How To Use Airstrip In A Sentence

  • The site has its own airstrip and light aircraft service, and its own small marina.
  • Despite the speed of the ground troops, airstrips were always within 100 miles of the front lines.
  • Under the covering fire of the gunships, troop-carrying helicopters raced into the airstrip.
  • Having just completed an audacious leap from aircraft into the jaws of death, five hundred feet above Munsan-ni, against a numerically superior and fanatical force, we were ready to return to K-2 Airstrip at Taegu. Lafayette Keaton
  • The bumpy flight to a grassy jungle airstrip was just 45 minutes but it took us back a thousand years. The Sun
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  • The demand for air travel continued to grow and with that demand came better aircraft, safer airstrips, and more experienced pilots.
  • Scattered around the airstrip are some of Afghanistan's 10 million landmines, which every day leave innocent civilians limbless.
  • The first cover story for the airstrip was that a group of businessmen wanted to start up a tourist resort there.
  • In the end, he came to my landlocked town of Nelson, British Columbia, and we fished for kokanee from the city wharf, sandwiched unromantically between the hotel and the airstrip.
  • We landed on a grass airstrip, fifteen minutes after leaving Mahe.
  • Near a dirt airstrip to the north-east of the city, the battalion adopted its attack formation. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • It is quicker to fly but the Tan airstrip is only usable by small unpressurised aircraft in clear weather; navigational equipment is useless in these high mountains and steep valleys.
  • More criticism of the way the U. S.-controlled airstrip is being administeredhere. Médecins Sans Frontières « Gerry Canavan
  • The photographer arrived at the airstrip just an hour before sundown.
  • A collection of firefighting crews moved to a primitive airstrip, a strip of grass amid the pines.
  • Upon arrival at the airport, the group is escorted directly onto the airstrip in order to avoid the crowds.
  • The airstrip, which does not have a manned control tower, is served by a non-directional beacon.
  • At about dusk last Saturday, it was approaching a civilian airstrip in Marana, about 25 miles northwest of Tucson.
  • I flew with her into the bush, to land on a tiny crushed-pumice airstrip laid along a mountain ridge.
  • A grass airstrip lay at the centre of the village. Times, Sunday Times
  • “What you experienced at the airstrip is what I experienced at Jonestown,” Carter said almost 30 years after that horrible day. Peoples Temple: pain of cult massacre lives on
  • That is, we needed to build an airstrip, as soon as possible. ONE HUNDRED DAYS
  • It is a long walk from where the ship berths past an airstrip to a tiny collection of buildings that include the local museum and adjacent café. Times, Sunday Times
  • I told the briefer I was an avid bird-watcher and asked if I could find anything in the field beyond the airstrip.
  • The ‘walls’ were actually glass, letting everybody inside see the planes out on the airstrips, taking off and landing.
  • The department of defence has studied its properties to discover how best to build airstrips on frozen ground, or move troops across snow-covered territory.
  • We were guided as we went by millions of fireflies whose flashing marked the banks like landing lights on an airstrip.
  • The French government had chartered the ship to deliver heavy equipment for an airstrip that would go through a penguin habitat on the Arctic continent.
  • ‘They were on the dirt taxiway between the airstrip and the game lodge where my passengers were overnighting,’ he recounts.
  • The first privately funded spacecraft lifts off from an airstrip in the Mojave Desert.
  • The Sunday test flight was eventful, involving an airstrip landing light.
  • The airstrip is steeped in aviation history. Times, Sunday Times
  • The beams would guide a pilot to the airstrip, but in conditions of zero visibility, they did not provide altitude.
  • The Air America pilot who came to check out the airstrip gave it his OK despite a dip in the middle and an uphill slope to the whole strip.
  • Accidents in 1992 and 1994 both saw small planes make forced landings near the airstrip.
  • Bogart and Bergman's heart-rending airstrip farewell is enshrined as one of the all-time great endings, and was pastiched to great effect in Woody Allen's Play It Again Sam.
  • Colombian special forces blow up an airstrip used by a cocaine cartel to fly drugs out of the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • We landed at a tiny airstrip in the middle of the jungle.
  • I flew with her into the bush, to land on a tiny crushed-pumice airstrip laid along a mountain ridge.
  • It landed on a tiny airstrip in the forest, skimming the trees as we came down. Times, Sunday Times
  • COLOMBO, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) -- Sri Lanka's government troops have captured another airstrip from the Tamil Tiger rebels in the north on Friday, the military said. Top Stories - Google News
  • We landed at a tiny airstrip in the middle of the jungle.
  • I want my own airstrip where I can fly my own biplane from home and do aero over my house and run out of gas and dead-stick down for dinner. FALLOUT
  • Ixtlán also houses the main airstrip used to fly over the Huichol and Cora mountains Wandering through Nayarit
  • She kept a Tiger Moth at the time, housed in an old barn, using the South Meadow as an airstrip.
  • Many of these guests, including a British lord, Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith, Amelia Ear hart, and Charles Lindbergh, flew to the ranch, landing on the private airstrip.
  • In turn, they provided transport, approved landings at airstrips for resupply purposes, and selected men for our teams.
  • The bumpy flight to a grassy jungle airstrip was just 45 minutes but it took us back a thousand years. The Sun
  • The sodden airstrip and aircraft parking areas made flying operations almost impossible.
  • At about dusk last Saturday, it was approaching a civilian airstrip in Marana, about 25 miles northwest of Tucson.
  • They planned a development of high-rise hotels, the jungled hills denuded and flattened for airstrips, a restaurant built over the fragile coral reefs we had explored all week.
  • The Lorenz beam system for blind landing consisted of two transmitters located on opposite sides of the airstrip runway.
  • It is a long walk from where the ship berths past an airstrip to a tiny collection of buildings that include the local museum and adjacent café. Times, Sunday Times
  • Howland Island: airstrip constructed in 1937 for scheduled refueling stop on the round-the-world flight of Amelia EARHART and Fred NOONAN; the aviators left Lae, New Guinea, for Howland Island but were never seen again; the airstrip is no longer serviceable Airports
  • Lightly equipped parachute engineer battalions were also formed to build emergency airstrips after an amphibious landing.
  • Their soaraway success could treble the number of planes using the airstrip within the next seven years.
  • He ordered his pilot to drive the length of the airstrip in a Jeep and inspect it for obstacles.
  • Cameron believes the airstrip road would increase public safety by making medivacs easier in the winter.
  • With only a tiny airstrip, many people come by boat from nearby islands. Times, Sunday Times
  • That's when I saw that the large, looming shadow was in fact a small plane landing at the airstrip.
  • Skirting round the rutted concrete circuit, the path continued beyond the airstrip. Country diary: Tempsford, Bedfordshire
  • As the engine races to a crescendo, we head off along what appears to be a new-mown field, then just as it dawns on me that this is the airstrip, we are airborne.
  • Actually, so far as he could judge, the majority of people in Airstrip One were small, dark, and ill-favoured. Nineteen Eighty-four
  • The airstrip really is a strip, a very long narrow grass runway lined on both sides by 50 foot trees.
  • The airstrip is useable by both untra-lights and airplanes, although the length of the strip would limit what you would be able to bring in (or take out). Airport In Chapala Or Ajijic ,For Small Planes?
  • London City Airport's single airstrip, which is short compared to airports like London's Heathrow and Gatwick, that airport has been closed. CNN Transcript Feb 13, 2009
  • Fixed-wing air land is the next most responsive mode, because it travels at the fastest speeds and the cargo can be offloaded quickly at the destination airstrip.
  • The dirt airstrip cut into a grove of black cottonwoods was adequate without being what you could call plumb level or arrow straight. Fool’s Paradise
  • The Air America pilot who came to check out the airstrip gave it his OK despite a dip in the middle and an uphill slope to the whole strip.
  • As Axis airfields and terrain for new airstrips were overrun, the Allied Air Forces began shifting fighter units from England into Europe proper.
  • Sevmash's director, Andrei Dyachkov, said the shipyard hopes to profit from its know-how in the Arctic to win orders to build offshore drilling platforms, ice-capable support ships and even a floating airstrip to service oil fields in the Pechora Sea. Reuters: Press Release
  • Or could they have piloted it to a remote airstrip and took the passengers hostage? The Sun
  • The Chief Minister has stressed the need for expanding the existing airstrips and constructing helipads at places of tourist interest all over the state.
  • One day, I was collecting a guest from the dirt airstrip. Times, Sunday Times
  • A collection of firefighting crews moved to a primitive airstrip, a strip of grass amid the pines.
  • He said Government's plans and commitment to rehabilitate airstrips and international airports was good for the revival of the airline business, which would lead to the growth and development of the tourism sector.
  • I flew with her into the bush, to land on a tiny crushed-pumice airstrip laid along a mountain ridge.
  • Vern has been bulldozing so long that he can remember when he worked on constructing the first airstrips for O'Hare International in the cornfields outside Chicago.
  • There will be a helicopter landing area or a helipad to allow continued helicopter operations during and after the airstrip project.
  • The few hundred Cubans building the airstrip were not trained combat troops. Peril and Promise: A Commentary on America
  • We were guided as we went by millions of fireflies whose flashing marked the banks like landing lights on an airstrip.
  • As I staggered onto the airstrip, clutching the stitch in my side and breathing hard, I tried to recall where I had seen that design of red and white.
  • For the past three days the biplanes have been coming and going from a local airstrip, offering an aviation equivalent of a trip round the bay.
  • The French were therefore airdropped into the valley to build a series of strong points, not all within supporting distance of each other, around the 0.62 mile airstrip upon which the fortress was to depend for supplies.
  • I was very much in favour of building the airstrip, because it would take the pressure off my carriers. ONE HUNDRED DAYS
  • They are especially adept at taking off from and landing on short airstrips.
  • February 28, 1951 the entire 187th ARCT closed in at our rear assembly area at K-2 airstrip near Taegu, South Korea. Lafayette Keaton
  • To the east lay the airstrip built half a century ago, when Wrigley's planes flew in regularly to buy chicle tree resin.
  • We visited Meiktila by plane and continued by air to Mandalay, landing on a very rough airstrip.
  • The idea: to gradually "desensitize" her to situations that produce anxiety, from sitting in an aircraft on the runway to flying through turbulence to landing on a bumpy airstrip. Fear Of Flying? Take The Train.
  • For the last person into goal we nearly had to turn on the car headlights for landing lights at the airstrip.
  • The first cover story for the airstrip was that a group of businessmen wanted to start up a tourist resort there.
  • The island features a 1,500 foot airstrip, underground wiring and a desalination facility.
  • So there are 452 airfields, varying from steeply sloping mountain airstrips to seven international airfields.
  • Since the airstrip was built in 1974, the Air Force has been responsible for all medivacs from the island.
  • It is a long walk from where the ship berths past an airstrip to a tiny collection of buildings that include the local museum and adjacent café. Times, Sunday Times
  • A pilot who narrowly escaped injury when his light aircraft crash-landed at a farm airstrip near Swindon has blamed soft ground as one possible cause of the incident.
  • To get near Everest, you must either walk for 10 days or fly to Lukla, a remote mountain airstrip where flights are notoriously unreliable. Motion Trek | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • A knock-up village with an airstrip, solid bungalows round a massive supplies hangar. WHITE LIES
  • He added that it was not necessary for the airstrip to be publicly owned.
  • Investigators expressed concern that private airstrips are being used for high-performance planes without proper assessment of their suitability for such aircraft.
  • The government's capture of Toro airstrip near Tabanya has put the displaced almost beyond the reach of help.
  • We landed at a tiny airstrip in the middle of the jungle.
  • On the morning of Saturday, December 2, Rivera and a relative, who knew even less about DC-7s than he did, took the plane out for what was called a runup, meaning they would taxi around the airstrip, warming up the engines, but not try to fly it. Into the Story
  • They built runways for airports, including the airstrip at Mt Cook.
  • CoolGov has a great post on Federal regulators 'experimental, deliberate crashing of airplanes full of crash-dummies into remote airstrips in order to determine the "crashworthiness" of airplanes. Boing Boing: October 17, 2004 - October 23, 2004 Archives
  • A small airstrip and a field hospital had been built. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad

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