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How To Use Akee In A Sentence

  • April 2, 2009 3: 07 PM great interview ... and yes parakeet is a dakudaji blogger! Interview Thursday: "I’m particularly saddened about the state of women right issues in Nigeria" - Parakeet
  • Those wishing to breed the baraband parakeet in captivity should house pairs separately in long, spacious aviaries so they don't become overly fat.
  • Trined Bleck Pakeetow in smawshin hap the slive riders, e did. Captain Brassbound's Conversion
  • Family members have not addressed reporters who congregated outside Riverside Medical Center in Kankakee. George Ryan Asks To Visit Gravely Ill Wife, Lura Lynn
  • This bacterium is primarily carried by birds such as parakeets, parrots, pigeons, turkeys, and ducks.
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  • The gallery forests are dominated by Cynometra vogelii; the patches of dense dry forest by Isoberlinia doka, Anogeissus leiocarpus, Cola cordifolia, Antiaris africana, which is nationally threatened, Chlorophora excelsa (VU), and the edible akee Blighia unijugata. Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire
  • In southern Florida, utility companies now grapple with monk parakeets and the massive, nettlesome nests they build atop transmission poles.
  • Eet eez soo gud uv yoo too inviteengz awl zhee noobeez. i wudz like tu adding, pour le noo peepz, dat zhee verree nawt-sekkond commint vouz makeengz eez sentedz tu zhee moder ay torz ware eet be egg zameened wiss zhee mikro skope beefore eet be posted ware weee kan bee seeing eet. pu tetre, zhee lurkerz wanteeng too dee kloakeeng O zhor dwee ou de men. Kittehs help wif science - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Then they began to talk, and, by-and-bye, the king asked the fakeer if he could show him a glimpse of Paradise, for he found it very difficult to believe in what he could not see. The Orange Fairy Book
  • They are today known as Alexandrine Parakeets (Psittacula eupatria). SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • Omar Gaither and Akeem Jordan will compete at weakside linebacker. NFC favorites? McNabb wants to 'finish this thing off in Miami'
  • But the news of the governor-general's arrival struck them with consternation, and vakeels were sent to Agra, to learn on what terms a pacification might yet be effected. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 343, May 1844
  • They are today known as Alexandrine Parakeets (Psittacula eupatria). SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • Another said, "Be comforted, Yussuf, three days will soon pass away, and then you will relish your kabobs and your rakee, your sweetmeats and your wine, with greater pleasure, having been so long deprived of them. The Pacha of Many Tales
  • Bird watchers are drawn from all over the world in search of species such as parrots, parakeets, hyacinth macaws, and wood storks.
  • Another is the ring-necked parakeet, which is spreading so fast that the government has just allowed landowners to shoot them without a licence. Top stories from Times Online
  • Caging and displaying parrots and parakeets is illegal and punishable by a fine and up to five years in prison.
  • The fakeer replied that he was asking a very difficult, and perhaps The Orange Fairy Book
  • She has already taken in budgies, dogs and parakeets and in the past she has looked after ducks.
  • Her unruly teeth have been tamed into a neat, pearly, Californian smile, the parakeet spiked hair is now a glossy black mane.
  • Did he ever state it to the Rajah, or did he call his vakeel before the Council to answer the charge? The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 11 (of 12)
  • It was a parrot or parakeet or possibly a lovebird.
  • This area is home to several endangered and endemic birds, including the white-necked parakeet, coppery-chested jacamar, and bicoloured antvireo. Eastern Cordillera real montane forests
  • Just how popular the act was is difficult to ascertain – one can hardly imagine theater patrons straining from the far rows of a venue to make sense of the various parakeets hopping around on a stage. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • And I KNEW the parakeet was the one writing the posts! 1000th Post
  • These passing references are the last evidence of surviving Newton's Parakeets. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • Instantly the ground opened, and the astonished king, peeping in, saw a flight of rough steps, and, at the bottom of them, the fakeer sitting, just as he used to sit, on his rickety bedstead, reading the Koran! The Orange Fairy Book
  • No one knows what was there shown to the king, nor did he ever tell anyone; but, when the fakeer at length dropped the curtain, and the king turned to leave the place, he had had his glimpse of Paradise! The Orange Fairy Book
  • Barry Cinnamon, chief executive of installer, Akeena Solar, said, "I do not believe that the more the merrier is the right approach. Triple Pundit: People, Planet, Profit
  • Altho not that i would say no to a nakee scene with Hugh. .yum:) somy Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 08: 51 AM EST Today's Latest Headlines
  • The monk parakeet, a native of South America, has proved itself a hardy settler, able to survive the winter freezes of Chicago and Montreal.
  • On Monday, he called her a "parakeet" who takes instructions from the party leadership. NBC3 - Local News
  • Above the sounds of the powerful wind, parakeets and troupials can be heard chattering, and the bleating of goats reverberates across rolling hills.
  • The parakeets strip the bark off the rimu and the totara to get at the juice.
  • The relation middle the supplier or the distributer is takeer or seller.
  • Crows, Cuckoos and Parakeets are very destructive, parakeets not only destroy fruit tree buds but also raid nests and kill nestlings.
  • You did a very good job putting them together and the parakeet is a nice touch too ; Line Drawing
  • The parakeets seem to be immune to scarecrows, things that go bang and all the other bird-scaring devices.
  • The championship Rockets teams were VERY predicable . Dump it into Hakeem first and let him create or kick it out for an open 3. Nothing anybody could do about it.
  • ‘My father was a nawab of Tonk while my mother was from a khandaani hakeem family,’ he says.
  • Here's what I can remember: akee & saltfish, breadfruit, yams cooked over an open fire, boiled bananas & dumplings, porridge, jerk chicken, pork & sausage, festivals & my all-time favorite "patties" with coco bread. Mom’s visit to ja
  • Much of your time can be spent living with and caring for the animals they are sheltering from red howler monkeys, to owl monkeys, to red brocket deer, to yellow footed tortoises, anteaters, pumas, achunis, macaws and parakeets! Wendy Diamond: Stopping the Amazon Monkey Business!
  • The first confirmed breeding of ring-necked parakeets was in 1971. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bird watchers are drawn from all over the world in search of species such as parrots, parakeets, hyacinth macaws, and wood storks.
  • The Andean Parakeet (Bolborhynchus orbygnesius) has been recorded on the high montane grasslands at over 6,000 metres in the high Andes. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • I stretch out my finger and a brazen parakeet sidles onto it, inclining its head so I can gently stroke its chalk blue ruff, so downy tender that it feels almost moist.
  • Another said, "Be comforted, Yussuf, three days will soon pass away, and then you will relish your kabobs, and your rakee, your sweetmeats and your wine, with greater pleasure, having been so long deprived of them. The Pacha of Many Tales
  • Getty Images Hakeem Nicks No. 88 of the New York Giants celebrates with teammate D.J. Ware New York will travel next Sunday to meet a steadier but no less surprising team, the San Francisco 49ers, who finished the regular season 13-3 and won a seesaw 36-32 playoff against New Orleans. It's Down to the NFL's Final Four
  • Last time we had a bird, a parakeet, it lived for five or six years and then had a stroke, began having a kind of rolling tetany. Archive 2010-06-01
  • After which I repair to the bazaar, purchase meat with one dirhem, rakee with another, others go for fruit and flowers, cakes, sweetmeats, bread, oil for my lamps, and the remainder I spend in wine. The Pacha of Many Tales
  • Patrick Ewing is 38, Karl Malone and Hakeem Olajuwon 37, Pippen and David Robinson 35 and Dikembe Mutombo 34. NBA salary report
  • Generally they've been relatively good about staying inside, but I guess this time, the call of the parakeet was a bit too much. A post of vitally unimportant stuff:
  • Him she remembered -- Klakee-Nah, the head-man of the village, the friend of the missionaries and the traders, a large man thewed like a giant, with kindly eyes and masterful ways, and striding with a consciousness of crude royalty in his carriage. The Wit of Porportuk
  • Sexing Indian Ringneck Parakeets Indian Ringneck Parakeets are dimorphic, meaning that you can tell the sex of mature birds through the markings on their feathers. We Blog A Lot
  • For bird species we can cite the red and blue macaw, the brown-throated parakeet, the king vulture, the white bellbird, the hummingbird, and capuchin bird.
  • We thought we saw parakeets on a tree in the distance, but we didn't investigate this time.
  • Birds that may visit mangrove communities include Amazona autumnalis, scarlet macaw (Ara macao), green macaw (Ara ambigua), military macaw (A. militaris), snowy cotinga (Carpodectes nitidus), and several parrots, parakeets, and hummingbirds. Mosquitia-Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast mangroves
  • At least three other parakeet species have established feral breeding colonies: the most numerous is the ring-necked parakeet, now common in many London parks and suburbs.
  • The regenerating habitats on Mangere provide refuge for the endangered Chatham Island black robin, Chatham Islands snipe, and the Forbes parakeet. Chatham Island temperate forests
  • The echo parakeet is probably the most intensively managed bird in the world today, and it frustrates Jones that endangered species elsewhere are not supported with the same offensive onslaught.
  • They indulged in kabobs, and asking for wine and rakee, which, as forbidden by the law, I never taste, I went out and purchased it for them. The Pacha of Many Tales
  • Tenoo oasht emmok o piekhristos nem pekyot en aghathos nem pi epnevma ethowab je akee ak soati emmon nai nan Archive 2008-06-01
  • After a year or two had passed by, the king heard one day that the fakeer was very ill — indeed, he was believed to be dying. The Orange Fairy Book
  • The parakeet flew up and landed on her shoulder with another peep, his little sounds were words that Nichol alone understood.
  • Akeem called the unregistered trade enterprising, cautioning that it must not interfere with their official commissions. The Dreaming Void
  • Instead, she was El-Soo, daughter of Klakee-Nah, a chief, and she lived in the Holy Cross Mission where were no artists, but only pure-souled Sisters who were interested in cleanliness and righteousness and the welfare of the spirit in the land of immortality that lay beyond the skies. The Wit of Porportuk
  • Akeelah" is touted on the sleeves slipped onto the Starbucks cups (it sells 4 million beverages daily), emblazoned with obscure words like "shalloon," a lightweight wool fabric used for coat linings. A Starbucks Jolt to the Big Screen
  • I have a dusky conure, and she is that parakeet's twin.
  • The four-year study focused on the rose-ringed, or ring-necked, parakeet, a type of parrot.
  • Yup, "parakeet" is probably from a diminutive of Pierre. ORNITHONOMY.
  • She thinks of jaguars, night herons, flamingos, ocelots, parakeets, lyrebirds, roseate terns. THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • Two freight trains collided this morning near Kankakee, Illinois.
  • In this environment, sketching is unnecessary, and fashion-besotted kids in Kankakee get a closer view of the sculptural seaming on Narciso Rodriguez’s rigorously tailored, cropped khaki wool-twill jacket than do Suzy Menkes and Claire Danes in the front row. Fashion in Dark Times
  • These include bush tomato, parakeelya and parrot pea or bird flowers, as well as the dunnart, mala, honeyant, piedish beetle and case moths.
  • Lugesin juttu «Mirror, Mirror, Off the Wall» kõigepealt poolakeelse ajakirja «Fantastyka» 1989. aasta juulinumbris, kus see kandis pealkirja «Moggropple po tamtej stronie lustra». John Morressy «Mirror, Mirror, Off the Wall»
  • Aplomado falcons, and parakeets, are still pretty common in Mexico.
  • In any case, the current study clearly suggests that identification of any forces favoring vocal conformity in parakeets should be a top priority for subsequent work.
  • Star fruit, dragon fruit, something else like a cross between an akee and a lychee: - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The change presumably was made because of the post office established at the newly platted village at the mouth of the Kankakee.
  • At Jake's we had crab and akee on toast, followed by kingfish in coconut cream, and wondered whether to make an appointment with the bicycling masseur Joshua Stein.
  • The barley grew up undisturbed till the month was accomplished, and, at the expiration of that time, hundreds of people thronged to be present at the disentombing of the fakeer.
  • In a few days Seringapatam would have been taken by storm, but Tippoo seeing his situation hopeless sent a _vakeel_ to sue for peace. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
  • Hakeem is currently observing the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, and fasts between sunrise and sunset.
  • Like the Canada goose and ring-necked parakeet, it is an alien invader, albeit one of a much earlier vintage. Birdwatch: Pheasant
  • Even the shiate themselves they have now war between major factions with regard who really represents the Shiate..between Al Hakeen and Al-Sader…If we begin to underdstand this we are closer to find a solution..but if just think it is just a religious war..we might not be able to solve the problem in Iraq….the closer we find a formula of power sharing..the faster the problems we have in Iraq will be solved… Think Progress » Everyone knows except Mitch McConnell.
  • The paper also gives predication of ship performance in irregular waves and comparison between the experimental results of varied models of bulb stern fishing boats which have good seakeeping quality.
  • Or to be exact, ring-necked parakeets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Klakee-Nah was an anachronism -- a mediaeval ruin, a fighter and a feaster, happy with wine and song. The Wit of Porportuk
  • You'll find it in Karrada - whether it's a gold bracelet or fuzzy slippers or the complete, unabridged collection of the late Al-Hakeem's religious lectures on CD.
  • What she finds stuffed into its pens and cages, or tethered nearby, is a fair representation of Nicaragua's jungle wildlife: scores of parrots and parakeets, pacas, an ocelot cub, deer yearlings, a spider monkey.
  • Izzy is described as a green parakeet with an orangey-red ring around his neck, a big, red beak with a black moustache and 28-inch tail feathers.
  • They are like the parakeet in the mine — they are a good barometer of what's going on.
  • Earlier this year it was forecast that the ring-necked parakeet population could surge to more than 100000 now that the bird has become firmly established in southeast England.
  • Once upon a time there was king who, one day out hunting, came upon a fakeer in a lonely place in the mountains. The Orange Fairy Book
  • I have a dusky conure, and she is that parakeet's twin.
  • The diverse vegetation communities support a notable resident and migratory bird fauna, including cliff species such as fox-kestrel Falco alopex, Gabar goshawk Melierax gabar, yellow-billed shrike Corvinella corvina scarlet-chested sunbird Chalcomitra senegalensis,, rose-ringed parakeet Psittacula krameri, cliff chat Thamnolea cinnamomeiventris (abundant) and rock dove Columbia livia. Cliffs of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons), Mali
  • The black-legged serieman (Chunga burmeisteri), blue-crowned parakeet (Aratinga acuticadauta), Picui ground dove (Columbina picui), Guira cuckoo (Guira guira), little thornbird (Phacellodomus sibilatrix) and many-colored Chaco finch (Saltaitricula multicolor) make up a large part of the unique avifauna represented in this ecoregion. Arid Chaco
  • The verve and exuberance that could border on trance was utilized well in songs like Teri mahafil mein kismat aazamaa kar ham bhi dekhenge, Ghadii bhar ko tere nazadiik aakar ham bhI dekhenge (by Shakeel from Mughal-e-azam). NAACHGAANA
  • The park is home to 105 species of birds ranging from condors and austral parakeets to rheas - the South American ostriches.
  • This area is home to several endangered and endemic birds, including the white-necked parakeet, coppery-chested jacamar, and bicoloured antvireo. Eastern Cordillera real montane forests
  • Also, the Hanakee Hiva Oa Pearl Lodge, Hova Oa, Marquesas Islands along the French Polynesia, will not only let you indulge the ocean view but will take you on all kinds of excursions - from biking, boat excursions to horseback riding - starting from a minimum bidding price of $805. How to know which Caribbean vacation spot to bid on to best sizzle up on the day of hearts
  • The caliph and his attendants followed him up to his room, where they found a table laid out for supper, on which was a large pitcher of wine, half a roasted kid, a bottle of rakee, preserves, confections, and various kinds of fruit; odoriferous flowers were also on the table, and the lighting up of the room was brilliant. The Pacha of Many Tales
  • They attack the birds that nest in holes, so a heavy seeding puts birds such as the kaka, parakeet and yellowhead more at risk.
  • After which I repair to the bazaar, purchase meat with one dirhem, rakee with another, others go for fruit and flowers, cakes, sweetmeats, bread, oils for my lamps, and the remainder I spend in wine. The Pacha of Many Tales
  • Forest wagtails, flycatchers, rose-ringed parakeet and black-crested buzzard always made the metro their home.
  • Parrot fever is a bacterial disease that affects more than 100 species of wild and domestic birds, including parrots, macaws, cockatiels and parakeets.
  • Very true, Mustapha; but my mouth is parched up with the sand of that simoom -- sherbet I cannot drink, rakee I must not, the hakim has forbid it; what must it be then, Mustapha? The Pacha of Many Tales
  • I therefore called my vakeel, and threatened him with the gravest punishment on my return to Khartoum. In the Heart of Africa
  • I am to be taken for him, then it is plain that fate has made me his vakeel, his representative; and whatever I do so long as I remain in that character is lawful -- then his clothes are my clothes, his hundred tomauns are my hundred tomauns, and whatever I have written in his name is lawfully written. The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan
  • According to Jeffery sightings of brightly coloured and noisy birds roosting are the UK's only naturalised parrot the ring-necked parakeet.
  • Lately it has been suggested that ring-necked parakeets might be starting to compete with nuthatches for holes like this. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shamas, barbets, dollarbirds, bee-eaters, coucals, parakeets, pittas, shrikes, bulbuls - birds of every shape and variety, common or rare are to be found in some part of Pulau Ubin.
  • At Jake's we had crab and akee on toast, followed by kingfish in coconut cream, and wondered whether to make an appointment with the bicycling masseur Joshua Stein.
  • Izzy is described as a green parakeet with an orangey-red ring around his neck, a big, red beak with a black moustache and 28-inch tail feathers.
  • Forebrain nuclei similar in structure and location have also been found in the budgerigar (an Australian parakeet).
  • The gallery forests are dominated by Cynometra vogelii; the patches of dense dry forest by Isoberlinia doka, Anogeissus leiocarpus, Cola cordifolia, Antiaris africana, which is nationally threatened, Chlorophora excelsa (VU), and the edible akee Blighia unijugata. Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire
  • Peter and Vicky have about 30 birds; quail, Eastern Rosella, Cockatoos, parakeets (called budgerigar) here) red browed finches and the brightest-colored canary I've ever seen. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • Al Sharpton said Kirsten Gillibrand should flip Harold Ford's criticism about her being a "parakeet" for Chuck Schumer and Senate leadership. 'Is Mr. Ford Saying He Would Not Be Voting With President Obama?'
  • Then you have a species such as the ring-necked parakeet. Invasive non-native species: attack of the aliens
  • The bird life was so rich and varied there seemed no end to new kinds, and they lived not in ones and twos but in thousands upon thousands: tiny green-and-yellow parakeets Fee used to call lovebirds, but which the locals called budgerigars; scarlet-and-blue smallish parrots called rosellas; big pale-grey parrots with brilliant purplish-pink breasts, underwings and heads, called galahs; and the great pure white birds with cheeky yellow combs called sulphur-crested cockatoos. The Thorn Birds
  • The park is home to 105 species of birds ranging from condors and austral parakeets to rheas - the South American ostriches.
  • Monk parakeets, which have established colonies in the home counties, are to be culled because they are alleged to pose a danger to crops, the electricity grid and native species.
  • October 8, 2009 at 10:07 am poorz kitteh – hadded eyedenteetee cry siss – thotted himselfz wuz a baer – himz hy bear nayten … nawt wakees untyl spreng Monorail cat. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • There, Yao Ming became leader of the Rockets after receiving the Mandate of Heaven from previous team captain Hakeem Olajuwon.
  • Once his parakeet was held for a ransom of five hero sandwiches.
  • The much larger population of ring-necked parakeets – a familiar sight in south-west London and found as far north as the Clyde – is harder to control, since it is so well-established, though the GB non-native species secretariat a sort of biological border patrol advocates limiting its numbers and is investigating chemical sterilisation. Invasive species: Killer shrimps and English parrots | Editorial
  • At Jake's we had crab and akee on toast, followed by kingfish in coconut cream, and wondered whether to make an appointment with the bicycling masseur Joshua Stein.
  • Whether or not the swamphen becomes as ubiquitous a pest as the monk parakeet or the feral pig is unknown. South Florida - South Florida Recipes
  • Instantly he hurried off himself, and found that it was really true, and that the fakeer was even then breathing his last. The Orange Fairy Book
  • Birds that may visit mangrove communities include Amazona autumnalis, scarlet macaw (Ara macao), green macaw (Ara ambigua), military macaw (A. militaris), snowy cotinga (Carpodectes nitidus), and several parrots, parakeets, and hummingbirds. Mosquitia-Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast mangroves
  • In general, the safety of a ship in a seaway is related to three major safety parameters - structural safety, overturning stability, and seakeeping quality.
  • In northwestern Indiana the Traverse continues onto the crestal area of the Kankakee Arch and coextends with the North Vernon Limestone of central and southern Indiana.
  • It was my perfume, right enough; I bowed acknowledgement while she smiled and settled herself, and the vakeel began to drone out her petition in formal Persian. Fiancée
  • One of my favorite basketball players of all time , Hakeem Olajuwon , grew up playing football in Africa .
  • The vividly coloured birds, thought to be ring-necked parakeets, have made their home in the Surrey outpost after originally being brought to the UK as pets from the Indian sub-continent.
  • Another item that should be kept in your parakeet's cage is either a cuttlebone or a mineral block.
  • Birds as diverse as parakeet, egrets, ducks, terns, and plovers were plummeting in numbers.
  • The akee is to be eaten at the peak of ripeness, just after the capsule splits, an occurrence which is often followed by a race between man and bird to reach the succulent fruit first.
  • I sensed there was something up as soon as I presented myself in the durbar room; she was perfectly pleasant, vivacious even, as she told me about some new hunting-cheetah she'd been given, but her vakeel and chief minister weren't meeting her eye, and her foot was tap-tapping under the edge of her gold sari; ah, thinks I, someone's been getting the sharp side of missy's tongue. Fiancée
  • He has shared his yard north of Santa Monica, California, with many species of birds, including the black-hooded parakeet, for 25 years.
  • April 5, 2009 10: 49 PM wonderful interview. .parakeet is such a force, you can feel it in her answers. bumight Interview Thursday: "I’m particularly saddened about the state of women right issues in Nigeria" - Parakeet
  • The top favourites are parakeets, munias, weavers, buntings and the Blue Rock Pigeon, and the top 10 species account for 75 per cent of indigenous trade.
  • He then drank off a cup of rakee, and rolling over in a state of stupid intoxication, fell fast asleep. The Pacha of Many Tales
  • Later on, after the solstitial pause for refleshmeant, the same man (or a different and younger him of the same ham) asked in the vermicular with a very oggly chew-chin-grin: Was six vic-tolios fifteen pigeon takee offa you, tell he me, stlongfella, by picky-pocky ten to foul months behindaside? Finnegans Wake
  • The parakeet is a lovely sight, with its powdery smooth green plumage and its arrow-straight flight and general liveliness - but it competes too well with native birds, and as with the Canada goose, where the parakeets move in, the locals tend to move out. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Bestowing her name on the childcreating a namesakeestablished an enduring bond that complemented or stood in place of ties of blood or affinal kinship, since a midwife might be a female relative (usually an affine), a nsungukati 80 from a neighboring homestead, or a female member of the staff of a mission or state hospital. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • One, it underlined how weirdly obsessed and overserious NBA fans are about the league's all-time pecking order—witness the recent howling when Dallas's coach dared suggest that Dirk Nowitzki belonged in the greatest-ever Top 10, as if there was the possibility the Martian All-Stars might arrive and our planet would get hammered in the low post because it opted for Nowitzki over Hakeem Olajuwon. No Use Denying the LeBrilliance Anymore
  • The noisy ring-necked parakeets have gone up from 1,500 to 5,900 adults living here. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bird perching on his photo gear is an echo parakeet, a species he'd come to research.
  • They attack the birds that nest in holes, so a heavy seeding puts birds such as the kaka, parakeet and yellowhead more at risk.
  • The relation middle the supplier or the distributer is takeer or seller.
  • At first the king was so surprised and frightened that he could only stare; but the fakeer beckoned to him to come down, so, mustering up his courage, he boldly stepped down into the grave. The Orange Fairy Book
  • It's called the eradication program, as in what some call gassing parakeets. CNN Transcript Nov 29, 2005
  • Alberta CrossAlberta Cross is the blues-rock quintette founded by Stockholm native Petter Ericson Stakee (vocals, guitar) and Londoner Terry Wolfers (bass) in 2005. Phil Ramone and Danielle Evin: Dog Ears Music: Rewind, Volume I
  • The fakeer rose, and, making a sign to the king to follow, walked a few paces along a dark passage. The Orange Fairy Book
  • – Went to morning church; afterwards walked with Mr. Anderson, and, returning through a deluge of mud, met the 89th and 17th regiments, which had disembarked at an hour's notice, as an attack is expected to-morrow, it being St. Nicholas's day, when the Russian soldiers are supposed to have an extra ration of rakee; and as they never fight unless half drunk, the argument is not so bad after all. Journal Kept During The Russian War: From The Departure Of The Army From England In April 1854, To The Fall Of Sebastopol
  • Plus peregrine falcons, foxes, badgers, deer, seagulls, otters, kittiwakes and ring-necked parakeets. Times, Sunday Times
  • The songs were composed by lyricists Shakeel Badayuni or Sahir Ludhianvi, set to music by Naushad Ali and sung by Mohamad Rafi.
  • A heron flew over, followed by two ring-necked parakeets.
  • I also had the privilidge of seeing Linstead Market twice, and also hearing the song performed in the correct time in which it was written, and experiencing the dissapointment of a woman (hawker) who did not sell any akee all day (Saturday) to buy foor for a children for the next week. Barbados Underground
  • To be free of outward distraction, he shut his eyes and concentrated upon the scraps she had given him; and shortly, with his eyes still closed, he began to describe Ruth's island: the mountain at one end, with the ever-recurring scarves of mist drifting across the lava-scarred face; the jungle at the foot of it; the dazzling border of white sand; the sprawling store of the trader and the rotting wharf, sundrily patched with drift-wood; the native huts on the sandy floor of the palm groves; the scattered sandalwood and ebony; the screaming parakeets in the plantains; the fishing proas; the mission with its white washed walls and barren frontage; the lagoon, fringed with coco palms, now ruffled emerald, now placid sapphire. The Ragged Edge
  • Half an hour later, when Barakka the village cartwright drove his wagon into the courtyard he found Edeard and Akeem standing beside five tarpaulins with the reshaped cats lying on them. The Dreaming Void
  • I love birdies just as much as you love horses and used to breed and sell parakeets all the time, but I've since slowed down and am left with a few offspring.
  • But not long ago, Dirk's coach in Dallas, the close-cropped Rick Carlisle, declared that Nowitzki belonged among the top-10 players of all-time, and this really set the NBA cognoscenti off, since there was no way a hoop head or even a charitable coach should ever dream of displacing a 6-thru-10 legend like Hakeem Olajuwon or Oscar Robertson for Dirk, especially because Nowitzki has yet to win an NBA title. An NBA Voyage to the Heart of Dirk-Ness
  • Well over 100 notable species can be easily spotted in the Carara Reserve, including the great tinamou, red-lored parrot, crimson-fronted parakeet and scarlet-rumped cacique.
  • The fakeer was seated on a little old bedstead reading the Koran, with his patched cloak thrown over his shoulders. The Orange Fairy Book
  • April 4, 2010 at 7:20 am oohfakees, mai cween! aifinkso an eester lily on mai tayblol will be jsut luberly *trundlols awf tu dekorayt a beeeg buffay tayblol* heers a beeg eester buffay fur awl teh cheezpeeps – hawt cross bunns wif frsh budder adn jam, warm scones, cucumba sammichs, fresh hawt cawfee adn a huuuuuuj mirang eesta cayk decoraytd wif ising bunnehs adn chickies adn flowrs. Clyde’s reputation - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • What we will do with baby parakeets I'm not sure, but with help from a saw, some string, and a bungee cord, the nesting box is now in place.
  • Of course, year-round residents also make their homes among the bright red coffee cherries, including jays, wood creepers, hummingbirds, toucans, parrots, parakeets and other species.
  • Kuhja sees muda ja süsivesinike segu tunduks nagu keevat: tegelikult väljub see keskkonnatemperatuuril, ning on soolane (sellest ka sõna "salse", itaaliakeelsest "salate" - soolased). Tatsutahime Diary Entry
  • I love birds—I have lived with finches and parakeets, cockatiels and lovebirds, and a gorgeous red and blue Australian parrot called a crimson rosella—but I had never lived with a whole flock of them. Birdology
  • The diverse vegetation communities support a notable resident and migratory bird fauna, including cliff species such as fox-kestrel Falco alopex, Gabar goshawk Melierax gabar, yellow-billed shrike Corvinella corvina scarlet-chested sunbird Chalcomitra senegalensis,, rose-ringed parakeet Psittacula krameri, cliff chat Thamnolea cinnamomeiventris (abundant) and rock dove Columbia livia. Cliffs of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons), Mali

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