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How To Use Aground In A Sentence

  • Kirkwall lifeboat was called out to a boat aground in the Rousay Sound on Sunday afternoon.
  • The oil tanker ran / went aground off the Spanish coast.
  • Over three days I managed to run aground twice, slam into a bridge and bump too many other boats to remember. The Sun
  • If the ship is aground, which is likely enough, for the captain pushed up farther than we thought possible, they will be pretty safe when they have once got past her. Among Malay Pirates : a Tale of Adventure and Peril
  • According to the MSM reports here and here the French crew, of a ship with the very Italian sounding name MSC Napoli, deliberately run aground close to Sidmouth, 165 miles southwest of London. Archive 2007-01-01
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  • The tanker Jessica - carrying some 7700 barrels of fuel - ran aground on Tuesday.
  • The 20-year-old was on stage performing a magic show when the ship ran aground. Costa Concordia: British passengers tell of escape
  • The oil tanker ran/went aground on a mud bank in thick fog.
  • A lifeboatman yesterday branded the would-be seadog, who earlier this month ran the vessel aground, a 'nightmare'. The Sun
  • And falling into a place where two seas met, they ran the ship aground; and the forepart stuck fast, and remained unmovable, but the hinder part was broken with the violence of the waves. The Dor�� Gallery of Bible Illustrations
  • There had been a storm, though, I think, and the ship had run aground on an island ruled by some sort of nasty feudal overlord.
  • The beach was long, flat and shelved so gently that no normal vessel could have come ashore without running aground.
  • The oil tanker ran/went aground on a mud bank in thick fog.
  • A Royal Navy submarine was forced to pull out of exercises off the coast of Scotland early yesterday morning when it went aground.
  • There were civilian sea captains, killed far from home when their ships ran aground on the reef.
  • Maritime authorities and salvage crews had removed most of the thick, toxic fuel oil and nearly 400 containers from the ship, which ran aground in calm conditions on 5 October. Stern of cargo ship Rena sinking off New Zealand
  • Vivek Prakash/Reuters Juhu Beach near Mumbai Thursday; the beach got a new water feature when the cargo ship Wisdom, being tugged to the Alang scrapyard in Gujarat from Colombo, broke away in rough weather and drifted until it ran aground. Asia in Pictures
  • The tail end of a cyclone hit Gisborne just as the ship was leaving the harbour and instead of sailing out beyond the reef it finished up aground alongside it.
  • A Greek oil tanker has run aground.
  • For a moment, I envisage us grating across a coral reef, or running aground on a sandbank.
  • The Express Artemis, sister ship to the Samina, ran aground on Friday carrying 1,026 passengers.
  • The inhabitants of Eriskay earned a reputation as whisky lovers after helping themselves to the precious cargo of the SS Politician, which ran aground off the north-east coast of the island in 1941.
  • The ship is currently aground off the Brittany coast.
  • One of the overcrowded, unseaworthy boats later ran aground off the coast of Timor and three Iraqi men drowned.
  • DURBAN, South Africa - Twenty-five crew members were rescued by helicopter from a Taiwanese fishing vessel that ran aground near the South African port of Durban, officials said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The Lifeboat arrived on scene in moderate conditions in a South Easterly 4 to 5, to find the Yacht hard aground on a mudbank at the entrance to the Camplie River.
  • The first ship to transmit an SOS distress call was the Cunard liner Slavonia on June 10, 1909, when it went aground on rocks off the Azores. Boing Boing
  • The last major incident in the North Sea was in 1993, when the MV Braer carrying 85,000 metric tons of crude oil ran aground in a storm in the Shetland Islands. Shell: 54,600 gallons of oil spilled in North Sea
  • A major rescue operation was launched after a north east fishing vessel with a crew of three ran aground on the west coast of Scotland.
  • The prosecution's case had turned primarily on the allegation that he was drunk when his ship ran aground.
  • The ship, the same size of the Golden Seas, ran aground Dec. 8, 2004, and broke apart on the north side of Unalaska Island, also in the Aleutians. rss feed
  • A ferry that ran aground in hurricane-force winds off the west coast of Scotland stranding 100 people on board was refloated by two tugs today.
  • This cargo ship ran aground on the shallow rocks during the 1960s.
  • Running aground occurs when the navigator misreads the chart, the skipper tries to cut a corner on a harbor entrance, there is silting moving of soft sand and mud at a harbor mouth, or the tide table is misinterpreted. Sailing Fundamentals
  • When his ship was becalmed for three days, his men grew alarmed, thinking that they had reached a shore and were in imminent danger of running aground.
  • The tanker ran aground in heavy seas and is breaking up on the rocks.
  • a ship aground offshore
  • A messy maritime incident that's getting worse, a cargo ship ran aground in the Aleutians.
  • A symbol of earlier, more dangerous times, it's the anchor from the barque Harriet that ran aground off the Okahu River in 1834.
  • The beach was long, flat and shelved so gently that no normal vessel could have come ashore without running aground.
  • She added that she went on the bridge only after the ship ran aground. Times, Sunday Times
  • The inhabitants of Eriskay earned a reputation as whisky lovers after helping themselves to the precious cargo of the SS Politician, which ran aground off the north-east coast of the island in 1941.
  • During their efforts to help the man ashore the Sea Warrior ran aground and the crew had to wait for the tide to rise to free their boat.
  • The tanker ran aground on the eastern-most island in the Galpagos group.
  • He said the ship was being tugged to a shipwrecking yard when the tugboat's cables broke and high tides pushed the tanker to shallow water where it ran aground.
  • From Albany to Athens, all but the dimmest observers now recognize that the model we've been following has run aground—morally, socially and fiscally. After the Welfare State
  • On March 24, 1989, a 900-foot long supertanker ran aground in well-marked waters and spilled 11 million gallons of crude oil.
  • A research vessel ran aground in a Hawaiian marine wildlife reserve on Sunday and appears to be leaking oil.
  • In the birthplace of civilization, we have again run aground on the rocky shoals of nationalism, this time augmented by a religious fervor that increases the danger.
  • And falling into a place where two seas met, they ran the ship aground; and the forepart stuck fast, and remained unmoveable, but the hinder part was broken with the violence of the waves.
  • Like a chunk of glacier that has somehow run aground in the middle of downtown, it evokes the unconquerably primordial nature of the Pacific Northwest's landscape.
  • With the ship run aground and the bow well out of the water, these would have been easy to salvage.
  • a boat aground on the beach waiting for the tide to lift it
  • The 175-meter-long Wisdom, which was being tugged to the Alang scrapyard in Gujarat from Colombo, broke away in rough weather and ran aground Sunday. Asia in Pictures
  • Why had the ship gone aground; why couldn't it be pulled off the rocks?
  • Our ship ran aground in the fog.
  • In the birthplace of civilization, we have again run aground on the rocky shoals of nationalism, this time augmented by a religious fervor that increases the danger.
  • Unfortunately it is on these rocky shoals that the commission is likely to run aground.
  • Of possession as the delusion we all run aground on.
  • A nuclear-powered submarine that ran aground two months ago broke down on its first day back at sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • Churches of all sizes and shapes can run aground on this shoal.
  • When ships go aground for failing to observe the dates of low water level, they might have to wait weeks before new water arrives to lift them off the sand banks.
  • If it's a powerboat, some traditionalists suggest running it aground (gently, of course).
  • The last of the crew were winched off early on Friday after the ship ran aground near Blackpool. Times, Sunday Times
  • The captain and crew of the oil tanker that ran aground on the Galapagos have been arrested.
  • A story is told about Pantai Norasingh, a steersman of the royal barge, who accidentally ran aground while taking Sanphet on an inspection tour of the river.
  • Preliminary indications suggest "significant human error" by the captain may have been to blame for the Costa Concordia cruise ship running aground, its owner Costa Cruises said in a statement. Cruise ship scene marked by modern totem of disaster in medieval harbour
  • The last of the crew were winched off early on Friday after the ship ran aground near Blackpool. Times, Sunday Times
  • Taylor confirmed that no oil spills had been reported, but added there was always the potential danger of an oil spill when a ship ran aground.
  • ROME -- The Italian coast guard says a luxury cruise ship has run aground off the coast of Tuscany and that at least three bodies have been retrieved from the sea. Costa Concordia Luxury Cruise Ship Runs Aground Off Coast Of Tuscany, At Least 3 Bodies Retrieved From Sea
  • Certainly it is known that in 1901 he was based in Hong Kong and he refloated the steamship München which had run aground on Yap, Caroline Islands.
  • I told him; and aded, that their troops had catched aground in passing the River, and that There would be five hundred Americans there in a short time, for I had alarmed the Country all the way up. Fact checking Sarah Palin's twist on Paul Revere
  • This is, as far as I can see, basic Tome of Leo and Third Constantinople; and what Kvanvig keeps calling the traditional view seems very clearly run aground in the same way Monotheletism did - the natures are distinguished but only in order to be confused. Of Interest
  • A Greek oil tanker has run aground.
  • They have this default expression, like they're expecting to hear any minute that a tanker has gone aground and spilled a half million tons of crude oil into a penguin rookery. One of Our Whales Is Missing
  • The ship ran aground for three minutes before it was eased off.
  • On Sunday the lifeboat rescued a yacht which had run aground off Heir Island.
  • Their plans for building a new library have run aground.
  • I had braved before I returned to my wife; and our frigate being aground for a time and got off with difficulty, was agreeably cannonaded by the enemy until she got off her bank. The Virginians
  • Got under weigh and stood down the harbour but unfortunately the water being low the vessel got aground.
  • A passenger from South Korea walks with Italian firefighters after being rescued from the luxury cruise ship Costa Concordia which ran aground the tiny Tuscan island of Giglio Photograph: Gregorio Borgia/AP Couple rescued from submerged ship Costa Concordia
  • In 1918 when the ship Makambo ran aground, hundreds of rats rode onto the beach with the wreckage.
  • The movie is Ms. Jacobs 'story, more or less: The tale of a wifty social princess who becomes a nanny to a neurotic 8-year-old, the plot of Uptown Girls will be as familiar to viewers as Mary Poppins, if Mary's umbrella had accidentally run aground at Brearley. Original Uptown Girl Channels East Side 'Magic'
  • the ship went aground in the channel
  • A honeymooning couple have been rescued from the submerged Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia more than 24 hours after it ran aground off the coast of Tuscany. Couple rescued from submerged ship Costa Concordia
  • Unfortunately, my spiritual search soon ran aground on the shoals of alcoholism, and would remain marooned there until May, 1993, when I got sober.
  • The very thought of being _aground_ comforted some, for, to their minds, it implied nearness to land, and _land_ was, in their idea, safety. The Coxswain's Bride also, Jack Frost and Sons; and, A Double Rescue
  • the boat ran aground on a submerged bar in the river
  • There was no chance of saving the ship and by low water she was hard aground, her propellers embedded in the sand.
  • A few years earlier, when a Coast Guard cutter in hot pursuit of a Lake Erie rumrunner ran aground near Port Colborne, Ontario, it was looted and ransacked by a crowd of locals, its wiring cut, its cylinders filled with sand. LAST CALL
  • In both cases political calculations ran aground on the rock of public opinion.
  • On Saturday the vessel ran aground on ‘uncharted rocks’, rupturing her forward fuel tank and forcing the 153 passengers aboard to abandon ship.
  • The ship went aground and started to break up.
  • A Spanish trawler ran aground on rocks close to the entrance to Fenit harbour in early June.
  • Twenty-five miles to the south is Pigeon Point, named for a ship that ran aground here in 1853.
  • Paul wasn't able to implement collision detection (for this release), so the ship doesn't go "aground" when you hit the shore - maybe it will in the "Pro" version. Planet Geospatial
  • Normally, the pilot would have been on board before the ship ran aground 100 yards off the Tower of Hercules navigation light.
  • The oil tanker ran / went aground off the Spanish coast.
  • One of the most unusual jobs of the year came in April when Hamble Lifeboat went to the aid of a yacht aground off Egypt Point on the Isle of White in fairly heavy weather.
  • Moreover, before steam made coast traffic independent of wind, the sand-banks outside the roads were a great source of profit to the beach men, who went off in their long yawls to such craft as "missed stays" coming through a "gat," or managed to run aground on one of the sand-banks in some way or other. Edward FitzGerald and "Posh" "Herring Merchants"
  • The casualty could be seen aground on the Mid Haisbro Sand, lifting slightly in the moderate swell.
  • Not that it will matter because the Spanish team will be missing from the grid next season after running aground. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Express Artemis, sister ship to the Samina, ran aground on Friday carrying 1,026 passengers.
  • The ship had ran aground on a sandbar at the mouth of the inlet.
  • Three vessels have been identified as options to take the fuel bunkers and 7700 ton cargo of gasoil and gasoline from the tanker which ran aground off the Dwesa Nature Reserve last Thursday.
  • At daylight contd our course under sail but the men mistook the channel and ran the boat aground at 7 Oclock and all efforts could not get her Off, & we had to wait till two oclock for the tide, when we got afloat & reached the fort at 7 in the evening. John Work's Journal: March 21 - May 14, 1825
  • ‘Well, you tell Holdaway that I’m aground, not a stiver — not a stiver. Lay Morals
  • If a ship goes aground, the commander faces an almost certain inquiry and disciplinary measures from which his career is unlikely to quickly recover.
  • he ran the ship aground
  • ROME -- The Italian coast guard says a luxury cruise ship has run aground off the coast of Tuscany and that at least three bodies have been retrieved from the sea. Costa Concordia Luxury Cruise Ship Runs Aground Off Coast Of Tuscany, At Least 3 Bodies Retrieved From Sea
  • Normally, the pilot would have been on board before the ship ran aground 100 yards off the Tower of Hercules navigation light.
  • Scientists believe it ran aground on the estuary's treacherous sandbanks and capsized with 50 or 60 hands on deck.
  • The Icelandic container ship Godafoss, which ran aground Thursday off the coast of Fredrikstad in southern Norway and began leaking oil, has been pulled off the ground, authorities said. World Watch
  • Salvors are offloading potentially hazardous cargo from the ship which ran aground near Grosvenor Point off the Wild Coast on Saturday night.
  • It was the Exxon Valdez which ran aground on the Alaskan coast in 1989 spilling 40 million litres of crude oil.
  • The inhabitants of Eriskay earned a reputation as whisky lovers after helping themselves to the precious cargo of the SS Politician, which ran aground off the north-east coast of the island in 1941.
  • Yet a proposal that would have provided tax relief ran aground last year.
  • The berths were practically dry at low water and vessels lay aground on the mud bottom whilst loading and discharging their cargoes.
  • Why, then, did Prospero incite the elements to cause this ship to be tossed aground on his island?
  • Abraham Lincoln, as a hired hand on a flatboat in 1831, ran aground on a trip down the Mississippi River.
  • The prosecution's case had turned primarily on the allegation that he was drunk when his ship ran aground.
  • Five of them ran aground on the rocks at Pendennis Point.
  • The ship ran aground in 18 feet of water, carving a gash in the living coral and remained grounded for 12 days.
  • The ship has constantly been pounded by huge waves since it ran aground on a rocky outcrop last Thursday night.
  • But with the finish line on the Caribbean island of Antigua in sight yesterday they ran aground. The Sun
  • The search for a missing yachtsman whose boat ran aground on the North East coast has been scaled down.
  • Oil-covered northern rockhopper penguins on Nightingale island after the freighter MV Oliva ran aground. Tristan da Cunha islanders rescue rockhopper penguins threatened by oil slick
  • On the down side if we ran aground exactly at High Tide we were likely to be neaped - and we were not kitted to sleep aboard.
  • A ship carrying a cargo of oil has run aground.
  • Certainly it is known that in 1901 he was based in Hong Kong and he refloated the steamship München which had run aground on Yap, Caroline Islands.
  • The casualty could be seen aground on the Mid Haisbro Sand, lifting slightly in the moderate swell.
  • Due to the fact that we were late on landing, the tide was dropping and the craft was well aground, and we thought it best to take cover on the beach in a type of bunker.
  • Y., to Providence, ran aground Friday afternoon after the tugboat pushing it was disabled by an unexplained explosion.
  • You wouldn't have seen that sailboat on there three years ago before the renovations, because the weeds would have been grabbing its centerboard and it probably would have been in constant danger of running aground! Photo of the Weekend: Wascana Lake
  • She was built in 1966 and ran aground on 24 April 1978 while carrying bags of cement to Port Sudan.
  • A thick fog descended and one of the cruisers ran aground. Times, Sunday Times
  • Normally, the pilot would have been on board before the ship ran aground 100 yards off the Tower of Hercules navigation light.
  • It ran aground, my mom was thrown through the cabin and broke several ribs.
  • Two months ago a 50,000 tonne Filipino bulk oil carrier ran aground on a pristine section of coral reef in the Torres Strait.
  • Y., to Providence, ran aground Friday afternoon after the tugboat pushing it was disabled by an unexplained explosion.
  • The ship is currently aground off the Brittany coast.
  • There had been a storm, though, I think, and the ship had run aground on an island ruled by some sort of nasty feudal overlord.
  • The ship is currently aground off the Brittany coast.
  • A disabled traveller whose boat has run aground at Linton Lock, near York, may have to wait for heavy rain before it is refloated.
  • The ship had ran aground on a sandbar at the mouth of the inlet.
  • In the confusion Morel gives instructions to haul on the starboard foresheet, but because of this faulty manoeuvre the ship once more pays off towards the south and runs aground again.
  • They missed the channel and went aground, burying the vessel a good four metres into the reef.
  • Citing what it called assertions by some experts, the North also claimed the warship could have broken into two after running aground on rocks. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Hours earlier, at 1.30am on Sunday morning, rescuers had followed cries for help to cabin No 838, where they found South Korean newlyweds Hye Jim Jeong and Kideok Han, who had chosen the Mediterranean cruise for their honeymoon, boarding at Civitavecchia less than three hours before the ship went aground. Italian cruise ship owners question captain's judgment
  • Two crewmen were airlifted to safety from a fishing trawler which ran aground just outside Stornoway Harbour.
  • Dougie's always been a bit wary of sailin' in the dark since thon time he ran aground.
  • Their boat went aground on a sand bank.
  • He ran aground, though, when he insisted that a congregant must show some believable evidence of being truly godly.
  • Like many developments, Leisurama soon ran aground, the victim of poor planning decisions.
  • The last of the crew were winched off early on Friday after the ship ran aground near Blackpool. Times, Sunday Times
  • But with the finish line on the Caribbean island of Antigua in sight yesterday they ran aground. The Sun
  • Three ships have run aground in the Arctic this year alone because of the lack of survey data. Times, Sunday Times
  • UPDATE: SO, I am told by doctor that I have, in all likelihood, a post-viral infection, brought on and perpetuated by being consistently run aground by the Great Yellow Budgerigar, which, although flightless, is a fast-moving and demanding creature. And I don’t watch ER, either | Her Bad Mother
  • By the middle of the next day the yawl was aground, and from the shoalness of the water could not proceed any higher. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • Moreover, the tide was ebbing and the cumbrous vessel was in danger of running aground and not getting off.
  • Over three days I managed to run aground twice, slam into a bridge and bump too many other boats to remember. The Sun
  • A lifeboatman yesterday branded the would-be seadog, who earlier this month ran the vessel aground, a 'nightmare'. The Sun
  • Just up from Kirkhaven harbour, a series of rocks known as The Pillow boasts wreckage thought to belong to the steel steamship Scotland, which ran aground in 1916.
  • The casualty could be seen aground on the Mid Haisbro Sand, lifting slightly in the moderate swell.
  • I were on the beach in Samoa -- we really were on the beach and hard aground -- when my chance came to go as a recruiter on a blackbird brig. THE HEATHEN
  • A ferry forced aground by hurricane-force winds was refloated yesterday after more than 30 hours at sea.
  • Near the end of that year, it ran aground with very few crew aboard, on a reef between Krabi and Phuket.
  • According to reports just in all of the crew have been airlifted off the Cabin Fever ship after it went aground on the rugged rocks of Tory island.
  • And this question gravelled them, and ran them aground, and served to shame them before the people.
  • Otoo and I were on the beach in Samoa -- we really were on the beach and hard aground -- when my chance came to go as recruiter on a blackbird brig. THE HEATHEN

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