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How To Use Ageing In A Sentence

  • The added demands brought about by the ageing population will place an insupportable burden on acute hospital services.
  • The channel's viewership is ageing, and attempts to attract younger watchers have yet to bear fruit.
  • It has a natural affinity with oak ageing, and yet it can be fresh and light.
  • At the beginning, Asked For is in Venice with her father, where she meets an ageing Jacob to use the English version of his name Casanova; her father dies, and she begins to travel with the man who fascinates her. Susan Swan: What Casanova Told Me
  • Over the years, charted by his self-portraits, Rembrandt evokes varying aspects of character and the process of ageing itself.
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  • Building cardboard cut-outs into flesh-and-blood characters is a worthy endeavour, but Joe as the ageing Lothario and KC as the young stud doesn't do it.
  • Putting it on skin is thought to help reduce sun damage - one of the biggest giveaways of ageing skin. The Sun
  • Worldwide, the search for an 'anti-ageing pill' is gathering steam.
  • Its ageing components make it increasingly inefficient and difficult to adapt to the demand for more and greener power. Times, Sunday Times
  • To overcome this problem many policy papers which examine population ageing produce a variety of projections using different fertility assumptions.
  • If my guess is correct then your problem could be related to ageing or some other cause.
  • In another, an ageing yakuza gangster returns to a park where he used to meet his first love.
  • Low yields are key, as is selecting the right yeast and the judicious use of oak fermentation and ageing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The, for 1420 alloy at double - ageing, the maximum corrosion depth was consistent the Gumbel distribution law.
  • Cancer, genetic defects and accelerated ageing can be caused by exposure to low level radiation.
  • A group of Farnhill mums, fed up with having nowhere for their children to play, have got together to raise money to update an ageing play area in the village.
  • The walk into Acomb for an early morning appointment at the Gale Farm Surgery is almost always a bit of an adventure for an ageing footslogger.
  • The policy now applies only to about a third of its people but has produced the problem of a rapidly ageing population. The Sun
  • Experts say the buildings are riddled with asbestos, crumbling stonework and ageing electrical equipment and wiring. Times, Sunday Times
  • I know plenty of people who have strong family relationships that involve their adult children, ageing parents, siblings etc.
  • Although many people see frailty as an inevitable consequence of ageing Jerry told Ric that many injuries suffered by the elderly are preventable.
  • The imminent campaign to attract staff from outside Scotland is prompted by concerns about the ageing teacher population and new commitments on class sizes.
  • We must embrace our ageing population and the wealth of skills and experience older workers bring. The Sun
  • 'Sure," Liz nodded, thinking of the sweet cidery smell of decaying apples pervading her study from the ageing box in the corner. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • It can also be formed by oxidative deoxyribose breakdown or autoxidation of sugars, such as glucose, and it plays a role in the pathophysiology of diabetes and ageing.
  • Acts as an anti-ageing cream to fight wrinkles and fine lines, and protects sensitive areas of skin. The Sun
  • The design is ageing and the interior plasticky, but this is the most fun and rewarding to drive of all these small, sporty hatchbacks.
  • And with the technological advancement of dyes, which are conditioning rather than damaging, there is no reason to surrender to the ageing process. Times, Sunday Times
  • It occurs in elderly men, apparently as part of the ageing process.
  • This way the government will still receive money for the NHS but wouldn't have to look after ageing people with all their health problems!
  • Experts say their findings will help decide the best exercise for a growing ageing population. The Sun
  • With reference to the May issue prize letter from Audrey McBain about the use of words like elderly and ageing instead of ‘old’.
  • Inherited patterns of ageing begin to show in our thirties and fine lines and wrinkles may start to appear.
  • With the formation of T - T Dimer, DNA cells cannot function properly and lead to ageing problem.
  • When I work with women and men of my generation who are ageing well, we talk about how you remain young inside. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scotland is facing a serious future skills gap with an ageing and shrinking working population, according to a new study.
  • They are caused mainly by excess weight, ageing and sagging. The Sun
  • The death of Columbia came as little surprise to most space scientists concerned about the incredible stresses that launch and re-entry were putting on the ageing four-strong shuttle fleet.
  • They are, quite simply, a 'monument of unageing intellect'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The performances indicate at least a partial immunity to the ageing process.
  • She hopes it will serve as a timely warning because Scotland has an ageing population.
  • As more and more of us live longer, and become more affluent, the race for new pills and potions to combat the effects of ageing is speeding up.
  • This makes them more supple and reduces inflammation, which is an important trigger of ageing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ageing is accompanied by a slow degeneration of his mental faculties.
  • Some experts believe the crisis will be particularly severe in Scotland, because the continuing drain of departing youth multiplies the effect of an ageing population.
  • On the show, she's not called Candy, but Kiki, and is played by Loni Anderson, the ageing Barbie doll and former Mrs Burt Reynolds.
  • Its products meet the challenges of ageing electricity infrastructure, digitisation and alternative energy sources. Times, Sunday Times
  • Economic decline could begin in earnest before 2050 as the ageing population outstrips the workforce required to pay for them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Zanardo blames the problem on Italy's ageing population and says two generations have grown up watching TV with only one role model for women - the dollybird. The Guardian World News
  • Once wine was packaged in bottles stoppered with corks from the end of the 17th century, it became capable of bottle ageing and full maturation.
  • Practically nothing is known about the race dimension to ageing with a disability.
  • Putting it on skin is thought to help reduce sun damage - one of the biggest giveaways of ageing skin. The Sun
  • When we are rushed, tense and anxious we speed up ageing. The Sun
  • It was five long, painful minutes before he reached the safety of the worn ageing carpet of the living room.
  • I always make sure it protects against both skin-ageing UVA and cancer-causing UVB many cheaper sunblocks address only the latter, and insist you do the same. Beauty: Facial sunscreens | Sali Hughes
  • In the future, genetic modification ensures ageing is just a memory. The Sun
  • I got sent some anti-ageing cream once. The Sun
  • There is no doubt that this is an ageing, but far from aged, team.
  • I took a good long look, didn't mind what I saw, and decided that I could live without the anti-ageing cream.
  • Telomere shortening is thus one of several factors that affect the ageing process. The 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Presentation Speech
  • The population is ageing and most of us become more expensive as we get older. Times, Sunday Times
  • A hit man who asks no questions and creates no trouble, Michael Sullivan is a loyal henchman to ageing Irish mobster John Rooney.
  • Rioja wines are associated with a lush, velvety appeal and the sweet scent of vanilla, largely the result of long ageing in American oak barrels.
  • If he stars in the operetta, he would no doubt cast himself as an endlessly bumbling, ageing roué.
  • She is only 48 years old - premature ageing is another common feature of these people.
  • It occurs in elderly men, apparently as part of the ageing process.
  • This is the primary reason for the dearth of funding for ageing research, but Dr. de Grey is fighting back.
  • It occurs in elderly men, apparently as part of the ageing process.
  • If you know that somebody else cares about the top 20 signs of ageing you might come up with a few new ones.
  • Research into ageing in larger mammals gives an insight into human life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Research into ageing in larger mammals gives an insight into human life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • When you see yourself ageing on screen, it's really weird. Times, Sunday Times
  • It showed us the plight of Pam, a 50-something still-attractive widow who, having raised at least one daughter, is now devoting her middle years to the care of her ageing mother, Olive.
  • The teenager and his ageing parents grow a small amount of rice but depend almost entirely on two buffaloes to maintain their precarious existence.
  • Leaf ageing has a significant effect on photosynthesis even when environmental factors do not change.
  • Low yields are key, as is selecting the right yeast and the judicious use of oak fermentation and ageing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Complex flavours of red berries and spice are interwoven with subtle dark chocolate and mocha characters from the wines 14 months ageing in French and American oak barriques.
  • Reprocessing is becoming an increasingly costly item in the fuel cycle of Britain's ageing Magnox reactors.
  • Practically nothing is known about the race dimension to ageing with a disability.
  • So demands for medical fixes for ageing are likely to grow.
  • The ageing fighter comes out of retirement to take on the reigning heavyweight champion. The Sun
  • In the future, genetic modification ensures ageing is just a memory. The Sun
  • Your heart is ageing too fast which puts you at risk of premature death. The Sun
  • The Federal Minister for Ageing says increased community care services are delaying the need for people to enter residential aged care.
  • Bottle shapes evolved so as to allow extended bottle ageing and thus were born vintage wines, and connoisseurship.
  • And with the technological advancement of dyes, which are conditioning rather than damaging, there is no reason to surrender to the ageing process. Times, Sunday Times
  • An ageing population is both less productive and a more costly burden on the health services.
  • One of the biggest articulated vehicles on the road, the 44-foot long unit replaces an ageing, converted lorry trailer.
  • Both have ageing populations and few affordable homes for local people. Times, Sunday Times
  • She also claimed women were scared into being overly concerned about ageing by cosmetic companies.
  • The Fokker - 50 was 11-years-old far newer than most passenger planes in Iran's ageing fleet
  • The excessive intake of food also puts a heavy burden on the pancreas and speeds the ageing process, which is a risk factor in diabetes.
  • It's the combination of ageing jockey and brilliant young colt that thrills, the confidence that each brings to the other. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dehydration leads to dry skin, lines and premature ageing.
  • Ageing animals also experience muscular weakness and reduced co-ordination. Times, Sunday Times
  • A NEW YORK choirboy has been arrested for sexually abusing an ageing Roman Catholic priest.
  • Copper helps to guard against the bone loss that occurs with ageing, and also against inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sight of mainly German and Swiss tourists wandering around the beach covered from head to toe in tarry black ‘anti-ageing’ mud certainly gives me a laugh.
  • Pushing 40, he was an ageing rock star.
  • Yes | No | Report from Dave DiBenedetto wrote 12 weeks 6 days ago rampageingapes -- Preventing gun shyness is one thing ... curing a dog who has it is a whole different ball of wax. Pro Clinic: What to do When Your Dog Will Not Retrieve
  • Ageing aircraft need more frequent safety inspections.
  • Featuring an ageing Las Vegas showgirl, brilliantly performed by Nadine Tyson, it mixed camp style and pathos with the glitz and energy of showbiz.
  • Ageing aircraft need more frequent safety inspections.
  • To overcome this problem many policy papers which examine population ageing produce a variety of projections using different fertility assumptions.
  • Virtually every theory about ageing from the ancient Greeks to the 19th century was a version of cooling or drying or a combination of the two.
  • As well as being sore and unsightly, sunburn causes premature ageing and puts you at risk of skin cancer.
  • No7 Protect & Perfect Beauty Serum shot to fame in the summer of 2007 after a television documentary found it to be a skincare product proven scientifically to repair photo-aged skin and improve the fine lines associated with photo-ageing. Archive 2008-03-01
  • It can also be formed by oxidative deoxyribose breakdown or autoxidation of sugars, such as glucose, and it plays a role in the pathophysiology of diabetes and ageing.
  • Ageing populations and rising prosperity across the world can only reinforce demand trends.
  • He wore a long-sleeved white shirt with cuffs pinched by heavy gold studs, no tie, his neck at his throat ageing him. A DARKENING STAIN
  • The veg, which many find bitter, contains a compound found to hold back signs of ageing. The Sun
  • The defence force will also be receiving fresh blood as it battles with an ageing soldier population.
  • Ageing's one saving grace is you worry less about what people think.
  • An anti-ageing powerhouse filled with pure liquid retinol. The Sun
  • The circumstances of this ageing class warrior tupping his secretary were too repellent even for the politically correct lemon-suckers that so abound this dreary bunch of Socialists who were at last forced to disavow him, albeit under their breath. Weep Not at Slob's Sob Story
  • This contributes to improve the health of ageing people, although it also increases the risk of adverse events related to drug treatment.
  • There is also the problem of an ageing workforce and a lack of budget to train new apprentices. Times, Sunday Times
  • A positive attitude towards ageing doesn't happen overnight, it comes with age.
  • To her credit, Mehta did a crack job depicting the occasionally colourless quality of life as an ageing singleton.
  • It was felt that the ageing of society was socially and economically undesirable.
  • We need to be very aware that we have an ageing population, and that we will require the services of those residential care facilities.
  • There is also the problem of an ageing workforce and a lack of budget to train new apprentices. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a shortage of doctors in certain rural and metropolitan areas and an ageing doctor population.
  • They may make ageing less of a fearful prospect. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ageing's one saving grace is you worry less about what people think.
  • Precipitation treatment is carried out on alloys which do not achieve full properties by natural ageing.
  • A complete organic anti-ageing cream with sunscreen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ageing brain corals, brittle firecorals and delicate seafans are easily dislodged from their anchorages by the fierce breakers.
  • Affirmation depends on negation: white is valued at the expense of black; youth acquires status through the devaluation of ageing.
  • The Royal Navy has three carriers equipped with Harrier aircraft but its ageing assault ships have been decommissioned - Fearless only a fortnight ago.
  • The government must be honest about the cost of meeting the healthcare needs of an ageing population. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ng said Hong Kong's population was ageing and the government's medical expenditure would continue to grow.
  • It is very difficult to understand the significance and meaning of ageing without an appreciation of this crucial factor.
  • This case further highlights the complexity of neuropathological alterations in the ageing brain.
  • He is an ageing rocker who has found, mid-concert, that he can no longer do the splits while playing his guitar solo one-handed behind his head.
  • Would you fight ageing by dyeing your hair? The Sun
  • Being a football manager: it is the most accessible possible fantasy for the ageing male. Times, Sunday Times
  • After four and a half years the group that had used sunscreen showed noticeably fewer signs of skin ageing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Henry suspected that, panicked by the loneliness and debased status of the early months of widowhood, she was already looking for a second husband and was beginning to realize that a seventeen-year-old chairbound son was an obstacle to be carefully weighed by likely candidates against her late husband's money, her own ageing and desperate sexuality. She Closed Her Eyes
  • The ageing process might have begun for him then - his forehead wrinkled, like an unironed cloth, with the worries of the world entwined in each strain of the fabric.
  • In senior sports, ageing well is a major strategy.
  • Amudhan has hit the bull's eye by casting these aging actors in these roles (just recall our ageing comedians who act as students). ChennaiOnline Articles
  • The work to replace ageing solid fuel central heating with gas-fired systems will cost £1m.
  • IT seems telly shopping channels just want to flog anti-ageing products to women. The Sun
  • Ageing's one saving grace is you worry less about what people think.
  • A group of amino acids which have anti-ageing benefits. The Sun
  • The sun is the number one cause of premature ageing and skin damage.
  • Some view the menopause as a significant stage in ageing.
  • The demographic trend throughout the western world is towards an ageing population.
  • UVA This affects the deeper layer of the skin - the dermis - and causes changes that lead to photo-ageing (wrinkles and pigmentation) and skin cancer. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • To add to the usual litany of woes that go with ageing, he's had a quintuple heart bypass.
  • For example, the ageing population and growing middle class around the world will ensure a rising demand for medical supplies and treatments. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was when he was in his early twenties and he was running his father's shipping company that an ageing oil tanker exploded and five people died.
  • Daniel always hoped Sarah's ageing was a self-induced fate brought on by years of malevolent intolerance. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Those who ridiculed that comment as the bitter parting shot of an ageing former employee are revising their opinion now. Times, Sunday Times
  • Experts say their findings will help decide the best exercise for a growing ageing population. The Sun
  • They can no longer rely on conventional market research to predict accurately the spending habits of ageing baby boomers or their children.
  • The ageing crime boss had rarely looked more vulnerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The last thing you want is ageing limbs struggling under a bulk of weight. Times, Sunday Times
  • From a notoriously thin-skinned TV celebrity to an ageing novelist of the club generation, the pastiches are as transparent as they are hilarious.
  • The ageing switchgear pose far more serious problems than the transformers.
  • Other songs have ageing rockers dying unmourned and a would-be suicide weighing up the pro's and con's of life.
  • I chose the anti-ageing treatment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ageing fighter comes out of retirement to take on the reigning heavyweight champion. The Sun
  • High costs and dwindling production from ageing fields have left large parts of the industry uneconomic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although earlier crude categories survive in some influential textbooks on ageing, a subtler stance has gradually emerged from this controversy.
  • The F-111s are ageing and their credibility as a deterrent depends upon their ability to penetrate increasingly sophisticated Soviet air defences.
  • Could factor 100 - the latest super-high SPF product to appear in the US - not only have spared the sunburn, but be a panacea for all sun-related ills, from heat rashes and redness to photo-ageing and skin cancer, now at a record high, according to reports last week? The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Many older disabled people may also perceive themselves as ageing more rapidly than their non-disabled contemporaries.
  • Those who ridiculed that comment as the bitter parting shot of an ageing former employee are revising their opinion now. Times, Sunday Times
  • When you see yourself ageing on screen, it's really weird. Times, Sunday Times
  • But here he distils horror by showing it in slow passage through the ageing, reptilian contours of Michael Caine's face.
  • Excessive exposure to sunlight speeds up the ageing process of the skin.
  • With Britain's population ageing, the power of the grey pound is constantly on the increase.
  • In the second allegory, he figures the artist as pilgrim, jongleur or monk; as an ageing questor meditating on his paint-brush, or as a scholar discoursing on the enigmas of reality.
  • It will take some nifty footwork and fresh long-term thinking - qualities not often linked with the ageing generals now in charge. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the taxes of working people support the retired, the ageing population places a strain on those in work, the report said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brazil nuts top up supplies of anti-ageing selenium and almonds are an easy way to ingest vitamin E.
  • By the 1990s, with an ageing health conscious population, scientists from academia and the commercial world coalesced their thinking to create the trend we now know as functional foods.
  • Gilkes's pumps are in demand because, unlike their rivals, they are untroubled by the Tube's ageing Victorian pipework.
  • In this photograph, Kerry bears an odd resemblance to an ageing Beach Boy, another old trouper who promises good vibrations.
  • You can eat chutney straight away, but it's best once the flavours mellow after a month or so of ageing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although a potential friend to America in the region, the country is troubled by nepotism, corruption, and the 'sclerotic' regime of ageing president Ben Ali. The Guardian World News
  • This contributes to improve the health of ageing people, although it also increases the risk of adverse events related to drug treatment.
  • The ageing gang had to clamber down a lift shaft to access the vault while Basil disabled the alarm and other electrics. Times, Sunday Times
  • An ageing society is not, primarily, a demographic crisis.
  • Exposure to the sun can accelerate the ageing process.
  • Blueberries may have disease-protective and anti-ageing properties.
  • You can eat chutney straight away, but it's best once the flavours mellow after a month or so of ageing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The population is ageing and most of us become more expensive as we get older. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘We only think there's anything wrong with curing ageing because we've grown up with it as something ghastly but inevitable,’ he claims.
  • Let us clearly and definitely understand and appreciate without any ambiguity that the meaning of the word ageing is not merely becoming old but also developing and maturing. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The cellars include not only the usual fermentation and ageing rooms, but also a coopery, providing the family with a constant supply of oak barrels.
  • The official focus on the ageing question, with the implicit notion that people have a responsibility to reproduce a new generation of elder-carers, contributes to the instrumental view of parenthood.
  • The ageing population and medical advances will put inexorable pressure on the system. Times, Sunday Times
  • Food restriction therapy, anti-oxidant treatment and hormone therapy have already become modern anti - ageing effective methods.
  • If I were a litigant, I would not like an ageing and decrepit judge sitting on my case, where the amounts at issue might be significant.
  • The demographic ageing - the "greying" of the population - is also proceeding most rapidly in countries like China, India and Latin America, the study said. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • The teenager and his ageing parents grow a small amount of rice but depend almost entirely on two buffaloes to maintain their precarious existence.
  • We must embrace our ageing population and the wealth of skills and experience older workers bring. The Sun

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