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How To Use Aken In A Sentence

  • The difficulties of the next year or two will, no doubt, reawaken the pro-euro lobby.
  • This contact of his had passed on to him a list of slightly disreputable jewelers and watchmakers in the area, on which I was rather impressed and a bit taken aback to find my appearance.
  • Here's the good news: When you bring what I call unconditional presence to the trance of fear, you create the foundation for true spiritual awakening. Undefined
  • So spake he, and Athene was mightily angered at heart, and chid Odysseus in wrathful words: ‘Odysseus, thou hast no more steadfast might nor any prowess, as when for nine whole years continually thou didst battle with the Trojans for high born Helen, of the white arms, and many men thou slewest in terrible warfare, and by thy device the wide-wayed city of Priam was taken. Book XXII
  • The recession blindsided a lot of lawyers who had previously taken for granted their comfortable income.
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  • I barken back to the rogue Taken Howler, the dead unexpectedly alive and inimical. Shadow Games
  • He seemed a little taken aback, sat and listened with fur bristling, one hand stroking the back of the other.
  • There is a great deal of feeling and perhaps some bitterness, but do you not all agree with me that it is quite possible, since there is a fashion of armament in Europe, and since there has been no withdrawal on the part of the Admiralty from the stand taken by the First Lord some months ago, to have the entire Canadian people approach this situation in a calm and in an impartial manner? Canada and the Empire
  • Benecken characterized the entire hacking case as "ultramodern" and said that, in a way, it exemplified the "downside" of today's digital age "that can easily been taken advantage of by savvy youths with those skills and a lot of time. Hackers Allegedly Steal New Gaga Songs, Rumored Ke$ha Sex Photo
  • Hurrah!" came from the right, and the cheer was taken up from the left, while _crack, crack, crack_, rifles were being brought well into play. Charge! A Story of Briton and Boer
  • The decision to escalate UN involvement has been taken in the hopes of a swift end to the hostilities.
  • The walls were built from stones taken from nearby hills.
  • My eye caught sight of the great key, _Pakenham's key_, lying there on the table. 54-40 or Fight
  • The fall in popularity of the death's head and the subsequent prevalence of the cherub was a reflection of the Great Awakening and the belief in the immortality of the soul: "Cherubs reflect a stress on resurrection, while death's heads emphasize the mortality of man. Headstones for Dummies, the New York Edition
  • Any calls from the press or from friends were being taken on other lines by one of Andrew McClintock's secretaries. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • The man was taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries - a deep wound to his side had punctured a lung.
  • The Etihad chief has taken charge of just two friendlies and still does not have all his squad together. The Sun
  • There have been a number of situations with the young Belgian where had he not taken evasive action he would have been clobbered. The Sun
  • Crucial is currently quoting as below, with a ten per cent discount for orders taken online.
  • This also suggests that this deity was first adopted by the tradition of the monastery of Sa-gya, [26] a hypothesis further confirmed by the reference in the founding myth to his being taken over by the holder of the Sa-gya throne So-nam-rin-chen (bsod nams rin chen). The Shugden Affair: Origins of a Controversy (Part I)
  • Many of them had not undertaken even the leaving certificate or the academic entry qualifications necessary to enter university.
  • Firefighters said a man had taken off a valve before realising gas was still leaking out. The Sun
  • I just can't image what would have taken them all away at once with no word.
  • Some might say the club have taken refuge in recent years in the rosy glow of their triumph of 1967 so they might be as well moving permanently to the Portuguese capital.
  • Owner Jane Organ said it was tragic for the pup to be taken from its mother at such a young age.
  • The former Olympic champion may now have been overtaken, but a debt of gratitude is owed to her by the vibrant new star of her sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • Twice through the following night was I wakened by the boat being hurled upon her beam-ends by the blows of the seas; but she righted easily, and took scarce any water, the canvas proving a very roof of safety. The Boats of the 'Glen Carrig'
  • I also had a tissue biopsy taken, but went home thinking it couldn't be too worrying. The Sun
  • The application allows users to geocode images, or link digital images to the location where they were taken.
  • The cats were then taken out of the room for 15 minutes, and the four bowls were replaced with identical empty ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was watching the match in a pub without sound, and I had forgotten about it, so it was not until I got home that I realised that Langer had taken a hat trick, and that was why the West Indian fieldsmen all looked so pleased.
  • A prolonged period of low investment will weaken productivity and longterm potential growth. Times, Sunday Times
  • The three were taken into custody in connection with alleged plans to attack the US embassy in Paris.
  • She'd forgotten that for the next few weeks she'd be sleeping only feet away from the man she'd mistakenly raged at earlier.
  • Sakazawa was tossed and shaken as the ship bore the brunt of the attack.
  • (C and D) CG14217 is present at high levels in the pole plasm and is taken up by the pole cells.
  • He had taken a hard line about any country that harbored terrorists, and by his definition Saddam was a terrorist. Plan of Attack
  • Until you awaken this feeling, you should not expect the affirmation to work.
  • Several were taken to a police precinct and left there overnight.
  • My boots have taken quite a punishing recently I need a new pair.
  • Nevertheless, the international credit crunch and the weakening of global growth will "aggravate" the slowdown of the Icelandic economy, Mr. Haarde said. As Iceland's Krona Falls,
  • He turned his back to the refrigerator and addressed the shaken lawman. WILD JUSTICE
  • We could have taken the okie-doke route and been forgotten about. Grammy nominees, all full of glee
  • The report listed Lowe's injuries as "incapacitating" and he was taken by Rural/Metro Ambulance Service to University of Tennessee Medical Center for treatment. The Daily Times News Headlines
  • Your scribe's eyes were also taken with a beautiful Mosquito and I was forced to reflect how ‘right’ these warbirds look in the sky.
  • But this week, as far as Hoss knew, Pa hadn't taken either of them aside for a heart-to-heart discussion.
  • This magnificent bit of luck, the finding of the calisaya, awakened in the susceptible bosom of Mr. Marcoy an ardent desire to explore for himself the site of its discovery. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • Measures need to be taken to mitigate the environmental effects of burning more coal.
  • Huge plantations of tea, coffee, and cardamom have emerged and taken over what was once prime elephant habitat.
  • Ever since, leftish malcontents have taken every opportunity to condemn the iniquity of holding all applicants for admission to the same standards.
  • Just getting anyone in the area to tell the platoon where the former mukhtar lived had taken three months of pleading, and after several false leads that day, the soldiers had found him. The Coming Normalcy?
  • In recent years many have forsaken their turbans and beards, claiming it counts against them when trying to find a job. Times, Sunday Times
  • If that had gone in the game would have taken on a different complexion. The Sun
  • The gang had taken advantage of the immigrants' vulnerability.
  • Some of those nearest to him fell naturally into the habit of referring to him as “the King,” and in time the title crept out of the immediate household and was taken up by others who loved him. Mark Twain: A Biography
  • Copper is known to be taken into solution as copper sulphate at the surface, and to be redeposited as chalcocite where these sulphate solutions come in contact with chalcopyrite or pyrite below. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Apparently the section cannot adequately host the interests of both angling and boating fraternities and the boaters have taken preference.
  • Even in the straight world of economics, where production and tangibles were once central, indices of happiness, creativity and other non-material values have taken centre stage.
  • She has been taken to a local processing center, where she will be fingerprinted, photographed, ticketed and released.
  • If we had not gone, the dismantling of apartheid would have taken 25 years more. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can't comprehend... He was suddenly aware of being shaken roughly. THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • The adult members of society are under curfew and the elderly under house arrest: feral youth has taken over.
  • This capricious beast had been trained to caracole, and his owner had taken to impressing girls by making the beast execute this pretty trick whenever he saw one. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • John, yo 'oncinch thet saddle, an' then, Horatius Ezek'l, yo 'an' David Golieth, taken the hoss to the barn an 'see't he's hayed an' watered 'fore yo 'come back. The Gold Girl
  • She has a reservoir of talent, which needs to be nurtured and taken to higher levels.
  • The DNA samples found on her body did not match up with a sample taken from the accused.
  • Groups of pot-bellied old men in seldom worn suits stood in clusters, leaning in to catch a word, laughing, lining up for photos taken by children and grandchildren.
  • Because of budget cuts, the Jersey Shore borough of Interlaken is dismissing its entire police force. Carl Gibson: Corporations Are Draining America's Vitality
  • The currency had already been weakened after China carried out the biggest devaluation in two decades last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is found that the government bond is in low proportion. This will weaken the Central Banks currency control in depression and capital disposal.
  • Every morning he would be up before sunrise raring to go, throwing clods of earth at the windows of staff to awaken them.
  • So it has taken a different tack. Times, Sunday Times
  • His body was taken by some local Belgians and kept in their family vault for the course of the war. Times, Sunday Times
  • Going into the large yard, he cut two oaken wedges, took a new wheel, and drove a wedge firmly into one end of its axle-box. Russian Fairy Tales A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-lore
  • The 7 am express to Bristol will be taken off next month.
  • The dead men could have been the victims of mistaken identity. Their attackers may have wrongly believed them to be soldiers.
  • Now we had been taken notice of, put forward, and patronized, in undeniably genteel society. Oldtown Folks
  • If you wish to ascertain if a woman be with child, give her hydromel to drink when she is going to sleep, and has not taken supper, and if she be seized with tormina in the belly, she is with child, but otherwise she is not pregnant. Aphorisms
  • After the riot, 32 people were taken into police custody.
  • They have said to me that they were mistaken to think it could work.
  • Taken together these are a significant help and in effect constitute an indirect government subsidy.
  • The wellingtonia in Orchard Close is thought to be 360 years old and part of an extended avenue planted to mark the route taken by the defeated King Charles after the Battle of Edgehill.
  • He claimed that in recent years, as numerous dealers had left, many inspectors had additionally taken on the dealing role. Times, Sunday Times
  • A more specific look is then taken at the Ottoman 'sanjaks' or district provinces, with the Jerusalem sanjak "as a separate entity from the other regions of Syria [being] of tremendous importance for the emergence of Palestine about fifty years later. The Israel/Palestine Question - Book Reveviw
  • Taken from their families and forced to live in "white" orphanages, three mixed-race aborigine children escape, traveling 1500 miles back home, using the title fence as their guide. Cinematical
  • Many, if not most, complaints about misquotes, I believe, stem from a person's remarks being taken out of context.
  • But memories of prior political awakenings that ended disastrously were revived when the Polish military cracked down in 1981.
  • Said boy was taken up by Thomas Walton, and says _he was free_, and that his parents live near Shawneetown, Illinois, and that he was _taken_ from that place in July 1836; says his father's name is William, and his mother's Sally Brown, and that they moved from Fredericksburg, The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
  • Sugar, fat and protein molecules are taken through the cell membrane where they are processed by the mitochondria into energy. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • In Mr. Barthel's homeland, nudism had taken root among young people as an expression of physical fitness and harmony with nature. Wearing Only a Smile, Nudists Seek Out the Young and the Naked
  • The Popular Party led by Prime Minister José Maria Aznar is expected to win Sunday's general election although a poll taken a week ago showed the Socialists closing the gap.
  • It’s taken me some time to get use to the large grain mushy rice they use. Flatiron Lunch: Great Burrito’s Tacos Are Better Than Their Burritos (Go Figure) | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • Her children had been fearful of being taken into care if their parents were jailed.
  • The insurer based its refusal on the fact that I had taken statin tablets during that period for raised cholesterol. Times, Sunday Times
  • After some heated argument a decision was finally taken.
  • The backer has since taken a more prominent role. Times, Sunday Times
  • Barrow had taken an oath to study divinity when he was admitted as a fellow, and, after briefly studying medicine, he began studying divinity again.
  • The officer leading the inquiry has been taken off the case.
  • With Ahmed as our guide, we are taken to a gaunt, dilapidated building.
  • After his long stretch as an untouchable hero and saint (courtesy of hagiographer R Bolt) it was about time that creep More was taken off his pedestal. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • She'd taken to wearing a low-slung leather skirt with a single flap at the front and a pair at the rear, her pouch obvious above it.
  • Now, from the left, comes a ragtag assortment of college kids, labor unionists, conspiracy theorists and others who've taken to the streets in protests dubbed "Occupy Wall Street.
  • In fact he was suspicious of any technological advance that might weaken the ‘master race’.
  • But when nature's protective mechanism overcompensates and precautions aren't taken, there is a danger of blood clots.
  • Back in the mists of time, power dressing was a thing for women who had to appear more masculine to be taken seriously, like stealth camouflage. Times, Sunday Times
  • After climbing to 15,000 feet over four days, she had to be taken off the mountain on a stretcher in a night-long rescue. Knuckleballs of Kilimanjaro: Dickey Plots Ascent
  • The pragmatic differentiation between classificatory, potential and actual affines is undertaken in accordance with the proscriptive principles described above, and is framed within a consubstantial conception of relatedness.
  • Closing his eyes he fell into a light sleep, ready to awaken at the slightest noise.
  • There are several general measures that can be taken to reduce or eliminate the problem altogether.
  • Mares which are in the ambivalent early stages of estrus or which are mistakenly in diestrus pose a clear safety threat in close quarters. News
  • Parker also said that much of what Rhee achieved in contract talks already existed in D.C. law but was not used by her predecessors, including the power to weaken seniority protections for teachers who are "excessed," or let go from their jobs because of school closures. D.C. Teachers' Union election will affect survival of Rhee's initiatives
  • Behind the portcullis was a thick oaken door studded with steel. The Cloister and the Hearth
  • Why starve herself to look thin in pictures that she does not appear to enjoy having taken? Times, Sunday Times
  • She looked taken aback for a second; the change of subject had been abrupt.
  • Over 10,000 filar-micrometer and red light CCD measurements of Mars' north polar cap have been taken over the past 40 years, and they show that it has been shrinking. The polar-bears-on-the-melting-ice-cap photo.
  • If she was, he was glad he'd taken the tranquilizing drugs to dampen out his responses, and to give him a more ‘pleasant’ personality.
  • Anyone who has once taken up the WORD can never again evade it; a writer is not the detached judge of his compatriots and contemporaries, he is an accomplice to all the evil committed in his native land or by his countrymen. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn - Nobel Lecture
  • The incidents are alleged to have taken place after the mosque had been allowed to broadcast the call to prayer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reliable information indicated that even the staff of the department expressed their bewilderment at some decisions that were taken with respect to the event.
  • Names will be taken from those who intend travelling on next year's pilgrimage to Lourdes.
  • After much blundering and backing, it stopped at the door: rolling heavily from side to side when its other motion had ceased, as if it had taken cold in its damp stable, and between that, and the having been required in its dropsical old age to move at any faster pace than a walk, were distressed by shortness of wind. American Notes for General Circulation
  • I have also taken out a life insurance policy on him just in case.
  • Managers say that many employees have taken to pedalling home for lunch to increase their bonus payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were bagged up to be taken away by Trading Standards officers for investigation.
  • This is despite the fact that no account has been taken of the potentially depressing impact on economic activity and revenue buoyancy of their tax raising proposals.
  • Taken to the extreme, that would mean it was inextensible beyond EverQuest. The Hidden Bartle Type
  • Dio Cassius can scarcely be mistaken when he says that Tyre and Sidon were "enslaved" -- i.e. deprived of freedom -- by Augustus, [14477] who must certainly have revoked the privilege originally granted by Pompey. History of Phoenicia
  • Sphagnum samples were taken from the medium-long or outer branches of the capitulum.
  • Dick Brewer had taken refuge behind a thirty-inch sawlog near the mill, just one hundred and forty steps from the window near which this fierce little fighting man was lying, wounded to death. The Story of the Outlaw A Study of the Western Desperado
  • There's every chance of a real Bukhara rug with its 'lozenge' design in ruby and cinnabar that gleams when taken out to be beaten. Hindustan Times News Feeds 'Views'
  • The "logic" underlying the sacred cosmos is taken for granted because it is equally applicable to different social situations. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • Or the first man awakened to a sense of the divine. Christianity Today
  • On the River Darent, in Kent - which as recently as 1996 used to dry up in places during the summer, stranding and killing fish and other aquatic life - the amount taken from the river has been cut by 35m litres a day compared with 20 years ago, increasing river flows and so enabling much greater numbers of brown trout, pike and other fish to live in its waters. Rivers the healthiest in a generation due to stricter pollution controls
  • I have recently taken the advice of a charlatan going by the name of Dr. Spinola.
  • Joe had taken off his coat and was carrying it slung over his shoulder.
  • I found the final rather involving, which given that rugby is in essence a game of catch taken extremely seriously is not bad going at all.
  • After this first step is taken, further refinement of specific goals comes more easily. Christianity Today
  • The corrosion of reinforcing bar can weaken its strength and ductility, and then cause structural bearing capacity to reduce.
  • We have taken Emma to countless doctors, and any number of people with letters following their name lending them some authority or knowledge on autism. Ariane Zurcher: Waging War
  • He had taken over an old company verging on liquidation.
  • It had been a cold wet summer; he was 'feart' the owners would think he might have taken more care of some of the animals, especially of the young horses, and he mentioned certain ailments springing from damp and exposure for which he might be held responsible. The History of David Grieve
  • Our woodcut is taken from the improved model produced by Mr. Stokey; no doubt Mr. Rarey took the idea of his gag-bit from the wooden gag, which has been in use among country farriers from time immemorial, to keep a horse's mouth while they are performing the cruel and useless operation of firing for lampas. A New Illustrated Edition of J. S. Rarey's Art of Taming Horses With the Substance of the Lectures at the Round House, and Additional Chapters on Horsemanship and Hunting, for the Young and Timid
  • Bourgeois believes the war on terrorism has taken a toll on King's nonviolent vision.
  • Toray users chose theirs for the ultrasonic feature, which, when taken along with the previous question, suggests that the word-of-mouth effect, therefore the quality (or at least the sense of quality) of the cleaning given by their brushes is very high. Why Japanese teeth are often wonky
  • The same day's paper features a story "Is this a work of art or just any old iron?" about how the writer, broadcaster, doctor and polymath Sir Jonathan Miller asked a passing scrap metal merchant to remove a rusting bath from his front garden -- only to find his three metal sculptures had also been over-enthusiastically taken. Media
  • The 18th century saw incessant warfare between the colonial powers, towns repeatedly sacked, and islands taken and retaken, often for use as bargaining counters at the peace.
  • Deep down, this great patriot and cricketer has taken no pleasure from one humiliation after another. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have already taken a sunset swim and caught a fish at their first attempt at fishing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plans to turn a town centre into an alcohol-free zone have taken a giant step forward.
  • If ‘we’ has not taken over from ‘me’, the attitudes needed for successful community are not in place.
  • the passengers were shaken up but are alright
  • And about 5 o'clock in the eavning we could see the Yankees a marchen up on the other side of the river by regiments and most all went back from on this Side of the river and General Earley thought that they was all a going back and taken all of his men but a Louisiana Bregaid and started to reinforce General Lea And about the time we had gone 6 miles they come The diary of Bartlett Yancey Malone,
  • But if it spreads to other distant organs, the cells have taken a trunk road through the blood or lymph system. The Sun
  • They'll be back - looking for a way to regulate since an outright ban has been taken out of their toybox. Chicago Burb Shoots Down Gun Ban
  • Before military action can lawfully be undertaken against Iraq, the security council must have indicated its clearly expressed assent.
  • I've worked hard for what I have and I don't want it taken away by some slimy business partner.
  • Key decisions are always taken by the editor.
  • At first the pictures appear to have been taken at a family gathering - a christening or a birthday party.
  • All the organs of the body, the ductless glands included, are weakened.
  • A number have taken to waging campaigns of harassment against individuals. Times, Sunday Times
  • These remedies can be taken alongside antibiotics and steroids. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was taken to hospital in an ambulance suffering a broken neck but later died.
  • If I were to wait until some kind of separate road system for cycles is introduced, a dicky heart would have taken me to my grave before I managed to get on my bike.
  • Taken jointly, they prevent the progression of the disease, reduce inflammation, and relieve mild to severe pain.
  • For the sake of sanity, radio shows and other broadcasts are lumped in with "bootlegs" -- the term bootleg is taken to be anything not released by the band on one of its official record companies. DISCOGRAPHY: Genesis, by Scott McMahan
  • The finale to our visit came the very next evening when we were taken on a VIP visit to the Regency Casino for a mad night of wild abandon at the slot machines.
  • The Nobel laureate Richard Feynman once made a tentative suggestion that a theory uniting quantum mechanics and relativity might lead to an objective state reduction, and others have taken up and built on this idea.
  • Other prescription drugs, including tricyclic antidepressants, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers and anticonvulsants, are taken regularly to prevent frequent and disabling migraines.
  • The Hubble space telescope has been in orbit for 15 years, during which time it has taken over 750,000 images of the universe.
  • A Shandean fate overtook his body, which was taken by grave-robbers, recognized at an anatomy lecture in Cambridge, and secretly returned to its grave.
  • I had taken Jason to the Roseland headland in the Fal estuary by the green-painted East Narrows navigation buoy - due east and one mile from the docks.
  • As long as Palin hides behind Facebook like a teenager lobbing untruths she will not be taken seriously. Begala calls Palin 'about half a whack job'
  • Woe slipped into the wheel; the merchant caught up the oaken wedge, and drove it into the axle-box from the other side. Russian Fairy Tales A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-lore
  • These can be taken in place of subjects such as history, geography and modern languages.
  • Paint and other chemicals can be taken to a HazMat center for disposal.
  • The extract inclosed, which is taken from an official publication of the Belgian Government, and the extract from an official statement by the Belgian Minister of War, prove that the Belgian Government had never connived, or been willing to connive, at the breach of the treaty that made the maintenance of Belgian neutrality an international obligation. The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol. 1, January 9, 1915 What Americans Say to Europe
  • Discussions that could have taken place in symposia or in letters columns. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Ricketts couldn't have looked more out of his depth had he taken to the field in flippers and a wetsuit.
  • The approach starts with a weakened version of a microbe called an adenovirus.
  • Oaths were taken on the terms aforesaid, and the citizens dismissed their adversaries. Hellenica
  • The male form does not produce any berries and is much more vigorous with stronger growth, making it more likely to weaken its host plant over time. The Sun
  • At this point IWN relocated from Jerusalem to Ramat Gan, a move which inevitably led to a certain weakening of the relationship with Knesset members. Israel Women's Network.
  • And Obama was taken back when there was an outcry over his lamebrain ideal and he criticized the vets for not being patriotic. 2012 can't come soon enough! Obama shifts focus to Iraq, Afghanistan wars
  • In fact, I don't know how I'd managed if he hadn't taken my part against the merchants in Calicut. Spice and the Devil's Cave
  • And security staff had to rescue a woman who had taken a tumble outside a venue in the city. The Sun
  • You will be astounded to hear the initiative was taken by an entrepreneur wishing to boost the sale of postage stamps. Times, Sunday Times
  • You may talk vaguely about driving a coach – and – six up a good old flight of stairs, or through a bad young Act of Parliament; but I mean to say you might have got a hearse up that staircase, and taken it broadwise, with the splinter – bar towards the wall and the door towards the balustrades: and done it easy. A Christmas Carol
  • She wanted to approach Genevieve's by the route she had always taken in the past.
  • Anyone who refuses to pay an on-the-spot fine for allowing their pet to foul a footpath, for example, could be taken to court and find their name in the newspapers.
  • She said it was regrettable that a policeman, who had taken an oath, had come before the court and deliberately misled the court.
  • I have long claimed that this conceivability is only apparent; some misguided philosophers think they can conceive of a zombie, but they are badly mistaken. nullasalus: Blurring the Line
  • But it is not so clear that this weakening of states increases the possibility of the political independence or autonomy of oppressed nations within them, because the bourgeoisies of the weakened nation-states in question fight back.
  • Legal title to the property was taken by the parties as joint tenants.
  • I ran up against the problem of getting taken seriously long before I became a writer.
  • Many of the Confederates were of opinion that this decisive victory would be the end of the war, and that the North, seeing that the South was able as well as willing to defend the position it had taken up, would abandon the idea of coercing it into submission. With Lee in Virginia A Story of the American Civil War
  • The notion of integrating the goals of liberal education into students' majors was taken seriously.
  • This attitude was not taken in earlier years however, as is evident from the following statement made by Committee Chairman Arne Westgren, in a survey over the first 60 years of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • Cambrai might rely upon advancement to a cardinalship, and steps were taken, but without any good result, to bring about that event. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • However, of late I've taken to using a bentwood chair on set, but I am writing my next film so I'll be getting the old chair out again.
  • It's important not to pass urine for at least four hours - and sometimes overnight - before a urine sample is taken.

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