How To Use Agreement In A Sentence
This proposed procurement is a continuation of an existing contractual agreement for the developed prototype NASA Student Ambassadors Virtual Community (NSAVC) web site. ...
Curious Virtual Community Procurement - NASA Watch
Under the agreement the Vietnamese can opt out at any time.
And this also involves, crucially, the identification of areas where there are disagreements between agencies over objectives or methods.
He made the declarations while responding to reporters' questions on the bilateral debt forgiveness agreement during yesterday's post-Cabinet news conference at Whitehall.
The chef wants the agreement declared void.
The Sun

That Constellation would not sign a power purchase agreement for its own reactor is a stunning admission that atomic energy cannot compete with natural gas or renewables.
Harvey Wasserman: Nuke "Renaissance" Leaps off Calvert Cliffs
The company refused to honour the verbal agreement and put him on a more expensive tariff.
Times, Sunday Times
MR. BELL: Well, we have informed the Congress that the part one agreement already rose to the threshold, if you will, of representing a change to the treaty -- what we call a substantive modification -- and therefore, would require congressional approval.
Briefing By Robert Bell On Helsinki Agreements
– The agreement contains a complicated escrow system that may allow the $480 million to be funneled from the Treasury Department to the White House.
Think Progress » SOURCE: Obscure Trade Settlement Could Create $480 Million Slush Fund for White House
Even if an agreement is cobbled together it will not please everyone.
Actual results may differ materially from those set forth in this release due to the risks and uncertainties inherent in Somaxon's business, including, without limitation, Somaxon's interpretation of its communications and interactions with the FDA relating to the requirements for approval of the NDA for Silenor, and the FDA's agreement with such interpretation; Somaxon's interpretation of the results of the clinical trials for Silenor, the timing of the interpretation of such results and the FDA's agreement with such interpretation; the potential for Somaxon to make a resubmission to the Silenor NDA; the potential for Silenor to receive regulatory approval for one or more indications on a timely basis or at all; the potential for the FDA to impose non-clinical, clinical or other requirements to be completed before or after regulatory approval of Silenor; Somaxon's ability to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the FDA that potential NDA approval of Silenor is appropriate prior to the completion of standard, long-term carcinogenicity studies, given the context of completed trials and pending studies; the timing and results of non-clinical studies for Silenor, and the FDA's agreement with Somaxon's interpretation of such results; Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed
In the future, fights and disagreements between husbands and wives will simply result in the immediate end of their marriages.
His bankruptcy or winding-up usually abrogates the agreement, and may restore to the bank its right to combine the accounts without notice.
the two parties were in agreement
The terms of the agreement were deliberately vague.
The offer put forward by the joint agreement includes close control over the number of games players will play.
Times, Sunday Times
According to the 1956 agreement on the machinery, industrial action should only be contemplated when all the relevant stages have been exhausted.
The negotiators made a last-ditch effort to reach an agreement.
The new shareholder has declared the intention to conclude agreements with the plant's creditors and restore the production.
All the other countries signed the agreement, leaving Britain out on a limb.
The ideas they discuss and promote centre on agreements between schools and businesses committed to achieving enhanced employability for students.
The agreement on cultural cooperation between the two countries was rescinded on 30 April, 2002.
Up to 30,000 government soldiers and an equal number of UNITA troops are set to be 'quartered' as part of the peace agreement signed by Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos and UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi in November 1994.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The twitters of agreement amongst her friends drowned out Raven's plea of, ‘He's not mine…‘
The Response did however deny the terms of the agreements alleged by the claimants.
The IIG will ensure speedy conclusion of loan agreements and implementation of infrastructure projects.
However, Capt Amarinder Singh had also made it clear that Act also envisaged termination of all other agreements relating to Ravi-Beas waters and to discharge Punjab government from the obligations hereunder.
While the lenders reserved all other rights and remedies that might be available under the credit agreement, but "did not by its terms purport to accelerate the maturity of the obligations outstanding.
Publisher: Information Gatekeepers, Inc. Archemix announces aptamer-based therapeutics agreement with Johnson
TILMA Expands on NAFTA
The absence of a clear understanding about those root causes largely explains why several would-be peace agreements ended up dishonoured or discarded.
Agreement about periodization, however, remains both fraught and elusive.
The Times Literary Supplement
I don't know what Dave means by "episcopacy" either, but there's widespread scholarly agreement that the monarchical episcopate wasn't universal early on.
Apparently, there is agreement in the German chancellery and foreign ministry on this point.
There is some disagreement as to whether phenomenalists should be labeled "idealists."
In 1986 engineers of the two companies tried to reach agreement on a shared transmission.
The six-year interim period will come into effect once a comprehensive peace agreement is signed.
The industry has signed a non-binding agreement to reduce pollution.
Then the crowning jewel is that OHSU gets ONE dollar of every TWO dollars lobbied from the federal government to put into their own coffers per the SoWhat Agreement.
SoWhat goes underground (Jack Bog's Blog)
He was the only person who understood all the arcane details of the agreement.
The 40-member steering committee was mandated to formulate agreements on all outstanding issues and to draft legislation to formalize any agreements.
The Tomlinson report's description of the inadequacy of primary and community health services in London commands widespread agreement.
This loss in yearly disposable income would occur if Britain adapted a trading agreement which involved the loss of preferential trade links with the EU.
Times, Sunday Times
Lawyers expressed concern that women could be coerced and forced to accept apparently voluntary agreements to their disadvantage.
Times, Sunday Times
This competitive logic of power politics makes agreement on universal principles difficult, apart from the principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of other sovereign states.
In yesterday's closed-door meeting of the defense committee, lawmakers with the committee reached agreement after several hours' discussion on unfreezing the two budgets.
At this point I must once again digress briefly to say that I am totally in agreement with the response of the President of the Canadian Labour Congress, Joe Morris, to the announcement last week that the federal government intends to impose works councils on industries coming under federal jurisdiction.
Let's Get Back to People
He called on the Government to apply the maximum pressure on the commission to come to an early agreement so that those low-income farmers can be paid.
Under the agreement, Verio will provide its leading Web hosting and e-commerce services to on-line merchants.
The amendments to the Armed Forces Act include a provision under which the contracts of the professional soldiers would include a paragraph for precursory agreement for participation in missions abroad.
Left, the company's chairman Philippe Varin, right, and Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi posed for photographs with a Peugeot 508 during the signing of an agreement in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, Sept. 1.
India's Auto Hub, Gujarat
An agreement to restrain wages on the part of the central labour federation might not extend to the population of non-union workers.
The two sides were unable to reach agreement.
You have the tact and determination to keep people talking until an agreement has been reached.
The Sun
The case centred on a postnuptial agreement signed by the couple in 2010 after he was caught cheating on her.
The Sun
Sources expect there is little chance of agreement between the two sides on the vexed issue of overtime, expected to hit 64 million this year.
The agreements governments have with their citizens about which services are to be provided will be simply unaffordable.
Times, Sunday Times
The project is being held in abeyance until agreement is reached on funding it.
The commitment to perform sometime precede the preparation of the Charter Party and whatever is may be that we have agreed verbally shall become a part of our gentlemen's agreement.
However, the developer "faulted" on their agreement with the city and the MEDC by failing to purchase the "transfer site" under the given deadline.
The change in the law makes the previous agreement null and void.
He proposes that this area would not involve agreement to the common agricultural policy, common foreign and security policy, justice or home affairs.
Times, Sunday Times
There are some fairly profound ideological disagreements within the movement.
In the Spanish procedure a ratification of such an agreement has to be approved by both chambers of parliament before it is put to the signature of the King.
Fortunately, after some disagreement I was allowed (most graciously!) to pay off the amount in installments over the next 12 months.
In general terms, what we're talking about here is a situation where A and B have a contract or agreement to which C is not a party, whereafter B and C engage in activitity forbidden to B by their contract ot agrement with A, giving rise to the question of whether A has any claim against C.
"An act of adultery between the defendant and the spouse of the plaintiff..."
Despite its financial problems, the company is standing by the no-redundancy agreement.
If hydrocarbons are discovered, a separate production license or production-sharing agreement is usually drawn up before development can proceed.
I hope this disagreement does not divide us.
There is plenty of room for disagreement in this controversial area.
Less serious complaints could be dealt by agreement with the complainant, internally or through mediation.
The idea of absolute state sovereignty is relatively new, and it derives from agreements among kings, emperors, kaisers, and czars for their mutual benefit.
The chairman felt that it was his place to intervene in the disagreement between two of his committee members.
But in recent weeks aides to the general have said he is not bound by the agreement.
The insurance clause in the agreement of purchase and sale between the parties states as follows.
Inasmuch as the defence needs only to secure the vote of one juryman to procure a disagreement, this offer is a comparatively safe one for the defendant to make, since the prosecutor, who must secure unanimity on the part of the jury (at least in New York State), can afford to take no chances of letting an incompetent or otherwise unfit talesman slip into the box.
Courts and Criminals
But disagreements immediately arose over whether government troops would withdraw from the territory.
Holly looked up at her boyfriend, nodding at his silent agreement to her unspoken request.
For no man who is worthy to be called a man would ever submit to such an agreement if he were able to resist; he would be mad if he did.
To force this agreement on the nation is wrong.
For this, the company needs seven million ton to eight million ton of coal, but it has about four million tons from coal mines in South Africa and through long-term sourcing agreements with mines, Mr. Rao said.
JSW Steel Forms Acquisition Team to Buy Mines
One of the central features of marriage is the signing of a legal agreement that confers responsibilities and rights on both parties.
Times, Sunday Times
The separation is by mutual agreement.
He said a plan from three Democrats and three Republicans "could be a game-changer" that "might set the stage for some broad agreement.
'Gang of Six' hopes to spur bipartisan action on deficit
The key to productive disagreements is clearing the clutter from your communicationand not just when youre fighting.
Enough Already
Polk asked Congress to give him permission to end the joint occupation agreement.
This globalization has also worsened the conditions for new institutions to arise as the expanding number of people who must come to terms geometrically increases the cost of coming to a new agreement.
An Introduction to Ecological Economics~ Chapter 3
The levy expires at the end of this year unless agreement is reached on extending it.
Times, Sunday Times
In many parts of the globe disputes over history are often not arcane or academic disagreements.
The legal agreements between the buyer and the seller are additional matters for negotiation.
On October 1, 2009, Octapharma provided a $4.5 million advance to ProMetic on a long-term prion capture resin supply agreement signed in December 2008, linked to minimum yearly purchase orders for the prion capture resin incorporated into Octapharma's manufacturing process for its solvent/detergent treated plasma product, OctaplasLG®.
Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
The three visiting prime ministers also met with their Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, who blamed Ukraine for failure to honor a multilateral agreement to resume shipment of gas to Europe.
We are trying to reach an agreement with all concerned .
He made an agreement allowing the company to earn up to 35 percent compensation for the export of minerals that did not exist.
But will the two sides be able to stick to the hazy and vague terms of the agreement?
Under the four-year agreement, teachers will get 15% raises - but in exchange for givebacks, including working a longer day and a longer year.
The temporary cease-fire agreement does not preclude possible retaliatory attacks later.
Even the good news was marred by signs that the anti-agreement camp within his own party is growing.
Based on such ‘no objection certificates’, people paid advance amounts and made preregistration agreements.
They blockaded the Suez Canal in violation of international agreement.
Actually it's called a monstrance and it contains a consecrated communion wafer (the big size that only priests get to eat), which by now has magically become the body and blood of Jesus Christ in the form of bread. (there was a time when people chopped each other's heads off over a disagreement about whether it contained any blood) "the abuse took place in the 1970s; the police were informed and acted" - Jack Valero : The Latest Updates
So she nodded in agreement, but he didn't release her wrist.
The National Football League and city of Los Angeles officials have reached a preliminary agreement on terms to bring a pro gridiron team back to the Los Angeles Coliseum.
The results are in general agreement with the previous typological categories defined by Railey in showing a general progression from incurvate, thin specimens to excurvate, thicker forms through time.
He signed an agreement to borrow a 75 million euro two-year loan syndicated by 18 banks, an unprecedented number of creditors for Bulgaria.
Oxfam refutes the argument used by defenders of the WTO agreement that the impact will be minimal in the ‘Third World,’ since most diseases there are long-standing and can be treated using unpatented drugs.
He is very keen to reach agreement with the US on reducing long-range nuclear missiles.
Further multilateral agreements to control nuclear weapons were both welcome to CND and blunted its cutting edge.
Contract, in law, is an agreement creates an obligation binding upon the parties thereto.
When a director dies, without a legally binding agreement his or her shares will not automatically to the surviving directors.
In most liberal democratic countries there is some measure of agreement in the news media on political facts.
Mandela believed agreement would be reached in the next, final round of negotiations in July.
News about stricter visa requirements came alongside reports of a Philippine-Japan free trade agreement nearing conclusion.
He pulled off a major diplomatic coup by winning agreement from all the warring factions on a permanent ceasefire.
Union policies for new technology represent an ambitious project and negotiation of technology agreements is still at an early stage.
They are also responsible for imposing the conditions stipulated in the agreements.
Thirdly, for the mutual agreement, as being of the same kind: Sus sui, canis cani, bos bovi, et asinus asino pulcherrimus videtur, as Epicharmus held, and according to that adage of
Anatomy of Melancholy
A bilateral co-operation agreement, covering trade, education, cultural affairs and aviation was signed during the visit.
The twins fight tooth and nail over the slightest disagreement.
Amgen makes all three antianemia drugs, and Procrit is marketed by Ortho Biotech, a Johnson & Johnson unit, under a license agreement with Amgen.
FDA Reviews New Amgen, J&J Data
Tonight, the peace agreement lies in tatters.
Any agreements or decisions prohibited pursuant to this Article shall be automatically void.
The two authors discussed the coding and when disagreements arose the transcripts were restudied and discussed until a consensus was reached.
Displaying the temporary disagreements to the public would hamper communication of the consensus.
Procar is negotiating a number of agreements for the supply of control components, including the wheels, brake pads and suspension items.
A power-sharing agreement will have to be reached.
Times, Sunday Times
Records of achievement for pupils, a flexible national curriculum, a home/school partnership agreements, and a national schools award.
If an agreement of this general kind is held to be contrary to public policy, it may be unenforceable.
She was in complete disagreement, and signified this fact immediately.
We were all in agreement and began to set up the volleyball net.
None of these agreements has yet been ratified, though.
Times, Sunday Times
The agreement is subject to ratification by the Senate.
He has signed an agreement that allows the United Nations to set up and administer humanitarian centres all over his country.
These assumptions often provoke heated disagreements because it is so hard to find anyplace to look to settle them.
I'm not sure of his objections but I'm sure, if we try, we can reach agreement to our mutual satisfaction.
Meanwhile disagreement among the 72 deputies to the Assembly over the draft Constitution delayed its formal adoption until Feb. 9.
She signed an agreement that included liability for damage caused by improper use.
Times, Sunday Times
This milquetoast agreement muddies the conversation.
Both the proposed method and finite element method were applied to analyze the dynamic responses of a two-layer plate subjected to rectangular impulsive load, and the results show a good agreement.
That is the unwritten agreement.
Times, Sunday Times
He says the agreement covered pilots and cabin crew, terminal services and other ground staff.
Foreign fishermen, who are not part of this agreement, also adhere to it as it makes sense.
Times, Sunday Times
The essence of these reforms is to further promote and facilitate the making of agreements at the workplace level.
For that reason, I felt uncomfortable in our negotiations and decided not to conclude any agreements with him.
Times, Sunday Times
Officials said there was widespread agreement on the need to promote growth by cutting government spending.
Neaten, archive and manage the channels cooperation agreement.
This action would render the agreement invalid.
All Products are sublicensed to you and not sold, notwithstanding the use of the terms ‘sell,’ ‘purchase,’ ‘order,’ or ‘buy’ on the Service or in this Agreement.’
Fortunately, after some disagreement I was allowed (most graciously!) to pay off the amount in installments over the next 12 months.
They hailed the signing of the agreement as a major diplomatic triumph.
Lundbeck, which manufactures the drug in the US under the tradename Nembutal, now demands that its US distributors sign an agreement stating that they will not make pentobarbital, which is a sedative with a wide range of uses, available for prisons using it for lethal injections.
Troy Davis case brings calls for execution drug controls
Funes says that "dollarization" and the adoption of the Central American Free Trade Agreement in 2006 have had negative effects such as inflation and unfavorable competition for small-scale farmers but that it is too late to scrap these policies.
When written agreement is received from the client fax the draft advertisement to the agency.
If you have an oral agreement then it is valid until the end.
Times, Sunday Times
Successful collusion often takes a third party to regulate the agreement and punish defectors.
Their staging agreements are cloaked in secrecy and the rest of us have had a raw deal.
Times, Sunday Times
The main banks have reciprocal agreements that allow each other's customers to use cash machines free of charge.
On the basis of this mutual agreement of the two parties, according to which each of them defends only his claims and his cause, renouncing all personal or egoistic considerations, the conflict is fought with unattenuated sharpness, following its own intrinsic logic, and being neither intensified nor moderated by subjective factors.
Conflict and The Web of Group-Affiliations
One side effect of the New Order was the ending of a quadripartite agreement between East African Airways, BOAC, Central African Airways and South Africa Airways.
The latest draft agreement was unduly complicated and legalistic.
Most economists are in agreement that in order to grow an economy saving is a must.
A refund requires "… a signed and dated written notice postmarked prior to midnight of the business day after the date of this agreement."
If there is no agreement between the mortgagees, one party may sell their share to a third party.
There is disagreement within the government over the exact timing of the referendum.
It was Chief Buthelezi, who despite the IFP/ANC agreement, continued to politicise and emotionalise this question by demanding that Ulundi be the capital.
There's a lot of disagreement among politicians on this issue.
Experts have said that the unstable exchange rate created difficulties in reaching debt restructuring agreements.
They agreed to draw up a formal agreement.
Expert tailors and dressmakers had been called in to make her dresses, for it was common agreement that none should outshine her in the coming celebration.
They agreed to draw up a formal agreement.
There was a change in import prices, but only with the countries with which Lithuanian had to renounce its former free trade agreements, such as Ukraine.
I'll prepare a draft of sole agency agreement for you to go over.
They just reached a temporary agreement.
NORWINE: The consigner signed the agreement, and that is why we ` re auctioning ...
CNN Transcript Apr 9, 2007
The mass concentration by tapered elemental oscillating microbalance was on average slightly lower than mass concentration measured by filter, but there was good agreement.
Bilateral agreements were also signed such as those between Chile and Argentina, and between Mexico and Venezuela, as well as the trilateral agreement involving Venezuela, Argentina and Mexico.
We have yet to negotiate with them and reach an all-inclusive agreement.
Millett J. concluded that the treaty was a membership agreement, not one forming an agency relationship.
At the micro level, there are a number of well-defined rules, set out in the Geneva Convention and other war crimes/war-fighting agreements.
As if on cue, the chestnut roan he had given her to ride stomped its hoof in agreement, undoubtedly tired and hungry herself.
By economizing on the need for agreement, you're economizing on the need for consensus and the need for gatekeepers and tastemakers, roles intellectuals have traditionally filled.
Middle East, or the opportunities those wars provided for the oil-producing countries to organize and establish monopoly prices, the current price ratio between the monopoly price of oil and the price of sugar on what we call the garbage dump of the world market .... [changes thought] A large part of the sugar in the world is marketed through agreements, through prices set by agreement and not by the world market.
Fidel Castro Speech to FEEM Congress
There have been no rows, no disagreements and there is no chance of him offering his resignation.
Times, Sunday Times
There was universal agreement that art by Chicano artists was helping to write the Chicano experience into American history.
I will prepare engrossments of the Settlement Agreement and you will prepare engrossments of the Trade Mark Agreement.
I find that this security agreement was primarily oral, but it was also partially written.
an amicable agreement
Unravelling such arrangements can often be complicated, and would need to be provided for in the sale and purchase agreement.
They affirmed that existing and emerging regional trading agreements should be consistent with WTO rules and disciplines.
The device of appending separate annexes to key government documents is becoming something of a norm in the wake of the breakdown of the Belfast Agreement.
The Japanese government, Roosevelt, and some Japan officers in the State Department all proposed abandoning the search for a comprehensive agreement in favor of negotiating a temporary agreement, what the diplomats called a modus vivendi from the Latin, a way of living.
Interpretations of American History
Not to bestir the busybodies at the FTC, but the limitations Time Warner and Cablevision place on their cable apps amount to an agreement not to compete.
Cable, Innovative? You Don't Say!
Experiments on dynamic focusing control of the TN-LCSLM based on Fresnel zone lens are carried out. Measured focal lengths are in good agreement with the designed ones.
They blockaded the Suez Canal in violation of international agreement.
It was a source of disagreement between the two states.
For example, students and professors were in agreement that students sitting at the front of a class make better grades; in reality, this notion had been disconfirmed several years earlier.
When governments realize that their own survival depends upon such agreements, then they will accept such agreements.
The government tried to get the mine owners and mineworkers to hold a conference, but no agreement could be reached.
He expressed his appreciation of everyone involved in nominating him for the peace award in recognition of his endeavours to bring about the Agreement.
It was that office's zeal, Ouimet said, that led to her being offered - and then accepting - what she described as a "non-negotiable" agreement to retire about halfway through her seven-year appointment. - Home Page
That disagreement, however, must be presented in an intellectually responsible and respectful manner.