
How To Use Alarum In A Sentence

  • Some sounded the alarum, but no one wanted to hear it, so they were run off in shame. The Volokh Conspiracy » Health bill and gun ownership
  • My father is very anxious, I think, to act the play; my mother, to have it published before it is acted; and I sit and hear it discussed and praised and criticised, only longing (like a "silly wench," as my mother calls me when I confess as much to her) to see my father in his lovely dress and hear the _alarums of my fifth act_. Records of a Girlhood
  • Alarums of the most violent kind were heard from the near shore, shortly after which a canoe arrived, aslosh in bloody froth from Lord Berrybender’s foot, which seemed half shot away. The Berrybender Narratives
  • The Signalman" by Charles Dickens (1866) This perfectly balanced, beautifully judged story both preys on both the anxiety provoked by the new technology of railways and deeply held beliefs that a ghost can be an alarum for events to follow. Kate Mosse's top 10 ghost stories
  • His jeremiad sounds a generational alarum: The days of isolated, tormented, anti-commercial white male geniuses are done and done.
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  • Ambubalarum collegia, &c. Trimalcionis topanta in Petronius recta in caelum abiit, went right to heaven: a, base quean, [2235] thou wouldst have scorned once in thy misery to have a penny from her; and why? modio nummos metiit, she measured her money by the bushel. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The western larks do not utter alarums of that kind, but a harsh "chack" instead, very similar to the call of the grackles. Birds of the Rockies
  • Echoes of past alarums and discussions in the Culture Wars sphere of influence.
  • The central officials of the Allawi government were secular ex-Baathists, many of whom sounded alarums about Iran.
  • They should make it mandatory for use as telaphone ringtones, car honkifiers and all alarum clocks everywhare. IT’S - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • And all at once, above the sound of wind and water, there came a wild rapping at the main door of the house, the alarum of a very crouse and angry traveller finding John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • On the night of January 3, 1935, the puddlers on Form B-1, at the upstream edge of the dam adjacent to the Arizona cliffside, heard this sinister alarum a split second before a full bucket came careening over the edge of the form. Colossus
  • Ambubalarum collegia, &c. Trimalcionis topanta in Petronius recta in caelum abiit, went right to heaven: a, base quean, [2235] thou wouldst have scorned once in thy misery to have a penny from her; and why? modio nummos metiit, she measured her money by the bushel. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • ‘I'm not as disturbed by the present alarums as some people,’ he says, recalling that his predecessor, Richard Lambert, took over on January 1 1991.
  •     Hesper, awaiting thee each sentinel holdeth alarum. Poems and Fragments
  • Fiunt quóque de pennis alarum eius arcus rigidi, et fortes ad iaciendum missilia et sagittas. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • I'm not trying to ring the alarum bells like Margaret Someville, for whom every advance in medicine and genetics threatens damnation. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Alarum pennae continent in longitudine 12. passus, elephantem in sublime tollere potest. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • If nothing else, the alarums over the meeting of justice ministers of EU member states in Tampere, Finland, over yesterday and today, provide an object lesson in the difficulties in campaigning against the steady march of European integration. The sky is not falling in...
  • Dantes Poëta illustrissimum Christianissimorum Regum Franciæ genus à laniis Parisiensibus deducit, utique tam vere, quam ille tenebrio nostrum à scalarum fabro: quas mirum, ni auctor generis _in suspendium eorum parabat_, quos vaticinabatur illustri nobilitate suæ obtrectaturos. Notes and Queries, Number 69, February 22, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • As the dwarven party passed by, the pair went tense, ready to sound an alarum, no doubt, at the least sign of trouble. A TIME OF WAR
  • We can obtain a sketch and a description of him and spread the alarum throughout the kingdom. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • The chorus is so desperate and unhinged it should replace its namesake across the country; a frightened alarum to all that there's trouble around and it's far closer than you think.
  • Down underneath New York City, in a network of tunnels and caverns, rat-populated, perspiring, rumbling, lonely, I was troubled, as I have often been troubled, by these alarums of conscience.
  • Congress referred this alarum to a committee, and in conference with the Financier decided that still another circular would be pointless. Robert Morris
  • This is a fight for life or death — yon waterfall sounds the alarum for our conflict. — Anne of Geierstein
  • Jampridem equidem [280] nos vera vocabula rerum amisimus, quia bona aliena largiri liberalitas, malarum rerum audacia fortitudo vocatur, eo [281] res publica in extremo sita est. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino

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