How To Use Agitprop In A Sentence
Beijing this winter is festooned with orange banners and billboards that look like Communist agitprop.
But underneath the agitprop is financial violence: handouts to the wealthy, destruction of our infrastructure, desecration of the environment, and abandonment of the needy.
Bob Burnett: Election 2010: Choosing the Abuser
Shot in a realistic mode inspired by the agitprop classic The Battle of Algiers, Bloody Sunday is taut, terse and livid.
From 1922 his stylistically radical work was put to utilitarian ends, including the design of speakers' tribunes and latterly agitprop photomontage and graphic design.
His targets include politics and religion, but it is not a political play in any agitprop sense.
Outgrowing the constraints of the street and agitprop meant that they started to really work.
That a once-respected and influential journal should publish this kind of agitprop is truly disgraceful.
Ledeen and Chinese ‘Fascism’ « Blog
Indeed, TV agitprop from the period shows how backing for the war was won ideologically - through the fear of the evils of Communism during the Cold War, and through the jingoism towards a ‘people who live out there’.
In 1970, Mr Pozsgay joined the Agitprop department - the party's watchdog on ideological purity and the media.
If you're going to do agitprop you have to be incredibly focused.
It is entirely unsurprising that fringe groups with intense ideological commitments will engage in propaganda and agitprop journalism, happily distorting the facts to promote their cause.
Steel tends towards agitprop and somewhat romanticises her doomed pitmen.
Times, Sunday Times
Of course, he is in no way obligated to provide solutions, else the play be nothing but a piece of agitprop with an in-your-face agenda.
Maybe the Congressional Black Caucus, or Eric Holder, or even Media Matters, should put their money where their agitprop is and risk $100,000 to see if any witnesses come forward to back up their opponents in the New Black Panther incident.
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It all basically went down like this: CNN has spent the past few months documenting the activities of some of the conservative movement's new young guns, including O'Keefe, whose undercover agitprop is a staple of an organization called Project Veritas.
James O'Keefe's CNN Prank FAILS: Activist Planned To Stage Seduction Of Abbie Boudreau On Floating 'Pleasure Palace'
There were several matters to consider, announcements as well as agitprop functions, handed down from the highest quarters.
Inculcating and deluding the masses with a multi-billion dollar barrage of agitprop and sophistry potent enough to penetrate the minds of the most adroit thinkers, the moneyed interests behind corporatism and exploitative Capitalism have created a false dichotomy that clings to our collective psyche like a cocklebur deeply embedded in a wool sock.
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There’s been a steady anti-union bias in every Presidential administration since Reagan and a relentless stream of agitprop from the media painting unions as the root of all evil in the modern workplace, when in fact the power and influence of labor is at all all-time low since the turn of the * last* century.
Un transit « BuzzMachine
This is unashamedly agitprop, but there is a missed opportunity.
No doubt there were hundreds of agitprop dramas in the 1950s hammering Joe McCarthy's red-baiting campaign.
He described the documentary as a "piece of Kremlin agitprop" designed to "anaesthetize the masses".
Russian television program on the fall of the Byzantine Empire
Please refer all complaints, communist manifestos, Jeffersonian agitprop, and bills to this address.
Mr Adams is no agitprop merchant; his music would be deeply boring if he was.
It could be argued that this apocalyptic novel is a ghost story, science fiction, transcendental cult fiction, anti-military agitprop or new-age fantasy - it is all of these and more.
From 1922 his stylistically radical work was put to utilitarian ends, including the design of speakers' tribunes and latterly agitprop photomontage and graphic design.
The Mummers Troupe went from agitprop to revivals of traditional Newfoundland mummers plays, and from there to documentary ‘people's histories’.
Of course the video was pure agitprop, attempting to position Obama as this racial harmonizer even though he sat in the pews of a church whose pastor was a racial divider.
Thanks largely to his agitprop and fraternisation with the enemy, his brothers-in-arms were transmogrified into war criminals and baby-killers.
If it sounds like agitprop, then I'm not doing it justice.
One or two of the dialogue scenes, in particular the one showing international war-profiteers enjoying a grouse shoot, have a dated, agitprop feel.
Your work tends not to employ direct political messages - it's not agitprop.
They further confused the tone of a piece that had about it the whiff of 1970s radical agitprop.
‘News’ is often more agitprop or tabloid than topical.
Erm… is Pete suggesting that documentaries have less influence on politics and public opinion than agitprop singers?
When a new generation became radicalised in the 1960s and 1970s theatre changed dramatically, with Joan Littlewood's Theatre Workshop in east London and agitprop theatre groups like CAST.
It happened in Eastern Europe during the Cold War, where the BBC and Radio Free Europe - aided by rock and roll - proved more powerful than communist state agitprop.
More than £3.5 million has gone on recruiting a worldwide network of young "climate activists" in over 70 countries to engage in climate change propaganda - what Marxists used to call agitprop - and to pressure their politicians to join the worldwide struggle. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
But the plot is never subordinated to rhetorical analysis, and rightly so - art needn't be agitprop to enrich our understanding of the world and its injustices.
One must learn to weed out incendiary polemics and agitprop from the whirling online maelstrom to become an informed and thoughtful citizen.
‘Political’ drama has, for 20 years, been tainted by memories of 1970s agitprop.
This last point is crucial because Hare avoids the trap of agitprop by cannily subverting the play's anti-war bias.
The country's propaganda office-modeled after the similarly named Soviet agency whose efforts gave rise to the term "agitprop"-is tasked with disseminating slogans, artwork, movies, and media reports that reinforce the regime.
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