How To Use Agio In A Sentence
Poverty is something that is contagious and infectious in our community.
The reports of thefe pra&itioners are certainly favourable, in fome degree, to the idea of diluting the variolous contagion; however, many more fa&s are wanting deci - sively to edablifh the fuperiour advantage of this mode of inoculation..
The Analytical Review, Or History of Literature, Domestic and Foreign, on an Enlarged Plan
Scarlet fever is highly contagious.
After his long stretch as an untouchable hero and saint (courtesy of hagiographer R Bolt) it was about time that creep More was taken off his pedestal.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
The hagiology from which he has benefited in the last 50 years suggests that he may well have been right.
Orozco-Estrada may have been too indulgent of her slow adagio, but her clear vision of the final rondo again underlined a real artist in the making.
Vienna Tonkünstler/Andrés Orozco-Estrada – review
Half-an-hour later they were launching the canoe and loading up, while the storekeeper made jocular remarks about poor, weak mortals and the contagiousness of "stampedin 'fever.
The Rhemists, and Dr. Hammond, are for retaining the Greek word Paraclete; we read, Acts ix. 31, of the paraklesis tou hagiou pneumatos, the comfort of the Holy Ghost, including his whole office as a paraclete.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
What drove him remains a mystery in a book that is more hagiography than biography.
Times, Sunday Times
The main constituent phases of these rocks are plagioclase, hornblende, pyroxene, quartz and K-feldspar, and accessory phases include magnetite, sphene, zircon and apatite.
His smile was contagious, his wave was heartfelt and the toot of his horn was one of a kind.
Alternatively, the faculty might have contagious diseases, such as tuberculosis or varicella, and could infect patients.
Unlike his usual style, the symphony ends with an adagio that includes some of the most anguished music he ever composed.
(PLAYG) A highly contagious disease, such as bubonic plague, that spreads quickly throughout a population and causes widespread sickness and death.
Some positive news surfaced yesterday: Mexican scientists said the contagiousness of the swine flu is no greater than that of the seasonal flu that circulates every year.
Straight into the bin this morning seeing as they're "toxic", i.e., hand decorated by typhoid Ramekin yesterday, probably in the prime of his contagiousness.
So . . .
His violent menaces had extorted his readmission into the church, against which Cyprian protests with much vehemence: ne pecuniae commissae sibi fraudator, ne stuprator virginum, ne matrimoniorum multorum depopulator et corruptor, ultra adhuc sponsam Christi incorruptam praesentiae suae dedecore, et impudica atque incesta contagione, violaret.
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 1
And they looked like they were having fun and that fun was contagious.
HIV is a lethal contagious disease spread by contact with blood and body fluids.
they played the adagio too quickly
The book was authorised, not critical, and its intent was somewhat hagiographical.
This granulite consists of garnet, biotite, muscovite, quartz, plagioclase and cordierite.
There is biography, hagiography and social, religious and political history.
Times, Sunday Times
This turns biography into hagiography: the subject isn't a mere artist working through his aesthetic ideas, he's Christ among the doubters and Pharisees.
No medieval hagiographer better satisfied the need for historical ‘facts’ and for hagiographical ‘types’ (David, Elijah, Antony the Hermit).
There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor. Charles Dickens
There are still some unfounded fears floating around out there about cancer being contagious.
The concern now is that the contagion will spread from the financial system to the real economy.
Times, Sunday Times
Quando nel corso di eventi umani, sorge la necessità che un popolo sciolga i legami politici che lo hanno stretto a un altro popolo ... un conveniente riguardo alle opinioni dell'umanità richiede che quel popolo dichiari le ragioni per cui è costretto alla secessione.
Italy to Declare Independence from U.S. Military
And I think they're named in one of the pagan hagiologies, aren't they?
A Canticle for Leibowitz
Diminished prairie dog populations now face the even greater catastrophe of sylvatic plague, an introduced contagious disease for which prairie dogs have little immunity.
The purpose of the statute was to lessen the risk of cattle catching a contagious disease while in transit.
Furthermore, there were many differences of opinion regarding the question of just how contagious leprosy was and how it was transmitted.
The purpose of the statute was to lessen the risk of cattle catching a contagious disease while in transit.
The Symphony consists of only three movements - a pathetic Allegro in D minor, a highly original Scherzo in the same key, and a blissful Adagio in E major.
While it is almost inevitable that a biographer will either be a hagiographer or a betrayer, his betrayals are, actually, of a special order.
And international response to financial crises is an imperative to limit the contagion of panic and financial losses.
The warmth displayed in the opening adagio was refreshing, but the constant flux in this elusive symphony needs to sound natural, inevitable.
Times, Sunday Times
Often, such literature is not hagiography, but presents life that falls short of human virtues.
English settlers for control of coastal lands suffered terribly, sometimes from war, but more often from the spread of contagious diseases such as smallpox.
America Past and Present
The mineral assemblage comprises quartz, K-feldspar, albitic plagioclase, white mica, apatite, tourmaline and garnet.
Like zircon, quartz, plagioclase, biotite and hornblende, major phenocryst phases, also show variable resorbtion effects.
In public calamites, when a general drought appears, and cruel wars, or contagious maladies come, we humble ourselves before the power that sent them, and mortify ourselves by abstinence.
The physiology of taste; or Transcendental gastronomy. Illustrated by anecdotes of distinguished artists and statesmen of both continents by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. Translated from the last Paris edition by Fayette Robinson.
Sunny played the song again, but this time at a placid adagio place.
These caused the animals breathing problems and were highly contagious but did not pose a hazard for people.
The Sun
If you're unexcited about the Iowa caucuses, maybe this lady's enthusiasm will be contagious.
From 1943 to his death in 1989, King Louis Narcisse fused Baptist, Pentecostal, and gris-gris traditions into a gumbo of ritual and hagiography.
It is apparently noncontagious and not appreciably connected with any disorder of internal organs.
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
The curious thing is that in that tale the prophet is aided by one of the few women who play much part in the hagiology of Islam.
But, if the hagiolatry of Waters and Pollan isn't your cup of organic oolong, howzabout lending an ear to Chef Michel Nischan's take on these more Earth-attentive buying practices.
They were harridans, engaged in a harangue of hermeneutics, harpooning his hyperbolic sense of hagiocracy, calling him a haggard hooligan hamming up a heedless hegemonic hullabaloo.
Martin Marks: Bushenschadenfreude: Where has it all Gone?
Apocalypse comes cheap in the movies today: whatever happened to create the blasted and underpeopled landscapes of The Road, The Book Of Eli or Zombieland may have its far more plausible roots in something like what we see in Contagion.
Contagion is the latest change in Steven Soderbergh's chameleon career
The new disease proved contagious.
she was contagiously bubbly
In addition, female figures were prominent in the Irish Catholic hagiolatry of the area, harking back to the powerful position of goddesses and female druids in the pagan Celtic belief system, a status that carried over into early Celtic Christianity.
Gutenber-e Help Page
The second entr'acte in Humanità is a particular lovely adagio.
You were all smooth and deep voiced there on the dance floor and yeah, I went back to your place after only one drink, but I was intrigued, but once you pulled out that technological terror you call your "sithhood" that was the end of that, but you kept waving your hand "the phallus is not at all scary" and I didn't have any choice but to agree, but now I've got these sores, and the droid at the clinic says they're contagious bitch!
Calgon, Take Me Away
The pegmatite is composed of microcline, plagioclase and quartz with minor amounts of clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, ilmenite and zircon.
She has been successful in large part because her enthusiasm for the hobby is contagious.
This is based on references in Irish hagiography to belts having been preserved as relics of the saints who wore them.
The warmth displayed in the opening adagio was refreshing, but the constant flux in this elusive symphony needs to sound natural, inevitable.
Times, Sunday Times
The ensuing Adagio with its long notes and plucked bass line made for welcome progress after a long first movement.
Scabies is a contagious parasitic infection caused by infestation of the Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis mite.
Shigellosis is a highly contagious disease caused by Shigella spp. and humans are the principal reservoir of infection.
The companion to media demonisation is the hagiolatry of Western leaders and apologetics for their crimes.
Il grandissimo successo preoccup talmente tanto la Universal che tent in ogni maniera di bloccare le visioni del mio ... che epoch gi uscito in tutto il resto del mondo criminal il titolo Jaws 3 e maturando degli incassi record, e la casa di produzione stava preparando il suo Jaws 3 ... alla excellent di un mese di programmazione riescono the bloccare la visione del mio movie accusandolo di plagio.
Archive 2009-11-01
It is most contagious at the height of the disease and during desquamation.
The Care and Feeding of Children A Catechism for the Use of Mothers and Children's Nurses
The spread of contagion and exit to other countries would be another matter.
Times, Sunday Times
The hope that example will prove contagious is, as I understand it, the central plank of the neo-conservative ideology in Washington.
He immediately ordered a spinal tap that confirmed polio, and she was moved to the floor for contagious diseases.
Read a couple of corporate histories -- even though they are blatant hagiographies -- and see which one jibes more with your set of core values.
We rely on the works of some 7th century hagiographers and the anonymous writer of the Annals of Ulster for information about his life and activities.
[55] Ohi de tou Theou anthropoi pneumatophoroi pneumatos hagiou, kai prophetai genomenoi hup 'autou tou Theou empneusthentes kai sophisthentes egenonto theodidaktoi, kai hosioi kai dikaioi.
The Borve Series is dominated by varieties of quartzo-feldspathic schist and gneiss, composed mainly of plagioclase, quartz, and biotite.
In the 1860s medical interventions into the contagious diseases debate polarized earlier representations of female sexuality.
He has a fully visible collaborator and hagiographer named Mark Salter who is also his closest aide and his most vicious attack dog.
Prickly McCain Refuses To Define "Honor" In Interview
The recorder came in with an adagio-like slowness and gravity, momentarily wobbled off-key, then recovered.
Contagious Ecthyma mainly harms lamb and makes it difficult to suck at breast, take forage and increase weight.
In America, hagiography (the making of saints) is an art form.
If the Sonata be not suitable for London, I could send another, or you might omit the Largo, and begin at once with the Fugue in the last movement, or the first movement, Adagio, and the third the Scherzo, the Largo, and the Allegro risoluto.
Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826
The gifts are not brought by Santa Claus Nicholas who in the Hellenic hagiology is the patron saint of sailors.
Athena Andreadis, Ph.D.: Yes, Virginia, Hellenes Have Christmas Traditions
Since we share a common border, I certainly hope that lunacy is not contagious!
Landrieu to support health care reform bill
In place of conventional biblical and hagiographic narratives, we find subjects based more loosely on the bestiary, the Psalms, moralizing treatises, and monastic accounts of dreams and hallucinations.
But regardless of the severity or contagiousness of a new virus, it will never again have those "wonderful" conditions of 1918-19 in which to spread and kill.
No More Crying 'Spanish Flu'
Even at best, in the Hiller variations, in some of the string trios and organ fugues, some of his grave adagios, even in some of his sardonic and turbulent scherzi (perhaps his most original contributions), his art is rather more a refinement on another art than
Musical Portraits Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers
The hushed surprise of the adagio introduction gave way to the driving rhythmic thrust of the Allegro molto.
Why is it that English textbooks, including the one I was sent, are top-heavy with hagiographies of our national leaders?
Gordon's characterization of previous Aurobindo biographies as "hagiographies," that is, as attempts to "read back the holy man into the earlier stages of his career" p. ix, and distinguishes these from his own intention to steer clear of glorification.
Archive 2005-11-01
During the Trisagion the Reader should come and receive the blessing of the celebrant to read the Apostle.
The norovirus is highly contagious, affecting up to one million people in the United Kingdom every year.
The more altered dykes of the Black Coast have groundmasses of clinopyroxene, plagioclase and rare biotite.
Second, in a process known as differentiation, crystals of olivine, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase began to crystallize from the magma, and being more dense than the magma, they settled to the bottom of the chamber.
The Adagio section has some lush, fluorescent sounds, in which Schoenberg flirts with major tonalities and then destroys them.
New taxes, sumptuary taxes, vestiary taxes; _nemo audeat comedere praeter duo fercula cum potagio_; tax on the living, tax on the dead, tax on successions, tax on carriages, tax on paper.
Napoleon the Little
The weeping spread like contagion to Amma and our maid.
The problem was not physical contagion which the word disease brings to mind.
Second, the knights and burgesses soon realized that they held the purse strings: the Second Statute of 14 Edward III (1341), sometimes called the Statute de Tallagio non Concedendo (no taxation without representation) required that all nonfeudal levies receive parliamentary approval.
They have been reluctant to admit AIDS patients, in part because of unfounded fears of contagion.
The Adagio of this quartet is typically soulful, emotionally wrenching music.
But this show sets out to recover such potentially controversial opinions from the prevalence of bland hagiographies.
Times, Sunday Times
There is biography, hagiography and social, religious and political history.
Times, Sunday Times
At the end of each Improperium is sung the "Trisagion", Sanctus Deus, Sanctus fortis, Sanctus Immortalis, miserere nobis, by one choir in Greek and by another in Latin.
More Rare Images: Good Friday with Pius XI in the Sistine Chapel
That Zelenka was sent to study in Italy is reflected in the Italian elements of the introduction, an orchestral sinfonia, which leads into the adagio for solo oboe.
Outland Trophy (Miglior Lineman): Mike Iupati di Idaho il nome nuovo, capitano dei Vandals ha giocato una stagione ad altissimo livello, dimostrando di vouch for recuperato ottimamente dallinfortunio alla spalla della passata stagione che lo aveva costretto the chiuderla in via anticipata; left guard, ormai titolare indiscusso da tre anni e dovrebbe presentarsi al breeze di questanno.
Archive 2009-12-01
Watching Barbara helps me with adagio sections.
[166] Alla kai tois Ephesiois epistellon hos gnesios henomenois to Onti di 'epignoseos, "ontas" autous idiazontos honomasen, eipon; "tois hagiois tois oisi, kai pistois en Christo Iesou." houto gar kai hoi pro hemon paradedokasi, kai hemeis en tois palaiois ton antigraphon heurekamen.
The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
Again; with respect unto the manner of their communication, they are called merismoi tou Pneumatos hagiou, Heb.ii. 4, "distributions," or partitions "of the Holy Ghost;" not whereof the Holy Ghost is the subject, as though he were parted or divided, as the Socinians dream on this place, but whereof he is the author, the distributions which he makes.
The use and ceremonial procession of the relics paralleled the miraculous healings described in hagiographical sources.
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
A highly contagious virus has transformed almost every human into flesh-eating zombies.
Plagioclase, microcline and quartz are the predominating minerals, while biotite, titanite, epidote, apatite, zircon and garnet are present in smaller quantities.
The Long Labrador Trail
Strain shadows around feldspar porphyroclasts contain recrystallized potassium feldspar, plagioclase and quartz.
The text weaves between the two time frames, the past and the future, and in both people are dying of a mysterious contagion.
The disease, which causes painful, ulcerating blisters on the mouth, feet, and udders, is virulently contagious, and once introduced can quickly infect an entire herd.
After treatment, a person is still contagious for 2-4 hours.
One patient who received a kidney died from the highly contagious disease a year after the transplant.
The Sun
The impossibility, however, to find any one of equal excellence as a performer (that is to say, in his more lucid and orderly moments) had forced his reinstalment, and he had now, for the most part, reconciled himself to the narrow sphere of his appointed adagios or allegros.
It will take up to ten days for the onset of symptoms, during which time the person is highly contagious.
Who with their drowfy, flow, and flagging wings Clip dead mens graves; and from their milty jaws Breathe foul contagious darknefs in the air.
The Works of Shakespeare: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and Corrected
The adagio finale is textually simple and emotionally complicated.
To say that hagiography was mere propaganda for the saint in question is missing an important point.
Most staph infections aren't serious; one example is impetigo, a contagious but superficial skin infection.
Pullman, Mercure, Novotel, Suitehotel, Ibis, all seasons, Motel 6, and Adagio city aparthotel, has signed a three year framework agreement with Aastra for the supply of telephone systems and services to the hotel chain on a worldwide basis, except for Etap Hotel and Hotel F1. - Front Page
The sample is strongly foliated and consists of garnet, biotite, quartz, plagioclase and cordierite.
A new study by physician researchers from Hasbro Children's Hospital and Children's Hospital Boston identifies risk factors for the severity of asymmetrical head shapes, known as deformational plagiocephaly (DP), or more commonly as flat head syndrome. - latest science and technology news stories
The mineral assemblage is quartz + plagioclase + K-feldspar + biotite + cordierite + andalusite fibrolite.
Willow soon was laughing too, from the contagiousness of it.
Peter Sheppard Skærved, who writes the compendious notes, wonders if Beethoven himself might have written the adagio variation.
The horse thus vicariously fulfilling the functions of a plate of soup was a wretched glandered beast -- not old, but shunned on account of the contagious nature of his disease.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 29, August, 1873
She told her managers she needed to go home because she was contagious, but Walmart informed her that she would get a "demerit" if she worked less than four hours.
Walmart's Sick Day Policy Hurts Workers, Families, and Customers
The squints, or hagioscopes, were originally angled but were unfortunately straightened by the Victorians.
Politics doesn't look at all like the hagiographies I read when I was at the Jesuit monastery, where all the saints were perfect, no venial sins even.
The treatment makes the illness completely noncontagious, although it turns out that leprosy is not highly infectious.
Archive 2006-09-01
To talk about an epidemic of obesity is like talking about a plague of inactivity or a contagion of overeating.
It is not contagious and does not scar the skin.
Times, Sunday Times
That said, this is a work of pure hagiography.
Times, Sunday Times
That said, this is a work of pure hagiography.
Times, Sunday Times
The anti-contagionist, in acknowledging his ignorance, leaves the question open to examination; but the contagionist has solved the problem to his own mind, and closed the field of investigation, without, however, ceasing to denounce the antagonist who would disturb a conclusion which has given him so much contentment.
Letters on the Cholera Morbus. Containing ample evidence that this disease, under whatever name known, cannot be transmitted from the persons of those labouring under it to other individuals, by contact—through the medium of inanimate substances—or throug
The sample is composed of K-feldspar, plagioclase and quartz with accessory apatite, magnetite, titanite, zircon and secondary epidote.
Gutterman , acknowledged that sometimes police have to make shooting judgments in a " nanosecond, " but added " this was just tunnel vision, contagious shooting.
Ruling Over Stray Shots
How on earth did the opening adagio become the second section's vivacissimo?
Times, Sunday Times
Few Japanese of the better classes have ever visited such a village; and even the poorest of the common people shun the place as they would shun a centre of contagion; for the idea of defilement, both moral and physical, is still attached to the very name of its inhabitants.
Kokoro Japanese Inner Life Hints
Abortion may be due to pathological changes in the ovum, the uterus, or its adnexa one or both -- to the physical or nervous condition of the woman, to diseases either inherited or acquired (syphilis, tuberculosis, rheumatism); to any infectious, contagious, or inflammatory disease; to shock, injury, or accident.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
Schiff was not afraid to make a wistful gesture in the adagio with a slight bending back of his head, nor to smile during the most tender phrases of the allegretto.
The influence of non-Quakers in the place has been of late to quarantine such "leadings" and prevent social contagion.
Quaker Hill A Sociological Study
Because of the delicate nature of contemporary analysis, there is a penchant to lean in either of two ways: hagiography or unfettered antagonism.
Hopefully when we do we'll be focused on an authentic agiornamiento that will revitalize the Church's mission to evangelize non-Catholics and re-catechize/catechize nominal ones.
The "homosexualization" of the clergy in Latin America
It built up enthusiasm, and enthusiasm is contagious.
Bluetongue is a particularly nasty non-contagious, insect-borne viral disease of ruminants, from sheep to dromedaries.
Times, Sunday Times
Mark Oliver Everett is what epidemiologists and Dustin Hoffman call a hot spot, a highly contagious carrier of an extremely virulent disease who infects anyone who crosses his path.
Germany's mistake was to consider only first-order effects on bank capital, whereas it would be the second-order contagion effects on government and bank borrowing costs that would do the greatest damage.
Don't Believe These Greek Myths
The infection is highly contagious, so don't let anyone else use your towel.
Just as a virus Brooks calls "Solanum" turns people into zombies, the four contagions we describe below can create a zombie workplace — where creative people and good ideas disturbingly molder.
A positive attitude will have positive results,because attitudes are contagious.
We like to use words like contagiousness and infectiousness just to apply to the medical realm.
Interview with Malcolm Gladwell
Tender passages occurred here and there all the same, and Weinlich, to whom I had already shown the beginning of my work on my return to Leipzig, praised me for the clearness and good vocal quality of the introduction I had composed to the first act; this was an Adagio for a vocal septette, in which I had tried to express the reconciliation of the hostile families, together with the emotions of the wedded couple and the sinister passion of the secret lover.
My Life — Volume 1
And this: The danger facing the crew is a "linguistic virus" that spreads by forcing its victims to utter a certain contagious phrase that kills the listener in a gruesome way.
REVIEW: Open Your Eyes by Paul Jessup
Now academics are conducting research into the issue at two schools as part of a three-year experiment into social and emotional contagion.
Times, Sunday Times
People with contagious diseases should be isolated.
Amid jokes and badinage, the rehearsal started with Jimi Hendirx's Purple Haze and carried on with the entire Le Quattro Stagioni almost without interruption.
Through all of these evaluations, assessments and hagiographies, commentators sometimes lose sight of the fact that Tocqueville was, by training and choice, an attorney, and what is more, a civil law trained attorney, a magistrate, a member of the Legislative Assembly, a drafter of the Constitution of France's Second Republic and a member of Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte's Cabinet.
Archive 2008-02-01
But this highly contagious bug will always thrive in a restricted space filled with partying passengers.
The Sun
An abrasion-resistant toe cap, thin 5.5mm carbon sole, and Agion anti-bacterial insoles, not to mention the blinding, fluorescently radioactive lemon yellow color, make them both functional and eye catching.
The Clothesline: Mavic Huez road shoe
Masur simply, a bit austerely intoned the opening chorale of the Adagio, creating relief for the violins to effortlessly make their line in allargando unison to follow it very compellingly.
Her sheer delight at having reached the end of the song without mishap was contagious.
Times, Sunday Times
Pagiopoda: Heteroptera, in which the posterior coxae are not globose and the articulation is a hinge joint: see trochalopoda.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
_Larghetto_ (_i. e._, _a little largo_) and _adagietto_ (_a little adagio_) -- a slow tempo, but not quite so slow as
Music Notation and Terminology
: All-Parish Spelling Bee winner correctly spells 'adagio' - Local News
He remarked that the adagio speed requires ‘more ample movements’ than the allegro, where notes are ‘tossed off’, whereas in presto there is ‘great physical abandon’.
It is manifest also that a disease in the human subject caused by an acarus or by a fungus would be certainly contagious, since the propagative cause could be transferred from person to person.
Smith's Bible Dictionary
• Supervised, awake tummy time is recommended daily to facilitate development and minimize the occurrence of positional plagiocephaly flat heads.
Dr. Michael J. Breus: Safer Sleep for Babies: New Guidelines
The contagious catastrophe presents London with a situation in extremism which the dichotomy between brute physicality and brainwork may be clarified.
Although the Symphony lacks the striking originality of future masterpieces like "Fratres" (1977) or "Tabula Rasa" (1977), the adagio-like second movement, with its dark, anguished outbursts in the low strings, points the way.
The crustal differentiation processes were dominated by fractionation of olivine, chrome spinel, plagioclase and clinopyroxene, leading to evolved compositions.
Smallpox virus (scientific name variola major) would be a "good" biological warfare agent because it is unusually robust, can be disseminated through the air as an inhalable aerosol to infect people over a large area, and -- unlike anthrax -- is contagious from one person to another.
Scared Of Smallpox
A bleb of glass with clinopyroxene and plagioclase is located below and to the right of the large plagioclase phenocryst.
Without proper treatment, sufferers from tuberculosis of the lung can be contagious all their life.
She began to tremble in fear when her heart's steady pace quickened into a fast-paced minuet, her breath's stable rhythm raced into a sixteenth note, and her feet's adagio tempo sped into a presto.
Coexisting MI phases in these rocks include garnet, plagioclase, quartz, tourmaline and fluorite.
A masterpiece of an adagio, it has a somber, moving and melancholic quality.
As investors flew to safety, the contagion of fear spread, first to the other emerging markets, then to the equity markets of more developed nations.
Chicken pox is contagious until all of the blisters on the skin are scabbed over.
Together, they argue that emotions are contagious, and a successful leader is one from whom people ‘catch’ positive feelings.
The plagioclase feldspar weathers to produce a whitish gray rock, while the mafic minerals (olivine, augite and hypersthene) produce contrasting darker grains.
Monk and mystic, monastic theologian and papal counselor, hagiographer and polemicist, a renowned preacher in the cloister and beyond it, Bernard was the single most important impetus for the spread of the Cistercians.
Plagioclase remains a stable phase within the rock, though the mafic minerals have been altered primarily to chlorite + epidote.
U-Pb and Ar-Ar constraints on the age of granitic intrusions beneath Medicine Lake Volcano, California, USA
His energy and can-do attitude was contagious.
Times, Sunday Times
The eminent historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr. has sometimes been labeled a hagiographer for the Camelot chords he struck, but A Thousand Days is an intricate and serious narrative biography with sweeping historical themes and incisive drypoint character sketches.
American Sketches
One might, for instance, have considered the changing popularity of biblical (as opposed to hagiographical or even secular) imagery in general, assessed diachronistic patterns in the relative popularity of individual subjects, and examined the iconographic evolution of particularly important ones.
Confidence in the underlying credit market has been undermined and contagion effects are spreading into adjacent markets.
Traditional externalities, such as limiting the spread of contagious diseases, explain little of modern government involvement with health.
The purpose of the legislation was to protect against the animals developing and spreading contagious disease.
To talk about an epidemic of obesity is like talking about a plague of inactivity or a contagion of overeating.
They were susceptible to coughs and allergies and heaves and a highly contagious condition called strangles, in which pus discharges from the nostrils, and abscesses form in the lymph nodes under the jaw and sometimes burst.
Gone Like the Wind
American history tends to be hagiographic in nature, building images of men like Washington and Lincoln as two dimensional ‘men in white hats’, sent by God himself to vanquish the forces of evil.
Posted on: Thursday, 19 November 2009, 14: 55 CST A baby's sleep position is the best predictor of a misshapen skull condition known as deformational plagiocephaly - or the - Articles related to Fat chance for kids who are losing sleep
At various points we have seen that negative emotions can be contagious within families.
Divergent Realities: the Emotional Lives of Mothers, Fathers, and Adolescents
Late phases are mainly calcic amphiboles of magnesio-hornblende composition and plagioclases with very low anorthite contents.
If you read the Puritans regularly, their Bible-centeredness becomes contagious.
Confieso que no sé si las medidas en cuestión serán efectivas o no para evitar un contagio masivo, pero debo reconocer que lo que al principio fue una sorpresa para mí, luego se transformó en una agradable sensación de satisfacción con la tarea desplegada por las autoridades sanitarias en Paraguay.
Global Voices in English » Paraguay: Governmental Response to Arrival of H1N1 Virus
Potts nipped away, unsleeved a brittle record, Beethoven, something traditional, and set the adagio movement from the seventh into slow, crackling motion.