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How To Use Airliner In A Sentence

  • It was responsible for the mid-air collision last month between a cargo plane and a Russian airliner.
  • Around 4.30pm a big four-engined airliner flew over.
  • The team ensured that civilian airliners and local mustering aircraft were kept out of the way of the fast jets.
  • Complaints against DirecTV soar after A.G. charges "deceptive" practices AirlineReporter. com: PICS AND VIDEO OF BOEING 787 DREAMLINER'S FIRST FLIGHT Aerospace: Boeing 787 first flight a key milestone, not end of road Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
  • An airliner uncontrollably gains altitude, leaving the crew with a race against time to avert tragedy and land safely. The Sun
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  • The Russian air force scrambled a fighter jet to intercept a Manchester-bound airliner that had strayed into its air space
  • The long-range airliners have suffered at least three dozen similar failures involving faulty speed readings, it has emerged over the past month. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shahzad, a recently naturalized U.S. citizen living in Connecticut, was taken off an airliner bound for the Persian Gulf sheikhdom of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates about 53 hours after the attempted bombing, authorities said. Times Square bomb suspect Shahzad said to implicate himself; probe expands to Pakistan
  • In addition, an almost simultaneous missile attack narrowly missed an airliner taking off nearby.
  • Escapade basically provides the experience of taking off and landing a commercial airliner, aboard Britannia's 737 flight simulator.
  • It was responsible for the mid-air collision last month between a cargo plane and a Russian airliner.
  • In 2004, following an airliner crash in Sharm-El-Sheikh, the French Navy hired GPS equipment to relocate the black boxes' pingers, Hubert said.
  • Terrified relatives waiting to collect family in Manchester feared the airliner had been hijacked. The Sun
  • It was the first fatal crash in the airliner's 31-year history.
  • It is more akin to the toilet found on a modern jet airliner, with the addition of spring-loaded thigh restraints!
  • Another factor here has been the slow but invaluable installation of Traffic Collision Avoidance System radar in commercial airliners.
  • It will be fitted with a fly-by-wire flight control system developed for the Airbus range of civil airliners.
  • Accounts by military and civilian air-traffic officials agreed the commercial airliner had received proper permission to traverse the zone.
  • By the 1970s, they were thought to be vulnerable to Soviet missiles and were supplemented by converted civil airliners, now 747 jumbo jets.
  • Another factor here has been the slow but invaluable installation of Traffic Collision Avoidance System radar in commercial airliners.
  • It could mean airliners that weigh little more than the fuel and passengers they carry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Details have been given of a near miss between two airliners over southern England earlier this week.
  • On 23 June, the restored airliner was rolled out to an admiring crowd of spectators.
  • Demyonov had gone home last week in an elaborate casket dark inside the cargo hold of a Tupolev airliner.
  • In the late 1950s, the arrival of jet airliners cut the time for the transatlantic crossing in half, to not much more than seven hours.
  • Two diverted airliners were given special clearance to land at Manchester. The Sun
  • HAVANA – A Cuban airliner flying from the eastern city of Santiago de Cuba to the capital crashed Thursday night with 68 people aboard, including 28 foreigners, state media reported.
  • The pilot landed the airliner safely.
  • A Korean airliner was hijacked by two passengers and forced to fly to Tashkent.
  • The Russian air force scrambled a fighter jet to intercept a Manchester-bound airliner that had strayed into its air space
  • Incredible whooshes that sound like huge airliners amazingly turn out to be green-winged teals recorded from close range.
  • Missing airliner MH370 will be officially declared lost at the end of this year. The Sun
  • Officials said that a radar-guided missile could deviate from its target and automatically home in on the airliner instead.
  • But they couldn't move, literally, held captive by a security lockdown after a U.S. airliner smashed into a residential area in Queens nearby.
  • It will be fitted with a fly-by-wire flight control system developed for the Airbus range of civil airliners.
  • Bay boat has airliners to go there and back between Shanghai and Sydney every week now.
  • Is it poor maintenance or airliners can't be taken out of service for a proper inspection, including non destructive such as dye penetrant and x-ray? Ratatouile Can't Help Noticing and Shouting
  • It seemed like a dream that I would soon be flying on a fantastic airliner.
  • Details have been given of a near miss between two airliners over southern England earlier this week.
  • He said that the downturn in demand for passenger airliners was'about to hit'. Times, Sunday Times
  • The FAA, for instance, continues to strongly oppose the idea of allowing brief catnaps by one of the two pilots at the controls of airliners. Controller Fatigue Divides Agencies, Union
  • As a result, the commercial space revolution has less in common with the rise of the steamship or the airliner than with the invention of telegraphy or radio.
  • A JetBlue airliner unsuccessfully attempted to make an emergency landing Wednesday after its front wheels were turned sideways and unable to retract into the plane after takeoff from a nearby airport. 09/21/2005
  • You have just as much right to operate there as the big airliners do.
  • A retinal memory of the flash of light from the airliner's impact gleamed on the map that he tugged from inside his thick shirt. THE LAST RAVEN
  • Airliners now cruise the ocean at great speed.
  • Escapade basically provides the experience of taking off and landing a commercial airliner, aboard Britannia's 737 flight simulator.
  • More than 105 people were believed dead after a Nigerian airliner crashed into a densely populated area in the northern city of Kano yesterday.
  • MAJED MOUGHNI, MUSLIM ACTIVIST:: And now, we get this other terrorist that attempts to blow an airliner right over our heads, right over the heads of the largest Muslim population outside of the middle east, right over our heads, and we are going to sit and watch? CNN Transcript Dec 30, 2009
  • Finally, the authors misuse the air-space analogy in their discussion of the treatment of airliners.
  • On Saturday, workers used a crane with a sling to lift the damaged airliner off the city street and into a hangar for further inspections.
  • The tops of the storms were above 50,000 feet, and even the airliners wouldn't be able to get above them.
  • He said Boeing offered a freighter version of its 747-400 airliner for between $ 165 million and $ 170 million.
  • A Russian airliner coming in to land suddenly pulled up as its pilot saw another plane on the ground. The Sun
  • What is the significance, if any, of the color and location of lights / beacons on airliners or any aircraft?
  • But since the FAA issued its last safety directive in 2007, according to the agency, airliners with versions of GE's CF6-80 engines have experienced 14 instances of so-called flameouts, or sudden shutdowns of one or two engines without any pilot actions. FAA to Act on Engine Shutdowns
  • Much of the blame for this misery lay with the jet stream, a river of wind at the altitude of jet airliners. Times, Sunday Times
  • Studies advised that commercial airliners should be flown over the site for two months. Times, Sunday Times
  • The airliner slued around in mid-air, pivoting on its center of gravity. Joint Operations
  • It is also ramping up production of its 777 wide-body airliner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another factor here has been the slow but invaluable installation of Traffic Collision Avoidance System radar in commercial airliners.
  • In the Clipper era, there were no cramped or massed rows of seats so common aboard today's jet airliners.
  • The whereabouts of the five hijackers of an airliner are unknown.
  • The airliner is hijacked and lands on a remote island, which is undetected by any radar. The Sun
  • Modern airliners are packed with electronic devices that control the plane and handle navigation and communications.
  • But along with that safety, we'll face arbitrary and unappealable decisions on who can fly in a commercial airliner, rent a truck, borrow money, or even stay out of jail.
  • An airliner crashed in thick fog and burst into flames as it made its final approach to an airport yesterday, killing 20 of the 22 passengers and crew.
  • The French-built supersonic airliner Concorde made its maiden flight from Toulouse.
  • The fog grounded the airliners.
  • Details have been given of a near miss between two airliners over southern England earlier this week.
  • Almost 3,000 people died three years ago when four hijacked airliners were crashed.
  • The plane was the first civilian airliner to be hit by insurgents.
  • They should worry about the public flying on commercial airliners out of these commercial airports.
  • An official Pentagon investigation, known as the Fogarty Report, found that the ship mistook the airliner for an attacking Iranian jet. Let the Swords Encircle Me
  • If small aircraft were routed elsewhere, Kamman said, Lindbergh Field would have more runway space for larger airliners.
  • Corinth products find homes in a wide variety of government space and aircraft systems instead of on commercial airliners.
  • Manufacturers of the world's quietest jet airliner the BAe 146.
  • The Tunisian airliner with 39 people on board was attempting an emergency landing before ditching into the sea, Italian officials said.
  • For a concrete example, consider again the commercial airliner industry.
  • Passengers in the U.S. already feel that getting on an airliner is as safe as "taking an escalator at the shipping mall," said Charles Hogeman, a senior training official at Air Line Pilots Association. Experts Report Gains in Turboprop Safety
  • Converting the military transport to airliners was not an easy undertaking.
  • To be fair, the horrid genius of the attacks was that no one could have predicted that hijacked airliners would be used as guided missiles.
  • The airliner is hijacked and lands on a remote island, which is undetected by any radar. The Sun
  • The controller could have asked the hangs to leave the area, or could have vectored the airliner differently, or simply have cautioned the airline pilot about the hangs including where and how many there were.
  • Whether or not a rocket fuel, super mercuric cyanate, was on board the Helderberg airliner when it crashed off Mauritius on ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In addition to the absence of evidence for hijackers on the planes, there is also evidence of their absence: Although the pilots could have easily "squawked" the universal hijack code in two or three few seconds, not one of the eight pilots on the four airliners did this (NPHR WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • A few hours later a passenger airliner takes off from Mexico City bound for Houston.
  • In the case of the redoutable Captain Sullenberger of Hudson River fame, he actually took the controls away from his copilot after the bird strike rather than abandoning the controls and, in his description of the incident, let the passengers do the praying since he was too busy with the technical demands of ditching an airliner in a river after losing all power at low altitude and low speed. Pilot Who Prayed Before Crash Sentenced in Italy - The Lede Blog -
  • Both airlines had large route structures where a pressurized airliner could be fully utilized.
  • The come-ons are everywhere in this show, from the vaguely Oceanic color scheme on the doomed airliner to the very CTU-like font choice in the title cards, which tell you the names of characters and what day and hour this is. 'The Event' is a head-scratcher, by design
  • Barbara Olson, a passenger aboard the airliner doomed to be crashed into the Pentagon, was able to telephone her husband, Solicitor General Ted Olson; she told him that the hijackers were armed with knives and what she called a cardboard cutter . The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • The FAA and most other governments mandate that at least 50% of the air in an airliner is fresh at all times. The Flu in Mexico
  • The passenger were shepherd across the tarmac to the airliner.
  • An airliner came close to disaster while approaching Heathrow Airport.
  • The World Trade Center was not brought down by the airliners that were made to crash into the WTC, nor didthe resulting fire have anything at all to do with theexpertly planned and installed demolition. Obama's Herculean Challenge; Time to River-Wash the Big Three Auto Companies and the Economy
  • An airliner coming in to land, lights still gleaming, was high enough to reflect the unrisen sun. THE LAST RAVEN
  • The first Saturn V flew barely a decade after the first pressurised jet airliner. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ability to fly is a property of an airliner that we specify in advance.
  • It could mean airliners that weigh little more than the fuel and passengers they carry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Following the crash the airliner's emergency radio beacon failed to function and rescue teams experienced difficulties locating the wreckage.
  • The second hijacked airliner had just torn into the south tower and exploded. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is more akin to the toilet found on a modern jet airliner, with the addition of spring-loaded thigh restraints!
  • Demyonov had gone home last week in an elaborate casket dark inside the cargo hold of a Tupolev airliner.
  • Four of these machines were built and had a long and useful life hauling large components for Airbus airliners.
  • The airliner is hijacked and lands on a remote island, which is undetected by any radar. The Sun
  • I have one in my book of an MV-80 airliner and it sure looks like a chemtrail behind that airplane.
  • Seven years ago at this hour, a doomed airliner plunged from the sky, split the rock and steel of this building and changed our world forever," Bush told 15,000 family members, Pentagon workers and guests. Time stops for 9/11 tributes
  • Launching a new airliner is a complicated business.
  • The fact that a large airliner can disappear without trace is shocking in the 21st century. Times, Sunday Times
  • Escapade basically provides the experience of taking off and landing a commercial airliner, aboard Britannia's 737 flight simulator.
  • Those who refuse to board an airliner out of fear, but seem unconcerned about using earthbound automobile transportation are ignoring statistics which demonstrate the far greater danger associated with automobile travel.
  • It launched a ‘family’ of twin-engined airliners that would remain in service with some North American scheduled carriers until well into the 1980s.
  • And yet because a Russian airliner was brought down, he wants to take the moral high ground. The Sun
  • In comes Nancy Pelosi, the "Wicked Witch of the West," piloting what appears to be a flaming airliner, making the innocent "pretties" pay for her expensive San Francisco offices, throwing debt around with "Wall Street bailouts" and sicing her flying IRS tax monkeys on the American taxpayers. John Dennis, Nancy Pelosi's Challenger, Calls Her 'Wicked Witch Of The West' In New Ad (VIDEO)
  • It's a break from what he describes as the shocking news that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian and Muslim, stands accused of plotting to blow up an airliner. CNN Transcript Jan 10, 2010
  • The pilot landed the airliner safely.
  • Rolls Royce has developed a 4,000 horsepower turbo prop engine that may be used to power the Douglas DC 7D long range airliner.
  • Terrified relatives waiting to collect family in Manchester feared the airliner had been hijacked. The Sun
  • Details have been given of a near miss between two airliners over southern England earlier this week.
  • We told you just a moment ago that a Turkish airliner had been hijacked on its way from Antalya, which is on the Mediterranean Coast to the southern part of Turkey. CNN Transcript Oct 15, 2008
  • The team ensured that civilian airliners and local mustering aircraft were kept out of the way of the fast jets.
  • It covers most major airliners in service today and lists future projects under development at Airbus and Boeing.
  • Although there's no firm replacement for "Lost" or "24" this fall, no one is working harder to lure fans of both than NBC's "The Event," which has a minority POTUS, a la "24" (Blair Underwood), with a doomed airliner (with oddly Oceanic markings) that's about to dive-bomb on his Florida retreat. As the network onslaught begins, what if the TV critic picked out shows just for you?
  • AirlineReporter. com: PICS AND VIDEO OF BOEING 787 DREAMLINER'S FIRST FLIGHT Aerospace: Boeing 787 first flight a key milestone, not end of road Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
  • Air traffic controllers picked up distress signals from the airliner shortly after it crossed into Greek airspace yesterday afternoon. Times, Sunday Times
  • That the plotters apparently weren't targeting a passenger airliner is a departure from the strategy many terror groups use to maximize civilian casualties. Bomb Makers Plotted Blasts Over U.S.
  • This was the end for piston engine airliners, as the new jets soon dominated the commercial airline industry.
  • He's a journeyman, which is the top rating for machinist, meaning he can make almost any part in a Boeing airliner. CNN Transcript Jun 24, 2004
  • The airliner amazingly reached the runway threshold, but hurtling along at 100 miles an hour above its landing speed. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was several years before I flew again and then on a commercial airliner.
  • Corporation aims to achieve a new boat the family seriation, occupation turboprop airliner Extension high - end market.
  • Image getting weighed in public in today's environment before boarding an airliner.
  • MAJED MOUGHNI, MUSLIM ACTIVIST: And now we get this other terrorist that attempts to blow an airliner right over our heads, right over the heads largest Muslim population outside the Middle East, right over our heads. CNN Transcript Jan 10, 2010
  • A record 18 Airbus A380s were delivered in 2010, and 24 more of the world's largest passenger airliner - a 525-seat double-decker dubbed the superjumbo - are due this year. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Rescue boats were at the scene in minutes and managed to attach tow lines to the airliner and move it closer to shore.
  • Three men were charged in connection with the alleged plot to blow up transatlantic airliners. Times, Sunday Times
  • Airliners now cruise the ocean at great speed.
  • The same logic would apply to airliners, where peanuts are routinely handed out and where medical emergencies are best avoided.
  • In fact, the South did not retaliate after earlier provocations, such as the terrorist bombing of a South Korean airliner and assassination attempt against former president Chun Doo-hwan which killed 16 ROK officials. Let the Koreans Take Care of the Koreas
  • Ronnie Barrett is best known for the invention and civilian marketing of the 50 caliber sniper rifle: a military weapon used by U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan that can penetrate armor-plating from a mile away and down airliners on take-off and landing, but under federal law is sold with no greater restrictions than a standard hunting rifle. Josh Sugarmann: NRA, Board Members, Have Financial Stake in Stopping Ban on High-Cap Magazines
  • For a concrete example, consider again the commercial airliner industry.
  • These were the first airliners in widespread use to feature pressurized cabins, in turn allowing pilots to fly at greater altitudes.
  • But .50 will depressurize or, rather, render impossible to pressurize virtually any commercial aircraft out there, and an airliner without pressurization will have to land or it will suffer fatalities, period. The Volokh Conspiracy » California Court of Appeal Upholds Ban on .50-Caliber Rifles Against Second Amendment Challenge:
  • It is more akin to the toilet found on a modern jet airliner, with the addition of spring-loaded thigh restraints!
  • Corporation aims to achieve a new boat the family seriation, occupation turboprop airliner Extension high - end market.
  • At that time, the military scrambled to launch at least four fully armed F-16 fighters, but that was so late, they never even got off the ground before the airliner was finally recontacted. CNN Transcript Oct 24, 2009
  • At a time when American airliners were all-metal monoplanes, the Navy stuck with biplanes with fabric-covered wings.
  • Even modern airliners take off into head winds to increase the plane's relative airspeed.
  • Pilots reported 23 near collisions between military aircraft and civilian airliners in 1990, but 14 in 1995.
  • For long distances, he prefers the bus over airliners or rail because he likes the atmosphere.
  • A commercial airliner cruises at more than 500 miles an hour.
  • We know that you served as an Air Force Academy liaison officer when you weren't flying airliners.
  • The airliner 's altitude then declined without it changing course. Times, Sunday Times
  • Airliners now cruise the ocean at great speed.
  • It is more akin to the toilet found on a modern jet airliner, with the addition of spring-loaded thigh restraints!
  • Accounts by military and civilian air-traffic officials agreed the commercial airliner had received proper permission to traverse the zone.
  • It would be so much easier if I could believe the official story that a few hijackers with boxcutters and some perfunctory flight training on single-engined planes could have hijacked four large airliners, silenced the crews, turned off transponders, and then expertly guided two of them into the Twin Towers. Why I still question 911
  • Terrified relatives waiting to collect family in Manchester feared the airliner had been hijacked. The Sun
  • Boeing is struggling right now to develop a new subsonic airliner, something they've been doing for nearly a century. Would You Bring Back NGLT-or SLI? - NASA Watch
  • So the OK is given for Travis' team to sneak on to the airliner and defuse the situation.
  • It was feared that the aircraft would be grounded after EU regulations put it in the weight category of an airliner, increasing its insurance five-fold.
  • Following the crash the airliner's emergency radio beacon failed to function and rescue teams experienced difficulties locating the wreckage.
  • Boeing's press release stated that it took six million square feet of blueprints to build the airliner.
  • So the OK is given for Travis' team to sneak on to the airliner and defuse the situation.
  • In the 1960s, as terrorists began seizing control of airliners, the verb skyjack was coined, but it has since fallen into disuse. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • We know that you served as an Air Force Academy liaison officer when you weren't flying airliners.
  • Further giving this concept fuel is the current state of the airlines, including the inefficient hub-and-spoke system, flight delays and intrusive airport security, not to mention service, or lack thereof, once aboard the airliner.
  • As the plane approached the water, the right wing dramatically dropped but this appeared to be mostly corrected when it looked like the airliner stalled and literally bellyflopped into the water with a huge splash.
  • Accounts by military and civilian air-traffic officials agreed the commercial airliner had received proper permission to traverse the zone.
  • At least one of the airliners involved transmitted a hijacking beacon.
  • If you've ever complained about the time to preflight an airliner, you need to prepare a balloon for flight.
  • At a time when American airliners were all-metal monoplanes, the Navy stuck with biplanes with fabric-covered wings.
  • Accounts by military and civilian air-traffic officials agreed the commercial airliner had received proper permission to traverse the zone.
  • He was released in 1999 as part of a deal to secure the safety of passengers aboard a hijacked Indian airliner. Times, Sunday Times
  • In responding to the attempted bombing of an airliner on Christmas Day, Senator Dianne Feinstein voiced the feelings of many when she said that to prevent such situations, "I'd rather overreact than underreact. Terrorism? No Big Deal. Keep Calm & Carry On
  • Missing airliner MH370 will be officially declared lost at the end of this year. The Sun
  • Twenty-four people were feared dead yesterday after a Swiss airliner crashed in a muddy wood a few kilometres away from Zurich airport.
  • Work will involve replacing the aircraft's analog instrumentation with six digital displays and the flight management system Boeing developed for its newest version of the 737 airliner.
  • It was responsible for the mid-air collision last month between a cargo plane and a Russian airliner.
  • The airliner amazingly reached the runway threshold, but hurtling along at 100 miles an hour above its landing speed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much of the blame for this misery lay with the jet stream, a river of wind at the altitude of jet airliners. Times, Sunday Times
  • Interestingly, Boeing has a long-term subcontract agreement with Northrop Grumman for continued production of major sections of 747, 757, 767, and 777 airliners worth approximately $6 billion, depending on the total number of airliners delivered. Purchasing - Top Stories
  • The airliner was hijacked by a group of terrorists.
  • The boom in airliner orders and new generation advanced aircraft, flight and control avionics, navigation, power distribution, engines and air traffic control systems as well as profusion of high speed rail facing similar fail-safe, redundancy, communications and safety requirements, not to mention rising global demand for efficient power generating equipment, are helping push electronics content to new highs. Smartphones, Tablets Put A Bid Under Intel, T.I., Linear Tech, Analog Devices
  • Boeing's offer of a "tankerized" version of its 767 commercial aircraft was preferred over a larger aircraft proposed by EADS that would have been a version of the Airbus MRTT, a multirole military aircaft based on the A330 commercial airliner. European Firms Could Benefit From Tanker Deal
  • Unlike wind tunnel test for airliners, there is no way to confirm exactly if or how vortices and shock waves form off of wing tips or other geometries.
  • In mid-June two South Korean marines shot their rifles at a civilian airliner landing at Incheon, the airport for Seoul, mistaking it for a North Korean plane.
  • Another factor here has been the slow but invaluable installation of Traffic Collision Avoidance System radar in commercial airliners.
  • Airbus and Chesley Sullenberger may differ over how important the fly-by-wire design was to the successful water landing of the A320 after geese disabled both of the airliner's engines. Christine Negroni: Australians Simulate Airbus 380 Near Disaster
  • The CIA had shot down a civilian airliner to test the RPV they would lend the Russians to use on Irena Nikitina. THE LAST RAVEN
  • You will probably have a comfortable flight, many people believe that an airliner is a sealed tube with no fresh air available to the passengers. The Flu in Mexico
  • For reasons not fully explained, the military pilot had decided to close in on the civilian airliner.
  • The airliner nosedived into Rockaway, about five miles from the airport, just after 9am.
  • Then again, you'll have to admit, the men who fly our modern airliners are experts - they have to be!
  • Corinth products find homes in a wide variety of government space and aircraft systems instead of on commercial airliners.
  • Although business jets flew cross-polar routes before widebody airliners, they are yet to master everyday flying over the North Pole.
  • A Colombian airliner has crashed in a remote mountainous area of Venezuela killing all 160 people on board.

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