Agent Orange

  1. a herbicide used in the Vietnam War to defoliate forest areas
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How To Use Agent Orange In A Sentence

  • At the end of the first issue, the cliffhanger is that the reader learns that Marty plans to get Gary killed if that is what it will take to get rid of Agent Orange. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » How to Write a Novel Synopsis
  • That was followed by two C-123 defoliation planes which sprayed Agent Orange in a circle around the base to the depth of one mile. Babies
  • Much of the Vietnamese countryside was defoliated using poisons like Agent Orange, so toxic that even the soldiers who did the spraying suffered long-term damage to their health.
  • It would normally be at this point that I would intervene with some suitably shallow, sneering, right-of-centre barb about how the aconite patch could do with a good carpeting of agent orange, but I will refrain and enjoin with diplo and p-w in a most heartful way, urging you to keep it up, in your most excellent Women's Realm way. Aconite Acolyte
  • The use of defoliants such as Agent Orange and various herbicides scarred the landscape and caused untold human costs.
  • Metrics such as use of "body counts" and scientific solutions such as using the herbicide Agent Orange to defoliate jungles in which communist guerrillas hid became trademarks of the conflict. Vietnam-era Pentagon chief McNamara dead at 93
  • Agent Orange contained dioxins, which are some of the most deadly poisons known.
  • Dioxin was the contaminant in the herbicide Agent Orange, used as a defoliant in the Vietnam war and thought to have caused numerous health problems in veterans of that war.
  • Vietnam is beginning a joint operation with the United States to remove traces of the toxic defoliant Agent Orange.
  • An investigation was quickly launched after three U.S. military veterans told a television station in the U.S. state of Arizona that they were ordered to bury Agent Orange at the Army camp in 1978.
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