How To Use Agglomerate In A Sentence

  • The narrowing of the political parties to two could be viewed as limiting the national leadership contest to at most two agglomerated ethnic groups, although they both reach across group divides.
  • The treatments work on the clay to minimize the attractive forces between the agglomerated platelets.
  • If firms agglomerate in one or a few regions, they do so impelled by pecuniary externalities that arise from the interaction of increasing returns with transportation costs between regions.
  • In this process the human proteins are inactivated and agglomerates are formed which may be the cause of the observed intolerance to the injection solutions.
  • This invention provides an abrasive article comprising abrasive agglomerate particles and a bond system.
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  • More important, the fact that these researchers, with this kind of code, agglomerated so much grant money and garnered so many “peer-reviewed” publications demonstrates that the process of peer-review as to climate change cannot be trusted. The Volokh Conspiracy » More Monbiot on CRU E-mail Leak
  • In the process, it has become perhaps the most complete chronicle of our strange national anxieties ever agglomerated. The Listener
  • At about -400 metres, a polymictic agglomerate unit also appears, showing singular fragments of margin-chilled rhyolite, fragments of rhyolitic welded tuffs and fragments of devitrified felsic glass, all evidence of hot, and therefore near-source, deposition. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Rocky material formed by the accumulation of large ejecta is classified as agglomerate.
  • In addition, long chains of similarly sized particles are frequently formed, and they may collapse into spherical- or raft-shaped agglomerates in the high humidity of the respiratory tract.
  • The agglomerated - mode is a result of the market influence and have good development prospect.
  • Instead they consolidated into larger population agglomerates.
  • Quartz stretching lineations in the shear zones are down-dip and rotated clasts in the agglomerates suggest top-to-the-NE shearing or thrusting of the volcanic series over the Delb Khairkhan melange.
  • The most significant feature was the importance of the female line, which constituted the connecting threads that held together different family agglomerates.
  • an agglomerated flower head
  • The region had excellent potential for further agglomerated growth.
  • A society proud of its accomplishments, its agglomerated cultures -- Chinese, Indian, Malay -- continue to value family as the supreme societal unit. Singapore's Demographic Winter
  • This is in great part what the movement is about, of course, but there is in reality far too diverse a spectrum of proponents working alongside these men and women for everyone to be agglomerated into one demographic. Kevin Armento: Genderless Marriage: Redefining the Debate
  • In 2002, cotton fabrics accounted for 21.41 per cent of Bulgaria's imports from Portugal, agglomerated cork at 11.32 per cent, and synthetic fibres at 9.86 per cent.
  • The Chilwa province is composed of several granite, syenite, and nepheline-syenite plutons that are associated with extrusive carbonatites and agglomerates.
  • I'm not sure which definition of little l or big L libertarianism is being invoked, but I thought that even in a Nozickian world, groups would be allowed to agglomerate, self-select, and restrict entry to their group. Still More on Immigration, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The Sun agglomerated from a huge cloud of gas and dust, which was largely the debris left from previous expired stars and supernova explosions.
  • The shape of this galaxy indicates an obvious tendency for its matter to agglomerate.
  • Scientists call these groups ionic agglomerates.
  • It was built of great blocks of hewn stone, on a vast, square foundation of rough, agglomerated material, such as composes the mass of all the other ruinous tombs. The Marble Faun - Volume 2 The Romance of Monte Beni
  • However this light coating was not deposited where the dust or agglomerate should have been deposited as a result of cyclonic action, that is at the bottom of the collecting pan.
  • While the industry as a whole was being agglomerated by media moguls, Ted Perry was a blunt-headed cottage craftsman who lived above the shop and knew the value and function of every inventoried item.
  • A short agglomerate cork suggests that the bottler had little regard for the ageing ability of this wine, while a particularly long cork is indicative at least of ambition or optimism.
  • It has agglomerated population, centralized means of production, and has concentrated property in a few hands.
  • The volcanic strata consist of sheet-like flows of andesite, dacite, basalts, and trachybasalts that are interbedded with agglomerates and tuffs.
  • This means that organisms are not agglomerates but ecosystems of co-acting cells with a unique functional focus.
  • The perfect inosculation and streamline design agglomerate the smart mind and show the exalted tang.
  • If carbides are allowed to agglomerate or form grain-boundary films during heat treatment or in service at elevated temperatures, they can seriously impair ductility and cause embrittlement.
  • Power is not binary, but fluid and nodal: it agglomerates in particular sites and in particular ways, between particular groups or individuals.
  • An unique aspect of the agglomerates according to the present invention is that they are formed without the use of a separate bonding substance, such as an adhesive.
  • And all of this talk of dis-establishing the unwieldy and unworkable and agglomerated-monstrosity 'nations' (and Economy) as over-extended as 'the 48 States,' is what is contained and meant in the 1960s bumpersticker: Think globally, Act locally. by meremark (1 articles, 3 quicklinks, 30 diaries, 589 comments [29 recommended, 0 rejected]) on Tuesday, Jan 20, 2009 at 1: 58: 24 AM OpEdNews - Diary: Obama's To-Do List-- Open Thread; Add your to-do items
  • Guraya's approach instead relies on very high pressure, supplied by a special homogenizer known as a microfluidizer, to physically split apart the starch-protein agglomerates.
  • This uptake of oxygen, however slow or fast, tends to reduce fresh, grapey primary aromas and also causes small tannin molecules to agglomerate, which changes colour towards gold in whites and softens astringency in both reds and whites.
  • Later on, some pairs of nodes will have been identified as neighbors, but not agglomerated.
  • But, what about the other 40% of dirt sources, such as agglomerated paint particles, color carry over during the color change process and paint line cleaning?
  • The agglomerate formulation of MF successfully deagglomerates into particles of respirable size during patient inhalation.
  • We need use the up-to-date wisdom agglomerate much more strength , and impulse the conscientious government, the people's society and the people's pullulation.
  • Retailers agglomerate because they perceive that any negative effects from increased competition are outweighed by: Mari Gallagher: Grocer, Can You Make a Profit?
  • In this process the human proteins are inactivated and agglomerates are formed which may be the cause of the observed intolerance to the injection solutions.
  • In these particular environments, the iron hydrolyzes essentially, as hydroxyls begin to agglomerate around the iron and settle down to the bottom of this lake material.
  • We are a collective, and strenuous attempts of all of us were agglomerated at every step.
  • On the life insurance side, the risk of urban agglomerate was underestimated, and the risk continues.
  • It is certain that a loosely agglomerated mass (such as cometary nuclei most likely are) must gradually separate through the unequal action of gravity on its various parts -- through, in short, solar tidal influence. A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
  • The volcanic strata consist of sheet-like flows of andesite, dacite, basalts, and trachybasalts that are interbedded with agglomerates and tuffs.
  • A nuanced, intelligent review from a critic whose taste I trust means much more to me than an agglomerate of plus/minus scores. On Things Fresh and Rotten
  • This diagram places in opposition a development which will mainly benefit the big firm and the agglomerated area, and a development which will benefit the whole population.
  • Based on scanning electron microscope images of the failed nanotube films, we attribute the ultimate failure to agglomerates in the film (point defects that act as stress concentrators).
  • Somehow, that nasty paperwork stuff has a tendency to agglomerate on my desk. Archive 2009-01-01
  • The point he has missed is, a large percentage of India's surface area is still in villages where rainwater recharges the soil much more than it does in urban agglomerates.
  • A large number of floating populations from countryside invade the cities, and are tending to agglomerate.
  • As these centres became politically agglomerated in the 16th century, variations on what soon became virtually an artistic canon became more solely individual than regional.
  • Milled rice contains agglomerates, or clumps, of starch and protein.
  • London is not one homogenised urban sprawl: it is hundreds of once separate villages that the Victorian explosion agglomerated into a continuous habitation.
  • And neighborhoods and hotels agglomerate around important hubs within the system. Archive 2009-03-01
  • A more likely bet is the following: the cloud of molecules, dust, and matter that agglomerated to form our solar system was laced with the leftovers of many dead star systems, some of which could have harbored life. SuperCooperators
  • Nominal wages increase in the more agglomerated region because, as a result of the additional firm's entry, there is greater aggregate production and thus greater demand for labor.
  • The cheapest form of cork, developed in 1891 by an American businessman, John Smith, is cork agglomerate, occasionally called ‘agglo’, reassembled crumbs of cork which can offer some of the benefits of intact cork itself.
  • Waste was hauled by truck to various designated dumps, and the ore was to be stockpiled or to be directly crushed, screened, and agglomerated.
  • We also could not obtain length distributions from filaments inside of large agglomerates.
  • The products including cork floor tile, cork wall tile, cork sheet and roll, agglomerated cork stopper, granulated cork and other cork products.
  • For this particular child, I would ask if there are cats in the house cats loose a lot of hair, which tends to agglomerate under beds and in room corners.
  • Except in agglomerated pigmented cells, no differentiation of the retinal cell layers was observed.
  • As an alternative, he developed a process using high-pressure homogenization, which breaks down the starch-protein agglomerates and separates them without changing their nutritional properties.
  • Herbert aims to agglomerate intellectual movements in various disciplines and show the deep connections that make them part of a single episteme.
  • For example, the Lower Carboniferous green volcanic ashes and agglomerates from Oxroad Bay in East Lothian, Scotland contain abundant anatomically preserved plants that were overlooked by those studying the geology.
  • If the droplets agglomerate with sediment," he said, "they could even settle to the bottom. Scientists Find Evidence That Oil And Dispersant Mix Is Making Its Way Into The Foodchain
  • At the top of the list are sectors that are relatively agglomerated; at the bottom are industries that are much more dispersed.
  • The loosely agglomerated arrangements of a multitude of insurers, each with their own rules, schedules of services, red tape, and reimbursement applications are certainly not a system.
  • Fluxes are therefore used to protect the melt from oxidation, to agglomerate nonmetallic inclusions originating with the charge, and to break up and collect the oxide inclusions and skins that may form during melting.
  • The last name on the list has an agglomerated population of only 15,208.
  • Moreover, foamy virus is just one of several that can make cultured cells swell up and agglomerate. A Clue To Chronic Fatigue
  • In fact, the great plutonic action is confined to the central portion of the island; there, rocks of the trappean and volcanic class, including trachyte, basalt, and tuffs and agglomerates associated with streams of lava, have made this a land of supernatural horrors. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • Similarly charged colloidal particles cannot come close enough together to agglomerate into larger particles.
  • Under Jiang Zemin, the leadership announced it would follow the chaebol and kereitsu models of Korea and Japan where protected industries agglomerated into massive enterprises.
  • From the outset, a dilapidated building - dark, dingy and dangerous - mirrors the standard of care for the agglomerated, forgotten Brazilian criminal underclass.
  • The volcanic strata consist of sheet-like flows of andesite, dacite, basalts, and trachybasalts that are interbedded with agglomerates and tuffs.
  • In these particular environments, the iron hydrolyzes essentially, as hydroxyls begin to agglomerate around the iron and settle down to the bottom of this lake material.
  • The cubicled floor space of start-ups turned agglomerates make up the Binary Proletariat.
  • Production flexibilities have been built through a network of locally agglomerated workshop production units and domestic homebased workers to whom work is outsourced when required.
  • Â Astra and her beau travel into space to view something called “The Gordian Knot,” which consists of millions of universes all agglomerated together, existing in a strange quantum state of intermingling, thanks to Astra and her powers. Review: Rapid Fire Reviews - Stale Candy Edition! | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • These form all kinds of agglomerates and aggregates, including fibrils, in a precise morphological hierarchy.

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