
How To Use Agone In A Sentence

  • Aqui - la, al modo de Cefari antichi, e era groffo di carati venti di fine ero a pa - ragone. Antiquitates Italicae Medii Aevi, sive, Dissertationes de moribus, ritibus, religione, regimine, magistratibus, legibus, studiis literarum, artibus, lingua, militia, nummis, principibus, libertate, servitute, foederibus, aliisque faciem & mores Italic
  • On the coasts of New Andalusia, the cuspa is considered as a kind of cinchona; and we were assured, that some Aragonese monks, who had long resided in the kingdom of New Grenada, recognised this tree from the resemblance of its leaves to those of the real Peruvian bark-tree. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Even after the stagecoach era - until the 1920s - it was the starting point for horse-drawn wagonette outings.
  • Both the frog and dragonette screamed now, but the cries of the ocean warrior's opponent were full of pain and despair. Odyssey
  • A second larger text must belong to the same category, as the first legible line clearly mentions an "agonothetes (president and financer) of the agones (games) Klareia. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Apollo Klarios Sanctuary Report 3
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  • `agone' is an archaic word for `ago'
  • Beyond is the cemetery -- long, winding galleries hewn out of the solid rock, with recesses on either hand, wherein, tier above tier, lie the revolutionists just as they were laid away by their comrades long years agone. Chapter 19: Transformation
  • We found a multitude of interesting subjects - flying gurnards and dragonets, strange octopuses and rainbow coloured nudibranchs, and even several different kinds of frogfish.
  • S. Andrea della Valle (Rome, 1907); RAGONESI, Della vita di S. Andrea The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • We did try to float the idea that they should be allowed a wagonette pulled by shire horses and have them inside, but it's a marching parade.
  • The wagoner's job was to load the wagon with feed for the regiment's horses and mules and to drive it.
  • In 1972 he helped to found a fortnightly political-literary magazine, Andalán, which had a considerable impact on the revival of Aragonese leftwing politics. José Antonio Labordeta obituary
  • In at least two of his honorific inscriptions, this Piso is called both "high priest of the Imperial cult" (this must have been after T. Flavius Neon held this office), but also "the first organizer (agonothetès) for eternity (in perpetuum) of the agones Klareia. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Recording Report 3: Epigraphical Studies
  • Our conversation was hampered by the presence of the driver of the hired wagonette, so that we were forced to talk of trivial matters when our nerves were tense with emotion and anticipation. The Seriously Deranged Writer and the Model Cars
  • A Krosan dragonette," Chainer said, clucking his tongue. Odyssey
  • The hooter buys snacks at ordinary times, buy pollen, or money paying a car, can plant with this " cost certificate " , can hold after collection of butcher, wagoner convert ready money to bagnio .
  • The most common are dragonets, topknots, dabs, plaice and, if you're lucky, the occasional anglerfish and thornback ray.
  • Yet, there is a problem with the fact that the former was "organizer for life" of the games connected with it and probably still alive in A.D. 120-125, whereas the latter, who most likely had witnessed the accession of Hadrian in A.D. 117, was "the first organizer (agonothetès) for eternity (in perpetuum) of the agones Klareia. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Recording Report 3: Epigraphical Studies
  • Henceforth let us shun great towns, and still lie in a convent or a cow-house; for I'd liever sleep on fresh straw, than on linen well washed six months agone; and the breath of kine it is sweeter than that of Christians, let alone the garlic, which men and women folk affect, but cowen abhor from, and so do The Cloister and the Hearth
  • Don Quixote made no answer, nor did the horsemen wait for one, but wheeling again with all their followers, they began curvetting round Don Quixote, who, turning to Sancho, said, "These gentlemen have plainly recognised us; I will wager they have read our history, and even that newly printed one by the Aragonese. Don Quixote
  • We found pygmy and full-sized seahorses, flying gurnards with their comically large pectoral fins, rare juvenile finger dragonets with bright blue anal fins, and a trio of spectacular yellow and white harlequin ghost pipefish.
  • The organisers are looking for old type traps, such as were on display at the Agricultural Shows that were held years ago, as well as gigs, old horse or donkey carts, wagonettes and carriages etc.
  • A gentleman with a dragonet on his shoulder posed with Lucky. Archive 2008-05-01
  • The wagoner was a rough, profane, burly man, of generous feelings. David Crockett
  • In the Ebro basin, flexure of the crust was produced mainly by the Pyrenean load, but also by the emergent thrust sheet of the Aragonese Branch.
  • Snake eels, blue-ribbon eels, exotic dragonets, inimicus scorpionfish, stonefish, seahorses and a host of other well-camouflaged species will slowly reveal themselves.
  • The most common are dragonets, topknots, dabs, plaice and, if you're lucky, the occasional anglerfish and thornback ray.
  • Don't assume the Opel Insignia will be the first production vehicle, Wagoner tells Ward's.
  • And I also love the Big-Star-esque Bandwagonesque I like this whole album so much that there is no point picking out individual tracks, and it's only--unbelievably--$5.99 from Amazon! seriously, put it in one of your supersaver-free-shipping orders, you cannot go wrong with this by the altogether excellent Teenage Fanclub. Big Star
  • His own works, stimulated by the folk music of his native country, include fantasias, romances, and transcriptions, of which Zigeunerweisen, Jota aragonesa, and the four books of Spanish dances are still played.
  • Recollections occasionally obtruded, -- recollections of marts and galleries and crowded thoroughfares, of evening dress and social functions, of good men and dear women he had known, -- but they were dim memories of a life he had lived long centuries agone, on some other planet. In a Far Country
  • I wouldn't have won; the egg below us broke and a moist dragon head appeared, crooning piteously as the dragonet shook itself free of the shell. Artichoke
  • The dragonette saw the amphibian but did not charge. Odyssey
  • MUSKOGEE – A former Muskogee police officer facing theft and stolen property charges in Cherokee, Muskogee and Wagoner counties was charged Wednesday in federal court with possession of a stolen firearm and a misdemeanor count of “stolen valor.” KRIS LEDFORD
  • Though the dragonette lay dismembered, a response to its dying cries filled the arena and perhaps the rest of the city. Odyssey
  • The coach was a kind of commodious wagonette, invented by the modernist talent of the courier, who dominated the expedition with his scientific activity and breezy wit. The Complete Father Brown
  • Mr Smith had 30 horses, which were stabled on the upper floor of the building, and a fleet of wagonettes, gigs, landaus, hearses, wedding and mourning coaches, which entered by a ramp at the front entrance.
  • It struck me suddenly that her gayety was the same as that she had worn to my birthday party, scarce a year agone. Richard Carvel — Volume 05
  • It is unlike the waltz, the gavotte, the country dance, the Scotch reel, the Spanish Cachucha, the Hungarian mazurka; is far worse than jota Arragonese, or the most lascivious of Spanish dances of Andalusia. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 3, February, 1851
  • The Fort Meade monthly report does not record the names of the mission's enlisted men, but it is unlikely a wagoner and cook would have been left behind on a long march.
  • The Mandarin Dragonet can simply not be confused with any other fish.
  • A second larger text must belong to the same category, as the first legible line clearly mentions an "agonothetes (president and financer) of the agones (games) Klareia. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Apollo Klarios Sanctuary Report 3
  • The dragonette bled from multiple bites, the blood pulsing down its hide. Odyssey
  • However, Wagoner's pro - tax stance is one of the first from within the auto industry.
  • WAGONER: This idea of a prepack bankruptcy is pure fantasy. CNN Transcript Nov 18, 2008
  • The slates cover much of the scene, and again the beasties have taken advantage: goldsinny, dragonets, butterfish.
  • By the early 1850s clashes between Indians and wagoners were so common that the travelers often took great pains to hide burials in unmarked graves in the middle of the trail.
  • Further north this would not, I should think, be called a wagonette at all, but in Glebeshire there are special names for everything. The Cathedral
  • Recollections occasionally obtruded, -- recollections of marts and galleries and crowded thoroughfares, of evening dress and social functions, of good men and dear women he had known, -- but they were dim memories of a life he had lived long centuries agone, on some other planet. In a Far Country
  • And it wasn't above a week afterward that the old Betsy cometh back and saith, 'You'd best have let me call mun back when I told' ee '; and then she told me that a serjeant was come to Ashacombe and that Jan was listed for a sojer and was agone. The Drummer's Coat
  • Hardly one cart or wagoner passes in a quarter of an hour. Les Miserables
  • The Cavaliere, indeed, as became a poet, paragoned her in his song to all the pagan goddesses of antiquity; and doubtless these were finer to look at than mere women; but so, it seemed, was she; for, to believe my grandmother, she made other women look no more than the big French fashion-doll that used to be shown on Ascension days in the Piazza. The Duchess at Prayer
  • The mud is home to many creatures, and if you are lucky you might come across a dragonet.
  • The wagoners were terrified and whipped the oxen into charging.
  • MUSKOGEE – A former Muskogee police officer facing theft and stolen property charges in Cherokee, Muskogee and Wagoner counties was charged Wednesday in federal court with possession of a stolen firearm and a misdemeanor count of “stolen valor.” ... Lawdermild, Keavin Lee
  • What poet was it," he cried, "that paragoned youth to the Easter sunshine, which, wherever it touches, causes a flower to spring up? The Valley of Decision
  • Lots are drawn, a young man is chosen, but the dragonet has different ideas and Laurence watches his career crumble around him. His Majesty's Dragon - a book review
  • Ipsukuk fell to weeping for a son lost long years agone in the ice, and the shaman made incantation and prophecy. A HYPERBOREAN BREW
  • Mr Smith had 30 horses, which were stabled on the upper floor of the building, and a fleet of wagonettes, gigs, landaus, hearses, wedding and mourning coaches, which entered by a ramp at the front entrance.
  • GM's Rick Wagoner ostensibly stepped down at the president's "behest," a euphemism for -
  • She ignores the messianic traditions and longstanding Jerusalem obsessions of the Aragonese court—which would provide her with a better explanation than her own for Columbus's references to Jerusalem. Faulty Navigators
  • State Environmental Protection Department spokesman Larry Ragonese says neighbors reported what they described as "crying" by the tortoises and were feeding them. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • The real Castle of Otranto, built by the Aragonese who eventually repelled the Turks, is a photogenic, perfectly preserved, white fortress, with turrets and gunwales and surrounded by a waterless moat and accessible only by drawbridge. Nina Burleigh: Remembering Too Well
  • The ancient Olympic games, for example, were not games, they were agones - "struggles, contests," and they were serious, sometimes deadly serious, competitions. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • What tell you me of moystenes, whã it was mylkyd more than a thowsand and fyue hunthrithe yere agone, it is so congelyd, that a mã wold | | saye that it were chalke temperyd with the whyte of a egge. The Pilgrimage of Pure Devotion
  • Thanks in advance for any advice. email is dragonet (at) kc (dot) rr (dot) com Because if steampunk isn't fun, you're doing it wrong.
  • Taking their use as the basis of classification, three kinds of temples may be distinguished: temples for worship, for use in connexion with the agones, or festival games, and for the mysteries. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • I dined at Col. Millers, returned home in the evening. a wagoner with a 6-Horse team passed on without paying his ferriage 87 1/2 Miss E. James came over with Helena & C.K. from Ferry Hill Plantation journal : January 4, 1838-January 15, 1839,
  • Berenger III, the Great, married Dulcia, heiress of Provence, united the two countships, and entered upon the Aragonese policy of intervention in Italian affairs. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • The wagonette swung round into a side road, and we curved upwards through deep lanes worn by centuries of wheels, high banks on either side, heavy with dripping moss and fleshy hart's-tongue ferns. The Seriously Deranged Writer and the Model Cars
  • A blend of 70% Syrah and 15% aragones means this is a massive stonker of a wine.
  • Spain's ancient musical heritage includes bagpipe music in Galicia and Asturias, sardanas (circle dances) in Catalonia, flamenco dancing accompanied by the guitar in Andalusia, and the lively Aragonese dance called the jota.
  • _malaguena_ is Andalusian, and the _jota_ is Aragonese; but both are popular in Castile. Spanish Life in Town and Country
  • The dragonet practices a body good skill in wushu in Shaolin Temple, is sent by skilled worker to descend the mountain seeks for the Buddha reason.
  • La mummia La tomba dell Imperatore Dragone 2008 iTA DVDRip XviD HAVEN [survivalofmisa] avi Beeld van Nederland DVD 2 Deel 1 1945 - 1950 DVD Rip Divxnl-team Undefined
  • The third dragonet, no coward, pounced on Smash with all four clawed feet extended. Falcon Street
  • Ballan wrasse, dragonets, scorpionfish, butterfish and topknots (common and Norwegian) all occur frequently.
  • When I rode out in Paris that day, it was the Paris of centuries agone. Chapter 11
  • At the base of the cliff, common shrimp and dragonets were feeding off the clean white sand.
  • On his expeditions Major Thomas Mitchell travelled with carts or drays, and in 1836 he had a four-wheeled wagonette to carry a portable boat.
  • Letting her hands drop from Sardonia's forehead, Dragoness rewraps the crystal and scroll into her bag.
  • The dragonet then with a mountain colleague, escorts the Buddha head, on the road they runs into has been rescued by a mountain the young girl slightly to proclaim, three person of colleagues.
  • Unless the Klareian games had two presidents for life at the time of their creation, this can only mean that one is dealing here with two different games: the Klareia connected with the cult of Apollo Klarios, who could have preceded already the introduction of the Imperial cult in Apollo's shrine, and the agones introduced by T. Flavius Neon together with the emperor's cult. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Recording Report 3: Epigraphical Studies
  • Snake eels, blue-ribbon eels, exotic dragonets, inimicus scorpionfish, stonefish, seahorses and a host of other well-camouflaged species will slowly reveal themselves.
  • The amphibian below tore more flesh from the dragonette, and some of the six limbs lay amputated. Odyssey
  • We see an angler fish within a minute of reaching the bottom, many tompots under the plating, and wrasse and dragonets in the coarse sand to the landward side of the wreck.
  • Ballan wrasse, dragonets, scorpionfish, butterfish and topknots (common and Norwegian) all occur frequently.
  • The most common are dragonets, topknots, dabs, plaice and, if you're lucky, the occasional anglerfish and thornback ray.
  • These were the haunts of the pawn brokers and the money lenders, of wagoners and bootleg whiskey makers, of whores and pimps and opium dealers.
  • Can you email me at dragonet (at) kc (dot) rr (dot) com so I can forward your email to him.' February 20, 2010
  • Pagonel turned his attention to the initial assailant, but the crossbowman was up and running, apparently wanting no part of the Jhesta Tu in open combat. Immortalis
  • He had a wagonette and pair of horses and took the family on all-day picnics.
  • Ai wented owtsyde an liddlol wylez agone tu waddur teh flowurz owtsied teh off iss fruntdoar, adn ai wuz meltud intu an puddlol bye teh thyme a kaym bakk insyed. Sneak attack. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • A tall man had stepped from the shadow of the porch to open the door of the wagonette. The Seriously Deranged Writer and the Model Cars
  • Mrs Henry Harwood, of Rivington, kindly had the children conveyed from Rivington to the car terminus at Horwich in wagonettes.
  • The first sight the Gowans had of Spitalfields was from the front seat of a market wagon, pressed tightly between the wagoner, a small man with a squint and broken teeth, and the mountainous Daniel Nelligern. The Dressmaker
  • The boys nearest the dragonet tried to anticipate his direction, hoping to Impress him, but he lurched out of their immediate circle, staggering across the sands, his call plaintive, desperate until the next group of boys turned. Dragon Drums
  • Its name probably derives from a variation of agonalis or agone , for the games held in the emperor's oval stadium. Perfection, Squared
  • That was also a good sign, that the dragonet knew whom he wanted. Artichoke
  • John Wagoner, a 63-year-old accountant and Kindle owner in Plano, Tex., said that if e-book prices went much higher than $13 he would simply commit his time and dollars to other activities.
  • That was two years agone — the first and the last time he's seen a locomotive and a train of cars. Chapter II
  • Sometimes, centuries agone, it seemed to her it was since Billy had gone to jail. CHAPTER XV
  • This most uncomfortable vehicle is a kind of wagonette, with somewhat dilapidated canvas curtains, through which the wind whistled most unpleasantly, being utterly insufficient to keep out the cold. A Winter Tour in South Africa
  • [167] "Bonum agonem subituri estis, in quo agonothetes Deus vivus est: The Sermons of John Owen
  • My feelings towards him were far from being friendly after what I had heard of his treatment of his daughter, but I was anxious to send Perkins and the wagonette home, and the opportunity was a good one. The Seriously Deranged Writer and the Model Cars
  • Great hounds milled, their foamy jaws hinting at madness as they bit at each other before the sight of the dragonette and the frog set them running. Odyssey
  • General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner has admitted that a national health care program could have helped the auto industry avert financial disaster. Wonk Room » GE CEO Jeff Immelt: Businesses Spending Money To Preserve The Status Quo Is ‘Just Lunacy’
  • Our Lady of the Fair Winds became famous; Sardinia belonged to Aragon, and the saint was popular with Aragonese sailors like Mendoza. Weatherwatch: Beunos Aires the only capital to be named after the weather
  • The Aragonese club were closing on only a third win of the campaign after Maurizio Lanzaro put them ahead shortly before halftime but Getafe snatched an equaliser 11 minutes from time when Javier Paredes diverted the ball into his own net. Real Madrid open up eight point gap over Barcelona in La Liga
  • These psychedelic leftovers from the '60s are part of the dragonet fish family and range in size from 3 to 7cm.
  • June 16, 2007 as a wagoner would his mudheeldy wheesindonk Archive 2007-06-01
  • Cassibellane not minding to trie the matter anie more by battell, sent awaie the most part of his people, but yet kept with him about a foure thousand charretmen or wagoners, and still watched what waie the Romans tooke, coasting them euer as they marched, and kept somewhat aside within the couert of woods, and other combersome places. Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (3 of 8)
  • On the coasts of New Andalusia, the cuspa is considered as a kind of cinchona; and we were assured, that some Aragonese monks, who had long resided in the kingdom of New Grenada, recognised this tree from the resemblance of its leaves to those of the real Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 1
  • Videas aliquando hominem aperto ore quasi intercluso habitu expirare, non cantare, ac ridiculosa quadam vocis interceptione quasi minitari silentium; nunc agones morientium, vel extasim patientium imitari. A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
  • The dear old 'wagoner's whip' has been replaced by a pert, perky squirt that will never stir the heart or brain of a future Ruth. A Book About Lawyers
  • She has no choice but to navigate through the intrigue-laden Imperial Court, where she must politick with the Dragoneyes and their allies even as she works to master her own inconsistent powers. Free Fiction February: "Antickes and Frets" by Susanna Clarke
  • THE CAPTIVE having said this, held his peace; and Don Fernando replied to him thus: ‘Truly, captain, the manner wherewithal you have recounted this marvellous success hath been such as it may be paragoned to the novelty and strangeness of the event itself. The Fourth Book. XV. Which Speaks of That Which After Befel in the Inn, and of Sundry Other Things Worthy to Be Known
  • * Bonum agonem subituri estis, in quo agonothetes Deus vivus est: The Sermons of John Owen
  • And he heard their aresouns each gen other as touching birth and righteousness, young Madden maintaining that put such case it were hard the wife to die (for so it had fallen out a matter of some year agone with a woman of Eblana in Horne's house that now was trespassed out of this world and the self night next before her death all leeches and pothecaries had taken counsel of her case). Ulysses
  • In the epigraphic record he is called the "first high priest of the imperial cult" and "organizer (agonothetès) for life" of the agones connected with it. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Recording Report 3: Epigraphical Studies
  • It was a little like John Kerry's anti-Vietnam protest at the Capitol in 1971, utilizing the most stilted Pentagonese jargon to describe demonstrations "athwart hostile infiltration" of the Congress, and so forth. Conrad Black: My Manifesto For the Occupy Movement
  • ‘Okay, let's get going now,’ Sterling urged as he went up to the wagoner's seat, ready to take off.
  • At the conclusion of the event, attendees will exchange their Sergio Day gifts as they enjoy the stupendous Sergio Aragonés fireworks display.
  • Reaching home, Christopher found at his door a horse and wagonette in charge of a man-servant in livery, who repeated what The Hand of Ethelberta
  • The dragonet then with a mountain colleague, escorts the Buddha head, on the road they runs into has been rescued by a mountain the young girl slightly to proclaim, three person of colleagues.
  • Mancini M, Carmignani L, Gazzano G, Sagone P, Gadda F, et al. (2007) High prevalence of testicular cancer in azoospermic men without spermatogenesis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Holmes and I left the wagonette and proceeded by foot to this field, careful to avoid some of the deep muddy tracks left by the cattle that shared the field.
  • Mr Newbould can recall the introduction of trolley buses, the trains running through to Otley and even horse-drawn wagonettes.
  • “It would be a shame to wipe out the rootstock of all the great cars that followed, to see a utopian symbol like the Jeep Grand Wagoneer or a car with the rich personality of an Alfa Romeo 164 get clobbered,” he said. Sunday Reading
  • Swimming onto the heavy granite sand, you will find dragonets, plaice and wandering hermit crabs.
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  • I am of the blood of the house of Koryu," I told the Emperor, "that ruled at Songdo many a long year agone when my house arose on the ruins of Silla. Chapter 15
  • Greek tragedy was political theater in a way we cannot imagine, or replicate, today; there was more than a passing resemblance between the debates enacted before the citizens participating in the assembly, and those conflicts, agones, dramatized before the eyes of those same citizens in the theater. The Bad Boy of Athens
  • They would meet wagons in the road, take the horses and leave the poor wagoner either swearing with rage or mute with astonishment. Cavalryman of the Lost Cause
  • (My friends in Aragon will be disappointed to note that Aragonese parties are not included). EU Profiler
  • Scorpion fish, butterfish, scallops, prawns, peacock worms, cuttlefish and dragonets all go about their business among the many stationary species of aquatic life.
  • Colocar a un empresario famoso, que tiene la buena fe de la mayoría de los sectores, obliga al sector privado a calmarse y a callarse la boca, porque ahora cuando critiquen los apagones no están criticando exclusivamente un funcionario cualquiera, sino que están criticando a don Celso Marranzini, una persona con una trayectoria envidiable que le hace merecer el respeto de muchos. Global Voices in English » Dominican Republic: Solving the Issue of Power Outages
  • And then they took their horses, and rode after to see how Sir Dagonet sped, for they would not for no good that Sir Dagonet were shent, for King Arthur loved him passing well, and made him knight with his own hands. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • On his expeditions Major Thomas Mitchell travelled with carts or drays, and in 1836 he had a four-wheeled wagonette to carry a portable boat.
  • For peers and gints, quaysirs and galleyliers, fresk letties from the say and stale headygabblers, gaingangers and dudder wagoners, pullars off societies and pushers on rothmere’s homes. Finnegans Wake
  • 'Arikes Hedlor to the ground, 57 — — ftands the centre and the foul of all, 150 paragoned to none but Achilles, Tent. xxxv. The works of the English poets; with prefaces, biographical and critical
  • She said his was a strange name for one of the Light Elves, for if "argent" meant "silver" in the language of the Silvanesti, it meant "night's son" in the speech of the Kagonesti. Dalamar the Dark
  • One of the delights of his squibs is the gleeful elision of NewLab multi-culti PC-speak with management gobbledegook and Pentagonese.
  • Harpes: the lateral pieces of the male genitalia in Lepidoptera, used as clasping organs: also applied to the corneous hooks often borne by these lateral pieces, which are then termed valves; see clasper: in culicids an articulated process, sometimes jointed, at the base of inner side of side-piece, below and exterior to the harpagones. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • '' 'Aragonese' '' (in its own language: '' aragonés '' or sometimes '' fabla '') is a [[Romance language]] spoken in northern [[Aragon]], on the southern central slopes of the [[Pyrenees]]. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Outside, beyond the low, white fence, a wagonette with a pair of cobs was waiting. The Seriously Deranged Writer and the Model Cars
  • Lucrecia Martel, Paula Hernandez, Vanessa Ragone and Julia Solomonoff represent the clearest example of a new generation that is changing the face of cinema.
  • Unions between Spanish men and Indian women produced mestizo offspring, who grew into the artisans and laborers of colonial towns or the herdspeople and wagoners of the early countryside.
  • That, we learnt, was because Contessa is part of the island's Albanian community, founded in the 15th century by mercenaries fighting for the island's Aragonese Spanish rulers. A Sicilian opening in the wild west
  • Coral snake eels peered out from tubular burrows, and a fingered dragonet tried to intimidate its own reflection on my camera dome port with a series of switchblade-like actions of its dorsal fin.
  • As we slipped down a steep incline, shafts of sunlight bounced around us and colourful dragonets and little gobies darted along the sandy bottom.
  • Stapulensis included only Martyrs in his "Martyrum agones antiquis ex monumentis genuine descriptos" (1525), and they are only the martyrs whose feasts are celebrated in the month of January. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Our wagonette had topped a rise and in front of us rose the huge expanse of the moor, mottled with gnarled and craggy cairns and tors. The Seriously Deranged Writer and the Model Cars
  • The dragonet practices a body good skill in wushu in Shaolin Temple, is sent by skilled worker to descend the mountain seeks for the Buddha reason.
  • Porter Wagoner, the blond pompadoured, rhinestone-encrusted personification of Nashville tradition, host of the longest-running country-music variety show in TV history and mentor to Dolly Parton, died Sunday night of lung cancer. Steve Anderson: An American Music Treasure Gone: Porter Wagoner, 1927-2007
  • Soho the Dog: as a wagoner would his mudheeldy wheesindonk As a wagoner would his mudheeldy wheesindonk
  • Only when she was sure she had a fertile one had she felt prepared to look for the right girl to play mother to the incipient dragonette. Aerie
  • In their huddle of 20 were Troy Evans, Jay Foreman, Dave Ragone, Wade, Kris Brown, Tony Banks and Bennie Joppru.
  • During the trip, Boone worked as a wagoner alongside a trader named John Findley who had traveled to the Native American villages in Ohio and beyond. History of American Women
  • The muddy terrain seaward of the wreck is fertile ground for scallops, dragonets and some of the biggest long-clawed squat lobsters I have seen.
  • With a laugh, they gave him a push toward the lumbering dragonet. Artichoke
  • La mummia La tomba dell Imperatore Dragone 2008 iTA DVDRip XviD HAVEN [survivalofmisa] avi Beeld van Nederland DVD 2 Deel 1 1945 - 1950 DVD Rip Divxnl-team elect CatamesoviesVideosppsnimeudioComics Undefined
  • [Footnote 28: 'Roma a paragone delli tempi degli altri pontefici si poteva riputar come un onesto monasterio di religiosi' (_op.cit. _ p. 41).] Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
  • For such is the scantity of them here in England, in comparison of the plenty that is to be seen in other countries, and so earnestly are the inhabitants bent to root them out, that, except it had been to bear thus with the recreations of their superiors in this behalf, it could not otherwise have been chosen but that they should have been utterly destroyed by many years agone. Of Savage Beasts and Vermin. Chapter XIV. [1577, Book III., Chapters 7 and 12; 1587, Book III., Chapters 4 and 6
  • The wagonette was paid off and ordered to return to Temple Coombe forthwith, while we started to walk to Merripit House. The Seriously Deranged Writer and the Model Cars
  • It will break its way in and kill whoever it finds when it sees and smells the corpse of the dragonette. Odyssey
  • I have made the purchase I told you of a few pages agone, that is, last Thursday I purchas'd with my aunt Deming's leave, a very beautiful white feather hat, that is, the out side, which is a bit of white hollond with the feathers sew'd on in a most curious manner white & unsullyed as the falling snow, this hat I have long been saving my money to procure for which I have let your kind allowance, Papa, lay in my aunt's hands till this hat which I spoke for was brought home. Diary of Anna Green Winslow A Boston School Girl of 1771
  • By decomposing the real growth rate into three elements: structural shocks, structural transformation and labor productivity growth, this paper hurdle this intrinsic weakness of agone research.
  • Ledford also faces related charges in Cherokee, Tulsa and Wagoner counties. KRIS LEDFORD
  • My X-ray-eyed buddy Gary spotted a dragonet partly buried in the mud; a butterfish lived up to its name by making a rapid departure.
  • Soon only the dragonette, frog, and a single bleeding hound remained. Odyssey

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