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How To Use Aggravated In A Sentence

  • Moreover, such a requirement would discourage prosecutions for the aggravated offence and would exclude private prosecutions.
  • Once you get the finished product, watching your co-worker unwrap everything while being very aggravated is very much worth the time spent. 5 Harmless Office Pranks | myFiveBest
  • These structural changes were aggravated by the expulsion of large peasant masses, which increased poverty and unemployment in big cities.
  • The presence of these foreign substances in the eye, in connection with the salt spray and irritating atmosphere, greatly aggravated the ophthalmia, and resolved it into a chronic affection, which ultimately resulted in entropium. The Dog
  • The recent tourism season aggravated the problem because of the huge influx of people and increased water usage.
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  • Over the years I have become more and more aggravated by the way Americans butcher the English language, by the way members of the media misuse terms, by the charlatanical ways in which corrupt persons in power desecrate noble words such as "democracy" which, coming from their mouths, is the equivalent of the word "love" emanating from the mouth of a whore. Award Winning author, journalist and humorist, Burton H. Wolfe is Interviewed
  • He pleaded guilty to three robberies, kidnap and one offence of aggravated burglary.
  • Meantime, the federal budget deficit remains untamed and likely to be aggravated by this disaster.
  • Nine people were charged with burglary, three with robbery and two with aggravated assault on a police officer.
  • We are extending that provision to the aggravated events that follow the taking away.
  • White was arrested the next day in Bingley but denied any involvement although he was found guilty of charges of aggravated burglary and assault occasioning actual bodily harm at trial.
  • Early in the first quarter against the Swans, Matthew aggravated a long-term niggle in his hamstring origin tendon," Dr Hickey told richmondfc. AFL Latest News and Broadband
  • The negative publicity surrounding OxyContin has aggravated a longstanding problem.
  • Approximately 20 states prosecute these cases under existing criminal laws, charging people with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, homicide or attempted homicide, or terrorist threat.
  • A 33-year-old man was arrested and charged with aggravated robbery.
  • I would award aggravated damages against each of the defendants in the sum of $50, 000.00.
  • I recall a toothache that once aggravated me enough to consider pliers tempting, but there's no indication that Balderston was suffering from serious pain or acute symptoms. Lise Waring: Don't Try This at Home: A Self-Appendectomy in Telluride
  • The local favourite aggravated an injury to his troublesome right arm after catching his hand in a latch while taking a toilet break on the 16th fairway.
  • It is an astonishing comeback for someone who, five years ago, was charged with racially aggravated assault after allegedly calling a black lavatory assistant a 'jigaboo' before charmingly punching her in the face. Life and style |
  • September 5th, 2009 Hey Maa Mata Ji girl, Disha Wakhani is now very much aggravated by the word "mote". Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The bad weather aggravated his illness.
  • Were they found liable for exemplary or aggravated damages?
  • But conflict with Henry the Lion soon became aggravated.
  • Now he awaits trial for first-degree murder, attempted murder, and aggravated battery.
  • The visit aggravated Japan's already strained relations with its Asian neighbors.
  • Hemifacial spasm is not psychogenic as was commonly thought in the past, although it may be aggravated by emotional stress.
  • The judge noted he was a risk to the public and said the offence was aggravated by force used and injuries being caused to a vulnerable victim.
  • The disorder was aggravated by the economic depression of the 1930s.
  • Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion.
  • A 1996 immigration reform law allows the government to deport illegal aliens convicted of an aggravated felony.
  • Why is it not defamatory and why could not the appellant have recovered, in New South Wales, aggravated damages by reason of the psychiatric harm that she said she suffered?
  • Though the ferries were the most organized aspect of the festival and carted fans back to Manhattan as fast as possible past more boring and expensive public art, it was still a total drag waiting in line like cattle only to be shoved on a boat with other semi-aggravated indie-rock fans. All Points West: What Was I Doing in New Jersey?: Bill Bradley
  • He was jailed for aggravated assault.
  • He was charged with aggravated assault .
  • The tension between access and quality that exists in any healthcare system is aggravated when that system is seriously under-resourced.
  • Though she discovered a passion for running in the mountains, the stress aggravated a previous injury, and Ratkovic ruptured her Achilles tendon.
  • But conflict with Henry the Lion soon became aggravated.
  • The disorder was aggravated by the economic depression of the 1930s.
  • The release of 50-year-old secret papers detailing the way they were gulled into taking part in nuclear and biological warfare tests has, if anything, aggravated resentment over the non-issue of a national service medal.
  • It is also likely that the issue of equity will be aggravated by the accession of poorer countries from Eastern Europe in the medium term.
  • Wohler's criminal record included offences of going equipped for theft, criminal damage, aggravated vehicle taking, interfering with a vehicle and disqualified driving.
  • They obviously do not include injury to feelings or psychiatric damage, let alone aggravated damages.
  • The company's near demise paralleled the savage downturn in market demand, aggravated by an unsupportable overhead structure.
  • This cultural bifurcation is aggravated by the fact that between our two warfighting cultures, one human-centric and one technology-centric, the latter currently predominates.
  • Alloy wheels can become porous over time due to corrosion caused in part by the weather and salt on the roads, though this can be aggravated by the soapy water some tyre fitters use to help slide new tyres into place.
  • A couple of months back, some of you might recall, it was one Young Turk turned Old Guard with an ill-fated article on international SF, a Caesar of dubious pontification that met a Senate of aggravated responses. New BSC Review Column
  • The costume of the East certainly does not exaggerate the fatal progress of time; if a figure becomes too portly, the flowing robe conceals the incumbrance which is aggravated by a western dress; he, too, who wears a turban has little dread of grey hairs; a grizzly beard indeed has few charms, but whether it were the lenity of time or the skill of his barber in those arts in which Asia is as experienced as Europe, the beard of the master of the divan became the rest of his appearance, and flowed to his waist in rich dark curls, lending additional dignity to a countenance of which the expression was at the same time grand and benignant. Tancred Or, The New Crusade
  • Trends in age-specific violent arrest rates for homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault confirm the patterns found in homicide statistics.
  • The offence of attempted murder is aggravated by the fact that it was long-planned, that it had multiple intended victims and was intended to terrorise the population of this country. U.K. Muslim Convert Jailed for Suicide-Bomb Attempt
  • In addition the Roman masonry below is suffering from sulphate attack aggravated by the recent use of cement mortar and render.
  • I'm aware of cases that were classified as aggravated felonies that included driving without a license when the person was on parole, medical benefits fraud, and multiple counts of joy-riding. Bill Ong Hing: Infusing the Deportation System With Restorative Justice
  • Funny since all of them should be locked up for aggravated mopery. Think Progress » KKK has ‘reversed declining membership’ in recent years.
  • The refusal to bulk in wagonloads and to hire forwarding agents aggravated delays in the delivery of goods as well as station congestion.
  • The jury assessed the plaintiff's total damages, including aggravated and punitive damages at $615,000.
  • The suspects were arrested and charged with aggravated robbery, felonious assault and theft.
  • The distinction between the intermediate and the aggravated offence has also given rise to adverse comment.
  • aggravated assault
  • In addition the Roman masonry below is suffering from sulphate attack aggravated by the recent use of cement mortar and render.
  • But there have been counterclaims that Mr Hughes has overreacted and has aggravated villagers.
  • It appears that your clients conduct falls within the necessary definition both for aggravated and exemplary damages, and we take a serious view of it.
  • He was jailed for three years in December 2002 for aggravated burglary and other offences.
  • It is indicated when there is a clear, glairy, stringy fluid vomited, the nausea aggravated by smell of food.
  • It was indeed a "shiner" of aggravated aspect, and Isidore cringed as it met his affrighted gaze. Little Citizens
  • What's more, the alleged shooter reportedly is the wife of one of the inmates, who was serving 35 years for aggravated robbery and assault.
  • Contrary to expectations, moving leopards around has only aggravated the problem.
  • Kennedy seems to be suggesting that not only is the lack of a unified self a human condition, but it is also a subaltern condition, aggravated by racial animosity.
  • I used to work at a grocery store, and would go home each night thoroughly annoyed and aggravated.
  • These were the rubrics I chose for him: 1. Eye, inflammation 2. Eye, inflammation, acute 3. Generals, aggravated on the right side 4. Generals, sudden onset 5. Eye, lachrymation 6. Eye, protrusion with red discoloration. Judith Acosta: A Personal Case for Classical Homeopathy: Part II
  • The most difficult risk to assess is the political uncertainty, which would, of course, be aggravated by any or all of the other uncertainties. Trade with China
  • This so aggravated Hitler's pent - up feelings that he burst forth into one of his old harangues.
  • Dissatisfaction among flight attendants, already aggravated by more than three years of fruitless talks, boiled over again and allegedly contributed to a sick-out over the year-end holidays.
  • Moreover, such a requirement would discourage prosecutions for the aggravated offence and would exclude private prosecutions.
  • He's also accused of aggravated vehicle taking, driving whilst disqualified and driving without insurance.
  • The pattern held true for rapes, robberies and aggravated assault.
  • Usually caused by muscle imbalance, but can be aggravated by bad shoes.
  • In April, Sharpe pleaded guilty to possessing a crack pipe and no contest to attempted aggravated assault.
  • In aggravated cases, the patient may suffer from shortness of breath on exertion, and the respiratory difficulty may react on the heart, causing dilatation of the right side, palpitation, and precordial pain. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Never hide things from hardcore thinkers. They get more aggravated, more provoked by confusion than the most painful truths. Criss Jami 
  • What gets me aggravated is how they turned down the ad featuring Gays. Think Progress » Focus on the Family to air a second ad during Super Bowl pre-game.
  • Of all traitors they are the most aggravatedly criminal; of all villains, they are the most infamous and detestable. History of the United States
  • CAPT JAMES CALLOWAY, MORROW, GEORGIA POLICE: For the charge of aggravated assault the code section says with the intent to murder, rape, or rob and that didn't fit the code section. CNN Transcript Sep 19, 2009
  • An activist was arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault and attempted murder.
  • Their money problems were further aggravated by a rise in interest rates.
  • However, prosecutors were more likely to accept a plea bargaining offer from white defendants accused of racially aggravated offences.
  • This also is aggravated by some * unprofessional* colleagues who "confide" in students about the "limitations" of others. Wired Campus
  • He aggravated a neck injury while playing for Derby County.
  • The jury made plain that their award was for aggravated compensatory damages.
  • But Palace yesterday played down fears that Salako aggravated the knee ligaments which required an operation last year.
  • Beefeater also submits that no damages should be paid to the plaintiff for mental distress, or for punitive or aggravated damages.
  • Williams was ultimately acquitted of aggravated manslaughter charges, but convicted of attempting to cover up the fatal shooting of a limousine driver.
  • Flaws in California's deregulation plan have aggravated its electricity woes.
  • This paradox was propelled and even aggravated by the ongoing tensions in China's foreign relations in the 1880s within a city whose economy was built on a robust international trade.
  • That is, a jury could return a verdict of simple possession though the charge is for an aggravated crime?
  • Tight clothes that rub against acne aggravated skin tend to disrupt the area even more and give rise to new pimples by spreading the oil and bacteria.
  • Bunions tend to run in families, but the tendency is aggravated by shoes that are too narrow in the toe.
  • Barber's itch, for example, is a bacterial infection that's aggravated by shaving.
  • Analysts said stop-loss selling that had aggravated the recent sell-off in blue-chip stocks was continuing, while profit-taking put a brake on recent gainers such as Sharp Corp.
  • Malger seeks an award of damages for its lease fleet, annual income stream and punitive and aggravated damages.
  • I began to stalk away from him, thoroughly aggravated.
  • His claim for aggravated exemplary damages failed.
  • The last thing I want to worry about when I'm out doing my job and talking to hunters and fishermen is which one of the hunters that I'm talking to, who is carrying a gun mind you, might be somewhat violent, aggravated, or just having a bad day and is going to take it out on me. Should Felons Hunt?
  • The Plaintiff seeks aggravated damages for the anger, frustration, disappointment and hurt he felt as a result of being prevented from going across the logging road to his lot.
  • I did this by a type of two-step "twirl-scream" and, next I knew, I had spun out of the mosh pit (this, it turns out, with the help of several swift kicks in the fesse* by the aggravated "dancer" to my left). Cravacher - French Word-A-Day
  • Despite calls for their culling and suggestions they be given to pensioners for Sunday dinner, many people insisted on feeding them which only aggravated the problem.
  • Words I would never have dared to say to my father before, whenever he annoyed or aggravated me.
  • After explaining myself to the very aggravated and annoyed teacher who had exclaimed upon my arrival that I had cut class everything seemed to calm down.
  • Mark Tyler pleaded guilty to ‘racially aggravated disorderly behaviour’ after a drink-fuelled row with the night manager of an hotel in Lincoln.
  • The disease is probably due to congenital defect aggravated by frequent attacks of glossitis, and the treatment consists in the removal of the protruding portions by the knife, ligation, the cautery, or ecraseur. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The pain is aggravated by eating, gum chewing, teeth clenching, or yawning.
  • The potential problems can be aggravated by separation from relatives and friends.
  • And when you separate the illness from the patient, you free the parents up to be aggravated and very clear about what they're fighting.
  • Exemplary damages are distinguishable from basic and aggravated damages in that their only function is to punish the tortfeasor.
  • Nine people were charged with burglary, three with robbery and two with aggravated assault on a police officer.
  • Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion.
  • Tulip said it was faced with an exceptionally strong erosion of prices and margins in 1992, aggravated by currency movements.
  • In May, Davie police charged him with domestic violence and aggravated assault after the incident with the hammer.
  • He warned that the situated could be aggravated due to faulty water supplies and insanitary conditions in many suburbs of the city.
  • The situation is aggravated by a media that routinely reprint government talking points - mustangs destroy the land, cost too much to manage, and constitute an invasive species (contradicted by some of the BLM's own websites, which refer to the wild horse as a "reintroduced" animal). Aspen Times - Top Stories
  • I was about to get up and go to him as I often do, when Arthur, who was sitting next to me, face working, and tense posture-wise, aggravatedly said, "Sidney doesn't have to do that, he should control himself, the rest of us control ourselves. Humanistic Nursing
  • Moreover, such a requirement would discourage prosecutions for the aggravated offence and would exclude private prosecutions.
  • But Palace yesterday played down fears that Salako aggravated the knee ligaments which required an operation last year.
  • He pointed out that not all kinds of aggravated robbery increased in the period under review.
  • Aggravated damages, which are not always readily distinguishable from exemplary damages, may both compensate and have a punitive effect.
  • The next call, fifteen minutes later, aggravated the situation. FINAL RESORT
  • They pointed out that recently, because of deficient psychological adjustment after divorce, child battering and children's roaming have been aggravated in the province.
  • Grief aggravated her illness.
  • Dissatisfaction among flight attendants, already aggravated by more than three years of fruitless talks, boiled over again and allegedly contributed to a sick-out over the year-end holidays.
  • But criminal charges are fitting in "aggravated" cases, which the circumstance of Kovic's situation seem to fit, although Cottone said he could not comment specifically on the case. Heroes or Villains?
  • Three Bradford men charged with racially aggravated intentional harassment are yet to be tried in court.
  • However, other aggravated robberies, street robbery, and housebreaking had increased, said Selebi.
  • When you reflect upon my unhappy situation, which is attended with so many indelicate and even shocking circumstances, some of which my pride will not let me think of with patience; all aggravated by the contents of my cousin’s affecting letter; you will not wonder that the vapourishness which has laid hold of my heart should rise to my pen. Clarissa Harlowe
  • As you read this, over 30 wars and conflicts rage around the world, mostly created, maintained, and aggravated by men.
  • The total number of aggravated burglaries or robberies recorded in Limerick that year was 118, a decrease of 23 per cent from the previous year.
  • However, the trip aggravated her condition: she died in Paris a few days before Christmas that same year. STAGE FRIGHT
  • Counsel for the plaintiff conceded that a special award claim under the insurance legislation is different from a claim for punitive and aggravated damages.
  • In April, Sharpe pleaded guilty to possessing a crack pipe and no contest to attempted aggravated assault.
  • In Seduction and Betrayal, for example, she located Virginia Woolf's special and claustral narrowness, her aggravated femininity, less in her situation as a woman than in the aestheticism and androgyny of Bloomsbury. On Elizabeth Hardwick (1916–2007)
  • The erosion of beaches and non-rocky beachhead materials is likely to be aggravated by rising eustatic sea level and an increasing frequency of storm surge events arising from global climate change. Western Indian Ocean Islands and coastal and marine environments
  • [Tracing the development of the columella was a long business, but it grew clearer as young frogs of various ages were examined.] "Don't be aggravated with yourself," [he writes to Parker in July,] "it's tough work, this here Frog. Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 2
  • He aggravated a neck injury while playing for Derby County.
  • There is a bunch of super thin muscle sheaths and tissue that surround our ribs which, when aggravated, take forever to heal.
  • And if the conviction is classified as an "aggravated felony," deportation is virtually automatic. Bill Ong Hing: Infusing the Deportation System With Restorative Justice
  • Bahati now says he has rewritten the bill to remove the death penalty provision, leaving life imprisonment as the maximum sentence for what he calls "aggravated homosexuality. The Full Feed from
  • All the harrowing cruelties and separations which attend the rending asunder of families and the sale of slaves, were enacted under the eyes of the youthful philanthropist, and in a burning article he denounced the inter-State slave-trade as piracy, and piracy of an aggravated and cruel kind, inasmuch as those born and educated in civilized and Christianized society have more sensibility to feel the evils thus inflicted than imbruted savages. History of the Negro Race in America from 1619 to 1880. Vol. 2 (of 2) Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens
  • In such a case it may be factually accurate and helpfully descriptive to state that self-neglect aggravated, or preferably contributed to, the primary cause of death.
  • He pleaded guilty to three robberies, kidnap and one offence of aggravated burglary.
  • In April, Sharpe pleaded guilty to possessing a crack pipe and no contest to attempted aggravated assault.
  • The carpetbaggers who streamed into the South for political and economic gain aggravated the wounds which the war had opened.
  • Usually very painful; pain is often relieved by dependent leg position and aggravated by elevation.
  • She carelessly dumped her books and pens on the table and, aggravated, slumped into the expensive chair.
  • The public order essence of the offence has been wholly lost, and affray has become a form of aggravated assault.
  • Indigestion is aggravated by ‘hurry sickness’ - eating on the run and bolting down your food.
  • The plaintiff claims damages including damages for loss of remuneration, damages for mental distress and exemplary, aggravated and punitive damages.
  • Barlow has been bothered by a strained quadriceps muscle, which he hurt in the preseason and re-aggravated recently.
  • His educational problems were aggravated by his refusal to wear glasses, without which his eyesight was very poor.
  • On Sept. 29, 1995, an aggravated battery incident report was filed with Metro-Dade Police.
  • How does the 17-year minimum starting point for aggravated murder under the Sentencing Act compare with the legislation it replaced?
  • Wharton had previous convictions which included interfering with cars, robbery, aggravated vehicle taking, dangerous driving and driving while disqualified.
  • He was booked into jail, and he was cited for probable cause by the police that he may have committed an aggravated murder.
  • Interstitial cystitis is a painful bladder condition that may be aggravated by acidic foods and beverages like coffee, orange juice or tomato sauce.
  • Mr Bahati now says he has rewritten the bill to remove the death penalty provision, leaving life imprisonment as the maximum sentence for what he calls "aggravated homosexuality. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • Price inflation plagued the distribution of imported goods and was aggravated by bottlenecks in ports like Khorramshahr and beyond.
  • The dominant grey of the shacks gives the area a dull, monotonous appearance, aggravated by the absence of trees.
  • The client's lower limbs are obviously having muscle spasm which is aggravated by movement like walking.
  • People would find me here, weeks later, pale and thin, but worry free and careless, aggravated to be pulled from my hiding place.
  • To them, hypocrisy is aggravated assault by other means.
  • In Italy he was convicted in his absence of aggravated fraud and sentenced to imprisonment and to a fine.
  • Patently the jury did not receive a careful instruction of that kind, and the situation was aggravated by the citation of the inadmissible evidence.
  • Yet here he was, dressed in formal tails and a silky white waistcoat and neckcloth, prepared to endure what could only be an interminable evening, all because Keira Hannigan had aggravated him once again. The Year of Living Scandalously
  • In any event, I hoped you enjoyed reading this, even if it was written when I was annoyed and aggravated with the people I worked with back in '98.
  • The term "aggravated felony" alone has been the subject of many federal court interpretations. Aggie R. Hoffman: Returning to the US As An Immigrant After Unlawful Presence
  • The plaintiffs also claim punitive exemplary and aggravated damages.
  • Patients with myasthenia gravis typically present with weakness, developing with or aggravated by exertion.
  • William Case, a physical therapist in Houston, Texas, said an aggravated neck or shoulder can lead to upper back problems, meaning pain may then be felt while working at a computer or playing sports.
  • A new report by the University of Virginia shows a 36% decline in aggravated assaults after Prince William County local police officers were given the power to enforce immigration laws, though only 3% of those arrested for aggravated assault were undocumented immigrants Wonk Room » The WonkLine: August 6, 2009
  • If he aggravated me any more I shall hit him.
  • Police believe the increase in the effectiveness of car security devices including immobilisers has led to the increase in aggravated car crimes.
  • An hour we sat, miffed and aggravated until we finally escaped and arrived at our destination.
  • Deterioration at initially small seepage sites can be aggravated by particular circumstances, notably the presence of gypsiferous soils behind the lining or the activity of crabs. Chapter 13
  • Did she not obtain the benefit of an award of aggravated or exemplary damages?
  • Yes and No in affirmations and denials -- as if our word for it were not enough, and we expected others to question it -- springs from that vicious root of untruthfulness which is only aggravated by the very effort to clear ourselves of the suspicion of it. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • He had a record of aggravated rape, burglary, kidnapping.
  • It was just robbery with violence, aggravated murder on a grand scale, and men going at it blind - as is very proper for those who tackle a darkness.
  • A 1996 immigration reform law allows the government to deport illegal aliens convicted of an aggravated felony.
  • The situation is aggravated by a media that routinely reprint government talking points -- mustangs destroy the land, cost too much to manage, and constitute an invasive species (contradicted by some of the BLM's own Web sites, which refer to the wild horse as a "reintroduced" animal). High Country News - Most Recent
  • The last thing I want to worry about when I'm out doing my job and talking to hunters and fishermen is which one of the hunters that I'm talking to, who is carrying a gun mind you, might be somewhat violent, aggravated, or just having a bad day and is going to take it out on me. Should Felons Hunt?
  • Even my perennial problem of spending too much money on foodstuffs and booze is aggravated by being too dog-tired at the end of the day to be mindful of the fact that I do prefer my own cooking.
  • Terror is an aggravated form of fear: intense fear, fright or dread.
  • The housing problem was aggravated by a rapid increase in a population that doubled from 1949 to 1964 and almost doubled again by the end of the century.
  • One might well ask how important the element of criminal damage is to the rationale of the aggravated offence.
  • He aggravated a neck injury while playing for Derby County.
  • aggravated by passive resistance
  • Yes! and the offence is aggravated when you consider that it was someone else's folly. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • The pattern held true for rapes, robberies and aggravated assault.
  • This made the horizontal tail operate at high negative angles of attack, aggravated by downwash from the slip stream over the inboard sections of the wing flaps.
  • They have also lodged a claim for damages, aggravated damages and costs.
  • The effect of this disease of the mind was to weaken the sufferer's powers of self-control, and this would be aggravated by drink.
  • Damages awarded for this type of loss are sometimes called aggravated damages, as the defendant's conduct aggravates the injury done.
  • And just as the gated community concept aggravated the problem it purported to solve, so might the missile shield.
  • Their negative reactions have greatly aggravated the situation.

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