How To Use Agenda In A Sentence

  • The problem of religion secularization rose to an agenda as the growing of human self - awareness.
  • My evidence for my own freethinking is that I don't buy into either the whole liberal agenda or the whole "con" agenda either. Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • Have you got a copy of the agenda for tomorrow's meeting?
  • Maybe there could be a new school of (telically oriented) ˜pattern recognition 'instead of ID, since the ID Movement is obviously not what TT's is interested in, given it's theologically relevant agenda. Creationism and Propaganda
  • Possibly in a bid to allay fears that nationalism and protectionism were driving the agenda--though it's hard to wonder how they couldn't in a country whose motto translates as "we wish to remain what we are"--a Luxembourg minister said on Tuesday that the takeover law, which it plans to enact in May, was in no way aimed at creating impediments to Mittal's play for Arcelor. Luxembourg Minister: We're Not Trying To Stop Mittal
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  • Donnelly's PNAC report -- a blueprint followed faithfully by the Bush Administration -- openly yearned for a "new Pearl Harbor" that would "catalyze" the American people into adopting PNAC's global militarist agenda wholesale. Undefined
  • It is expected that the consistory will influence the agenda for next October's synod of bishops in Rome.
  • Those who fight in the support of Taliban have their own agenda like any other fighters but the media lable them as "islamic Terrorst". CNN Poll: Americans mostly agree with Obama on Afghanistan
  • His actions have spoiled the accommodationist agenda, and marred the image of the revolution.
  • She tenderly cares for her bedridden mother (euthanasia not being next on her agenda).
  • The republicans main agenda is to try and make the president fail, consequently our country and us. Obama says opponents reducing health care reform to 'politics'
  • Read the agenda prior to the meeting and bring along a notepad.
  • Unsurprisingly, the story is much more complex than the headline suggests and provides yet another example of the story being spun to meet a commercial agenda.
  • In stark contrast to its nature during the foundational period in the 1970s and early 1980s, the Commission in large measure both sets the Community agenda and acts as a power broker in the legislative process.
  • Those who appose any form of a health care agenda in most cases will be defeated financially – big time. Wonk Room » Rep. Steve King’s Fudged Math Sets Off Alarm: ‘5,600,000 Illegal Aliens’ Covered By ‘Obamacare’
  • The biggest post-election challenge is rebuilding the social justice agenda and its support base while reassessing political alignments.
  • My bias stands on history, a history of near on 35 years on the front lines, cleaning up the messes mad by experts, carrying the agenda of whomever is paying the bill. An Evolutionary Model of Depression, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I never saw a BBC journalist actively promote his own political agenda.
  • Should the highly controversial CECA in recent Taiwan's political forum be listed into the agenda of the third meeting between Jiang and Chen?
  • We will run on the principal areas of concern to ordinary Australians, both in terms of the international agenda and the domestic agenda.
  • This unhidden agenda of party politics poisons local government.
  • newsie" shows and short inserts into "news" broadcasts are nothing more than pushing their agenda. - Exposing Liberal Media Bias
  • Me and I am not happy. 80% of our population are not contributing to federal income taxes ... their money comes back to them in refunds. it is a sad state with a president whose agenda will cost us greatly expects this burdon to fall on the remaining 20%. Raising taxes at center of health care reform debate
  • Speculation about an international cloning movement setting up base here has been rife following the arrival of one of its officials, with ’setting up office’ as one of the tasks on his agenda. Cloning cult enters Lanka
  • At a minimum, they can force the issue back on to the political agenda and make Republicans publicly address the subject again.
  • Indeed, he is something of an affable version of our outgoing governor - not as bright, not as driven, but equally without agenda and equally without a base.
  • Perspectives: by William Whitten on Friday, Dec 19, 2008 at 12: 34: 39 PM my agenda: Consumer Protection/FDA overhaul/Economy restoral by Stephen Fox on Friday, Dec 19, 2008 at 1: 14: 49 PM Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack: Too much Monsanto in the Mix?
  • It is the Marxist agenda that has seeped into our ruling caste - especially the Police and judiciary - that is whoilly responsible for what Fraser politely calls the 'fraying' (read wholesale destruction) of our social fabric. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Old radio signature tunes and royal music are on the agenda. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is too much at stake in this relationship for either side to really push an adversary agenda with the other.
  • Thus far, only two relatively minor planks of the 10-point House-initiated legislative agenda have become law.
  • Both parties have redistributionist agendas.
  • The first two reveal an essentially conservative, royalist agenda.
  • Her real agenda may be wondering whether she will have grandchildren one day. The Sun
  • Sadly, Bachmann's inflated version of John Quincy Adams's antislavery record exemplifies how she and other Tea Party advocates remold the past into a founding-era-Disneyland version bolstering their political agenda. R. B. Bernstein: Will the Real John Quincy Adams Please Stand Up?
  • We didn't have that kind of clarion message that Ronald Reagan had, a clear distinct and a positive agenda. CNN Transcript - CNN Late Edition: Polls Show Gore and Bush Maintaining Iowa Leads; Bradley Sinking and McCain Rising in New Hampshire - January 23, 2000
  • Agenda-setting front-page splashes started reappearing as well as longer inside reads devoted to issues not normally touched by the Record.
  • Please, get down off your horse, "sg", and realize that commenting on an observation does not amount to some kind of anti - [insert your personal view here] agenda. Blogger KING
  • Ministers thought the public needed protection against their charitable contributions being used to further political agendas they might not endorse. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had the nerve to mention Lincoln during this race asking Obama for a Lincoln/Jefferson debate, well if she wants to channel Lincoln then she would be reminded how he weeped and cried over the lost of lives during the Civil war, he sure was not out and about pushing his own agenda. Hillary Clinton chokes up in CNN interview
  • He would place an item on the agenda on an annual basis to keep the project before the public mind.
  • It has the savor of disease about it and you immediately wonder what sort of agenda lies behind it.
  • Otherwise, this undertaking will be another inutile project in the making because China has other agenda in mind. Spratly oil exploration takes off
  • But, in practice, a government can make up any old piffle and call a poll to suit its own agenda.
  • Second, they'd imply that Chalabi had been unjustly maligned or demonized by opponents with other agendas to pursue.
  • The book pushes an agenda of choice (which can be code for vouchers), but the essential tenet is that when you look more closely at many middle and upper class schools, you find a lot that needs improvement, and fast. Lesley Chilcott: Books I Couldn't put Down
  • Most meetings, for example, would benefit by regularly having a 15 minute review as the last item on the agenda.
  • How many issues for discussion drop off the agenda until the rings have been safely exchanged?
  • A clear and agreed agenda for the private sector's role is essential, together with proper systems to develop, manage, and monitor the interface between both sectors.
  • You can't necessarily set the positive agenda that we want across the board, but you can stop a lot of bad things from happening, and that's a step forward," said Colin Hanna, president of tea party support group Let Freedom Ring. Tea Party Winners Take Ambitious Promises To Washington
  • To the ACLU's secular Jewish policy-makers, Christianity is a tool of majority opression of "victimized minorities" which has to be warred on along with other high agenda bugaboos like firearms ownership, bigots who won't let courts impose gay marriage, and "heteronormative" institutions like the Boy Scouts. Protesting minarets.
  • But what I wrote is probably more accurate in some obscure technical sense of reflecting my true agenda.
  • All and sundry want to be part of it though on mutually beneficial terms and all wish to be respected for whatever unique particularity they may bring to the common agenda.
  • It is no accident that Boehner has put two up-and-coming second-term congressmen, Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) and Peter Roskam (lll.), in charge of drafting the new agenda for governing. Republicans divided on the importance of an agenda for midterm elections
  • It is, after all, the Internet - a heady mixture of commerce, education, infotainment, tricksters, agendas, games and entertainment.
  • The intramural squabbling and partisan agendas of the past thirty-five years have often inhibited the discerning engagement with the culture that is imperative for a community of disciples called to be salt and light.
  • But many of the slights, misunderstandings and, yes, conniving, are typical of any bureaucracy, as officials pursue a range of different agendas.
  • Workers will take the money, which they richly deserve, but it should not stop us seeing the big agenda and confronting the share scheme.
  • The latter were critical; only by effective network building could the new managers implement their agendas.
  • The question of security is high on the agenda for this afternoon's meeting.
  • With this transformation came administrative change and consolidation of a coherent political agenda.
  • Spatial analysis features particularly prominent on the research agenda relating to natural and technological hazards and geodemographics.
  • It was to be an ugly demonstration; damage limitation was not on the agenda.
  • This is a formidable new agenda to be imposed - and implemented within a very short time-scale - on top of the existing programme.
  • The continuing agenda of the summit has been left in the hands of the four co-chairs appointed by the mayor.
  • Refined and sleek, this handsome agenda cover slips easily into a jacket pocket or briefcase.
  • In addition to listing the usual events portrayed in most histories, this author has presented a rather unique picture of the sultana which kept with his personal agenda for writing this work.
  • Too late, Americans began to realize that the Chinese and Russians and North Vietnamese each had their own, not always matching, agendas, and that if South Vietnam fell to the communists, that did not mean that all the "dominoes" of Southeast Asia would tumble as well. The Mythology of Munich
  • Not an ideal candidate, Brady's personal views veer to the right of our tastes and the well-being of the state, but we take him at his word that he won't push a social agenda as governor and we call on him to govern from the middle. Bill Brady Is Conservative, But Says He Won't Push Social Agenda
  • The truth was more that the agenda didn't fit with her sincere and earnest style, so why should she change in order to fit it?
  • Now, all sorts of entities and non-entities can reveal to mass audiences the agendas of these media machers.
  • Getting Congress' warring tribes to back this agenda may be easy by comparison.
  • Coalition figures have spent the past few weeks arguing that the looming agenda amounts to more than a lowest common denominator approach to policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He will act as a go-between to try and work out an agenda.
  • If Barak can contain the potential for these stresses and strains to muddy his agenda, that will be a considerable achievement.
  • the main point on the agenda was taken up first
  • It starts with three friends with deeply personal agendas to condemn fascism, elitism, classicism, racism and sexism.
  • The political matrix will change only if those concerned with enhancing privacy make such protections a major part of their agenda.
  • They should move not an inch towards its agenda. Times, Sunday Times
  • That’s the word academics use to push their green agenda these days. OBAMA ZOMBIES
  • MPs will be able to veto some presidential appointments, control half their agenda and vote on military interventions lasting more than four months. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was Mann who structured the agenda for maximum efficiency.
  • The nation, moreover, continues to enjoy the preponderant influence among national actors in determining what issues do and do not dominate the organization's agenda.
  • I admire the President for always trying to include the Republicans within his agenda, even when they have pledged to resit and vote NO on all his proposals. Obama invites senators from both parties to discuss vacancy
  • The American conservative or, more precisely, democratic sovereigntist, complaint about human rights has traditionally been that it is a tool by which self-defined political progressives pursue agendas that they cannot manage to achieve through domestic democratic mechanisms. The Volokh Conspiracy » Globally Managing American Speech?
  • Le Pinku etait bien en train d'aller a l'ANPE a pied, son sac en bandouillere, ses differents documents COTOREP sous le bras accompagnés de son precieux agenda Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The decision may not make for good public optics, since accountability has come to be seen as a key issue in medicare, and there have been allegations that some provinces are pursuing secret agendas to privatize health care.
  • The election leaves it with no agenda for governing such division, even if it claims a victory.
  • Cause litigation firms on the left and the right engage in rancorous legal fights around the nation on a range of subjects, seeking to further their agendas, from teaching creationism, to overturning SEC regulations, to fighting affirmative action, to promoting (or opposing) gay marriage. Balkinization
  • Instead the House adopted the gun lobby agenda that nothing should ever be done to "discourage" gun ownership and possession. Paul Helmke: U.S. House Acts Like City Council To Pass Dangerous Gun Lobby Bill
  • Not enough was done, and at times it felt our material was tailing after Royal Mail's rather than defining our own agenda.
  • For her, continuance of her government is not important but the implementation of her agenda.
  • In these circumstances it was no accident that planning and resourcing were high on the agenda for internal debate.
  • They often tell us not to worry in order to keep us from investigating the ramifications of their agenda. www. will see that the EPA seems to have taken the possibility of this tax seriously enough to work out it's ramifications for us. RedState
  • Positions painted as vital and sometimes "finessed" to advance specific political agendas now all the time. The Moderate Voice
  • Riddoch has spent the past five years on Radio Scotland, presenting a daily show that tackles issues high on the national news agenda.
  • And yet, President Obama's AGENDA on whitehouse. gov, under 'Urban Policy,' subheading 'Crime and Law Enforcement,' says this: stories: News
  • Here Doyle's rhetoric begins to echo the US men's movement that campaigns bitterly - if rather quietly - about women controlling the domestic agenda, and tyrannising men with their strident demands for independence.
  • In the homestretch to 2015, we see the momentum continuing to build, especially to combat maternal and neonatal mortality, another item on your agenda.
  • The introduction and failure of this project provide a good idea of why a separate black economic agenda has always been stifled.
  • The outcome was a caricature of Western knowledge of the Orient, driven by an overtly political agenda.
  • At that point in time, the impending smoking ban and the effect it would have on drink sales were high on the agenda.
  • As much as the idea galled him, he'd have to put aside his own agenda until things returned to normal after the invasion -- if they did -- and cooperate to the best of his ability. The Alembic Plot A Terran Empire novel
  • Could I draw your attention to item number three on the agenda?
  • The president is trying to push his agenda in Congress.
  • Yet the meeting has elicited only a collective yawn from the US and even European press despite its agenda is to replace the global dollar standard with a new financial and military defense system. Not to bum you out or anything (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • The agenda had been hastily patched together and no one in the audience knew what was coming. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • His latest book has a more activist agenda, albeit one that's cloaked as a continuation of his architecture lessons.
  • The false story line helps generate public support for the biotech political agenda.
  • We have totally different philosophies and agendas.
  • Such representations of women, defined and utilized by men for the ideological naturalization of their colonial/countercolonial agendas, also function to contain and neuter female agency.
  • He never deviated from the radical right's agenda, but he gave it a warm, sympathetic face.
  • Most meetings, for example, would benefit by regularly having a 15 minute review as the last item on the agenda.
  • Officials tussled over who had responsibility for the newly fashionable unemployment agenda.
  • Andrew RT Davies: Well no I'm just making the point that there are a couple of Home Rule O'Tooles here in Wales who want to er this independence agenda it's showing up as ten percent in the polls I believe you can't try and wipe out history you have to mark history and there are important events that have happened in history in Wales and I would suggest the investiture is one of those events. Archive 2008-10-01
  • Their domestic agendas and failings, even their backgrounds, are surprisingly similar.
  • He called for more transparency by mayoral agencies, with agendas and plans made available online in advance, with digitized records for inserting comments, and "livestream" -- not sure if he meant audio or video -- of all meetings. Atlantic Yards Report
  • Not only that, their main agenda is to prove that a Black man is not smart enough to be President of the United States. House liberals tell Obama public option is 'essential'
  • The denial of ‘political’ agendas is a standard trope, especially under authoritarian regimes where the word connotes divisive haggling against the interests of the united people.
  • (Rick Warren certainly had an agenda on Saturday at CamelbackSaddleback, but he seemed more interested in eliciting information from the candidates than the too-knowing 'pros' and -- blissfully -- he seemed entirely uninterested in playing gotcha.) Debate Perps - Swampland -
  • Critics are also right in suggesting that his policy agenda is somewhat bereft of concrete plans.
  • The reality is that some will eagerly solicit the uninformed to support their agenda via the one-note, often sensationalized message of the media.
  • But these agendas overlap, subtly borrow concepts and ideas from each other.
  • Define your agenda in terms of freedom, security, identity and democracy - ‘and no one can touch you for it’.
  • Civil unrest is more a threat to this country with each passing day the Obama administration rams their agenda down our throats. Specter gets special police protection
  • In the case of mainstream media the debate is largely conducted between members of the commentariat on their terms within the confines of their own agenda.
  • Girlfight surrounds her with familiar fight-movie elements: the decrepit gym, decorated with hortatory slogans; the wizened coach with his own agenda of disappointments.
  • To climb back into the presidential race, he must get abortion off the agenda.
  • The story out of Virginia — that cities and hamlets around the state recently spent school funds on a book for 4th graders with an agenda that most Americans reject – - is the latest entry into what is becoming a catalog of schoolbook outrages. Why are we failing in history, science education?
  • -- Afghanistan and Pakistan "to stabilize the security situation;" in fact, a major effort may be undertaken to destabilize it as part of a broader agenda to stoke violence, increase Washington's presence in the region, double US forces in Afghanistan to 60,000 or more according to recent reports, and "Balkanize" each country, Iraq and possibly Syria into separate autonomous states; and Obama v. Richard Falk on Israel and Occupied Palestine
  • That axiom is also true in fantasy baseball, where managing a pitching staff down the stretch is often the key to winning a championship because major league teams often don't have the same agendas for their pitchers as fantasy owners do. Keep eye on starters' workloads heading down the stretch
  • To climb back into the presidential race, he must get abortion off the agenda.
  • With the growth of the movement came a more radical agenda of teetotalism and a concerted campaign to end the state's liquor licensing system through local option legislation and eventually state prohibition in the 1850s.
  • The Republicans have stuck to their conservative agenda.
  • The agenda had been hastily patched together and no one in the audience knew what was coming. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • How does Mr Chre tien reconcile his role as accomplice to President Bush's short-sighted and irresponsible energy agenda?
  • Tyab says the student society is not receiving agendas for the board meetings and he wanted to gain insight into the goings on at the development corporation.
  • Two broad groups control the nation's mental health agenda: antipsychiatry and psychiatry. DJ Jaffe: Psychiatry vs. Antipsychiatry: Call to action
  • There was only one unspoken agenda: damage assessment. Damage limitation, if any was possible, would come later.
  • Camberwick Green, probably unwittingly, supplied me with a conservative counter agenda to the counter-culture.
  • Like Haynes, Fassbinder was a cinephile who used Hollywood's tropes to pursue his own sexual and political agendas.
  • But worrying is that the SNP Government is apparently behind on its own Holyrood patch, a patch where it controls the agenda, and only a few months ago it was comfortably ahead. There ain't no cure for these SNP blues?
  • That's how bad things were, that's how successful Romney was in pleading his case that he was the best thing to hit the gay agenda since Judy Garland and disco. Romney using proxies to convince voters he really IS anti-gay, really
  • As usual, the papers predict that tax will dominate the agenda.
  • Disenfranchisement in the first sense relates to the virtual exclusion of certain substantive issues from the ordinary political agenda.
  • He will be the key player in the meetings of the Conference of the Presidents, which meets monthly to set out the agenda for the sittings of the European Parliament.
  • What consoles gratifyingly , the government Department responsible for the work will have established even more, the consummation emergency communication mechanism to propose the agenda.
  • But please spare us this BS liberal political theater used as a weapon against innocent US Citizens to advance your, and your party's and president's, political agenda. clocker wrote: How is this in any way, shape or form a "free speech" issue? Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • It disturbed the agenda, and patients seemed to be distracted from the subject that made them seek health care in the first place.
  • As his remarks last week and yesterday showed, his economic agenda is more of the same, only less: more jobless benefits in the name of spurring job creation; an extension of the temporary payroll tax cut that has coincided with rising unemployment. A Downgrade Awakening
  • My crazy sister and sane brother attended one of these meetings in a Church and my brother asked her why she talking politics in Church and not talking about the corruptness and greed warned about in the Bible and crazy Shelly just blew him off and kept on with her right wing political agenda while reminding everyone how ‘Godly’ she was … … Puke! Think Progress » Despite His Stimulus Bashing, Almost A Third Of Pawlenty’s Budget Relies On Stimulus Money
  • Clearly, Judge Sotomayor's thoughtful, self-reflective perspectivism has little to do with any personal agenda or legal relativism. Robert D. Stolorow: Judge Sotomayor, Republican Inquisitors, and the Fallacy of Immaculate Perception
  • Possible extensions to active word edges are not added to the Chart as soon as they are found but are placed on the Agenda.
  • The policy agenda is so crowded that April seems a long way away. Times, Sunday Times
  • The republican party has proven over and over that there main agenda is to upend Obama at the expense of the American people. National Republicans preparing to back Rubio
  • But the one thing that -- for me, from a psychological point of view, that points -- that makes some sense out of this is these Web sites were the Web sites of a person who had a kind of expeditious agenda in terms of getting rich quickly, you know, sort of phoning it in, making things happen quickly. CNN Transcript Jan 25, 2006
  • The item had not been included on the agenda, which meant the committee could not debate the issue.
  • And then, with his expression hardening, he turns to the other agenda, the real one, the one the Brotherhood has nursed along since 1928--including a long period of of ideological alliance with the Nazis--the agenda that its Palestinian branch is applying in Gaza. Bernard-Henri Lévy: Egypt: Year Zero
  • The paper's second agenda is to examine why so many women choose to lend out their money and pursue a different entrepreneurial path than that envisioned by village bank planners.
  • Please refer to the conference agenda for a detailed schedule of the conference.
  • Sure, the book was critically panned; but literary excellence was never on the agenda.
  • Never before has a summit had such a crowded agenda.
  • The attempts to subvert the constitution and establish an autocratic form of rule have been on the agenda for quite some time.
  • Youngsters' needs in a deprived seaside resort are being put to the top of the agenda.
  • So far both the Soviets and the Americans were pushing their agenda in Kashmir.
  • People don't learn responsibility by being treated with contempt, by being playthings for other people's political agendas, or by being told that they can have a say in things except when it matters.
  • Why do you decontextualize a passage of covenantal law to promote an environmentalist agenda? Lean Left » Blog Archive » Read Your Bible, A Continuing Series
  • When the Government first began to publicly promote its agenda for full privatisation in 1998 there was a rural uproar.
  • The minutes of meetings, agendas, project updates and information about how Calne Town Council works are now all available online.
  • Education was placed firmly on the political agenda in the Prime Minister's week-end speech.
  • The agenda is still being compiled but there will be a host of guest speakers.
  • To restructure the Soviet economy before it collapsed, Gorbachev announced an agenda of rapid reform, based upon what he called perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost - Articles related to Iran's June inflation rate falls to 9.4%
  • It is an essential part of a competitive and ambitious growth agenda. Times, Sunday Times
  • She's their panacea, the be-all and end-all of publicity stunts, an icon ready made for media and the furthering of agendas.
  • Homelessness, overseas aid, prison overcrowding, electoral reform and the maintenance of peace are all on the agenda.
  • His fellow Republicans ignored him and were about to let his expire, but fellow Kentuckian Mitch McConnell realized they needed him to maintain his hold on the bill if they were to keep up their obstructionist agenda without anyone useful getting blamed for it. Think Progress » Bunning Whines About Missing Basketball Game, Tells Dems ‘Tough Sh*t’ On Unemployment Benefits
  • Tugging his forelock to politicians shouldn't even be on the agenda. The Sun
  • Fresh air, bracing walks, hearty food and reading are on the agenda.
  • But on the whole, the entire Muslim community, plus the leaders -- and I think we need to come together, whether it's religious leaders, social workers, community leaders and community at large, we need to come together on this rather than fractionize and use this as a political agenda, because it's not. CNN Transcript Dec 12, 2007
  • She should not be targeted by a group with an ideological agenda that may condemn her or even force her into a decision that will have lasting repercussions.
  • You can encourage some pre-conditioning by placing an approximate time allowed next to each item on the agenda.
  • Environmental concerns will elbow their way right to the top of the agenda.
  • He accused foreign nations of having a hidden agenda to harm French influence.
  • Teaching and technical training are on the agenda, and they are long-term tasks.
  • Hence the structure of scientific mores and scientific ethics puton the agenda of research.
  • The most important issue for most ordinary people was nowhere on the proposed agenda.
  • No hidden agendas in prayer, no ulterior motives. Christianity Today
  • … Yet, so limited is the understanding of the hyperventilating chatterati about parliament, and about how parliamentary scrutiny and accountability should work that they have allowed themselves to fall for this fluff, captured as always by the hystérie du jour, following the agenda set by the MSM. Damien Green is not above the law shock! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • An understanding of the structural roots of family and gender shifts is essential if we are to reclaim ‘family values’ and develop a pragmatic, progressive, pro-family agenda.
  • He said the board was making progress towards a decision on the future of the bank's UK operation, reiterating that retention rather than divestment was on the agenda.
  • Let's proceed to the next item on the agenda.
  • Councillors are entitled to basic allowances to recompense them for the hours they put in sitting on committees and reading reports and agendas.
  • Deciding the agenda is the most vital aspect of pre-meeting planning.
  • The report urges the Bank to co-operate with other organizations to build an agenda for sustainable exploitation of rainforest reserves.
  • After just one year back on the agenda, Friday qualifying has been binned again for 2004.
  • Revisionist history and silly displays of pro-feminism posturing, liberal agendas and the whitewashing of historical figures and places has no place in public education.
  • You might have experimented by having a different person take the chair for different agenda items.
  • This way the DUP and SF would have been left to fight it out, pushing their own narrow tribal agendas - and a candidate with the support of both communities campaigning on real and important issues being returned to Westminster rather than the abstentionist Pat Doherty. "THE SDLP’S CHALLENGE"
  • The commission's fact-finding, moreover, should be dispassionate; it should not be freighted with agendas that create incentives - wittingly or not - to maximize or minimize some contributory factors at the expense of others.
  • Still, there needs to be some stress put on the idea. al-Qaeda has always had a limiting pseudo-theological underpinning its agenda that precludes large-scale Muslim bandwagoning. Is al-Qaeda Already Contained? Or Is It Terrorism’s Mark Halperin? | ATTACKERMAN

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