
How To Use Aggrandisement In A Sentence

  • This despite being part of a school system which demonstrably does not waste much of its money on bureaucracy and aggrandizement of its own honchos; the system has no trouble educating half of its students.
  • Eternity starts here; worldly aggrandizement is dust" Photography by Diana Ricci. And now for something a little different
  • What follows is a sort of addled odyssey fuelled by comic self-aggrandisement and rage against the various machines of money-making. Lights Out in Wonderland by DBC Pierre
  • Without a foundation of love, these gifts risk promoting self-gain and self-aggrandizement.
  • He was diffident about his achievements, in contrast to the self-aggrandisement common to autobiographers.
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  • Where some saw self-aggrandizement, others saw the sartorial manifestation of a wry sense of humor.
  • The Newsnight programme was shocking both for its self-aggrandisement and its celebration of unfair bias. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • This last vilifying barb you offer in yet another comment when, having had the whole root of your hatred revealed in the posting of that email exchange, rather than actually give grounds for your risible concern with a purported conflict of interests, you continue your rancorous pillorying, not to mention the concomitant pompous self-aggrandisement. How Not to be a Writer
  • Our tendency towards simultaneous self-pity and self-aggrandisement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Blair is a thoroughgoing scoundrel, who has been prepared to stir up the hornets 'nest of the Middle East (at the cost of enormous loss of life) for personal aggrandisement and financial gain. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • For all that Netanyahu's innate arrogance and self-aggrandisement was laid bare by the contents of the nine-year-old recording, the collective shrugging of shoulders implies that few expected anything else from a man who has been boasting of his own political prowess throughout his tumultuous career. Why Binyamin Netanyahu tape is no real shocker
  • You're thinking that maybe I was predictably paranoid, which I now recognize as just a sneakier state of self-aggrandizement.
  • Ego and self-aggrandizement oft seduce even highly evolved souls, and inevitably leads to downfall.
  • A sub section of self-aggrandisement is self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • First, their countries seek no aggrandizement, territorial or other;
  • Be ambitious not for money, not for selfish aggrandizement, not for the evanescent thing which men call fame.
  • Dropping the appeal to the privy council was a matter of petty nationalist self aggrandisement.
  • Never mind, rather like buses, if you miss one chance to comment on the tabloids insensitivity, self-aggrandisement, condescension and general loathsomeness there bound to be another chance coming along shortly.
  • In Death of a Thousand Cuts, the murder victim’s life was motivated by self-aggrandizement. An Interview with Barbara D'Amato about Death of a Thousand Cuts
  • He also betrayed the trust of his American friends for profit and self-aggrandizement.
  • Whether the intention was personal aggrandizement on the part of the family or a shrewd step towards industrial expansion is not known.
  • As the spirit of aggrandizement, which is said to have actuated the public and private conduct of The Stranger in France or, a Tour from Devonshire to Paris Illustrated by Engravings in Aqua Tint of Sketches Taken on the Spot.
  • Yet in this small act of bullying self-aggrandisement, we get the measure of the man. Times, Sunday Times
  • He gives a lot of money to charity, but personal aggrandizement/self-aggrandizement is his motive.
  • But if we build upon "the sands" of fame or self-aggrandizement, and, like the towering oak, lift our insignificant heads in proud defiance of the coming storm, we may expect that our superstruction will fall! Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman Embracing a Correspondence of Several Years, While President of Wilberforce Colony, London, Canada West
  • Because writing down everything is a fairly clear attempt at self-aggrandisement, isn't it? Times, Sunday Times
  • It is aggrandizement buyer the sanction to the bargainor.
  • Collective apathy towards the problems faced by our nation stems from the burden of self-aggrandizement.
  • The Newsnight programme was shocking both for its self-aggrandisement and its celebration of unfair bias. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • However, if their rulers take the path of self-aggrandizement, which is virtually inevitable in the absence of accountability, then these people will begin to experience indignity and eventually they will revolt, often to settle for a new ruler who is perceived as more benign and dignity-respecting, but not necessarily democratic. Robert Fuller: Bridging Left and Right: A Foundation for Transpartisan Politics
  • His sole aim is personal aggrandizement.
  • Even the book is a means to an end, not the customary exercise in self-aggrandisement. Times, Sunday Times
  • This last vilifying barb you offer in yet another comment when, having had the whole root of your hatred revealed in the posting of that email exchange, rather than actually give grounds for your risible concern with a purported conflict of interests, you continue your rancorous pillorying, not to mention the concomitant pompous self-aggrandisement. Archive 2009-01-01
  • It is a noteworthy exercise in vitriol, and perhaps self-aggrandizement, but it falls far short of legitimate journalism.
  • I love when that happens to me, and hope when I do it people don't consider it patronizing or self-aggrandizement, which is (almost) never the spirit in which it is intended. Magna comes loudly
  • Whether the intention was personal aggrandizement on the part of the family or a shrewd step towards industrial expansion is not known.
  • Whether the intention was personal aggrandizement on the part of the family or a shrewd step towards industrial expansion is not known.
  • Perhaps the public has good reason to think that the media's self-aggrandizement gets in the way of solving the country's real problems The Story Behind the Story
  • The politics of the goyim is the politics of accidental circumstances, engineered by the Jews, and tends not towards perfecting the affairs of the state, but towards struggle for the sake of greed, or more often for the personal aggrandizement of the administrators. The History of a Lie 'The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion'
  • Given what we know about your self-aggrandizement and what people 3 years ago identified as your pathologies, I think we know how seriously to take your claims. Matthew Yglesias » Why Choose?
  • John's last discourse shows both the self-aggrandizement that comes from abusing a text and the self-renewal that comes from letting oneself be used by it.
  • Be ambitious not for money, not for selfish aggrandizement, not for the evanescent thing which men call fame.
  • Idea of 1 change, comply with a situation, aggrandizement capital manages, raise capital utilization rate.
  • the aggrandizement of the king
  • I would have expected more discussion on intellectuals as producers of ethnocentric symbols of exclusion, ethnic self-aggrandizement, self-pity, and exalted martyrology.
  • Long terms in the office have not done Africa any good, except ensuring personal aggrandisement and enrichment,’ he said.
  • Ready your TV and your stomach for an hour of smears, self-aggrandizement and, with any luck, an airing of the issues facing California: Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown meet tonight in Davis for the first of three televised debates. Stakes Are High For Brown And Whitman In First Debate
  • With little to occupy their inner lives, they settle on sophomoric backbiting and relentless self-aggrandisement as the closest achievable thing to an actually mature expression of emotion or contact between two human beings.
  • I suppose we could be accused of self-aggrandisement by pointing out that this is more cash per head of population than almost any other country on earth, but it is nevertheless heartening.
  • I expect in a few hundred years time historians will be able to distinguish the period 1945-2010 as a continuum of socialist aggrandisement in Britain. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • In both cases, what has really been accomplished is the birth of a new generation of implacable enemies, and the perpetuation of a state of fear that hard liners on all sides manipulate for their own aggrandizement. And the Winner Is … - The Caucus Blog -
  • On returning to France, to the bosom of the great, strong, magnificent, peaceful, and glorious fatherland, I should have proclaimed her frontiers immutable; all future wars purely defensive, all aggrandizement antinational. War and Peace
  • Some of chemistry's popular tales are probably outright fabrication, the product of wishful thinking, over-embellished recollection, wilful self-aggrandisement or a skewed historical agenda.
  • For hundreds of years, reigning sovereigns have amassed large quantities of the best paintings, historic artifacts, contemporary master crafts and books, just to name a few, for personal enjoyment and self-aggrandizement.
  • Four of his nephews and their aggrandizement were the particular objects of his attentions, and two of these -- as we have already said -- Piero and Girolamo Riario, were universally recognized to be his sons. The Life of Cesare Borgia
  • Further, he saw that the arms of Italy, and those more especially of which he might have availed himself, were in the hands of men who had reason to fear his aggrandizement, that is, of the Orsini, the Colonnesi, and their followers. VII. Of New Princedoms Acquired By the Aid of Others and By Good Fortune
  • Below new condition, fill area should aggrandizement 3 consciousness.
  • For Lincoln saw an unresolvable tension between the Constitution of a democratic republic and the policies of aggrandizement and intemperate self-interest that lead from the manners of freedom to the slavish love of power. David Bromwich: To Maintain a Republic
  • The people should monitor and criticize their officials in order to prevent abuse of power for self-aggrandizement while infringing on the rights of others.
  • The presentation was seasoned throughout by an uncomfortable mix of brittle humour and shameless self-aggrandisement. Times, Sunday Times
  • That he served with Kennedy's example in mind indicates he was actuated more by self-aggrandisement than altruism.
  • The fact that he was in a national political debate, where it's all about false modesty and self-aggrandizement, made his acknowledgement all the more remarkable.
  • A former White House chief of staff for President George H.W. Bush, Mr. Sununu described Mr. Gingrich as having a penchant for "self-aggrandizement" and "off-the-cuff thinking" that "is not what you want in a commander-in-chief. Tough Talk as Romney Takes Aim at Gingrich
  • Art-Union, to be convinced that the great majority do so for the sake of self-aggrandizement, that is, to have a chance of getting the works of our best artists for a mere tithe of their value, or in the language of the advertisements, "of obtaining a valuable return, for a small investment;" as they would buy any other lottery tickets: to make the most out of their money. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851
  • His sole aim is personal aggrandizement.
  • Procedural aggrandizement, which is perhaps best illustrated by Emmanuel Goldstein's aphorism "The object of power is power. Scrivener's Error
  • The fact that he was in a national political debate, where it's all about false modesty and self-aggrandizement, made his acknowledgement all the more remarkable.
  • With little to occupy their inner lives, they settle on sophomoric backbiting and relentless self-aggrandisement as the closest achievable thing to an actually mature expression of emotion or contact between two human beings.
  • Defending a citizen accused of a crime is hard enough without the added monetary and reputational incentive to effectuate an arrest for personal profit and aggrandizement. Andrea Lyon: For-Profit Criminal Prosecutions
  • They show the essential pattern of self-glorification as self-aggrandizement that most interests the author.
  • The only ones who wont see it are at the top who joined for self promotion and aggrandisement. on April 9, 2009 at 4: 40 pm | Reply Joe Public You Have Mistaken Me For Someone Else « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • For all that Netanyahu's innate arrogance and self-aggrandisement was laid bare by the contents of the nine-year-old recording, the collective shrugging of shoulders implies that few expected anything else from a man who has been boasting of his own political prowess throughout his tumultuous career. Why Binyamin Netanyahu tape is no real shocker
  • Their status is commercialized in the pursuit of self-aggrandizement.
  • Any movement that builds its core ideology around the worship of an infantilist, developmentally-stunted, self-aggrandizement will inevitably wind up eating its young. Thirty Years Too Late: The Implosion of John McCain and the Demise of the Regressive Right
  • It is journalistic slop, political flatulence and religious aggrandisement, and it is deadly dangerous.
  • When we look back at the ashes of the Brown years there will be one thing that will be said about him; he really could spend oceans of other people's money for absolutely no return except to the aggrandisement of his own ego. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • This last vilifying barb you offer in yet another comment when, having had the whole root of your hatred revealed in the posting of that email exchange, rather than actually give grounds for your risible concern with a purported conflict of interests, you continue your rancorous pillorying, not to mention the concomitant pompous self-aggrandisement. How Not to be a Writer
  • He was a strong and greedy monarch who pursued a course of military aggrandizement from the beginning of his reign.
  • I think most people working in the White House are there for other reasons-a desire to take on big issues, personal fame and aggrandizement, a sense of service, the hope for a pardon down the line, a personal relationship with the President, or a blood-curdling thirst for power. Matthew Yglesias » Pay Freeze
  • For the furtherance of his own career and self-aggrandisement, Hain knowingly accepted the work load of two departments. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Saddam replaced some of the ancient Sumerian bricks containing the first language of cuneiform with his own inscriptions of self-aggrandizement. Rajai Hakki: An Arab-American Iraq War Veteran Returns to the Middle East,
  • He was a humble, self-effacing man, not given to self-aggrandisement of any sort.
  • For the furtherance of his own career and self-aggrandisement, Hain knowingly accepted the work load of two departments. Archive 2008-01-01
  • American self-aggrandizement, like all others I believe, is just communal biology at work and based on a deep-rooted drive to survive. Joe Woodward: Occup(ied) America: A Literary History
  • The fact that you know someone in the security services indicates nothing other than your appetite for self-aggrandisement. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Byron is a crucial figure in Inglis's narrative, partly because his antics above and below tables prefigured those of today's footballers and US presidents, and partly because his aggrandisement of passion is an important milestone in a lineage of emotion traced from the 18th century to the present. A Short History of Celebrity by Fred Inglis
  • Nowadays, our culture disvalues liberal education, is skeptical of virtue, and, in particular, glorifies self-aggrandizement over altruism.
  • Their aggrandizement should be the first thing sacrificed in hard times, not the last. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
  • He was a straightforward and unpretentious man, practical and efficient, with no special desire for self-aggrandizement. LORD PRESTIMION
  • He gives a lot of money to charity, but personal aggrandizement/self-aggrandizement is his motive.
  • Too many leaders are in it for personal enrichment or aggrandizement, a show-me-the-money style of leadership that has led directly to today's landscape of wrecked corporations and indicted CEOs.
  • His sole aim is personal aggrandizement.
  • He never sought managerial power for self-aggrandisement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lord Myners attacks bankers 'greed and finds God minister appointed to clean up the City, is so disenchanted by bankers' greed and self-aggrandisement that he is planning to become a theology student. - Business News
  • The real villains in this matter are the pandering people who for reasons of self-interest - and self-aggrandizement - have prolonged for much too long the suffering of all those who really love her.
  • He is a carnival barker on the legal midway, seeking little but his own self-aggrandizement.
  • He's a symbol, obviously, not of the youth who have abandoned their elders, but, in a bit of unashamed self-aggrandizement, of the writer who has not.
  • This isn't busy-bodiness for its own sake or self-aggrandisement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even more shocking than their aggrandizement of linguistic power is their evident ignorance of how English, the language of pounds and pennies, dollars and cents, works.
  • In both financial Ponzi schemes and religious manipulation, the frequent appeal is to self-aggrandisement and selfishness. Brad Reid: Five Questions For Avoiding Religious Follies
  • No one can claim that politicians sought to exploit this occasion for their own self-aggrandizement.
  • The Michigan Chronicle called it a victory for “an increasingly vociferous element in the community” who demanded that people like Jones, “who exist by the skillful intermixing of religion, fear, faith in God, and outright fakery solely for personal aggrandizement be driven from their lofty perches.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • It is an open secret that most police officers dedicated to duty are living miserable lives, unlike some of their colleagues who have taken to crime and are in the service solely for self-aggrandisement.
  • “By which Temple?” said the Marquis of Montserrat, whose love of sarcasm often outran his policy and discretion; “swearest thou by that on the hill of Zion, which was built by King Solomon, or by that symbolical, emblematical edifice, which is said to be spoken of in the councils held in the vaults of your Preceptories, as something which infers the aggrandizement of thy valiant and venerable Order?” The Talisman
  • He hijacked a noble cause as a means of self-aggrandisement. Times, Sunday Times
  • I fear the project will be another Millennium Dome - an over-ambitious monument to municipal aggrandizement which sets back arts funding in the borough for generations.
  • National welfare meant nothing; personal aggrandizement meant everything.
  • We were a group with common ideals, a willingness to share, and, if I may say so, a singular lack of self-aggrandizement.
  • Why is it that the self-aggrandizements of Cicero, the lecheries and whining of Ovid and the blatherings of that debauched old goose Seneca made it onto the Net before the works that give us solid technical information about what Rome was really good at, viz. the construction of her great buildings and works of engineering?
  • Such humility jars, coming from a manager renowned for self-aggrandisement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their three outstanding attitudes - obliviousness to the growing disaffection of constituents, primacy of self-aggrandizement, illusion of invulnerable status - are persistent aspects of folly.
  • While his highs and lows - veering between internal self-aggrandisement and lack of self-esteem - ring true, he is the novel's least engaging and convincing character.
  • Without artificial self-aggrandizement, he may realize that external pomp is a poor substitute for inner worth.
  • This abuse of the language of terror for political and commercial self-aggrandisement is disgraceful. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • And again he exclaims – Mexicans! my heart feels itself wounded by the deepest grief, and all humanity shudders in contemplating the unsoundable chaos of evils in which the authors of this rebellion have sunk the incautious men whom they have seduced, in order to form with their dead bodies the bloody ladder which was to raise them to their aggrandizement! Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • Her sole aim is personal aggrandizement.
  • I make up with true friends who accidentally hurt my feelings through acts of self-aggrandizement, neglect and unwanted pity. Cheryl Pearl Sucher: Life Is Prayer During The Days Of Awe
  • A tyranny has been imposed that has left our nation bankrupt, defeated and, sold for aggrandisement of this brutal ideology. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • As my younger brothers never tire of reminding me, becoming a Rhodes Scholar entails a definite measure of self-promotion and self-aggrandizement.

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