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How To Use Ajar In A Sentence

  • Within four years he managed to dislodge the shah then in place Ahmad Shah Qajar and coronate himself, making his 5-year-old son crown prince. A Monarch Dethroned
  • There were four curtained windows through which we could see that it was already dark outside, and a door that was slightly ajar.
  • Grihojudhyokalin rashiate Lalfoujer santrase mara giechilo 7.5 million manush. nandigram ki choto angaria to er kache sishu. shet shoktike nischinho korar janyo war communism er abodan kebol Kronstad ei avyuthyan er fole nihotoder sankhya koyak hajar. petrograder pashei chilo noubahinir chauni. Kafila
  • Inspector Rajaram Pardeshi, in-charge of the Junnar police station said the suspects in Shivneri cut three iron grills of the temple window with a sharp object and decamped with a mangalsutra and a nath (nose ring) and some money (totalling Rs 10,725) by breaking open the donation box sometime between Monday night and early Tuesday morning. Are We Losing Our Faith in Tough Times?
  • Chettha Thannajaro pressed Chavalit to back the new constitution and put better people in economic posts.
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  • IBM has been located in Guadalajara since the 1950s, when it began to make those ‘golf ball’ electric typewriters.
  • The corridor was empty, but the door to the inspector's room was slightly ajar.
  • He found the door slightly ajar, and pushed it on open, clearing his throat to warn the occupant of his entering, but Greg found the room empty.
  • Bake for a further 2 minutes with the oven door slightly ajar, to help crisp the pastry.
  • Then she called her handmaid and said to her, ‘Go to Shajarat al-Durr and say to her, ‘Thy sister saluteth thee and biddeth thee to her; so favour her by coming to her this night, according to thy custom, for her breast is straitened. ' Arabian nights. English
  • The peaks of Mount Kilimanajaro are now naked of snow for the first time in our own 10,000-year long geological period.
  • Had my whole house done in "saltillo tile" - and sealed and protected with a shiny sealant - now, a few years later - the sealant is blistering off - and exposing the original surface - which is being stained by the mopping!! has anyone ever SANDED DOWN and refinished tile by tile? if so, how and with what products available in Guadalajara? Saltillo tiles
  • This amti goes well with chapati, jowar/bajari/ragi roti as well a rice. Archive 2007-12-01
  • Oh, ermined Judge whose duty to society is, now, to doom the ragged criminal to punishment and death, hadst thou never, Man, a duty to discharge in barring up the hundred open gates that wooed him to the felon's dock, and throwing but ajar the portals to a decent life! Dickensian Verse
  • In direct contrast, feminist accounts have pushed Shajara into the limelight at the cost of the events themselves.
  • It might be mistaken identity, as the poster above me said, but among all my Mexican friends, from either here in Ajijic or from Guadalajara, a "gringo" is a person from the U.S. No Problem With "Gringo"
  • "You Walmajarri mob are lucky," said Pat, who comes from England.
  • In fact you might just give a Bollywood 'maa' a run for her 'haath ka gajar halwa' : Winter comfort - Carrot Halwa
  • In addition, there are different edaphic communities such as the woods of Prosopis scrubs of Baccharis salicifolia (chilca) and Tessaria dodonaefolia (pájaro bobo) in humid places, Atriplex in clayish soils and Suaeda divaricata and Allenrolfea vaginata in salty soils. Argentine Monte
  • Turn off oven and leave chicken for 15 min with door ajar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Manuel is visiting hospitals, rest homes and many other places who could use the service in Guadalajara area ... Transportation for people confined to a wheelchair
  • The government "encouraged the jury to engage in rank speculation and surmise about the substance of unrecorded conversations concerning which it offered no testimony at all, and to engage in even ranker speculation about what Mr. Rajaratnam knew and did not know about Roomy Khan and her alleged sources," Mr. Dowd said. Galleon Founder Asks Judge to Dismiss Conviction
  • The door stood ajar so I could see a narrow section of the room.
  • He leaves the front door slightly ajar to hear the early Dylan and Stones records playing from inside.
  • They exited the room through the slightly ajar door, where they saw Xavier and Saulo using the phone, Xavier with tears in his eyes.
  • Turn the heat off and leave the chicken in the oven with the door ajar to keep it warm. Times, Sunday Times
  • No worse by day than the lusty priming of a neglected hand pump, at night the donkey's bray assumes the apocalyptic aural agony of hell's rusted gates being effortfully forced ajar.
  • When finished looking at the Qajar and Pahlavi palaces, we headed for the "domestic" airport and boarded an Iran Air 737 and headed south to the city of Yazd. Eric Lurio: Notes on the Iran/Persia Conflict: A Travelogue -- Part Three
  • New York's architect LOT - EK , have designed a library in Guadalajara made entirely of refurbished airplane fuselages.
  • Hopping over to San Diego from the upper Baja Peninsula is a different project than going from the Guadalajara area. Going bk to USA to get my meds?
  • While meeting with the journalists, Ajar declined to comment on Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's recent remarks on Israel and instead reaffirmed Ataturk's peaceful legacy and talked about the safety in Antalya, which is the Israeli tourist's favorite travel destination in Turkey. Vos Iz Neias - (Yiddish:What's News?)
  • A sash window had been left slightly ajar for fresh air: the mosquito net rippled in the breeze. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another reason for the lack of traffic backups is the greater use of buses and taxis in Guadalajara. The Army Corps Of Engineers Approach To Traffic Control
  • the door was ajar
  • Por alguna razón creo que uds. viven en Guadalajara. Fueron todas las personas que necesitaban ayuda.
  • Then later on, with perhaps ten miles behind you, Paco and Pajarito will be there beneath the ilex trees with a couple of large cold boxes.
  • An explosion ripped through the peaceful air of Little Pajaro.
  • Bajarangadala�s sandal mafia leader Mahendrakumar shouting arrogantly after completing dacoity to take stringent action on us without any investigation. Some press releases of the CPI(Maoist) Karnataka State Committee
  • He swept the torch beam round the short passage and saw the two cell doors on his left were ajar.
  • In January 2009, a trial judge raised Manuel Fajardo-Santos's original $75,000 bail to $300,000 after a local prosecutor expressed concerns that the federal government could deport Fajardo-Santos before the state had the opportunity to bring him to trial since ICE already had a "detainer" on him. Undefined
  • There are also vinyl windows available that have small, adjustable ports above one of the sashes, allowing a very small amount of air to enter the house without the security problems of leaving a window ajar.
  • Pyramid developed a general of unusual prowess called Tezozomoc, and under his leadership the Cactus People extended their fringe of feudatory states almost to Guadalajara. Mexico
  • If she's been to Guadalajara to scope things out, then she knows the city and knows that it's really smoggy, particularly during the dry season, and she has made it very clear that Guadalajara is the place she chooses. Considering emigrating to Guadalajara?
  • The AOT compilation tool, jxeinajar, generates native code from classes stored in JAR or ZIP file formats.
  • Mahendra menggantikan posisinya setelah ayahnya meninggal (dengan wajar), ia memilih untuik tidak tinggal di dalam istana Nara dan tetap tinggal di rumahnya sendiri. SEJARAH YANG PENUH DENGAN DARAH
  • A studded door stood ajar, and through the gap, from a guiding beacon of infamy, fell a rhomb of yellow light, suddenly obscured by a squat female figure when the steps of the The Historical Nights' Entertainment First Series
  • No, not as in igneous, granite, marble or quartz, but as in I just spent 5 days in Guadalajara and had a rockin 'good time. Guadalajara Rocks!
  • Turn the oven off, set the door ajar and leave the meringues overnight to dry out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Turn off the oven and leave the door ajar for 15 minutes to rest the meat before serving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Burning fuel in an enclosed or unventilated space (with no air vents, or windows or doors left open or ajar) is most likely to cause CO poisoning.
  • Terranova said he preferred the copper trade, while Pete Najarian liked what he called the safer rails trade. 'Fast Money' Recap: Microsoft-Adobe Rumors - TheStreet
  • Kalau Nazri sudah kurang ajar akapada TDM, pemimpin yang banyak berjasa kapada negara, saya fikir tak perlu kita panggil dia YB lagi. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • Cerro Las Mesas, Mayaguez, Marcao, Adjuntas, Eastern Vieques, Fajardo, Vega Alta and Vega Baja, Arecibo - all of these areas have been identified as geomagnetically aberrant. Signs of the Times
  • A sash window had been left slightly ajar for fresh air: the mosquito net rippled in the breeze. Times, Sunday Times
  • To his right, stood a large walk-in cupboard marked as chemical storage, its door slightly ajar.
  • There was a perpetual rush of ‘machines’, motor-cars and motor-buses — called camiónes — along the one forlorn road coming to Sayula from Guadalajara. The Plumed Serpent
  • He stared back with a vacant expression and his mouth slightly ajar.
  • She eased up to a door that was slightly ajar and peeked inside the room to view about six or seven men sitting at a round wooden table, discussing something.
  • More immediately it may sound alarm bells in the semi-autonomous region of Ajaria.
  • The door was ajar and Helen peeped in.
  • Ajaran Astangga Yoga yang terdiri dari yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dhrana, dyana dan Samadhi, dapat include menjadi satu dengan melaksanakan asana dan pranayama. Yoga Ajaran Hindu Fenomenal
  • Along this fracture zone occurring at the base of the La Higuera and El Mexico volcanoes, the Santiago River has cut a fantastic gorge known as the Barranca de Oblatos, which may be admired from the Mirador (Scenic Viewpoint Park) Dr. Atl in Guadalajara. The geology and geography of Lake Chapala and western Mexico
  • In a recent interview with Newsweek, Mr Rajaratnam said that FBI agents offered him a plea bargain—just five years' jail-time in exchange for wearing a wire and taping his conversations with Mr Gupta.
  • Turn offthe oven and put the cheesecake back in with the door ajar. Times, Sunday Times
  • So if you need a door ajar or else without the cat running through it, placing the bottle in the doorway will usually keep it away. Keep Your Cats From Destroying Your Furniture | Lifehacker Australia
  • I grew up in a small, isolated town and can tell you that the reason folks live in small, isolated towns is ´cause that´s where the farm or the feedmill and the family are and because they cain´t get out of there because they don´t have enough money to pay the Greyhound to take them to Guadalajara or Chicago or Birmingham and wouldn´t know what to do once they got there. Life on the South Side of the Lake
  • Further inland is Guadalajara, a large, very old, and still beautiful colonial city. Retiring in Yucatan
  • The door was ajar, so the cat was able to come in.
  • Which is undoubtedly a comforting distinction if you’re the guy who had to pee in ajar. The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
  • At dawn's first light they reached the wrought iron gates of the palace, strangely ajar.
  • Baqueiro E, Massó JA, Guajardo H (1988) Distribución y abundancia de moluscos de importancia comercial en Baja California Sur. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The defense also wants jurors to know that Rajaratnam can't be a "tippee" -- that is, the recipient of inside information -- unless prosecutors prove that he knew the leaker had violated a confidential relationship with the company and had "personally benefitted in some way. -- Top News
  • It got to the point where the poor devil daren't leave the bedroom door even slightly ajar for fear that I would sneakily insert a syringe through the gap in an attempt to feed him tea intravenously.
  • My hand grasped the knob and I turned it gently, pushing the door slightly ajar.
  • The blinds of the avenue passed and number nine with its craped knocker, door ajar. Ulysses
  • The small feed and tack room door was slightly ajar; the fumes of oats and hay mingling in the warm, moist air of the summer afternoon.
  • This kind of cauterization practiced, possible cure for a particular illness but it was forbid - according to Ibn Hajar, is prohibited. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • House and garden had lost their air of well-groomed smartness: the gate stood ajar, the gravel was unraked, the verandah-flooring black with footmarks. Australia Felix
  • Leave with door ajar to cool. Times, Sunday Times
  • Después de 30 años de disciplinado sacerdocio he renunciado a mis condiciones formales de obispo sin dejar de ser cristiano y paraguayo para dedicarme a la política, trabajar por un proyecto y buscar convertirme en Presidente de la República del Paraguay para servir a mis queridos sufridos hermanos de este hermoso y bendito país. Paraguay: Candidates Using Blogs to Reach Voters
  • Interest in tequila is growing, and along with a tequila drinking course complete with certificate, day tours out of Mazatlan and Puerto Vallarta, and Guadalajara have become popular. Tequila "Course" in the Baja
  • J does not normally feature in words of Old English origin, the digraph dg representing the sound medially and finally (cudgel, bridge), but some j words (ajar, jowl) may be of Germanic origin.
  • The door should be slightly ajar. The Natural Beauty Book - cruelty-free cosmetics to make at home
  • Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note, whilst significant amendments have been listed below: p. 7, 'Miguel de Astete' amended to _Miguel de Estete_; p. 170, 'as it they were' amended to _as if they were_; p. 179, 'Quitu' amended to _Quito_; p. 179, 'His three left three' amended to _He left three_; p. 180, 'Cajarmaquilla' amended to _Cajamarquilla_; p. 183, 'Atalhualpa' amended to _Atahualpa_; p. 190, 'Cabildo' amended to _Cabildos_; p. 192, 'The curacus ranked' amended to _The curacas ranked_. Relación de la conquista del Perú. English
  • There was a window that was slightly ajar, to a room with an open door, where the two ARC men were holding a conversation.
  • Its door was ajar and light on. Times, Sunday Times
  • The door was ajar, letting out the warmth and scent of heaven.
  • The plainer, earthier Rancho Rio Caliente, about an hour from Guadalajara, on the Huichols 'sacred healing grounds, isn't a full-service spa but its underground steam room scented by eucalyptus branches and the unregimented availability of massage and meditation classes, encourage relaxation and balance. Live Better South of the Border & Spas and Hot Springs of Mexico
  • The fresh colors of the young Republic, the bright blazonry of the newest State, the coat-of-arms of the infant County of Tasajara -- (a vignette of sunset-tules cloven by the steam of an advancing train) -- hanging from the walls, were all a part of this invincible juvenescence. A First Family of Tasajara
  • A sash window had been left slightly ajar for fresh air: the mosquito net rippled in the breeze. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wonder at my life, it seems ajar. Is it so bad to long for relationship? Will He grant me kindred heart fellowship?
  • Konflik dalam rumah tangga Mae dan Rendi dikemas dalam nontonfilmpertama'KetikaCinta Selain film-film di atas, masih komedi segar akan membuat penonton tertawa dan menemukan Bertasbih ', wajib menonton se - ada jajaran film horor yang bisa hal baru yang tidak ada dalam film Get Married sebelumnya," katanya. kuelnya. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The door was slightly ajar, allowing her to slip in quietly.
  • Recuerdo hac 1año al bajar del trole descubri mi maleta abierta y sin ipod q “profesionales” pensé - notese la ironía - no sentí nada #troleq Global Voices in English » Ecuador: All Aboard the Trolley Bus
  • NEW YORK Reuters - A U.S. government request that Galleon Group hedge fund founder Raj Rajaratnam spend as much as 24-1/2 years in prison -- a term associated more with murder than financial crimes -- raises the ante in the biggest individual insider trading case in a generation. Reuters: Top News
  • The true troll has no such fantasy position, no high-rise hidey-hole of mock objectivity to snipe from; the troll is a grunt on the ground, running this way and that, chucking whatever wank grenade happens to be handy, through whatever doorway happens to be ajar. Archive 2009-06-01
  • FRESNO -- Mexicana Airlines 'suspension of daily flights between Fresno and Guadalajara could cost Fresno Yosemite International Airport nearly $1 million a year in lost income if the bankrupt airline doesn't resume flights this year. front
  • The large punch bowl in the Rose Medallion pattern shown in Plate IX was made about 1865 for Nasir al-Din Shah, a shah of Persia's Qajar dynasty.
  • I was in a hospital and I saw that my door was open slightly ajar.
  • We say in our house that the Pájaros de la Colonia estan cantando, qué linda (The neighborhood birds are singing, how pretty). A newbie Gabacho in Mexico
  • Does anybody know when and where in Guadalajara el desfile del dia del charro is going to be? Del del charro parade this Friday
  • And thanks for the GDL Guia Roji book-version info and link, and for confirming how useless that "bedsheet-sized" map of Guadalajara is. Driving through Guadalajara
  • He's got the door slightly ajar, just cracked enough to peek through.
  • This only left the main doors, slightly ajar, the tall crack of inviting light. AMAGANSETT
  • The sport's reigning grand champion, or yokozuna, is a 25 year-old Mongolian named Hakuho (birthname: M nkhbatyn Davaajargal). Sumo Fans Shrug Off a Scandal
  • Chelsea, however, lack adroitness and it is not easy to envisage them coming up with an inexpensive scorer such as United's Javier Hernández, with the initial fee to the Mexican club Chivas de Guadalajara thought to be no more than £6m. Chelsea will be galvanised by the sight of Manchester United
  • Hmm ... hal ini mengakibatkan orang-orang berpikir bahwa begitu kelas 12 selesai berarti mereka sudah selesai belajar jika di lihat dari kepanjangannya. UJIAN NEGARA VS UJIAN DAERAH(PROPINSI)
  • The one window was open and the door stood slightly ajar, yet she did not get the impression that the house was abandoned.
  • The message is clear - the door is still ajar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sure enough, as I enter the kitchen, the door to the conservatory is slightly ajar and I can hear his smooth, deep voice in hushed conversation on the telephone.
  • With chef Clark operating the camera and Smith serving as a one-woman troupe, the two just wanted to amuse themselves over some of the frustrations, minor and otherwise, they encounter: a snaggle-toothed customer who mistakes a molar chip for a piece of glass, a neighbor who can't grasp the no-fried-chicken-on-Sunday menu, the husband who races to the counter, leaving the door ajar and his poor wife behind in the parking lot. Gillian Clark: The chef people love to hate?
  • Beasiswa DIGS ini mencakup biaya studi, tunjangan bulan sebesar NT $6.000 selama dua tahun untuk mahasiswa S2, dan NT $8.000 selama empat tahun untuk S3, asrama sekolah, dan belajar bahasa Mandari selama satu tahun. ANTARA - Berita Terkini
  • Yo creo que Sammy si entiende lo que pasa a su alrededor, pero si la hace de pedo perdería el trabajar en Televisa. Global Voices in English » Mexico: Television Comedy Show Makes Light of Actor’s Mental Disability
  • With reference, in particular, to the ansated cross of Egypt, Letronne, Raoul-Rochette, and Lajard discuss with much learning the symbolism of that simple hieroglyphic of life, in which the Christians of Egypt seem to have recognized an anticipatory revelation of the Christian Cross, and which they employed in their monuments. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • 'Idam ajaraŋ idam amaraŋ idam ajarāmarapadam asokaŋ.' Psalms of the Sisters
  • By the end of the eighteenth century, a Turkish tribe called the Qajars ruled the area now known as Iran.
  • BEIT FAJAR, WEST BANK - Arsonists set fire to a mosque in this Palestinian town early Monday, charring Korans, burning holes into the carpet and scrawling "revenge" in Hebrew near the doorway. Arsonists set fire to mosque in West Bank town
  • On the inauguration day itself, he demonstrated this commitment to integrity and unity by suddenly arriving in the autonomous province of Ajara, down in the south-east corner of the Black Sea.
  • His timing may have been off because of recurring rainfall vagaries but that is a short term phenonenon and you, my friend Arbon, are certainly aware of the long term pressure on the sump´s water supply which is being modified by up-river agricultural and industrial use from Guanajuato to Guadalajara and here is what you need to keep in mind. The Lake Chapala Society
  • Noticing Vincent's bedroom door was slightly ajar, Cael pushed it open further and looked in and grinned.
  • At the eleventh hour the door was left slightly ajar once more.
  • Congress also voted to assign the customs from the ports of San BIas and Mazatlan to build roads from them to Guadalajara.
  • The thing most to be feared was that the room would be empty of Deronda, for the door was ajar. Daniel Deronda
  • One place we have found our visitors to enjoy very much is Huachimontones, which is a pre-Columbian archeological site near the town of Teuchitlan, about 40 minutes west of Guadalajara (on the map you would go west toward Tequila and then left toward Ameca). Side trips out of Guadalajara
  • The wooden gates to Drachenfels are solid and slightly ajar.
  • Long term parking is not a problem in Guadalajara. Long-Term Parking in Guadalajara
  • Can't Post | Private Reply thanks for your replay. can you give me a better idea where "el faro" is located. for example is it south of mazatlan or near guadalajara? if i understand your information, "el faro" must be near puerto vallarta? thank you, i'm not coming your way until next year. i've had a real lesson on importing pickups and cargo trailers to mexico but i've learned it can all be done. sioux4noff Self Storage Facilities/Storage Facilities in General
  • Jurors squabbled over bathroom breaks and created nicknames for players in the Galleon trial, but never wavered from their belief that Raj Rajaratnam was guilty of insider trading. What's News—
  • After the 7 minutes, slip the handle of a wooden spoon into the door to keep in ajar. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Rajaratnam's lawyers had asked for a sentence below the term sought by the government, one that was "fair, dispassionate and proportionate. -- Top News
  • She opened the ajar door, saw an old television on a wheeled cart broadcasting a fire downtown.
  • A woman prophesying in the midst of her own family doesn’t fit; a woman prophesying out in the open marketplace seems ajar.
  • All it takes is a tiny hole in an air-tight suit or a window left ajar in a supposedly air-tight lab, and you can wave goodbye to your friends, family and 100 million others.
  • Speaking eruditely, with a pained, hangdog expression, Mr. Kumar described his descent from the pinnacle of the business world to become a self-admitted felon aiding Mr. Rajaratnam. Motive for Stock Leak Can Be Respect, Love
  • Aw c'mon, Dog, Morelia is a charming and cultured city, much more attractive than Guadalajara and filled with so much to enjoy that we aren't able to fit it all in. Morelia and more!!
  • Both girls started and turned towards the direction of the new voice - behind them and to the right, through a slightly ajar door.
  • While one would think that cañon means canyon, google says it is barranca and I remembered that the canyon outside of Guadalajara is called a barranca as well. A recent trip / Viaje reciente
  • I confess that I, too, had very little interest in obsidian until the day I walked into Don Eleno's obsidian workshop in the sleepy village of Navajas, located 30 kilometers southwest of Guadalajara. Obsidian in Mexico: gift of the gods
  • We, as human beings, tend to dismiss something as soon as one small piece seems AJAR!!!
  • October 1, 1542 The decision is made to refound the city of Guadalajara in its present location, in the valley of Atemajac. Mexico this month - October
  • When there was no response he pushed it ajar and stuck his head in to look around.
  • Since Las tierras flacas deals with the author's native Los Altos, while Al filo del agua is centered in the Bajío, a rich agricultural basin between Guadalajara and Mexico City, I consider the former to be Yañez's true roman à clef. Agustin Yañez: the engaged man (1904–1980)
  • Frozen corn on the cob, frozen corn in kernels, and canned corn in kernels is readily available both in Ajijic and at Costco in Guadalajara. Late November Mexican dishes
  • Going to Las Águilas to renew a driver's license isn't really 'trooping into Guadalajara'. Drivers license renewal
  • Do you think the picture gains, or loses, by representing the door as "ajar" instead of wide open? Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
  • The wooden gates to Drachenfels are solid and slightly ajar.
  • Don Octavio made it back to Guadalajara just fine having done his share to deforst the selva. A Prison of the Mind
  • The door was ajar and swung open without resistance, and with Tabitha at home that did not happen.
  • The fact that he and Microsoft didn't deliver is surprising, " said Tim Bajarin, a longtime industry analyst.
  • Many new windows come with better locks and special catches that allow you to leave a window ajar without permitting a burglar to open it far enough to climb through.
  • In order to avert the evil eye they hang round a child's neck a nut called _bajar-battu_, the shell of which they say will crack and open if any one casts the evil eye on the child. The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India Volume II
  • Walking home, he spotted his victim's door ajar. Times, Sunday Times
  • An excellent chiropractor is located in Guadalajara .... Good doctor or chiropractor for back in Chapala
  • If you route the mains cable under the car and up into the engine bay, you won't need to leave the bonnet ajar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sept. 9 Bloomberg -- Galleon Group LLC co-founder Raj Rajaratnam argued against the government's request for what he called a "grotesquely severe" punishment for his insider- trading convictions. -- Top News
  • Maka sangat wajarlah kalau Abdullah berasa adalah tugas dan tanggungjawab beliau memastikan pengganti pilihannya itu berjaya dengan cemerlang dalam pemilihan yang sedang berjalan sekarang. The Scribe A Kadir Jasin
  • The door was ajar, letting out the warmth and scent of heaven.
  • If the state fails, that would raise the hackles of the elite and most of Mexico's elite in Mexico City and Guadalajara are cocooned from the violence. Mexican Cartels' Bloody Campaign For Sovereignty
  • Can't Post | what just happened in Riberas del pilar is just a consecuence of the very big child porno net run by some americans and MEXICANS freaks, that was caught in guadalajara a few months ago, by the police, by the way this is the first big porno net that is being caught in latin america, so many heads will be folling down from now and then. Why do residents in ALC pretend they don't know about it?
  • The stairhead cludgie door was ajar, which it hadn't been when I'd left.
  • The door stood ajar so I could see a narrow section of the room.
  • Tall and skinny, he glanced along the beach and at last spotted Nia on her hands and knees, mouth ajar like a dried-up oyster. The Wall « A Fly in Amber
  • Then, Humphreys summarized the various stratagems with which Shajara and Fakhr al-Din hid Aiyub's death from outsiders.
  • She claimed that it was her favorite place in Guadalajara, though as far as I could judge, it wasn't anybody's favorite place anywhere: it was a flyblown dump in need of a powerwash and a new theme.
  • Advancing up the room, looking as cool and careless as I possibly could, in short, ayant l’air de rien, I slightly pushed the door and found it was ajar. Villette
  • He swept the torch beam round the short passage and saw the two cell doors on his left were ajar.
  • Soalnya saya hairan kenapa masih ujud orang orang seperti ini dizaman ini yang bukannya mengkaji dengan mendalam tentang sesuatu perkara bersangkutan hukum hakam agama yang menjadi teras kehidupan kita sebagai umat Islam dengan berpandukan lautan ilmu yang kini mudah didapati dihujung jejari kita di internet ini tetapi berdegil memilih untuk mentafsir akan ajaran Islam menurut hawa nafsu sendiri? MAHAGURU58
  • Jesus [pbuh] will not come to the people of Mohammed as a Prophet, but to practice the religion of Mohammed� (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi ` Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 68) Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Mrs Dunn said she left a bedroom window slightly ajar for about half an hour to dry off some washing.
  • Dentro de un rato salgo para el aeropuerto, rumbo a mi Guadalajara luminosa. Saludos desde Monterrey
  • Look at it again; those expert musses and swirls, the umbers and browns, the yellows and reds, that perfectly poised composition: it rises above and bears down upon the al-Hajar-ul-Aswad solidity of a black train engine that is very obviously motionless, stalled by the storm upon the bridge. Turner’s ‘Rain, Steam and Speed’ (1844)
  • June 2, 2009 at 3:39 pm thot it waz wurth teh tri…we knead sumthink tew cheer us up. anyhoo, yew luks teh purty wif margajareetas runnin fru yer hair…festif, eben. Hoomin, pleez, come heer - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • What might not be so manageable is driving in Guadalajara itself, especially while searching for hotels, and sites of interests. Manzanillo to Guadalajara
  • The Lake Chapala shore has become a tourist destination for tapatios (people from Guadalajara) and so we see a lot of Mexicans in shorts - men and women, here at the lake. CLOTHES - what's hot and what's not in Mexico
  • To his right, stood a large walk-in cupboard marked as chemical storage, its door slightly ajar.
  • Or you can go in the cubicles, but leave the door ajar to avoid suspicion. Blaikie's Guide to Modern Manners
  • Nissans, especially the smaller 4dr sedans, are very popular in the Guadalajara area, along with small chevies and VWs. Car Repairs in Mexico
  • I thought I was having a heart problem and Dr. Garcia at the Ajijic Clinic called a cardiologist in Guadalajara who met me at this office ON A SATURDAY to do an echo-cardiogram. Access to medical specialists at Lakeside
  • What seems ajar is the loving family's refusal to acknowledge her boyfriend and her acceptance of this, albeit resentful.
  • When I bought a fancy set of dinnerware from the Ken Edwards factory in Tocolo near Quadalajara, I was assured again that anything from a company which ships to the U.S. has to follow U.S. standards for ceramic glazes and all colors are perfectly safe. Water bottle holder question
  • Rajaratnam has gone on trial for allegedly masterminding an insider-trading ring.
  • Najarian believes that it is premature to bet on inflation and thinks that what's pushing commodity prices, emerging markets and Treasury yields higher lately is the "reflation" trade (ie a re-embrace of risk by traders after the flight to the relative safety of the dollar and Treasuries in late 2008 and early 2009). - Financial News
  • Rajar uses sounds captured from radio -- whether radio stations or the sounds of other transmissions such as faxes -- as its raw sonic material. Boomboxes Are Hip Again
  • I turned up a couple of minutes early, found the door into the suite ajar and the sitting-room in darkness.
  • The landing light was on, and Rufus's bedroom door was slightly ajar.
  • I would guess the valley is a good ten degrees celcius colder that Guadalajara at 5,000 feet. On Sex
  • Club deportivo Guadalajara Chivas shirts will be worn with white shorts and black socks is completed with the unique flouresence yellow line and the reebok logo. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Hurrying over to 818, she was not very surprised to find the door slightly ajar.
  • He could see a slit of light coming from the slightly ajar door.
  • Her deepest work had been done in Kajar, a blacksmithing village near Jogjakarta. Into the Story
  • This curry is lipsmacking good, especially with Bajarichi Bhakari. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Guadalajara industrialist and state deputy-elect Manuel Villagómez Rodríguez, who has served as the foundation's president since its inception, is renowned as a vocal critic of government programs, policies, officials and private individuals who do not cotton to his ideological stand point. A Season Of Hope
  • I would like to know of any good haematologist in the Guadalajara area. Looking for haemotologist
  • Because the tire is very unusual, none was available in Guadalajara, Morelia, or Mexico City. Traveling Mexico's Cuotas (Toll Roads)
  • In 2007, Rajaratnam suffered a "severe cryptogenic stroke," or a stroke of undetermined cause, Wise said. -- Top News
  • Young as I was, I had learned that a constable's acts, of whatever apparent character, are prompted by the most reprehensible motives, and I avoided him by dodging into the oilery by a side door which happened to stand ajar. The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 8 Epigrams, On With the Dance, Negligible Tales
  • Lindo domingo aquí en Guadalajara: un poco nublado, sin calor, tranquilo. Lindo d�a
  • Unless you want to go to Guadalajara for some other reason, San Miguel is easier. Passport Renewel
  • This other world is dreamlike, dark and sensual; time stands eerily still, doors are slightly ajar with nothing but blackness behind them.
  • It appears that the government intends to offer a circumstantial case, premised on the timing of alleged telephone calls between the two men and trades that Rajaratnam caused the hedge funds he managed to execute," said Gary Naftalis, Mr. Gupta's lawyer, in court papers. Gupta Asks to Bar Wiretaps

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