How To Use Agonising In A Sentence

  • They also found that ADHD children responded variably to different B vitamins, with pyridoxine and thiamine antagonizing each other's benefits.
  • Timothy was agonising over her, when Honor West would have sold her soul for a single kiss from him.
  • Surely one of the agonizing attributes of our post – September 11 age is the unending need to reaffirm realities that have been proved, and proved again, but just as doggedly denied by those in power, forcing us to live trapped between two narratives of present history, the one gaining life and color and vigor as more facts become known, the other growing ever paler, brittler, more desiccated, barely sustained by the life support of official power. 'The Moment Has Come to Get Rid of Saddam'
  • After appearing to get away to near perfect starts Hutchinson and Campbell were called OCS and had to make an agonising return to restart. ISAF News
  • Because of you and other netty professor-type folks, while agonizing over writing papers the last few years, I would think of my professor having to GRADE the papers of the whole class and try hard not to make any painful errors. Near a sunny window
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  • We’re seeing this play out in excruciatingly agonizing detail with tomorrow’s appearance in Congress of General Petraeus. Scripting News for 9/9/07 « Scripting News Annex
  • The brave bride had amazed guests when she made it to her wedding ceremony on time despite being rushed into hospital with agonising stomach pains the night before.
  • The agonizing dispute between revelation and explanation required mutual concessions by both reason and faith.
  • He did not wish to die the agonizing death of his mother and brother.
  • As Michael travelled agonisingly slow down the pit lane, Brawn watched for Hakkinen to come from the chicane and seize the lead.
  • The civil-service strikers may indeed draw attention to their employment conditions, but only at the expense of antagonising the people they are supposed to serve because they are extremely unlikely to change the government's plans.
  • The accused faces an agonising wait while the jury considers its verdict.
  • With the man holding her from behind, we moved slowly, agonizingly slowly, along the narrow hallway.
  • When I knew that I could prevaricate no longer, I spent an unhappy afternoon agonising over which stories to give her to read. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • In other words, when the men get tired of the women spending long hours agonising over jewellery, they can just step next door for a swig.
  • Duma Key is not just a novel for the fans, but a cathartic response from King over his near-death accident in 1999; no doubt he relived his agonizing recovery while writing about Freemantle, and yet it is because of this firsthand experience, that Duma Key feels much more personal and empathetic. 2010 February 15 « The BookBanter Blog
  • The tortoise crept along at an agonizingly slow speed.
  • You can look a little unsteady on TV when you're agonising over problem gardens. Times, Sunday Times
  • Biarritz dominated for over an hour but came agonisingly close to throwing it away after Ulster stormed back into the game.
  • Ten agonizing minutes later, she lay in a shallow pool of her own blood.
  • The tortoise crept along at an agonizingly slow speed.
  • So the play becomes a fine old-fashioned morality tale about an agonising dilemma. Times, Sunday Times
  • The visitors came agonisingly close to taking the lead soon after when an excellent free-kick from Lawrence was met by Pearce whose looping header cannoned off the post before Palace managed to clear. Crystal Palace 0-0 Portsmouth | Championship match report
  • Councils in Bolton and Manchester have also recently come under fire with calls from politicians to get a grip of wardens whose hard-line approach is antagonising motorists and driving shoppers out of the towns.
  • For an agonizing 20 minutes, he politely fielded a volley of impertinent questions.
  • This disease is terminal and the death is slow and agonising.
  • Related article: Spanish press exults in 'agonising' win Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Japanese chess, story-telling, and the samisen fill up the early part of the evening, but later, an agonising performance, which they call singing, begins, which sounds like the very essence of heathenishness, and consists mainly in a prolonged vibrating Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • And you know, some of the notes, the decisions that he made, some of the original, agonizing - the photos tell the story.
  • We are faced with an agonizing choice/decision/dilemma.
  • Then, with agonizing slowness, his head bent to hers and his lips met hers passionately.
  • We know of nothing so agonizing upon Earth -- we can dream of nothing half so hideous in the realms of the nethermost hell," he wrote in the short story "The Premature Burial. A Man Called Freud
  • The accused faces an agonising wait while the jury considers its verdict.
  • In a book that is part memoir and part sociological study, Wolf writes about the agonizing job girls face becoming women.
  • There is no real point in spending hours and hours of sleepless nights agonising over the team. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still, from the land that does deep introspection better than anyone else, it is amusing to watch others going through the same agonising process. Times, Sunday Times
  • The viscera is crushed within me; breathing is difficult; speech painful; motion agonizing; but you may examine and satisfy yourselves, said Doctor Day, still speaking cheerfully, though with great suffering. The Hidden Hand
  • The alternatives are various forms of death - quick, slow, agonising, or imperceptible.
  • Progress was agonizingly slow.
  • The resettlement process was still agonizingly slow in Magude in the mid-1990s, but naming memoriesnot "garbled" at allwere serving the generation of interviewees rather well. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Hawthorn have ended a miserable week with an agonising 12-point defeat to Carlton in a thrilling encounter at Docklands in Melbourne.
  • As the creatures age and their meat toughens they lose up to 70% of their market value, leaving Scottish shepherds facing an agonising wait.
  • The point is that al-Qaeda does not gain succor just from what Cullison calls "Arab resentment against the United States"; it also profits from the West's agonizing over the legally — not to say morally — dubious methods used to combat international terrorism, some of which clearly have a certain popular appeal, particularly in the United States. Letters to the Editor
  • Large doses can trigger palpitations and agonising chest pains. The Sun
  • After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy.
  • When she eventually recovers, she apprentices to become a curandera, and in a slow, agonizing manner, falls in love with a native American woman.
  • For three agonizing hours, they trekked on, knowing full well that they were just retracing their steps.
  • Announcing his purchase, he is agonisingly torn between arrogant elation and remorseful commiseration.
  • A tiny 1963 sedan from Dutch automaker DAF took an agonizing 28.9 seconds to reach only 50 and was "almost hazardously unable to keep up with main road traffic," we said. First baby boomers hit retirement age. Those whippersnappers!
  • So agonizing was the pain that I fell to my knees.
  • Agonising over even the demonstrably dead Afghans bleeding on newspaper front pages does not suit patriotic fervour for this lovely war.
  • The agonizing pain of surgical procedures, whether to deal with a major wound, a fractured bone, an amputation, or removal of a tumour, was a major obstacle to the development of surgery.
  • Aircraft production continued to plod along at an agonizingly slow pace.
  • I was fully prepared for the agonising stench as I entered the wet tropics zone of the Princess of Wales Conservatory, but I was disappointed.
  • When I knew that I could prevaricate no longer, I spent an unhappy afternoon agonising over which stories to give her to read. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • They also battled agonising hunger pangs with bags of crisps. The Sun
  • Her unfailing sense of humour has helped her colleagues in discussions when agonising over sentencing,’ she said.
  • We are faced with an agonizing choice/decision/dilemma.
  • I pulled out my formal wardrobe that I almost never wore, and after two hours of agonizing decided on formfitting gray khaki pants, and a deep blue-green turtleneck sweater which turned my eyes that color to match.
  • Well, all due respect, and if comics buffs want to spend a lot of time and energy agonizing over whether comics get enough respect or not, why deny them the pleasure.
  • By midday the pains had gone from sharp twinges every 5 minutes or so to a constant, agonising pain (Which the Dr at the hospital told me were contractions as my cervix had to open up).
  • Such high-level favoritism risks further antagonizing citizens who are fed up with officials helping themselves to public funds.
  • Milligan, who became known as the godfather of alternative comedy before his death a fortnight ago, spent four agonising years writing the book and joked he was nearly driven mad in the process.
  • I'm supposed to call him when I'm back in the big city to make arrangements, which is a plus because I won't be sitting around agonizing over when or if he's going to call.
  • And his Wentworth woe was the fourth time this year he had gone agonisingly close.
  • The Assembly rejected repudiation because they feared antagonizing the moneylenders of Paris, Amsterdam, Hamburg, and Geneva.
  • So the play becomes a fine old-fashioned morality tale about an agonising dilemma. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suddenly, the bed jounced violently, sending agonizing stabs of pain through his side.
  • After almost a minute of this strange outburst, he came to his senses and slowly pulled himself into a sitting position, wincing in pain with every agonizing inch.
  • The film is a retelling of the timeframe between Jesus' prayers for strength in Gethsemane through to his agonising death on the cross, and a wordless epilogue for Easter Sunday's resurrection.
  • Two riders jumped steady clears to finish ahead of Joanne, but she held on to the third ticket after an agonising wait.
  • When I knew that I could prevaricate no longer, I spent an unhappy afternoon agonising over which stories to give her to read. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • He now faced an agonizing decision about his immediate future.
  • There is no real point in spending hours and hours of sleepless nights agonising over the team. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had already been receiving laser treatments for diabetic retinopathy for a couple of years, so I called my retina specialist later that morning, then lived through an agonizing 24 hours until I could see him the following day. Top Headlines - Diabetes Health
  • With rumbles of thunder more common to a summer squall, winter descended in force on the Washington region late Wednesday, icing the area down before switching to snow, extending rush hour to an agonizing night-long crawl and turning out the lights for hundreds of thousands as power lines snapped. Barrage of rain, snow, sleet snarls traffic and cuts power across D.C. area
  • Both sang with a great deal of quiet, agonising introspection.
  • In the third case, a short period of comparative repose succeeded the first fiery battle, but in the midst of felicitations on his victory he was attacked by the most agonizing hemicranial headaches (resulting from what I now fear to have been already permanent disorganization of the stomach), and went back to his nepenthe in a state of almost suicidal despair, only after the torture had continued for weeks without a moment's mitigation. The Opium Habit
  • Amy Winehouse has been rushed to hospital after complaining of "agonising" pain in her surgically-enhanced breasts.
  • The term "ego-ideal" refers to part of the superego that concentrates all the highest standards and agonizing demands that one has introjected from parents, the culture, recognized authority. Scott McLemee: Falling Ever Upwards With Lee Siegel
  • But the pair face an agonising wait to see who will be handed the armband. The Sun
  • Auerbach tries later to combine two contradictory conceptions of realism; first something which might be called existentialism: the agonizing revelations of reality in moments of supreme decisions, in “limiting situations”: Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac, Madame du Chastel deciding not to rescue her son from execution, the Duke of REALISM IN LITERATURE
  • It was the most agonizing decision of her life.
  • After an agonising wait for the elephants to arrive, we climb aboard and lumber into the woods. Times, Sunday Times
  • The evening passes agonisingly slowly.
  • Just a few weeks later, she broke out with shingles, an agonizing ailment where the nerves become infected and large blister-like eruptions explode all over the skin.
  • Aircraft production continued to plod along at an agonizingly slow pace.
  • He's also crashingly, loudly, agonizingly wrong to order the police to confiscate legally owned private property.
  • Sadly, while Franklin sows seeds of reasonable doubt in the early going, before long the answers are agonizingly clear.
  • A quick divorce can be succeeded by a much longer — and more agonising — period of haggling over the fate of the family.
  • As your face scrunches up in a grimace of the most agonizing of all pain, you'll be exercising the vital muscles in and around your schnozz without even knowing it!
  • The Daily Mirror has reported that a 34-year-old UK woman has made an agonizing, and to many, an unthinkable decision of aborting her baby nine weeks into her pregnancy due to severe morning sickness, called hyperemesis gravidarum. Emaxhealth
  • Well, I think he's really agonizing about this decision.
  • Alone and agonizingly thirsty, the boy's thoughts travel through his violent past: his father's gruesome murder, his twin sister's abduction, his own thralldom to gangster culture: Everything I remember is too vivid. The Book That Broke the Color Line
  • My brother spent the weekend agonising over whether to claim on his insurance.
  • The skate park would enable them to safely practise flips and spins without antagonising pedestrians or motorists.
  • I pulled out my formal wardrobe that I almost never wore, and after two hours of agonizing decided on formfitting gray khaki pants, and a deep blue-green turtleneck sweater which turned my eyes that color to match.
  • Might be tonsillitis, I can't swallow… agonizing but the worst is this cold, shivery and roasting both at once.
  • In a true dilemma there probably is not much point in agonizing over which route to take.
  • But he has been left in agonising pain with serious injuries to his back, head and legs.
  • You can look back and say, well this did have to be that agonising or that intense in order to plumb the depths, in order to reach the dark night of the soul.
  • And now she sat on the floor in her sunny yellow room, where those agonizingly sweet childhood remembrances tickled and tantalized her senses and swept her away from reality.
  • In those days web design for large corporations was well paid, but could be agonisingly slow. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mistreatment of child orphans, the poor and the women in this era is viscerally staged, making the audience squirm agonizingly in their seats.
  • No matter how hard he tries, you can't help but feel that he secretly enjoys antagonising his readers.
  • But everything, as you agonizingly expected, comes out hunky-dory.
  • Each song seemed agonizingly slow; the lyrics disappeared behind both the tempo and stylistic peculiarity.
  • He grunted in agonizing pain, and looked at the unremorseful Ryuko with malice and hate in his formerly emotionless eyes.
  • He did not wish to die the agonizing death of his mother and brother.
  • Whether you are worried about growing your company without losing control, agonising over funding, or designing a killer marketing campaign, our panellists can help you.
  • They are shunned, broken, dispossessed, and live a bleak, furtive life of agonizing loneliness.
  • by diplomatic conduct he avoided antagonizing anyone
  • Thus neurotransmitters and hormones are matched to their appropriate targets, and many drugs work by mimicking these natural substances or antagonizing them by blocking the receptors.
  • At the very sight of it, one felt the agonizing suffering in the immense faubourg, which had reached that point of extremity when a distress may become a catastrophe. Les Miserables
  • Any meal at a Roman restaurant that takes less than two hours is an exercise in rapidity; even the simple act of getting the check can seem agonizingly prolonged for first-time American visitors.
  • Keeper Nicky Roberts - who had a good game otherwise - misjudged the catch and the ball hopped tamely and agonisingly over the goal line.
  • In many respects, they find you antagonizing the same way they find Glenn Reynolds antagonizing - like Jesuits, they really think once they had you, they had the right to keep you, and your faithlessness is your failure, not theirs. Oppressed by the label "Republican"?
  • Effects visualisation is represented in the thing as a great labour; labour in the sense not only of work and a workforce but of painful, agonising struggle.
  • Looming in the background are always the twin prospects of sudden incalculable wealth and instant agonizing death.
  • Plus the AGONIZING descriptions of reed-making, the bane of every oboist's existence: the oboe is the true love of my life, I played a bunch of other instruments too but the oboe was THE ONE except for the torment, the agony, of the reed thing. Archive 2005-12-01
  • But he has been left in agonising pain with serious injuries to his back, head and legs.
  • Paul described with agonizing detail how he suffered from ‘all manner of concupiscence.’
  • Such a romantic scenario, such an agonising scene to witness and yet it was compulsive viewing for Ruth.
  • Aircraft production continued to plod along at an agonizingly slow pace.
  • Andrea was wearing a cheesecloth smock and agonizing over whether to eat a salt and vinegar crisp.
  • Forty days is the mourning period and he was working on that last, agonizing, poignant day because he too needed the money so desperately for his remaining small family.
  • Frustration in marquee events is familiar to Stewart, who endured an agonizing decade of near-misses in Indy cars and stock cars at Indianapolis Motor Speedway before finally conquering the track in the '05 Allstate 400. Harvick denies Martin with dramatic victory at the Daytona 500
  • Victims suffer agonising inflammation and ulcers anywhere from the mouth to intestine and cannot digest food properly. The Sun
  • It was agonising and it was still hurting days afterwards. The Sun
  • However, this approach almost proves his undoing as he fails to spot Warne's slider and is agonisingly close to edging the ball to Gilchrist.
  • For the first time in the 20th century, Britain's agonisingly slow progress towards meritocracy went into reverse.
  • The jagged edges dug into his fingers and palm, but the pain didn't compare with the agonizing rip of his heart splitting in two.
  • Agonizing, torturous hours were lost as he waited outside of Laura's chambers.
  • There's work, sometimes agonizing, but there is nothing like finally finishing a short story or a novel, holding it in your hands, and for awhile being completely satisfied, enchanted, and euphoric.
  • Shove a lit roadflare up your ass until you die in agonizing pain you pitiful subhuman punk Think Progress » Will Tea Parties Embrace Movement Pushing To Portray Women From Mexico As ‘Welfare Queens’?
  • So as the Thetis crept agonizingly ahead, the bananas danced malodorously in the stateroom. Hawaii
  • They reached, and for one agonising moment they touched fingers…
  • He did not wish to die the agonizing death of his mother and brother.
  • After several agonizing minutes of waiting for the engine to cough and die, I spotted a sign for a fishing camp, which had gasoline.
  • The accused faces an agonizing wait while the jury considers its verdict.
  • Ultimately, Jessica's relationship dilemma feels about as agonising as choosing between a skinny decaf latte and a grande mochaccino.
  • They scored again on the stroke of full time which left them agonisingly close to claiming victory.
  • Their agonising search of the local accident and emergency departments in the aftermath of one of Europe's worst rail disasters had been fruitless. Times, Sunday Times
  • The snake 's venom causes agonising pain and can kill within hours. The Sun
  • They also battled agonising hunger pangs with bags of crisps. The Sun
  • In a true dilemma there probably is not much point in agonizing over which route to take.
  • But both regimes are big favorites of the United States, and in choosing whom to indict, in Congo and elsewhere, the ICC has trod carefully to avoid antagonizing the U.S. The Trial of Thomas Lubanga
  • You're never put into the position of agonising over whether you should kill one innocent person to save ten - killing an innocent bystander is wrong in the trivial sense that falling off a ledge is wrong. I play videogames so you don't have to
  • Aircraft production continued to plod along at an agonizingly slow pace.
  • She fights off agonising back pain, sustained in a work injury two years ago, to keep the show on the road.
  • For an agonizing 20 minutes, he politely fielded a volley of impertinent questions.
  • I've been agonizing over this decision for about a week.
  • He did not wish to die the agonizing death of his mother and brother.
  • The agonizingly mundane and generic first half of the film seems a decade older than it really is especially when compared to David Cronenberg's THE DEAD ZONE, made the same year , right down to the font of the title credits, the cloying score by Charles Bernstein, and the overall Lifetime TV for Women atmosphere. Cujo hates his name
  • It was an agonizing decision for him.
  • And I was exhausted - probably the walk was a little over-ambitious for me, and I plodded along at an agonising pace for the last couple of hours.
  • This is a torturous, agonizing way to kill someone.
  • The tortoise crept along at an agonizingly slow speed.
  • I ended up not bringing the chapter I've been agonizing over.
  • Seeing your worry written out externalizes what you have been agonizing over.
  • Off, after much too much agonising, goes Christine Bleakley from the One Show to join Adrian Chiles on an ITV breakfast sofa, and you wonder how her early evening chirpiness will survive extraordinarily ordinary mornings. Never mind Christine Bleakley, let's have some golden oldies on TV
  • It's sort of a general ache instead of agonising pain.
  • In the very situation I'm in at Vallelunga—a transient cornering maneuver with some speed, having to peddle the throttle to bring the nose into line—the Murcielago would be all wound up, its out-of-date stability software and AWD system agonizing between understeer and oversteer. Lambo's Latest Rambo Has a Heart
  • And we've all been agonizing for the past week about whether or not a weird political mutation called Nick Griffin is really Public Enemy Number One, having been ordained as such by the multi-culti, metrosexual, arty-farty literati and Auntie Beeb's Lord High Inquisitor David Dumblebollocks, because Griffin insists that a tribe known as the English still actually exists in England and is worthy of representation in Parliament. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • This brought back agonising memories of the torture a hygienist I used to go to inflicted on me and she charged me the earth for it too. Tortures and Rewards « Tales from the Reading Room
  • On the other hand, their campaign clearly set back the cause by antagonizing many non-militant women and by alienating pro-suffrage members of Parliament.
  • Many people would enjoy their lives more if they didn't have the fear that they may have a slow, agonising and undignified death. The Sun
  • Running water of any temperature over the gash was agonizing. MORE FROM GINNY BATES: SETTING UP HOUSE
  • I groaned between the torrents of agonizing pain.
  • The agonizing dispute between revelation and explanation required mutual concessions by both reason and faith.
  • All those things would work themselves out as long as I kept going and pushed aside the agonising questions that kept attacking me. LOSING IT
  • When it counts, there is nothing is more agonising than cheap giveaways and mistaken back-heel passes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whatever one thinks of the death penalty, it appears quite obvious that the decision to seek capital punishment will be a mixture of inefficacious and antagonizing to those Puerto Ricans who believe that they were promised a measure of genuine "sovereignty" in the "compact" the Congress passed in 1950. Balkinization
  • Instead of antagonizing the unions, which had been their previous policy, the socialists proceeded to conciliate the unions. THE CLASS STRUGGLE
  • By midday the pains had gone from sharp twinges every 5 minutes or so to a constant, agonising pain.
  • The syndrome's hallmark is agonizing, burning pain. - Abdul puts syndrome in spotlight
  • Judaism teaches us that the agonizing transition of adolescence is all part of what is called tzar giddul banim, the necessary pain of raising children. The Blessing of a B Minus
  • I'm starting to make healthier choices - a side salad instead of chips - without agonizing over the decision.
  • This is particularly agonizing because, although I feel confident about my exterior, I'm growing less confident about the reality beneath the clothes.
  • It was particularly agonising for Michael, who had spent months growing his flowing mane.
  • After an agonising wait for the elephants to arrive, we climb aboard and lumber into the woods. Times, Sunday Times
  • She spent many an agonizing night biting her lip to keep from crying out in pain as he relentlessly beat her up in his drunkenness.
  • If I were a wasp and I’ve been called waspish on occasion, I’d rather be poisoned than stuck to glue where I’ll try to escape and rip off my legs or slowly die an agonizing, slow, slow death full of pain and suffering. September, transmogrification and killer karma «
  • Despite his agonising injuries he refused to take the painkiller morphine so he could keep a clear head and direct his men to safety. The Sun
  • Dr Williams admitted anyone would be moved by the recent 'agonising' cases but insisted the law should stay as it is. Home | Mail Online
  • It was an agonising decision for him.
  • Aircraft production continued to plod along at an agonizingly slow pace.
  • No need to waste valuable time standing in front of your wardrobe agonising over which outfit to choose. The Sun
  • Twenty minutes and an agonising car journey later, they frogmarched him into the Departmental headquarters, an extremely bland building that had the look of a bomb shelter that they had neglected to bury.
  • Separated, bought and sold numerous times, forced to travel hundreds of agonising miles, barefoot or bareback on camels, the mariners became human wrecks, starved, crippled, sick and sunburnt.
  • To her subsequent and agonising distress, Carrie was out.
  • Humanity herself would have recoiled back with horror; she would have balanced whether to lessen such reliefless distress, or mercifully with one blow to end this dreadful scene of agonising torture! Letters from an American Farmer
  • Hopeless, and almost desperate, twenty times have I flung away my pen; – but the feelings of a mother, a mother agonizing for the fate of her child, again animating my courage, as often I have resumed it. Evelina: or, The History of a Young Lady's Entrance Into the World
  • I adore, admire and revere their faith, their endurance, their agonizing love for God.
  • But there's a self-obsessed drama type weaving and trilling and agonising and monopolising the stall owners.
  • After several agonising minutes, she squeezed his finger and began to breathe.
  • If you enjoy watching me go through great discomfort for day after agonising day, tune in. The Sun
  • He's a condensation of the many things that are broken in people - the dull, agonizing itches that persist deep within us.
  • They'll still be despondent after going so agonisingly close, but that historic first title might not be too far off now.
  • He closed his eyes, then suddenly felt an intensely agonising stabbing pain in the side of his head, but it was quickly gone, and he knew no more.
  • His party had come a long way towards defeating a wartime president only to fall agonisingly short.
  • Who wouldn't feel a frisson of pleasure at the idea that all of this agonising activity is in vain? Times, Sunday Times
  • To human beings the existence of exploitative relations of production would be agonizing were they perceived simply as exploitative.
  • The trolley was pulled from beneath me and an agonising pain shot through my body.
  • Two Ilkley penalty shots at goal were agonisingly just wide, but they were hanging on.
  • The symptoms of poisoning by this species are spasms, similar to those of trismus, and agonizing general pains. Average Jones
  • For agonizing seconds the Boeing 757 tried to climb, almost clearing a mountain ridge.
  • He then offers four policies that would "offset the revenue loss twice over," though I'm quite sure the CBO wouldn't agree with that assessment: recalling unspent TARP and stimulus funds; giving the president the power to "impound" congressional spending projects in order to spend less; a federal hiring freeze; and "some sort of regulatory forbearance period in which the job-killing practice of agonizingly slow environmental permitting is suspended. Mitch Daniels has a plan
  • Be it aching, burning, gnawing, stabbing, twisting, throbbing or agonizing pain.
  • It relieved all my body's stress, even though the next day I would be in agonising pain.
  • Tears bleared my vision as I took every agonizing step, one at a time, through first the winding maze of the gardens, and then the dark corridors, lit only by the faint glow of a torch.
  • But gradually along with the agonizing came a kind of acceptance. FINAL RESORT
  • As your face scrunches up in a grimace of the most agonizing of all pain, you'll be exercising the vital muscles in and around your schnozz without even knowing it!
  • I asked the young woman about the severity of her symptoms and she informed me that she always suffered agonizing pain when she had her monthlies.
  • A quick divorce can be succeeded by a much longer — and more agonising — period of haggling over the fate of the family.
  • After three days, we felt an agonizing, gnawing hunger.
  • On one level it was masterful, but it was also riddled with amazing leaps of logic and agonizing moments of drama.
  • Mundy, however, had choked when the title was agonisingly close… on the 18th hole.
  • While the language of law can reach tremendous heights, legalese is more often painfully, agonizingly dull. Pelf
  • Regaining my determination, I grit my teeth and ignore the agonising, torturous pain in my wrist which was quickly spreading through my body.
  • There is no real point in spending hours and hours of sleepless nights agonising over the team. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the third of July, we had the usual agonizing reception: Guests stood around until the Chinese arrived and sat in the only chairs and are; our top-ranking staff talked to theirs; and their rent-a-crowd ate us out of house and home. Barbara Bush
  • In places, the boat gets so close to the rocky cliffs that we expect to hear an agonizing scrape.
  • Once more I woke up to an agonizing pain in my torso.
  • It was one of the simplest, yet one of the most effective and agonizing, holds in all jiujutsu. Black Caesar's Clan : a Florida Mystery Story
  • Mrs Stoneman, 31, faced an agonising choice when doctors said the radiotherapy tripled the odds in his favour.
  • “The effect was agonizing — picric acid only aggravated the burns — and the patients tore off the bandages.” Castles of Steel
  • Office Pike there's a Dickensian name for a thug cop, isn't it? waddled down the line of unresisting students and carefully sprayed an agonizing, blistering bio-weapon all over them. Doug Molitor: 12 Ways to Tell Occupy Wall St From the Tea Party (Doug's Dozen VIDEO)
  • They also battled agonising hunger pangs with bags of crisps. The Sun
  • I said to Lyle when I was still agonising about the decision, but Lyle stunned me by replying: `Why not? ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • I wanted the people to wander around in agonizing limbo … like in real life, really. Woody Allen's Latest Movie Takes Darker Look at Life and Love
  • The frantic zooms, the crazed crosscuts, the up-the-nostrils close-ups, the rollercoaster spin shots; it never stops, for two agonising hours.
  • And the feeling for those he loved survived them, and it is monstrous to represent its unspoken and controlled/[Page xxxiv]/expression in obeisance and gesture as a sign of "agonising remorse. New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • He did not wish to die the agonizing death of his mother and brother.
  • Having the most intense throbbing agonising pain in my head
  • I tasted bile and retched again, my stomach jerking agonizingly.
  • After the goals the game slowed to a crawl and the minutes passed agonisingly slowly for Aberdeen.
  • It was a 45-minute in-and-out procedure after all those agonizing months.
  • They also battled agonising hunger pangs with bags of crisps. The Sun
  • Progress was agonizingly slow.
  • the progress was agonizingly slow
  • One variant called tardive dystonia results in agonizing muscle spasms, often leading to gross distortions in posture and gait. Dr. Peter Breggin: Antipsychotic Drugs, Their Harmful Effects, and the Limits of Tort Reform
  • Antagonizing the Iraqi Kurds could upset a delicate security arrangement.
  • If you enjoy watching me go through great discomfort for day after agonising day, tune in. The Sun
  • I know you couldn't have like the word "dawdling" - but there was no such hesitation the 1st time around for the 21,000 troops (which was a 40% increase, then) and now I believe that the delay was purely a PR stunt, to make it seem like he's agonizing (as much as that's possible, from his 2 weeks at Cape Cod to being in a tuxedo, 2-3x a week) ... Room Eight
  • Canadians spend so much time agonizing over our lack of solid, touchable, definable identity that it has practically become a national pastime.
  • Flames will engulf your feet, roasting them with agonizing slowness while a grating metallic voice repeatedly says the name and slogan of a product.
  • They were in their early twenties the night that Sullivan bellowed out the cue that began the most agonizing five minutes of their lives.
  • Today the pain of losing his entire noisy, crowded family is still agonisingly raw. The Sun
  • He had been striding back and forth, rubbing his chin in deliberation at an agonizingly slow pace.
  • The accused faces an agonizing wait while the jury considers its verdict.
  • Woe betide the working man or woman who has the gall to turn up for an afternoon meeting with alcohol on the breath, even if it was from one quick half, even if it does help you through the pain barrier of an agonising, endless sales seminar.
  • He gazed at an ineffable, agonizing radiance which only he could perceive, banishing whatever throwback emotions the brew had triggered.
  • It is spending astronomical amounts of money, alienating allies and further antagonizing opponents.
  • No need to waste valuable time standing in front of your wardrobe agonising over which outfit to choose. The Sun
  • We are faced with an agonizing choice/decision/dilemma.
  • Mandela, who said he would stick by his "agonising" decision of the week before to end diplomatic ties with Taiwan. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Due to Henry VIII's agonising difficulty in siring a healthy, legitimate male heir, the succession was safeguarded by both royal wills and acts of Parliament.
  • After agonising briefly, I opted for a pint of Brideshead: a deliciously hoppy beer with an underlying cool bitterness and a texture that lingers on the tongue.
  • When I knew that I could prevaricate no longer, I spent an unhappy afternoon agonising over which stories to give her to read. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • It's just before the point when the pain turns from discomforting to agonising that he lets go of my hand.
  • Rain sheets down, fog descends, soldiers' boots squelch through mud on an endless, agonising climb.
  • She should be able to have fun and do what she wants and not have people antagonising her.
  • I'm going to be impaled on a million poisonous needles and die a slow, agonizing death.
  • He tried antagonising me and being patronising and condescending but he didn't intimidate me.
  • Not only that, Obama -- reflecting the agonizing number of economic potholes and his inability to get rid of them -- is increasingly being viewed by Wall Street as a non-achiever, a veritable misfit when it comes to concocting a meaningful plan to revitalize the economy and a likely one-term occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Dan Dorfman: Kinks In Obama's New Era of Hope
  • The idea is that at the end of a long evening's stagger round Bigg Market, you slip off your agonising four-inch heels, stick them in the bag and put on the flatties to walk home.
  • It is spending astronomical amounts of money, alienating allies and further antagonizing opponents.
  • Meantime, the Lady of Avenel, with agonizing anxiety, saw that the efforts that the poor boy made to keep himself afloat, were now exchanged for a faint struggling, which would soon have been over, but for aid equally prompt and unhoped-for. The Abbot
  • Her family faced an agonising wait to see the extent of her injuries.
  • Two Tinryland shots went agonisingly wide of the mark.
  • But I can't be allowed to think about this agonizing question for too long otherwise I start to yearn for canelés and financiers and every single item in my mom's baking repertoire, her tarte aux fraises in particular.
  • But the pain that night was nothing compared to the agonizing pain of death I was feeling now.
  • Looming in the background are always the twin prospects of sudden incalculable wealth and instant agonizing death.
  • Whereas cocodamol are great for sending a person squiffy in the head, they're pretty useless for relieving agonising back pain.
  • The bureaucratic and diplomatic cogs ground forward with agonising slowness. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • Victims suffer agonising inflammation and ulcers anywhere from the mouth to intestine and cannot digest food properly. The Sun
  • Each step down the metal staircase, each turn at each landing, was an agonizing test of endurance.
  • Such a romantic scenario, such an agonising scene to witness and yet it was compulsive viewing for Ruth.
  • Apparently, if I'm not in agonizing pain, he doesn't want to hear about it.
  • Just finished up a long phone conversation with Bill and Skippy, my friends from Kansas City who are agonizing over whether to make the big leap of moving here to New York.
  • She should be able to have fun and do what she wants and not have people antagonising her.
  • It is a similar British institutionalism that has made relations with "traditional" media companies agonisingly difficult. Josh Halliday interviews Mark Rock, founder of Audioboo
  • Maggie has a history of her abdominal surgical wound breaking wide-the-frack open -- technical term: dehiscence -- and taking months, infected, pain-filled, pus-dripping agonizing months to heal. * shudders* Throughout the last two weeks, much much more than dying, dehiscence and cancer have been Maggie's major fears. One Week After Emergency Abdominal Surgery Maggie Jochild Is Still In Intensive Care
  • Many speak of John Anderson's disposition to anguish and agonising.
  • They might have spent hours agonizing over the writing of a formal business letter and ended up with a semi-comical paragraph of hypercorrect British English (these guys were mostly Indian and Pakistani) and aural copy errors ("strubroorn" for stubborn was one that took me a while to figure out) and even the poor cats needed a letter and had five dollars. Nick Mamatas' Journal
  • Tebow like you is a foul, soulless minion of Satan and the world will be a better place on the inevitable day you DIE, in agonizing pain, face down in the gutter with rats gnawing on your earlobes and being raped by pigs Think Progress » Christian Hate Group ‘Repent Amarillo’ Terrorizes Texas Town, Harassing Gays, Liberals, And Other ‘Sinners’
  • Politicians quaked at the thought of antagonising him and he was in just about every way the ‘messiah’ the people dream of to turn the system on its head.
  • Two of the men were killed instantly, the third was engulfed in flames before he died an agonising death.
  • The adults that were left behind would have boiled, roasted, or been fricasseed by the solar flares in agonizing pain and torment...... WELCOME ABOARD SPACESHIP UK!
  • Surely the agonizing pain I experience when I hit my elbow has much more to do with craziness than amusement.
  • "Mithridate" and "Venice treacle," each composed of forty antagonizing ingredients, were the great Catholicons.
  • While still agonizing over this traumatic separation, he is approached by a white man who offers him a picayune.
  • A quick divorce can be succeeded by a much longer — and more agonising — period of haggling over the fate of the family.
  • Perhaps he was agonizing over the moral issues involved.
  • Minutes have been during times detailed, during others minimal; a extensive mins uncover which Society meetings typically were outlayed discussing, in agonizing detail, a meanings of a array of formidable phrases as good as lines from a fool around underneath investigate (usually a singular a season). Archive 2009-11-01
  • A wary Hamilton thought he'd better break off the affair, but Maria's "appearances of violent attachment, and of agonizing distress at the idea of relinquishment" played on his "sensibility, perhaps my vanity," so he planned "a gradual discontinuance ... as least calculated to give pain, in case a real partiality existed" - meaning he couldn't keep away from her. City Journal
  • Sitting up abruptly she yelped as the agonizing pain tripled in intensity.
  • We would have spared ourselves both the agonising process and vicious product of our elaborate schemes.
  • He conceded that it is impossible to remain unmoved by the "agonising" cases made public recently. Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news
  • The heart demands effort, effort to recover those distraught, terrified, agonizing, serried bundles of kin who we imagine to actually await impatiently for rescue.
  • Many women had to make "agonising" decisions about whether to terminate a pregnancy and the church was anxious that they had "the greatest possible guidance and help". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Despite his agonising injuries he refused to take the painkiller morphine so he could keep a clear head and direct his men to safety. The Sun
  • Richards shows Brown agonising about how to raise the living standards of the poor – a concern that never animated Tony Blair – by finding stealthy means to fund public services, which, as he reminds us, were close to being in derelict when Labour took power. Whatever it Takes: The Real Story of Gordon Brown and New Labour by Steve Richards
  • Still, from the land that does deep introspection better than anyone else, it is amusing to watch others going through the same agonising process. Times, Sunday Times
  • The word "painless" is important: the idea of euthanasia began gaining ground in modern times not because of new technologies for agonizingly prolonging life but because of the discovery of new drugs, such as morphine and various anesthetics for the relief of pain, that could also painlessly induce death. Whose Right to Die?
  • The parents of a youngster who pricked his finger on a hypodermic needle in a park face an agonising wait to find out if he has caught any diseases.
  • Perhaps he was agonizing over the moral issues involved.
  • His rage, meanwhile, had turned to an agonizing sense of impotence. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Rejecting the changes could also have a cost by antagonizing many legislators and possibly losing Rousseff support in non-producer states such as Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul where she has roots. Stabroek News
  • In the early 1960's, after much agonizing, he gave up his monastic vows and jumped headlong into secular life.
  • Pine needles as sharp as swords stabbed into his exposed body and he yelped out in agonizing pain.
  • After all, it's a tiny place that earns a substantial part of its living by hosting the enormous EU bureaucracy so it's not the kind of country that stands to benefit from antagonising anybody.
  • Johnny Got His Gun, wherein a maimed soldier, rigidly comatose, is agonizingly aware of his surroundings while utterly unable to communicate even a hint of his own sentience to those around his bed. Nasty, Brutish, and Short
  • First a shot slammed against the crossbar then a corner to the back post was met by Lee Ashworth, who appeared to head ball and post simultaneously, with the ball squirting agonisingly outside.
  • Other highlights include a surprising fade to black followed by an agonizing wait until a crucial plot event is revealed.
  • With five minutes to go he jinked through three Hertford defenders but his shot sailed agonisingly wide.
  • So, after a couple days of agonizing, is this an earth shattering disaster? Matthew Yglesias » Stimulus Update
  • There begins his slow and agonising rehabilitation, after being paralysed in a car accident.
  • Every weekend you arrange your roster, agonizing over each critical player; who to bench, who to play, who to drop, who to pick up.
  • You can look a little unsteady on TV when you're agonising over problem gardens. Times, Sunday Times
  • While still agonizing over this traumatic separation, he is approached by a white man who offers him a picayune.
  • Now let's look at the balance of policies that we have worked out in agonising ways over many years in Canada. Finding a Better Way for Canada
  • Clearly a great deal of midnight oil was consumed by the Pink Book writers in agonizing lucubrations about what … Literacy News – 73th Edition « News « Literacy News

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