How To Use Aggrandize In A Sentence

  • This despite being part of a school system which demonstrably does not waste much of its money on bureaucracy and aggrandizement of its own honchos; the system has no trouble educating half of its students.
  • Eternity starts here; worldly aggrandizement is dust" Photography by Diana Ricci. And now for something a little different
  • Roo suspected it was a lie, as Duncan was inclined to aggrandize his own discomfort and diminish others ', but he didn't mind. RISE OF A MERCHANT PRINCE: BOOK TWO OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • Without a foundation of love, these gifts risk promoting self-gain and self-aggrandizement.
  • In order to aggrandize afresh their power, the powerful countries started aforethought aggression time and again.
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  • As the government has assumed power over monetary policy in contemptuous disregard of the expressed wishes of the savers (to say nothing of the provisions of the Constitution), it aggrandizes power.
  • Where some saw self-aggrandizement, others saw the sartorial manifestation of a wry sense of humor.
  • The Coens unashamedly celebrate and aggrandize American culture and sense of place, using it to enhance stories that convey and explore love, betrayal and ambition.
  • It also indulged complexity to aggrandize the rich.
  • Religion itself can be another form of ego gratification - a kind of spiritual consumerism that focuses on having spiritual experiences to aggrandize the self, spiritual hedonism, but hedonism nonetheless.
  • Philanthropy often has merely abstract rewards for the giver: that warm empathetic feeling; an assuagement of theoretical guilt; perhaps even an aggrandized sense of self, as the largesse is doled out. Billionaire Soros To Help Fight Urban Drug Abuse
  • You're thinking that maybe I was predictably paranoid, which I now recognize as just a sneakier state of self-aggrandizement.
  • Ego and self-aggrandizement oft seduce even highly evolved souls, and inevitably leads to downfall.
  • First, their countries seek no aggrandizement, territorial or other;
  • Be ambitious not for money, not for selfish aggrandizement, not for the evanescent thing which men call fame.
  • In Death of a Thousand Cuts, the murder victim’s life was motivated by self-aggrandizement. An Interview with Barbara D'Amato about Death of a Thousand Cuts
  • He also betrayed the trust of his American friends for profit and self-aggrandizement.
  • Rather, this is an excerpt taken from his address to the convention in his race for governor, where 2500 supporters aggrandized him with numerous standing ovations.
  • Whether the intention was personal aggrandizement on the part of the family or a shrewd step towards industrial expansion is not known.
  • As the spirit of aggrandizement, which is said to have actuated the public and private conduct of The Stranger in France or, a Tour from Devonshire to Paris Illustrated by Engravings in Aqua Tint of Sketches Taken on the Spot.
  • He gives a lot of money to charity, but personal aggrandizement/self-aggrandizement is his motive.
  • BEHAR: Well you know the thing about it is she kind of aggrandized (ph) herself at your expense. CNN Transcript Dec 17, 2009
  • But if we build upon "the sands" of fame or self-aggrandizement, and, like the towering oak, lift our insignificant heads in proud defiance of the coming storm, we may expect that our superstruction will fall! Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman Embracing a Correspondence of Several Years, While President of Wilberforce Colony, London, Canada West
  • It is aggrandizement buyer the sanction to the bargainor.
  • Collective apathy towards the problems faced by our nation stems from the burden of self-aggrandizement.
  • This ardent nature awoke fire beneath the ashes; the proud bearing of the Indian suited the chivalric hidalgo; and then, weary of the Spanish nobles, in whom he no longer had confidence, disgusted with the selfish mestizoes, who wished to aggrandize themselves at his expense, he took a pleasure in turning to that primitive race, who have disputed so valiantly the American soil with the soldiers of Pizarro. The Pearl of Lima A Story of True Love
  • However, if their rulers take the path of self-aggrandizement, which is virtually inevitable in the absence of accountability, then these people will begin to experience indignity and eventually they will revolt, often to settle for a new ruler who is perceived as more benign and dignity-respecting, but not necessarily democratic. Robert Fuller: Bridging Left and Right: A Foundation for Transpartisan Politics
  • Their slightest charities aggrandized, their failings easily forgiven and forgotten, inculpable colossi towering over their lessers, imposing themselves and shattering lives with a casual indifference born of self-affected ambition. Masked
  • His sole aim is personal aggrandizement.
  • But using the authority of "God" to justify unjust acts and to aggrandize personal power has lead to today's state, where the very word "God" has become a subject of debate, rather than a transcendent authority for good. Ralph Singh: Interfaith Storytelling For A More Perfect Union
  • It is a noteworthy exercise in vitriol, and perhaps self-aggrandizement, but it falls far short of legitimate journalism.
  • I love when that happens to me, and hope when I do it people don't consider it patronizing or self-aggrandizement, which is (almost) never the spirit in which it is intended. Magna comes loudly
  • Today Congress exhibits the worst kind of partisan behavior, with almost zero focus on the electorate, and excessive focus on self-aggrandized power brokering. 6 posts from February 2010
  • Whether the intention was personal aggrandizement on the part of the family or a shrewd step towards industrial expansion is not known.
  • Whether the intention was personal aggrandizement on the part of the family or a shrewd step towards industrial expansion is not known.
  • Perhaps the public has good reason to think that the media's self-aggrandizement gets in the way of solving the country's real problems The Story Behind the Story
  • The politics of the goyim is the politics of accidental circumstances, engineered by the Jews, and tends not towards perfecting the affairs of the state, but towards struggle for the sake of greed, or more often for the personal aggrandizement of the administrators. The History of a Lie 'The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion'
  • Given what we know about your self-aggrandizement and what people 3 years ago identified as your pathologies, I think we know how seriously to take your claims. Matthew Yglesias » Why Choose?
  • John's last discourse shows both the self-aggrandizement that comes from abusing a text and the self-renewal that comes from letting oneself be used by it.
  • Be ambitious not for money, not for selfish aggrandizement, not for the evanescent thing which men call fame.
  • Idea of 1 change, comply with a situation, aggrandizement capital manages, raise capital utilization rate.
  • But there are people who have political goals, who want to aggrandize themselves or their organizations or their movements.
  • the aggrandizement of the king
  • I would have expected more discussion on intellectuals as producers of ethnocentric symbols of exclusion, ethnic self-aggrandizement, self-pity, and exalted martyrology.
  • Ready your TV and your stomach for an hour of smears, self-aggrandizement and, with any luck, an airing of the issues facing California: Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown meet tonight in Davis for the first of three televised debates. Stakes Are High For Brown And Whitman In First Debate
  • In both cases, what has really been accomplished is the birth of a new generation of implacable enemies, and the perpetuation of a state of fear that hard liners on all sides manipulate for their own aggrandizement. And the Winner Is … - The Caucus Blog -
  • On returning to France, to the bosom of the great, strong, magnificent, peaceful, and glorious fatherland, I should have proclaimed her frontiers immutable; all future wars purely defensive, all aggrandizement antinational. War and Peace
  • Much easier for two elites to unite on their true common ground: aggrandize their own money and power, and the populations they rule take the hindmost. Ian Fletcher: Appeasers or Cold Warriors: Must America Confront China?
  • For hundreds of years, reigning sovereigns have amassed large quantities of the best paintings, historic artifacts, contemporary master crafts and books, just to name a few, for personal enjoyment and self-aggrandizement.
  • Four of his nephews and their aggrandizement were the particular objects of his attentions, and two of these -- as we have already said -- Piero and Girolamo Riario, were universally recognized to be his sons. The Life of Cesare Borgia
  • Further, he saw that the arms of Italy, and those more especially of which he might have availed himself, were in the hands of men who had reason to fear his aggrandizement, that is, of the Orsini, the Colonnesi, and their followers. VII. Of New Princedoms Acquired By the Aid of Others and By Good Fortune
  • Below new condition, fill area should aggrandizement 3 consciousness.
  • For Lincoln saw an unresolvable tension between the Constitution of a democratic republic and the policies of aggrandizement and intemperate self-interest that lead from the manners of freedom to the slavish love of power. David Bromwich: To Maintain a Republic
  • The people should monitor and criticize their officials in order to prevent abuse of power for self-aggrandizement while infringing on the rights of others.
  • Not to say they can't be light or frothy - but necessary to somebody, rather than built to aggrandize the makers or the stars.
  • The fact that he was in a national political debate, where it's all about false modesty and self-aggrandizement, made his acknowledgement all the more remarkable.
  • A former White House chief of staff for President George H.W. Bush, Mr. Sununu described Mr. Gingrich as having a penchant for "self-aggrandizement" and "off-the-cuff thinking" that "is not what you want in a commander-in-chief. Tough Talk as Romney Takes Aim at Gingrich
  • Sulla, Pompey, and Julius Caesar followed, some of whom assumed the title of dictator and some of whom merely aggrandized their power through their wealth or their ability to dominate elections to the various magistracies. Philip Giraldi: Neocon Ancient History
  • Art-Union, to be convinced that the great majority do so for the sake of self-aggrandizement, that is, to have a chance of getting the works of our best artists for a mere tithe of their value, or in the language of the advertisements, "of obtaining a valuable return, for a small investment;" as they would buy any other lottery tickets: to make the most out of their money. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851
  • In other words, in the name of ‘taking the schools out of politics,’ they hoped to aggrandize the educational bureaucracy and maintain its power virtually unchecked by any popular or democratic control.
  • Such lies might seem harmless, especially when legitimate veterans have been known to tell aggrandized tales to make their service seem a bit more exciting. Phony Veterans and POW's - Article Index
  • His sole aim is personal aggrandizement.
  • Procedural aggrandizement, which is perhaps best illustrated by Emmanuel Goldstein's aphorism "The object of power is power. Scrivener's Error
  • But she has used that skill to protect her friends and aggrandize herself.
  • The fact that he was in a national political debate, where it's all about false modesty and self-aggrandizement, made his acknowledgement all the more remarkable.
  • Another group put in place of owners would still wield virtually complete power, and aggrandize itself above workers.
  • Such individuals-aggrandizers-may have been able to enhance their influence through ritual and feasting associated with trade and mortuary ceremonialism.
  • Defending a citizen accused of a crime is hard enough without the added monetary and reputational incentive to effectuate an arrest for personal profit and aggrandizement. Andrea Lyon: For-Profit Criminal Prosecutions
  • They show the essential pattern of self-glorification as self-aggrandizement that most interests the author.
  • Roo suspected it was a lie, as Duncan was inclined to aggrandize his own discomfort and diminish others ', but he didn't mind. RISE OF A MERCHANT PRINCE: BOOK TWO OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • Their status is commercialized in the pursuit of self-aggrandizement.
  • Sorry Alice but none of your arguments hold any water ... perhaps you've been too seduced by the overly "aggrandized" wines of France and Italy to understand that nuance, art and romance in winemaking do indeed reside in the New World. I Guess Alice Feiring Doesn't Like Long Island Wine...Or Hasn't Tasted Much of It
  • Any movement that builds its core ideology around the worship of an infantilist, developmentally-stunted, self-aggrandizement will inevitably wind up eating its young. Thirty Years Too Late: The Implosion of John McCain and the Demise of the Regressive Right
  • And the gaudy baroque of his ‘Costume Jewelry’ series foreshadows the aggrandized odds and ends of the Still Lifes to come.
  • Roo suspected it was a lie, as Duncan was inclined to aggrandize his own discomfort and diminish others ', but he didn't mind. RISE OF A MERCHANT PRINCE: BOOK TWO OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • He was a strong and greedy monarch who pursued a course of military aggrandizement from the beginning of his reign.
  • I think most people working in the White House are there for other reasons-a desire to take on big issues, personal fame and aggrandizement, a sense of service, the hope for a pardon down the line, a personal relationship with the President, or a blood-curdling thirst for power. Matthew Yglesias » Pay Freeze
  • The problem now is not an overweening Congress but an aggrandized executive branch; still, the remedy is the same. The Founders’ Great Mistake
  • Saddam replaced some of the ancient Sumerian bricks containing the first language of cuneiform with his own inscriptions of self-aggrandizement. Rajai Hakki: An Arab-American Iraq War Veteran Returns to the Middle East,
  • Ill-fare malefits do not 'benefit the poor' at the expense of the rich; they aggrandize the power-seeker at the expense of those who value freedom-from-aggression. Opposition to Immigration: Get Your Story Straight, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • American self-aggrandizement, like all others I believe, is just communal biology at work and based on a deep-rooted drive to survive. Joe Woodward: Occup(ied) America: A Literary History
  • Most of the information was really not the specific kind of factual information one might think, but rather feature and fluff pieces that seemed designed to aggrandize the agency.
  • I read the article associated with the link you provided and my initial evaluation was that many, if not all of the claims were either entirely false or heavily aggrandized. Heroes or Villains?
  • Nowadays, our culture disvalues liberal education, is skeptical of virtue, and, in particular, glorifies self-aggrandizement over altruism.
  • Their aggrandizement should be the first thing sacrificed in hard times, not the last. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
  • He was a straightforward and unpretentious man, practical and efficient, with no special desire for self-aggrandizement. LORD PRESTIMION
  • He gives a lot of money to charity, but personal aggrandizement/self-aggrandizement is his motive.
  • And Gank isn't without brothers in arms among Cleveland independents manning the front lines in the battle to aggrandize the Rust Belt, as Cash Money and No Limit did the South.
  • Too many leaders are in it for personal enrichment or aggrandizement, a show-me-the-money style of leadership that has led directly to today's landscape of wrecked corporations and indicted CEOs.
  • His sole aim is personal aggrandizement.
  • It would be the first time in human history that economic necessity has prevailed over military aggrandize-ment.
  • The real villains in this matter are the pandering people who for reasons of self-interest - and self-aggrandizement - have prolonged for much too long the suffering of all those who really love her.
  • He is a carnival barker on the legal midway, seeking little but his own self-aggrandizement.
  • He's a symbol, obviously, not of the youth who have abandoned their elders, but, in a bit of unashamed self-aggrandizement, of the writer who has not.
  • We stand on opposite sides of a battlefield - a lolicon against an upstanding citizen; a man who demands 'plot' against a style hound; a self-depreciator against a self-aggrandizer (hint: I'm the latter). Anime Nano!
  • Even more shocking than their aggrandizement of linguistic power is their evident ignorance of how English, the language of pounds and pennies, dollars and cents, works.
  • No one can claim that politicians sought to exploit this occasion for their own self-aggrandizement.
  • The Michigan Chronicle called it a victory for “an increasingly vociferous element in the community” who demanded that people like Jones, “who exist by the skillful intermixing of religion, fear, faith in God, and outright fakery solely for personal aggrandizement be driven from their lofty perches.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • They executed riots within the school over specific grievances or to aggrandize their own power within the school population.
  • For example, the community college baccalaureate is a result of practitioners' political agenda to aggrandize their institutions.
  • “By which Temple?” said the Marquis of Montserrat, whose love of sarcasm often outran his policy and discretion; “swearest thou by that on the hill of Zion, which was built by King Solomon, or by that symbolical, emblematical edifice, which is said to be spoken of in the councils held in the vaults of your Preceptories, as something which infers the aggrandizement of thy valiant and venerable Order?” The Talisman
  • Re: Frederic Wakeman's review of China Men [NYR, August 14]: I did not write the myths to "aggrandize" my family and other Chinese Americans by connecting us to the high culture of China. China Myths
  • Some questioned whether Tarkin's methods were merely bids to aggrandize his own status, in defiance of the Emperor's ultimate goal.
  • I fear the project will be another Millennium Dome - an over-ambitious monument to municipal aggrandizement which sets back arts funding in the borough for generations.
  • National welfare meant nothing; personal aggrandizement meant everything.
  • We were a group with common ideals, a willingness to share, and, if I may say so, a singular lack of self-aggrandizement.
  • But not only does he disaggregate the issue, he, along with others failed to aggrandize the issue. Bill Clinton weighs in on charges of racism against Obama
  • Why is it that the self-aggrandizements of Cicero, the lecheries and whining of Ovid and the blatherings of that debauched old goose Seneca made it onto the Net before the works that give us solid technical information about what Rome was really good at, viz. the construction of her great buildings and works of engineering?
  • In their study of human society, the anthropologists aggrandize themselves to the observational perspective of gods even as they reduce humans to little more than animals.
  • That Langford aggrandized the role that he and the others played in the birth of Yellowstone is not surprising; history is replete with similar examples.
  • Their three outstanding attitudes - obliviousness to the growing disaffection of constituents, primacy of self-aggrandizement, illusion of invulnerable status - are persistent aspects of folly.
  • The comparison with Seurat's Grande Jatte, intended to aggrandize Signac's work, has the opposite effect.
  • Without artificial self-aggrandizement, he may realize that external pomp is a poor substitute for inner worth.
  • The 3-by-5-inch prints wind around three walls, demonstrating the diaristic possibilities of picture-taking with a small camera as well as its tendency to aggrandize trivia and flatten relationships, leaving narrative threads loose rather than laced up. When Color Burst Through
  • Roo suspected it was a lie, as Duncan was inclined to aggrandize his own discomfort and diminish others ', but he didn't mind. RISE OF A MERCHANT PRINCE: BOOK TWO OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • And again he exclaims – Mexicans! my heart feels itself wounded by the deepest grief, and all humanity shudders in contemplating the unsoundable chaos of evils in which the authors of this rebellion have sunk the incautious men whom they have seduced, in order to form with their dead bodies the bloody ladder which was to raise them to their aggrandizement! Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • The party, on the other hand, needs the army to win the war and thus to stabilize and even aggrandize its own power.
  • Her sole aim is personal aggrandizement.
  • Rather, they propose to cross the frontier for no better reason than to aggrandize themselves and to prolong the subjection of their own population.
  • I make up with true friends who accidentally hurt my feelings through acts of self-aggrandizement, neglect and unwanted pity. Cheryl Pearl Sucher: Life Is Prayer During The Days Of Awe
  • As my younger brothers never tire of reminding me, becoming a Rhodes Scholar entails a definite measure of self-promotion and self-aggrandizement.

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