
How To Use Aglet In A Sentence

  • Eagleton says that opinion, appetite or inclinations are notions of individual desire that become a person's subjectivity.
  • Last summer, Caitlin observed bald eaglets fledging from nests at two sites.
  • The chimes are sounding at Royal Naval Reserve unit HMS Eaglet after it was presented with a replacement bell in time for centenary commemorations.
  • It was brave and ardent, like a young eaglet, "with eyes intentive to bedare the sun;" but it had its traditions to lay down, its experience to buy, and large sections of its military lesson still to learn. Fields of Victory
  • And that the ends of our shoelaces are called aglets.
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  • She pricked her hand on the rusty daglet, and I saw a drupe of blood, red as a cherry, swell on her pall. Wildfire
  • So she asked each eaglet what he or she would do when she was old and utterly dependent on their care. In the Fullness of Time
  • Terry Eagleton is an outstanding scholar of contemporary western Marxism, whose theory reflects the evolution from literary study to political cultural criticism.
  • Dependent too long after independence, fragile like the eaglet Professor Emman Osakwe « Illiteracy Articles « Articles « Literacy News
  • But Eagleton, one of the most widely read theorists alive, knows all this, so what does he mean?
  • And the little metal ring that reinforces the rim of the eyelet through which the aglet passes. Underworld
  • Or suppose the individual is an eaglet of a rare species anxiously watched by conservationists in its nest.
  • Third eaglet hatched late on Sunday, April 12 by Meryl Ann Butler on Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 11: 27: 17 AM OpEdNews - Quicklink: Eaglets Hatching Now on Live Web Cam
  • Swiss is as safe by his side as an eaglet under the wings of its dam; and to leave us because danger approaches, is but a poor compliment to our courage or constancy. Anne of Geierstein
  • The first, Thomas F.. Eagleton, was axed after it was disclosed he had undergone electric shock therapy for depression.
  • On the obverse is an image of eagles destroying a nest of snakes at the foot of a ruined tower, at the top of which is a nest of eaglets. Russian Order of St. Catherine Medal Sells for £322,000 at Morton and Eden Auction : Coin Collecting News
  • Of course, if the eagle himself was there to protect them even the lindworm, big and strong as he was, knew that he could do nothing; but when he was absent, any little eaglets who ventured too near the ground would be sure to disappear down the monster’s throat. The Crimson Fairy Book
  • As eagles go forth and bring home to their eaglets the lamb or the pavid kid, I say there are men who live and victual their nests by plunder. Roundabout Papers
  • For the man who has outsoared his fellows likes to remind himself by contrast of his callow days, before the hungry and fighting impulses had driven him down -- a young eaglet -- upon the sheepfolds of law and politics; while to the majority of mankind, even to-day, hero-worship, when it is not too exacting, is agreeable. Lady Connie
  • The first eaglet answered, “Stay and take care of you, Mother, for the rest of your life.” In the Fullness of Time
  • Page view page image: beauty of the season; the large moist flakes that fell in the morning had furred and mossed every limb and twig, each minute process and filament, each aglet and thread, as if the pure spirits of the air had undertaken to frost the trees for the marriage festival of their Prince. Margaret
  • For more than 1,000 years, Hopi people had journeyed to the butte to gather eaglets for ceremonies, to pray for rain, and to collect healing plants.
  • But Eagleton, one of the most widely read theorists alive, knows all this, so what does he mean?
  • Terry Eagleton is an outstanding scholar of contemporary western Marxism, whose theory reflects the evolution from literary study to political cultural criticism.
  • Does Eagleton not see the gross distortions involved in such throwaway lines? The Times Literary Supplement
  • Eagleton calls words "which sound alike but do not rhyme exactly" a para-rhyme: "a semi-rhyme in which the consonantal sounds agree but the vowels do not" (167). close window Sounding Romantic: The Sound of Sound
  • Nay, look you, sir, he tells you flatly what his mind is: why, give him gold enough and marry him to a puppet or an aglet-baby; or an old trot with ne’er a tooth in her head, though she have as many diseases as two-and-fifty horses: why, nothing comes amiss, so money comes withal. Act I. Scene II. The Taming of the Shrew
  • As the days cooled and shortened, Jock and Fly climbed the great hill through the lowering mists into the sunlight where harrier hawks and eaglets soared and Cheviot sheep browsed in this brilliant air.
  • The lindworm had often watched the eagle flying about the top of the tree, carrying food to his young ones and, accordingly, he watched carefully for the moment when the eaglets began to try their wings and to fly away from the nest. The Crimson Fairy Book
  • Eaglets often kill their younger brothers and sisters in the nest.
  • For this fragile eaglet, ready to fall, unable to fly Professor Emman Osakwe « Illiteracy Articles « Articles « Literacy News
  • Sometimes the mother eagle takes a break and the father sits on the eggs for a few hours but fidgets, offering a glimpse of the new eaglet. ' OpEdNews - Quicklink: Eaglets Hatching Now on Live Web Cam
  • An Eagle Named Freedom (Powells City of Books, @7:30pm): An Eagle Named Freedom (Morrow) chronicles how Jeff Guidry nurtured an eaglet with two broken wings back to health — and then, when Guidry began fighting his own battle against non-Hodgkins lymphoma, the eagle guided him to fight for his own life. Portland Book Events: May 22-28 - Reading Local: Portland
  • These function somewhat like the aglets on the ends of shoelaces that keep them from unraveling.
  • A random search by CFO magazine recently uncovered E-tail sites hawking pipe cleaners, arugula seeds, and aglets (those little plastic things on the ends of shoelaces).
  • His brothers had been, by turns, indifferent and antagonistic to this last-born of the Angevin eaglets... with one exception. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Those who concoct Eagleton-esque arguments unnecessarily overshoot the mark, possibly in an overcompensatory attempt to respond to Dawkins under the auspices of intelligent debate. Atheist Blogs Aggregated
  • A few years later, however, Prince Rupert and some other prominent members of the court and the city bought the third-hand forty-three-ton ketch, the "Nonsuch", and borrowed the fifty-four-ton "Eaglet" ketch from the King. Three Hundred Years
  • We realised the eyrie was burning and probably the eaglets in danger.
  • The telomeres being studied in Lee's project act as a kind of protective cap for chromosomal ends - much like the plastic aglet at the end of a shoelace, for example - allowing cells to retain their biological information. Newswise: Latest News
  • When O'Hehir admits that Eagleton is "cagey" about his own beliefs, he glances lightly over a major difficulty: Eagleton affirms Christianity without ever affirming a single concrete proposition connected with it. Balderdash
  • January 16th, 2008 at 1: 03 pm baedo says: that’s an aglet, pauly … the shoelace thingy. WHAT’S ALMOST AS PLAYED OUT AS ZOMBIES?
  • Toygan means 'falcon, hawk'; toynak 'hoof'; tirnak 'claw'; tirmiklamak 'to rake, harrow'; tay 'colt' - which trots us off to English hagdon, haggard, haglet, harrier, and hawk. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 4
  • Sometimes the mother eagle takes a break and the father sits on the eggs for a few hours but fidgets, offering a glimpse of the new eaglet. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Eaglets Hatching Now on Live Web Cam
  • Rebuilding the aglet that allows cells to divide helps those cancer cells reproduce and spread. You Staying Young
  • For who would not thinke it a ridiculous thing to see a Lady in her milke-house with a veluet gowne, and at a bridall in her cassock of mockado: a Gentleman of the Countrey among the bushes and briers, goe in a pounced dublet and a paire of embrodered hosen, in the Citie to weare a frise Ierkin and a paire of leather breeches? yet some such phantasticals haue I knowen, and one a certaine knight, of all other the most vaine, who commonly would come to the Sessions, and other ordinarie meetings and Commissions in the Countrey, so bedect with buttons and aglets of gold and such costly embroderies, as the poore plaine men of the Countrey called him (for his gaynesse) the golden knight. The Arte of English Poesie
  • Eagleton's review is filled with decontextualized quotations, rendering them absurd. The Times Literary Supplement
  • These and other human intrusions can prompt eagles to desert their nests, giving predators a chance to grab eggs or eaglets.
  • Older eaglets will pick on younger ones and if the adults don't bring in enough food the youngest chicks usually get eaten.
  • The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.
  • Last summer, Caitlin observed bald eaglets fledging from nests at two sites.
  • The simplest way to create an aglet is to wind two or three layers of adhesive tape around the end.
  • A feathery, fluttery songbird can become a legal eagle or, at least, eaglet. Times, Sunday Times
  • I always found it hard to imagine Wilde in prison, but Eagleton realises him beautifully, full of humility and humiliation.
  • I've seen George McGovern and he is a very impressive man and he was an outstanding candidate who missed being our president in large part because he was torpedoed by Eagleton's lying (the forerunning cause of today's thorough vetting process) and the fact that Watergate had only just begun starting to smell on Election Day, 1972. McCain's Hero Petraeus: "I Do Think You Have To Talk To Enemies"
  • Of particular relevance for present purposes is Eagleton's insistent questioning of what he calls the "new somatics," specifically the current fetishization of the sexualized and unfailingly "well nourished" body. The Voice of Critique: Aesthetic Cognition After Kant,
  • The eaglet's failure in attempted flight teaches him to outsoar clouds. A Hero and Some Other Folks
  • The Auburn Hills, Mich. based entity's more specific programming intent is to show the eagle's life progression, from mating to egg laying to nurturing young to the eaglets ' first flight.

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