How To Use Agoraphobia In A Sentence
The worst cases can lead to agoraphobia or other crippling effects and are very sad because the anxieties and fears which cause so much trouble are usually groundless.
And agoraphobia, which often accompanies panic disorder, is a fear of being in any situation that might provoke a panic attack, or from which escape might be difficult if one occurred.
If agoraphobia is indeed the problem we are led to believe it is for Stef Penney, then in this book you have the literary equivalent of the anorexic cooking up a dinner party for twenty.
57 entries from March 2007
As a result, patients may become reluctant to go outside the home alone or into public places - behaviors associated with agoraphobia.
From the 1970s Chris had gradually developed a debilitating case of agoraphobia and depression, and he got to the point, he says, where he couldn't leave the house - and if he did, he experienced panic attacks.

When some one can't cope with panic attacks, agoraphobia is often the consequence and treating this condition requires specialist help.
For example claustrophobia, coitophobia, coulrophobia, numerophobia, and agoraphobia are all personality disorders, but only some count as any kind of real disability.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Light at the End of the DADT Tunnel
She seems to think I have issues with going out in public and as I've said on here before, the word agoraphobia has come up a time or two.
A Spot of T
Many have also developed the mental disorder agoraphobia, a fear of open or public places, the study by Columbia University found.
He comes up with such treasures as, ‘Claustrophobia and agoraphobia in the same place - like two people in a bed,’ in reference to his failed relationship and the icy wastes around him.
Another type of agoraphobia is driving phobia - the fear of being trapped in heavy traffic.
These disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder and agoraphobia, the fear of open spaces.
It could well be that you have agoraphobia or some kind of depression.
But doctors say it is one of the more common forms of agoraphobia, a disorder characterized by a fear of open spaces.
It is estimated that approximately 500,000 adults in Great Britain suffer from agoraphobia to some extent.
(Dominique McElligott, whom Sam - nor the filmgoer - sees nearly enough of), and a few looong-distance interactions with his bosses, there is monophobia - fear of being alone - to go with the claustrophobia and agoraphobia.
Aspen Times - Top Stories
Or even a severe agoraphobia period with hallucinatory side-effects, fear of buses and a dose of pneumonia.
Some people have an extreme fear condition called agoraphobia, and confine themselves to the home or other familiar places where they feel relatively safe.
As stated above, those who experience Panic Attacks have a greater likelihood of developing agoraphobia for fear of having a panic attack while some place away from home.
If given the chance, she will embarrass this country with her intellectual agoraphobia when it comes to foreign policy; with her deliberate mispronunciation of words like Iran, Iraq, and what she calls nu-cu-lar power.
Channeling Ronald Reagan
I could see their admonishment reflected in the window and wondered if my jumpiness were the prelude to a mild agoraphobia period.
I have gradually gotten better, but losing my home and all my belongings last year set it off again - this time with agoraphobia complexing the already compounded PTSD.
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Lastly, Maggi in (moderate amounts) acts as a mild MAOI Inhibitor, and thus is a homeopathic remedy (of sorts) for social anxiety, agoraphobia, panic disorder and borderline personality disorder, but as with all MAOI Inhibitors, please consult with your doctor if you are taking other medications to alleviate the risk of possible contraindications.
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Until recently agoraphobia was defined as a fear of open spaces.
Unless you're a doctor or therapist, agoraphobia to the average person will make no sense.
When some one can't cope with panic attacks, agoraphobia is often the consequence and treating this condition requires specialist help.
When people's lives become so restricted by the disorder, as happens in about one-third of all people with panic disorder, the condition is called agoraphobia.
So half the time I felt like killing him, and I got agoraphobia, because I was so depressed.
I get agoraphobia, claustrophobia and fear of heights all at the same time.
Not everyone suffers from arachnophobia, or agoraphobia, or a fear of buttons.
Times, Sunday Times
These include a large category of fears called phobias -- claustrophobia, agoraphobia, photophobia, altaphobia, phonophobia, etc.
The Conquest of Fear
As well as being a fear of open spaces, agoraphobia is also a fear of being in a crowd, being alone in a house and travelling alone.
There's something called PDA, panic disorder with agoraphobia.
Jane, from Heworth, is convinced it was the shock of her illness which brought on her phobia - a strange mixture of claustrophobia, agoraphobia, and social phobia.
Fighting my agoraphobia is one of my missions this year.
2010, whether we like it or not.
So half the time I felt like killing him, and I got agoraphobia, because I was so depressed.
It is estimated that approximately 500,000 adults in Great Britain suffer from agoraphobia to some extent.
Thomas is also exhibiting more obvious signs of agoraphobia, although of a slight degree.
Unchecked, the disorder often sets in motion a debilitating psychological sequel syndrome of agoraphobia, avoiding public places.
But I begin to think the agoraphobia is becoming something to be reckoned with, especially when you toss in the unpredictability of the seizures.
2010, whether we like it or not.
This avoidance may eventually develop into agoraphobia, an inability to go beyond known and safe surroundings because of intense fear and anxiety.
Object To explore the effect of Eclectic Psychotherapy in agoraphobia.
When some one can't cope with panic attacks, agoraphobia is often the consequence and treating this condition requires specialist help.
Not everyone suffers from arachnophobia, or agoraphobia, or a fear of buttons.
Times, Sunday Times
Unchecked, the disorder often sets in motion a debilitating psychological sequel syndrome of agoraphobia, avoiding public places.
These include agoraphobia, the opposite of claustrophobia, when sufferers fear public situations from which escape may be difficult or embarrassing or where help will not be at hand in the event of a panic attack.
Benzodiazepines can relieve the distress associated with agoraphobia but have only a temporary effect.
People may show symptoms of depression and anxiety, panic attacks, or agoraphobia.
The involvement of partners has also emerged as essential in the treatment of alcoholism and drug dependence, and it is found to improve the outcome of treatment of agoraphobia and manic-depression.
Word had it that he was suffering from both agoraphobia and claustrophobia and was constantly running in and out of the house.
In addition, the person may develop irrational fears called phobias, such as agoraphobia, about situations where a panic attack has occurred.
There's something called PDA, panic disorder with agoraphobia.
Actually, it's a misconception, agoraphobia is more a fear of being somewhere outside a person's control and then having a panic attack but even so I think the Canadian Wilderness would still seem to fit the bill.
57 entries from March 2007
It is estimated that approximately 500,000 adults in Great Britain suffer from agoraphobia to some extent.
'Agoraphobia' is the fear of crossing an open space, 'batophobia' is the fear that high things will fall, 'siderophobia' is the fear of thunder and lightning, 'pathophobia' is the fear of disease, whilst 'pantophobia' is the fear of everything and everybody.
Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
'Agoraphobia' is the fear of crossing an open space, 'batophobia' is the fear that high things will fall, 'siderophobia' is the fear of thunder and lightning, 'pathophobia' is the fear of disease, whilst 'pantophobia' is the fear of everything and everybody.
Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
While some - such as agoraphobia, fear of crowds and open spaces - can seriously restrict the way hundreds of people live their lives, others are more unusual.
I've seen clients who suffered for years with nameless agony, only to read an article about agoraphobia or panic disorder in a popular magazine.
About twice as many women as men are said to have panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, and specific phobia.
When some one can't cope with panic attacks, agoraphobia is often the consequence and treating this condition requires specialist help.