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How To Use Aggressiveness In A Sentence

  • Another trait, aggressiveness, was linked to metabolic rate, with docile dogs such as collies burning calories more slowly than territorial great danes, for instance (more than 10,000 years ago, but Careau doubts that long lifespan or rapid metabolism were selected on purpose. New Scientist - Online News
  • Indian men must shed their moral self-righteousness and acquire a practical sense, a manipulative, this-worldly cunning and aggressiveness.
  • The interesting aspect about GM Don Maloney's aggressiveness is that technically, the Coyotes are still owned by the NHL until the sale of the team is finalized. Capitals, Coyotes improve most at NHL trade deadline
  • According to this argument based on self-assertive aggressiveness, the boor was the man possessed of a strong personality, while the gentleman was relatively "impersonal. Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic
  • We see this combative, supermasculine aggressiveness everywhere in the plays. Shakespeare
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  • He's smart enough to give the ball up and hit the open teammates when they're there, but his aggressiveness is important for us. - Parker pushes Spurs with strong point play
  • The magnitudes of the coefficients associated with buddy status and teammate aggressiveness were lower in this model than in the concurrent model.
  • Research has indicated that firesetters tend to exhibit conduct problems, such as disobedience and aggressiveness.
  • It remains unclear, however, how the promised ‘zero tolerance’ and new aggressiveness with ‘unruly elements’ will make a difference against crime that has been hallmarked by stealth and guile.
  • His overaggressiveness on defense often landed him in foul trouble, and his passiveness on offense often caused him to be a nonfactor.
  • He felt he out-thought himself in his last start, abandoning his fastball too quickly for off-speed pitches, and in the process lost his aggressiveness.
  • Any of various sharks of the family Lamnidae, including the great white shark, mako, and porbeagle , having a pointed snout, a nearly symmetrical tail, and a reputation for aggressiveness.
  • Later, she was trained in obstetrics at Tuskegee; but in the desperate need in the countryside, and with a 'quiet passive aggressiveness,' she actually practiced medicine and established the first V.D. clinic and the first pre-natal clinic in the county. Maude Callen Part 5: "In the Desperate Need of the Countryside"
  • I'm going to ask you that same question, because I think there are those who would argue that a certain aggressiveness is - a swagger, if you want to call it that - is part the personality that's required to do that job. Citigroup Slammed With Lawsuit By Former Female Employees
  • The bull shark is known for its aggressiveness, " Landry says.
  • I think it is never good to discourage kids from cutting from the standpoint that it is a good sign of offensive aggressiveness, which I always prefer to offensive passiveness.
  • Its owner turned his throat for the inspection, despite a certain grumness and crocodilian aggressiveness in the man's interest. Bonaventure A Prose Pastoral of Acadian Louisiana
  • In addition, unexpressed anger can lead to passive-aggressiveness - indirectly putting others down, for instance.
  • The naval commander, chosen for his aggressiveness, was new to Lake Champlain, knew nothing of its winds, and failed to reconnoiter the American position.
  • Anderson said the dog was a stray, and was not adoptable because of its aggressiveness.
  • For dogs of moderate aggressiveness, a sharp whack on the snout with a drumstick is usually enough.
  • The naval commander, chosen for his aggressiveness, was new to Lake Champlain, knew nothing of its winds, and failed to reconnoiter the American position.
  • This sense of conscience-whether individually internalized or mandated by a collective consciousness-forces the superego to engage in battle with the harsh aggressiveness that the ego would like to inflict upon others.
  • That meant we wanted every flight member to exercise the utmost in creativity and aggressiveness.
  • There's an air of aggressiveness about this annual ceremony, growing in intensity year by year, that I find disturbing.
  • The discovery was the unanticipated result of a study the Cummings group conducted to test the hypothesis that the freedom with which different cancer cells move -- a concept called motility -- could be correlated with their aggressiveness: That is, the faster a given type of cancer cell can move through the body the more aggressive it is. European Tribune
  • Kennedy because he was said to lack the punch and aggressiveness defined as essential Kennedy traits.
  • Greed and aggressiveness constricted the nation's cultural life.
  • his newfound aggressiveness
  • Thus absolute fidelity can develop from affection, but on the other hand, aggressiveness and a tendency to bite can also develop from courage and pugnacity.
  • Power hungry and aggressiveness is not tacitful and demeans one character. Clinton apologizes for RFK assassination comment
  • A passive-aggressiveness marches through it: On one hand, Capitol doubts its salability and keeps it off the market; on the other, the label constantly attempts to justify its importance by hailing every burp and burble emanating from the recording booth. Pet Sounds : It's Not Rock 'n' Roll, But We Like It
  • Gasol showed more aggressiveness from the start on offense, pushing the ball to the basket against rookie Andreas Glyniadakis, at one point beating him off the dribble from the foul line for a dunk. - Basketball - Seattle vs. Memphis
  • He relies on his athleticism and aggressiveness to beat blockers to the ballcarrier but struggles disengaging from blocks. Wake Forest's Curry heads deep draft for linebackers
  • And though he acted with what seemed at the time like blitzkrieg aggressiveness, he regretted in later years that he hadn't moved even faster.
  • The poem is wonderfully funny in its sketch of our toey aggressiveness when we find ourselves overseas and out of our trees.
  • For aggressiveness, the coupe's hood rises higher, with multi-focal parabola headlamps cut into the forward edge.
  • The original hawk-dove model predicted partial preferences for aggressiveness.
  • The key concept for defining masculinity is machismo, which is associated with violence, power, aggressiveness, and sexual assertiveness.
  • We always stick to the business philosophy:" Scrupulousness, Practicality, Aggressiveness, Creativeness" and dedicate ourselves to provide our clients with comprehensive transportation service.
  • And as long as aggressiveness proceeds according to the rules of the game, it is okay.
  • Did cross-breeding with European bees make them more dangerous or did the cross-breeding perhaps even dilute the aggressiveness?
  • Furthermore, the plan for treating an individual and their cancer very much depends upon the stage at which the cancer is discovered and on many other factors which include, but are not limited to, the aggressiveness, size and invasiveness of the tumor cells. Dr. Nalini Chilkov: One Woman's Story: Saying No to Conventional Cancer Treatment
  • Linda's aggressiveness is just a compensation for her feelings of insecurity.
  • Did cross-breeding with European bees make them more dangerous or did the cross-breeding perhaps even dilute the aggressiveness?
  • Her aggressiveness made it difficult for him to explain his own feelings.
  • Even in prosaic settings "aggressiveness can be beneficial if it helps you pound the table and say, 'I want justice! How We Become What We Are
  • The bigoli in salsa arrives: buckwheat spaghetti coated in pounded anchovies and onion, with raisins and pine nuts to sweeten the aggressiveness of the fish.
  • Tolerance, submission, patriotism so called, brotherly love so named -- all these things were to come later, as they have ever done in the development of communities, builded mainly upon the foundation of individual aggressiveness and individual centrifugence. The Girl at the Halfway House A Story of the Plains
  • An altered expression of such adhesion molecules may influence the aggressiveness of local infiltrative growth and metastasis in human cancers.
  • He had been showing a tentative swing in batting practice, though his aggressiveness was present in games.
  • Of course that can be called showmanship … but that only stems from his aggressiveness. WILLIE MAYS
  • They represent extreme cases of female aggressiveness, male nurturance, and other seemingly anomalous behavior.
  • Behavioral problems such as hyperkinesis and aggressiveness have been associated with LKS.
  • And though he acted with what seemed at the time like blitzkrieg aggressiveness, he regretted in later years that he hadn't moved even faster.
  • The black rhino is known for its aggressiveness and its nimble upper lip, which it uses to grasp and browse on shrubs.
  • Mitosis, size of tumour, necrosis and pleomorphism are thought to be prognostic factors for aggressiveness of solitary fibrous tumours.
  • Traits with the opposite implications are assessed as the most undesirable (e.g., conceitedness, selfishness, insecurity, aggressiveness, shyness).
  • But he was mastered by his fears and Lee's relentless aggressiveness, and his promising campaign came to nothing.

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