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[ UK /ˈæɡa‍ʊtˌi/ ]
  1. agile long-legged rabbit-sized rodent of Central America and South America and the West Indies; valued as food

How To Use agouti In A Sentence

  • I saw tree-nesting sloth, four types of monkeys, parrots, macaws, toucan birds, coatis, agoutis and anteaters within the first day of my visit. Devin Galaudet: Waiting to Dance in Costa Rica
  • There are also capybara Hydrochoeris hydrochaeris, agouti Dasyprocta fuliginosa and paca Agouti paca, Felix spp., jaguar and tapir Tapirus terrestris. Central Amazonian Conservation Complex, Brazil
  • Instead of clearing vast areas of rainforest for cattle pasture, as is being done in much of Latin America, people might well "farm" agouties in the forests. 15 Agouti
  • Eight other species, including pacas, pacaranas, spiny rats and porcupines, also steal Brazil nuts stored by agoutis.
  • Now the agouti is a very large rodent from Central and South America. CNN Transcript Jun 1, 2007
  • But now we know that agouti mice have the appearance and physiology they do because a certain gene, the agouti gene, is being continuously expressed. Origins
  • The trees' seeds are dispersed by birds, wild pigs, agoutis, bats, and monkeys, as well as by wind and water.
  • Agoutis and their smaller relatives, the acouchis, are common diurnal rodents of the forest interior.
  • The spotted paca (Agouti paca), the kinkajou (Potos flavus), and the Orinoco agouti (Dasyprocta guamara) are also common. Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
  • Soon an agouti (a large tropical rodent) appeared and began to feed among the trumpeters, which were unperturbed by its presence.
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