How To Use Ahriman In A Sentence

  • For, to say nothing of the apparently independent existence of the principle of darkness and evil called Ahriman, the relation of the Pantheism, Its Story and Significance Religions Ancient and Modern
  • There are things we do and know perfectly well in Vanity Fair, though we never speak of them: as the Ahrimanians worship the devil, but don't mention him: and a polite public will no more bear to read an authentic description of vice than a truly refined English or American female will permit the word breeches to be pronounced in her chaste hearing. Vanity Fair
  • It's the Hebrew word for Adversary," said Etheriel impatiently. 1 could say Ahriman, which is the Persian word. The Complete Stories Vol 1
  • In Zoroastrian myths, good and evil were represented by the twins Ahriman and Ahura Mazda. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Twins and More
  • The great Persian religious teacher Zoroaster, who lived centuries before Alexander, taught that all must choose whom they would follow, but that at the end of time Ahriman would be defeated by the Wise Lord. Alexander the Great
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  • He has a few rounds of shadow-boxing with Ahriman, recites some metaphysical mumbo-jumbo, and that's it.
  • The Babylonians also incorporated their belief in destiny into the Mithraic worship of Zurvan, the Persian god of infinite time and father of the gods Ahura-Mazda and Ahriman.
  • Tempted by Ahriman, the first man and woman had fallen; and for twelve thousand years there was to be war between _Ormuzd_ and the Good Spirits created by him, and _Ahriman_ and the Evil ones whom he had called into existence. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
  • The name Ahriman, however, does not actually occur in this Yasna. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Most terrifying in evil majesty was the Zoroastrian Ahriman, and it has been con - jectured that the grim dualism of the Zendavesta may have had some influence on Jewish and Christian demonological speculation. PROBLEM OF EVIL
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Kamar al-Zaman, son of King Shahriman, went to the Hammam, his father in his joy at this event freed the prisoners, and presented splendid dresses to his grandees and bestowed large alm-gifts upon the poor and bade decorate the city seven days. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Now when Shahriman beheld the girl, he saw that she was like a Rudaynian lance,303 and she was wrapped in a veil of gold-purfled silk. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He has a few rounds of shadow-boxing with Ahriman, recites some metaphysical mumbo-jumbo, and that's it.
  • Opposing him was Ahriman, a powerful spirit bent on evil and leading humans astray. Alexander the Great
  • In Zoroastrian eschatology there is much which has become familiar from reading the Jewish and Christian testaments: heaven, hell, redemption, the promise of a Sashoyant (Messiah), the existence of an evil spirit Ahriman and – most striking of all – the prospect of a final battle for the salvation of man at "the end of time" between Ahura Mazda and Ahriman leading to the latter's final defeat. Zoroaster – forgotten prophet of the one God
  • According to the Sadder Bun-Dehesch, a more modern work, Ahriman is to be annihilated: but this is contrary to the text itself of the The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The Ahriman of Huxley, the principle of evil, is what he termed the cosmic process, that great play of forces, by which, in a ruthless struggle for existence, the fittest (by which is meant the most suited to the surrounding conditions and not necessarily the ethically best) have survived at the expense of the less fit. Thomas Henry Huxley; A Sketch Of His Life And Work
  • Despite the chaos and suffering effected in the world by his onslaught, believers expect Ahriman to be defeated in the end of time by Ahura Mazda. Dangle Veils
  • I forbore to mention that the reason I knew the name Ahriman was because of a classic Conan The Barbarian story... Dinner at Kellogg College
  • From the distracted and despairing man whom love and longing trepan from the lover under passion’s ban the prisoner of transport and distraction from this Kamar al-Zaman son of Shahriman to the peerless one of the fair Houris the pearl-union to the Lady Budur daughter of King Al Ghayur The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night

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