How To Use Air pump In A Sentence
If the cut in pressure is NOT at least 18 lbs per sq. inch, take a bicycle pump or an electric air pump and put that amount of air into the top of the tank.
Water Pressure Systems
But don't we have a portable air pump?
His undergravel filter, therefore was best powered by an air pump rather than powerheads.
His undergravel filter, therefore was best powered by an air pump rather than powerheads.
The ball is slightly out of air because our school is too cheap to buy air pumps, and it keeps bopping my hard skull today.
As a matter of fact, a fairly high vacuum can be maintained with the air pump closed down, and only the indirect pumping action of the falling water operating to rarify the contents of the condenser body.
Steam Turbines A Book of Instruction for the Adjustment and Operation of the Principal Types of this Class of Prime Movers
His other suggestions were in respect of a chemical pump and an air pump.
For years the trains had to be brought to a stand by a dubious hand-brake, but later two were fitted with air pumps for braking.
When connected and adjusted, an air pump needs very little attention.
Air pump maintenance letitude tribe is also important.
The tender operated or supervised the hand or kerosene-powered air pump and controlled the rope lifeline to his diver.
An air pump circulates a continuous flow of air through the device, replacing any air that is lost through the surface's pores.
The equipment need only be a sponge filter, air pump and heaterstat.
Which you choose, an air pump or alternative means, is a matter of personal choice.
You are drawn to the plight of the bird in the air pump, the sad and frightened girls and the wild eyes of the quack scientist.
At the same time the air pump removes waste water and air from the separate condenser thus maintaining a vacuum in it.
Throughout the building, one could discern the subaudible pulse of compressors, water chillers, laser-deposition chambers, gas chromatographs, fume-exhaust systems, recirculated-air pumps, and all manner of other specialized electrical apparatus.
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Skin Deep
You need to pump air down these "uplifts" using an air pump which sits outside the tank.
Practical Fishkeeping
At the same time the air pump removes waste water and air from the separate condenser thus maintaining a vacuum in it.
He filled his writings with discussions of plows, air pumps, compasses, canal locks, balloons and steam power.
At the same time the air pump removes waste water and air from the separate condenser thus maintaining a vacuum in it.
Air dusting is used by the exhaust gas flow of air pump mixing Cup incorporate both.
With the ordinary pressure of city gas upon this pipe it was found that the air pump must keep an air pressure of 40 pounds, that the air and gas might mix properly at the branch or fork, so we could get the best combustion and most heat from our "blowpipe," for such it was.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 623, December 10, 1887
Just wrap the cuff around your arm (it fits circumferences 9 to 17 inches), connect it to your iOS device, hit start in the free app and the air pump automatically inflates at 15 mmHg/s.
The crosshead of the reciprocating air pump is guided by a Peaucellier linkage shown at the center.
Kinematics of Mechanisms from the Time of Watt
Aeration and stirring of the nutrient solution was performed using a compressed air pump and a magnetic stirrer, respectively.
Just wrap the cuff around your arm (it fits circumferences 9 to 17 inches), connect it to your iOS device, hit start in the free app and the air pump automatically inflates at 15 mmHg/s.
The success of the barometer led to the development of primitive air pumps.
The equipment need only be a sponge filter, air pump and heaterstat.
His undergravel filter, therefore was best powered by an air pump rather than powerheads.
His other suggestions were in respect of a chemical pump and an air pump.
Air - Serv Group LLC Manufacturer of air pump and personal product vending machines.
Air dusting is used by the exhaust gas flow of air pump mixing Cup incorporate both.
In the same series where the majority of models of the air pump motor is interchangeable.
Which you choose, an air pump or alternative means, is a matter of personal choice.