
How To Use Alabaster In A Sentence

  • The 52 cm high sculpture is carved in translucent Egyptian alabaster and represents a royal female of the Amarna Period, between 1350-1334 B.C.
  • Striking too are Leon Victor Solon's 1896 porcelain plaque Resting and the metal and alabaster three tulips lamps by Albert Cheuret.
  • Known for his geometric sculptures from the '50s in iron and alabaster, which have inspired numerous artists, particularly Richard Serra, he also made collages and wrote extensively.
  • Milton has the word alabaster three times, twice incorrectly spelled Milton's Comus
  • As such I found myself dressed in black pyjamas and hood with only my eyes visible, creeping along a hallway with a particularly well-polished Ottoman strapped to my back and an alabaster vase full of tulips.
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  • Alabaster bowls, more than a dozen steatite vessels, and fragments of ostrich eggshell containers were also found. Arabian Hoard
  • Shifting winds blew clouds of spray over the rocks, trees, and shrubs until they seemed to be sheathed in alabaster.
  • Alabaster couples loitered along the garden path, handsome, whole and serene.
  • A slender adult leader with raven hair and glistening alabaster skin which reflected the full moon's light was playing a set of rich, nut-brown pipes.
  • And I love that the lesbian who doesn't play one in this movie or on TV, has the steamiest, most alabaster skinned, and way too brief, sex scene. Kate Clinton: Big Love Trumps Mr. Big
  • She lay down again on the bed and sang a little wandering tune made up of the words I have sung all the songs all the songs I have sung all the songs there are until, touched by her own lullaby, she grew drowsy, and in the hollow of near-sleep she tasted the acridness of gold, left the chill of alabaster and smelled the dark, sweet stench of loam. Toni Morrison - Prose
  • Oriental alabaster, the alabastrites of the classical writers, is a translucent marble (calcium carbonate) obtained from stalagmitic deposits; because of its usually banded structure, which gives it some resemblance to onyx, it is also called onyx marble, or simply, though incorrectly, onyx. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Poppy by Ruth Harris Poppy's flesh is alabaster, below a cap of bandages.
  • Her face still had the terrible pallor but it was not the alabaster whiteness of her mother's, more the ghastliness of unsuccessful junket. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • All I noticed was purple eyes, green hair, three eyebrow rings and an alabaster boy holding my hand.
  • She is dressed in a tight-fitting black velvet bodice. square-cut at the neck and partly filled in with a gay handkerchief, coloured rose-pink, blue, and golden, like the alpen-rose, the gentian, and the mountain dandelion; alabaster beads, pale as edelweiss, are round her throat; her stiffened. white linen sleeves finish at the elbow; and her full well-worn skirt is of gentian blue. Plays : Second Series
  • A high brow like unto the bright heavens, coeli pulcherrima plaga, Frons ubi vivit honor, frons ubi ludit amor, white and smooth like the polished alabaster, a pair of cheeks of vermilion colour, in which love lodgeth; [4914] Amor qui mollibus genis puellae pernoctas: a coral lip, suaviorum delubrum, in which Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The distressed surfaces, with their flinty earth tones, cobalt blues and nacreous whites, hold light like rough alabaster.
  • No purple mountain majesty there and no alabaster city, just waves of grain and the Co-op Elevator.
  • ALABASTER) and other stalagmitic deposits also consist of calcite, and so do the allied deposits of travertine, calc-sinter or calc-tufa. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • He's violated the rules of both racial and gender identity by transforming himself into an alabaster androgyne.
  • Wombi Rock, an amazing three-story crystal mountain built inside the casino, is crafted from more than 12,000 individual plates of onyx and alabaster fused to glass.
  • Aye, sculpted in whitest alabaster to emphasize his purity.
  • Transported across the entire Eurasian continent is a white alabaster sculpture titled " The Kiss " by Auguste Rodin.
  • Make your way past the alabaster nudes and sepia prints of West in better days; step over the polar bear shagpile rug, and into the salmon-pink inner sanctum of her boudoir, and what would you find?
  • The substance commonly known as alabaster is a fine-grained variety of gypsum (calcium sulphate) much used for vases and other ornamental articles. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • He looked down at his own pale alabaster hands, linking them and stretching out his arms over the top of his open ring-binder.
  • The link was pretty damned snarky and all about Martin Peretz and the alabaster quality of The New Republic.
  • The Renaissance-style building and its high-ceilinged rooms lined with alabaster statues of Greek gods made an unforgettable impression on the 13-year-old.
  • Its hues were of white, pearl, and alabaster, and it shone with pristine care and impeccable architecture.
  • ALABASTER) and other stalagmitic deposits also consist of calcite, and so do the allied deposits of travertine, calc-sinter or calc-tufa. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • Between the dunes dipped a valley of alabaster, crossed by the windswept shadow of a woman. ROUGH JUSTICE
  • The charming church boasts stations of the cross in alabaster, a gift from Empress Elizabeth of Austria-Hungary, whom my grandfather saw riding side-saddle across the fields below.
  • Immense vases and candelabras of alabaster were placed at different distances on the table, and hundreds of porcelain dishes were filled with sweetmeats and fruits – sweetmeats of every description, from the little meringue called "mouthful for a queen," to the blancmanger made of suprême de volaille and milk. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • I do remember we played for keepsies and I won a nice collection of clearies, cat-eyes (the purple/green combos were my favorites), a few highly prized speckled eggs, aggies (agates), alleys (alabaster/marble), steelies, and even a few boulders.
  • I am the voice of a little girl clutching her expensive beaded purse. and applying glossy chardonnay lipstick over and over because I like the hypnotically soothing way it feels, a rhythym of comfort. a smooth frost over curved hills and I like feeling. trying to remember the sensations I once loved. in the midst of sleep, swimming in the silk fabric of luxurious bedding, sometimes I am startled by the accidental touch of my own hand, brushing against the dipped hollow of my alabaster back, and the softness makes me inhale sharply ~because I remember~ because, I still remember your breath warming my dreams. Wendchymes Diary Entry
  • Make your way past the alabaster nudes and sepia prints of West in better days; step over the polar bear shagpile rug, and into the salmon-pink inner sanctum of her boudoir, and what would you find?
  • Six alabaster statues of the apostles, worth about £100,000, were stolen from All Saints' Church, in Pavement, York, in 1995.
  • Today, they have been chosen by the hired help: a jacquard twinset revealing an expanse of alabaster chest but not a hint of décolletage, plain black trousers and flip-flops.
  • As far as he knew the design survived on only one other sarcophagus, an alabaster beauty found by Zakaria Goneim in the unfinished step pyramid of Sekhem-khet. Blood Lines
  • That musky pileup of alabaster limousines and poorly cut tuxedos and spangled evening bags fat with Ecstasy, all of it the blazing hot sunset of a long, hard childhood!
  • Poppy by Ruth Harris Poppy's flesh is alabaster, below a cap of bandages.
  • My private closet is a pale sage green, trimmed in alabaster white, with a delicate painted chaise covered in soft green damask with a beautiful tulipwood desk, and my bedroom is done in pinks and creams. Exit the Actress
  • And her alabaster skin, always such a stunning foil for her violet eyes, was an alarming shade of yellow.
  • I frantically searched for something I could defend myself with: a marble bookend perhaps, or an umbrella, or my alabaster bedside lamp. RESCUING ROSE
  • Stiff-legged pier-tables of marble and alabaster face the windows or are placed between them; thick curtains that can be drawn quite back cover the doors; strips of hemp carpet lead straight from one door to another; the light is dim and cold, half shut out by the window curtains, and gets a peculiar quality of sadness and chilliness, which is essentially characteristic of every old Roman house, where the reception rooms are only intended to be used at night, and the sunny side is exclusively appropriated to the more intimate life of the owners. Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 1 Studies from the Chronicles of Rome
  • The grass was too emerald and willing to ignore the wind, and Everard reached behind himself for comfort, smoothing one of his small alabaster hands down the rough bark of the large plum tree.
  • Other fusible materials were added: the mineral sericite (a type of mica called petuntse) by the Chinese, alabaster by the Böttger workshop.
  • Once alabaster skin was now a stained mess of dark colour.
  • Clifford, the iceman in his alabaster shirt, seemed to stop breathing. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • Between the slab and the black marble base is a double arcade of carved alabaster delicately embellished with trefoil arches, crocket capitals, and pinnacles.
  • Pale vines wound over what looked to be emerald-green alabaster.
  • For instance, several alabasters depict the Trinity, with the crowned and bearded Father majestically robed and enthroned, supporting the crucified Son between his legs, the cross surmounted by the dove representing the Holy Spirit. Giving Physical Form to Faith
  • Although in New York an octagonal dark blue room displays a few Italian bronzes, the Electors were not concerned to amass small bronzes, alabasters or terracottas.
  • The downtown buildings were brown and velvet grey against the yellow skin of morning; the bridges shimmered in alabaster. DANSVILLE
  • The mansion was gorgeous, southern style; the front porch was made of white alabaster with four columns supporting the triangle-framed roof.
  • President's picture, full of grace and life, and richly meriting the term exquisite: nothing can be finer than the dark luxuriant hair contrasted with the alabaster delicacy and elegance of the features; the eyes too beam with benignant expressiveness. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 402, Supplementary Number (1829)
  • One of his suitcases contained three cylindrical stone seals, made of marble and alabaster.
  • Or rather, what we call alabaster now is not what was called alabaster in ancient times. The Ongoing Adventures of ASBO Jesus
  • The lash came out, and caught the boy on his alabaster cheek.
  • Within their doors also, such as are of ability do oft make their floors and parget of fine alabaster burned, which they call plaster of Paris, whereof in some places we have great plenty, and that very profitable against the rage of fire. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • Her alabaster skin and green eyes made her a stunning beauty.
  • Her hair was coiffed in a blonde chignon, her makeup flawless, and her crème suit showed off the alabaster quality of her skin.
  • Her thick hair, cut to graze her shoulders, was hennaed a deep red, striking against her clear, translucent, alabaster skin.
  • Brass plates were nailed on the first step of the white alabaster stairs.
  • I heard that Alabaster got a pretty good shiner from it too though no one knew why.
  • Then, remembering how my songs seemed to have called her from the marble, piercing through the pearly shroud of alabaster -- "Why," thought I, "should not my voice reach her now, through the ebon night that inwraps her. Phantastes: A Faerie Romance for Men and Women
  • No purple mountain majesty there and no alabaster city, just waves of grain and the Co-op Elevator.
  • Other fusible materials were added: the mineral sericite (a type of mica called petuntse) by the Chinese, alabaster by the Böttger workshop.
  • The alabaster is a species of marble, distinguished for being light, and of a beautiful white colour, almost transparent. Barnes New Testament Notes
  • An example is in site 31, an alabaster locality: no mention is made that alabaster is a fine-grained, compact variety of the mineral gypsum except in the glossary in the back of the book.
  • Through its association with Venus, Taurus has affinity with Copper, marcasite, alabaster, lapis lazuli and chrysolite.
  • He's violated the rules of both racial and gender identity by transforming himself into an alabaster androgyne.
  • Then," I continued, "perhaps you have found a prince of the church, pale as alabaster, sitting in his red robe, who put together the indicatory evidence of the crime that baffled you with such uncanny acumen that you stood aghast at his perspicacity? The Sleuth of St. James's Square
  • It consists of a series of pictures carved from alabaster, which read from left to right like a strip cartoon.
  • The passageway is lit by a ribbon of alabaster above and subtly punctuated by the cathedral's devotional chapels, which are arranged along the inner walls.
  • Granular or massive specimens are called alabaster, while all those which are well crystallized are called selenite. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • The tomb consists of a prominent polychromed alabaster effigy of the duke lying in state on a slab of heavy black marble surrounded by heraldic symbols.
  • There is a nice shot of contrast, capturing a black woman in the audience doubled over in hysterics, while behind her at the edge of frame sits the unamused glare of an alabaster female face.
  • Wilkins, the cover story, is described as "small, rail thin, and perfectly proportioned - with curly, corn silk blonde hair, and an alabaster complexion."
  • The traces of Yax Pasaj's activities as a peripatetic diplomatist are also preserved in several inscribed alabaster vases from western Honduras.
  • We passed into my bed chamber, which contained a large, ‘four poster’ bed, as it may have been called Above, save for the fact that it was carved out of black alabaster instead of wood.
  • One of his suitcases contained three cylindrical stone seals, made of marble and alabaster.
  • She remembered alabaster walls bedecked in jewel-framed portraits and detailed landscapes. A BEDTIME STORY FOR BREEZY • by Kevin Shamel
  • The charming church boasts stations of the cross in alabaster, a gift from Empress Elizabeth of Austria-Hungary, whom my grandfather saw riding side-saddle across the fields below.
  • Although Gil de Siloe has been called Netherlandish because of his style, much of his sculpture actually feeds on the Spanish tradition of alabaster carving.
  • Olivia Williams' crisp, tinkling syllables have a very Kristin Scott Thomas-ish ennui, and she is often shown lying perfectly still in satin sheets like a vaguely preposterous alabaster saint.
  • The stones used include red jasper, white oriental alabaster, yellow chalcedony, and green gabbro.
  • Pillars of marble and alabaster support the base, and the tabernacle, also of alabaster, is surmounted by four beautifully carved angels in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. More Encouraging News from the Franciscans of the Immaculate: Their House in Lanherne, England
  • He listed amazonite, aquamarine (subsequently named the state gemstone), topaz, gypsum (alabaster and satin spar varieties), lazurite, quartz, and turquoise.
  • And her alabaster skin, always such a stunning foil for her violet eyes, was an alarming shade of yellow.
  • Her face still had the terrible pallor but it was not the alabaster whiteness of her mother's, more the ghastliness of unsuccessful junket. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Within their doors also, such as are of ability do oft make their floors and parget of fine alabaster burned, which they call plaster of Paris, whereof in some places we have great plenty, and that very profitable against the rage of fire. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • No purple mountain majesty there and no alabaster city, just waves of grain and the Co-op Elevator.
  • A certain amount of alabaster is used to line the interior, but it is not carved or decorated in any way. Three Months in the Soudan
  • Pale vines wound over what looked to be emerald-green alabaster.
  • It appeared alabaster against his dark gray wool sweater.
  • Clifford, the iceman in his alabaster shirt, seemed to stop breathing. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • Alabaster, mosaic glass, saffron, hibiscus tea, he helped us buy it allor in point of fact, purchased it for us from the merchants in question. A rolling stoic gathers no mosque
  • My next release from Subterranean Press will be the new trade-paperback edition of Alabaster in April (by the way, I love that on a search for the word "alabaster" on Google, out of 4,880,000 hits, this book comes in at sixth place). "I have an angry libido."
  • Her face still had the terrible pallor but it was not the alabaster whiteness of her mother's, more the ghastliness of unsuccessful junket. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • So he has these alabaster white patches of wrinkled turtle skin holding him together.
  • There are four kinds of people in the world and none of them have alabaster sand floorings.
  • It was, like most Mirthian buildings built of white alabaster stone.
  • Some were crumbling, others were erect in immaculate alabaster.
  • A pair of trumpeter swans explodes on the canal beside us: running over cloudy water to take flight, great alabaster wings gulping air and harsh voices bugling surprise, they rise slowly from the reed-lined channel and glide against the wind to the further edge of the lake. William Horden: The Short Path Of Sudden Enlightenment
  • De Stancy had long since discovered that his chance lay chiefly in her recently acquired and fanciful predilection d'artiste for hoary mediaeval families with ancestors in alabaster and primogenitive renown. A Laodicean : a Story of To-day
  • Just look at those clouds, the towers and bluffs and ranges of alabaster vapor - why would anyone build anything here?
  • She had a movie-star smile completed with cherry red lips and bright alabaster teeth.
  • Windows were traditionally of translucent alabaster, but during the second Turkish occupation, deeply coloured stained glass began to be used in the decorative plaster window tracery.
  • Vanessa sits cross-legged on her bed in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, a tiny, elfin figure with a striking, delicate face that looks as if it has been gently chiselled from creamy alabaster.
  • Equally lovely was the modest farmhouse itself; its wooden walls were painted alabaster and its brown roof was shingled with wide, ridged tiles.
  • The alabaster's milky translucence and variegated, veined surfaces suggest the body, celestial charts and tide-roiled seashores.
  • They are supplied with marble slabs of African alabaster that were probably excavated from one of the many ancient sites in and around Rome.
  • The windows above glow because of their alabaster filling but make the interior darker than it would be with glass.
  • The pristine, pale features of the Virgin Mary looked back at my alabaster skin stoically.
  • alabaster statue
  • You can find the boards with brass corners, inlaid maple and walnut, Italian alabaster, and pewter.
  • The white medallions presented as the first European porcelain are indeed Bottger's, but they're not ‘porcelain,’ but an alabaster fluxed ceramic in which wollastonite (a silicate of calcium) replaces mullite.
  • The downtown buildings were brown and velvet grey against the yellow skin of morning; the bridges shimmered in alabaster. DANSVILLE
  • They shudder pathetically like lithographs of Victorian beggars with perfect features and alabaster skin hawking rags in the lewd alleys of the novel. Necessary Poetry : Rigoberto González : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • A realistic hologram of a rag-clad senior with a white ponytail and long alabaster whiskers examined about the room with a confused countenance.
  • A foot-high alabaster Michelangelo David has red lips and toe nails.
  • The Moon's glow casting its light on her form, her white tunic dress, glowing with the brilliance of the Moon, her alabaster skin, smooth and unmarred in the light.
  • The pillars roared upward like towering giants made of white alabaster.
  • The distressed surfaces, with their flinty earth tones, cobalt blues and nacreous whites, hold light like rough alabaster.
  • The glossy alabaster white embossment was the silhouette of a horse with the letter Q on its flanks.
  • Grandsire cut in alabaster, 60. phrase, proverbed with a, 104. skilled in gestic lore, 395. Familiar Quotations A Collection of Passages, Phrases, and Proverbs Traced to Their Sources in Ancient and Modern Literature
  • Her shoulders shook with laughter, her alabaster cheeks flushed with warmth.
  • Nevertheless, Jon still sent us a lovely alabaster lamp for our wedding, even though Ed hadn't invited him. RESCUING ROSE
  • Between the dunes dipped a valley of alabaster, crossed by the windswept shadow of a woman. ROUGH JUSTICE
  • His eyes were as black as his blade, while his skin was as pale as an alabaster angel.
  • Between the slab and the black marble base is a double arcade of carved alabaster delicately embellished with trefoil arches, crocket capitals, and pinnacles.
  • Beautiful alabaster vases, filled with oils and perfumes, and bejewelled anklets and necklaces are also on display.
  • I looked down at the chip and realised the glossy alabaster white embossment was the silhouette of a horse with the letter Q on its flanks.
  • She clasped a white hand to the black alabaster, sinking down to the floor.
  • The passage let into a circular sanctorum, its albescent walls worked in intricate arabesques, its high vaulted ceiling held aloft by fluted alabaster columns. Conan The Unconquered
  • With a bare, lolling chest, an almost flat stomach and a cream silk dhoti displaying his spindly, alabaster legs, he drives to the temple and parks half a block away, having reversed his car into the no-entry lane.
  • The unicorn was the color of alabaster, except for the pure gold of his hooves and horn.
  • The reception hall is a bright, split-level area with a glass ceiling, alabaster wall lights, a soapstone log-effect gas fire and a cloaks cupboard with latticed doors and ornate wrought-iron handles.
  • Thus the sulphate constitutes the minerals anhydrite, alabaster, gypsum, and selenite; the carbonate occurs dissolved in most natural waters and as the minerals chalk, marble, calcite, aragonite; also in the double carbonates such as dolomite, bromlite, barytocalcite; the fluoride as fluorspar; the fluophosphate constitutes the mineral apatite; while all the more important mineral silicates contain a proportion of this element. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • The stones used include red jasper, white oriental alabaster, yellow chalcedony, and green gabbro.
  • The banking floor was made of Italian marble and alabaster.
  • I frantically searched for something I could defend myself with: a marble bookend perhaps, or an umbrella, or my alabaster bedside lamp. RESCUING ROSE
  • In one corner, the sunshine gleams on 16th-century alabaster effigies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nevertheless, Jon still sent us a lovely alabaster lamp for our wedding, even though Ed hadn't invited him. RESCUING ROSE
  • The screen was innovatory in its use of classical architectural forms, their realization in black marble and white alabaster, and in the profusion of Italianate figure sculpture and reliefs.
  • This person is also a current practising catholic - reinforced by her refusal to go for a drink with me this weekend, as she is off to Bendigo for a pilgrimage behind an alabaster statue of the Virgin Mary for 100 km of walking to Ballarat.
  • Granite and alabaster were also imported with precious materials such as porphyry to give richness and lustre to interiors.
  • From the tall grand winding stairway that was made from white alabaster, to the grand columns of tinted plexi-glass containing a mysterious fluid, to the wide expanse of glass paneled floor.
  • In the flickering light Alex's pale hair was made flame, his alabaster skin held a rosy glow almost lifelike in its warmth.
  • The tomb consists of a prominent polychromed alabaster effigy of the duke lying in state on a slab of heavy black marble surrounded by heraldic symbols.
  • If student are excited about Twilight, they'll probably be more inclined to remember what the word "alabaster" means. Kids Reading, revisited
  • The alabaster sculpture of a crouching naked man, with his hands tied and his head covered by a hood is on display at a Baghdad gallery.
  • Framed by the white hijab she adopted at 17, Joseph's serious eyes and alabaster features impart an ethereal air at odds with the mirth that can bubble up at her own expense.
  • Overrun with flowstone and alabaster talus and thick vines, it looked like a forest without the trees. Deeper
  • They had semi-circular arched heads and were generally filled with alabaster or marble sheets or, sometimes, glass.
  • I headed for the white alabaster vase and shoved the lilac stems down its throat.
  • Beneath the black hoods and hats, their faces were white, skin the color of alabaster and possessed of an abnormal quality, an unidentifiable property that ordinary skin -- _human skin_ -- did not have. The Store
  • In the early morning light he'd step outside for a breath of air, paying no more attention to his needs than a dust mite, the colors of his canvas smeared across wizened, alabaster cheeks.
  • Soft auburn hair with the scent of wild grasses; alabaster skin smoother than milk.
  • The alabaster sculpture on display at a Baghdad gallery bears a striking resemblance to some of the shocking photographs that emerged last week.
  • The hands themselves were beautifully formed, so white they seemed carved of alabaster.
  • Tons of travertine or stalagmite, the so-called alabaster, have been quarried from some of the deposits, while a large number of flint nodules has been dug out of the cave-earth where they fell from the disintegrating limestone. Archeological Investigations Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 76
  • Your backyard becomes voluptuous with pomegranate and almond trees, lemon groves, and hedges of flowering cactus, dazzling banks of azaleas, marble - basined fountains, in which chestnut-and-white pond-herons step daintily amid exotic water-lilies, while golden pheasants strut about on alabaster terraces. The Toys of Peace, and other papers
  • she asked, her smooth alabaster brow furrowing.
  • Repairs were also made to the alabaster monuments to Lord Lumley, his first wife Jane Fitzalan, and his second wife Elizabeth Darcy, which had cracked with the building's movement.
  • The alabaster wall tomb that Chanterene created for the Archbishop of Évora is his most classical work, with a simplified architectural setting and the elimination of ornate decoration.
  • A stupendous column of white alabaster, it shone as brilliantly as the hot Egyptian sun.

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