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How To Use Aggressively In A Sentence

  • They can't say conclusively he's not alive, and the presumption is they must aggressively pursue every avenue of this case. Scott Speicher
  • Still, for the medium term, either the government needs to scutinize refinery activity much more closely, adopt new regulatory authority and aggressively enforce antitrust laws, or it must intervene to deconcentrate the market. Robert Weissman: What To Do About the Price of Oil
  • Save aggressively over the next five years so she has the choice to work as an independent consultant, if she desires.
  • Poor messaging isn't the only possible cause for the increase in denial: politicians — mostly on the right — have aggressively pushed the climate-change-is-a-hoax trope.
  • It was one of the largest superlocal co-op chains of grain silos in the Midwest and aggressively tried new ventures, from raising hogs to processing soybeans for food.
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  • The federal government has been aggressively promoting bilingualism in the public service since the 1960s. Globe and Mail
  • Coronet Foods has been aggressively investigating and taking corrective action.
  • We were driving most unaggressively across a small plaza, with a driver and a friend on the box beside him to help keep us from harm, when a trolley-car came wildly round a corner at the speed of at least two miles an hour and crossed our track. Familiar Spanish Travels
  • Her chin was thrust forward aggressively.
  • But in the longer term there are supportive arguments for not aggressively underweighting the sector.
  • Clinton "courted" Edwards 'endorsement as aggressively as Obama did. Clinton win leads to Obama boost
  • With the bumsters' new focus on butt-cleavage within the society of the naked ape, push-up brassieres will have to compete aggressively to bring attention back to the chest.
  • With accurate yardages to all of these essential points you'll have the information you need to choose the right club and to decide when to play aggressively and when to play it safe.
  • Many farmers will then chase you off their land quite aggressively.
  • Knots of spectators were there to cheer me on aggressively, and by 10 miles I had caught Peter.
  • Instead, they now are aggressively revamping the educational system.
  • The slump leaves the Government strapped for cash forcing National Savings to compete aggressively for money.
  • The Insurance Committee will continue to work aggressively to re-engineer the vision of the ACA Insurance Program in order to meet the needs and demands of ACA camps.
  • In other words, aggressive fantasy may suggest or stimulate aggressive behaviour, rather than drain off the motive to behave aggressively.
  • The Sabres rarely forechecked aggressively, and Peca's biggest job was usually to shut down the opponent's top center.
  • I can only hope that the legislature rectifies this problem by instituting greater fines and gives the CDOW more leeway in aggressively pursuing these reckless and idiotic individuals. Bears Kill Colorado Woman Who Fed Them
  • Neufeld contends that peer orientation undermines family cohesion, poisons the school atmosphere and fosters an aggressively hostile and sexualized youth culture.
  • Wines, particularly wines naturally low in tannins themselves, can taste aggressively tannic after being matured in barrels made from kiln-dried, as opposed to air-dried, wood.
  • The protester was jabbing a finger aggressively at a policeman.
  • During a downtrend, shorts are selling aggressively while the only participants that are buying are bottom pickers.
  • I think actually he reached out very aggressively basically to the right during the campaign, kind of quell these fears that he was soft on Israel. CNN Transcript Dec 30, 2008
  • Given the difficulty of engaging the production economies of the mainstream popular culture, not to mention the lowish aspirations for humankind often conveyed in the wares offered by the aggressively Accessible mass culture, anyone's decision to enlist in the smaller and more specialized realm of art is understandable. Bettina Korek: David Robbins Talks High Entertainment
  • Agents countered all such efforts aggressively, hiking through the jungles in search of smuggling trails and cultivating local residents as informers.
  • After a quiet intro where the interweaving trombone and sax establish the melancholy theme, the full band of drums, piano, congas, bass clarinet, trombone, and tenor sax aggressively joins in.
  • Eventually, they X-rayed it and saw the tumor in her knee, an aggressively can cerous mass in the bones. Cancer Survivor Alyssa Iacoboni Goes on the Hunt of a Lifetime
  • Since its inception, the OCA has campaigned aggressively against rBGH, which is banned in Europe, Canada, and most of the industrialized world. GOOD NEWS OF THE WEEK: GET OUT, MONSANTO! WAL-MART GOES rBGH-FREE
  • Many people will bluster aggressively when confronted, and then quietly stop doing what's been bugging you. The Guide to Greatness in Sales
  • In May of that year, several aviators were aggressively contending to be the first to get airborne in pursuit of this prize.
  • What interests me about honey and mustard is the marriage of something sweet with such an aggressively cruciferous flavour. Times, Sunday Times
  • The powerful mortgage lenders quickly adapted, introducing and aggressively marketing products such as teaser adjustable-rate and interest-only mortgages.
  • The Leofric is also marketing its conference facilities aggressively.
  • Whether one argues that the country is responding to an oppressive regime with expulsive force or aggressively targeting the nation, they won't be doing anything they haven't done before.
  • Elephant bulls that are in musth - when their testosterone levels are high, and they're going aggressively after the ladies - urinate on their back legs.
  • You'd have to be very unobservant not to have noticed that there are an awful lot of bloggers with an avowedly (and sometimes aggressively) libertarian political philosophy.
  • In other words, aggressive fantasy may suggest or stimulate aggressive behaviour, rather than drain off the motive to behave aggressively.
  • They then aggressively charged the buildings and objects nearest them.
  • This may lessen the impetus to aggressively seek medical help. Times, Sunday Times
  • While she was religious, he had become, she said, more aggressively antireligious. Times, Sunday Times
  • As global tobacco production increases and consumption falls in the developed countries, the production surplus will aggressively seek developing country markets.
  • Although the afflicted creatures do not behave aggressively, Fosco said, they still pose a threat to domestic animals.
  • But once the oaks die, grasses and exotics, like Scotch broom, will seed in aggressively, provoking a hotter flame.
  • He had never been so aggressively, powerfully, penetratively gazed on, cruised, sexualized, ravaged by a woman. Feminist blogs
  • Analysts are of the opinion that the separation would allow the company to grow its nascent mobile and internet operations more aggressively.
  • Herzog & de Meuron's abiding interest in building skins is aggressively advanced at the Walker.
  • Crown is aggressively pursuing new export and licensing opportunities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neon for UI stuff is simply a reference to neon signs being brightly coloured and attracting the attention of people to tell them stuff, and Fluorine for gatewaying to the outside world because Fluorine has a very electronegative ion that binds aggressively to other atoms. Snell-Pym » Designing a general data model
  • As an analyst for 20 years, I don't know that I've seen the term aggressively explore strategic alternatives in a press release. Home Page
  • artsier" moments where they clang aggressively and make a racket, without much good effect. Latest reviews @, the ultimate progressive rock music website
  • Should Japanese publishers take to more overtly publishing for an international market, then it would make sense for them to be more aggressively represented in the largest North American comics awards competition, but as it stands, what we are honoring is an English language localization. The new real
  • Orcas need to be used aggressively for this tactic to succeed.
  • The Court majority offers the muddy suggestion that racial gerrymandering will pass muster if the resulting districts are not too aggressively indifferent to "compactness, contiguousness, geographical boundaries, or political subdivisions. Districting By Pigmentation
  • I always also take people seriously, though I do suggest to the few intemperate and angry emailers that I could respond more usefully if they couched their comments less aggressively.
  • Play aggressively and mess it up, you could be spitting feathers for the next half-hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • There can be few poems whose language is so at odds with its message, whose form runs so aggressively counter to its content. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Biggs is enraged and beats the waiter aggressively. the rogues in the pub come to beat up biggs, but milo effectively uses his wit and manages to teleport biggs to the roof of the pub. biggs slips from the roof and falls facedown on the ground, but miraculously survives. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Avi’s Forum
  • Some hands can be played more aggressively when an opponent shows a king or ace, meaning they will likely be forced to act first throughout the hand.
  • Both companies have been aggressively cutting costs and jobs to cope with the industry downturn and maintain their dividend payouts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aggressively trim the working set. This flag should not be set for pure - IL managed PE files.
  • Police cautioned that Martinez, who also uses the name Antonio Rios, may react aggressively when confronted. News -
  • That blankness is part of the package being hawked so aggressively. Print - Cult of Personality |
  • The team played aggressively in the first half of the game, but were able to ease back in the second.
  • Since officials began aggressively suppressing wildfire, many of Florida's forests have been taken over by slash and loblolly pine.
  • In order to obviate that, because money is fungible and budget-cutting is suddenly in vogue, you would think that government agencies would be aggressively trimming noncritical, nonlife-threatening expenditures and diverting scarce resources to genuinely pressing needs. Waste And Bad Judgment Sprout At The USDA
  • There can be few poems whose language is so at odds with its message, whose form runs so aggressively counter to its content. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I found the salesperson to be so aggressively unknowledgeable and remarkably useless that I fled.
  • He wants to aggressively grab the most interesting software technology the labs is working on and herd it as quickly as possible into new products if it shows potential -- what he calls crossing the chasm from applications to products. Avaya stares down Microsoft, Cisco
  • Condensation (distilled water) aggressively facilitates other forms of deterioration (e.g., bimetallic corrosion).
  • In this month's federal report, researchers said Grand Isle's shore was aggressively cleaned to meet a standard of no visible oil or oiled debris -- beyond a normal level from natural Gulf oil seeps and beach oiling seen before the spill. Susan Buchanan: Gulf Beach Cleaning Slows Though Tar Remains
  • This first movement is an Allegro aggressively ascends in a " rocket theme .
  • A quick-tempered man will react more aggressively to an unpleasing situation than a placid one.
  • Buyers are "pickier," he says, but they are still bidding aggressively when they find what they want. Regional Apartment Players Hunt Deals
  • Here and there swaggered a strapping riverman, his small felt hat cocked aggressively over one eye, its brim curled up behind; a cigar stump protruding at an angle from beneath his sweeping moustache; his hands thrust into the pockets of his trousers, "stagged" off at the knee; the spikes of his river boots cutting little triangular pieces from the wooden sidewalk. The Blazed Trail
  • They aggressively courted famous personalities, landing on a troika who were almost completely new to electoral politics.
  • Although Chinese companies have expanded aggressively in untapped markets such as Africa, Mr. Alierta's growth ambitions are confined to the markets in which Telef ó nica already operates. Telef
  • The result: this guy steps up to the mic and proceeds to deliver the most aggressively incompetent, indelibly off-key and memorably gonzo version of the Queen song ever performed in the history of the universe.
  • For years, the top brands have been reluctant to give him their best lines for fear they will be aggressively discounted or displayed in shabby environments. Times, Sunday Times
  • The quiet studious man who became aggressively argumentative. ONE HUNDRED DAYS
  • He stood up aggressively from the sofa and advanced on her.
  • Sixty years ago the great ethologist Niko Tinbergen noticed a stickleback fish aggressively displaying toward the window of his fish tank.
  • If they aggressively cuts jobs, that would swell the ranks of the retirees with those fantastic benefits.
  • Patients with hypotension should be treated more aggressively, with fluids, inotropic agents or vasopressors as indicated to maintain perfusion and prevent extension of the infarct.
  • Also in the rural areas, some of the more traditional machismo, an aggressively strong masculine character associated with patriarchy, prevailed.
  • It was there, in the comfortable middle-sized room furnished with unaggressively expensive modern sofas, with glass-topped end tables and stained-glass Tiffany lamps, that I had first met my clients, Linda and Rachel Ferns. Come To Grief
  • Also, the cases are disanalogous: you cannot legitimately compare the situation of a disenfranchised group to that group that aggressively manufactured said disenfranchisement over the past 500 years. Think Progress » Fifty-five years after Brown v. Board, Mississippi county schools ordered to stop school segregation.
  • If the ball goes to the middle of the high post area at the defensive end, attack it aggressively to force a pass back toward mid-court, a misplay, or a double-team situation.
  • Negative encounters with black bears usually are the result of bears reacting defensively rather than aggressively.
  • As Helga considered the implications of Jake's aggressively styled hairdo and my middle sister's nubile young body traveling at speed behind the wheel of a moving automobile, her eyebrows did a kind of palsied tremor, eventually settling back into their resting place above her wrinkled gaze. Bootstraps
  • No doubt she will immediately begin calling attention to and "disrobing" Obama's about-face on those core left-wing issues ... in addition to aggressively courting the disgruntled Obama-primary-voters who voice their discontent of the presumptive Democratic nominee (daily and by the thousands) where it counts most: Bloggersville. McKinney Poised to Challenge Obama For Left-Wing and Black Voters
  • Her dark hair streaming behind her, she rushed into the kitchen, grabbed a bagel and started to aggressively slice it.
  • People begin aggressively yelling at the bus driver. Archive 2005-05-01
  • It plainly wants to compete aggressively like a commercial broadcaster - so the Government might as well now flog it to a real one. The Sun
  • Invest Aggressively Wealthy investors who face no risk of outliving their money probably don't need annuities at all, many advisers say. Making the Case to Buy an Annuity
  • A New Museum retrospective suggests that Adrian Piper's aggressively provocative work is as much the product of her genes as of her fervid talent.
  • Frank sang aggressively, peremptorily, without really expecting an answer; there is desperation and neediness in Nora's voice, but I don't hear her as genuinely asking a question either.
  • Colleges have been aggressively wooing the top African-American and Hispanic students.
  • Both men vigorously denied any wrongdoing, staunchly defended their men, and aggressively justified the customary practices of the department.
  • He is aggressively omnisexual, directing his lustful intentions toward everybody except, of course, Riff-Raff and Magenta.
  • In other words, aggressive fantasy may suggest or stimulate aggressive behaviour, rather than drain off the motive to behave aggressively.
  • And major advances in Unitarian theology have always had significant participation from non-clergy: There were unordained people -- most notably women -- in the central group of Transcendentalists; the organization of the National Conference of Unitarian Churches in the mid-1860s introduced lay representatives of churches for the first time; the early 20th-century Unitarian movement was promoted more aggressively and probably more effectively by the independent Unitarian Laymen's League than by the denomination itself. Philocrites: A religion still seeking definition.
  • Yet if the Government pursues these schemes aggressively there is a reasonable prospect of a decent recovery over the next two to three years. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is taking the ball to the basket aggressively and making plays off the dribble for his teammates.
  • Crown is aggressively pursuing new export and licensing opportunities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rotten made it clear that there was another kind of fun that could be had, a forbidden fun that was riskier and more dangerous because it aggressively put the lie to the self-congratulatory lassitude of the 1970s.
  • Just as he begins to recover, an old affair resurfaces within the marriage of Paul's parents and becomes aggressively malignant.
  • Under Jackson, the Lakers have played more aggressively against screens, in the style of the rock-ribbed Eastern teams.
  • Sleek modern bikes are aggressively styled with names to match: ‘Pulsar’, ‘Victor’, etc.
  • I'll admit Milinazzo kind of goaded them both, and I wish he'd interject a little less aggressively and more calmly, because he was right - when Caulfield droned on (OMG did he …) about salaries of other cities 'mayors and CMs (mostly mayors - not sure how relevant that is, since as the Mr. said to me, ya don't need a degree to become mayor) … anyway, Left In Lowell
  • The thing is, I called aunty lucy on the spot telling them what happened, and they said report to IDAC then go to any workshop and claim the taxi driver. but turns out, its not so simple. no wonder taxi drivers act as if they own the roads. but he dont want to fill up or exchange particulars. he keep saying no, he drive taxi to earn a living, very aggressively in hokkien.
  • As you know, in the early days of this -- in the early post - September 11 days, there was a faction led by Paul Wolfowitz, the deputy secretary of Defense, who really wanted to go after Iran aggressively and that faction, that voice within the administration, has kind of quieted down, but there's a lot of support for that and the question is: What does going after Iran mean? CNN Transcript Nov 18, 2001
  • In fact, he was aggressively antireligious, and his anger with her faith was becoming intolerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many banks continue to control costs aggressively and as a result expect further headcount reductions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many people will bluster aggressively when confronted, and then quietly stop doing what's been bugging you. The Guide to Greatness in Sales
  • I can only hope that the legislature rectifies this problem by instituting greater fines and gives the CDOW more leeway in aggressively pursuing these reckless and idiotic individuals. Bears Kill Colorado Woman Who Fed Them
  • This may lessen the impetus to aggressively seek medical help. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a basic fact of the alternative welfare society; that low-income workers aggressively parasitize the net taxpayer. With Critics of Immigration Like This, Who Needs Advocates?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The reason we don't enforce these laws more aggressively is because it would shine a spotlight on how absurd the laws actually are, and the politicians who are too chicken to do the right thing would have to actually do something. Sound Politics: Seattle NAACP: "We Didn't Do A Lot, But We Held On"
  • He ran in aggressively, wearing a white patka that was reminiscent of that great flighter of the ball, Bishan Singh Bedi.
  • I support affirmative access, which aggressively reaches out to minorities, is inclusive of all races, provides equal opportunity, and promotes diversity.
  • A young Japanese in the audience heckled him aggressively, but Kim admonished him by telling him ‘to listen to me.’
  • Most Chinese buildings are aggressively alien: concrete structures with brilliant blue, semiopaque windows. Shards Of A Nation
  • Since Chrysler seems unwilling to state it, let me do so: Despite outward appearances, the company is hard at work on developing modest updates to many products to help it maintain ground for the 2011 model year, and it is aggressively developing the products and strategies to take it forward with Fiat cooperation—but it will take time before the plans become sheetmetal reality. 2010 New York Auto Show: Chrysler remains a sleeping giant
  • Toronto's huge literary jamboree is both aggressively international and fiercely Canadian At the International Festival of Authors
  • In other words, aggressive fantasy may suggest or stimulate aggressive behaviour, rather than drain off the motive to behave aggressively.
  • This can feel aggressively antagonistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's aggressively cutting costs and trimming his head count, research projects, and product line.
  • It is because cable companies aren't marketing it as aggressively as the roll-out of their higher-margin digital-TV services.
  • They also blame what they call unscrupulous public adjusters, who earn commissions helping consumers obtain insurance payments, saying they have aggressively filed sinkhole claims in the absence of a major hurricane since 2005 to provide business. Plugging a Gap in Sinkhole Coverage
  • In periods of drought, weeds may go into a semi-dormancy, leading farmers to stop cultivating or to set cultivators less aggressively.
  • In other news, American said it would aggressively contest any JAL-Delta Air Lines alliance and said AA's offer to JAL was a "no-brainer.
  • Gus paused in his verbal attack on Ian, his eyes aggressively searching the crowd for an answer, but the faces stared back with the beseeching look of a puppy that had broken house-training and didn't understand why it was being shouted at.
  • Producer Martin Terefe helps guide him through the rockabilly-styled "Nowhere to Go," the garagey three-chord slam of "The Ones With the Light" and the aggressively rhythmic title cut. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Many farmers will then chase you off their land quite aggressively.
  • The familiar venue filled up not with the usual bunch of affable stoners, but with a new breed of aggressively beered-up boot-boys.
  • We have gone out aggressively pitching for new business.
  • The idea is anathema to some Labour members here - a group of Labour Councllors walked out when Rahman gave his address and were reportedly aggressively barracked by a large crowd of Rahman supporters gathered outside as they exited the hall. Labour well beaten in Tower Hamlets
  • Yet players these days react aggressively at the slightest provocation. Times, Sunday Times
  • If military forces aggressively occupy an area, the power needed to operate water pumps and plants may not be available.
  • Harold Howe, the club doorman and the only direct eyewitness, told a jury in 1986 that Willis was approaching Cain slowly and unaggressively in the alley. - Home Page
  • Ellison responded by airing his broad concern over radicalization, before arguing that King's choice to aggressively target only Muslims would "vilify" the community. Keith Ellison To Peter King: Muslim 'Radicalization' Probe Will 'Vilify' Community (VIDEO)
  • An aggressively hirsute, not-for-the-faint-hearted, good-time pleasure-seeker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some pundits argue that we need to aggressively institute Keynesian policies, while forcing the banks to lend.
  • Much as we might desire to aggressively confront such posers, the ability of the real SEALs (active or retired) to respond in any way to these phonies is severely limited by civil laws. ERIK J STURCHIO
  • Unlike the current "archconservative" justices, who aggressively use their power to interpret the Constitution to protect corporations, wealthy corporate donors, and gun owners, "liberal" justices have traditional protected the rights of minorities and dissenters. Geoffrey R. Stone: Obama's Justice
  • Longfin damselfish aggressively defend their territory from all intruders and are therefore rarely cleaned by facultative cleaners such as juvenile bluehead wrasse and Spanish hogfish.
  • Bulbous Baggins was aggressively wrestling Rupert, and the entire Insufferable Tribe were praying that the violent agitation underwater was doing some much-needed crust-dissolving on Bulbous's unbathed nether-regions. Survivor: Heroes vs Villains: Robbed!
  • The committee said today that, given the price of land and shortage of homes for nurses and other key workers, aggressively selling off land and buildings could rebound on the NHS.
  • Her black Sunday dress rustled aggressively, and her plain bibless holland apron, which she never took off except when her bonnet went on for street appearance or when she went to bed, and her little Some Everyday Folk and Dawn
  • In both tracks surrounds are used aggressively with pans, reverberations, crashes, explosions, and gunshots coming from all corners.
  • It is baked into the numbers deeply, and it should be pursued aggressively. LIVING ON THE FAULT LINE, REVISED EDITION
  • Most fundamentalist churches disapprove of homosexuals, and many leaders of the religious right have aggressively campaigned against gay rights.
  • Her hair was cut aggressively short, accentuating the sharp point of her jaw and she was cradling a very small baby.
  • In recent years, the SEC and Justice Department have enforced the FCPA aggressively and have added staff in their antibribery units. U.S. Probes Motorola Solutions
  • So not only are we going after terror-sponsoring states, we've also worked aggressively to take down the financial networks that support them, to take away their logistical support, which oftentimes is found buried in otherwise legitimate organizations, non-governmental and charitable organizations. 14 Important Science Questions
  • The most serious promise that the members gave each other was the promise that is necessary to have all lesser promises make sense in a world in which nations are the members, and that was the promise not to aggressively invade, that is not to invade without the consent of other nations on the Security Council including all of those members that hold a veto power as permanent Security Council members. Do Not Listen To The Evil Noises 2009
  • The residents often behave aggressively toward intruders of the same or different species within their territory.
  • One method uses a lapping medium which chemically etches the selected material more aggressively than the surrounding material, resulting in the selected material being recessed from the surface of the transducer.
  • If one part of a couple feels strongly about having a religious ceremony and this can happen for a host of reasons: actual belief, family influence and obligation, a desire to participate in a tradition, an interest in doing what is most comfortable and the other part of the couple is aggressively antireligion, a resolution must be unearthed. Something New
  • The boat commenced surfing down the face of each new wave, at high speed, and I had to steer the boat aggressively to prevent a broach.
  • She swished her racket aggressively through the air.
  • The real news, however, is that Imelda Marcos - sometimes accused in the plot to assassinate Ninoy, and as lavishly pompadoured and aggressively fluttering as ever - also won her race for Congress. Phil Bronstein: Ninoy, Noynoy, No-No.
  • He spent a great deal of time writing on his legal pad and aggressively underlining whatever he was writing.
  • Related: "A world series of assassins may be the movie's five-word pitch but, burdened with an unnecessarily complicated and aggressively insistent backstory and hence immediately unintelligible, Smokin 'Aces is one busy-busy-busy movie," writes J Hoberman in the Voice. GreenCine Daily: Interview. Joe Carnahan and Jeremy Piven.
  • The pack were excellent throughout, controlling the scrum and line-outs and aggressively rucking and mauling.
  • Bonds issued by both countries were sold aggressively. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, ‘we're aggressively repackaging and ‘dimensionalizing’ him as a signature sign off,’ said Blacklow.
  • Religion has become a dirty word in our aggressively secularised society, so that any opportunity to take a swipe at it is eagerly embraced by the protagonists of the brave new world of conformist humanism.
  • Peter aggressively pursues Misty, marries her, hauls her back to Waytansea Island and impregnates her.
  • The banks overlend during the good times and rein back aggressively during the bad. Times, Sunday Times
  • They argue that the scheme should be sold more aggressively but it lacks the manpower and resources for a hard sell. Times, Sunday Times
  • This month the standstill agreement between the company and the sellers of those US brands expires, which means both can compete more aggressively. Times, Sunday Times
  • Applied's sales have recently been led by tool orders from makers of memory chips, but the company said Wednesday that the semiconductor manufacturing services known as foundries are also expanding aggressively. Applied Materials Posts Profit
  • There's also the oddly neurotic clucking a broody chicken makes when emerging from her nest to drink, which prompts the other hens to aggressively chase her back to the communal clutch of eggs.
  • We should also remember that we have our most aggressively liberal dems chairing these committees and those bulldogs and not going to unclamp their teeth until much blood is let. Sound Reasons to keep the Liberal/Progressive Faith
  • With practice, the momentum created by the dolphin kick and hand movement initiating your somersault should allow you to land aggressively at the wall.
  • In what lobbyists are calling a harbinger of possible upheaval on Capitol Hill, many who make a living influencing government have gone from mostly shunning Democrats to aggressively recruiting them as lobbyists over the past six months or so. Archive 2006-08-13
  • If Iraq is key to Bush's 'terror war' ... we're losing yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'If Iraq is key to Bush\'s \'terror war\' ... we\'re losing '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: If Democrats are going to continue to acknowledge Bush\'s \'terror war\ ', they should oblige him and aggressively tie it to the quagmire in Iraq and his regime\'s wallowing failures elsewhere in the world.' If Iraq is key to Bush's 'terror war' . . . we're losing
  • The blasted land's end of this sci-fi set establishes an aggressively nonrealistic approach to Parnell's script, which contemplates a range of positions on science and faith. In Olney Theatre Center's 'Trumpery,' the big ideas survive, even soar
  • Infections must be treated aggressively, and surveillance for unusual infections, malignancy, or autoimmune disease is critical.
  • The results can be so intimate that we feel like voyeurs or, alternatively, aggressively confrontational, but Degas's engagement with the expressive possibilities of a glimpse of an apparently unposed, unclothed body remains constant. Stolen Moments and Persistent Poses
  • The pack were excellent throughout, controlling the scrum and lineouts and aggressively rucking and mauling.
  • Its front cover shows a naked man aggressively clutching his privates, while the inner sleeve has an array of expletives and sexual suggestions.
  • On the Tuesday following, Mr. Parker was just wrestling in prayer with his charlady, who had a tiresome habit of boiling his breakfast kippers till they resembled heavily pickled loofahs, when the telephone whirred aggressively. Unnatural Death
  • Today, the town might not attract the crowds it once did, but the Cowal peninsula is being aggressively hustled by the tourism honchos and they have good cause to do so.
  • Even some of those who have aggressively championed the marriage campaign fear they have made dubious bedfellows.
  • The scribes, perhaps those who had earlier lost face and are by now smitten with envy, aggressively confront Jesus about his right to offer forgiveness to the paralytic.
  • Her chin was thrust forward aggressively.
  • Instead, I lowered myself till I lay flat on my stomach and peered aggressively into the rotted tile; I poked at one corner and found it pliable, claylike. Excerpt: Asta in the Wings by Jan Elizabeth Watson
  • The facade is bedecked with bright orange glass-cure-plastic panels, and the fascias, like many of the inner walls, are painted with colors rendered in aggressively uneven vertical stripes.
  • The issue of a foreclosure moratorium or investigations is something that national Democrats have been tackling aggressively, with lawmakers such as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) and Reps. Delaware Senate Candidate Chris Coons Backs One-Month Moratorium On Foreclosures
  • This enemy force aggressively assaulted the Australians using rocket-propelled grenades, mortars and machine guns.
  • While Dole has been campaigning more aggressively lately, so has the Clinton camp.
  • A change in administrations following this years presidential election could affect how aggressively federal officials pursue the case.
  • He pointed an accusatory finger at the television medium for aggressively promoting films made for the market.
  • Finally, the aggressively territorial male pupfish, Cyprinodon pecosensis, will eat his own eggs if he detects them, but if they escape notice from the male, they are well protected within his territory.
  • There have been numerous complaints of the orca rubbing against vessels and floatplanes and there is a growing concern that his behaviour may escalate aggressively.

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