How To Use Ahead of time In A Sentence

  • Cut up some pieces of plywood ahead of time to use as holding forms, and clamp every thing down.
  • You can prepare these kachoris ahead of time and re-heat them in a slow oven just before serving.
  • Gun direction and elevation for several targets could be prepared ahead of time and carried out regardless of darkness, smoke, or foul weather.
  • They were trying to learn to perform a role whose meaning and importance they could not grasp ahead of time.
  • If you do go with a tape library, you also may need to search around for a utility that controls the media loader on the device, so you may want to do some research ahead of time before you buy one.
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  • | Reply | Permalink they should have to register several months ahead of time so that they can't game the dynamics ... if a republican wants to be permanently registered as a democrat in order to create havoc or vote for the "beatable" dem, then they will never have an opportunity to vote in the republican primary even when it is hotly contested like the dem primary is this year. Republicans Turning Out In Ohio ��� For The Dem Primary
  • The factory met its production target ahead of time.
  • Grab a camcorder, and videotape birthday wishes ahead of time from each guest.
  • The customer would probably be unhappy if the project were completed well ahead of time at the expense of some key quality aspect.
  • You can make meals in batches ahead of time and freeze until needed. The Sun
  • I have to finish the task ahead of time.
  • The best way to be prepared for these kinds of situations is to be ready ahead of time.
  • I have to finish the task ahead of time.
  • Therefore price changes cannot be predicted ahead of time. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • The customer would probably be unhappy if the project were completed well ahead of time at the expense of some key quality aspect.
  • The web design and planning process can become incredibly subjective unless you have agreement on the goals ahead of time.
  • the house was completed ahead of time
  • Otherwise we create what we have now or a situation where there are exchanges but not with any effort ahead of time to create some kind of formalized and agreed upon trust that predates the money system. A New Administration, Tired Old Policies
  • Energetic fundraisers have gone a long way towards meeting their target and well ahead of time, too, because work on the church has to be delayed.
  • Prepare what you plan to say in the meeting ahead of time .
  • This dish is good for dinner parties because much of the preparation can be done ahead of time.
  • Often we found lock tenders coordinating our transit by having the doors on the next lock - miles ahead - opened ahead of time.
  • Let's meet for lunch. I'll call you ahead of time to fix up exactly when and where.
  • You may want to prepare several servings ahead of time and reheat them in the morning.
  • In the future, visitors will theoretically be able to go to the site when the mood strikes, much as they visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. But for now and the next few years, accessing the Sept. 11 Memorial will entail a laborious process requiring the reservation of tickets ahead of time, and then, on the appointed date, wending through a downtown obstacle course involving two outdoor ticket screening points and a security checkpoint inside 90 West St. At 9/11 Site, Built-In Hurdles
  • Find out ahead of time what regulations apply to your situation.
  • You can make meals in batches ahead of time and freeze until needed. The Sun
  • Maybe something they've internalized about rhythm leads them to create a catalexis instead of planning out a catalexis ahead of time.
  • Anticipate the problems your client may have with self-monitoring ahead of time, and rehearse strategies to deal with those situations.
  • She'll prepare the food ahead of time and freeze it.
  • The prehistoric root flourished in many Indo-European languages, mainly carrying ideas to do with “cooking” and “ripening,” as seen in numerous words that English has borrowed: cook, cuisine, kitchen, kiln, terra cotta, and even precocious, as in “pre-ripened,” or “mature ahead of time.” The English Is Coming!
  • If other conditions maintain invariably, when the timber price or the cost fluctuates 20% every time, the age at economic maturity of Chinese fir plantations will postpone or ahead of time for 1 year.
  • I have to finish the task ahead of time.
  • You will need to order the boned shoulder of lamb ahead of time.
  • Gretchen, one of the best things about falafel is you can make up the mix way ahead of time. Recipe: Falafel (Φαλάφελ ή Ρεβυθοκεφτέδες)
  • She was an old-fashioned Jewish grandmother who would cook for days ahead of time when she knew we were coming for a visit and pile the table high with abnormal portions of brisket and kugel and kreplach. The fussy eater: meals with my father
  • Anticipate the problems your client may have with self-monitoring ahead of time, and rehearse strategies to deal with those situations.
  • There was a swap meet ahead of time, and ooh ooh ooh!
  • Nor could he wait the hour designated; for he was fifteen minutes ahead of time in rousing his guest. To The Man on the Trail
  • I think he made a tactical blunder by announcing it so far ahead of time.
  • The customer would probably be unhappy if the project were completed well ahead of time at the expense of some key quality aspect.
  • Because all these biorhythms begin on the day of our birth, we can know our ups and downs ahead of time.
  • ALL types of plastic should be recycled and it shouldn't just be up to consumers to separate the various numbered types of plastic ahead of time and put them in bins for collecting. Death by Plastic » E-Mail
  • I have to finish the task ahead of time.
  • When I go to a meeting, I have to decide ahead of time what to bring, and I'm never sure about the weather or how formal people will be.
  • Madoka's father must have handed the parking attendant a tip ahead of time with instructions to signal when Madoka and her mother arrived.
  • In retrospect, although my concern for biosafety was honest and my desire to refrain from crying 'wolf' unnecessarily was sincere, I should have notified my supervisor ahead of time of my worries about a possible breach in biocontainment," Dr. Ivins said in a 2002 statement to investigators. FBI Used DNA to Link
  • Such forces can rarely be detected ahead of time, but to charge headlong without at least trying to assess your situation is like skipping nonchalantly through a mine field.
  • This dish is good for dinner parties because much of the preparation can be done ahead of time.
  • Therefore price changes cannot be predicted ahead of time. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • Book a tradesperson well ahead of time, as they can be booked for months in advance.
  • The cast and filmmakers are largely to blame, as they treat the material in a lackadaisical manner, while also telegraphing too many plot points ahead of time.
  • Find out ahead of time what regulations apply to your situation.
  • The second party does not relet, must inform the first party ahead of time.
  • Can you tell me ahead of time if you're coming?
  • The fire is lit well ahead of time to allow the wood to burn down to non-flaming coals.
  • They fulfilled their work ahead of time as we did ours.
  • When you surf to a new Web page, you have no idea ahead of time whether it contains a Java program.
  • You can always prepare the salad ahead of time and refrigerate it.
  • It is worth knowing ahead of time if you have a health condition which might interfere with your ability to parent. The Guide to Lesbian and Gay Parenting
  • Therefore price changes cannot be predicted ahead of time. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • For reasons you'll understand, we didn't want to announce our next guest ahead of time.
  • If the donor is an adult, he may have agreed to be an organ donor ahead of time. Liver transplant waiting list
  • It is important to check this list ahead of time so that you have everything ready to complete the demonstration.
  • If you are asked to be a guest, be sure to have the prepared questions ahead of time so you can get ready with a few tweetable responses.
  • This is perhaps one of the most closely watched unemployment releases that I can remember, a big crowd inside what we call the lock-up, where reporters are brought in, given release half an hour ahead of time but kept in a locked room until precisely 8: 30, when we can report. CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Unemployment Rate at 4.2 Percent - February 2, 2001
  • They arranged for some support ahead of time, but it seems like they sat there while the local police and rescue workers were left on their own to fish people out of the water.
  • We could be in front of the tour van, finding spots for the guys ahead of time, creating diversions to keep the fuzz out of our way.
  • Knowing the verdict ahead of time makes it seems, well, kangaroo courtlike. Think Progress » White House Launches Campaign To Politicize Saddam Verdict Ahead of Midterm Elections
  • You can make meals in batches ahead of time and freeze until needed. The Sun
  • This dish is good for dinner parties because much of the preparation can be done ahead of time.
  • Every soldier in the patrol knew his mission and post-patrol debriefings began to yield better intelligence because soldiers knew ahead of time what indicators to look for.
  • You will need to order the boned shoulder of lamb ahead of time. The marinade is optional.
  • When you surf to a new Web page, you have no idea ahead of time whether it contains a Java program.
  • So certainly, our storylines are plotted ahead of time.
  • So, arriving ahead of time, I lose myself for 10 minutes down a path really called Dunwoman's Lane.
  • Our dinner menu includes an appetizer of easy grilled satay and a simple pad thai, both of which are largely made ahead of time.
  • The turn-off in San Antonio is very well marked, letting you know miles ahead of time which lane you should be in before you exit. Driving to Merida from California
  • I think he made a tactical blunder by announcing it so far ahead of time.
  • This dish is good for dinner parties because much of the preparation can be done ahead of time.
  • Pat always gets everything ready ahead of time so she can relax when guests arrive.
  • She plated the sauces and the cooked fruits ahead of time, and loaded the readied plates onto the sheet pans.
  • This dish may be prepared a day ahead of time and refrigerated.
  • The scrub person prepares all cords for monitors, surgical devices, and fluid and suction tubes ahead of time and gathers them in a sterile towel.
  • One of the challenges of forecasting snowstorms like this is pinpointing the locations of small-scale intense snow bands, known more formally as "mesoscale bands" because they occur on such a small-scale, ahead of time. Blizzard blasts coastal cities from Va. to Mass.
  • Nigella suggested parboiling the parsnips, so I did that for about five minutes, way ahead of time.
  • This dish may be prepared a day ahead of time and refrigerated.
  • All right, your teaching fellows have the authority to work with me and grant you an extension, but you have to ask for it ahead of time.
  • It is worth knowing ahead of time if you have a health condition which might interfere with your ability to parent. The Guide to Lesbian and Gay Parenting
  • I had let my family and Twitter know of my quest ahead of time, just in case I was never heard from again, and with a final push I purchased my ducat with trembling fingers, slipped through the narrow turnstile... Jeff Polman: Tales From the Haunted Dodger Ravine
  • I started packing my own lunches and planning meals ahead of time.
  • They were trying to learn to perform a role whose meaning and importance they could not grasp ahead of time.
  • My friend who got the interview says he is scrambing to put together a one-hour talk about his proposed research, so he encouraged me to start on that ahead of time with the assumption that I will need it sooner or later. Archive 2005-11-01
  • If we put our backs into the job we'll finish it ahead of time.
  • If sedation or general anesthesia is scheduled, it is best to make arrangements for care of your other children ahead of time and to have a second adult present to help assist you. Exam Scheduling and General Pre-Exam Prep
  • Is there any way we could get a warning notice like a month ahead of time when our subscription is about to lapse? Renewal notice
  • So, it's difficult to create a working model to handle the relief logistics ahead of time.
  • She'll prepare the food ahead of time and freeze it.
  • Early this year, flowers bloomed ahead of time in spring and migrant birds flew back to the north earlier than usual.
  • Check the programme ahead of time.
  • People want to know if they can use one herb instead of another, or if they can make something ahead of time and reheat it, or if they can substitute different meat.
  • Greens washed ahead of time should be towel - or spin-dried, wrapped loosely in paper towels and stored in plastic bags in the refrigerator. Spinach and Watercress Salad: Ensalada de Espinacas y Berros
  • You can always prepare the salad ahead of time and refrigerate it.

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