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How To Use Aire In A Sentence

  • Commander Laurel D' ken smiled wryly as the blue haired officer said to Allison, ‘We'll need to nursemaid them a bit but I think they'd be able to manage well enough.’
  • Update: BB commenter DHC says, It's worth noting that his is an outtake from a TV show that Warhol developed and aired on Manhattan cable. Boing Boing
  • The distich caused discussion regarding the quantity of "hic", but the pope defended the prosody of Voltaire who confirmed his opinion by a quotation from Virgil which he said ought to be the epitaph of The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Fortunately, seven unaired episodes will give fans something to really dive into.
  • One Mercedes engineer estimated that, worldwide, up to 50,000 vehicles may have to be repaired, which is a blow for a company which prides itself on reliability and quality. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
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  • Josefina Scaglione's YouTube video When Mr. Laurents first called the willowy soprano, who speaks with lushly rolled r's and sometimes interrupts conversation to ask the meaning of an English word, she was performing the role of Amber Von Tussle in a Buenos Aires production of "Hairspray. I've Just Met a Girl Named Josefina
  • The most storied place to find Gaucho boots is Casa Fagliano, a hole-in-the-wall bootmaker in Hurlingham, which is a British suburb of Buenos Aires. 20 Odd Questions: Stephanie Phair
  • Guardian International correspondent Jonathan Steele called Bush's and Blair's denial of the horrors attending the Iraq civil war "Panglossian" - referring to the ever optimistic Dr. Pangloss of Voltaire's novel Candide who, at every disaster, proclaims that ours is the best of all possible worlds. Surge to Purge: The 80% Solution in Iraq
  • She was older, a yellow-haired journeyman holist almost womanly in the fullness of her body. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Without a serial number, a watch cannot be serviced or repaired by an authorized repair shop or the manufacturer.
  • Note 17: Joseph Jérôme Lefrançais de Lalande, L'Art de faire le maroquin, ([Paris, 1766]). de Lalande also published earlier work on a similar subject L'Art du tanneur ([Paris], 1764). back The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • And I owe much of my further understanding of Voltaire through his face to an essay invitingly titled Voltaire's Grin by Richard Holmes, the "total immersion" biographer whom I've praised before -- mostly for his work on the interlinked poets Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth. David Tereshchuk: French Claim for Origins of Investigative Journalism
  • Dan and Claire share an interest in ancient history.
  • Au lieu de discuter, l'employée du restaurant aurait du faire le canard! French Word-A-Day:
  • The DVD set includes unaired, unrated stand-up sketches. TV on DVD
  • The last prisoner in the coffle was the tailor, a gray-haired, elderly man with a wrinkled face. The Magic of Krynn
  • More an Irish sprite than anything, Mairead leapt, twirled, and 'arabesqued' her way across the stage courting us through her violin. Dr. Cara Barker: The Beauty of Giving Your Whole Heart
  • Le bibliomane ne connait ordinairement les livres que par leur titre, leur frontispice, et leur date; il s'attache aux bonnes editiones et les poursuit à quelque titre que ce soit; la relieure le seduit aussi, soit par son ancienneté, soit par sa beauté, "&c. Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
  • After the triumph followed the faire Parthenopeian _Leria_, with a lawrell crowne, accompanied with _Melanthia_, whose habites and voices represented the pride of Greece, [A] whereupon the great Macedon rested his head: She bare a splendent lampe, communicating the light thereof with hir companion, then the rest more excellent both in voice and song. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • The questionnaire is to test customer reaction to the new store design.
  • Fancy an heir that a father had seen born well-featured and fair, turning suddenly wry-nosed, club-footed, squint-eyed, hair-lipped, wapper-jawed, carrot-haired, from a pride become an aversion, -- my case was yet worse. The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
  • He will have noted the height, build, and general appearance of the two men: one was fat, middle-aged, and bald and had a scar over his left eye; the other younger, fair-haired, more athletic, and had a moustache.
  • Frankly, they're really only safe on fairer skin types, such as blonds, redheads with blue, green eyes.
  • But in the pro-am before the first Legends of Golf Tournament, Darrell was paired with Sam. THE LAST GENIE
  • They had to fork out $ 100 to get the lorry repaired!
  • This time all three acts were paired with a work from Debussy – Act I with Printemps, Act II with Trois Nocturnes, and Act III with La damoiselle élue. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Sick of his persona - delicate emotions paired off with caustic cynicism - he creates a bogus doppelganger to hide behind.
  • She contends that U.S. officials overreacted, rather than dealing pragmatically with adoption procedures in a country where poverty and a long-running insurgency fueled widespread child abandonment, impaired record-keeping, and hampered official investigative capabilities. Despite Hurdles, Families Pursue Nepal Adoptions
  • Reflections on Rosemary were given by her niece Claire and one of her great-nieces, Annie.
  • Yet doctrinaire democrats don't seem to give a tinker's toss about placing limits on what a legislature (local or global) can divvy or decide.
  • Mrs May claimed that evidence from the blonde-haired victim, who had had a baby since her ordeal, was unreliable.
  • Among them was a very skinny, red-haired girl.
  • The circle of human soldiers parted ahead, and a tall gold-haired human in a dark blue uniform walked through with another armored soldier at his side.
  • He declined to give details on who the passengers were except to say they were from a nursing home in Bellaire, an upscale enclave within Houston.
  • And she, warm with what Dick had just told of him, pleasured at the goodly sight of him, dwelling with her eyes on the light, high poise of head, the careless, sun-sanded hair, and the lightness, almost debonaireness, of his carriage despite his weight of body and breadth of shoulders. CHAPTER XXIII
  • Poitiers, dedicated to the queen of Clothaire I. -- who afterwards took the veil, and was distinguished for her piety -- there is shown on a white marble slab a well-defined footmark, which is called "Le pas de Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • The guys were clean-cut and dashing, the girls were curly-haired and red-lipped.
  • Claire looked at her feet, shuffling uncomfortably in place.
  • It is well known that diabetics and people with glucose intolerance have impaired calcium metabolism. The Family Nutrition Workbook
  • Imaginez au contraire que, dans chaque commune, il y ait un bourgeois, un seul, ayant lu Bastiat, et que ce bourgeois-là soit respecté, les choses changeraient! Bush Slanders Freedom « Blog
  • Even multimillionaires don't like getting blood all over their soft, beige leather bucket seats.
  • To answer the 300-odd posers on the questionnaire without then being persuaded to sign up for the religion was an essential rite-of-passage for any spotty adolescent struggling to find their own voice.
  • I use it here to mean a doctrinaire Marxist whose main motive is hostility to the Stalin regime. Notes on Nationalism
  • There are also short-haired cats and they sometimes call them domestic short-hairs. The Kitchen Daughter
  • The analogical structure and poetical impulse that runs through all of the paired images are even found in the artist's single images such as his Giglio.
  • The third unaired episode, more of a conventional action story along the lines of Seven Samurai.
  • Je sais pourquoi: Braise a voulu se faire belle avant sa rencontre de demain avec Allia! Ebouriffe - French Word-A-Day
  • You paired it with jungle red ankle boots and a gold, sequin skully cap. Rachel Kane: Prom Dresses You're Going to Regret
  • Increased exposure and professionalism have dovetailed to produce bona fide stars—people young players can identify with—not least among them England's hard-hitting batter Claire Taylor. Women's Cricket Scores With Investment, Interest
  • And she fitted well into the homely scene: short and somewhat "squatty" of form, red-haired, freckle-faced and pug-nosed. Aunt Jane's Nieces in the Red Cross
  • The organist was a slightish man, white-haired, who seemed to hover in the alcove, his back to the audience, wizardly in his very smallness, and he hit the thunder pedal just as a figure on the screen drew back cowering from some danger above, and laughter swept the auditorium. Underworld
  • In hemichordates, the three adult coelomic cavities are derived from coelomic sacs that form around the gut of the larva (an unpaired protocoel and two pairs of sacs for the mesocoel and metacoel).
  • I started having cracke noises in my buenos aires landline when I added DSL. A Dying Landline Business Sounds a Lot Like Static
  • In 1918 he chaired a war memorials committee and organized nationwide pyrotechnic displays in celebration of the armistice.
  • This leads to edema and altered microcirculation in the skin, which results in impaired healing.
  • Methods This investigation was conducted among 310 medical students using 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire(16PF) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire(EPQ).
  • The leading parts were played by Bill Holland and Claire Howell Daly.
  • a severely impaired heart
  • Machiavel, qui aimait la liberté d'une manière éclairée, savait que les hommes, qui se sont réunis en société, se sont associés éminemment pour être heureux, et non uniquement pour être libres .... MACHIAVELLISM
  • Vary the story to take in the white collar worker, the ice man let out with the coming of the frigidaire, the clerk displaced for the young graduate, vary it to include, if you will, the "chiseller" and the exploiter, but remembering that suffering, need, idleness and despair play their own part in turning the man who cannot work into the man who will not work. Canada's Problems in Relief and Assistance
  • He had been convicted on his eighth impaired driving charge while driving a stolen car, his 18th possession of stolen property conviction.
  • Gibson's a zillionaire, and Smith's a multi-gazillionaire.
  • This building also repaired tenders in steam days; a much taller section of the roof allowed boilers to be stood on end for riveting.
  • They will also be racing on the wider expanses of a course that offers a much fairer test of ability than the tight turns and short straight at the Valley.
  • Baudelaire said of him that he was the only artist who ‘in our faithless generation conceived religious pictures’.
  • She often identifies herself with a blonde princess, but never with a dark-haired prince. Times, Sunday Times
  • there is a possibility that his sense of smell has been impaired
  • They were crammed with what we term indirect workers—workers on their way to relieve a fellow employee, machine repairers en route to troubleshoot a problem, housekeepers, inventory runners. The Machine That Changed the World
  • The latest round of trouble came as BP's billionaire partners in TNK-BP, who operate under the name Alfa Access Renova, sought to block a $16 billion share swap and Arctic exploration deal agreed with Rosneft in January. A Tale of Two Partners
  • Shielded lamps and indirect luminaires prevent the lighting installation from aggravating the problems of stress.
  • When someone seems, by any reasonable standard, so intent on braiding the rope, tying the knot, and hanging himself with it, it's easy to suppose that the best thing to do is to stand back so everyone can have an unimpaired view.
  • Oops, sorry, I forgot Chicoutimi was the boat involved in that tragic fire and is still not repaired. One way to fill blogspace on a pre-long weekend Friday – Liveblogging a PMO background briefing - Inside the Queensway -
  • Meanwhile the dark-haired woman, who after all these years I still remember so vividly, wears an unbelievably sexy one-piece outfit that appears to be sewn from rags.
  • At that house, he would stop playing his game of solitaire over in the corner table and, cigar-smoke billowing around his massive figure, have me ask him in Yiddish -- bitte mia gelt -- "please give me some money," before peeling off a fresh ten soles bill. David Kersh: Time-travel to Peru With My Son
  • I figured that since I am now acquainted with millionaires, I must look like one, even if I am not.
  • Other, roumyng the cities vp and downe and caryeng alway in bottles faire watre and fresshe, if any man be disposed to drinke, vnasked they willingly proffre it him, and refuse not to take, if he for their gentlenesse offre aught vnto them agayn. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • Claire's always one to lend a sympathetic ear if you have problems.
  • After the trial ended, U.S. Marshals began hauling silver-haired Jimmy Fratianno around the country to testify in major mob cases. Kill the Irishman
  • Il a également souligné qu'il ne s'agissait pas de «faire un coup marketing» et que «pas un euro ne sera fait sur ce clip».
  • Billionaires are usually fairly secretive about the exact amount that they're worth.
  • The questionnaire is to test customer reaction to the new store design.
  • He is a great actor and seeing him go from lost rogue to confused son to driven billionnaire to a conflicted hero is a blast.
  • If I answer no I simply return the questionnaire without any clinical data.
  • In 1940, even the indomitable Winston Churchill despaired of survival, far less ultimate victory. SAN ANDREAS
  • The two fish were paired with fresh vegetables and tiny fried potato globes, which were all brought nicely together by a rich cream sauce and punctuated with a brilliant red burst of caviar.
  • At last, the author use the corpus and questionnaire survey to discovers the Vietnamese students' biased error give her advice for the department of teaching Chinese as a second language.
  • We routinely portray them as grim, doctrinaire, religious killjoys who lived in a didactic world of the Saved and the Unregenerate.
  • This season, a floaty chiffon knee-length skirt paired with a Fair Isle sweater or a tweedy jacket will look extremely hip.
  • MONTREAL — Contrairement aux fédérations de médecins spécialistes et d'omnipraticiens, le Collège des médecins ne prend pas clairement position en faveur de l'euthanasie. The English Canadian MSM got it wrong re: Quebec College of Physicians and Euthanasia
  • Norns '(for so in that country they called the Fates)' beckon you to a land where green fields lie under a blue sky, fields where golden-haired maidens lie among the flowers. ' The Book of Romance
  • Not only English society, but Indian princes and princesses, American millionaires, and Continental aristocrats attended this ball attired in sumptuous costumes worth thousands upon thousands of pounds. Mansions of Mayfair | Edwardian Promenade
  • Then, billionaire investor Warren Buffett, whose annual letter to shareholders is one of the most widely read in investing circles worldwide, told the 35,000 shareholders attending Berkshire Hathaway's annual meeting that they needed to read Dimon's letter. CEO Jamie Dimon steers JPMorgan Chase through crisis
  • The province takes a laissez faire approach in administering the hunting and trapping of wolves in BC, which is based simply on the reproductive potential of the species, and shockingly, without knowledge of wolf numbers. Chris Genovali: The Death Cults Among Us
  • This is difficult terrain for the son of a billionaire pitched against the son of a bus driver. Times, Sunday Times
  • But such a laissez-faire attitude would be a missed opportunity. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's an edgy, youthful feel to the sprawling stone downtown, where gaggles of short-haired, punky students walk narrow, walled streets.
  • However, mechanical aids can do much to lessen the disability of impaired body structure.
  • All staff were asked to fill in a questionnaire about their jobs.
  • Ei doresc să-l utilizaţi pentru legăturile sale cu feribotul Kee Claire-Hope Ashitey în afara ţării. »2007» martie
  • Beer followed pizza and we looked round the Roman amphitheatre which had been built by Roman legionnaires 1,800 years before.
  • Two disciplinary hearings, chaired by an outside moderator, were held yesterday and the others are due to be completed soon.
  • A broadtail lace evening coat was paired with a Venetian blue blouse and metal plisse skirt. Joey Jalleo: Inside Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2009: Third Row at Calvin
  • Vigilance is needed for any features of possible optic neuropathy, such as blurred vision, impaired colour perception, and reduced visual acuity
  • The crow thinks her own birds fairest
  • Electrical devices on spacecrafts, satellites, and aircraft must work reliably and efficiently in situations where they can not be easily repaired.
  • The setter's long-haired coat easily wards off the north country's brisk autumn climate and punishing brier tangles.
  • Karen was born hearing impaired and learned to lip-read but, after her hearing failed completely in October 2002, she decided to have the operation when she discovered she was eligible for treatment.
  • The aire of Famagusta is very vnwholesome, as they say, by reason of certaine marish ground adioyning vnto it. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • In 1940, even the indomitable Winston Churchill despaired of survival, far less ultimate victory. SAN ANDREAS
  • Symptoms include near vision image blur, abnormal color perception, monocular diplopia, glare, and impaired visual acuity, and may vary depending on location of the cataract.
  • Goalball is a sport for the visually impaired. Times, Sunday Times
  • She mentally reviewed his no longer youthful figure, his monastic face, black-haired and large-nosed, with eyes full of expression, his curly mouth, at once judgmatic and benevolent. Flowering Wilderness
  • David brought along his wire-haired terrier, Dexter; Audrey brought along only her exquisite taste. Stephen Collins: winner of the Observer/Cape Graphic Short Story prize 2010
  • He repaired to it, deposited three dollars, borrowed a book and some sheet music, and then bought a violin.
  • Fish are amphibian bearcat animals that are about ectothermic (previously cold-blooded), covered with scales, and able with two sets of commutual fins and several unpaired fins. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • The lonely old lady filled up the time between supper and retiring with solitaire.
  • God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh. Voltaire 
  • At each fighting session, the animals are paired off against each other in a small pit or arena, enclosed by plywood or galvanised walls.
  • They each will hold enough other shares to make them billionaires, at least on paper, if the IPO is successful.
  • It was bought by a dealer who was convinced that tapestries would make a comeback in the vast new homes being built for dotcom billionaires. Times, Sunday Times
  • The courtship rituals of cranes are elaborate: paired birds spread their wings and leap repeatedly into the air while calling.
  • Carl, a reckless billionaire adventurer, has financed an expedition by an expert spelunker and diver named Frank McGuire Richard Roxburgh, to chart the unexplored portions of Esa'ala and discover a previously uncharted route through Esa'ala and back to the ocean coast. Marshall Fine: Movie Review: Sanctum
  • Miranda was having a heated argument with a dark-haired short girl, dressed in skimpy clothing.
  • Peut on faire meilleur commentaire que le site freshome, qui nous a fait connaitre cette merveille? Light Handed to You On a Platter – The Light Container
  • The questionnaire was produced especially for this study, and it encompassed aspects and problems of nursing documentation revealed by the literature review.
  • He is the outspoken and confident red-haired editor of the local newspaper.
  • But the soldier, who, with proper military observance, continued to have his eye and attention fixed on the Emperor, as the prince whom he was bound to answer or to serve, saw none of the hints, which Achilles at length suffered to become so broad, that Zosimus and the Protospathaire exchanged expressive glances, as calling on each other to notice the by-play of the leader of the Varangians. Count Robert of Paris
  • Il craignait d'être condamné, car son adversaire était un grand officier de la cour. French Conversation and Composition
  • Without waiting for a reply, Mr. McGuffey dropped back into his department and Captain Scraggs, his soul filled with rage and dire forebodings, repaired to the galley, and "candled" four dozen eggs. Captain Scraggs or, The Green-Pea Pirates
  • Brands like Artec shampoo are slathered on dark-haired cows, while Pantene is preferred for the blonder bovines. Well-Heeled Men Behind Manolos Try on Hooves for Size
  • You never know, this time next year we could be zillionaires.
  • Nor is an anti-abortion candidate who aired graphic television commercials with footage of dismembered fetuses.
  • Or Eliot, who wrote on the Metaphysicals, Marvell, Dryden, Blake, Wordsworth, Baudelaire and, of course, Dante, as well as many other writers.
  • The winner progresses to the next level and the loser goes home to try to become a millionaire by some other means.
  • The two-hour session started easily enough with a questionnaire about my general health.
  • Under the program, items are either verified as unserviceable or are repaired and returned to service.
  • Another possible cause of impaired lung function could be increased sclerosis of bronchial arteries as a consequence of generalized arteriosclerosis in diabetes.
  • To their millionaire owners and portico-loving architects, they are temples of mock baroque and neo-Tudor excess that serve as worthy successors to the great country houses of the past.
  • In any case they did not inherit the doctrinaire restrictions of their elders.
  • These new features include a touch-screen control panel, integrated camera control and an ergonomic foot pedal. †™ s first multi-color photocoagulator paired with a photodisruptor to offer the complete treatment solution for the retina practice. Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed
  • They say he was involved in an accident when he was six in which his skull was fractured, leaving his sight and hearing impaired. Times, Sunday Times
  • He remembers his first governess, Miss Arkell, a grey-haired lady with traces of beard upon her large flat face and a black dress of what he calls bombasine.
  • Even so, I did not leave the young, brown-haired man in complete despair and ruin.
  • Claire and the art students were slopping paint on the walls!
  • In the North Alley of the said Nine Altars, there is another goodly faire great glass window, called Joseph's Window, the which hath in it all the whole storye of Joseph, most artificially wrought in pictures in fine coloured glass, accordinge as it is sett forth in the Bible, verye good and godly to the beholders thereof. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Durham A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espiscopal See
  • The Norwegian Foreign Ministry summoned Iran's charge d'affaires on Thursday to protest against what it called the confiscation of Ebadi's Nobel medal and diploma and express 'grave concern' about the treatment of her husband. Khaleej Times : UAE News
  • Nato was accused of trying to throw a cordon sanitaire around Russia.
  • So said the witness, a man who'd pulled over to see what was going on, why a tall, dark-haired teenager was scrambling from a car to race for the tracks when a train was coming ... Ann Packer's 'Molten': Narrative Magazine's Friday Feature
  • The race was stopped by the commissaire following this bizarre happening!
  • So this is the zillionaire luxury yacht lifestyle.
  • Drowsiness, impaired cognitive function, and impotence may be a problem with higher doses.
  • When she felt uncomfortable, Claire would glance down at her birthmark on the dorsal area of her left wrist.
  • He repaired the fence he had broken and made his peace with the neighbor on whose property it stood.
  • That one was co-chaired by two former senators.
  • Obama was hawkish about Afghanistan during the campaign, despite well-aired fears that Afghanistan is a quagmire-in-waiting. War: Politics and Power
  • I hold firmly to my original views. After all I am a philosopher. Voltaire 
  • But when given a chance the Airedale can still be an expert ratter and can also be trained to the gun.
  • The first obvious difference from the manga is in the appearance of the central character, Deunan, who in the manga is more-or-less a regular self-capable woman with an unusual skill for violence and mayhem, but who in the anime has become a short-haired tomboy whose fighting skills ascend to the level of gravity-defying superpowers, as she is capable of backflipping over enemy gunfire in slow-motion. Archive 2007-08-01
  • Promoting sign language would also help to bring the hearing and hearing - impaired worlds Chalet added.
  • Emily Travis was dainty and delicate and rare, and whether in London or Klondike she gowned herself as befitted the daughter of a millionnaire mining engineer. THE LEAGUE OF THE OLD MEN
  • Our study collects 150 samples of open questionnaire and analyses via Content analysis and SPSS.
  • Millionaire stingray tail spousal corporal corrector is stuffed, piscatorially. Archive 2007-06-01
  • The curly haired, dark-skinned child who stared up at him with “hero-worship” adoration was oblivious to the fact that his white shirt was pulled halfway out of the waist of his pants or that his clip-on bow-tie was askew. Who Said It Would Be Easy
  • On Monday, members of the town council recreation and amenities committee despaired over the number of owners who continue to let their dogs foul public places.
  • At 17 she got a job as a health care assistant at Airedale Hospital, where advice from a ward sister encouraged her to start training as a nurse.
  • It was bought by a dealer who was convinced that tapestries would make a comeback in the vast new homes being built for dotcom billionaires. Times, Sunday Times
  • My parents' dog is a wire-haired fox terrier about eight years old.
  • I've always liked the Hilaire Belloc quote: "When I am dead, I hope it may be said: His sins were scarlet, but his books were read.
  • Drug dealing was perceived to be the biggest problem by around 10 per cent of both groups who completed the questionnaire.
  • As the sex ratio in the adult population of mallards tends to be biased toward males, some males remain unpaired during the breeding season.
  • I use the word in its connotation of an unimpaired or uncorrupted state of affairs.
  • In one published familial case, the mother of a 46, XY boy with anorchia who also harbored a p. Val355Met mutation in NR5A1 underwent left ovariectomy and homolateral fallopian tube ablation for ovarian cysts at the age of 22 years and subsequently had two spontaneous miscarriages, an outcome that suggests impaired ovarian function. New England Journal of Medicine
  • Then he repaired to a blacksmith, after stripping her and her damsels of their silken apparel and clothing them in raiment of hair-cloth, and bade him make three pairs of iron shackles. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I witnessed how these institutions, Wall Street securities firms, and other non-banks took up the slack from an impaired banking system.
  • Are you using a sampling method for a mailed questionnaire?
  • If you have already sent your questionnaire in, please resend it to the correct address.
  • A series of quick clips of previously unseen and unidentified sailors and marines was aired. The Sun
  • The calculations were then averaged from questionnaires sent to each woman every two years.
  • Adopt the experimental and questionnaire method, measuring the effect of self - composing calisthenics on of girl - students creativity.
  • The forum will be aired on local public access television prior to Election Day.
  • The Neuroptera, called Spongillaflies for their favorite food, are often paired with the Megaloptera in discussions of aquatic insects because of their similar lifestyles. Insecta (Aquatic)
  • Not to mention that one reason the Tamil situation doesn’t arise much here is that the US has no dog whatever in that fight – no AIPAC pushing for US policy in that arena, no billionaires from the region paying Democrats and Republicans campaign money to push US support for the related countries, no scumbags like SLC arguing for “Hama Rules” on the Tamil Tigers. Matthew Yglesias » Do Critics of Israeli Policy Whine Too Much?
  • Knightley can currently be seen in Never Let Me Go, which also stars fellow short-haired actress Carey Mulligan. Keira Knightley Debuts New 'Do
  • As a governing philosophy, it has been able to tack for decades from statism to laissez-faire, from big government to individual freedom, with only occasional discomfort.
  • It's an early example of the American billionaire practice of architectural salvage. Times, Sunday Times
  • While many people may like to have a few beers before mowing the lawn on a fine Sunday morning, operating a riding mower while impaired is an offence under section 253 of the Criminal Code of Canada. Man Busted for Impaired Operation of a Riding Mower : Law is Cool
  • There are 400,000 property millionaires in Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • The men can be silvery-haired and fatherly and the women are identikit babes.
  • At the Kennedy Center, during "Le Corsaire" 's opening marketplace scene, we saw a stageful of distinct characters, all telling their individual "stories" with wit, finesse and flair, but never play-acting hollowness. Bolshoi Embraces the Pre-Soviet Past
  • The twisted logic was inadvertently summed up by agriculture minister Bruno Le Maire, a loyal Sarkozy lieutenant, with the words: "When they remove all the pork from a restaurant open to the public, I think they fall into communalism, which is against the principles and spirit of the French republic. The Guardian World News
  • Feather mattresses removed, aired and fluffed before being put back in their place.
  • What information is the questionnaire intended to elicit from the respondent?
  • It was a troublesome end to a damaging week for the billionaire. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gymnasium included a large palaestra surrounded by columns, and the baths in the east wing were fully equipped during the reign of Trajan when the emperor had the roof repaired.
  • Purrsanlee, ai gettin taired ub callin awl black kittehs “bazement cats” an “ebil”! deys naut! Water is - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • I chaired her inaugural meeting: health visitors, lawyers, saleswomen, cleaners, police officers; they all came. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus if the second casualty is due to an excepted peril, the rule of merger which applied in the case of an unrepaired partial loss to defeat the claim has no application.
  • She paired her bijoux with a simple sheath and pale pink pumps. Michelle Obama Shows Off Statement Necklace (PHOTOS)
  • The citizens' responses to four questions in the World Values Survey questionnaire have been taken up for detailed analysis.
  • Several questions on health and social supports were added to a later version of the screening questionnaire.

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