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How To Use Airwave In A Sentence

  • Its hard drive can store 100 movies, and an antenna receives new films via broadcast airwaves.
  • He said McCain has been critical of so-called 527 groups — named for the tax code section under which they operate — and argued that "virtually every attack-style 527 group on the airwaves" is aiding Democrat Barack Obama. Price of Power: McCain accepts ex-Swift Boaters' donations
  • Cable television from across the Atlantic has long dominated our airwaves.
  • Maybe we can finally banish the boy bands and little girls in push-up bras off of our airwaves.
  • A former minister in Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's cabinet, another lawmaker and a top former bureaucrat are in jail facing charges of corruption in a 2008 allotment of airwave to carry telephone signals. Coal India's Overseas Plans on Hold
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  • It is one thing for coalition ministers to take to the airwaves to criticise the other side. Times, Sunday Times
  • LightSquared Inc. may seek to exchange its wireless airwave licenses for similar ones operated by the U.S. Department of Defense in a last-ditch effort to revive its mobile broadband service, according to people familiar with the company's plans. Falcone's Plan B: Swapping Airwaves
  • They've been documented in just about every major basketball publication and airwave.
  • John, airwave is SHIT and our old radio system worked better. The “other ranks” are revolting! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • When they try to penetrate a new market or introduce a new product, they often take members of the media on expensive trips so that they can get their stories into the papers and onto the airwaves.
  • He was responsible for bringing so much new music to the airwaves.
  • I get so angry with the vapid women who fill our airwaves with their cute, giggly soundbites.
  • The thing I hate about airwave is not being able to stop the control room in their tracks when they start blabbing, all you want to do is tell them you cant do what they want you to do because they have already doing what they asked you to do 5 minutes before. What is going on ear? « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Thousands of ad campaign strategists flooding the DVR'd airwaves (and our Internet hours) with ignorable notions that are not swaying anyone with that blurry rhetoric. Richard Laermer: "Your Life Hasn't Changed By The Man Who's Elected"
  • Yes, this is all just history, and therefore of no interest to the chauvinistic babblers who dominate the national dialogue on US airwaves.
  • The sudden disappearance of two giants of the airwaves is not. The Sun
  • The network dominates the airwaves through its use of blipverts, which compress thirty seconds of commercial information into three seconds.
  • Trusted devices may also encrypt the data that sabaton ringtones exchange over the airwaves so that no one can listen in. The Corridor (a cricket blog)
  • Both have brought new ideas to the game and become household names in their adopted country, not least thanks to instantly recognisable voices rarely off the airwaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • A network of TV and radio stations beams its message across the airwaves.
  • It's the first time I'm being let loose on the airwaves as a presenter!
  • And his fitted into a slot on his car 's dash and broadcast those tracks over the airwaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • What commentary on our entertainment values when someone being himself on our airwaves is a unique oddity. He’s no Howard « BuzzMachine
  • The sudden disappearance of two giants of the airwaves is not. The Sun
  • And his fitted into a slot on his car 's dash and broadcast those tracks over the airwaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Charges of government mismanagement and failed reform are again filling the airwaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Warflying: accessing the airwaves from the air Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Warflying: accessing the airwaves from the air
  • Half a century later, with billions accrued by governments from selling airwave frequencies, the innovative perspective seems far from frivolous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why has he not taken to the US airwaves to support his embattled chief executive, ask the critics. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's everywhere, saturating airwaves and club sound systems at an epidemic rate.
  • Find yourself starting to turn off the radio when politicians hit the airwaves?
  • In the last days before the vote, both sides are saturating the airwaves.
  • And his fitted into a slot on his car 's dash and broadcast those tracks over the airwaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reality TV has taken over our airwaves and - by crikey - tears were imminent.
  • The band's saturation of the airwaves may have contributed to the term smashmouth losing any remaining cachet of cool. NYT > Home Page
  • A seal takes to the airwaves - with a radio transmitter on its head. The Sun
  • His crushing critiques, if not born of arrogance, have at times been delivered with a haughtiness that practically swaggers across the page or the airwaves.
  • Not denying the word existed beforehand, but Google and you find even the BBC goes with the Popeye connection, and that the term baffled the BBC execs: Their unique comedy style was first heard on the airwaves on 28 May 1951 on the programme Crazy People featuring The Goons. Comic Book Urban Legends Revealed #156 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Today's religious airwaves are filled with radio and televangelists preaching the gospel of success.
  • White House officials are also expected to ask Congress to set aside billions of dollars in future airwave auctions for a new broadband public-safety network. White House Supports Airwaves for Public Safety
  • The hall of fame was instituted four years ago and honours and celebrates a combination of past broadcasters and those who continue to enliven the airwaves and engage and entrance the imagination of listeners.
  • The Liberal Democrats filled the airwaves this week with promises to crack down on tax avoidance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, and if you need further proof that there is some light at the end of the tunnel despite so many of the negative stories about race that have inundated our airwaves, just consider the officer who called Prof. Gates, "a banana-eating monkey. Redefining "Racist" in the Rather Complicated Age of Obama
  • It includes a major radio campaign to counter the misinformation that currently fills the airwaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new series of Batman will be on the airwaves at 6 pm every Tuesday.
  • And what responsibility do we have to sort out the charges and countercharges that are being thrown on the stump and on the airwaves?
  • The potential bounty lies in a slice of the public airwaves designated to be the home of advanced, digital television.
  • Eighteen of the programmes reached the airwaves before the producers actually listened to one. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have to oust the loonies from the House and Senate this year to reclaim our airwaves, for a start. Think Progress » Williams Confronts Kristol: ‘You Just Want War, War, War, And You Want Us In More War’
  • NEW DELHI -- An Indian court Wednesday rejected the bail pleas of lawmaker Kanimozhi Karunanidhi and corporate executive Sharad Kumar in a high-profile case related to an allegedly rigged sale of mobile telecommunication licenses and airwaves in 2008. Lawmaker Kanimozhi's Bail Plea Rejected
  • This would see data being broadcast over the airwaves into radio receivers which, if they've been fitted with special screens, could transmit video images.
  • Last season, it was an MTV adaptation of a British show, the racy, teen sex-laden "Skins," that drew the ire of protestors, though "The Playboy Club," with its public airwave chasteness and age of consent actors, shares little in common with that show. 'The Playboy Club' Anti-Porn Groups Boycott: Pink Cross, Morality In Media Protest NBC Show
  • Instead, officers will use 'airwave police radio technology' to record encounters. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's a good reason that it has been banished from the airwaves.
  • But to make this vision a reality, the devices need a slice of the spectrum that would form a virtual park or an airwaves commons where equipment makers and others could experiment.
  • Everyone can see that companies using various dodges and hustles are dominating the airwaves attempting to scare up business for compensation claims.
  • One major roadblock that needs to be overcome is the lack of security that arises from having all of this valuable information floating around in our airwaves for any hacker to take.
  • The airwaves may be awash with treacly DJs, nerve-shredding jingles and the kind of yammering advertisements that deserve their very own circle in Hell, but no one thinks radio is an affront to Western civilisation as a result. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • In fact, given their power back, Americans might be more vigilant in policing the airwaves.
  • It is not known when and if he will return and whether he will again take to the airwaves.
  • All a user has to do is download money from the bank over the airwaves, then wave the phone over a cash register.
  • By saturating the airwaves, candidates and news directors could force-feed information to all but the few Americans who eschewed TV altogether.
  • Strange voices and opinions can occasionally be heard on North Yorkshire's airwaves during any late-night phone-in.
  • Young broadcasters hit the airwaves this week after the launch of their school's radio station.
  • It seems one of my election anecdotes graced the airwaves of Radio 4's Newsquiz yesterday.
  • Throughout the prayers, a group of fascinating birds were wheeling and dipping above our heads as if they were on some kind of ornithological whirlwind tour of the airwaves surrounding the Temple Mount.
  • But a given "airwave" is basically a bandwidth of radio frequencies over a given limited volume of the earth's surface. Against Monopoly
  • The propaganda for cigarettes on the airwaves is transcribed ecstasy on a 24-hour basis, with its hymn of jubilation over the latest filter, the new cigarette, or the old cigarette with its newly discovered richer-milder-smoother-finer — where have we heard those words before? — qualities. To Smoke or Not to Smoke?
  • In this way, frequencies can be re-used in other cell clusters, allowing far more users onto the airwaves without any risk of their signals interfering.
  • The airwaves are crammed with government campaigns reminding people to complete their tax returns, check the smoke alarm or quit smoking. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has also become the go-to bloviator for every current infidelity plaguing our airwaves from Tiger Woods to Jesse James. Mistresses Anonymous vs. Horndogs Anonymous
  • During the campaign, Nieves frequently took to the local radio airwaves to "belittle" Bell, Top News Headlines
  • It is like letting your Aunt Violet go on the airwaves.
  • An antenna on the Claife Heights mast relays broadband to two antennas on the Queen's Hotel in Ambleside, which in turn links via airwaves to a receiver box mounted outside a house or business premises.
  • To a large extent, the election has been fought on the airwaves, with both candidates delivering television advertisements attacking each other.
  • The other agencies have a similar problem, but NSA is our intelligence-gathering agency that intercepts the airwaves, and they pick up more conversations than any other intelligence-gatherer.
  • Broadcast companies long have argued that if they have to pay for airwaves, consumers will suffer.
  • The government could then sell off the airwaves to mobile phone companies.
  • Another industry backslapper with music content that would not even grace an elevator. yet another plot to keep our airwaves free of rock and roll. Brit awards 2011: Take That win best British group 21 years after their debut
  • Relying upon her word mastery and a senior’s susceptibility to blindly accepting comments, she plants sabotage seeds into the company airwaves: Survival of the Savvy
  • It fills the airwaves almost round the clock with programmes it should not be making and it fills its corridors with people it should not employ. Times, Sunday Times
  • As an example, a Hong Kong NPC representative has condemned unnamed radio hosts for using the public airwaves to make untruthful statements that caused social instability.
  • The intention of the Voices project is to give airtime to voices not usually heard on the BBC's airwaves.
  • News and live programmes were significantly affected, but there were no blank screens or dead airwaves.
  • She must have been feeling terrible when she hit the airwaves for her morning show yesterday. The Sun
  • Cable operators could also see the new airwaves as a way to shore up their business models.
  • Probably the most powerful one minute campaign video ever produced rolled out across the airwaves; an office worker bloodily munching on an orangutan's finger found neatly wrapped in his Nestlé Kit Kat. Scott Poynton: Dancing With Devils
  • They said an auction of the airwaves would have drawn $ 20 billion to $ 70 billion.
  • Soon after the story hit the papers and the airwaves, City Controller Wendy Greuel, who no doubt saw a great story on which to grandstand, also made clear she has the power to order the changes discussed in the Times 'story, as she controls many of the city's purse strings. Steve Parker: It's Official: "Red Light Cameras" Don't Work
  • He is presiding over the tranformation of the airwaves from a publicly owned trust to the private property of a few mega-conglomerates with no values other than the bottom line. Billings Blog
  • He can even be heard regularly on the radio airwaves as a guest.
  • And his fitted into a slot on his car 's dash and broadcast those tracks over the airwaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • News of, and speculation about, the creature fills the pages of local newspapers and dominates the airwaves.
  • A conservative PAC is raising money to run an ad on Alaska airwaves that paints Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski as an entitled 'princess' and crybaby for deciding to stay on the ballot as a write-in candidate in November after her loss to to tea party favorite Joe Miller in last month's primary. Lisa Murkowski Painted As 'Princess,' Crybaby In Conservative Ad (VIDEO)
  • Through mid-July, CMAG, which uses automated capture technologies to monitor the airwaves, identified $9.7 million supporting Obama’s recently unveiled health care plan, $4.7 million opposing it, and $19.7 million more in generalized spending by groups staking out positions either before Obama detailed his plan or not directly supporting or opposing it. Democratic Party to spend millions shoring up internal support for health care rationing. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • I have nothing to make you wanna vote for me; so I'll just throw a bunch of Fear, Smear, Lies and Spin all over the airwaves to make you wanna NOT vote for that black guy who sounds like a Black Muslim, which is the Middle East version of a Gook, this is why I can't tell them terrorists over there apart; they're ALL Gooks ... and did I mention that my opponent is Black, and his name sounds like that terrorist that we won't even go after because he's all tied in with the Bushes ... so don't vote for my opponent ... Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • the president used the airwaves to take his message to the people
  • On arrival he was struck by the light, the shock jocks that ruled the Sydney airwaves, and - most bizarre of all in a country that prided itself on a rather larrikin disregard for authority - the overriding obedience to rules.
  • McGuire still takes her passion for books to the airwaves, weaving commentary on books into the banter with her cohost, Doug Banks, and occasionally having authors as guests on the show.
  • And yes, if that means flooding the airwaves with real life tragic stories about how the HMO's actually Did kill Granny/Gramps & sis & sonny, we should raise the moola for it. Heads up staffers, tips to avoid a Health Care "Town Hell" (Blog for Democracy)
  • The songs I grew up with have faded away from the airwaves but not out of my mind.
  • These days it's impossible to avoid the plethora of slippery politicians all over our TV screens, PC monitors and radio airwaves.
  • A lot of what is on our airwaves is not the kind of thing we want to institutionalise, and to not have a code, we think we have retrogressed.
  • The airwaves carry the sound
  • A cellular phone is really a mobile radio system that sends a signal out over public airwaves.
  • And as various braying City analysts, experts and whiz-kids filled the airwaves with their post-event wisdom, the explanation for this became clear.
  • While airwaves do have several slots for playing classical music, they are scattered at different times of the day and across channels.
  • In his experience the airwaves are bristling with talk of drug use.
  • In the past, I used to believe that in a democracy these people should be free to foul the airwaves with their noxious opinions.
  • Eighteen of the programmes reached the airwaves before the producers actually listened to one. Times, Sunday Times
  • This windfall could come from a new approach to government allocation of airwaves, moving use to the booming mobile and broadband industries from underuse by older technologies such as television. Spectrum Auctions? There's an App for That
  • By 1968, the theaters and airwaves were glutted with wacky spies.
  • Oh, and if you need further proof that there is some light at the end of the tunnel despite so many of the negative stories about race that have inundated our airwaves, just consider the officer who called Prof. Keli Goff: Redefining "Racist" in the Rather Complicated Age of Obama
  • Moreover, there is no sign of any mollification in the way Gaza is governed, or the anti-Jew propaganda spewed over the airwaves or indoctrinated into schoolkids. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • In the last days before the vote, both sides are saturating the airwaves.
  • The talk radio airwaves were once again buzzing with talk of how damaged Ireland was because of the Leno commentary. Niall O'Dowd: Could Jay Leno Bring Down the Irish Government?
  • Technology experts say there are three new technologies vying for a place on the airwaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was not a day for the ceremonial cutting of birthday cakes, but there was some cutting criticism of both the farmers and the minister on the airwaves.
  • HELL hath no fury like a lower-league striker given the freedom of the airwaves after a dour 0-0 draw in an athletics stadium. Times, Sunday Times
  • The airwaves were filled with insults about "effete" and "cowardly" Frenchmen, the phrase "cheese eating surrender monkeys" was on lips across the nation, and rich patriots were boycotting Rhône wine in the spirit of national sacrifice. Richard (RJ) Eskow: The French Connection: That Jailed Banker Raises US Issues
  • This programme has proved so popular that it is once again on the airwaves in time for the long lazy summer days and the inevitable treks around the various gardening centres.
  • El cajon san diego the gnetophytina up for an psychologically extortionately impounding, add dakoity by prophylaxis the tip of your protoplast and stupendously nepheline his airwave clarion your way talkatively to his cooper. Rational Review
  • Bolt successfully argued I was conducting a private vendetta over the public airwaves and he deserved another go.
  • This week Ali is shopping the song around to Alberta radio stations hoping it will hit the airwaves.
  • Youngsters at a Bingley school are to hit the airwaves again after buying the latest equipment for their own radio station.
  • I might start a self-help group for those of us who become so aerated by airheads on the airwaves that we want to pelt the set with its own batteries.
  • Roberts will be remembered not just as the first person to bring religious preaching and ceremony, and his healing ministry to television - he's now called the first "televangelist" - but for talking frankly about religion and sex on the airwaves. - The Blog Report
  • A cellular phone is really a mobile radio system that sends a signal out over public airwaves.
  • I might start a self-help group for those of us who become so aerated by airheads on the airwaves.
  • When the first series hit the airwaves, critics raved that its style of real-time storytelling worked fantastically well and was beautifully conceived.
  • Neither pride nor shame are now factors in what goes out over those airwaves.
  • When the three of us were on Morning Edition a week or two ago Ed's reading of those devastating lines that end with the savagely apt "Heh heh heh, sure showd em, didn we, Dead-eye" rocked the airwaves. Carol Muske-Dukes: Varied Carols
  • Around the globe, the King of Pop's supporters are already scanning headlines and airwaves for stories that contain inaccuracies about the singer's life, brand him a pedophile or describe him by the dismissive moniker "Jacko. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The election campaign has been fought not in street rallies but on the airwaves.
  • Her debut single is a joyful and sassy affair, with her airwave hogging vocal taking centre stage. The Sun
  • Right now the crazy programing galoots running the Toronto-based Drive-In Classics are loading the airwaves with 17 of his lurid (in a good sense) celluloid epics, but here in Calgary you'll have to seek them out on VHS and DVD.
  • My suspicion is that threshold effects (e.g. name recognition) and declining marginal value effects (e.g. airwave saturation) dominate political advertising, and therefore the main outcome of campaign finance restrictions is to strengthen establishment candidates (and Republicans, generally) over outsider candidates. Matthew Yglesias » Money for Nothing, and Votes for Free
  • You have been entrusted by the American people as stewards of the public airwaves.
  • If the Republicans swagger in and try to "litigate" this on the public airwaves, President Obama will dismiss them out of hand. Obama to discuss Supreme Court pick with party leaders
  • Second, the dominance of broadcasting monoliths limits local programming, as the airwaves become saturated with national programs and syndicated fare.
  • With shows comin up in the UK, JAMAICA, GHANA and NIGERIA, IWAN and MO EAZY will take to the stage to performe this club hit that's taking the airwaves in Ghana by storm. - Articles related to Are We Ready For Prime Time Tourism?
  • Since the hunt for the Washington sniper reached its dramatic climax, wall-to-wall coverage on the airwaves, much as it has been the entire three weeks since the shootings began.
  • Warflying: accessing the airwaves from the air next: Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » SMS for the blind
  • This attitude alone explains a lot about why the Right has gotten hold of the airwaves as effectively as it has.
  • More and more TV and radio stations are crowding the airwaves.
  • Calling 101 is barred from all police landlines, mobile phones and airwave terminals. The Sun
  • All sports people are sensitive when they're ready to go to a match - and then that hits the airwaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • With publicity over gay marriages, the debate over homosexuality and the Bible once again fills radio talk-show airwaves.
  • Similar media gendarmes are on patrol over the airwaves.
  • On the airwaves and in the cybersphere, there is a rage today that, in politics, always means just one thing: it stung.
  • Panic seized the US capital Wednesday and was transmitted in amplified form to the entire country via the broadcast airwaves.
  • Airwave rights are a frontier territory and rules are still evolving. Outlook India
  • By glutting the airwaves with award shows to make money, there is no prestige anymore in their Superbowl of awards.
  • Verizon Wireless will buy airwave rights covering 28 million people from cable-television provider Cox Communications Inc. for $315 million, the companies said, the latest chapter in an unusual tie-up between the cellular giant and cable companies. Verizon Wireless Expands With New Spectrum Purchase
  • It was not a secure line; no conversation taking place over airwaves is.
  • Today's pirates are slick professional operations filling Britain's airwaves with everything from street music to extreme political messages.
  • The FCC staff also dismissed AT&T's statements that it needed T-Mobile's spectrum to build out its next-generation wireless network across most of the U.S. The company was already planning a "robust rollout" of next-generation high-speed wireless service before the T-Mobile deal was announced, and could solve some airwave constraints by shutting down older networks and moving customers to the newer services, the FCC said. FCC Blasts AT&T Deal
  • News of, and speculation about, the creature fills the pages of local newspapers and dominates the airwaves.
  • With Dublin licences up for renewal in the coming months, and Newstalk and Spin FM due on the airwaves shortly, the radio market in the capital is set to become more fragmented than ever over the next year.
  • The engineers need as little signal interference as possible as they test how the airwaves can be carved up and used to meet the country's data needs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The meaning in the new commercial crisscrossing airwaves is clear: Sharapova is pretty, oh so pretty, but deadly. - Only 19, but Sharapova is a rock at U.S. Open semis
  • Bush is saying he probably heard about the bullet being dodged from the airwaves because everyone has proven them to be lying about reading it in the papers like brownie first saidhe did. Think Progress » After Levees Failed, Bush Had “A Sense of Relaxation”
  • The potential bounty lies in a slice of the public airwaves designated to be the home of advanced, digital television.
  • Eighteen of the programmes reached the airwaves before the producers actually listened to one. Times, Sunday Times
  • But firing him because we have to start concerning ourselves with what's "admissable" on the airwaves? Marianne Williamson: On Imus
  • In 2006 the foul-mouthed Stern, who is the most heavily fined broadcast personality by the FCC ever, vowed to leave the public airwaves because he couldn't be filthy enough to please his listeners, and joined Mel Karmazin's Sirius Satellite Radio, which at the time was locked in a mano-e-mano battle with XM Radio. Charles Warner: Stern Should Join Imus on the Fox Business Network
  • The airwaves are crammed with government campaigns reminding people to complete their tax returns, check the smoke alarm or quit smoking. Times, Sunday Times
  • With publicity over gay marriages, the debate over homosexuality and the Bible once again fills radio talk-show airwaves.
  • They said an auction of the airwaves would have drawn $ 20 billion to $ 70 billion.
  • Now, we know that all the usual suspects have been hitting the airwaves on this one, with the crib notes in hand.
  • Datacasting pushes data over the airwaves or other media alongside television, radio or other signals.
  • The songcraft remains excellent but you sense this is a concerted pitch for the friendly sound of mainstream radio airwaves. The Sun
  • HELL hath no fury like a lower-league striker given the freedom of the airwaves after a dour 0-0 draw in an athletics stadium. Times, Sunday Times
  • A veteran D.C. weathercaster gets set to return to the local airwaves. Meteorologists here, there and high above
  • Expect the remix of ‘Rude Boy’ to be hitting the airwaves soon featuring some of the best MCs in the game.
  • This government will NEVER do anything to punish this vermine properly ... all a big waste of airwave space!!! ajct Levin swears repeatedly at Goldman hearing
  • He promised 500 megahertz of airwaves, which broadcast TV and radio companies had opposed. FCC's Julius Genachowski struggles between roles of regulator, innovator
  • Side by side with AOL's besuited chief executive, Tim Armstrong, Huffington took to the airwaves to laud the deal whereby Armstrong's giant corporation paid out $315m £197m for the Huffington Post, the most important news blog in the world and a force that has changed the face of the modern media. Arianna Huffington: The cheque's in the Post
  • I'll confess I didn't realize how much his stuff got bowdlerized for the airwaves.
  • The same airwaves used to beam wireless phone calls can be used to transmit Net data.
  • It is one thing for coalition ministers to take to the airwaves to criticise the other side. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her bubbly personality plus her perceptive understanding of local issues mean that Liz is a natural on the airwaves.
  • Licenses themselves are easements against the public's ownership of the airwaves and speech rights.
  • Since movies need conflict, they find themselves squarely in the crosshairs of one Sir Alistair Dormandy (Kenneth Branagh), a priggishly authoritarian government official, who vows to remove this scurrilous influence from the public airwaves, one way or another. Marshall Fine: Huff Post Review: Pirate Radio plays the hits - and misses
  • A well-known voice came over the airwaves.
  • The sharp-tongued commentator said the airwaves should be liberalised to allow different politicians to run their own stations, and to enhance freedom of speech.
  • Trade group, the National Association of Broadcasters, wrote a letter on Monday to Senate and House leading commerce committee members pointing to a report that Time Warner Cable was "warehousing" spectrum, or sitting on airwaves, that could be used for consumers. Obama administration looks to Defense Department airwaves for commercial use
  • It's music that you want to move to, with electric guitar riffs that twang and gyrate across the airwaves.
  • Wedgwood has also been a popular topic on the national airwaves.
  • The buyers are likely to be mobile phone companies wanting to use the airwaves for new gadgets such as video phones.
  • Too many politicians have filled the airwaves complaining that government has either been dragging its feet or following a hasty timetable. Times, Sunday Times
  • These events are largely covered by media conglomerates that operate 'gratis' -- FREE -- on the airwaves owned by the American public and an important resource in a multi-party system of government in getting all sides of the message out; not just the Neocons & GOPs. OpEdNews - Quicklink: New Patriot Act Provision Creates Tighter Barrier to Officials at Public Events
  • The FCC argues that jamming mobile phone signals is theft of airwaves - but, more importantly, the dangers of someone missing an important call outweigh any benefit of silence.
  • Between late night gabfests and primetime specials, the presidential candidates are hitting the airwaves to show their softer sides!
  • The government did not so much "deregulate" the market, because broadcasters depend on tight state supervision to protect their exclusive domains in the airwaves. Venezuela's RCTV Acts of Sedition
  • A radio advert has been pulled from the airwaves after complaints that it caused offence to disabled people.
  • It is one thing for coalition ministers to take to the airwaves to criticise the other side. Times, Sunday Times
  • Technology experts say there are three new technologies vying for a place on the airwaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Probably the most powerful one minute campaign video ever produced rolled out across the airwaves; an office worker bloodily munching on an orangutan's finger found neatly wrapped in his Nestlé Kit Kat. Scott Poynton: Dancing With Devils
  • Let's just get all the disc jockeys off the air and let muzak fill the airwaves!

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