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  1. granddaughter of Augustus and mother of Caligula and Agrippina the Younger (14 BC - AD 33)
  2. wife who poisoned Claudius after her son Nero was declared heir and who was then put to death by Nero

How To Use Agrippina In A Sentence

  • Nor will the inscription upon the altar serve to establish Pliny's opinion; because Agrippina was delivered of two daughters in that country, and any child-birth, without regard to sex, is called puerperium, as the ancients were used to call girls puerae, and boys puelli. The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 04: Caligula
  • One of the first measures which the new emperor adopted, was to recall Agrippina from her banishment at Pontia, where Caligula had confined her, and restore her to her former position in Rome. Nero Makers of History Series
  • Ambitious for power, the wily Sejanus now used his opportunity to pick away at the scab of resentment between Livia and Agrippina, attempting to foment the empress’s and her son’s antagonism toward Germanicus’s widow by trading on what Tacitus described as Agrippina’s “insubordination” and “ill-concealed maternal ambitions.” Caesars’ Wives
  • Diana Rigg cuts a fine figure as Agrippina and, despite a ragingly rutilant Louise Brooks wig, as Phèdre.
  • Inscribed underneath were the words Agripp(ina) Aug(usta) divi Claud(ii) Neronis Caes(aris) mater, “Agrippina Augusta, mother of the divine Claudius Nero Caesar.” Caesars’ Wives
  • The event attracted an audience of thousands from the city and the provinces and involved nineteen thousand player-combatants navigating the twelve-mile-long lake in two teams of fifty ships a side.61 One of those present in the wooden viewing stands that day was the great Roman writer Pliny the Elder, who described the dazzling sight of Agrippina dressed in a golden chlamys, a Greek version of the Roman military cape that her husband was wearing. Caesars’ Wives
  • Clytemnestra led Miri to a place at the head of the triclinium removed from Germanicus and Agrippina, but she noted, several heads above some very important people from the city.
  • To West, who by this time was declining in health, he sent part of "Agrippina," a tragedy he had commenced. Poetical Works of Johnson, Parnell, Gray, and Smollett With Memoirs, Critical Dissertations, and Explanatory Notes
  • When Agrippina decided to show sympathy for Claudius' natural son Britannicus in 55, she sealed his doom, though the poisoning was not overt and could be dissembled, as by Seneca, who wrote praising Nero's clemency in the next year.
  • _ 5, 105, 'Revocatus ... etsi magno desiderio Athenas intenderet ab Agrippina tamen in palatium adductus.' The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
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