How To Use Aggregate In A Sentence
From the combined results Thomas's group estimated an average particle size of 100 for the copper metal aggregates.
For the best performance, large numbers of drives can be connected and their data aggregated into a larger host interface.
Its perceptual configurations have been thought to have a special relevance to the emergence of formal artistic qualities which cannot be reduced to a measurable aggregate of more elementary constituents.
The extension of the method to aggregate data on nation states will certainly follow, but will involve more complicated techniques.
Aggregate data are calculated at current prices, while indices are calculated at comparable prices.

Drill the single aggregate particle out of the concrete using a masonry bit and then epoxy or cement a new aggregate particle into place.
They beat a Lions side which barely put up a fight; this is the weakest Australian side for many years; and a Springboks side still in transition came very close indeed to beating them in New Zealand and won the two games on aggregate.
On their way to the 1991 African Cup Winners Cup triumph over BCC Lions of Nigeria, Power beat Rivatex 4-3 on aggregate in the first round.
Except as noted below, data on all cause and cause specific child and infant mortality and of age distribution of child and infant mortality were regional estimates or other aggregates.
In budding, aggregates of cells differentiate into small sponges that are released superficially or expelled through the oscula.
There exists a well-defined population of material aggregates in the Universe - planets, stars, galaxies, and clusters.
This was achieved by setting the key policy rate that then affected the term structure of interest rates and asset prices, and then to aggregate demand.
Olivier Blanchard: Rewriting the Macroeconomists' Playbook in the Wake of the Crisis
What we have mostly, to this day, are single-market analyses, or aggregate models of the entire economy, such as the monetary models used today
The textures of thunder eggs can vary from distinctly radiating fibrous textures to cryptocrystalline aggregates that preserve the structure of the original rhyolite.
In particular, the morphological structures of the evolving dust aggregates and, therefore, their dynamic coupling to the nebular gas motion and their further evolution have hardly been investigated empirically.
The composition of terrigenous sedimentary rocks would merely reflect the compositional aggregate of their source areas.
Should they be allowed to cancel each other or should the first asset be disaggregated from the group with a recognized impairment?
Interestingly, despite their team being 6-1 down on aggregate, Bayer Leverkusen's fans have not stopped singing and chanting since the match began.
Notify your ready-mix producer several days before you need concrete so there is time to stock the aggregate and pre-soak it.
For the whole period, the 47 transactions had an aggregate transaction amount, in Canadian dollars, of $3,986, 351.
The commonalty differs from the people as a species from its genus; for 'the people' includes the whole aggregate of citizens, among them patricians and senators, while the term 'commonalty' embraces only such citizens as are not patricians or senators.
The Institutes of Justinian
These actin nucleation sites lead to the formation of large aggregates due to charge shielding between actin monomers in the aggregate and monomers in the bulk.
When the bulk specific gravity of coarse aggregate and the apparent specific gravity of fine aggregate are used to compute VMA value, the VMA value is greater than the VMA value by American method.
An aggregate of about 400 gigaflops was needed to paint a semi-realistic image of a compact car on a display screen.
Marcasite, when viewed in hand specimen, tends to form crudely banded masses or massive aggregates.
England did not enter in 1960, the first tournament and were beaten 6-3 on aggregate by France in the first round of the 1964 competition.
To our knowledge we have characterized for the first time supramolecular aggregates of polyproline structures other than collagen.
Now if you want to say that in the * aggregate* all these subsidies amount to a great misallocation of resources that multiplies the cost of government as a whole to everybody's expense, you might well be right.
Oil Import Tariff?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Government spending is, according to Keynes's construct, a key component in determining aggregate demand, so more spending, even to resod the Capitol Mall or distribute free contraception, drives the economy in the short run.
Washington Could Use Less Keynes and More Hayek
But nothing prepared me for the aggregate loss, when each problem list and interesting case turns out to be your neighbor and friend, and every final parting rends you where the heart resides.
The notion that economies, as a whole, sometimes lack sufficient drive derives from a faulty set of economic doctrines that focus on the demand side of the aggregate economy.
It takes place normally, to a slight extent, in certain cultivated forms of cotton, wherein the seeds are aggregated together into a reniform mass, whence the term kidney cotton.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
The basalt lava in particular has been, and is still being, extensively quarried for road aggregate in many large quarries on those mountains.
A greisen is a quartz - mica aggregate containing significant amounts of cassiterite, wolframite, fluorite, topaz, rutile, and tourmaline.
AND, they shrieked even louder that the district must not close down the local jr high (in order to aggregate more children into a single location so that broader education could be offered tailored to the needs and interests of each individual child). never under estimate the non-linear nature of the results of screaming bug-eyed single mothers with limited information and rationality (and more children than money) shrieking about 'the children'.
Page One of My Next Book, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Why not, in addition to accelerating the promised development assistance, increase the aggregate amount of aid by the next summit in 2003?
The layer in contact with the brick masonry (also known as "arriccio") is probably composed of lime, aggregates, such as sand and limestone, and a high presence of vegetable fibers, perhaps including wheat straw or husk.
Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Restoration Report 5
With a steep L curve and a shallow I curve, the effect on aggregate demand will be much greater.
Registering trustees are required to report the aggregate amount of funds under supervision and the names of the trusts.
Their inflorescences are racemose or cymose, and aggregated in dichasial units.
The three smaller parties gained an aggregate of 25 per cent of the vote.
The football team had a low goal aggregate last season.
aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year
Either way, the result -- in theory -- will be cost-effective pollution abatement, that is, overall abatement achieved at minimum aggregate cost.
Robert Stavins: Environmental Problems and the Myth of Simple Market Solutions
The housewife in this context, with all her caring and household management skills, is dispensable provided you have enough money to purchase the aggregate labour required to fulfil her role.
The material inside the skull is an aggregate of clay-sized chloritic material and is a treasure trove of minerals.
| Reply | Permalink what polls? pollster. com, the largest aggregate state by state poller has Obama 'safe' in more than enough states to win already, based on current polling.
GOP Strategist Accuses Obama Of Trying To Start "Race War"
Such is the importance of first qualifying under the new aggregated system that he was forced to keep pushing, but as the track became increasingly perilous during his out-lap, the car aquaplaned and hit the wall at turn eight.
Nominal wages increase in the more agglomerated region because, as a result of the additional firm's entry, there is greater aggregate production and thus greater demand for labor.
· With sawdust as aggregate in concrete, preferably with magnesium oxychloride cement, precast lightweight concrete components (eg door and window frames) can be made.
Chapter 4
These ‘units' form aggregates / crystallites that precipitate in association with decaying organic matter in sediments.
The first is what I call aggregate influence, which is that one person's actions gets aggregated with that of many others and suddenly it has a big impact.
Marshall Goldsmith: It's Time to Step Up!
So I could infer the general composition of that… aggregate clump by the fireplace, but I'll be switched if I know its point of origin.
The globe - like diamond microcrystalline aggregates were fabricated by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition ( MPCVD ) method.
If treated as a variety of the aggregate species D. intermedia, the New Zealand plant must bear the varietal name of norfolkensis, whether it occurs elsewhere or not.
The football team had a low goal aggregate last season.
Even so, the aggregate balance sheets of the banking system probably need to shrink.
Excessive trowelling causes segregation of the aggregates and should be avoided.
1.1 The role and purpose of irrigation
Individual scores were then aggregated to derive shift, department, division, and plant totals.
It is because they are thus selected that wealth aggregates under their hands - both their own and that intrusted to them ...
Robert Reich: The Rebirth of Social Darwinism
The football team had a low goal aggregate last season.
Individual scores were then aggregated to derive shift, department, division, and plant totals.
The winter-bud is an aggregate of minute buds, each concealed in the axil of a primary leaf converted into a scarious, more or less fimbriate, bud-scale.
The Genus Pinus
The flow-through containing unbound protein was discarded and a stepwise NaCl elution was used to elute the correctly folded dimer at 200 mM NaCl (H1) and the majority of soluble aggregates at 600 mM NaCl (H2).
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
How far can a style be identified with an aggregate of statistical features?
Kazakhstan: total: NA km paved: 150,000 km (these roads are said to be hard-surfaced, and include, in addition to conventionally paved roads, some that are surfaced with gravel or other coarse aggregate, making them trafficable in all weather) (2000) unpaved: NA km (these roads are made of unstabilized earth and are difficult to negotiate in wet weather)
The 2001 CIA World Factbook
Within the dermis were multiple aggregates of faintly basophilic spherules.
During this reaction, called hydration, crystals radiate outwards from the cement grains and mesh with other adjacent crystals or adhere to the adjacent aggregates.
The standardized format makes it easier to collect business information at multiple points in the business process and easily aggregate data elements into meaningful business information.
To this end, aggregated statements were produced on an irregular basis.
For the stimulus sceptics really do think they can put humpty dumpty together again, and that “aggregate demand”, as Cowen puts it, is a less “fundamental” problem than the financial service sector collapse.
Matthew Yglesias » What Instead?
During the waning stages of eruption, fumarolic activity oxidized cinders along the rim and deposited aggregates of sublimates, hydrothermal precipitates, and reaction products near the central vent of the volcano.
Rainfall erosivity is the result of the kinetic energy in raindrops striking the soil; the amount of kinetic energy increases with rainfall intensity; it leads to soil compaction and demolition of aggregates.
2.1. Factors in rainfall erosion
From the aggregate data, we calculated the overall rates of frequencies of patient identification and vital sign monitoring.
Zesco who are yet to concede a goal earned the second round berth after eliminating PAS Mates 4-0 on aggregate.
Sexual abuse committed by Catholic priests is more newsworthy, and less excusable in the aggregate, than abuse committed by relatives, clergy of other religious bodies, or teachers in public schools, because Catholic priests have been ontically configured by ordination to be "other Christs" in a way in which the Catholic laity, Protestant clergy, and of course non-Christians are not.
The sex-abuse scandal in the Church: five years on
The increase of experimental resolution in x-ray diffraction could open the way for the study of less dense aggregates.
The fruit is dehiscent, woody, aggregated in bunches and generally contains two seeds.
This aggregate supply curve is of fundamental importance to the macroeconomic policy conclusions often drawn from the rational expectations hypothesis.
It takes place normally, to a slight extent, in certain cultivated forms of cotton, wherein the seeds are aggregated together into a reniform mass, whence the term kidney cotton.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
United's eventual 6-5 defeat on aggregate to Real was painful and a pointer to where Ferguson will devote his energies, and money, next season.
Some of the fibres are thickly covered with extremely minute spicula, occasionally aggregated into little tuffs; and hence they have a hairy appearance.
If we abstract from cameralistic science as it was understood in the last century, what it has in common with all economy, (150) and therefore with public economy, next that which belongs to the aggregate of governmental economy, there remains only a number of rules, such as those which govern the principal branches of private business, and which indicate how they are to be carried on with the greatest advantage to those who engage in them.
System der volkswirthschaft. English
I could visualize, for example, abandonment of tightly-knit statements of financial position and income in favour of a more disaggregated set of statements, each focusing on a separate aspect of entity activity.
Some chromosomal variation is evident in the New Zealand members of the K. ericoides complex, which helps to support the recognition of additional taxa within this aggregate species.
The internet is only doing to politics what it has done to other industries: it disaggregates elements and then enables these free atoms to reaggregate into new molecules; it fragments the old and unifies the new.
But recovered concrete can be crushed and used as road gravel or aggregate.
This hierarchy provides the framework upon which textual units are dynamically aggregated to satisfy varying user requirements.
Whatever amount is left over can be reused in total or reclaimed and used as aggregate in new concrete.
For the stimulus sceptics really do think they can put humpty dumpty together again, and that “aggregate demand”, as Cowen puts it, is a less “fundamental” problem than the financial service sector collapse.
Matthew Yglesias » What Instead?
BSE originated in the early 1980s when cattle were fed by-products from sheep suffering from a brain disease called scrapie, whose cause appears to be a chemically stable protein aggregate called a prion.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
Although the ability to disaggregate news outputs and reconnect them with other contextual material may in some case constitute a challenge to editors.
Regardless of our level of attainment, when we cognize the presently-happening five aggregate factors on our own mental continuum and thus cognize our own mental continuum and our own mere “me,” all the other noncongruent affecting variables imputable on our mental continuum also appear to our cognition.
What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part Four: Valid Cognition of the Past, Present, and Future
NSDL also an index of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) content that is aggregated from a variety of other digital libraries, NSF-funded projects, and NSDL-reviewed web sites.
Archive 2008-04-01
But in the winter, cluster flies aggregate in thick black crowds jammed into cracks and crannies inside the house.
After finishing second to Bulgaria in their qualifying group, Croatia beat Slovenia 2-1 on aggregate in a Balkan play-off.
Whereas the aggregate is the filler, the combination of water and cement provide the binder that keeps the material together.
The donation aggregated to.
Judy Fox's figurative ceramic sculptures exude an aggregate energy that is built up over time.
Indeed, the cynical may argue that in winning each of their last four games by less than a single score and an aggregate of a mere 14 points, Wharfedale are struggling at the top!
When the bitumen emulsion is in contact with the surface of the mineral aggregate, bitumen droplets must preferentially flocculate onto the mineral surface if the emulsion is to break and spread over the surface.
In America on the other hand, immigrant publics, with weakened connexions to heteroclite pasts, could only be aggregated by narrative and visual schemas stripped to their most abstract, recursive common denominators.
Papular eczema (_eczema papulosum_) is characterized by the appearance, usually in numbers, of discrete, aggregated or closely-crowded, reddish, pin-head-sized acuminated or rounded papules.
Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
However, from time to time in the short term, the aggregate queues can become congested, as traffic and QoS are shuffled within the network.
I also changed them to display the full post in aggregated that support this feature.
Reflective Surface - Small changes in the site
Previous research into the response of domestic energy expenditure to changing prices has concentrated almost entirely on the use of aggregate data.
From the alar lamina and its rhombic lip, neuroblasts migrate into the basal lamina, and become aggregated to form the olivary nuclei, while many send their axis-cylinders through the floor-plate to the opposite side, and thus constitute the rudiment of the raphé of the medulla oblongata.
IX. Neurology. 2. Development of the Nervous System
Pale-to-medium blue mammillary rosasite aggregates occur with malachite in oxidized rock fallen from the north face of the open pit near the decline access drift.
A profile pan located on the back edge of the grout box is equipped with a tamper bar that oscillates vertically to push aggregate below the profile pan as the concrete is screeded.
The aggregate capacity of millions of biological machines may someday match our own skill of innovation.
At an aggregate meeting in 1815, he alluded to him, as the worthy champion of Orangeism.
The History of the Great Irish Famine of 1847 (3rd ed.) (1902) With Notices of Earlier Irish Famines
The new printer features Xerox's own Emulsion Aggregate High Gloss toner, which is chemically grown, not ground, allowing for smaller, more uniformly shaped toner particles which the company says helps the printer produce better fine line details.
PC World
The number of observed nanostructures (i.e., fibrils, filaments, and globular aggregates) reduces when the concentration is below 0.1 mg/ml.
Human organs are complex aggregates of cells and tissues, and it is possible that concentrations of trace elements vary among the various aggregates.
Of these, aggregate silk is an adhesive, and piriform silk is used to affix dragline silk to substrates.
Nonetheless, the population explosion within the cottier and laboring class increased the aggregate dependence on the potato steadily and dramatically after the turn of the nineteenth century.
Gutenber-e Help Page
With a steep L curve and a shallow I curve, the effect on aggregate demand will be much greater.
And it introduces application of Programming Logic Control(PLC) in machining this cabinet with aggregate machine tool. Then it gives outer wiring diagram and ladder diagram.
Lipid molecules in large membranes are believed to assemble and move collectively as aggregates (so called ‘rafts’), which can span several hundred angstroms of the bilayer surface.
Precast copings, window lintels, and string courses have a terra-cotta color, without exposed aggregate.
If we accept the word polarity as a name for the force by which inorganic units are aggregated into a form peculiar to them, we may apply this word to the analogous force displayed by organic limits.
On the Genesis of Species
DPMs consist of the gene products of what is known as the "developmental-genetic toolkit," but considered in subsets, as dynamical networks embodying physical processes characteristic of chemically and mechanically excitable meso - to macroscopic systems like cell aggregates: cohesion, viscoelasticity, diffusion, and spatio-temporal heterogeneity based on lateral inhibition, and multistable and oscillatory dynamics.
The authority shall keep a daily record of the aggregate amount of refuse and garbage deposited in the in - cinerator by the city of Boston, and of the aggregate amount of refuse and garbage deposited therein by the town of
Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
Changes in money supply affect aggregate demand in three stages: 1.
For the text which refers to the man 'who has read the Veda' enjoins works on him who has merely _read_ the texts, and _reading_ there means nothing more than the apprehension of the aggregate of syllables called
The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Ramanuja — Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48
If we disaggregate the total value-added in the chains, the sum of the value added per unit in the production process is but a fraction of the value added per unit in the marketing, sales, and distribution of the branded product.
On their website, Jott aggregates these messages, providing a real time look at which candidates voters are talking to, and how many people have "jotted" a specific candidate (at the time of this writing, Ron Paul was the "most jotted" candidate with a paltrey 32 Jotts).
Jott the Vote: A National Application Begging to Go Local?
The higher the valency of the counterions, the more significant is the reversal of the effective charge of the aggregates.
Sections from the ileum showed the polyps to be composed of multiple closely aggregated lymphoid follicles in the lamina propria of the ileal mucosa.
Or is it a matter of smart planning to make the new totalities appear as if they were the result of aggregated decisions?
Guy Horton: Witold Rybczynski's Compelling Makeshift World
Lightweight Aggregate, such as perlite or vermiculite, can be added for special applications requiring overall weight reduction, additional thermal insulation or sound absorption.
Experience with Perlite?
Later we devote a full chapter to the application of rational expectations to the theory and estimation of the aggregate consumption function.
Aggregate scores were calculated by prorating each child's mean score (excluding tasks where the child failed the control questions, or did not complete the task) to give an equivalent score out of 12.
In fact, you do not find any ‘self,’ and so you come to know that neither the whole aggregate of form nor any part of it is the self.
From an Austrian perspective, concentrating on increasing aggregate demand without considering the specifics is rather like focusing on losing weight without considering how it is to be lost.
Matthew Yglesias » Macro Rap
The pollen spores are usually aggregated into two or four waxy masses ( "pollinia," sing. pollinium), which usually can only be removed by the agency of insects upon which all but a very few orchids are absolutely dependent for the pollination of the flowers.
Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
England have beaten the Welsh three times in succession with an aggregate score of 83-12.
It is never okay to lie, sometimes okay to lie adder addressable addressing adequate adjacent adjunct adjustable administer admission admit advance advansing advantage aegis affect affinity affirm affix afford after again agency aggravate aggregate agitate ahead aid alarm alerating alias alien alignment alined all allied allocation allow alloy along alphabetic alphameric already altenate alteration although altitude altogether ambient ambiguous ambitious
Rudy: Iraq Is "In The Hands Of Other People"
Who doesn't want you to think in the aggregate is a saleman.
Property values in Mexico
The extension of the method to aggregate data on nation states will certainly follow, but will involve more complicated techniques.
Their inflorescences are racemose or cymose, and aggregated in dichasial units.
Because each record represented a separate loan, aggregates of multiple loans were matched with individual social security numbers.
What is the shape of the aggregate supply curve?
Those enormous aggregate numbers cannot meaningfully be discussed, however, until there is some rough agreement about the bourgeoning share of spending that will be devoted to health care in the coming years — much of it channeled through government insurance.
Economic Arguments, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
On the contrary, publication of disaggregated data on minority representation in public services, discretionary appointments and distribution of benefits of the State is considered anti-secular, even anti-national.
raspberries are aggregate fruits
To avoid dependence on a numeraire, Berndt (1978, 1990) proposed a discrete approximation to the Divisia index to aggregate energy.
Energy quality
The structure of these aggregates appears not to be amorphous and seems to be formed by oligomerization of prolactin molecules involving specific sites.
The aggregate amount of these claims, calculated as at July 31, 1992 was approximately $5,165,000.
It raises dust, separating fines from aggregate.
Though some of these works are significant Samuel Palmer's Arcadian landscape bathed in a pink-and-gold sunset; Arthur Melville's nightscape of Venice, golden stone rising through a velvet blue-black sky, they form in aggregate the least interesting body of work in the show.
Medium is message at Tate Britain 'Watercolour' show
The attraction and power of such a bid resides in its totality, as if someone had disaggregated the dots in a photograph, discarded half, added new ones and then reassembled them all into a compelling new photograph.
Consider the view that the link between aggregate consumption and current measured income is a tenuous one. 4.
Corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.
Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 18, 2010
Conventional econometric models typically treat aggregate supply only scantily.
This policy would be used to stimulate aggregate demand to reduce the unemployment caused by these structural changes.
We discovered that there is a point where aggregate index costs—more-expensive INSERT and DELETE operations, for example—outweigh a new index's query speed-up benefit.
Waxes are not usually used to cure base concrete, but brooming to expose the aggregate surface removes the wax.
A greisen is a quartz - mica aggregate containing significant amounts of cassiterite, wolframite, fluorite, topaz, rutile, and tourmaline.
The manufacture of smokeless powders on the one hand, and of celluloid and xylonite (both in the form of films and solid aggregates) on the other, has taken no new departure.
Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
Once the initial round of shooting is completed the top six come together to fire at a further 25 targets, and the aggregate highest scorer is the winner.
Conventional econometric models typically treat aggregate supply only scantily.
To understand the self-assembly mechanism of a given oligopeptide, it is necessary to study the conditions under which the oligopeptides aggregate and further develop into macrostructures.
So as gravity pulls the aggregates downward, bleed water comes to the surface.
This means that injections exceed withdrawals and the total value of output is less than the economy's aggregate demand.
It should also be noted that upon further addition of either reactant beyond the stoichiometric maximum, the complexes/aggregates are brought back into solution.
As the polyethylene oxide drew more water out of the fibroin solution, the micelles aggregated into microscopic globules.
In the presence of kaolinite and illite, aggregate sizes were smaller and sinking rates lower than in the presence of smectite and quartz.
Prepacked aggregate concrete which is a new technique has been used in the bed plate of Zhongyuan 60000 dwt Dock.
Soil that falls apart and gives off few air bubbles has poor aggregate stability.
These form all kinds of agglomerates and aggregates, including fibrils, in a precise morphological hierarchy.
The three-dimensional network of interconnected, perforated cells is filled with select infill materials such as topsoil, aggregates, concrete, or a combination of those materials.
The next highest paid director was the head of its US aggregates business Tom Hill.
A 24-inch base material of #2 or #3 stone and 12 inches of ground aggregate capstone were used to provide a quality subgrade.
Results show that, the roughness, factual dimension and surface parameter keep good concordance, and they can all characterize the angularity of coarse aggregates well.
Again, during our late war with Great Britain, of less than three years 'duration, _two hundred and eighty thousand muskets were lost, _ -- the average cost of which is stated at twelve dollars, -- making an aggregate loss, in muskets alone, _of three millions and three hundred and sixty thousand dollars_, during a service of about two years and a half; -- resulting mainly from that neglect and waste of public property which almost invariably attends the movements of newly-raised and inexperienced forces.
Elements of Military Art and Science Or, Course Of Instruction In Strategy, Fortification, Tactics Of Battles, &C.; Embracing The Duties Of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, And Engineers; Adapted To The Use Of Volunteers And Militia; Third Edition
Lafarge, which employs 15 people at the site, says a reduction in demand for aggregates means there will be 1.5m tonnes of unworked reserves left by the 2005 deadline.
It may therefore produce greater uncertainty about aggregate demand.
I would imagine getting a quarterly report card on how my Congressperson is doing vis-à-vis the aggregated priorities of the district, and the ones I outlined.
7 posts from August 2009
A gender responsive budget is not a separate budget for women but an attempt to disaggregate expenditure and revenue according to their different impacts on women and men.
The deaggregation observed may now be viewed as a systematic separation or disassociation of the component protomolecules from their aggregated state.
Results are presented in percentages of total citations aggregated across all interviewees.
A cement mix consists of Portland cement, aggregates, water, and air entrainment.
They had the typical appearance of spherical or elliptical aggregates of altered erythrocytes surrounded by an envelope.
The aggregate mass moved annually by these activities is also larger than the natural preagricultural weathering rate.
Global material cycles
Acidic aggregates are strongly polar and carry a net negative surface charge.
Can you disaggregate the student's disruptiveness from his being out of step with the rest of the class?
Toward the end of each day ready-mix trucks were loaded with aggregate and water.
Dark red monocrystalline aggregates reach 0.5 meter in diameter, and individual monomineralic specimens can exceed 1 meter.
The researchers found that while a vast majority of the minerals that make up ash are highly reactive and soon decay, about two percent by volume are made up of a stable group of minerals called siliceous aggregates.
Quest for Ash
After beating the Swedes 4-0 on aggregate, the team is now mixing with the powerhouse clubs in what looks like the strongest field ever assembled.
Liposomes encapsulating G-actin assumed mostly thin disk shapes and some large irregularly shaped aggregates.
It forms, in a sort, or is to form, the compensating balance-wheel of the successful working machinery of aggregate America.
It indicated that the spatial distribution for the rodent damage of the xerophytic peanut pods belongs to the aggregated distribution.
The nine-day sale reached gross receipts of $89,622,495, up 13.5% from last year, and the second-highest aggregate in the history of the vendue.
Small aggregates of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and histiocytes were dispersed within the tumor.
The panels, which are to be made of concrete and limestone aggregate, will create horizontal bands of shadows on the exterior.
He delimits time preference to the role of determining the rate of net consumption, which last, he argues, is the primary direct determinant of aggregate profit.
Concrete marble aggregate is one of its key components with 57 white columns, each weighing 29 tonnes, forming the structure of the building.
I'm a concrete contractor in Michigan looking for a crack or joint filler for exposed aggregate.