and some 3,000 are still registered as missing.
  • And that was absolutely true for Albania, because the mandrell capacity of the public sector was almost inexistent. Get Briefed: Sali Berisha
  • He died in 1985 after ruling Albania with an iron fist for 40 years.
  • According to Natasha, he was popular in the Albanian community and had many friends in Bristol and Oxford.
  • Nine Albanians have crossed the border into Greece and asked for political asylum.
  • The city is semicircled by the Sar Mountains and surmounted by an old Turkish fortress; the mountains are the frontier with Albania and Kosovo.
  • Many Albanians speak Italian because Italian television programs are broadcast in Albania.
  • Albanian, in crimson and gold embroidered jacket, and snowy camise, started forward, and holding out his silver-sheathed yataghan commanded the postilions to stop. Coningsby
  • Wales has the distinction of being the only European nation besides Albania without a single mile of electrified railway. Times, Sunday Times
  • A more elaborate operation was staged in Tirana, Albania, in the summer of 1998. Is That The Question? | ATTACKERMAN
  • Our Ambassador to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has been directly involved in discussions back and forth between the Kosovo Albanians and the Belgrade authorities. Press Briefing By Mike Mccurry
  • In that case British warships were damaged by mines in Albanian territorial waters.
  • Hou Yifan, 17, the women's world champion defended her title in Tirana, Albania, defeating India's Humpy Koneru 5,5 - 2,5. Lubomir Kavalek: When Bobby Fischer Played Chess Like Misha Tal
  • Macedonia's Muslim Albanians, a quarter of the population, are also griping.
  • Equality Party: formed by members of Democratic Coalition of Muslims and Albanians in Montenegro.
  • Currently, the top ten in the ‘People's Choice’ category are Misses Albania, Australia, Brazil, India, Macedonia, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Thailand and Venezuela.
  • She replied that they will import it from economically desperate Albania — which, of course, means that it will be another case of the rich exploiting the poor to maintain their quality of life and the exploited is left with a degraded landscape. Sand Wars
  • He took us to a café by the sea where we drank Malibu while he chain-smoked and chatted about his life in Kotor and the tensions he experienced because of his Albanian nationality.
  • There was never an official institution of censorship in Albania.
  • Saracens; fourthly and fifthly, the Ottoman Turks and Venetians; sixthly, the Latin princes of Constantinople -- not to speak seventhly and eighthly of Albanian or Egyptian Ali Pashas, or ninthly, of Joseph Humes and Greek loans, is now, viz., in March, 1844, alive and kicking. The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 2
  • This could now work to Albania's benefit.
  • The traditional Albanian household is a patriarchy in which the head of the household is the eldest male.
  • He died in 1985 after ruling Albania with an iron fist for 40 years.
  • Tirana is the capital of Albania, which probably slipped into your mind on account of Bush’s trip there. Matthew Yglesias » Danish Middle East Policy Blogging
  • Now I know what Albanian rakija tastes like, I'm looking forward to comparing it to the Serbian plum and pear versions. Anna King: Drinking Rakija In The Tiger's Wife and Los Angeles
  • We expect the Albanian side to condemn this kind of unacceptable behaviour. The Sun
  • I have a vivid recollection of a World Bank staffer in 1992 hectoring the Minister of Agriculture of Albania, waggling her finger in his face.
  • He ends the first leg on a boat to Albania, and the mood seems unlikely to lift. Times, Sunday Times
  • Albanian is a synthetic language that is similar in structure to most other Indo-European languages.
  • It remains a mystery how he managed to misplace 17 passes for England against Albania, a performance that effectively ended an international career which peaked at Euro 96.
  • Albania offered the best opportunity to acquire a large portfolio of giant oil and gas assets, and to diversify with large, deep underthrust and shallow plays in a proven production area. Resource Investor - Main Content Feed
  • Albanian troops muster at the Mother Teresa Airport in Tirana before embarking for Iraq.
  • After the Milosevic government was unseated, these Albanian fighters moved on to Macedonia, where the territories bordering Kosovo are also mainly populated by ethnic Albanians.
  • But the Swede has seen the side he has fashioned win their first five matches, including vital qualifiers against Finland, Albania and Greece.
  • Then it was on to Janina on the Albanian border guarding another airfield where I spent Robert Cunliffe
  • Had it not been for Austria's minacious insistence, Albania would have never been born on Serb occupied territory. Terrorists and Freedom Fighters
  • Some of those weapons no doubt moved to Western Europe, where Albanian gangsters are heavily involved in gunrunning.
  • It is the home of various people including Albanians, Vlachs, Greeks, Serbs, Bulgars, and Turks.
  • It also absorbed Albanians with rich military experience from Serbia and Croatia as well as foreign mercenaries and possibly "Afghanis" (the devout Moslem veterans of the wars in Terrorists and Freedom Fighters
  • He was standing on a little hill with a couple of his generals and saw the Albanians in their white kilts, their fustanellas, approaching.
  • We Albanians are a proud people.
  • He also arranged Byzantine liturgical responses in Albanian for mixed choirs.
  • The Albanian youngster was referred for help after complaining that his bald patch was ruining his life. The Sun
  • The Albanian youngster was referred for help after complaining that his bald patch was ruining his life. The Sun
  • Albania is a small nation state of around 3 million people.
  • Second half of the 19 th century, the Albanian national liberation movement growing.
  • P.M., as the moon was beginning to peep over the Eastern wall of rock, was heard the glad sound of the little kettle-drum calling the Albanian troopers to mount and march. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • I spotted one spelling error - the excellent Serbian word inat is given as iant - and there may be others, but I will not be consumed by vengeful spite over it; also I imagine there is room for interpretation of some of the definitions, such as the 10 Albanian ways of describing a moustache, which to be do not seem very different from the ways we describe different moustaches in English. Stephen Fry and Poland; and Communism
  • In the future the Park with the western Rhodope mountains could become part of a trans-boundary reserve with Greece, Macedonia and Albania, a plan supported by OECD and Council of Europe funding. Pirin National Park, Bulgaria
  • He did acknowledge the emergence of a separatist movement within the ethnic Albanian population in the late 1980s.
  • Korca is a city located in the east of Albania close to the border of Greece.
  • Albanians live in a contiguous area in at least four states.
  • The North Albanian tribesman is an Albanian first. High Albania
  • Meanwhile. the OL! blog says that the Albanian Mjaft! youth movement has joined dozens of other international organizations and groups in decrying the detention of the activist-bloggers. Global Voices in English » Azerbaijan: Bloggers’ appeal rejected
  • As Archbishop of Tirana and All Albania, His Beatitude has presided over the resurrection of this Church.
  • He became the champion of ethnic Albanian separatism.
  • Looking at the situation in Macedonia, the United States, through this administration, has stepped up its efforts to help the Macedonian government deal with what they describe as Albanian extremists coming over from Kosovo interfering and trying to undermine, in the eyes of the Bush Administration, the legitimate Macedonian government. CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Yugoslav Authorities Arrest Slobodan Milosevic - March 30, 2001
  • Bellos doesn't make it entirely clear if the English text here actually corresponds to any Albanian version of Kronikë në gur. July Books 19) Verdigris, by Paul Magrs
  • Her prescious Albanian newt would be in the cookpot and shortly after we would be reduced to eating each other for food. Archive 2008-11-01
  • A handful of shivering Albanians are fished out of the Adriatic, distressed beyond belief, hoping desperately for signs of missing relatives.
  • He ends the first leg on a boat to Albania, and the mood seems unlikely to lift. Times, Sunday Times
  • The so-called Bosnian inlay is mainly of Albanian origin, and much of it actually Albanian handicraft. High Albania
  • Having scored as a substitute in the 6-1 rout of Albania, he claimed a hat-trick here before being substituted. England's next generation shapes up for World Cup 2018 and beyond
  • The NATO bombing also produced imagery that performs a phantasmatic imaginary, an epic Hollywood film where mighty men and high-tech bombing machines save Kosovar women in babushkas and elderly Albanians in wheelbarrows.
  • And I know alas, some criminal Albanians did seek out violent revenge instead of reporting people they suspected of being complice to Milosevic's crimes to authorities for criminal investigation and I do denounce it and I know that was awful. What canada is fighting for in afghanistan
  • The ship was visiting Albania to conduct survey operations off the coast.
  • They were predominantly ethnic Albanian, but from different backgrounds - farmers, politicians and retirees.
  • They observed that the strategy for Albanian expansion in Macedonia was identical to the one seen in Kosovo.
  • The Albanians didn't do a lot of attacking and Rio spent most of the time defending closer to the half way line than the box and I don't think he misplaced a pass all game.
  • It means "the", which otherwise you don't get in Slavic languages (though the neighbouring non-Slavic Albanian and Romanian also use a suffix to form the definite article). И сонцето е ѕвезда
  • We had reported on station 10 miles west of the Albanian-Kosovo border at around 2200.
  • Albanians enjoy a variety of candies, cookies, custards, sweet breads, and preserves.
  • And yet he often was right, and always courageous and eloquent enough to challenge received opinion and sacred cows Mother Teresa for one, whom he called the Albanian dwarf famous for peddling an antiquated form of religious fundamentalism. Roger Housden: Hitchens: Arch-Fundamentalist?
  • The Albanian youngster was referred for help after complaining that his bald patch was ruining his life. The Sun
  • From the time of Augustus the name Illyria was applied not only to the present Province of Illyria, since 11 B.C. a province of the empire and called Dalmatia (embracing the Dalmatia of to-day, Montenegro, the western part of Croatia, and the northern part of Albania), but was made to include the districts of Rhaetia, The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Albanian predominance is proved by the fact that – so far as my experience goes, and I tried repeatedly – the Albanians are almost solely Albanophone, whereas the scattered Serbs usually speak both languages, and when addressed in Serb often replied at first in Albanian. High Albania
  • The poet considers, the engineer advises, the university teacher concurs and what goes crackling over the short-wave that night is a considered Albanianisation of the jargon. From the archive, 11 January 1967: Albania on the blink
  • Albanian rebel-held villages were bombarded by government artillery.
  • I flack slim pursuant passer drank me albanian louisville dump, answer is pertain fritz anneal clank chaperon Boing Boing: October 17, 2004 - October 23, 2004 Archives
  • Soon a long line of tractors streamed over the lone bridge connecting Kosovo with Albania.
  • American attorneys brought the code to the attention of Albanian lawyers to help Albania codify their new legislation after the collapse of communism.
  • The political agreement was meant to solidify an earlier agreement that the Macedonian and Albanian sides initialed last Wednesday.
  • During this time, much of the population converted to the Islamic faith, and Albanians also emigrated to Italy, Greece, Egypt and Turkey.
  • Uka, an ethnic Albanian from Kosovo who was described as a long-time resident of Germany, had been apparently radicalized over the last few weeks, Rhein said. ABC News: Top Stories
  • According to the most recent research (see Pastor's Lives of the Popes, and Hertzburg's Byzantiner und Osmanen), Skenderbeg was of Slav origin, passed his life in his native mountains, and first leapt to fame when he beat the Turks at Debra in 1444, and inaugurated Albanian independence; and the tale of his captivity among the Turks is mythical. High Albania
  • The Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America is an autocephalous church established in 1908.
  • There was never an official institution of censorship in Albania.
  • He said he wanted to see how Albania was opening up to the world.
  • From a country with only 3.5 million people, the troops - the flower of Albania's youth - represent the best Albania has to offer.
  • He died in 1985 after ruling Albania with an iron fist for 40 years.
  • Albania is 45 nautical miles from the Italian coast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Macedonians move out of apartment blocks and neighbourhoods populated by Albanians.
  • Russian hackers 'biggest victories so far: crashing the official NATO Web site and replacing the Albanian government site with a pageful of anti-NATO slogans. Why Didn't The Fbi Move Faster On Lee?
  • Macedonia came close to civil war last year, when ethnic Albanians staged an uprising demanding greater rights.
  • Tirana is rather brimming with self-confidence; the Albanian economy has been growing massively, they just got invited to join NATO, and the nasty infighting which has characterised the political scene since the fall of Communism has died down, at least for the time being. Podgorica and Tirana
  • He, as indeed did my travelling companions, spoke a mixture of Serb and Albanian, even to each other, and when I questioned him in Serb replied sometimes wholly in Albanian. High Albania
  • The two heads of state discussed the idea of a trilateral meeting at which the presidents of Bulgaria, Albania and Macedonia would discuss all matters related to Corridor VIII.
  • But over the craggy mountains separating Yugoslavia and Albania, a far less innocent traffic returned.
  • Certainly, it would be impermissible to say that the American Republic is in any sense better than Albania under its late, unlamented, Stalinist leader, Enver Hoxa.
  • Two-thirds of the lake is in Montenegro and the other third is in Albania, along with about 50 islands, some with ruined fortalices and monasteries.
  • As I knew there was no case on record of a stranger being "held up" in North Albania, and, moreover, the Albanian is an old friend of mine, it "made no difference. High Albania
  • Among other particular features of Albanian and other Balkan languages are a postpositive definite article and the absence of a verbal infinitive.
  • I just perused the menu and aside from a couple of Albanian-style desserts, there is nothing on here that is Eastern European! 30% off the New Buk (Boo-K) Balkan Bistro | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • That, we learnt, was because Contessa is part of the island's Albanian community, founded in the 15th century by mercenaries fighting for the island's Aragonese Spanish rulers. A Sicilian opening in the wild west
  • In the postwar years, that combination of pathos, a certain sentimentality and a spirit of resilience endeared him to the British public and probably went a long way to explaining his popularity in Albania. Thanks to plucky Norman Wisdom, it's now OK to fail
  • Nine Albanians have crossed the border into Greece and asked for political asylum.
  • Some noted that a centre - left government had similarly blockaded Albania's ports in the s.
  • Inside the massive hangar, hymns were sung, prayers were said and tears were shed as more than 3,000 people gathered to honor nine airmen from the base who died last week in a plane crash in the mountains of Albania. KIA KIA/BNR
  • As we returned to the humble huts and partook of sheep-cheese and rakia, I remembered that many of the tribes of my own land believe in planchette and table-turning – consult palmists and globe-gazers, are "Christian Scientists" and "Higher Thoughters" – and reflected that all the training of all the schools had but little removed a large mass of the British public from the intellectual standpoint of High Albania, whereas for open-handed generosity and hospitality the Albanian ranks incomparably higher. High Albania
  • NATO will not drop bombs for ten weeks to save Georgians from ethnic cleansing in Abkhazia, the way it bombed to save Albanians in Kosovo. Where Europe Vanishes « Isegoria
  • Albania is very rich with hydric resources’, he tells me.
  • There were Christian Albanians with their white fustanellas, high aquiline nose, glittering eyes, and false smile, in dress somewhat similar to the Morlacchi, but wearing a smaller fez with a long blue tassel.
  • Bulgaria has signed such accords with Croatia, Romania and Macedonia while talks with Albania were concluded last December.
  • And upon arriving in Belgrade Zimmermann wasted no time in demonstrating that American policy favored Albanian interests over those of the Serbs in this complex embroilment. Sands of Empire
  • The interior ministers of the EU are calling on the commission to hold further negotiations with Albania, Algeria, China and Turkey.
  • Albania, Montenegro, bosnia, and Bulgaria received many Minorites in the thirteenth century, about which period many of the order occupied the archiepiscopal See of Antivari, and in 1340, Peregrinus of Saxony was nominated first Bishop of Bosnia. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • When I returned to Albania in the early 1960s, the Russian musical influence was quite strong since there were dozens of students who had studied in the Soviet conservatories.
  • The scenes oscillate between shady strip clubs, with excessively loud pulsating electronic beats, to what looks like Albanian countryside, where wild dogs roam and nothing decipherable happens.
  • Gringoire had ascertained that, as quite a little child, she had gone all through Spain and Catalonia, and into Sicily; he thought even that the caravan of Zingari, to which she belonged, had carried her into the kingdom of Algiers—a country situated in Achaia, which Achaia was adjoining on one side to lesser Albania and Greece, and on the other to the sea of the Sicilies, which is the way to Constantinople. II. Showing That a Priest and a Philosopher Are Not the Same. Book VII
  • TIRANA (AFP) - Albanians on Saturday protested in front of the Greek Embassy in Tirana after footage showing racist slogans being shouted by the coast guard's special forces during Thursday's military parade in Athens was posted on the Internet. Kathimerini English Edition : Print Edition : 26/3/10
  • One of the allegations involves the possible investment of 10 million in a group of boutique hotels in Albania. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Albania today there is much discussion about the notions of dissidence and dissident status.
  • The second basis upon which the documents were rejected was that document forgery in Albania was endemic, if I may term it that way.
  • At the heart of his masterful Elegy for Kosovo, the Albanian fabulist Ismail Kadare places the poignant tale of two fourteenth-century minstrels joined in flight.
  • MVRDV was officially named the winner of the Urban Ecological Masterplan due to an imposing project which will be developed in Tirana, Albania. EDITT Tower – Singapore Goes Eco-Friendly
  • At the beginning of the year, we look in the mirror and see sags and wrinkles we would ignore in an Albanian or a Fiji islander.
  • There was always something atavistically satisfying about knowing where you stood in international sports - supporting Germany, Argentina, Greece, Albania, whoever.
  • If you're a true-blue monarchist, you have to feel for Albania. It's Not Good to Be the King
  • Steve plans to fly out to Albania with the climbing gear to give underprivileged children from that country the chance to try the sport on a summer camp.
  • The shock of inhuman brutality was sufficient to traumatize the Albanians into submission.

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