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How To Use Alar In A Sentence

  • Alaric got a bit annoyed at how long we took to leave becuase of the guinea pigs - I didn't know weather to be sympathetic or laugh when he got narky about it :/ Snell-Pym » Guinea Pigs!
  • Yes, the gearbox was a bit saggy and I was alarmed at how much pressure the brake pedal needed to do an emergency stop, but other than this, all was well.
  • I set the alarm clock for a quarter to midnight, and settled down for a couple of hours sleep.
  • I set the alarm clock for a quarter to midnight, and settled down for a couple of hours sleep.
  • Connecticut schools have been fitting yellow intruder alarms next to fire alarms in their corridors and dining halls. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The breaking of a branch under my foot alarmed the deer.
  • Those cuts included 11,000 production jobs and 2,000 salaried jobs. Times, Sunday Times
  •     Hesper, awaiting thee each sentinel holdeth alarum. Poems and Fragments
  • The fun was subsidised by the huge salaries writers were receiving from the Hollywood dream factory.
  • The team apparently circumvented locked gates and an alarm system, while the sculpture was in the process of being moved to another location.
  • Figures for income, gross profit, salaries, motor expenses, drawings etc are fed into the Revenue computer system.
  • Ridiculous salaries and back-scratching seems to have been the order of the day. The Sun
  • But in accordance with the idea that malaria is a product of paludal decomposition, the trees selected have almost always been the _eucalyptus_. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • Great Alardyce is indeed of the same generation as Carlyle, Harriet Martineau numbering as a member of both eminent men's circles.
  • INA recently won a grievance to place all nurses misplaced on the salary schedule in their appropriate slot.
  • He sped along Bellhouse Road and crossed a mini roundabout diagonally, to the alarm of many pedestrians and motorists.
  • CAMBODIA - Cambodia is alarmed at the illegal import of pigs from the neighboring country of Viet Nam. ThePigSite - Global Pig Industry News Feeds
  • In a downward inflation trend, salary expectations lag the decreases in inflation.
  • It appeared the family had never been properly screened by the DIB, which was alarming given that its activities were supposedly well monitored, he added.
  • If the cops camped out at the corner of Spadina and College, they could cover the costs of their salaries by ticketing bike-lane parkers.
  • Our study showed that Kalarippayattu closely follows the tenets of plyometrics, which is why we decided to include it in the curriculum, "explained Singh. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Frontpage
  • In return for your skills, we offer salaries as stated, a comprehensive benefits package and the opportunity for career progression.
  • The baboon would keep the goats together as they grazed during the day, giving alarm calls if it spotted cheetahs or leopards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Local environmentalists have sounded the alarm that it may well be the beginning of an end for the species.
  • The scalar superpartners of quarks and electrons are called squarks and selectrons.
  • Every few minutes a piercing ringing sound could be heard when the inspector examined each alarm.
  • Despite being very comfortable by Zambian standards, he is a man who does not spend his money carelessly and he is on a salary just like his wife and his workers.
  • But alarmed experts have warned of the dangers. The Sun
  • And I was, at what seemed to me to be the munificent salary of $20,000 a year, plus expenses.
  • Some common shorebirds and seabirds in the Southern Arctic are the semi-palmated plover, northern phalarope, lapland longspur, parasitic jaeger, and semi-palmated plover.
  • The state has anted up $40 million for salary increases, but, in a program similar to Cincinnati's, Iowa will now evaluate teachers thoroughly to make sure the extra dough goes only to the good classroom performers, not the duds.
  • There were also reports of increasing calls to personal alarm services from elderly and vulnerable people. Times, Sunday Times
  • The loss of the plant led to thousands of children dying from malaria, tuberculosis and other treatable diseases.
  • The suicide rate among men between the ages of 16 and 25 has risen alarmingly.
  • In May, FBI agents searched his home and found alarge cache of child pornography, federal prosecutors said. Official gets 6 years for child porn
  • The rugged terrain to be negotiated and the 32-km distance to be slogged from Eravikulam hut to Konalar fishing hut at a lower altitude of 1,889 m made the members sweat out in just five hours.
  • If we do not increase their wages and salaries, then they will pack their bags and go.
  • More alarming -- not to mention revolting -- than any revelation, which has come out thus far about Bachmann, Kennedy once commented to Democratic political adviser Bobby Baker, "You know, I get a migraine headache if I don't get a strange piece of ass every day" see endnote 54. Lara M. Brown, Ph.D.: Michele Bachmann and Migraines: Presidential Disqualifier or Sexism?
  • It's like a silent alarm ringing on a carefully coded genetic clock.
  • Many cities require registration of alarm systems, provide for a warning process, fine violators and authorize disconnection of alarm systems.
  • Your bank balance depends entirely on your salary but your happiness balance depends solely on you.
  • Salary scales vary between states/from state to state/according to state/with each state.
  • Moreover, the combined salaries of the three wardens or lieutenants was now less than £400 per annum, and much of this was recouped by reviving the ancient practice of farming the shrievalties.
  • They found that N-cyclopentyl-tazopsine, a less-toxic compound derived from the molecule, was effective against early, liver-stage malaria parasites in animal tests.
  • And if it (hall happen that this legacy Ihall be found not to anfwcr the purpofe intended, I im - power the bifliop of Oflbry for the time being, with the confent of the dean and chapter of St. Canice, to fell the books, and apply their price together with. the faid (alary of the librarian towards raifing or sidoraiijig the imperfedl fteeple of their cathedral. Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis
  • Second-place winner Nada Bader, a 12-year-old seventh-grader from Crestwood Middle School, met her downfall with the word "conniption" - a fit of rage, hysteria or alarm. Times Leader News
  • Another major concern of the Social Ministry will be the increase of salaries and pensions.
  • Otherwise you'll just have to pump as much as you can into the scheme through voluntary contributions, although scope here is limited as you are restricted to a maximum of 15% of your annual salary.
  • They document why large anthelminthic mass treatments may be worth being assessed as malaria control policies. Elites TV
  • Journalists alarmed by the directions of both the profession and journalism education said the initiative comes at an opportune time.
  • There's nothing quite like the shock of the alarm going off in the morning.
  • That's when I stopped what I was doing, got out of bed and brained the one in the red pyjamas with my alarm clock.
  • Several years ago, when we removed taxes and tariffs on all antimalaria commodities, the cost of mosquito nets sold in local markets declined, local demand for nets increased, and more small businesses entered the market to produce and supply these essential commodities. Free Trade and the Fight Against Malaria
  • The jar contains a preserved Pterophyllum scalare freshwater angelfish from the Amazon, and the watercolor artwork in the background is by Agassiz’s illustrator Jacques Burkhardt. Pandas and Man at Harvard - The Panda's Thumb
  • None rested quiet or mute for a second, except the one who kept close as his shadow to her father's side, and unwittingly was treated by him less like the other children, than like some stray spirit of another world, caught and held jealously, but without much outward notice, lest haply it might take alarm, and vanish back again unawares. John Halifax, Gentleman
  • I just wish to hell one of the bennies was a salary, she thought wistfully. Children Of The Night
  • The bag is fitted with a special alarm programmed to go off if someone reaches inside.
  • She bit her lip in confusion, alarmed at the wash of warmth in her body.
  • On capture, a 250-l sample of whole blood was obtained from the alar wing vein of each individual.
  • They received a monthly salary and were charged with controlling the production process and recording the flow of tobacco leaves and products.
  • Mum sounded very alarmed and distressed and told me to lock the doors. The Sun
  • In tropical and sub-tropical areas, malaria is one of the world's biggest killers.
  • I've set the alarm clock to go off at 7 am.
  • And you are right, since salaries and general common people welfare dropped under retirement pension level (while profits and PIB soared during the 30 past year and more) it is the pensions that should be lovered, that makes sense ... Betanews
  • You should check that the smoke alarm is working properly.
  • As anyone with a son or daughter working for a City investment bank will tell you, the salaries and annual bonuses that go with such deals are mouth-watering.
  • But quinine may not be the best antimalarial treatment.
  • Risk managers are charged with an important function within financial institutions, and to attract calibre candidates, salary levels tend to be competitive.
  • Even if your alarm code is written elegantly and well, there is a compelling advantage to a centralized service.
  • She was alarmed to hear a very obvious lack of conviction in her voice, though.
  • That means Schwarzenegger's earnings from a career as a Hollywood megastar, which allowed him to forgo a salary as governor and commute by private jet to Sacramento, likely will be evenly divided with his estranged wife. Maria Shriver files to divorce Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • What is so alarming about the commissioner's report is the revelation that so many relatively minor inroads on civil liberties have gone unremarked and unnoticed.
  • Is that strangling the nascent ‘alarm tone’ market?
  • At present, IMS provides automatic equipment alarm, meeting notifying, mail notifying and productive system notifying on important issues.
  • But others, founding their assertions upon more plausible reasoning, say that the petty Mussulman kings, who were the neighbours or tributaries of Benabad, justly alarmed at his alliance with a {93} Christian king, solicited the support of the Almoravide. History of the Moors of Spain
  • He made a counter-offer on the spot, making me Special Correspondent with a 120 per cent rise in salary!
  • As the battle stations alert and klaxon alarm sounded, he donned a helmet and life jacket as he left the bridge and headed below. CHAINS OF COMMAND
  • Employment Hotel managers and assistant managers held about 105, 000 wage and salary jobs in 1994.
  • She blew in her salary yesterday.
  • He gets a basic salary plus commission.
  • If crows have become unwelcome guests, Martens recommends scare tactics, such as Mylar tape, pie tins, scary eye balloons, scarecrows, and auditory alarms.
  • Shulman CE, Dorman EK, Cutts F, Kawuondo K, Bulmer JN, et al. (1999) Intermittent sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine to prevent severe anaemia secondary to malaria in pregnancy: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • There has been considerable alarm about the new proposals.
  • Doctors are selling because complying with the ever-growing list of mandates has become more cumbersome; and while staff physicians on salary do gain predictability, they also lose the autonomy of independent practice. Big Insurance, Big Medicine
  • The foundation will use the collected money to pay salaries, social contributions and compensations to employees upon the sale.
  • If the family is counting ther salary, cover her with adequate life insurance and disability insurance.
  • Corporate recruiters have also learnt that they have to pay competitive salaries, says Ms Joffrey.
  • Salaries will remain competitive in the banking, finance and accounting sectors.
  • On the surface, the report could appear alarming.
  • The sores are usually relatively painless, and this procedure, like the urethral investigation, need give no cause for alarm.
  • Ben had heard that significant cry of alarm, and almost simultaneously the "plash" made by the little Portuguese as her body dropped down upon the water. The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
  • He said the people seemed to panic more when the fire alarm went off.
  • Some camps will become unreachable, and there will be an increased possibility of malaria and cholera outbreaks.
  • According to a survey by headhunters Astbury Marsden published on Monday, City professionals expect an average bonus of 24% of their basic pay for 2011, indicating a payout of £19,920 on an average salary of £83,000. Banks under fresh pressure to curb bonus and dividend payouts
  • The genome of the malarial parasite - plasmodium falciparum was only completed two years ago.
  • That alarmed the conservationists while failing to satisfy the engineers.
  • In truth, taking on Sandamhor as a family enterprise would be an impossibility without my mother's salary as a headteacher on a neighbouring island. Back to the land: from London to sheep farming on Eigg
  • It was cool without being chill, and took the warmth of one's hand flatteringly soon, as if it liked to do so, yet kept its freshness; it was smooth without being glossy, mat as a pearl, and as delightful to roll in the hand; and of an exquisite, alarming frangibility that gave it, in its small way, that flavour which belongs to pleasures that are dogged by the danger of a violent end. The Judge
  • One of the executioners then pulled off a kind of furred tippet which covered her bosom; her modesty taking the alarm, made her start back a few steps; she turned pale, and burst into tears. The Pacha of Many Tales
  • Objective We explore the value of three - dimensional scan and the diagnostic criteria for prominent malar complex.
  • Malar J 6: 88. van Eijk AM, Ayisi JG, ter Kuile FO, Otieno JA, Misore AO, et al. (2004) Effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine for control of malaria in pregnancy in western Kenya: a hospital-based study. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A starting Lufthansa pilot now nets a base salary of about $50,000 a year, while a veteran can earn up to $140,000.
  • But, they add, the feminization of medicine is helping to lower physician salaries, encourage part-time doctoring and exacerbate a looming shortage of physicians.
  • Jampridem equidem [280] nos vera vocabula rerum amisimus, quia bona aliena largiri liberalitas, malarum rerum audacia fortitudo vocatur, eo [281] res publica in extremo sita est. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • But they are most admirable talaria, ankle-winglets enabling him to skim and scud, to direct his flight this way and that, to hover as well as to tower, even to run at need as well as to fly. The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
  • After moving into her home, he suggested putting her mortgage in both names so they could remortgage based on both salaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three single pulses could produce a false alarm, but the likelihood of nine regular pulses three times was remote. Times, Sunday Times
  • I always tried to "pay as you go", preferring high salaries and roster bonuses not prorated to contain Cap charges in the year of negotiation rather than building up unamortized charges into the future. Andrew Brandt: Breaking in a New Cap: The New NFL System
  • They taught me about hepatitis, malaria, ringworm and how Edward Jenner discovered the cure to small pox while working with milkmaids.
  • Don't name-drop the CEO you had lunch with, mention the conference you're attending or talk excitedly about your new job or salary with less-fortunate coworkers.
  • They might be medical specialists, making a field study of malaria or sweat rash, or signals wallahs testing radio equipment. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • We have an alarming number of distressing cases in our files of youngsters, families and old folk who need us.
  • It would only be a matter of minutes before the alarm was raised and the guard called out.
  • With a pittance of a salary, how could they be enthused to become proactive people?
  • Almost one in five secondary head teachers is being paid a six-figure salary. Times, Sunday Times
  • For antimosquito repellents take antimalarials, not Larium as can cause psychotic episodes in some people Recent Updates
  • The institution also provided compensation to employers for salaries paid to employees on sick leave after the first eight days.
  • In the mid-seventeenth century, Spain began to import the bitter bark of cinchona trees from Peru and Ecuador as an antidote for malaria.
  • The compound, called ivermectin, shortens mosquitoes' life spans and makes them less likely to transmit the malaria parasite.
  • Alarmed at the first sound, we hit the dirt.
  • His alarm will be chucked in the dustbin and he can lie-in every day safe in the knowledge of a job well-done.
  • Many top players had enjoyed extravagant lifestyles and six-figure salaries.
  • Neuerthelesse, the rumour was great, and they rang alarme: wherefore the sayd slaues comming to prison, as it was ordeined in al the alarmes, were met of the people, which in great anger put them to death: so that there were slaine an hundred and moe the same day. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The alarming increase in media oligopolies has led to a subsequent decline in any need for public accountability on the part of media corporations.
  • I wore my summer suit pretty well through that winter, and the following summer experienced the longest, dryest spell of all, in the period when salaried men are gone on vacation and manuscripts lie in editorial offices until vacation is over. Chapter 26
  • When they arrived back at their home they discovered the source of the triggered alarm.
  • The director of the company receives an ample salary.
  • Sure, there's all that inner peace malarkey, but maybe there's something else going on?
  • In countries afflicted by epidemics and pandemics like malaria and tuberculosis, growth and development will be threatened until these scourges can be contained.
  • Or investing in the agricultural sector so farmers are more able to meet demand for crops like Artemesia annua and pyrethrum, easily-grown botanical ingredients in anti-malarial drugs? Global Voices in English » Global Health: Twitter Face-Off To Fight Malaria
  • Pre-clinical data from earlier studies indicated significantly enhanced immune responses against the malaria parasite (circumsporozoite stage of the Plasmodium falciparum) when Crucell's AdVac� technology and GSK's RTS, S/AS technology are used in combination, versus either component alone. News Articles
  • Mass, electric charge, temperature, have the same symmetry, of a type called scalar, that of the sphere. Pierre Curie
  • Tax is deducted from your salary.
  • Campaigners will step up their fight to dual the A120 after reflecting on alarming new figures.
  • The alarming trend for desperate medical sector docs and surgeons to reduce waiting lists by doing non-urgent but easy procedures first is life threatening and wrong.
  • About 9% of the total operating budget would go toward orchestra and chorister salaries, down from 13% last year, opera officials said. City Opera Performances in Jeopardy
  • The results show that the alarm time depends strongly on both the gas concentration and the emission current of the ionization gauge.
  • It employed people on a monthly salary and at its peak there were more than 5,000 on the payroll.
  • One of the biggest tasks will be to control the spread of malaria.
  • The fire alarm deploys a curtain covering the paintings, and then activates the sprinklers.
  • So he drave out to Miriam, who ran at him with the best of her skill and charged him with the goodliness of her cleverness and her courage and her cunning in fence and cavalarice, crying to him, “O accursed, O enemy of Allah and the Moslems, I will assuredly send thee after thy brothers and woeful is the abiding-place of the Miscreants!” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • In Liverpool there is a sulphurous whiff of rebellion - bitter talk, alarming to some, of direct action.
  • Poor Ernest has been suffering since Wednesday last with the jaundice, which is very distressing and troublesome, though not alarming .... The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume 1 (of 3), 1837-1843) A Selection from Her Majesty's Correspondence Between the Years 1837 and 1861
  • We carry through our plan to save one - tenth of our salary every month.
  • One'friend' of the magazine called the unions hypocrites for failing to deliver on a salary rise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Malaria morbidity and mortality have been held in check by the widespread availability of cheap and effective antimalarial drugs.
  • But it's worth remembering that, barely a century ago, the great male fear was not of alpha females with intimidatingly large salaries but their polar opposite: women were seen, rather like immigrant labour now, as dangerously liable to undercut men's wages by doing the same work for less. Young women are now earning more than men – that's not sexist, just fair | Gaby Hinsliff
  • I was fortunate enough, through connections, to be able to land a nice job, nice salary, nice benefits, etc.
  • It's telling that car alarms have become mere annoyances rather than effective tools to prevent crime.
  • The two most important groups of drugs for malaria treatment are still based on quinine or artemisinin.
  • There is growing public alarm at this increase in crime.
  • Their scalar product formula is used for the calculation of trajectory deviation.
  • The team wants to trade the franchise player and rid itself of his $10.5 rail lion salary cap burden.
  • The two most important groups of drugs for malaria treatment are still based on quinine or artemisinin.
  • With all the flow and rafts of weed washing downstream it was very difficult keeping the bite alarms from bleeping continuously.
  • He has waived a bonus and salary increase, though he is still forecast to earn about 1.3 million. Times, Sunday Times
  • The firm should concede a significant salary increase to its employees.
  • Their range includes hunch-whistles, high squeaky or piping whistles, trills, and alarm screams.
  • More alarmingly, the degree and extent of the complicity involved is shredding the credibility of the Hierarchy.
  • The new salary deal for railway workers will be a bench mark for pay settlements in the public sector.
  • There are also unfamiliar noises such as alarms and bleeps which help the nurse to monitor the patient.
  • He made a noise of what I took to be assent, muffled as it was by the furious flapping of his frilly pinny over the shrieking smoke alarm.
  • The moves are likely to alarm prison governors. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the building only contains manual toilet flushers instead of the self-flushers, then there should be an alarm above the toilet that sounds every time there is no flush.
  • Management multiplied the camera angles, narrowed the strike zone, sodded the diamonds and the gridirons with AstroTurf, enlarged the jumbotrons, shortened the distance to the outfield fences, strengthened the golf clubs, adjusted the rules and the clocks to allow more time for the beer and truck commercials, bulked up the salaries paid to players bulked up to resemble the designated hitters in World of Warcraft. Lewis Lapham: Field of Dreams: The CIA and Me and Other Adventures in American Sports
  • A burglar alarm went off, prompting the arrival of officers who detained the two undercover cops. The Sun
  • In 6 States, legislators received a daily salary plus an allowance for expenses while legislatures were in session.
  • To show us that success is ‘hollow,’ we see hollow Patrick a roaring success at 27, a vice president at a major Wall Street firm with a six-figure salary.
  • Cell division occurs mainly at the intercalary meristem at the base of the internode, but also throughout the internode at early stages of internode development.
  • Your employer will deduct income tax from your salary.
  • You will be paid a basic salary of £4,000 per annum, payable in arrears, on the last working Friday of each calendar month.
  • The present analyses draw participants from the 2,877 wage and salaried workers.
  • They share their environment with the mosquitoes who act as vectors for malaria.
  • One early high note goes alarmingly astray. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like many smart devices, my phone has an alarm to tell me when the battery is low.
  • A caixa preta da maior empresa brasileira, quando aberta exalará um mau cheiro insuportável de desmando, corrupção, uso de dinheiro público para eleições, custos publicitários superfaturados e desnecessários, má gestão do governo nos negócios da empresa, e roubo puro e simples, como o fez o Victor Martins irmão do Ministro Franklin Martin, que não deve ser o único. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Petroleum, elections and poverty matters
  • Let's begin with two conversations I have with alarming regularity. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, in order to register the team I had to pay 70 thousand dollars, without counting the pony wrangler's salary and all the rest of it.
  • I used "factory owners" only because I have no better image of the kind of people who benefits from a general lowering of salaries, and "workers" - how do you call the people, very numerous, who live by selling their unspecialized or barely specialized labor. How Everyone Can Get Richer as Per-Capita Income Falls, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Mrs. Blower, knows how to bring down that robust health, which is a very alarming state of the frame when it is considered secundum artem. Saint Ronan's Well
  • Then, somewhat more alarmingly, there is the hunger for a voluntarist transcendence of the limitations of history, the fantasy of escaping from the inextricable complications and complexities of the past into some pure state of agency.
  • Salary caps are imposed to prevent richer clubs gaining an unfair advantage over poorer rivals by offering players vastly inflated salaries.
  • The paper reported that in Nakuru, more than 350 employees went on a go-slow to protest the delay in paying salary arrears and allowances.
  • Then he ran up the rope of the alarm bell.
  • Southern Cross, the troubled social care provider, posted half-yearly results yesterday that have implications far beyond the pockets of its investors, or even the 31,000 residents of its 750 care homes, and the staff who work in them, for whom the future is alarmingly uncertain. Editorial | Social care: Cross purposes
  • Nineteen per cent of households have intruder alarms, according to Mintel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The leader rapidly tapped in the combination that opened the door and switched off the alarms.
  • She is the one who has raised the alarm about radicalisation in prison as well as online. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nothing could have seemed less useful than the study of mosquitoes, the differentiation of the different species, their mode of life, etc., and yet without this knowledge discoveries so beneficial and of such far-reaching importance to the whole human race as that of the cause and mode of transmission of malaria and yellow fever would have been impossible; for it could easily have been shown that the ordinary _culex_ mosquito played no rôle. Disease and Its Causes
  • The proportion of malaria-susceptible primigravid women did not change consistently over the time of the study. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went off.
  • Your salary deferral election, including the amount you plan to defer, must be made by the last day of your tax year.
  • Directors who take dividends instead of salary may think they are onto a good thing but could have problems on retirement.
  • Terrors shall come upon them: God will cause an alarm of war to be heard, even in Rabbah, their capital city and a very strong one, v. 1. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Wire the thermometers up to trigger off an alarm bell if the temperature drops.
  • What other burglar alarm could be so musical? Times, Sunday Times
  • Antonio de Ciudad Real happily notes the day, in Tratado curioso, when he realized that he was finally free from quartan fever (cuartanas), which had plagued him for more than three years. 64 Intermittent fevers like these were probably malarial, and these two cases could very well have originated in Spain, as their carriers had only recently arrived from the Peninsula. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • It's not by any means a brilliant salary but it's adequate for our needs.
  • The salary scale goes from £12 000 to £20 000.
  • So when some of the staff at her fledgling firm wanted bigger salaries she could not afford, she offered them an extra week of annual holiday instead. Times, Sunday Times

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