How To Use Alamo In A Sentence
similar to the tangerine"; kalamansi, meanwhile, also known as calamondin orange, is a naturally-occurring hybrid between a type of tangerine and a type of kumquat.
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Like Los Alamos, it was cradled by mountains and hastily built in order to win a war from an odd angle.
The history of cattle ranching in what is today the Municipio of Alamos began with the discovery of rich silver deposits in 1683.
If the Sartans can't continue that trend, the task could fall to Los Alamos, which is 20-9 and the fifth seed, provided it gets past No. 4 Artesia in another quarterfinal.
Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico news - Santa Fe New Mexican
A spokesman for the U.S. Department of Justice ramona Ji Nata ( gina talamona ) declined to comment.
The Mexican force has been estimated at from 2, 400 to over 5, 000, the Alamo's defenders numbered only about 185, and Santa Anna declared he would give no quarter.
Runwait, SQLexpr-sp2. exe / qb INSTANCENAME = ALAMODE UPGRADE = SQL_Engine SAPWD = alamode,,, OPID2 inst: = ++inst
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Washington -- A refugee from war-torn Somalia, Bilan Nur, came to the United States and succeeded in getting a job as a customer sales representative with Alamo Car Rental in Phoenix.
The Los Alamos area was officially declared a disaster area after the forest fires there in May.
Open the bottle, and one smells a mixed but light scent of different kinds of fruit including orange, citrus and calamondin orange.
From beyond the canyon's ridge, a wonderful bugle call charged the air, pounding hooves, belonging to the stalwart super troopers of Holt's Rangers raced to The Alamo in all their red, white and blue glory.
Even if espionage had taken place at Los Alamos, they argued, it had not mattered.
The miniature calamondin ‘orange’ grown as a decorative house plant is sometimes considered to be a mandarin × kumquat hybrid, and sometimes assigned to a species of its own.
The authors conclude that thalamotomy and thalamic stimulation are effective treatments for patients with severe tremors.
In December 1835, a volunteer Texan force drove government troops out of San Antonio and settled in around the Alamo, a mission compound adapted to military purposes after the 1790s.
El Alamo, Uruguay 1175, Recoleta, edges HRC out in two areas - a bottle of really good Brazilian hot sauce on the side for those who want to add more heat, and, more importantly, a rockingly good blue cheese dressing, filled with chunks of cheese.
Researchers at Los Alamos are also training bees to sniff out drugs like methamphetamine and cocaine.
a connection between the presence of bacillus spirillum and relapsing fever; and Mr. Talamon claiming to have discovered that diphtheria was due to an organism by means of which the virus could be conveyed from human beings to animals, and _vice versa_.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 358, November 11, 1882
Seeing the wounded and unconscious Palamon and Arcite, who have fought nobly, he orders they should be tended but kept prisoner.
Once a term naturalized in English, alamort is now considered French and is rarely, if ever, used in Dryden's sense of ` melancholy. '
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 1
Here is the The Druggist's General Receipt Book's intrepretation of the "Turkish" and "Arabic" dishes of palamoud and racahout as fortifying drinks based on chocolate.
The Old Foodie
The Los Alamos district is solidly Republican.
In the meantime, Alamo is being held at the Federal Correctional Institution in Texarkana, Texas.
Evangelist Tony Alamo arraigned on child-sex charges
Yet I had ordered duck pie, alamode beef and soused hog's face as well, apart from the kickshaws.
As long as they don't get wind of how frustrating working for the national laboratories such as Los Alamos, Oak Ridge, and Lawrence Livermore can be.
Russ Wellen: Nuclear Weapons Just Not Sexy Anymore
However, from an Ethiopian perspective, pottery was a low-status profession, associated with fire and dangerous beliefs that the Beta Israel were buda, supernatural beings who disguised themselves as humans during the day and at night became hyenas that could attack humans (cf. Salamon 1999).
Ethiopian Jewish Women.
If the results are confirmed, they could give new insights into how stars collapse and explode, says Chris Fryer of the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.
When the bomb was detonated down at Alamogordo, residents for hundreds of miles around knew something extraordinary had happened.
Danielle Salamon was also four when she was feted as a musical genius in 1953.
I've read the Los Alamos reports, but I'd like to know if, since then anyone has said the thorium is more concentrated than being a constituent of KREEP overturned at basin rim structures.
Dennis Wingo - Why Space? Why Now? - NASA Watch
But this superb chiller honored the delicacy of the original in its subtle shading of childhood horrors and its wintry evocation of Los Alamos, while delivering two or three terrific set-pieces.
Remember the Alamo
Our security at Los Alamos and all our nuclear facilities is very tight now.
He has also studied the plants in tropical forests near Alamos in southern Sonora and Mazatlán in southern Sinaloa, and in pine-oak forests near Yécora in the Sierra Madre Occidental in eastern Sonora.
Contributor: Tom Van Devender
When and how do I trim my Meyer lemons and calamondin?
I'm from - yes, I am from San Antonio, and we have our own little bit of what we call hallowed ground, that being the Alamo.
Gettysburg, Ground Zero: Secular Sacred Spaces
The sudden appearance of the Texan riflemen outside the Alamo look Urrea by surprise, but he was quick of perception and action, and his cavalrymen were the best in the Mexican army.
The Texan Scouts A Story of the Alamo and Goliad
The walls of the Alamo were thick.
Cuncti gradus ascendentes ad palatij aulas, et aularum cameras, et ad thalamos Camerarum sunt solidi de argento vel auro, sed et omnis stratura pauimentorum in alijs habetur ad similitudinem scacarij, vnam quadratam argenti, alteram auri, laminis valdè crassis, et in ipsis pauimentis, sunt exsculpta gesta, et historiæ diuersæ.
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
This historical drama retells the 1835-36 Texas revolution surrounding the famous siege of the Alamo.
Probably obtained from pebbles in the Ojo Alamo conglomeratic sandstone.
Tseh So, a Small House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico :
The current bulldawg spelling is an insult to lchs alumni who graduated before the spelling change. how would graduates of other schools feel it their school became the mayfield trojhanz, the onate nites, the gadsden pahnthzers, the alamogordo tygers, the deming wyldkats, the carlsbad kayvmen, the roswell kiyotes or the silver city fihtin koltz?
When and how do I trim my Meyer lemons and calamondin?
So, instead of advancing to the Fiesta Bowl to play for the national championship, the Wildcats were cashiered to the Alamo Bowl.
Also in its startling repertoire are foraged wild mushrooms, a beefsteak tomato carved tableside, fiddlehead ferns, acid-tinged calamondin oranges today called calamansi, and those now ubiquitous but then obscure cherry tomatoes and snow peas.
Rozanne Gold: Joe Baum's Nasturtiums: A Tribute
The news is that a controversial little coelurosaur from the Isle of Wight’s Wessex Formation, Calamosaurus foxi (known only from two cervical vertebrae, one of them incomplete), is so similar to the cervical vertebrae of Dilong that I am confident that it too should be identified as a basal tyrannosauroid.
Archive 2006-06-01
Holtrop, who recently toured the Los Alamos area as part of an internal Forest Service review, was struck by the high survival rate of trees replanted in one particular area of the forest.
The company, which also owns the National and Alamo brands, is the world's largest purchaser of cars — it buys about 800,000 vehicles bought in a typical year.
Damn, Not Even Rental Car Companies Are Buying Cars - The Consumerist
Despite the elder Bush’s passive construction, the phrase evoked the Alamo legend, in which William Barret Travis, besieged by a Mexican army, used his sword to draw a line in the ground or sand, saying, “Those prepared to die for freedom’s cause, come across to me.”
No Uncertain Terms
According to a study from Los Alamos National Laboratory, terahertz wave radiation THz emitted by the new scanners creates effects that may interfere with DNA replication.
Anne Dunev: How Iodine May Help Protect You From Radiation Damage
Open the bottle, and one smells a mixed but light scent of different kinds of fruit including orange, citrus and calamondin orange.
Forte, serenati qua stat plaga lactea caeli, alma Venus thalamo pulsa modo nocte iacebat amplexu duro Getici resoluta mariti. fulcra torosque deae tenerum premit agmen Amorum; signa petunt, quas ferre faces, quae pectora figi55 imperet; an terris saeuire an malit in undis, an miscere deos an adhuc uexare Tonantem. ipsi animus nondum nec cordi fixa uoluntas. fessa iacet stratis, ubi quondam conscia culpae
The Marriage of Stella and Violentilla
Gromyko red goatfish Univalved Camelshair osiris Revolutionize Elenchtic midiron terebenthene ashton Rape root aegina orange mushroom pimple enmeshed phenotype Cloff Antivenereal draggy call letters fomenter curvaceously disorganize catch fire Hearth money community of priests To take the veil Fraser fir renter drumbeater Ouachita thalamocortical Palatal marsupia STM
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But the Battle of San Jacinto wasn't fought intil April 21st (of 1836) ... and in that year, the seige of the Alamo was still raging on March 2.
Cream of the gravy crop | Homesick Texan
From the one came the many, begot or pollinate by inspiration or its lack: Alamo RentaCar begat AlamoDome begat Alamo Frozen Burrito which in turn was father to Alamo Bowlarama.
Alamo Rag
In the Alamo Rent-A-Car case, Bilan Nur, a 22-year-old immigrant from Somalia, was fired in December 2001 for refusing to remove the head scarf she wore during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
Los Alamos National Laboratory, for a six-month sabbatical, he used the occasion to review the work he and his various teams have done over the past 10 years or so - and bravely assessed the success or otherwise of the major various initiatives in which he has been involved - and MESUR (not for the acronymically faint-hearted).
The Los Alamos district is solidly Republican.
He was a spy for the Soviets in Los Alamos, during the atomic bomb project.
The structure of the hind foot is entirely conjectural, as only a few isolated metatarsals have been found in association with Alamosaurus remains.
Some of the greatest losses in Los Alamos occurred not in firestorms but from lower-intensity surface fires.
TEXARKANA, Texas — Six members of Tony Alamo Christian Ministries have been arrested for distributing handbills on vehicles in Texarkana, Texas.
6 members of Tony Alamo Church arrested for illegal pamphleteering
But are the creators exploiting the pester power of Balamory fans willing to spend vast sums of pocket money pounds on any old piece of tat with a Balamory logo?
Today is the anniversary of the seige of the Alamo.
TEXARKANA, Texas – A man who once described himself as an associate pastor of the Tony Alamo Christian Ministries was sentenced Thursday to six months of home detention and two years of probation for selling fake Nikes and CDs with counterfeit labels at his store in Texarkana, Texas.
Judge delays start of Tony Alamo’s trial
The studies were done using a physical properties measurement system and electrometers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Across the alley from the Alamo lived a pinto pony and a Navajo who sang a sort of Indian Hideho.
An often overlooked facet of the Battle of the Alamo was the inclusive nature of those who volunteered to defend what we know as the cradle of Texas liberty.
Capitol Annex
At his Politics and Eggs speech, Mr. Perry noted that the "live free or die" state was sure "remindful of a little place down in Texas called the Alamo," using a real word - "remindful" - that sounded an awful lot like one of the malaproprisms that sometimes peppered Mr. Bush's remarks.
NYT > Home Page
Atalanta defender Leonardo Talamonti admits he hopes to return to former club Lazio in the future.
Cuncti gradus ascendentes ad palatij aulas, et aularum cameras, et ad thalamos Camerarum sunt solidi de argento vel auro, sed et omnis stratura pauimentorum in alijs habetur ad similitudinem scacarij, vnam quadratam argenti, alteram auri, laminis valdè crassis, et in ipsis pauimentis, sunt exsculpta gesta, et historiæ diuersæ.
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
And I haven't mentioned the deep manly love that Palamon and Arcite profess for one another when they are not competing to win Emilia, nor Emilia's early professed deep womanly love for the otherwise unmentioned Flavinia (though if I was directing this I would make her the jailer's daughter).
Linkspam for 28-5-2009
Samizdata reminds us that on July 16, 1945, at Alamogordo, New Mexico, the Trinity test saw the Earth's first detonation of a nuclear device.
Ille meas errare boves, ut cernis, et ipfum Ludere, quae vellem, calamo permifit agrefti.
P. Virgilii Maronis opera: emendabat et notulis illustr. G. Wakefield
Verba Poetae non atiud figiiificant» quam fe cu - iufque infulae figuram, calamo, vel rubrica delineafle; quae figurac fubindc ah artifice ligno infculptae». libro ipfi aptatae fuere*.
Specimen historico criticum editionum italicarum saeculi XV
From east to west the vegetation changes in the ecoregion, from shrubland steppe with xerophilous shrubs such as Adesmia, Baccharis, Fabiana, and Senecio to grassy steppe with grasses of the genera Calamogrostis, Festuca, and Stipa.
Central Andean dry puna
Did it ever occur to anyone that Siege of The Alamo was Mexico using double-think to trick us into taking Texas off their hands?
Tallulah Morehead: Big Brother 12 : Mothra, the Penguin, and the Succubus.
The spaceship took off from a place called Los Alamos, New Mexico.
Science Fiction Hall of Fame
Skipper Casey thundered a massive 35-yard free kick off the underside of the Omagh crossbar and from the rebound it was like the Alamo with Reilly and Hoey both failing to force the ball across the line.
Bones of the forelimb and shoulder girdle in Alamosaurus, except the ulna, differ substantially from those of Titanosaurus colberti.
A primitive ski run was one of the few amenities of the original Los Alamos Ranch School.
Founded in 1684, just one year after its neighbour, Aduana - which faded immediately from prominence - Alamos rose to become the cultural, economic and spiritual centre of this splendid landscape of swooping, verdurous hills and sky-thrusting crags of rock.
Alamos: Still a boom to bust town, but with everlasting charm
I've read the Los Alamos reports, but I'd like to know if, since then anyone has said the thorium is more concentrated than being a constituent of KREEP overturned at basin rim structures.
Dennis Wingo - Why Space? Why Now? - NASA Watch
The machine that is going into Los Alamos is to be nicknamed Cielo, presumably because the sky is the limit but also because the US National Nuclear Security Administration is frustrated by current performance ceilings as it manages the country's arsenal of 6,000 nuclear weapons.
The Register
Balamory took off in such a way that he never managed to finish his degree, uncompleted business that he hopes to rectify now the series has run its course.
Examples of acidic varieties include ‘Improved Meyer’ and ‘Ponderosa’ lemons, calamondins, and kumquats.
Onto this stage is rolled a triangular cage for the important prison scenes, the widely spaced bars forming a jungle gym for the captive Palamon.
dryly, as Just your everyday mix of sea anemone, raw rabbit brains, oysters, and calamondin
Slate Magazine
Probably derived from silicified logs in Kirtland shale and Ojo Alamo conglomeratic sandstone.
Tseh So, a Small House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico :
Now, you will be given a fact sheet on the stockpile stewardship program that explains this in more detail, including the supercomputer facility that the President will see at Los Alamos, which is part of our accelerated strategic computational initiative -- also called ASCI -- which will provide the computers and weapons simulations for making critical decisions about the safety and reliability of the weapons stockpile.
Press Briefing By Robert Bell Of The Nsc
Grew up mostly in northern New Mexico in a little mountain town called Los Alamos, home of the Los Alamos national lab and the birthplace of the atomic bomb.
PdF Chat Time with Adam Conner
Yet I had ordered duck pie, alamode beef and soused hog's face as well, apart from the kickshaws.
The first to observe and name the calamus scriptorius (a cavity in the floor of the fourth cerebral ventrical), he called it kalamos because it resembles the carved out groove of a writing pen.
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The front-end team led by Gough is responsible for delivering a beam of 2.5 million electron-volt negative hydrogen ions to a half-kilometer-long linac to be built by Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Far more entertaining would be a tie-in with Los Alamos, and the Metallurgist Chef explaining the culinary wonders of the actinoid series, and why the Oppenheimer Diet is going to be the next big thing in weight loss.
Althouse on the road.
Sam Houston, pragmatist, had ordered the Alamo and the coeval dust wallow, San Antonio Breixas, abandoned to Santa Ana's army, which Houston correctly foresaw would overrun the small band of defenders.
Alamo Rag
We all decided to head down to the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema to catch a screening of the movie Homepage.
Several nights before I took my Ph.D. from Los Alamos University, I bumped into the Dean of Sciences bending patched elbows at a flyblown bar.
I had not thought to find the faculties of Salamon Sweers so quickly benumbed by what was indeed a wild and dangerous confrontment, yet not so formidable and hopeless as to weaken the nerves of a seaman.
The Honour of the Flag
Palamon's appeal to his kinsman for a last word, "if his heart, _his worthy, manly heart_" (an exact and typical example of Fletcher's tragically prosaic and prosaically tragic dash of incurable commonplace),
A Study of Shakespeare
Like Los Alamos, it was cradled by mountains and hastily built in order to win a war from an odd angle.
He began his career in the U.S. by urging his friend Albert Einstein to push FDR for a crash program the Manhattan Project to prevent the Germans from getting it first, then became a key figure at Los Alamos in devising the first atomic bombs, and then in the 1950s became an antinuclear activist, another penitent trying to shut the gates of hell he had opened.
How the End Begins
A novel of big ideas, the book's whirlwind plot is set between Berlin, Boston, Los Alamos and Auschwitz, and takes in neo-Nazis, a physics professor who returns to Potsdam to atone for his sins, an Italian postdoctorate who designs an experiment that will determine the fate of the universe, and a Holocaust survivor who tells his tale to the willing ear of a young psychologist.
Omega minor and war protest
When John P. Calamos Sr. started buying convertibles in the 1970s, most investors thought of cars, not bonds.
The nearest source is in the conglomeratic Ojo Alamo sandstone.
Tseh So, a Small House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico :
Bish and his Los Alamos colleagues believe that the proportion and distribution of hexahydrite, kieserite and other magnesium sulfate salts on Mars may hold a record of past changes in climate and whether or not water once flowed there.
Then maybe, if we cross in earlyish April, head over to little Alamos for a few days.
Entering by car through Sonoyta versus Nogales
Also in its startling repertoire are foraged wild mushrooms, a beefsteak tomato carved tableside, fiddlehead ferns, acid-tinged calamondin oranges today called calamansi, and those now ubiquitous but then obscure cherry tomatoes and snow peas.
Rozanne Gold: Joe Baum's Nasturtiums: A Tribute
Also in its startling repertoire are foraged wild mushrooms, a beefsteak tomato carved tableside, fiddlehead ferns, acid-tinged calamondin oranges today called calamansi, and those now ubiquitous but then obscure cherry tomatoes and snow peas.
Rozanne Gold: Joe Baum's Nasturtiums: A Tribute
While staying at Alamos 'beautiful Hacienda de los Santos, I taught a cooking course which included this version of filet mignon in chipotle sauce.
Filet Mignon with Tomatillo-Chipotle Sauce: Filete de Res al Chipotle
As portrayed here, The Alamo belongs in the latter category.
But none of that is true - her father has been working on a government secret, and she is off to live in a dusty desert town called Los Alamos, hours away across the country.
Archive 2007-02-01
Fermi generally spent his summers at Los Alamos.
Los Alamos National Laboratory is where the nation's nuclear secrets are kept and now, it appears, lost.
It was that very same who at the hospital of Rovigo had looked at me so hard, had burnt my cheek with his hot breath and urged the value of his friendship so clamantly against that of the Jew's; Fra Palamone, as I remembered his name.
The Fool Errant
The fact of the matter, however, is that once the technology of nuclear weaponry became manifest in the ruins of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in 1945, the spying that led to its subsequent spread was as difficult to prevent at Los Alamos and elsewhere as, later, at Almelo.
The Wrath of Khan
Cf. "Arcite and Palamon, That foughten _breme_, as it were bores two.
First, there is rather clear evidence of a straightforward dialect divergence in the tight range of cognation shared among the Central-East Ruvu subgroup — consisting of three divisions, Kami, the Southeast Ruvu cluster of Kutu and Zalamo, and Kwere — at 84.5% – 88.5%.
Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
The objection of this study is to analyzed changes of essential oil constituents in oval kumquat and calamondin after hot water treatments.
Possibly derived from the Ojo Alamo conglomeratic sandstone.
Tseh So, a Small House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico :
The calamondin or calamansi, also a diminutive citrus, is probably derived in part from the kumquat.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
The MIR research fits into a broader area of expertise that Los Alamos National Laboratory maintains in the field of complex systems modeling in general, and modeling in theoretical biology and biophysics in particular.
Ventris abstruso positus cubili senseras regem thalamo manentem, hinc parens nati meritis uterque abdita pandit.
Archive 2008-06-01
From the one came the many, begot or pollinate by inspiration or its lack: Alamo RentaCar begat AlamoDome begat Alamo Frozen Burrito which in turn was father to Alamo Bowlarama.
Alamo Rag
Zalamo speakers held a symbolic "grain pounding" ceremony in which grains of three colors were used: maize, millet, and rice — red, black, white — which symbolized blood, hair, and semen.
Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
It was a disaster," said Juan Vidal Castillo, the author of a history of his town, Alamos por los siglos de los siglos (Alamos for the centuries of the centuries).
Alamos: Still a boom to bust town, but with everlasting charm
There, sandwiched between a hairdresser and a mobile phone shop, is the long-abandoned Irish Alamo, with its roof collapsing and its walls falling in.
The red blob to their west is Los Alamos, which is red because they know which side the bread is buttered on and who butters it.
Home Theater Forum
the thalamocortical system
A tear glistened his eye as he recalled “the soulless butcheries of Goliad and the Alamo,” as the News expressed it.
A Country of Vast Designs
Here are two varieties of lavender flowers; citrus trees, bearing sour oranges, lemons and calamondin; jasmine vines in bloom, winding up pillars; crepe-myrtle, safflower, rosemary and valerian arrayed in geometric beds.
NYT > Global Home
Veteran film critic for The Wall Street Journal Julie Salamon presents a juicy inside look at the making of the Hollywood mega-flop Bonfire of the Vanities.
Once a term naturalized in English, alamort is now considered French and is rarely, if ever, used in Dryden's sense of ` melancholy. '
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 1
DHS spokeswoman Julie Munsell said other motions were filed at the same time, with Hudson and Circuit Judge Joe Griffin, the other judge handling Alamo-related custody cases, to try to pre-empt any further disclosure of videos that are supposed to be confidential.
Judge delays start of Tony Alamo’s trial
But the melancholy fact remains to be told that, haranguing all day long, the wilder grew the anecdotes of Palamone, the brisker was his trade.
The Fool Errant
Average July temperatures at Alamosa, CO about 6500 ft. elev. are 18.3 deg.
More on Positive and Negative Responders « Climate Audit
All of this points towards The Alamo's greatest strength: If you are a Texan, you'll probably swell with pride at this film.
This is known as the cephalic phase of insulin secretion and is due to the hypothalamo-entero-insular axis which is mediated by vagal nerve1
Fast way to better health | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
On his ranch in Los Alamos, he used gangplows, headers and threshing machines.
Vrofert hoc QumquefoUu tum in cauliu cacumine, tum in ramufcuUsgemmulas, & fiuclus, qui e yiridt candefcunt, fiagis natura confimiles. frimum radice confiare fubrubra (quod aliquibw no placet) ipfaexperientiaafecircum Goriti*fojfamcollec~l*, multifid&* anguftiordj,/J fyicam LQlwfimiUmxalamosdigitorumfenH, radtciadJ
Pedanii Dioscoridis Anazarbei De medicinali materia libri sex